Do we agree with those who say, “Every promise in the book is mine?”
If so, in what sense do we mean that?
Do we read the Bible until something jumps out as being a phrase we want to claim for ourselves? If so how do we keep from claiming to have a Word from God that was never meant to be “God’s promise to us”?
Do we have a strong impression of what we “hear” God saying to us in our own thoughts? If so, how do we make sure that we are not attributing to God our own hopes or desires?
Do we read the Bible as if all of it was written to us? If so what would we say to those who say, “None of the Bible was written to us. But according to the Apostle Paul, all of the Bible was written for us (2Tim 3:16).
How do we read the Bible?
If you find any of these questions worth thinking about, let’s talk about it….