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Photo by: Gazzat

Earlier in the week, BP announced that it “would appoint an independent mediator to review and assist in the claims-payment process for damages caused by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.”

Regarding that plan to settle out of court claims, Business Week online, reported that lawyers for some of the fishermen said, “Telling the fishermen that their only recourse is to bring their problems with BP’s procedures to BP is like telling the hens to bring their issues with henhouse safety to the fox.’’

The objection reflects the fact that in modern terms, mediation is a means of conflict resolution that usually depends on the skills of a neutral third party to gain a fair settlement.

In a somewhat different sense, however, the idea of a mediator is as old as “the peacemaker” of the Bible who intervenes to make peace without necessarily being a neutral third party. Moses, for instance, tried to mediate a potentially fatal collision between his people and God. Yet he was far from even-handed when he said to the Almighty, “My people have sinned against you. Please forgive them. But if you cannot, please blot my name out of your book. (Exodus 32:30; Deut 5:4-5).

At this point, though, our thoughts can go to the Mediator who preceded and followed Moses in ways that encompass the whole story of the Bible. In the ultimate sense, this Mediator  acted in behalf of his Father and us– before and after the worst of all personal and environmental disasters. It was this same second Person of the Godhead who would come to mediate the rescue of an endangered humanity that was in far more trouble than  oil-fouled Louisiana pelicans.

This Mediator saw our relationship with God as something to die for.

Yet, beyond the inexpressible extent of his suffering and love, it’s important for us to see that every interaction between God and ourselves happens through his mediation in our behalf. He is the ultimate Mediator who is later described by the Apostle Paul when he writes, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ (Messiah) Jesus (Savior) 1Timothy 2:5.

While we may rightly think of this mediation as as occurring in Christ’s intervention and death in our behalf, it actually involves far more. According to the Bible the mediation of the Messiah is also seen in that,

In behalf of the Father, and out of personal love for us:

1. The Mediator spoke the world into existence (John 1:1-3)
2. The Mediator sustains the world  (Col 1:16-17)
3. The Mediator revealed the Father to us (John 1:14).
4. The Mediator paid the price for our forgiveness (1Peter 3:18).
5. The Mediator will bring peace to the world (Isa 2:4)
6. The Mediator will bring us to his Father (1Thess 4:13-17)
7. The Mediator will judge the world (John 5:22).

Such a  summary is only the beginning of all of the ways the Father has used the Son to mediate between Himself and us. Looking back to God’s presence with Adam and Eve in the Garden, as well as in every other encounter between God and man, it is always the pre or post-incarnate Christ who mediates God’s presence to us.

In the process, of thinking about this, however, there is t least one very important difference between the Mediator that Jesus is, and the kind of mediation that we see when a father, mother, teacher, coach, or officer of the law wraps arms around two conflicted “children” to help them come to terms with one another. Jesus is not just a lovingly neutral party who steps between an angry Father and ourselves. He is instead the perfect personification of His Father’s heart and love for us. As our one and only Mediator, he has come in behalf of His Father to show us that, even in the face of our worst sin, there is a way back—that the Father offers us– for the asking– if we say, “Yes, I’ll believe and entrust myself to your Mediator.”

Would be interested in knowing whether seeing the Father’s heart in the Son’s mediation for our rescue, adoption, provision, and protection—results in as much of a “yes” for you… as it does today in me…

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65 Responses to “Mediation”

  1. poohpity says:

    I know it is a YES for me. I have had His intervention and mediation for me more than a few times just in this day alone, so far and the day is only just beginning. Wow!! The times I can not even see where or how. I am in awe!!! Thank you, Jesus.

  2. saled says:

    “Oh love of God, so rich, so pure,
    So measureless and strong . . .”

    It’s been said that no one seeks Him, He seeks us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him might not perish but have everlasting life.”

    He paid the price, and now seeks to bring us to Himself. I love the fact that He is my redeemer, as well as mediator.

    Seeing the Father’s heart. There is a way back for all of us. 32 years ago I ruined my name. But He had a plan for me. He gave me a new name and a new life. I didn’t find Him. He found me. This is the heart of the Father.

  3. bubbles says:

    Ephesians has been the book of study lately. One verse that has been a special blessing:

    Eph. 2:7 “That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”
    That verse came to mind as Mart’s thoughts were read.

    p.s. saled, I love “The Love of God” hymn also!
    Especially verse 3–how it speaks of one who tried to write of God’s love. If all the oceans were ink and the sky parchment, writing about the love of God would drain the oceans dry. Perhaps the author had an idea after reading John 21:25.

  4. scout1 says:

    Great discussion article Mart. It’s interesting how you use the word Mediator. I also can see the word “bridge”. I wonder if we (on our own accord) would have sought out God to be our mediator? (The fishermen know that they needed a mediator with BP.) What wonderful LOVE God has for us that HE came to us. He knows what we need before we need it!

    Yes, I believe and entrust myself and my son to God . . .and I pray for His provision even for my belief.


  5. SFDBWV says:

    The short answer to your question Mart, is yes….

    Some time back we discussed whether or not we needed to use the name of Jesus Christ in our prayers.

    I think Mart you have answered your own question here in this subject.

    Our friend Sakoieta may be more versed in explaining the *belt* but as I understand it,in some Native cultures the belt was a sort of totem or record of ancestery, one could present as credentials to another tribe.

    Our mediator Jesus of Nazareth, is whom we present to God as our credentials to be in His presence and come asking anything at all of Him.

    Jesus gave us this *pass* that covers a great many areas.

    Wouldn’t it be different if when you see or hear an advertisement on TV about *debt solutions* if the announcer said all of your debts are paid in full if you pick up the phone and simply ask us to.

    Now that is a debt solution….yet how many of us would simply go back out and drown ourselves in debt again?

    So our mediator came up with an ingenious solution….He pays our debts and heals us of our desire to go on being a slave to credit.

    What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear….

    Much more than a mediator, but certainly the best one could have representing a solution to our problems.


  6. Puddleglum says:

    To “Bob in Cornwall” Please come back. I miss your insight.

  7. poohpity says:

    I often wonder when King Nebuchadnezzar threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace and our Mediator appeared with them what He said to them. The calm they must have felt for Him to be there in the midst of that scorching heat. I wonder if we had no one else to depend on how much more we would rely on God rather than our own strength. I often wonder just how much I do for myself rather than trusting things into the hands of God. I really mean trusting not just with lips but with all that I am. The really knowing that he is able to be my Mediator in every situation. Just wondering!!

  8. Regina says:

    Hello All,

    …hope your day has been good.


    I do–indeed–have a “yes” in my heart in regards to accepting Jesus’ loving and gracious gifts/blessings. I’m sure that He does more than what’s named in your last sentence on our behalf. “..exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think..(Eph. 3:20).” This blog topic brings to mind two songs that I want to share:

    I stand, I stand in AWE of you
    I stand, I stand in AWE of you
    Holy God–to whom, all praise is due
    I stand in AWE of you!!!

    What Friend we have in Jesus
    All our sins and griefs to bear
    What a privilege to carry
    Everything to God in prayer

    Oh what peace we often forfeit
    Oh what needless pain we bear
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer


  9. Regina says:


    Steve, had not read your blog post before typing mine! Had not read any as a matter of fact. However, Poohpity mentioned standing in awe of our great redeemer, and you reference the same song that I did! Well, we know what they say about great minds, but we have something–SOMEONE–greater than that in common! :-)

    All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
    Let angels prostrate fall;
    Bring forth the royal diadem,
    And crown Him Lord of all;
    Bring forth the royal diadem,
    And crown Him Lord of all!


  10. Regina says:

    I second Puddleglum statement. I miss your insight too, Bob (Cornwall).


  11. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thank you Puddleglum & Regina, I never thought I had any insight, just looking in the mirror at a slightly different angle to everyone else, as we can’t all stand in the same place and gaze at our Mediator at the same time can we?

    The weather here has been gloriously warm and sunny and I work with people on holiday who want to hire boats, so it has been a manic few days. I now have Friday and Saturday off and am just waking up to another lovely day.

    man(me) — Jesus — GOD(Father)

    He is the Bridge as well as the Mediator.
    He is our High Priest and stands before the thrown of God, like Moses, and offers his own soul for His people.
    I will never quite understand it but The Creator of our whole universe and very existence made Himself a physical being, like us, and now stands before the glory of God and speaks up for us.

    Before Abraham was I AM !

    I suspect that the God/Man who walked with Adam and the “Angel/Lord” that Abraham met that told him he would have a son, already bore the marks of the cross.
    With God time does not exist.
    He created us to be His friend and partner and will never let us go.
    Matin Luther King Jnr. said the night before he was shot.

    “Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! And so I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’M NOT FEARING ANY MAN. MINE EYES HAVE SEEN THE GLORY OF THE COMING OF THE LORD!

    Like Moses he had a vision and knew his people would inherit their birthright and live in the promised land.
    He spoke up and Mediated for his people and paid the price with his life.

    We will never know what price JESUS paid for us.


    Thanks Mart for including a picture of “real” football (soccer to you in the usa) with the world cup starting next week.

  12. nguyen says:

    Yes… His Grace “Yesed” to me long before …and able me to say “yes” to Him…Thank You Jesus,my only and forever Mediator.

  13. Puddleglum says:

    Glad to hear from you again Bob. We are all just broken people saved by grace. We all still struggle with sin in our lives and that is why we need our mediator. I have admired you for your honesty in admitting your life struggles, you have been an encouragement to me so I am returning the favour.

  14. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Yes is the only answer however I don’t feel I ever truly comprehend or appreciate the fullness of our Mediator. Seems like trust is the issue and I so often seem to fail in having complete trust. Like you pooh I wonder how awesome it would be if we could trust God with all our being at all times.

    Steve Glenna and Matt a special hi and love to you all. I am having a fair moment so am trying to post again now and then if the meds keep working. I am thinking God has provided me this extra strength for a purpose.

  15. sbrewster says:

    I join in the chorus with a resounding,’Yes’. I know this is true especially in terms of my salvation that it took His intervention, a mediation, to help me to see and understand the bridge to salvation for I was blind and could not comprehend. Today it is good to be reminded that His intercession is continuous – I like that. Thank you Mart – it brings comfort to my heart and mind to know that He STILL intercedes for me – even when I don’t perceive His working.

    Bob in England – thank you! When I read the words of Dr. MLK, Jr. it always ignites me – oh to be so sure that you know that you know that you know!!!!!!

  16. poohpity says:

    I was reading today in John 14 about our advocate/mediator. The Greek used Paraclete. Would that be like a parachute that opens as you fall from an airplane. The visual on that seems amazing to me. It also in Wikipedia describes it as a defense attorney. It seems the full meaning and covering of the Holy Spirit may be beyond anything we can totally comprehend. We are not alone in any way or by any means from God. We are covered in some form or another. Wow!!!!

  17. Angelica says:

    I said yes to the mediator (Jesus) 13yrs ago and I still say yes today. Words could never express how I feel for what the Father has done for us through his son Jesus. I am constantly amazed at how much God really does love us. He is faithful, loving, kind, merciful, gracious, forgiving etc. Could go on and on about what he is and what he means to me. There aren’t enough thank you’s that I could say that could convey how grateful I truly am for the salvation that I have through Jesus. Thank you God for your son, our mediator Jesus!

  18. Regina says:

    Good Evening, Fellow Bloggers,

    …hope your day has been good. Great hearing from you Bob (Cornwall) and sbrewster. I hadn’t been able to be with yall for awhile myself. Glad to be back. I, too, enjoyed reading the MLK excerpt, Bob. Though I’ve only heard MLK, Jr’s voice on tv and on the radio, it seemed like I could hear him saying those words as I read them. He was a very courageous man, and so were many others who fought injustice (peacefully) with him.


  19. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Again it is early morning here, I can hear the sea through my open bedroom patio door and my cat is purring away beside me, seems like heaven?

    I bet heaven is allot better than this old worlds best!

    I don’t know why I mentioned Martin Luther King Jnr. I could just hear his voice in my head and felt he led his people to a place where they could understand they had the same rights as anyone else in the USA and that the constitution was for black as well as white. Now you have a black leader, so his dream has been fullfilled.

    In the same way the Bible is our written constitution with God and we have the same rights as anyone.
    Though we are black with sin we are as white as snow in Gods eyes because of Him who came to us and explained to us clearly that we have that right.

    But more than that He paid for that right with His life.

    Jesus, Mediator, Saviour, King!


  20. rxman says:

    Poohpity’s reference to a parachute got me thinking about risk. In America, we have gotten so comfortable with our “stuff” that we start to depend on it instead of God.It’s good to know that our Mediator, who knows no space or time, is someone we can depend on completely. We may doubt ourselves and our motives, and wonder if He still loves us. Yet at the end of the day it’s good to know that He will never leave or forsake us.

    I had never thought of mediator Jesus as being non-neutral. Even in His mediation before the Father, His love for us is so intense. My only payment for this is to love Him as much as I possible can.

  21. sbrewster says:

    Good morning to all – especially Regina. I missed being here with everyone. We have a place at the ocean that we escape to around this time of year. Unfortunately, we have no internet there…but being at the water is always so calming for us all. My mom really looks forward to going to the ocean..this year she was more excited than I’ve seen her in a while. A few years ago, after an extended hospitalization, she was so excited to go – she kept saying she thanked God for being able to see the Atlantic one more time…that she was casting all her cares upon the water. For us, it is the place we relax the most. It is such a different pace of life there…if we could we’d be there year round.

    Bob in England – maybe one day Mart will give us an opportunity to discuss the civil rights movement and it’s spiritual significance. There is much I would like to say, but I need to say that Barak Obama is not the fulfillment of “the dream” and MLK, Jr.’s dream has not yet been fully realized….

    When I think of Dr. King’s words, racial discord is not foremost on my mind. For me, it is symbolic of the struggle in my spiritual life and I am reminded that no matter what trials befall me, if I can but hold to the truth of God’s word one day things will work out for me for my pursuit is not for earthly gain, but to rather obtain eternity with the true King!

  22. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon, All,

    …hope your day has been good.

    Sitting here enjoying a quiet afternoon, watching tv (msnbc-a 48 hours type of drama). With all that’s going on in the world, I’m thankful for the opportunity to rest.

    Bob (Cornwall) – …listening to the sound of the sea through your open patio door? …your purring cat sitting next to you? …sounds like heaven to me! :-) May be a little biased though. I love cats and water!

    You and I both know that heaven is gonna be infinitely better than “this old world’s best.” I think our wildest imaginations would pale in comparison to the joy, peace and contentment that we’ll experience there.

    Both you and sbrewster talked about water (sea & ocean) in your posts. Our nation’s seas and oceans are so beautiful (I thank God for protecting them). They have a calming affect on our minds and hearts. sbrewster – I don’t blame your mother for wanting to be near the ocean and thanking God for every opportunity to do so.

    I don’t know any Christian who wouldn’t love to have dinner & Bible study on the seashore while the sun is setting. Thinking about Jesus feeding the Disciples on the seashore (John 21:9-25).

    I’m reading a book titled, One Minute After You Die by Erwin Lutzer. Dr. Lutzer informs the reader (p. 116) that there won’t be any seas in heaven.

    Rev. 21:1, NLT
    Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.

    Dr. Lutzer states that:
    Throughout the Bible, the word “sea” stands for the nations of the world, usually the rebellious nations. “Heaven” means that strife between nations and the seething turmoil that accompanies those struggles will vanish. No broken treaties, no wars, no scandals.

    sbrewster – Your last four sentences to Bob (Cornwall) were well said!


  23. Jason22 says:

    Hello all, I have been reading the comments on this site for quite a while, this is my first time posting. Whenever I read from this site I am always very inspired and enjoy all the insight. I too must answer yes to Mart’s question. I am very happy when I think that Jesus mediates between me and God.

    (I live in Saskatchewan in Canada.)

    God Bless

  24. Regina says:

    Hi Jason22,

    Like you, I really enjoy reading the comments to the topics in this blog site. I, too, am inspired by the insight and wisdom that I receive from my brothers & sisters in Christ. Glad you posted a comment. By the way, do you live in Regina, Saskatchewan? I thought it was pretty cool when I found out that a city(?) in Saskatchewan has my name! :-)


  25. sbrewster says:

    Hi Regina,

    It is nice to be a part of a family and thank you and everyone else who has made me feel a part of the “Been Thinking About” family. I have received so much encouragement and strength from this forum. The posts here remind me that I have brothers and sisters everywhere – even in Saskatchewan, Canada and England!!!

  26. Jason22 says:

    Ha Ha , no I don’t live in Regina, but that’s where my favorite football team plays. I think it’s real football even if Bob doesn’t. ;)

  27. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Hi Jason, and welcome to this little community of slightly peculiar people. (now you can’t argue with that as it is in God’s word)

    I don’t really like Football(soccer) but do follow Rugby Football which is more akin to the American game.

    I understand what you are saying about Cival Rights etc. and I to find Dr. Kings words very spiritually enlightning from a personal point of view.
    As for Barak Obama, only time will tell. As with most leaders, they always look better from abroad than they do at home.
    The same here with our “new politics” and Coalition Government, time will tell.
    Please would you pray for those who live in the small villages in Cumbria, northern England, who were absolutely devastated by the Taxi driver who went on the rampage with a gun, I expect it made your news headlines.



  28. SFDBWV says:

    If I understand the story correctly, BP has, as an offering of good intentions, offered to set up teams of mediators in order to adress the costs to individuals who are personaly affected by the drilling disaster.

    “Lawyers” for some of the effected fishermen have cast doubt as to whether this is a good intention or an attempt to take advantage of the situation.

    This entire disaster only continues to get more and more like the crude oil itself *messy*.

    BP or any oil company is providing a service that people want. It would appear their *crime* has been to not have failsafe systems in place that perhaps could have prevented, not only the explosion and death of workers, but the continuing after effects.

    BP it would seem can not do anything right from this point forward, from the eyes of the unforgiving press and endless line of *experts* seen or heard in front of cameras.

    God created all that exists, including wayward man.

    Does that mean that because man has failed that it is because God’s design was flawed?

    If our failure is due in part to a failure of God, to have prevented the downfall of Adam.

    Then God’s plan to have a mediator for us to be reconciled back to him, is in part, an admission of some part of the blame.

    I have heard some people say they hope BP goes bankrupt.

    It is not in the best interest of lawyers to agree to *friendly* mediation……no need for lawyers.

    The religious experts whom clashed with Jesus were the legal experts of the day.

    The appearence of a man who claimed that free and total forgiveness, was available, all one had to do was accept it….this man was rejected as was his simple plan…By skeptical legalists.

    Which are we we, the skeptic who looks for a more complicated solution, or the grateful child who simply reaches out and accepts God’s offer from His own personal mediator?


  29. xrgarza says:


    How do I say this or am I splitting hairs? I think our mediator is not Jesus But the Holy Spirit. I remember reading that Jesus was going to prepare a place for us and that He was going to send the comforter.

    But it is comforting to know that I am not in it alone, and that I do have a mediator.

    Because without one, the law shows no mercy and has no mercy, whether it’s God’s law or the law of the land.

    Jesus Christ demonstrated Mercy and Grace and the Holy Spirit Continues to reinforce that.

    In my home when I was raising my children I would rather punish my children for a week for not doing something “bad” than to have them spend a lifetime behind bars for doing something “bad”.

    I had to demonstrate Mercy and Grace within my four walls, because I knew that the law outside of my walls is not required to.


  30. InHisHands says:

    Hi all and may the good LORD bless you on this beautiful (HOT, where I am)Sunday.

    I also must most adamently agree that YES, I believe and entrust myself, my family, and all that I hold dear and pray for (known and unknown) to the mediator, Christ Jesus. He is my all in all and I do fully entrust all that I have and all that I am to Him. I must admit though, that at times, I feel like I am ‘yo-yo’ trusting. Giving the situation to Him then sitting and fretting about it – makes me doubt my trust, at times. But, then in the end, He gives complete peace and I do not have to draw the ‘problem’ back for fretting, I can just let it go.

    The Lord must have a wonderful sense of humor, and it must ‘at times’ give Him a laugh when He knows how He is going to intervene and advocate for us and we try to do it on our own. That is how I feel when my children give me a problem to solve for them and I have the solution, yet they are scrambling to come up with something on their own. Afterward, we have a good laugh about it.

    Ok, now babbling so I will close and ask the Lord to bless you all.

  31. sbrewster says:

    Steve –

    A very thought-provoking post…in my effort to not over-think at times I am guilty of not delving deeply enough.

    I am not so sure the analogy between “BP” and God is valid, although I understand the parallel you draw.

    The reasons the analogy breaks down for me are:

    1. God is wholly perfect and Holy so we know that His motives are nothing but pure

    2. According to the media, BP did a significant amount of cover-up at the onset of the rig explosion and they have been very slow to admit responsibility by pointing fingers at Haliburton and Transocean, Ltd. – If there is an analogy here, it is that God accepted ultimate responsibility in man’s failure and took it upon Himself to repair the breach by offering Himself as mediator

    3. Although BP wants to make amends, I doubt that they will do it at the total annihilation of their enterprise….their mediation has a limit. God’s sacrifice was limitless…He sacrificed all that He was to repair the breach, even though He was faultless in breach.

    As I think about it, I can’t believe that daily I don’t more readily run to the feet of Christ. He gave all that He had that He might give us all that He is…abundant life.


  32. sbrewster says:

    Hi Bob in England,

    You are right – only time will tell how Barak Obama is judged as a leader. He certainly has his work cut out for him, doesn’t he? Let’s be in prayer for each of our governments and leaders around the world. There are many times as of late that it seems we are all sitting on the edge of a precipice…governments and economies around the world are in chaos.

    I do pray for those in Cumbria, Northern England. It is so unusual to hear of something like that happening in England as are the massacre’s of school children in China. My prayers are with you and your countrymen, brother!


  33. SFDBWV says:

    sbrewster, As I see it, you are right on with your thinking.

    Yes Bob I saw the news about the shooting spree in Cumbria. Very sad.

    It just goes to show that no matter how many laws are made or how strict they are inforced. Evil finds a way of manifesting itself.

    Lots of rain in the Appalachia mountains of West Virginia this weekend.

    love to all

  34. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon All,

    …hope you’re having a good day. Remember, Jesus is Lord, and God has the whole world in His hands.

    sbrewster – You’re welcome! :-) I’m so glad that you feel welcomed & a part of the BTA Family. I do too.

    Bob (Cornwall) – Pres. Obama has certain character traits that mirror MLK,Jr.’s. I think he has a gift of rallying & inspiring people that’s similar to the gift that MLK,Jr. had. Because Barack Obama inherited 21st century challenges, in an ever-changing USA & world, he definitely needs our prayers.

    When did the taxi driver incident occur? I didn’t hear anything in the news. What do the people in Cumbria need? …spiritual, emotional, physical, financial?

    Steve – Only time will tell in regards to whether BP will make good on its promises (financial, etc.). I think this Gulf Coast situation will end up leading some people to God. Many people turn to Him when they’re at the end of their rope. Desperation provokes a need/desire to pray.

    Rocky – Here are a couple of Bible verses for you:

    1 Timothy 2:5, NLT
    For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.

    Hebrews 8:6, NLT
    But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.

    Steve – I love rain, but it’s sunny in Texas. Wanna trade? :-)


  35. Jason says:

    Hello again, I appreciate the welcome. I am still learning about the bible, have read it through once and am working on it a second time. I accepted Jesus as my saviour about 8 years ago and my life has not been the same since. I don’t go to church so I enjoy getting all I can online.

    Peace and blessings,

  36. dboxton says:

    Speaking of mediation, I am troubled by how the political relations are also being witnessed in own brotherhood. Right’s and Left’s have have strongly influenced Christians by their own propaganda. It makes me very sorrowful to listen to some of the broadcasts. They are done with no regard to the races and with little to no respect for the standard of the Church that Christ would ordain. While I believe the day will come that the two major influences will come into some type of cordial agreement, I don’t think we (true Christian believers) will be a part their union. We should not be. There will be mediation that will draw the parties together and I don’t mean Independent Party. It will not be the mediator Mart refers to (Jesus). It is the spiritual influence through man/men known as the anti-Christ (move/movement). I can see that the rejection of our mediator ultimately helps to usher in the mediator for the children of the world. I guess, at this point, we are sitting at the threshold of some of that now. It will look authentic. The realization of allegiance between these political can only be viewed as amazing. When it comes to full eradication of Christ, notables can find common ground: Pilate and Herod, Pharisees and Sadducees, I’m just sayin. I am praying (really praying) that we won’t let the political pressure help to harbor racism in our hearts, cloaked as needed political reform. We need to ask the Lord to deal with our hearts. We need to expose anything that is not like Christ. We have to come together for His sake. If we have been overly exposed to the media’s slants, we should admit to God that we need a release. The enemy is really the power of those airwaves. I’m troubled about it.

  37. dboxton says:

    I am not an educated writer. I see a ton of errors up there. Hopefully you guys can get my drift. I just really want to know a family in Christ, I guess in human form. What am I asking for?

  38. Regina says:

    Hi Jason,

    I think it’s great that you read the entire Bible (& preparing to read it again. However, you will probably remember more of God’s word if you spend time studying & meditating on it. You should pray before you start studying the Bible; ask God to speak to your mind and heart and give you spiritual enlightenment. For instance, if you need God’s help with a situation or if you desire to encourage someone else, the Holy Spirit will help you remember (speak to your mind) specific verses and passages of Scripture.

    Also, being a member of a church family is one of the best ways to grow spiritually. You need a Pastor (spiritual leader) who has a true relationship with God. God gives a Pastor divine revelation and discernment on behalf of his sons and daughters (you and me). For instance, if you’re going through a trial or situation in your life and you begin seeking direction and guidance from God, one of the ways that He will provide that for you is through your Pastor.

    Lastly, with help from other Christian brothers & sisters, you will definitely grow in your relationship with Christ. But nothing can take the place of a church family because you have a covenant relationship with Your Pastor & other members of your church. When you’re going through trying times (bad times) in your life, your church family will come together and pray for you and encourage you. And when you want to celebrate successes in your life, it’s great to have a church family to help you celebrate. I hope this information is helpful to you.


  39. Jason says:

    Thanks Regina, I will definately take what you’ve said into consideration. I do listen to online sermons. I will try to convince my wife to go to church. I’ve brought it up before and she doesn’t seem too interested. So I say I’ll go by myself and she says that would look bad. She is a Christian too. I’ve got next Sunday off from work so that’s a perfect time.


  40. Angelica says:

    Hello Jason,
    Welcome to Been Thinking About. I just started participating in the discussions recently so I am fairly new on here although I too have been reading the blog for some time. I hope that your experience on here will help you grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  41. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    The people in Cumbria need emotional support as they are in a state of shock, as you can imagine.
    We have very strict gun laws here, but every time ths type of thing happens it is always someone who has been vetted and licensed to use a gun which makes the situation doublely hard to understand.

    Jason, Regina is right about being part of a church community. I very rarely go to my church because, like you I work Sundays, but when I do go I am always blessed by being able to worship God with others.
    I don’t strive to attend church as this would make it a burden, but just go when an opportunity appears.


  42. xrgarza says:


    I stand corrected, for some reason when I first read the word mediate my brain heard something else, I can’t even think of the word now, but it means messenger. Yes I know that a mediator is our advocate. Maybe I was still asleep when I responded.


  43. SFDBWV says:

    dboxton, Political activists of Jesus’s day also tried to use Christ for their political gains.

    He would have nothing to do with it.

    There are many enemies of Christ, but you have identified the one that will be given his own time. The spirit of the anti-christ has been around since the dawn of time. He has always been opposing the Spirit of Truth. We are told that many will be deceived by him, that if it were possible…even the elect would be deceived by him.

    But it is not possible for the elect to be decieved by him because we have that Spirit of Truth in our hearts. He, the Holy Spirit, exposes the anti-christ to His followers.

    There is an hour coming when the whole of the Body of Christ will be taken up….in the twinkling of an eye. To forever be with Christ.

    When that hour comes, the time of the anti-christ will be upon the world. He will easily deceive thoes who remain. yet there will be people who through great tribulation come to accept Christ, during that period. Many at the cost of their lives.

    We must keep our eyes fixed upon Christ, be diligent in staying close to God by reading His word and staying in a prayerful posture, in fellowship with Him.

    By prayer and meditation, and be doers of the word.

    Maturing as a Christian is a life long process, though the way is straight and narrow, it is filled will pitfalls and traps. Keeping our eyes and hearts fixed on Christ will see us through our journey.


  44. SFDBWV says:

    Jason, Regina has advised you well. If you look for a good church you will find it. Pray about it, God will open doors once closed to you.

    You must take the lead, have courage. Do not worry about what others may think looks bad, do the right thing always.

    Who can stand against you, when God stands with you?


  45. poohpity says:

    Please do not ever deter someone from reading through the entire bible. What better to fill someone’s head with than scripture. How will anyone be able to distinguish truth from fiction. If one just studies bits and pieces then that is what they will learn is bits and pieces. It is an entire book from cover to cover. What part of scripture did Jesus refer, read or quote? The Lord puts that desire in someone’s heart because He knows those who truly want to know Him. If there was anything a person “should do” when they want to learn about God is not church or fellowship but to be rooted and grounded in scripture first and foremost. The rest is a result of what the Lord has taught us. So please never say it is not important to read through the bible that would be the loss of a very important piece of our armor.

  46. plumbape says:

    another huge difference is 1 Thess;2 3-6

    3For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. 4On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. 5You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. 6We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.

  47. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon All,

    I pray all is well in your lives.


    Who are you referring to in your comment to “not ever deter someone from reading the entire Bible?” No one suggested that in this blog. I think we would all agree that it’s a great idea to read the entire Bible, and to read it on a daily basis.

    I know of some online ministries that provide specific chapters to read from January through December. I believe that a person will gain more spiritual understanding/enlightenment, however, if he/she prays first. When we ask God to help us to understand His word (and provide divine revelation as we read the Bible) God will begin to talk to us through His word.

    In addition, every seasoned Christian knows that the Bible is an important piece of our armor.

    Eph. 6:13-18 (The Message)
    Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over (but the shouting) you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life.

    “God’s Word is an indispensable weapon.”

    In the same way, “prayer is essential” in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.


  48. Regina says:

    You’re welcome, Jason. May the Lord richly bless you and your wife. I will pray that God will soften her heart so that she’ll desire to go to church with you. What’s her name?

    The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.


  49. Regina says:

    Rocky – I’m glad that you have a better understanding now. :-)


  50. Regina says:

    Ooops! Clicked “submit” too fast.

    Bob (Cornwall) – ..will be praying for emotional healing for the people of Cumbria.


  51. poohpity says:

    If no one implied anything about reading the bible in it’s entirety then it does not apply to anyone. All is good then, no worries. Right???

  52. Jason says:

    Hello, thanks for the encouragement from everyone. My wife (Colleen) agreed to come to church with me on Sunday. Now it’s just a matter of getting up on time. We’re not morning people as I work until midnight most days. I work at an addictions treatment centre. I come across a lot of people who need God in their lives, some actually find Him.


  53. Regina says:

    If your statement does not apply to anyone, why did you make the statement?

    No worries. Just don’t understand why you said, “Please do not ever deter someone from reading through the entire bible…” Since you and I both agree that your statement didn’t apply to anyone in this blog.


  54. poohpity says:

    That is so good to hear. I also worked as a substance abuse counselor. Here they have church on Saturday evening, Sunday evening and Wednesday night as well as Sunday morning. Where there is a will there is a way. Thanks for sharing the good news.

    In treatment they always promoted folks to have a spiritual awaking they just do not name Him Jesus which is a shame because the healing and life change comes through Him. Our mediator, healer and advocate.

  55. poohpity says:

    Actually Regina it was a reply to the post that stated, “I think it’s great that you read the entire Bible (& preparing to read it again. However, you will probably remember more of God’s word if you spend time studying & meditating on it”. It was the “however” I was speaking to. If I misunderstood your intention I apologize. I believe that reading every morning along with other studies is very good. I believe that one can not over do on bible unless it is causing someone to become legalistic. You are so right about having the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us unto all truth we are not able to understand the things of God with out the help of God because they are His truths we are trying to understand.

  56. sbrewster says:

    Thanks to everyone for your posts – especially, Jason for being so forthright. I am in a similar situation and I think I have fallen on excuses that it is just so hard to get everyone and myself ready for church on Sundays. It takes quite an effort to get my mom and my daughter ready. Both require significant hands on to bath and dress – by the end of the process I am so fatigued I can barely get myself dressed. We watch service on t.v. and I have taken to online study and the BTA forum for help. Yes – for HELP!!! I am like you – I want my entire family to worship together and the only place we can come together without major effort is here at home.

    At times I have felt like I should be more sacrificial – after all, Christ gave everything and made no excuses. I feel like I should make the effort to go – even though it is a big one.

    Poohpity – thank you for sharing the different times of service – maybe just maybe we can find a later service to attend. The Sunday morning services require such a monumental effort for us.

  57. poohpity says:

    I also have challenges to get to church. I watch some different bible teaching sermon’s on TV and do not feel like all is lost when I do not attend a service. I think it is the fellowship with other believers that we need to hold on to some times. God knows your heart and will met you where ever. God does not care what the outside looks like but does care about the heart. At one time I only owned 2 pair of pants and three shirts so I would only attend night churches because some folks looked down on what I wore but God did not care, corporate worship is wonderful. In Africa there were at times only about twenty people per service but singing together was so uplifting. Maybe some people can come over and sing with you at home.

  58. xrgarza says:

    Jason congratulations, I recently completed going through the entire Bible on CD, it took me seven months.

    I’ve been a Christian for just over 33 years & have always wanted to do that.

    I wasn’t looking for supernatural direction, I was trying to see how all the little pieces of the puzzle fit.

    To my amazement, I learned things that I have never learned while in church.

    Like did you know that when God parted the waters for His children that He actually parted the waters twice?

    Or did you know that when Abraham lied saying that his wife was his sister that two generations later his grandson would do the exact same thing?

    All I ever got in church was a verse here and a chapter there,
    I would not rely on simply the pastor to provide my daily or weekly spiritual meal.

    Our pastors have their hands full, its bad enough that our churches have become spiritual orphanages. The Bible says to study yourself to be approved. Own your own spirituality.

    I’m preparing to go through it again, interesting Jesus often quoted Isaiah when He quoted scripture, I couldn’t wait to get to Isaiah, but when I did it was so deep and dry for me that just proves that I am no where at the level that Jesus is & was, I have a long way to go.

    Congratulations again

  59. poohpity says:

    LOL!! The book I am currently reading is by Philip Yancey, “The Bible Jesus Read”. Gives important understanding on why the OT is so important and the church today neglects it. Very good read.

  60. poohpity says:

    Rocky just an FYI it was Abraham’s son Isaac who did the same thing with his wife as his father did.

  61. Jason says:

    Thanks Rocky, I don’t know how long it took me to read the entire book but I know it took a long time. I was told to read the new testament first, then the old, then revealations. I was told revealations would be scary but I didn’t think it was that bad. Scary for non-believers I guess. I do enjoy the new testament more because I find it more uplifting and because it’s about Jesus’ life on earth.

    I’m going to give church a try, I have been there a handful of times before. We live in a small city so the only service I’ve found so far is on Sunday mornings, although I only asked about one place.


  62. bubbles says:

    Know that I’ll pray that the Lord will lead you to a place of worship that welcomes you warmly. There are people where I attend that are closer to me than my own blood-kin relatives. It is my prayer you can find such a place where you can learn and grow and find fellowship with other believers.

  63. phpatato says:


    Welcome from another (Ontario) Canadian (I have a family root that has been traced to Saskatoon). You will find a handful of “us” that post here. Our gracious neighbours to the south have made room by the fire, in Mart’s study, to make sure we all have space to relax.

    I am praying that you enjoy your stay as much as I am. As inferred by Bob in England….we are indeed an International eclectic group of loving brothers and sisters in Christ.


  64. xrgarza says:


    Hmm ever since I read that I’ve been saying Abraham’s grandson, I’m not sure why I thought it was Isaac’s son.

    I wonder what I was reading to make me think that, thanks for pointing that out to me.


  65. poohpity says:

    Thank you for being so gracious, Rocky. I thought I might get called out by someone for being the blog police again. I have a little shell shock, lol. It might have been because Abraham was old enough to be his great great grandfather, lol.

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