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The Family Business

“What does your Father do?” I don’t know whether little children are asked that question as much as in the past.

What I remember, though, is that when it was asked of me or my young classmates, the childish response or awkward silence that followed could be either a proud moment or a painful one. Some could say things like, “My daddy builds houses, drives a police car, or works in a big building down town.” But for a child whose father was absent, unknown, incarcerated, or in some other way disabled or limited, the question could be painful.

It continues, however, to be one of the most important questions we ever have to ask or think about… especially when it comes to what our spiritual Father does.

No one knew this more than Jesus.

The last time we see his human father present in the Gospel accounts is when Joseph, along with Mary, were looking for their 12 year old who had been missing for 3 days (Luke 2:42-52).

When Joseph and Mary finally find Jesus in the Temple having a conversation with the Teachers of the law, Mary asks her son why he has given his father and her such reason for concern and worry. Father’s Day cards usually don’t quote anything like Jesus’ response: “Why did you have to look for me? Didn’t you know I’d be about my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49).

Joseph and Mary didn’t understand what Jesus meant. Yet according to Luke, Jesus went home with them, and subjected himself to them, “growing in wisdom and in stature (age and size), and in favor with God and man” (2:52). Mary continued to reflect on what Jesus had said (2:51).

When her son went public 18 years later, we find him leaving his home in Nazareth, submitting to the baptism of John in the Jordan Valley, and then, as he came up out of the water, hearing the words from heaven, “You are my beloved son. In you I am well pleased.” Luke 3:22

Almost 2000 years later, we all know that Jesus went on to finish the work that he was given to do. We also know that he passed what remained of “the Father’s business” along to his followers.

If his father is now our father, and if the family business is now in our hands, I’ve been trying to think how we would answer the question, “What does your Father do?”

Let’s see how we would answer that together….

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19 Responses to “The Family Business”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart this is a very good question. It makes us look at what we think God does…

    We know from the scripture that he sets on a throne, and that all of existance is held together by His will.

    We know that He is able to be everywhere His creation is, and is concerned with even the little sparrow.

    We read that He is like the sheperd and cares for His flock, and hides us beneath His wings (Ps 57:1,61:4,63:7,91:4)even like a Hen that gathers her chickens under her wings (Matt 23:37).

    So my heavenly Father rules and presides over all of creation…..He is more than a King, He is God.


  2. SFDBWV says:

    How then can we be in the “Family” Business? We can not be the King, that job is taken. But we can aid the King in the care of His creation.

    We can do that which we are given to be able to…
    1 Corinthians 12 lays out the gifts we can have in order to be about the family business.

    The goal being the salvation of all people. To aid the King in bringing all we can to Him for salvation and the reunification with the Father.

    The family business??? Promoting Love and Peace, among brothers/sisters and God.


  3. pegramsdell says:

    He is in the creation business. He created the world and all that is in it. He changes hearts and attitudes. He gives us everything we need. He is preparing a heavenly home for us to live forever with Him. He loves the world. My Father is the best Father ever.

  4. poohpity says:

    My father runs the whole shebang from the tiniest microscopic particle that the naked eye can not see to the largest galaxy, again that the naked eye can not see. It is all in His Hands and He speaks it into balance and harmony like a fined tuned orchestra.

  5. rokdude5 says:

    Recently, in a Bible study I have been attending, we learned about the various absolute attributes of God such as Love, Omnipotency (all powerful), Omniscience (all knowing) plus the distinction between His Holiness and His acts of Righteousness.

    I personally dont believe that God just spinned the “top” and then sees what will happen. I think He is involved with billions of people and things each and every day. I can imagine that since God is Omnipotent, He really doesnt have to “do” anything but just think it and “it” materializes – plus the “it” was foreseen before we ever existed.

    Everything He created including us were made to ultimately reveal His glory and love. RJ

  6. poohpity says:

    I meant to say FINE not fined, lol. I also wanted to say while He is conducting that orchestra or symphony He still has time to listen whenever I want to talk to Him and He thinks I am very important to Him and I never have to earn His love.

  7. Angelica says:

    What does your father do? I would respond by saying that my father (God) is in the business of giving life. It is he who gives us life both physically and spiritually. Although he gives life to our physical bodies, his focus is on our spirits. Our physical bodies will eventually die, but the spirit will live on. He provided a way for our spirits to have eternal life and that is through his son Jesus. Scripture makes reference to this truth in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. So, if I’m ever asked, What does your father do? I will respond by saying, he gives us eternal life with him!

  8. saled says:

    My father is in the redemption business. It’s my hope that he’s giving me a part in his business, but it’s hard to tell some times. I led my children down the Roman’s road, but I still pray for their redemption. I think I make a difference in the lives of some of the children that I work with at school, but don’t seem to have a life line to throw to others that I see drowning. It’s then that I remember that it is His business, and he doesn’t need me, but sometimes allows me to be part of his work.

  9. Angelica says:

    Well said Saled, Our father is definitely in the redemption business. Its such a blessing when he allows us to be a part of his work.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    When I read John 14 and 15, Jesus has a lot to say to the Disciples.

    Calling the Disciples His friends, and forwarning them that the world will hate them for what they have to say, but that some will accept what they have to say because they believe what Jesus had to say, or reject what Jesus has to say.

    Once we become spokesmen for Christ, we set up ourselves to persecution or brotherhood.

    Stepping up to do the work Christ has given us to do, we are in the “Family Business”

    I liked the picture of the storefront Mart has up top. Instead of saying going out of business, it says “Going out *for* Business”…

    When I first was married, my wife and I went to a trailer sales to see about buying a trailer. The first place we went to, she and I looked over what was in the lot, nobody came to assist us. We picked out what we liked and went on down to the office.

    The owners son was setting there with his feet propped up on the desk watching a ball game on TV. When we told him what we wanted, he said he would be with us in a while he was too busy right then to help us….

    So we went to another sales lot. Once we had found what we liked again we went down to the office only to be told by another owners son, he doubted we could afford to buy anything they had…

    So we went to a third sales lot and found an entirely different attitude from the sales people, they met us in the lot showed us around, answered our questions and was very anxious to make a sale….So we made the deal.

    I have to wonder how well some of us are doing at conducting the business of introducing people to God through Jesus Christ and how willing we are to work hard at making the sale?

    I wonder, are we setting at the desk with our feet proppred up or are we out there in the field doing all we can?

    The first two trailer sales places we went to eventualy went out of business….


  11. poohpity says:

    I think it is hard for adults to answer that question, “What does your Father do?” because to put ourselves in the role of a child again when we think we have grown up so that we may not need a Father. It is humbling to understand that we are in fact a child to God. In our brief time we are given to live it is just a blink to God and hard to trust anything but our own grown up strength rather than have the child like qualities to trust our care into the hands of someone who much more able.

  12. Regina says:

    Good Evening, Fellow Bloggers,

    Mart – You asked, “What does your Father do?”

    My Father holds the universe and solar system in place (Psalm 8:3; Rom. 1:20, NLT). He provides for me, cares for me, comforts me and loves me unconditionally. He gives me the ability and the motivation to love others like I love myself. Because He’s such a good Father, I’m compelled to tell other people about Him. He made it impossible for anyone or anything to separate me from His love (Romans 8:38-39). My Father sent His (firstborn) Son to be the propitiation for my sins and the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:10).


  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Well I wasn’t going to comment on this subject as, as you all know, some topics just don’t “hit the nail” and it is difficult to get any thoughts together, but last night I had a strange dream and I have just woken up and the thought struck me that it was about this subect.

    In the dream two of us, brothers, were searching for our lost father who had been missing over 1000 years. We searched houses and found clues and eventually found him in a conffession booth of an old run down church.
    We both cried and wept when we met, lots of joy. Then He took us on a ride, it was a big white Mono Rail Train that ran on a large track, but in some places the track could not be seen as it was formed into parts of the landscape and just looked like ordinary design on buildings etc.
    We then realised we had two other brothers and when we saw them we shouted, “we have found our father, come and meet him” We all wept and cry together and were filled with joy.
    We realised our father had been there all the while but was hidden by some kind of time barrier and although thousands of years had past he had not grown old and that he had left this trail of clues and this big Mono Rail Track for us to find him, but although it was clear to see when you knew it was there it was hard to see if you did not know because it blended into the background.
    Then I woke up and suddenly realised it was about this topic.
    I don’t know exactly what it means, but to me it seems our Fathers business is to seek Him out and then to tell our brothers He is Alive.


  14. Mart De Haan says:

    Thank you for your thoughtful responses to the Father’s business. Even though I’ve just posted something else, I hope others will check out this conversation and read the insights and stories you’ve added.

  15. foreverblessed says:

    This verse came into my mind during this topic:
    Malachi 4:6
    He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…
    And above and beyond that: God wants us to turn our hearts to the Father in Heaven.

  16. saled says:

    Bob, I’m glad you shared your dream. The train in it reminds me of a dream my Dad had when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He dreamed that he had been chosen to be honored with a special train ride, and he couldn’t understand why he was being honored instead of my uncle. The uncle was a life long Christian; my Dad was converted just days before he died. Dad was in the beginning stages of Alzhiemers, but I think the dream was symbolic in helping him come to terms with his diagnosis. I think God has a purpose even in our dreams, and I like the way you have interpreted yours here for us.

  17. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I am so glad saled that you could relate to the dream I had.

    That day I had some bad,ish news that my ex partner was going to move to Scotland to live with another man on a trial basis. I have been here in Cornwall for ten years now helping him to adapt to his disabilities etc. so it came as a big shock to hear the news via a text message from him.
    I immediately asked God for peace about it and I have now got that.
    God had already placed it on my heart to pray for his eternal spirit everyday and after reading your comments and my dream again I realise I have to remind him that His heavenly Father is still alive.
    Please pray for Rod, he gave his heart to the Lord a few years ago now and immediately turned to me and said he would have to give up his “gay” lifestyle, so he does know the truth and that he is persuing just tempory desire.


  18. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I am spending time with him on the beach today, over a glass or two of Pimms, so maybe this is the time to chat about our dad.

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