Within the last week news wires have reported that more than 12 US warships and at least one Israeli destroyer have passed through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea. The armada appears to be in response to an Iranian promise to accompany a pro-Palestinian relief flotilla to the embattled city of Gaza.
At the same time I continue to read about sightings of large numbers of sharks and fish swimming close to Gulf-coast shores in an apparent effort to escape oil contaminated and oxygen depleted waters. The deep water gusher that threatens to kill an unknown amount of Gulf ecosystem mingles with rumors of war in the Middle East to recall last days scenarios of the book of Revelation.
My thoughts and emotions are mixed. I’ve tried to train my mind and heart to avoid reading into current events a “this is that” link to Bible prophecy. I’ve come to believe that there is a great danger in assuming either that “the end is near” or that “the end is not near”. In different ways both rob us of the wisdom of planning for the future. (Both mistakes also come with a premature or unrealistic awareness of our personal mortality)
Our world needs to see us helping those who need us, not gathering on a hill to wait for Jesus promised return. But there is something wrong about trying to believe in Jesus while acting as though he didn’t say, “Be ready, for the Son of man will come at a time you don’t expect” (Matt 24:42,44).