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News and Bible too Depressing?

I was talking to a friend the other day who talked about not reading the newspaper or listening to cable news because it is too depressing. Came away wondering whether many have a natural aversion to the Bible for the same reason?

Is that why some people quote only the positive, optimistic, or “feel good” parts of the Bible… because they find the negative descriptions of human nature depressing? Could some feel “put down” by the Bible that urges us to do things we have already shown our inability to do— like loving those who insult us, keeping the Big Ten, or the “thousands” of fine points of spiritual etiquette?

Even wondering how put off some would be  to my conclusion that the Bible doesn’t warn us about anything we are not all inclined, in principle, to do? Do some, or all of us, have a hard time keeping bad news and good news in perspective.

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61 Responses to “News and Bible too Depressing?”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Mart, This one has me laughing. I know it should be a serious subject, but just the other day during one of our discussions, I was thinking of the same thing.

    Non Christians see us as the no fun, doomsday, prudish, party poopers that darken their otherwise good day.

    Many years ago, my wife had to undergo some minor surgery. It required an overnight stay at the hospital. So the evening before as she and I were visiting, the resident chaplin came in to say hello…

    In the course of casual conversation we were all laughing about some story one of us had told and while smiling and laughing the chaplin says “Yes that’s the way it is, one minute your asleep, then, YOU WAKE UP IN HELL!!!!”

    Not meaning to be funny, his awkward attempt to broach the subject of eternity, was to say the least a stopping point in the conversation.

    I still laugh about it to this day, from laughing and smiling to stone cold serious…It was a memerable moment.

    More later..


  2. BruceC says:

    I think that alot of it has to do with the original sin; pride. We ;by nature, are so full of ourselves we don’t want be told about our darker side as that injures our pride and humbles us.
    It’s like looking into a mirror as we get older; who want to see wrinles, creases and age spots?
    But without knowing our real human nature we will fail at being on guard against it. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and won’t force His will upon us; we have to allow Him to work. It’s just our flesh that doesn’t want to hear the bad nrws about ourselves.


  3. lanzver says:

    Hello, Mart. I’ve been reading your blogs for quite some time now and every time I open a PC I immediately go to your blog. Regarding your blog today, what I can say is that our human nature would only want what’s best for us and that things that are outside our comfort zones are always disregarded or treated with apathy. It’s not the way God would want us to see things. He wants us to see things on His perspective. The “depressing” things of the Bible are as helpful to us as the “optimistic” ones. Those passages were put by God for the reason that they will certainly open our eyes concerning reality because we are not living in a make-believe world. Thank you, Mart. Looking forward to reading your blogs. God bless us all.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    Probably one of the most difficult hurdles I had to overcome as a young teenager attempting to read and understand the (King James) bible was the very scary Book of Revelation, especialy the references to the Whore of Babylon.

    At the time,I did not understand anything I was reading, but the description of thoes who would be drawn into her bed and share in her eternity in hell spoke clearly to my raging hormones of a teen age boy.

    Resulting in guilt ridden emotions about sex.

    Only with the aid of time and the patient working of the Holy Spirit, could I learn to seperate guilt from my enjoyment of sex.

    Too many people never learn, but are scarred for life, because of a lack of understanding.

    It isn’t that God wants us to be like the “Puritans” nor that He wants us to abandon morality altogether….It is written that He gave us life, and wants us to live it abundantly (John 10:10).

    He gave us warnings that are contrary to having a happy and full life, but He wants us to have a truly happy life and more importantly a happy eternity.

    When we can learn what brings us true happiness, we can be freed of many false feelings of guilt, and learn to live life as God wants us to.

    Nothing scary nor depressing about that.


  5. Hisgirl4life says:

    This topic also reminded me of memories related to the topic of good/bad news in relation to scripture. We are all born with a human natural inclination toward sin (pride, self-centeredness, self-sufficiency, self-confidence)–basically, a lot of self.

    When my son was a two-year old, he had this gleam in his eyes coupled with an inquisitive mind. Like most two-year olds, he seemed bent on pursuing anything forbidden, anything I’d said “No” to. (Isn’t that just like Adam and Eve). While dropping off my daughter at kindergarten and visiting outside with a teacher, he decided to bolt down the sidewalk right toward a busy street. I quickly said “stop”, but his little legs kept running. By this time, I was at a sprint after him. With a bit of a devious smile, he looked up at me while I knelt down to explain to him what would happen if he ran out into the busy street. I have to admit, even a two-year old seemed to understand the magnitude of fast cars vs. humans. He never did it again.

    What if there were no rules to go by? What if we were left on our own to figure out the complexities of life? No guidebook of right or wrong?

    With media sensationalizing on it seems every disturbing event, I can understand how those outside looking in might see the Bible as more of a threat then a book of love and grace. I wouldn’t leave out a pinch of salt or baking soda from my favorite recipe, even though eating them separately wouldn’t be tasty. But combining all the ingredients together creates a wonderful treat. It is like that with God’s word. If all we read were just parables of good, what life lessons would we miss out on to learn from?

  6. rokdude5 says:

    I think of myself like most Christians, perhaps errantly so, we can rest in God’s grace and mercy due to what happened at the cross. But as I read through the Old Testament, He certainly brings to light the sobering effect of sin whether it be personally or the getting the latest news.

    Im remember reading that someone what having a difficult time with the genocides that occurred in the Old Testament. What kind of God would permit such “horrific” devastation? What comes to my mind, we have a just and righteous God – a loving God that wanted to protect His chosen tribe from the atrocities of surrounding neighbors.

    Im so glad that we have a God that in spite of our sinfulness, we can still go running to Him. Heb 4:16 Praise God!! RJ

  7. saturn says:

    Would you not say that going to a funeral is depressing?Isn’t there a passage in the Bible that talks about this? I beleive it is used to wake people up.We can hide our head in the sand but in the end we will be sorry for doing so. Someone lease let me know if Iam right or wrong.

  8. marma says:

    Maybe depressing is good, as saturn said. I was reading a book on prayer that said that being helpless before God is the attitude we should have in prayer.

    Nothing like viewing man’s naturally lost, depraved state either through the pages of scripture or the news to realize that.

    I was studying Jeremiah (very, very worthwhile, by the way) and I had to take a break because the first chapters especially are so bleak due to the divide that existing between the people of Israel and God. This is not the relationship God wants, which is why He sent his son.

    I think it is good for believers to read the gloomy stuff in the bible because sometimes we forget the deceitfulness of our own hearts as well as the stubborness of the unbelieving heart. Revelation is a good place to see that, but just about any book of the Old Testament shows the same thing.

    Not that we should continually dwell on it — Romans 8, Ephesians, Philippians are good places to go for perspective. Like Romans 3:23 and many other verses–there is bad news, but there is good news.

    The older I get, the more I am aware of my own natural sinfulness, and the great gift we have been given –Jesus Christ, our sin-bearer, sacrifice, king, and high priest.

    Also, when we see the bleak things–we should be praying–asking God to use whatever situation for His glory–to comfort those who need comfort, to help the weak…and to show us our part in spreading some light in this dark place.

  9. poohpity says:

    I have an Aunt that says that the horrible things in the bible are not real from a loving God. Job said, “Shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant?” You bet there are unpleasant things in the bible there are also many unpleasant things in this life. That seems to be the importance of reading the whole book. If someone just takes the things that are feel goods out of the bible and doesn’t look at the pain which seems to be the areas we learn the most from, then we do not get the whole picture.

    Comparing it to the news doesn’t seem to be an accurate perspective because the news is only a partial picture of what truly happens. It focuses only on the bad with info from one person’s perspective and slant you really never get the whole story. The bible on the other hand is different peoples perspectives with a common theme that runs throughout the whole book, the OT is seen in the NT and the NT is seen in the OT. Yes some of it is hard to digest but what human beings do to each other through out history is hard to digest as well.

    I think it is even harder to see what we do to each other because the intent is not to help us grow and be better, it is destructive and destruction. Human kind wanted to know the difference between good and evil or else they would have never sought that info from eating of that tree and if it would have been me in the garden I would have done the same thing as Adam and Eve because that is our bent.

    Life is depressing sometimes but it also holds great joys as well. Like the first time one holds their child after the painful birthing process. The joy of holding that little life in your hands one soon forgets the pains of getting to that moment. I hope one day when I stand in the presence of the Lord I will forget the process that it took to get there.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Tomorrow a couple I know will be burying their 35 year old, only son. He, a husband and father of 2 small children, died of a cerebrial hemmorage. Collapsing at work and dying later at the hospital.

    These parents, his wife and children are broken hearted and now forever effected by this….sudden death.

    This news is depressing for any of us to contemplate, but it is real and whether or not we choose to learn of it, it still effects others, whether we ignore it or bury our heads in the sand and pretend that what goes on in the world that doesn’t effect me…dosen’t interest me, is still ongoing.

    Mart’s friend is amiss in not wanting to be informed sbout the world around him.

    I very much believe that people who choose to pick through the Bible, quote, and center on only the parts of scripture that they want to hear, are also very errant in understanding the nature of God and seeing His bigger picture.

    Placing God in a box and only seeing God in the light they want to.


  11. marma says:

    I agree news is slanted and we have to be careful not to be news junkies of the negative–some things fascinate me a little too much, which I don’t think is good for my spiritual health. I found watching the pics of 9/11 over and over again would increase my depression about it and the world and I don’t think that was emotionally healthy or natural.

    I also think some of us have a lower tolerance to the imagery of tv news and need to guard ourselves.

    There is a difference between being in a fantasy land “lalala don’t tell me the bad” versus wanting to protect our minds – Phil 4:8 “Whatsoever things are honest, good report…”

    For example, I needed to know about the oil spill, and our church is getting involved in helping the coastal folks, but watching story after story and those pictures are too much for me. I’d rather know, get involved or pray as God enables me, then to think I am doing anything positive just by reading and watching it on tv.

  12. marma says:

    SFDBWV – I’ve found I learn a lot more when I study or even just read through a whole book versus picking out verses. There is so much that can be missed by way of context, otherwise.

  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Watching the news on TV can sometimes be like reading the Bible as it convicts us into action.
    Band Aid in the 80’s was formed after a BBC news bulletin about the Ethiopian Famine.
    Yesterday I saw a report showing the cleanup in the Gulf and was struck by the hate one man showed towards The British, when infact BP is 60% US owned and it was a US company that was neglegent(Yes I know BP handled it all badly) Then, in a later news bulletin, I saw how they were cleaning up oil in the China Sea, they have had an even bigger spill than the Gulf and are using their bare hands to scoop up the oil into barrels.
    Even the news caster said it was ironic that the two biggest energy consuming countries in the world have had big environmental disasters due to oil.
    It seems wherever you turn there is bad news, even in the Bible if we look at the end time prophecies there is nothing but doom and gloom.
    Only in the Gospels (The Good News) is there any hope.
    Jesus through us a lifeline and this is what we have to convey to our friends and collegues.
    We have to tell them of the “Ark” of salvation and that there is no other way to survive what is to come upon us.
    Unfortunately the “church” has made such an issue of obeying the rules and being on our best behaviour that most people look at us and don’t really want to live that kind of life. As in the days of Noah people will be living and partying as if nothing was wrong.
    I can’t really blame them for closing there eyes to both the worlds news and the “Good New” in the Bible.
    We, as the Children of God, have to show how much we care about and love one another and that we genuinely care for those around us.
    I have so much to learn and need Jesus in my life in order to survive the day to day issues, how much more do we and all mankind need Him to survive what is about to come upon us!


  14. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Jesus (through)threw us a lifeline!

    even with a spell checker we make mistakes

  15. SFDBWV says:

    I am old enough to remember when the people in the news business were of a better quality of character…Not just spewers of gossip, sensationalists, and in too many cases unrepentant in their bias.

    Like art, the public people we see are a reflection of the society we live in, and an example of the ever downward spirial of the immoral condition of mankind.

    Some of the news we read about could be said to be items of interest, but like Mart’s friend I too am turned away from the political squabbling, name calling and finger pointing that over powers our news today.

    I read a local newspapper everyday, it has local items of intrest, gives me information as to what is on the horizon, human interest stories, local events, and via the worlds news services gives me a view of events of the world and nationaly.

    I scan the internet, looking at news items, and even have a web site through the Smithonian Musem called the newseum…That gives me access to newspapers all over the world.

    But the national news on TV….I find repulsive.

    On the other side of this topic, I begin my day with prayer, and am inclined to have several prayers a day or more, a habit.

    I look in on the blog and join in as I am led to.

    I have several web sites dedicated to the study of scripture, a few that bring me up to speed on current events that are “Signs of the Times” and precursers to the rapture and prophesy being opened up in todays headlines.

    I read and study the Bible….But I rarely if ever watch TV preachers. Some are good some are not it is a matter of time for me and I don’t have that much time to watch TV. I am repulsed as well at some of the TV religious programs, whom the Holy Spirit *Red flags*.

    I have learned to listen to thoes moments when the Holy Spirit speaks in the matter of discernment. Not being judgemental but being cautious, and aware.

    I believe it important to be well rounded, in current events and especialy in scriptual knowledge…In this way I am less likely to be swayed by the biases and traps of others.


  16. drdedward says:

    I was drivng down the street one day when I noticed a sign in front of a church that said “Read the Bible it wil scare the Hell out of you”. I thought to myself that that would be enough reason for me not to read the Bible.

    However, the Bible is full of good stuff. I read it through at least once a year and have recently done it chronologically. What a difference it makes to read the events in their proper place.

    The Bible isn’t meant to scare people or to just give them a warm fuzzy feeling. It was written to be passed down from generation to generation as a way to live and to learn. It shows us a loving and just God who wants to commune with us for eternity.

    In Revelation (NIV version) Jesus says Here I am, I stand at the door and knock, it is not just a salvation passage it is an invitation to a way of life. Read the Word and the invitation to the fullness of life will manifest itself to you.


  17. kel says:

    good morning to all i to just told my wife i’m not reading the news anymore there is nothing good there anyway it just dampers my day. i will start in the morning with internet [news] read the news the blogs then will sing some gospel songs then i go for a walk for 4km and think about the bible and the things i was and are being taught{by the lord]and past sermons just know i realize in the flesh everything is negative even good news. a strong relationship with the lord things are in perspective PS; pray for me i have went a stray for a while and its bin a rough time we all need the lord every day to be a happy child of GOD believe me !!!!

  18. saled says:

    This topic reminds me of a conversation that I had with my daughter recently. It seems to us that our supervisors often overly sensationalize the seriousness of a problem. We have both noticed that if when the boss approaches us with a problem, we show a good amount of concern, the boss will back off and be more calm about the matter. On the other hand, if we remain calm when the boss brings up the subject, the boss will over react and try to make us believe that the world is ending. We came to the conclusion that the boss just wants to know that we take the problem as seriously as she does.

    I have just recently kicked my habit of watching the national news, not because it depresses me, but because I’m tired of the sensational. Likewise, I don’t listen to a lot about the end times because it’s often used in a sensational way to manipulate people.

    I was blessed about 20 years ago to take a trip Through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee. He put the bad news in perspective by his emphasis on the good news. People will be turned off to the Bible if the bad news that it contains is allowed to dominate the presentation. We make a mistake in over-emphasizing the bad news. We need to make a balanced presentation while letting people know how seriously we feel about it.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Good comments saled, so it comes back to another good lesson from the scripture…To live one day at a time, and let todays problems be enough for today.

    Love one another and enjoy what good things God sends our way today.


  20. NickOfTyme says:

    Something for Saturn:
    When one passes the difference is whether or not they knew the Lord.

    Martha told Jesus that if He had been there her brother would not have died. Jesus said, “Your brother will rise again. She said, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection…” Here’s the money verse:

    Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

    John 11


  21. mark13-31 says:

    Hello and thank you for providing this forum/site.

    I have a question and a point: Q)Do you think “news”papers and cable stations are of any redemptive value? P)You may not have intended this but, you are drawing a parallel between the Bible and those two worldly sources of info. which is something I have found to be inevitable when trying to justify doing things I shouldn’t ought to be doing.

    The sum of both of the above could be capsulized as, “How far does one take the concept of ‘in but not of’?”

  22. poohpity says:

    The perspective that I have had about the bible is that of a love story. The story about a God who has pursued a rebellious, renegade group of people who have felt that their ways were better than the one who knows them from the inside out. Then has given them the ability to know personally the One who created them. A God who has never given up on them and has tried and tried to get those people to know that there is a God and that He cares more than life itself about them.

    I have understood myself better by looking at the examples given in the bible repeatedly about human behaviors and their inclinations. I know how hard I had tried to change my life before I had a relationship with the Lord and now watch as the Holy Spirit works within me to change. Not a change to not have fun or enjoy life but a change to eliminate the things that bring heartache to others and myself, something I can not in any way take credit for.

    I look at the news and yes it is depressing but it just shows another example of what life is like without God running things. God has allowed us free will and the results are in the news and even the natural disasters I would think are also a result of sin in some form or another.

    The more I read the bible, the whole bible, the more I understand God and myself. I do not read it to look at another’s sin or rebellion, I look at it to ask, “Father why do you love me so much even when I do things and think things that are so wrong, yet you never give up on me. You continually help me back up again when I fall and forgive me when I ask. You have provided for me a place with you for eternity”. This is God I am speaking about who’s awesome power and ability far exceed anything I can ever imagine. With one word can end it ALL, yet wants a relationship with each one of us.

    Yes, Mart, I guess it is a matter of an individuals perspective we see that everyday here on the blog. You put forth a topic then we comment and the conversation goes in many different directions. We all read the same thing but each has their own perspective and flavor which makes us all unique in our replies.

    Viva La difference!!!!

  23. InHisHands says:

    Hello all, it has been I while since I typed in here. Somehow I know some of you are still praying for my son’s legal situation – which is still ongoing, and I thank you.

    I used to (and still do, when I can find my cassette tapes) like to listen to Mike Warnke. He is a Christian comedian. Many people have been quick to tell me of his fallen testimony, but it doesn’t take away from the material that he had in his performance. One particular tape is called “Good News Tonight” – my favorite part is when he states, “I have just been reading the news paper and cross referencing it with the Bible, and we are right on track.” Sounds humorous but oh so true. The news of today that interests me is the highlights on world events, because I am reminded that “when these things happen, our redemption is nigh.”
    Everything that happens should bring our focus to the Lord Jesus and his immenent return. Hope I have not veered from topic, just some of my thoughts.
    May God Bless you all and keep you.

  24. foreverblessed says:

    I agree with you InHisHands, even your name makes you looik at Him i whose hand we are.
    About the news, in 1994 there there was a problem with the rivers here in our country, the river were so full, and it was doubtfull whether one river dike would hold. I remember watching CNN, it was news about my country, but the way it was presented was as if the whole country would be drowned any next day. The news was totally unbalanced. It was not the right picture of how it realy was.
    Then I thought, maybe all the news is overdone, too much sensation, too much speculation. Allthough the oilspill is terrible. But think of it, how many oil tankers are out in the ocean day by day, and how seldomly they do sink. That is a real miracle too.
    Things could be a lot worse.
    Balancing the bad with the good
    The good news is that Jesus has already defeated the enemy!

  25. rxman says:

    I don’t have anything to add to what has already been said here. I just wanted to thank everyone for their comments. Sometimes it’s better if I just listen (or read) and keep my thoughts to myself. Thanks everyone.

  26. bubbles says:

    Not to intentionally open a can of worms, BUT. . .when a particular television “preacher/pastor’s” sermon is aired, there are hundreds, if not a couple of thousand people there to see him. WHY??? Out of curosity, I have watched him a time or two just to see why crowds flocked to him.

    When this ‘sermon’ is given, he will read a verse, or maybe 2 or 3. Then he begins his feel-good talking to his congregation. His sermons do not discuss sin or the need of a Savior. When people hear only what they want to hear, they will come running, it seems like. His ‘talks’ appear to involve the “you can do whatever you set your mind to” speaking. To me, it’s not a sermon, but more like an inspirational speech.

    This fellow seems like a really nice person with a friendly, soft voice and smile. But, is he using the whole counsel of the Word of God?

    Yes, the Bible is quick and powerful as a two-edged sword. The Words of God can cut to the heart, but what kind of father would God be if He did not correct us?

    Proverbs 3 says, “My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of His correction. For whom the Lord loveth, He correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth” No one enjoys being told they are wrong. No one likes to admit they sin. But we do. We need to be mature enough to handle that and make changes. Easier said than done.

    So, we must be careful to not just pick and choose the pleasant parts from the Bible, but be ready to be convicted so we can become more like Jesus. James tells us the Word is like a mirror–it shows us what we need to do away with in our hearts. We cannot grow as a Christian if we refuse to see the sin in our lives and deal with it.

  27. marma says:

    bubbles, what you said about the Word being quick and powerful as a two-edged sword made me think of Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well. I find it interesting that he gave her the positive “whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst” and she responded saying “give me this water.” — however, it didn’t end there. Jesus then started talking to her about her life. That could have driven her away, but I think in a way that honesty was what made her say “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” (John 4 NIV). I abbreviate the story because they also talked about salvation, true worship, and the future.

    I guess my point is that it is okay to hear the things we want to hear, but we also have things we need to hear that are of equal benefit, from Scripture.

  28. marma says:

    Could someone (Mart?) explain, “my conclusion that the Bible doesn’t warn us about anything we are not all inclined, in principle, to do? ” I really don’t know what you mean by that, Mart.



  29. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I think Mart was trying to say that The Bible warnings are mainly about our day to day lives, how we react in daily situations and our “natural” ability to sin and rebel against Gods Will.
    There are also warnings about national events and events to come in the future, but somehow these are easier to read because they don’t affect us where it can hurt, in the heart where we rebel and contrive to sin.
    Our God is a Holy god and He wants His Children to be Holy as well.

    As Bubbles quoted,

    Proverbs 3 says, “My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of His correction. For whom the Lord loveth, He correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth”


  30. SFDBWV says:

    Marma, though Mart probably needs to explain himself, I thank you for inviting “someone” to help you understand his comment.

    I, yesterday started to comment on this comment but got drawn away and didn’t get back to the blog.

    I took his conclusion to be that the Bible only warns of things we already know is wrong or bad, but that we are inclined to do them anyway.

    Our nature being bent toward wrong doing…naturaly.

    Such things as lieing, lusting, coveting ect.

    To expand on that, I have found that most people do not like to be reminded of the things they are doing wrong, or are guilty of.

    Most like to do like Scarlet O’Hara did in gone with the wind….”Oh well I will worry about that tomorrow”. Hiding it away.

    So they tend to just zero in on comments from scripture they want to hear, not likeing the heat of scripture that speaks to their need to repent and change.

    Just someones thoughts on your question.


  31. Mart De Haan says:

    Marma, sorry I missed your question yesterday. Thanks, Bob and Steve, for your help.

    I realize now that the statement that “God does not warn us about things we are not inclined to do” is at the very least a “double negative” that is misleading because it really means positively that I believe God warns us against things we are all inclined to do to our hurt, to the harm of others, and at the expense of people’s ability to see God’s goodness.

    I say this because I believe the scripture and life combine to show that the fallen part of out human nature is inclined to not show, faith, hope, and love in
    Christ. We are not inclined to show patience born out of
    Christlike love, or joy out of our loving celebration over the success of others– who we are inclined to see as our competitors.

    I didn’t mean to imply that God warns us only about things that are in our own control– even though in most cases that seems to be the case. Even with respect to facing the Devil and day of judgment, the Lord’s emphasis is on what he wants us to let him do through us in anticipation– even though we are inclined to mess up by trying to face the devil and even our own judgment with our own strength and rationalizations.

    If I’m muddying the water, Marma, or missing your question please let me know. I’ll try to get back on line later today.

  32. poohpity says:

    I lost my dad about an hour ago, please pray for comfort for my family. Thank you Deborah

  33. Hisgirl4life says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad, Deb. May it comfort you to know others are lifting you and your family in prayer to the loving hands of our Father.

  34. Hisgirl4life says:

    Thanks you for the clarification, Mart. I believe Paul talks further about this exact topic. “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. (Romans 7:15-20).

    The good news is that “there is no condemtation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2).

    We have a SAVIOR in Christ Jesus.

  35. dja says:

    So sorry to hear about your Father, Deb. May the Lord hold your heart and bring you the comfort that only He can bring.

  36. marma says:

    Thanks to all for clarifying. Yes, Mart, the double negative threw me off, so your expanded explanation helped. Also, you tied together what life shows us as well as Scripture.

    Bob and Steve — thanks for tackling my question. I got something out of all your input.

    I am reminded on a daily basis that I can’t stop the sin–in my own strength, that I can’t demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit apart from the Spirit.

    Definitely relates to your question about how people view the Bible, Mart. If people see in Scripture a bunch of stuff they a) can’t stop doing and b) can’t do if they tried, then they are hopeless–apart from Christ.

    Knowing what I know, I still try, and many religious people still try to do what in themselves is impossible.

    Trying to keep it short for now.

    Poohpity–praying for you, too.

  37. macsisson22 says:

    The Bible. A book about real people with real problems!
    One Answer!

    May the Lord comfort you and your family Deb!

  38. SFDBWV says:

    Mike, it is good to hear from you again…

    Deborah, I do hope you have peace in your heart, am praying for your family and for you.


  39. rxman says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Poohpity. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  40. rokdude5 says:

    Deb, Youve been through so much already. We do hope that you do get at least some small measure of comfort from our thoughts and prayers. RJ

  41. Christianmama says:

    The first question was, ‘Came away wondering whether many have a natural aversion to the Bible for the same reason?’ I believe that people have a negative reaction to the Bible because of the lives we Christians have lived. ie, talking out of both sides of our mouths or talk it but don’t walk it. You know, being two faced, one in the church and one in the world. I am as guilty as the next person.

    My Grandpa was a Hell-fire-and-brimstone preacher and he was proud of it. But when all you get is the bad news all the time from everywhere, where is the good?

    We are called to be in the world, but not of it. Our example as a saved people has to shine into the world. When we turn up our noses at people in church because of their outward appearance, we say how disrespectful they are. But if they are not saved, they have no awareness. It is about the inside not the out.

    The second question was, ‘Do some, or all of us, have a hard time keeping bad news and good news in perspective?’ If you are a glass half empty type of person, then yes. But we are counting on all of the brothers and sisters of the other half to show us the other perspective.

    God Bless Ya’ll, Barbara

  42. poohpity says:

    Thank you so much for your kind words everyone they are greatly appreciated and much needed. Love Deb

  43. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    So sorry to hear of you loss and I am praying for you and your family.
    The sun is just rising here and I am reminded that there is a time for mourning and weeping, but we must not dwell in that place too long because joy comes in the morning.

    Israel mourned 40 days after Moses died but God did not let them stay at that point in time, they rose up and claimed the promised land.

    Bob xxx

  44. pegramsdell says:

    My prayers are with you Deb and your family. So sorry. I’m sending a huge hug through The Holy Spirit to you. Love you, Peg

  45. BruceC says:


    May the Lord be with you and comfort you only as He can.
    I lost my Dad years ago very suddenly and it was not an easy time for me.


  46. Hisgirl4life says:

    I read a beautiful quote this morning by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.” Each day God sees the needs of all of His children. Whether the need is food, shelter, relationship, provision or comfort…God will provide for each need.

    May God’s blessing fall upon person this blog reaches to that you may experience His love in a fresh, new and personal way this day.

  47. InHisHands says:

    So very sorry, Deb, for you loss. Will continue to pray for you and your family as you go through this grieving process.

  48. SFDBWV says:

    I know the rules of the blog do not permit for other web sites, but if Mart wii aloow it… any of you who may want to be able to read newspapers all over the USA and the world, There is a free web site from the Smithsonium Museum titled newseum.org.

    It is realy cool, you can even get the USA Today newspaper from Arlington VA, all free.

    You go to the top of the page and can even click on the web sites of the newspaper themselves and read every printed word from front page to classifieds.

    What you will find out is that there are a great deal of good things going on all around the country. Good people doing good things in their paticular world.

    Of course you get the national news from the wire services everywhere but you also can get a handle on the opinions of others on thoes subjects as well, nearly all papers have an open forum to discuss all topics.

    I think the reputation of the news service like the reputation of Christianity needs a broader look than just in the limits of ones own experiances.

    Afternoon in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia…


  49. poohpity says:

    I thought it was so powerful Mart when you said, “Could some feel “put down” by the Bible that urges us to do things we have already shown our INABILITY to do— like loving those who insult us, keeping the Big Ten, or the “thousands” of fine points of spiritual etiquette? I use to strive so hard to do the things written in the bible and totally yelled out at God, “I can not do all this stuff all the time. I feel like such a failure in my walk with you”. I felt like He said to me “good” now I can begin my work within you. I think the harder we strive the angrier we get and really think we get credit for earning our acceptance. The more we realize the NEED for the Holy Spirit to work within us and how we alone can not achieve God’s perfect design then we are able to show mercy and grace because we fully understand how much we have been shown.

  50. Mart De Haan says:

    Steve, thanks for the newseum.org website. I had tried before to find what you were referring to but couldn’t find. Will try this.

  51. Mart De Haan says:

    Deb, as other friends have already expressed, you are in my/our thoughts in this time of your loss.

  52. scout1 says:


    Deb, I would also like to add my condolences for the loss of your dad. I will be praying for you and your family. I know it can be a difficult time.

    I have a friend who also thinks that the Bible (especially the old testament) is violent and very depressing. But it is hard sometimes to show people all the symbolism that the old testament holds. Also, if you read it carefully you can see some of God personality. We can’t fully grasp all of God, our brains just can’t. But, the things that the Lord has revealed to us through his Word -are amazing.

    Blessed Day,

  53. sbrewster says:

    Poohpity/Deb – Wishing you and your family comfort, strength and love at this time.

  54. offthebeatenpath says:

    The older I get, the more questions I have and the less answers.
    This doesn`t only apply to current events and people`s attitudes and behaviors, but to the Bible also.

    For several years now I have lived alone and isolated and without the usual amenities, including TV.
    The radio reception is very poor too.
    The only christian radio station that comes partially through all the static crunching sound is a recon-calvinist one.
    I try to pick out the good in the programming [and they have some good music] but it is extremely challenging!
    While some folks prefer to pick out primarily “feel good” Bible verses, the pastors and other christian leaders on the station`s roster do much of the reverse.
    Their favorite verses and passages seem to be those relating to god`s anger, wrath, revenge, vengeance, retribution, hell…..
    I have [although unintentionally] allowed this perspective on life to negatively influence me and am aparently unable to stop it.
    Everywhere I read in the Bible, stuff that previously bothered me even though I managed to avoid it or rationalize it, jumps out at me now. To a point where much of what I see in the Bible is the above mentioned anger, wrath, extermination of peoples…..
    For example, psalms which used to be so calming and encouraging to me, now slash at me with imprecatory prayers! Bible reading has become a lot of bad news!
    I wish I could just turn off all the “old tapes” in my head and start over.
    It used to be the “culturally correct tapes”.
    Now I am struggling additionally with “theologically correct tapes”.

    Well, there is one thing this situation is not : boring!

    And the Creator Jesus I know and have walked with for many years, is not the culturally correct or theologically correct one of majority society!


  55. phpatato says:

    Deb please know that I am praying for you and your family. May God comfort you in the coming days and give you His peace. Wish I were there to give you a hug.


  56. poohpity says:

    Even though in physical form you are not here with me I am experiencing your love and God’s peace is surrounding me. I was asked last night to give a 2 minute talk about my dad and my head is saying so many things that are not pleasing to the Lord but I know with help from God I will think about only the good and share those things.

  57. bubbles says:

    Deb, Prayed for you this morning.

  58. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Deb, I pray for you too, that you will find the good things in our dad, Phil 4:8. I hope you will find that quicker then I did, it took me several years. Because your talk will be soon at the funeral. How are your brothers and sisters doing?

  59. poohpity says:

    Thank you guys so much the talk went well and on our way over here the Lord gave my son’s and I Eph 4:29 and that was our code to hold each other accountable. We would look at each other and say 429 and that was all it took. The prayers helped sooo very very much. We leave for home tomorrow. The friends on BTA are my brothers and sisters and I love you all so very much. :-) My blood brother that I have not spoken to since my mom’s death last year, came in today and his heart is so heavy with my dad’s death but I hugged him and he whispered in my ear, “Deb I was just not ready for this so soon”. He was a little stand offish but the door was opened to let him know how much I love him. So hopefully the broken relationship will be healed. Thanks again!!

  60. John Espinosa says:

    I believe we all see the world in a negative light. The news is negative, the politics of the world is negative, wars, killings, gangs, poverty, sadness surrounds us all the time. The Bible has many sad events too, so why then do we want to read the Bible for sadness are we not bombarded enough? While we are negative creatures we do want to have hope in a better future. We want our children to have better lives than we experienced. We want to have prosperity, we want good thing in life, so we look to the Bible to give us that hope. It doesn’t take a genius to see how sad our world is, heck read any daily publication for that; I read the Bible for strength and hope, I don’t need the additional despair in my life. Being reminded how sad life can be in order to contrast that against the good seems unnecessary these days.

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