Got this picture the other day after coming upon a couple of young bucks sparring. Have been trying to think of a reason to post it. It’s a bit small. But you should be able to enlarge the picture by clicking on it.
Remembered it again this morning while thinking about the way the New Testament describes the characteristics of wisdom. According to James, the wisdom that comes from God is pure (in context, free of envy and selfish ambition), peace loving, gentle, willing to yield (for the right reasons), full of mercy and good results, without partiality or hypocrisy (James 3:13-18).
Since white-tail deer bear the signature of our Creator, have been thinking about how their behavior in this picture reflects (by comparison or contrast) the wisdom he offers us.
Any thoughts? If not, thanks for sharing a treasured moment and picture :-)…
P.S. I just posted a second picture of a mature buck that I caught a long shot of in the same area. At one point I saw both of the young bucks looking back into the woods which I remembered when I read Bob (NC)’ comment below about “Some day these young boys will meet “Big Daddy”‘ (click on to enlarge).