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What Are They Trying to Say?

We live in a world of time and space.

Space, I suppose makes sense to us. To be anything at all, everyone and everything needs to be somewhere.

But why time?

With its cycles, seasons, and holidays, could time be reminding us that, even when we are sitting, we are actually in motion, as if we were all being carried along on a great assembly line, and that– like it or not—we cannot stop going and becoming… something… and somewhere…

Like the prophets of the Bible, Time and Space, can be entertaining. The problem has always been what to do with their message (Ezekiel 33:31-32).

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44 Responses to “What Are They Trying to Say?”

  1. bubbles says:

    Sorry to be the first one here. . .
    Psalm 90 reminds us, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

    Selfishly, I long for the time when we are no longer bound by time: when we are in Heaven for eternity.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Kathy, I don’t know why you would appologize for being first to post….I think you did as always very well.

    Ezekiel speaks volumes about God’s displeasure at the shepherds of Israel, as well as is the miracle of scripture, to each one of us indivdualy.

    The chosen people of Israel all throught their existence seems to be the people through whom God demonstrates His blessings and curses depending upon their obedience to His Word or their disobedience.

    The very nature of God shown here through His prophet. The fact that His warnings and declarations fell on deaf ears, that only recognize the message after the calamity God visits upon them occurs.

    Though God spoke through His prophet and said He would scatter Israel all over the heathen world, He also said He would gather them together again, and bring them back to the land Ezk 37:21.

    It is after the gathering of Israel that the further prophesy is given concerning the coming great war and battle to come whereby God Himself will fight for Israel.

    Yes Mart, God created time and space. A stage for which the story of man is played out. Each of us an actor in a role fulfilling a destiny God prepared for us. Yet giving us the power to alter our own course, within His will or outside of His will.

    His prophets giving us a rought draft of events, but the fine details played out over *time*.

    God’s great time piece being this nation or people of Israel, as events fortold concerning them come to pass, we are able to measure time toward the end of the story.

    Time and space is a vast subject, I will enjoy this topic.

    But for now I am out of…time…


  3. dja says:

    Today’s Daily Bread’s ending seems to say what we’re to do with their message. Today’s reading was about following the instructions.

    Lord, help me heed Your every word,
    Commands that I have read or heard;
    As You reveal Your will each day,
    Help me to follow and obey. —Fitzhugh

    We can enjoy reading God’s Word (it’s so beautiful!),but without the Lord working in us, our tendencies would be to do nothing with it. We know His Word its true, but sometimes, when the rubber meets the road, we tremble. At least I do. In fact, I am doing that right now-being anxious about my son who was arrested on Sunday and is in holding for 72 hours. Tomorrow we may be able to see him and find out more. We do know that this is certainly because he has been a companion of fools, and God’s Word is true- that a companion of fools will suffer harm. But my Mother’s heart (and his father’s heart) is trembling that he is in that awful place. Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to him in that awful place, and he will come back to the One he gave his life to as a child. In the meantime, I need to rest in “Be still and know that I am God” -Psalm 46:10

    I know I am new on this blog, but I would ask all my new friends (brothers and sisters) to pray for our son, Sean, and that the Lord would give us wisdom in this situation. Right now, time for me is dragging as we wait for tomorrow, hopefully, see him. But as Solomon said,”There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” And so, for my son and for us, we must wait, not knowing what will come as the result of this, but trusting in our Lord and Savior, Who knows all and is over all.

  4. Mart De Haan says:

    What I forgot to say in the post is that it seems to me that the voice the prophets (whether it be the message of time, or the words of Ezekiel etc) falls flat, and may go unanswered, in part, when we hear the message as being only about what we need to do, rather than hearing within that.. what we need our God to do in us– for his honor and our joy.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    Della, Jesus came especialy for thoes who needed Him the most. Your son is foremost in His mind and I, along with you and your husband will pray for your son.

    It is an awful place to feel what you feel, but it is exactly what God has felt and feels for all his lost children.

    God made a way for mankind to be restored to Him and God will make a way for your son to face it.

    Thank you for giving me an opportunity to pray with you.


  6. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, As you know, every day I empty my heart before God then ask Him to use me, in total concert with His will.

    This was a prayer that my son and I presented to God only a week or so before his life changing accident.

    What I have had to learn is that God will use people who allow for Him to, work His work in us.

    That in so doing we change and are transformed all while His purposes are being done.

    When I think about the prophets, we actually know very little of their lives, other than their moments speaking or acting for God.

    One can only realize that they lived far more *time* apart from thoes moments.

    That what made them special is that God chose them and they obeyed, sometimes even by force as in the story of Jonah.

    Sometimes reluctantly as with Elijah.

    And that sometimes He has prophecy for us as well, personal prophecy.

    God’s prophecies always come true, His word never returns void.


  7. marma says:

    I have heard the phrase “apply the verse to your life” and there is a sense in which we take hold of God’s promises, but sometimes it came across to me as apply like a patch, rather than internalizing the verse.

    The thing is, we do a lot of hearing, but it takes the Spirit of God to really hear the Word as to the practicality of it. And, it takes a lot of time. Sometimes I think I’m on day one of my Christian life, although I became a Christian decades ago.

    I believe it starts (every day/moment) with us opening the door to Jesus and believing Him to give us the bread of life (Rev 3:20).

  8. poohpity says:

    I think that the old saying, “You can not teach an old dog new tricks” is the farthest thing from the journey with Christ. Some folks walk down the same path so long they make ruts in their route and develop a hard heart therefore are not open to anything new nor are they willing to grow or change. Our relationship with Christ and allowing Him to work in us and through us is eye opening, changing and growing never stagnant.

    My understanding of God is limited to two or three dimensions and harnessed by time. There is so much more about this God I love that there is never a dull moment in learning and growing. Just when I think I have an understanding like marma eluded to it goes from being head knowledge to heart knowledge and then I do not fully understand totally yet.

    The areas that I think I need to change and I try so hard to change I often fail. It seems to be when I rest in Him and just follow Him closely He makes those changes slowly sometimes and quicker other times but then it is God who gets the credit and I just sit baffled at how He does it but we are being conformed into His image. The majority of the time it is when we let go of control. Time and circumstances are nothing to God because He does not live surrounded by them. They do not constrain Him like they do us.

    1 Corinthians 13:12 LT In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at His reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see Him in His completeness, face to face. Now all that I know is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now.

  9. poohpity says:

    I believe that some of the prophets of old were allowed to see beyond our space and time but I believe they were not filled with as much garbage as we have in our lives that take the place of God. They may have been entertained at times but they also were frightened at first until their hearts were quieted.

  10. pegramsdell says:

    Speaking of time…..After reading Our Daily Bread – Ezekiel, I was convicted about not witnessing to my family enough. I guess I just got lazy. So today I told them that Jesus loves them and wants them back, and not to wait too long. They have been away too long. And I know time may be running out.

    I also got my new book “The God who loves” and another book I ordered about understanding the parables. Just started reading it. Thanks Mart.

  11. marma says:

    We can be so easily entertained by a good speaker and totally miss the point that we need to deal with what is said, too.

    I like Josiah’s response when the Book of the Law was found and read to him:

    When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes. He gave these orders to Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam son of Shaphan, Acbor son of Micaiah, Shaphan the secretary and Asaiah the king’s attendant: “Go and inquire of the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the LORD’s anger that burns against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us.” II Kings 22:11-13 NIV.

    He responded from the heart (v 19) and that lead to action (tearing his robes–inquiring of God).

    Again, what a wonderful response.

  12. poohpity says:

    I think that even in Ezekiel’s time, by your reference Mart, as Jesus pointed out that what people say with their words are far from what they have in their heart and display in their actions.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    One of the Bible studies I touch on deals with the subject of space and time.

    It is a rather deep study and I have to take it in short stages because it is simply a lot to digest at a setting.

    One of the items of discovery, are the levels of existence…or dimensions, if you would rather call them.

    Speaking in terms of space, the study of the OT reveals 12 levels of existence…12, an interesting number.

    Time or the 4th dimension as it is sometimes refered as, is something that is difficult to wrap our mind around. Yet God exists outside of time and able to be the begining and the end.

    God, able to stand and see all of our time from begining to end, and also able to step in and out of points in time and change or effect events in our time continuum.

    It is recorded in scripture that God once stoped time for Joshua (Joshua 10:13).

    Time is our playing field, not God’s. His existence is measured in eternity.

    Why time, Mart? Because it is part of creation that marks the signature of a creator.

    The more that physicist’s attempt to understand time, the more they realize it is a tangeble property. That not only is felt and sensed but is able to be altered and effected.

    One of the interesting things about space, is how we percieve things to be solid, when in truth they are not.

    Matter being made of of billions of smaller matter with great vast distences between them.

    Though they seem solid to us, they are not.

    Space and time, levels of existence….the realm of God above and beyond them all.

    How can we ever hope to attain such knowledge or wisdom?

    So I bow down to God and surrender all of my worries, all of my whys, all of my tomorrows, all of my hopes, and walk on in my alloted time and space, in blind trust. What else can I do?

    Afternoon thoughts


  14. jjhis says:

    I join others in lifting your family up to the throne of Grace at this time.

    I thank all those again who have prayed for my family in the caregiving for my mom and her homegoing on Aug. 25. Time for me seems to run have run together these past two weeks. How long will it be until I see her again? God only knows. Until then, our hope is in Christ Jesus.
    What are they trying to say? What God has done for us and will do in all who put their trust in His Son. And that there is a fixed time and place for judgment.

  15. BruceC says:


    I too will pray for your son. In my 27 years as a deputy I had to work in the correctional facility the first seven. Only Christ can truly change a person’s heart and thus his way of life and thinking. I pray he is out soon and has learned a lesson from this. God wokrs in mysterious ways at times; just trust Him.


    I beleive you and I listened to the same teacher that spoke about time and dimensions. God din’t create time for Himself; but for His creation. Us, the animals, and the plants. He dwells outside of it and thus can see the beginning from the end. Christ came in the “fulness of time”. In other words at just the precise moment in “our time” that He was supposed.
    Space is an interesting topic and most think of it as “outer” space. But all of us are constrained and in a way controlled by it. Physically, we can only be in one place at one time(there’s time again!). God is all places all at the same moment. There is no place we can elude Him. Interesting thing about space is that when looked at through quantum physics everything appears to be digitalized; with definite spaces between. Almost like a digital TV broadcast.
    Who can ever fully know the mind of God!! He is so awesome!!
    So our time is limited and so is our space; but even so God can use us in our “place and time” fo His purposes.


  16. bubbles says:

    Why does it seem like when there is already way too much to do, that from out of nowhere, something else is thrown into the pot that makes things slow down even more, or come to a halt?

    I have really been angry today at some situations-not people. When one is expected to do TOO much, and then there’s more put on top of that. . . then NOTHING gets done correctly. These things are a requirement–not little pleasantries that can be put off.

    Time feels like an enemy that I fight against from the time I get up until I go to bed. I weary of this fight.

  17. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Mart – As I reflected on “time and space,” a scripture reference came to mind. Eccl. 3:1-8 NKJV, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted (only shared verses 1-2).”

    Was thinking about 9-11-01 yesterday and what I was doing on that day. My life was very different then. At the time, I had a ten year old son; he’s nineteen now. It’s amazing to me how fast time and space can change a person’s life for better or worse. Time and space has changed my whole perspective on certain aspects of my life; I definitely appreciate what I’ve learned from them throughtout the years.

    Was also thinking about how time and space affected the [bad] decision that King David made in 2 Sam. 11:1-5 NIV. Verse 1 says, “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war…David remained in Jerusalem.”

    I’m sure we’re all familiar with the rest of the story. Was Wondering why King David chose to stay at home at the time when Kings would go to war? He obviously allowed himself too much time and space.

    First initial thoughts…


  18. saled says:

    bubbles, I too am weary of the fight. Your comment about nothing getting done correctly reminds me of the many times that I have been told to multitask. It’s my belief that multitasking is a form of violence, especially on oneself.

    Why time? I’ve often wondered. If Jesus died to reconcile the world unto himself, why, 2000 years later are we stuck in time, watching it unfold with all of its joy and all of its sadness. Why not heaven at once, right now? Mart’s comment about time having a message for us leads me to a new way of thinking about it.

    Sometimes I feel the urgency to rush when actually waiting would be better. And sometimes I sit back and let things take their course when it would be better to do something. Maybe Satan uses time as a weapon to deceive us; it’s the sense of passing time that makes me act in my own strength instead of waiting for God’s time. I would be tempted to think of time as part of the curse after the fall of Adam and Eve; however, I realize that time was in existence before they were created.

  19. marma says:

    Regina- It’s odd, isn’t it, how our perspective changes as time passes. In the process, we are going through different things, seeing patterns in what we thought “worked” only to find out we were off base and what we were doing wasn’t working so much.

    I tend to be a future thinker. I anticipate the future, get a vision for it, and think of it as somehow better than now. Usually it isn’t better, but, by God’s grace, I have learned more and that is better.

    I need to be thankful now, because life will change in ways that I can’t anticipate, and I don’t want to look back and say, “I should have appreciated that more.”

    Thank you, Lord, for the blessings that you have sent, that I take for granted, They are there along with the challenges and hard times; I just have become dull in seeing them. Thank you for giving me the imagination that I can look back to now, and see those blessings in a new way.

  20. Regina says:

    bubbles – I don’t think it’s selfish to long for a time when we’re no longer bound by time. As Christians, we all long for an eternity with God, our loving Father, in heaven. Also, I will pray that you will receive strength in the LORD because you said you were weary in your fight with certain situations going on in your life. Sometimes, as believers (born-again), we all get weary while enduring persecution/adversity but that should motivate us to pray for one another so that we “don’t grow weary while doing good” (Gal. 6:9).

    Della – I will also join with you in prayer for your son.

    Steve – What happened to your son? What was his life changing accident?

    Steve & BruceC. – There were certain things that you both said in your comments (2:44 pm/4:09 pm) that brought to mind a portion of a favorite poem that I shared awhile back and want to share again…

    “In Memoriam A.H.H.” (Tennyson)

    Strong Son of God, immortal Love,
    Whom we, that have not seen thy face,
    By faith, and faith alone, embrace,
    Believing where we cannot prove;

    Thine are these orbs of light and shade;
    Thou madest Life in man and brute;
    Thou madest Death; and lo, thy foot
    Is on the skull which thou hast made.

    Thou wilt not leave us in the dust:
    Thou madest man, he knows not why,
    He thinks he was not made to die;
    And thou hast made him: thou art just.

    Thou seemest human and divine,
    The highest, holiest manhood, thou.
    Our wills are ours, we know not how;
    Our wills are ours, to make them thine.

    Our little systems have their day;
    They have their day and cease to be:
    They are but broken lights of thee,
    And thou, O Lord, art more than they.

    We have but faith: we cannot know;
    For knowledge is of things we see;
    And yet we trust it comes from thee,
    A beam in darkness: let it grow.

    Let knowledge grow from more to more,
    But more of reverence in us dwell;
    That mind and soul, according well,
    May make one music as before,

    But vaster. We are fools and slight;
    We mock thee when we do not fear:
    But help thy foolish ones to bear;
    Help thy vain worlds to bear thy light.


  21. Regina says:

    Marma, you said, “I need to be thankful now, because life will change in ways that I can’t anticipate, and I don’t want to look back and say, “I should have appreciated that more.”

    Your comment is so on point! My Pastor preached a sermon on Sunday titled, “Thank God for Small Things.” He referenced Gen. 41:9-16 and *Zech. 4:10a NKJV, “For who has despised the day of small things?”

    He talked about how Joseph did not allow his circumstances and adversity to make him bitter; he had a good attitude and a grateful heart inspite of what he had to endure.

    Very thought-provoking sermon paraphrased, my Pastor admonished us not to allow our circumstances to make us bitter. It was good spiritual nourishment!

    It’s raining outside right now… I love the sound of rain.


  22. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I often wonder why in all the time that has ever existed I was born and live my life now and in this place.
    We can change the place and space we live in, within the bounds of Earth, but we cannot change the time we live in.

    Off topic, I have got myself in a mess, both finacially and in other ways.
    Looks like I might have to sign on the doll again, just to get state help with my rent etc.
    I am trying to rely only on Jesus, but am finding it so hard on my own and need more fellowship with God’s people.
    My little motor bike is broke and I am walking everywhere.
    Please Please Lord, come into my heart and life and take away the pain and hurt.

  23. BruceC says:


    I will keep you in prayer friend. Been there, done that. We are on a limited small income. As prices go up we are even more limited. Were it not for the grace and goodness of God I would truly be disturbed; and lost.
    Never had a real good paying job in my entire life but have had difficult times financially on many ocassions.
    But we still have food in our stomach, clothes on our back, and a roof overhead. Praise be to God! Don’t worry about getting public help. It’s there fo those who need it. It’s not like your lazy, your just need a little help at this time. Again; I will pray.


  24. SFDBWV says:

    Regina, When Matthew was 21 (June 99) he suffered tramatic brain injury from an automobile accident. He suffers daily many issues, but he also is a blessing to all who take the time to meet him.

    I also looked up an old familiar poem about time, I will only quote a part of it.

    “Time, you old gipsy man,
    Will you not stay,
    Put up your caravan
    Just for one day.”

    Author,Ralph Hodgson

    Bruce, Yes I enjoy the Misslers, however I have to take his teaching slowly as it seems to be too much too fast. Whereas RBC is more laid back and a softer diet.

    Bob, You are daily in our prayers.


  25. SFDBWV says:

    The blog was unavailable for a while, I thought that Mart was putting up something about this evening being Rosh Hashanah….O well, it feels like there is a change in the air today. Time to begin a new year, time to reflect on the last one.


  26. marma says:

    Bob, you are in my prayers, too. Praying that God will show Himself to you in your circumstance.

    Was reading in Streams in the Desert today how we are enlarged in our distress. (Psalm 4:1) Praying that for you.

    Regina–your observation about rain reminded me of when I first read Matt 5:45 as a young Christian and I thought of rain as being a bad thing (can’t play when it is raining outside).

    A little while later I found out (in a Bible class)that rain is meant as a good thing in that verse.

    As I grew older I realized the value of rain for gardens, cleaning the air, supplying a wash for the birds and water for all creatures. When our well died, (for a while) we were dependent on rain for our water needs.

    My perspective as a child greatly changed as I grew older. Time and experience often shows the practical reality of what Scripture teaches.

  27. foreverblessed says:

    Was that the problem, I had typed a comment, this time not copied, and it was gone.
    It was about the fact, that these weeks my friend, who suddenly had lost her husband, is now in our country. She visits me every week now. And we sing together, and pray together, and then such a peace falls down from above. It seems as if time stands still, and everything is well.
    Jesus is always there with us, but we have to focus on Him.
    And my friend is especially focussed on Jesus now in her distress, and I am blessed with her.

  28. foreverblessed says:

    Bob, I will be praying for you! My son just bought a little motor bike, and as a mother, I am hesitant about it.
    Walking is much better, though slower. It gives a different realisation of time.
    And I am praying for Sean, the son of Della!
    Hang in there, or rather rest in the arms of God. His arms under you.
    (thanks again for the poem Regina, it takes time to get the message)

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed, Isn’t it a wonderful blessing when we spend time comforting others. Just listening or allowing for them to cry, scream or as with Job’s friends…Just set and be silent.

    Isn’t it also a blessing when we come before the Lord in praise, by singing or however it is each of us do. Not only peaceful but it is in thoes moments that miracles happen, and we can feel God’s love.

    Giving up that one commodity which can never be recovered, Time, for the comfort,need, and prayer, especialy for another.


  30. poohpity says:

    I come to you this morning to help us learn from the prophets who put their total faith in you and tried time after time to get us to put you first in our life. Not to trust in money, physical strength or the things we can touch in this present world but to put our hope in you. Help us not take credit for the knowledge we think we have about so many things we know nothing about but do not listen to things that are so plain that we fail to follow. Help us to let the consequences of behavior be served so we can learn to not repeat the same mistakes over again. Help us to be thankful for the bag of beans or rice we have and not desire steak when we can not afford it. Help our words and actions become one with our faith and to be open to your leading to let our words be a soothing balm. Help us to be open to hear from you and the patience to wait on the answers before we react to any situation. Thank you so very much for giving us what we NEED for this day, food, clothing, housing, and most of all for being there always for us to depend on because you alone are our provider. Thank you for the grace that you have shown us undeserving as we are. Help us to understand what the prophets are telling us and thank you that it is you who works through us to accomplish your will. Help us not be full of any pride except for the pride of our weakness. Protect us today from those things that will take away our joy and our reliance on you. Thank you for this day so that we may learn more about you and learn to trust you more and more with our whole lives. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

  31. SFDBWV says:

    Amen, Deborah….


  32. davids says:

    Della, I too was very fallen as a young man. I realized the costs of my behavior and changed. It was only many years later that I turned to the Lord. Man’s justice can also help us to see the error of our ways, however painfully.

    Steve in Cornwall, I feel for you brother. I have been at my wit’s end, wondering how to make it through. Even now, I thank God for his daily provision, which always seems to be enough.

  33. davids says:

    Mart, in fact we have now learned that we are not only moving through time, but also through space at an incredible speed. Not only that, we have learned that there are more dimensions to this universe then the three or four that we perceive.

    What this tells me is that Creation is much more complex than we can possibly understand, and that in God there is much that I can not hope to comprehend.

    In the days, months, and seasons there is purpose. In the universe there is purpose. Scientists and mathematicians will continue to learn more about Creation, but in the end we can not fully understand the purpose. We can only leave that in God’s hands.

  34. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon All

    I second Steve’s comment, Pooh! Thank you for praying such a beautiful prayer over us.

    Bob – I hurt with you, friend. I want to share a Bible verse with you… Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28 NLT). I will remember you in prayer today.

    Marma – You said, “It’s odd, isn’t it, how our perspective changes as time passes.”
    I think God meant for it to happen that way. We’re blessed when we have the opportunity to walk with Him through the various stages of life. It’s a blessing and a sign of growth when we realize that God is walking with us and holding our hand as we journey through life. He’s a constant companion whether we’re on a mountain top (a season of plenty) or in a valley of dry bones (a season of lack). He promised us that He would not leave us alone. A Bible passage comes to mind…

    Psalm 139:1-16 NLT [I shared verses 1-10 in this blog]
    1) O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2) You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
    3) You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. 4) You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. 5) You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. 6) Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! 7) I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! 8) If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. 9) If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10) even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.

    Steve – Thanks for sharing info. on your son, Matt’s, tragic accident. May the LORD bless him and keep him (Num. 6:24-26). Also, I love the poem on time that you shared with us.

    You’re welcome, foreverblessed! I LOVE the first part of that poem (In Memoriam).


  35. dja says:

    A number of well-intentioned people said that we should not post bail for out son, that he need the time to see what he had done. He was in holding for 72 hours (although that meant being in a cell with 2 other men in a very packed prison), and it was so difficult to get any information. My husband and I, along with so many here on this blog (thank you, Steve, Regina, Bruce, jjhis, foreverblessed, Davids and others for your prayers)and in our church have been using our time calling out to our Father. We came to the conclusion that mercy triumps over judgement. Romans 5:8 says: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    Although we are risking alot financially (being retired, we are on a fixed income), my husband posted bail and brought Sean home this afternoon. After he showered and dressed, he came downstairs and we sat in the living room to talk. Our son is so sorry for what he has done, and said that he remembered the words “A companion of fools suffers harm” when he was arrested. Although he is 32, he has agreed to stay at home and not be with his “friends”. He was so thankful that we took him out of a very awful place. However, it is possible that he may have to go back once he goes to court.
    We believe he is so very ashamed of this and for the shame he has caused his family. We live in a small village where this kind of “news” is all the talk at the post office. It of course was in the local newspaper. But after feeling so humiliated when I read the account, the Lord brought to my mind what horrible pain and humiliation He suffered for me. That certainly brought it all into perspective.
    We still have much to work through, but we have a very sorry and grateful son, who is home, but needs to be right with the Lord. Tonight we will invite him to join us in our devotions. We pray that he will be open to that.
    Thank you again for your prayers and I ask that you would continue to pray for a good resolution. I’m concerned that being in that awful place might harden him, but I need to trust my Father.

  36. dja says:

    Bob, please know that I am praying for you. May the Lord strengthen you and encourage your heart this day.

  37. poohpity says:

    Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, 12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. My parents always bailed me out of problems and I did not learn until the day they said no more and I had to suffer the consequences of my choices the best mercy they could have given me which lead me finally to the arms of the Lord. I pray that it is different for your family, Della.

  38. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    dja, compared to what is happening in your life my problems are very small ones.
    I pray for your son and that this will be the turning point in his life.
    I have just read a book by Heather Double of Good News Crusade called “Ouch That Hurt” Sadly Heather is no longer with us, but this is an amazing book on how to deal with hurts etc.
    I only got the book on Sunday and have now finished it, but as soon as I opened it I started to get emotionally hurt at work etc.
    As I read the book I was able to use my current situation to actually put it’s content into practice and received great peace and joy while walking home tonight.
    Thank you all for your prayers, they really do work and are felt even as far away as Cornwall.

    God is Good, ALWAYS


  39. SFDBWV says:

    Della, and all, I am going to tell about a movie I seen many years ago. I don’t recall the name or the actors, but the part I remember is what for some reason stayed with me.

    It was about an upper middle class family in Egypt, a couple thousand years ago. The man and his wife were unable to have children so they adopted a little boy and raised him up in love, with all the advantages of Egyptian education and learning could provde, at the time

    The young man become a physician, to the joy and pride of his parents.

    But soon, the young man was drawn into an affair with a woman who used her seductive power to drain the young man of all his money including all the resorces of his loving parents.

    He had made a wreck of his life because of his lust for this evil woman. She didn’t care, once he was ruined she simply moved on to another victum.

    The young mans parents had given him all they could to the point of commiting suicide, as they had nothing left.

    The young man now at the bottom of his life, broken hearted, broken in spirit, become a wandering soul looking for purpose and reason to live…

    Through a series of events this young doctor became the traveling companion of another wandering soul.

    The difference being that his new wandering companion was on a journey of purpose and needed someone to help him write down the events in his life, and care for his medical needs and the medical needs of thoes they came into contact with…

    Yes the young doctor from Egypt became the man we have come to know of as *Luke* the traveling companion of Paul.

    God had taken the tragic life of a foolish youn man and turned him into a great tool for His purpose.

    I know, it was just a story, but I liked it and wanted to remind you that God can turn the darkest night into the brightest day…..it sometimes takes time, a lifetime.


  40. pegramsdell says:

    Steve, that movie sounds good, I would like to see it.

  41. dja says:

    Thank you, Steve, for recalling this beautiful story about Luke and Paul. It was an encouragement for me to read this. I know that the end of this story that we are living in is the Lord’s wonderful plan for our son and for us. It’s hard to be in the drama of today-I always want to be in the “happy ending” part, being raised in the time of Ozzie and Harriet and the Father Knows Best shows where problems were small and families worked together.
    Pooh, although we have never bailed our son out before, we have always tried to be there for him. He knows this, and we felt that taking him out of this horrible place (realizing, of course, that he will probably have to return) that this would give us an opportunity to show him the love of Christ and, perhaps, prepare him for what may come. Please continue to pray for the Spirit of God to remember to him the Scriptures he knew as a child and remember to him the love he had for Jesus before he started down the road he is on. Thank you for your prayers.

    Bob, thank you for your prayers. I continue to pray for you in your situation. Our trials may be different, Bob, but pain is pain and we all need to uphold one another. I know that I love the Lord and believe in His precious promises, but I am made of flesh and so I tremble, especially when it concerns my children. So,I need, like you in your situation, to hold onto the One Who gave His life for me. And only by His grace can I do that. What an amazing Savior!

    It’s chilly in PA today. Fall is coming quickly, it seems. But that too is in God’s great plan.

  42. poohpity says:

    Della, I have always believed that once you are the Lord’s you will always be His and when one strays He will come looking for His own. That is the best comfort there is.

  43. dja says:

    Amen, Pooh, Amen. I have always believed the same. Thank you for your encouragement.

  44. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Della, Thanks for your prayers and thoughts, I have no children to tremble for but I do get anxious about lots of things, mainly money and the lack of it.

    Steve, Thanks for telling about that film.
    I have just read a reading about Abrahams journey with God and how we have to trust Him when He wants to move us on from A to B and we don’t know where we are heading or see a clear path in the future but know the outcome will be good.


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