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Yom Kippur and the Calendar of God

Back in Jerusalem to tape a series of Day of Discovery Bible Lands programs, we arrived just in time for Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), one of the most solemn holy days of the Jewish calendar.

During the 25 hours of fasting, prayers, and confession, the streets of Jerusalem were eerily quiet. Even secular people are inclined to attend synagogue for prayers on this Sabbath of Sabbaths.

In ancient times, when the Temple of Israel stood on the raised plaza area now occupied by the Muslim Dome of the Rock, the high priest would, on this day, go into the Holy of Holies to sprinkle the blood of prescribed sacrifice on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant—for the sins of the whole nation.

Yesterday, at the Western Wall base of the Temple Mount retaining wall, observant Jewish men and women (in separate sections) met for prayers, confession, and song.

On an overlook of the Western Wall plaza I found myself thinking once again how the death of Jesus, his burial, resurrection, and sending of his Spirit had occurred on the first four feasts prescribed by Moses in Leviticus 23.

It’s hard for me to believe that the last 3 Fall Feasts (including Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Tabernacles), do not await their own Messianic fulfillment at a moment unknown to us, but eternally marked on the calendar of God.

PS Single-click on pictures should enlarge them. Open area at bottom of picture at left is a recent archeological dig exposing pavement of a Roman road.

Am going to add a couple more pictures.These first two resonate with my feeling of being in a twilight zone here in a land, set apart, to tell the story of God– for all people.

Surely, human decency and honest concern for both Israel and the Palestinians would lead us to wish for them the kind of security that we want for our own family and neighbors. But I have a hunch that Israel’s “chosen people” status may make real peace hard to find for as many as define their religion by a rejection of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection for all of us.

Oh, and on a lesser note. I’ve shown pictures before of the cats of Jerusalem that are all over the place– on rat patrol– but I’ve never before seen stray dogs in the streets– until Yom Kippur. While this one looks like an abused pup, I saw a couple of others that looked and acted like small wolf mixes. Probably weren’t but they seemed to be taking the empty streets as a chance to come out in the open. When I tried to get a picture, the others slunk off. (Our guide just told me tonight about a wild dog of the Judaean wilderness that looks like a small German Shepherd. Am going to try and find some pics tomorrow to see if that’s what I saw :-)… Won’t top his story though. He lives on the western slope of Mt Carmel in the north and sees wild bore and jackals in his back yard.

OK, one more. These three, sitting on steps next to the Western Wall caught my attention. One may be confessing his sins in the spirit of the day, or sleeping. The other two may be there just to remind us that only God knows what is in our hearts…

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68 Responses to “Yom Kippur and the Calendar of God”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, thank you once again for taking us who are not able to go, on your trips and visits.

    Like every Good Friday I am always expecting something extraordinary on these, Holy days.


  2. annalisa says:

    I have to agree…some days your words of thought are illustratively illuminating but imaging in my minds eye vs these visuals wouldn’t pack the same punch! Thank you for sharing them. I wish I could go there on day.

  3. InHisHands says:

    Good morning,

    Thank you, from me too! I agree with Steve – your pictures and films carry me where I have never been nor think I will get a chance to go. To see the streets of Jerusalem and walk where our Saviour walked, even in pictures, is such a blessing.

    This holy time may be set aside for the Jewish nation, but we Christians can also be blessed through a time of reflection, confession, and prayer. Thank you again, Mart.

  4. marma says:

    Thank you, too, Mart for bringing the land of Israel home to us. I hope that someday, the Lord willing, I can visit this land. In the meantime, I’m grateful for what you all at RBC and other ministries do to bring the Word of God and the land together to help us gain a better understanding of both, and of ourselves.

    I have recently become more interested in the feasts, what they represent, and how God timed those events in the New Testament to coincide with those feasts.

    I wonder if in some future time events associated with the Lord’s return will be associated with God’s feasts, as a sign for Israel and to the glory of God.

    It may not be for us to know the times and seasons, now, but we certainly can praise the Lord for His perfect timing in all things, including the details of our lives.

  5. poohpity says:

    I am so thankful that although we can misunderstand each other in so many ways that God knows our hearts and is the only one that can come to an honest estimate of what is seen and felt there in those secret places. In some ways that is scary for me but in others it is more reason to praise Him because he knows our hearts yet continues to love us enough to never give up on us. Very freeing, isn’t it?

    In church this morning I learned some new facts about that area where the Dome of the Rock now sits and how Jesus predicted the final ruin of the temple in the first century mentioned in Mark 13. The complete destruction of all that Israel knew and held to, to a change in where, how, and by whom the Lord would be worshiped. Also to watch so that we may not be deceived.

  6. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Thanks for sharing such nice pictures, Mart. Never would have thought that there would be stray dogs and cats in the Holy Land. I guess my mind never went there because I’ve never been there.

    Interesting that the Holy Land has the same issue as the U.S. of too many stray cats and dogs. The overlook of the Western Wall Plaza is beautiful. It’s ironic that the Holy Land seems so peaceful yet there’s so much unrest and insecurity surrounding that area.

    For me, the last picture was the most intriguing. Three men quietly sitting on steps and (like you said) only God knows what they’re thinking. Two of the men are wearing shoes that are worn in the U.S. (crocs and flip flops). Wondering why one guy decided to sit in a chair (also has a chair for his hat) and not on the steps. Also wondering why they’re not talking (though they may have already conversed and decided to sit quietly again).

    Don’t think I could sit that closely to someone (in a city like Jerusalem; with nothing to do except sit) and not say anything, unless my mind was heavy with thought and serious contemplation. Would probably share my thoughts with the stranger. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger than to people you know.

    It’s a beautiful day in Texas.

    First initial thoughts…


  7. Regina says:

    Had another thought regarding those three guys. Like Mart said, one guy is obviously praying or asleep so we know why he’s not saying anything. But the other two… Two men and not a man and a woman… I understand why a man (sitting near the Western Wall in Jerusalem) would probably not talk to a woman he didn’t know. But curious about the two quiet men…

  8. scout1 says:


    I also am very blessed by the DOD shows. I love learning and seeing so much of the Holy Land that I will never get a chance to visit. Thank you for sharing.

    Mart, when you spoke of being in Jerusalem at the same time of Yom Kippur, did you go attend synagogue services as well? If so, what did you experience? Is there anything else you could share with us during that time you were there?

    Thank you.

  9. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    God laid out the patern of feasts and holy days long ago so that He could show us the meaning of Messiah and all that Jesus is.
    I am sure it will be a full 49/50th jubilee year when Jesus returns and will be a great day of celebration.
    I am sure the streets of Jerusalem will be packed on that day and I look forward to my first visit to see the city of my King.


  10. Mart De Haan says:

    Lynda, no we did not attend synagogue services. The only time we’ve attended was on a Purim celebration in Jerusalem’s Great Synagogue. We were given permission to video their reading of the story of Esther with all of the loud boos and rattling when Haman’s name was mentioned etc.

  11. scout1 says:

    Thanks Mart. I’m sure that video would be interesting to see. With the day of prayers for forgiveness so many hours, do they recite some written ones over and over? I guess if that was the case, could that be related back to the previous subject of “Beating-up oneself”. I mean no disrespect to the holy day -I was just trying to put myself in their shoes and thinking about what I would feel and think.
    Just some thoughts . . .:)

    P.s. I didn’t know that they did sounds like that during the reading of those passages -thanks for sharing.

  12. SFDBWV says:

    I went to Jimmy DeYoung’s web site to see what else I could learn of the scene in Israel during Yom Kippur, I read an interesting news story from an Israeli news service.

    What struck me was how the nation literly shut down during the holiday. Even though as a whole it is considered an atheistic society.

    It reminded me of America in that I remember when Christmas and Easter was such a holiday. When every business was closed and people took the time to be with family, regardless of their faith or lack of it.

    However, this current president says we are no longer a Christian nation….

    The celebration of both Christmas and Easter has been perverted to be a comercial event and our schools and public places can no longer refer to them as anything except the holiday seasons.

    Thanksgiving has just become a football event and not remembered as an opportunity to give thanks for our plenty.

    Sabotage I would suppose is what has happened to our Christian Holy days, as the nation goes.

    I would suppose in Israel, it is the same. Some people using the time off to party or rest while others use it as a time to remember their roots as a people and as a nation…and perhaps remember who they are.


  13. scout1 says:

    Hi Steve – I always like reading your posts. But when I saw what you wrote -“However, this current president says we are no longer a Christian nation….” I thought of that very famous saying that Mothers around the country love: “I know honey, but just because they call you that, it doesn’t make you one!” :)

    I keep our country in my prayers. I so pray the Lords’ grace and mercy that what the president called us will not be true!

    Have a great day.

  14. poohpity says:

    Mart, When watching your DOD program and you mentioned above about the concern between the Jews and Palestinians. I was wondering if being the chosen people that requires more responsibility at keeping the peace like Luke recorded Jesus saying, “to whom much is given much will be demanded” Luke 12:48. After the birth of Jesus which all people will be blessed because He came from the line but aren’t those who accepted Him born into an adoption. As the Jews failed in some areas as being a light to the nations around them do we not also mess up in that area as well by our prejudices in taking sides in those conflicts?

  15. poohpity says:

    Was also wondering as seen in the program the realization of what Paul said in Gal 3:27-29 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. So no people group is excluded from the promise although some may feel superior to others which seems to be why the conflicts occur.

  16. kf says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful meditation on Yom Kippur and the pictures that complement the study. As I grow older in Christ, those high and holy days take on new and beautiful meaning. There is no end to the depths of meaning in God’s word and the patterns and purpose He laid down for His people.

  17. foreverblessed says:

    Mart wrote:
    “It’s hard for me to believe that the last 3 Fall Feasts (including Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Tabernacles), do not await their own Messianic fulfillment at a moment unknown to us, but eternally marked on the calendar of God.”

    Hosh Roasanna is that the :
    Feast of Trumpets
    Leviticus 23 v23 The LORD said to Moses, 24 “Say to the Israelites: ‘On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. 25 Do no regular work, but present an offering made to the LORD by fire.’ ”

    A feast with Trumpet blasts

    And Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:16
    For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

  18. foreverblessed says:

    The main thing is that we have Jesus in our hearts, not that we keep days, Christmas, or Hosh Rosannah
    Colossians 1:
    26the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. 27To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

    Also in Colossians 2:16-17
    16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

    So the feasts are the shadow, the reality is Christ. That we have Jesus Christ as Lord in our hearts.

  19. davids says:

    Mart, the DOD videos have been such a great inspiration and learning resource for me. I always loved the ones when you and Jimmy traveled the Holy Land. The current series withe the Jewish and Palestinian pastors is truly great.

    While I suspect that what you write about the jewish feasts is true, it is not supported by scripture, only by those that look to signs. Therefore I would not teach it.

    Steve, I think it would be better if this blog were not used to promote political viewpoints. Since you brought it up, I will offer a correction. His prepared speech to a “Call to Renewal” conference sponsored by the progressive Christian magazine Sojourners were:
    “Given the increasing diversity of America’s population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater. Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”

    This is a statement of fact, not religous preference. Unfortunately, when delivering the speech, he actually said:
    “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”

  20. saled says:

    What might the fulfillment of the last three fall feasts be? I googled Rosh Hashana and found it contained the idea of introspection, Yom Kippur atonement, and Tabernacles a harvest celebration along with the dwelling in flimsy booths as a remembrance of the past. What might be the fulfillment of these three?

    I find myself agreeing with both kf(there is no end to the depth of meaning in God’s word) and foreverblessed(the feasts are a shadow, the reality is Christ). These two statements seem to be at odds, but maybe not. The feasts carry much meaning for us, but even that is just a shadow when compared to the riches we have in Jesus.

  21. poohpity says:

    The Festivals are listed in Leviticus 23

    Yom Kippur– Day of Atonement–Lev 23:26-32–Restored fellowship with God

    Rosh Hashana–Festival of Trumpets–Lev 23:23-25–Expressed joy and thanksgiving to God (civil New Year)

    Tabernacles–Lev 23:33-43–Renewed Israel’s commitment to God and trust in His guidance and protection

  22. marma says:

    Thanks for sharing about the Feast days, poohpity. I haven’t had time to look them up. Just hearing the meanings behind those days is a blessing. Remembering the faithfulness, goodness, and joy of the Lord is always a good idea!

    I already said earlier that we are not told the times or seasons (word study needed on those, I guess). However, our resurrection is going to be full of expressed joy, and when the remnant of Israel turns back to God, what a day that will be. And the millennium will be the living out of a commitment to God and trust in His guidance and protection.

    So, in a way, all the feasts will be “fulfilled” won’t they? I’ve heard some jews who are believers in Jesus talk about Jesus returning on one of the Feast days, but I think that they would agree that any day would be great.

  23. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    The wind is in from Africa, as the song says, Very warm night here 16C(60f)and I have been awake since 3am listening to the sea lapping on the beach and reading all the comments here. Seems idilic but winter is only a short time away and today is officialy the first day of autumn.
    Thinking about time and seasons and how all these feasts and holy days mark out the year and the passing of time.
    Seems there is a time for weeping and mourning and for the remembrance of sin as in Yom Kippur.
    Then a time of celebration and Joy as in Rosh Hashana, the Festival of Trumpets.
    And then a time of trusting in God and reflecting on and in His love as in the festval of the tabernacles or booths.
    “His banner over me is Love.”
    The whole year is mapped out almost like our life is mapped out from our realization of sin and the need of salvation to the joy and peace of resting in Him.
    To me today it saying we must not sit about in one place and time, but must move on in Jesus from death to new life and except everything He has to offer us in it’s season.


    ps. Often DOD (Day of Discovery) is mentioned here and as far as I can see it is a tv channel only available in the US and Canada. are there any plans to put it on the net?

  24. ygp says:

    Mart, thanks for “taking me” to the Holy Land. The word “the Calendar of God” mitigates my anxiety in facing tomorrow. “The Calendar of God” reminds me that He knows whatever is happening in this country and in other parts of the world as well. It is in the Calendar of God that: The nations have scattered the Israelites in foreign countries and divide up My land (Joel 3:2). It is in the Calendar of God that :”from generation to generation, people are: looking they do not see, and hearing they do not listen or understand ( Mat 13:14); You will be hated by all nations because of My name ( Matthew 24:9)”. And I am waiting eagerly for another moment in the Calendar of God: where the wolf and the lamb will feed together….. on the Holy Mountain of the Lord ( Is 65:25).Steve, thank you for reminding me to pray for this country. God gives power the most to this country, if the people/ leaders in this nation turn away their heart from Him, and God will turn away from us, then the evil will take over the power. This also is in the Calendar of our eternal God.
    When my husband and I heard in the news of what Obama said regarding this country, we felt discouraged. We prayed for this nation, and then we forget to do so after a while. My husband came from a Buddhist country, while I came from a Muslim country. We felt the hardship to live as minority Christian .In our Church back in Indonesia, we used to have prayer meeting every morning from 6 to 7 am, we prayed for the country and the nation. We asked for His mercy and protection upon us, and to fill our hearts with His love, that it will overflow to the people around us, And of course many other endless petitions.
    Poophity, thank you for sharing your knowledge and the scripture regarding the 3 Fall Feast. I remember a pastor taught us in a Sunday School that we attended, that atonement means “at one-ment” . It is “at-one-ment” between God and us through Jesus Christ.
    In His love.

  25. davids says:

    Bob in Cornwall,

    Go to dod[dot]org. There must be a hundred videos there that RBC Ministries has graciously made available to view online. Enjoy that African breeze – in Belgium we’re down to about 8°C overnight.


  26. foreverblessed says:

    So Bob, someone else in our timezone!

    It is interesting that Pooh does not put the Festivals in the chronological order
    The way she put it, seems logical to our intimite relation with out GOd.
    But God put them in another order:
    first the Rosh Hosanna,
    then Atonement
    then Tabernacles

    These festivals must have a meaning in the events that are going to happen to this whole earth:
    Just as the Spring festivals did occur on the day itself, Jesus, the Lamb being crucified on the 14th of Nissan, Leviticus 23:5, Luke 22:1, 23:53-54 and buried just before the 15th of Nissan, the Great Sabbath Day. (Festiavals were called Sabbath days, did not have to fall on the 7th day)
    Jesus, after the resurrection, presenting Himself in heaven Lev 23:10-23
    And the Holy Spirit coming down on the disciples on the day of Penticost. Lev 23:15-22

    We are not saved by these days, but I agree with Mart, it is Gods calendar.
    So if the Holy Spirit did come on the day of Penticost, why would Jesus, the Lamb and the Lion, not come on the day of Trumpets, by the sound of Trumpet blasts?
    We only do not know in which year that will be.

  27. BruceC says:

    Sorry I haven’t been around the last few days.
    I think I have the flu. I have had a fever since Saturday night and aches and pains. (Like I had a head-on accident with a big truck)
    The wife went to a funeral for a dear sister in Christ Monday mornimg. We have known her; Diana, and her husband Danny for over 25 years. I could not make it. Please keep Danny and his family in your prayers. My wife said that a couple of people told her the flu has started to go around and our pharmacist confirmed it.
    Please pray for me also as the flu plus my COPD and bad arthritis is not good. Sometimes I hurt in places I didn’t know existed!
    Love ya all!


  28. foreverblessed says:

    Knowing the meaning of these days does not mean a thing if we do not have the Love of Jesus in our hearts.
    Knowledge does puff up, so with great care it is we can study these things, being sure that we are rooted in the love of Jesus.
    So talking about the day of Trumpets, it is interesting to read in Revelation speaking of the seven angels with Trumpets, Rev 8:6.
    And in Rev 11:15-19 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there was a loud voice in heaven, which said:
    The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever.

    W.F. Handel wrote a beautiful song about this in his oratorium: the Messiah.
    We do not know when these things will happen, but we can sing this song and say:
    v17: We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign (in my heart).
    so the feast of Trumpets has already happened to me, and all of us who have accepted Jesus as Lord in our hearts.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Christianity, is an offshoot of Judaism. The festivals mentioned, the very fact that Mart is in Israel is because these events are part and participal of Christian roots and future.

    Israel is seen as synonymous with Judaism. An Israeli is most often seen as being Jewish whether they are practicing the faith of Judaism or not, they are by birth connected to all the things that make them Hebrew.Which is why they are hated by her neighbors.

    The festivals they celebrate as holidays are more than just dates on a calander. They are the life of who they are as a people.

    To we Christians and even to the unbelieving world they are world events, personal events, and spiritual events, with prophetic undertones for all people everywhere.

    The USA is a nation that was founded on the principals of the Judeo-Christian faith. It has grown and prospered because of this base.

    We, it’s citizens have always been seen as being synonymous with Christianity. Even though we have always had a diverse population of other religions, we have been recognised as Christian.

    With the exception of the African slaves that were forceably brought here, all peoples who came to the USA did so in order to be able to enjoy the freedoms that our way of life has offered. Our success being because we are a Christian nation, and our way of life based upon these Judeo-Christian beliefs and teachings.

    Just as we read in a Hebrew book called Joshua, we people everywhere have a choice, from whatever nation we now reside in we have a choice…to serve the Lord or not.

    The results being either blessings or cursings, as a matter of our own choosing.

    It is because I believe this, that I am offended when a person who is the representative of of this my country, states that we are “No longer a Christian nation”.

    I don’t expect you people of other countries to understand how offensive that this is to me, to my spirit. Or how sad it makes me feel to know that the results of serving other gods will only bring disaster to this my beloved country.

    The festivals in Israel are both religious and political events, because the politics of a people are how they act upon their religious beliefs, they cannot be seperated.

    As in the celebrations they enjoy look at how God has delivered them in times past, and will in times to come again, we find we are united with them in that same belief.


  30. foreverblessed says:

    BruceC, sorry to hear about Daniel, and about your frail health, you are in my prayers.

    Steve, I am very sorry for you and your country. My country once was a christian country too. And they have been blessed because of that. But instead of being a humble servant country they became full of pride. And relied on their own strength and wealth, and used their power to do the things that would benefit their own country more then others. A power play for their own good above that of others.
    As Christ said: He who is greatest is the servant of all. Tha is exactly what we did not do.
    And the same thing happened to Great Britain. But Bob in Cornwall has talked about that already.
    Just as God allowed other nations, with other gods to make life hard in the old testament times of Israel, He does the same now.
    We need the Yom Kippur to weap and wail about our pride, and repent of it and be At-One with God again- Day of At-one-ment.

  31. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry, we do not need the day fo Yom Kippur itself, but the spirit which it stands for, repentance and being humbled. And that is only through the redemption we have in Jesus Christ.

  32. InHisHands says:

    Good Morning all BTA friends.

    BruceC; Will be praying for Danny and family. The time of physical loss of a loved one is so difficult. I just can not imagine how people without Jesus get through. Am praying for the love, joy and peace of God to wrap around Danny as he moves through this time.

    Steve; AMEN, I do not know what I can add to what you said – I am heart-broken as I watch the minority take over and the ‘silent majority’ have to accept the new laws being pushed through that blatantly go against what God has commanded for a nation. My only comfort is the knowledge that God is never surprised by these actions and they have a purpose for His stories completion and Jesus’ soon return.

    Being ‘politically correct’ is causing many to ‘keep quiet’, when we should speak up. We are not to offend HIS little ones – I don’t read that we should allow others to offen HIS little ones either. Many wise Pastor’s have quoted, “He who stands for nothing, will fall for anything.” We must be read up and prayed up and get on the ball and share up the Word of God right where we are.
    (sorry, my thoughts seem rambling, but they made sense to me.) BE BLESSED!!!

  33. ttl7praz says:

    I too am heart-broken when I read about people referring to one group as “minority” and another as the “silent majority” when in no subtle terms expressing their personal political views in a blog which is meant to encourage and strenghten and uplift ALL people. I agree with Dave, leave your political views at home, especially when they carry such strong racial overtones. I enjoy reading this blog when I can and do not want to see it turn into a sounding post for disgruntled “Americans” who are not happy with the election of a bi-racial president. And to bring God into your own personal (in what seems to me to be very racist) thinking and opinions is not the kind of “blessing” that anyone, minority, majority or any other kind of “ority” can benefit from. God loves ALL and is for ALL! This I know cuz the bible tells me so!

  34. poohpity says:

    I believe the festivals were to celebrate what the Lord had done for Israel in the past not future events although the final Atonement was Jesus Christ. They were done for remembrances in the fall.

    The Festival of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana) A day of worship and remembrance the trumpets were blown for Joy to the Lord.

    The day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was for the purpose of this group of people to remember their sin and offer sacrifices which after Jesus offered the final sacrifice. I believe Mart was speaking of those Jews who still do not believe that the Messiah has come.

    The Festival of Tabernacles were celebrated as a reminder of God’s provision through the wilderness after their escape from Egypt.

    What were the first four feasts done in the spring that were a for taste of what happened to Jesus?

  35. poohpity says:

    Thank you, foreverblessed for the correction about the order of the fall festivals, it keeps me on my toes.

  36. scout1 says:

    Hi ttl7praz:

    I just read your post and I wanted to know exactly what “political overtones?” I read all the post here and can’t figure out what you mean? I didn’t see anything written about -“disgruntled “Americans” who are not happy with the election of a bi-racial president.” I only saw those words on your post.

    I did like what you said about God loving everyone! The Bible does tell us that is so! In all the stories of the old Testament -the truth is- not everyone loves God. And in those same stories, God is very displeased with those people and does not pour out His blessing upon them. I think that is what I have been reading here and in the Bible as well. When anyone (or country) does not have God’s blessing -we are not going to be in His favor. “Obedience is the very best way to show that we believe!” (quote from a little song.) “Doing exactly what the Lord commands, doing it happily!” I have been praying for our country that God would not with-hold His blessing from us.

    Those who Love God – Obey God – Believe God -Trust God that’s the key to it all -that’s my political view on it. :)

    Have a great day.

  37. poohpity says:

    I think we can see why it is so important to follow the comment guidelines posted at top left of the blog. The very first rule is to stay on topic and the other rules seem to be in place to prevent hard feelings from happening as well as respect for one another. They were put there for a reason. When one deviates from them it causes others to do it too.

  38. davids says:

    For the record, although I live in Belgium, I am an American. Born in the Congo, though, since my father was a career man in the CIA. So I do find it disturbing that some people denigrate the democratically (majority) elected leader of the country and its representatives and twist words to suit their purpose. It is not the patriotism that my parents taught me. Enough said.

    I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel to many countries. I have never met a people that were not proud, or did not feel themselves special in some way. This does not make them Godly, although there are many Christians among them too.

    In our English-speaking congregation here we have Americans, Belgians, other Europeans, Africans, and others. They are all my brothers and sisters in Christ, a holy people that extends beyond national boundaries. Rejoice, I say, Rejoice!

  39. pegramsdell says:

    So sorry Bruce about your friend’s wife, and you having the flu. Will be praying for you and your friend.

  40. BruceC says:

    Thank you all for the prayers for our friend and his family; and the prayers for me. This bug is weird. Sunday and Monday around 4:00PM my temp went to normal for an hour and a half. And then back up it went. Today it was normal from about 11:30 Am to 4:30 Pm and I thought I had it licked. Then it started back up again. Just have to trust God and be thankful; as I have seen many go through much worse. And be thankful for the wife He gave me that made homemade chicken vegetable soup with rice. My Mom and aunts used to call it “Jewish penicillin” and over the years I have come to understand why!


  41. davids says:

    Poohpity, you asked, “What were the first four feasts done in the spring that were a for taste of what happened to Jesus?” I’m not the most qualified on this page to answer that, but I’m going to do my best.

    They are described in Leviticus 23. First, you need to remember that the Jews have a lunar calendar, so that the first month always starts around March.

    4 “These are the LORD’s appointed feasts, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times: 5 The LORD’s Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month.”
    So the first feast of the year was Passover, to remmeber how the Lord spared the Jews from the Angel of Death through the lamb’s blood on their doorways. Jesus of course is the Holy Lamb of God that was slain. He was crucified on this day or the day before.

    6 “On the fifteenth day of that month the LORD’s Feast of Unleavened Bread begins…8 For seven days present an offering made to the LORD by fire.”
    The second feast started immediately after Passover. It commemorates how the hand of God brought the Jews safely out of bondage. During this time, Jesus was crucified and in the grave.

    9 The LORD said to Moses, 10 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest. 11 He is to wave the sheaf before the LORD so it will be accepted on your behalf; the priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath.'”
    This feast, called Firstfruits, celebrates the first harvest after the winter. At his time Jesus rose from the dead, which is why Paul calls him “first fruits from the dead.”

    15 ” ‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. 16 Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD.”
    After the Firstfruits, more grain would be harvested, since Israel is in a warm climate. This feast was called the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost. On this day, the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples, as recorded in the first chapters of Acts. They were able to address so many people through the gift of tongues (languages) since there would have been many Jews in Jerusalem from abroad to celebrate this feast.

  42. davids says:

    I guess a question left unanswered is why Easter is not celebrated on the Jewish Passover? This goes back to the first centuries of the church, and the cnversion from a lunar calendar to a solar one. It also explains why the Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on a different day than the western Christians.

  43. poohpity says:

    Thank you davids. That is a beautiful representation of the fulfillment in Christ Jesus that went along with what Israel experienced. One day the ALL the peoples of the world will recognize that Jesus is the Messiah. Again thank you.

  44. davids says:

    You’re welcome, Poohpity, and completely aside, I would point out something else.

    I happen to understand a couple of languages, and in general the word for “tongue” is the same for “language”.

    In French “langue” means both the tongue and is the word for language. So if I say that I am speaking in another tongue, I am saying that I am speaking in another language. The same is true in Dutch and in many languages.

    It is the King James version that made the confusion between “Speaking in tongues” and “Speaking in languages”. A tranlation issue that has created a lot of confusion. Wierd, eh?

  45. poohpity says:

    That is altogether another topic and has caused much division in the church. Maybe another topic for discussion at another time.

  46. marma says:

    This has been a very informative blog subject. Thanks to you all who have increased my understanding of the feasts. What a blessing to hear things from all different angles, yet with the same love of God, of each other, and of the Scriptures.

  47. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    I’ve enjoyed reading all of the comments in this blog. Didn’t know very much about the three fall feasts, Rosh Hashana (Day of worship), Yom Kippur (Day of At-one-ment), and Tabernacles (Reminder of God’s provision), but I’ve learned so much from all of you.. ..so MUCH to take in! :-)
    BruceC – I will remember you in prayer too.
    foreverblessed – Was Canada founded on the Word of God like America?

    Watched Part 1 of the DOD Series, “Following Jesus in a Land of Conflict.” Enjoyed it very much. Definitely plan on watching the other videos in this series. Thank you for sharing such wonderful information, Mart.
    I also noticed how much weight you’ve lossed. Think it’s good to be healthy and present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God (Rom. 12:1).

    Before I started watching DOD videos, I never thought about born-again Jews and Palestinians. Have always seen the animosity and conflict between the two nationalities on tv. Thinking about the fact that born-again Jews and Palestinians are *spiritually* related; that’s of greater significance than being biologically related. Does anyone know the percentage of Jewish and Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land?

    Was blessed with a light rain (in the afternoon/evening) in Texas today.


  48. SFDBWV says:

    Yom Kippur, Back on the 9th of September was the festival Rosh Hashanah The period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is known as the days of Awe.

    It is during these days that a person reflects on their life and makes peace with God and other people.

    At the begining of the High Holy Days, God writes a persons name in the Book of Life and seals it concluding the celebration of Yom Kippur.

    All this according to Jewish religious tradition.

    One might ask, what has this to do with Christianity?

    We can see the Book of life mentioned again at the end of our story in Revelation.

    We Christians understand that because of Jesus Christ our names are written there, not out of our observance of these feasts but from our acceptance of His sacrifice.

    We even read that names can be removed, because of interference with the written word (Rev 22:18-19).

    Point being that no Christian can learn about God except through the study and understanding of all Scripture. That the identity of Christ and personality of God is found there.

    That inso doing we find better how to understand what it is God wants from us and how we are to live among other people.

    It is not found through our own imaginings or meditations. But through an understanding of what is being said to us from God through the written word.

    Here in this *blog* we find ourselves coming together to talk about issues and discuss the things we have learned or are learning, concerning them.

    We are not so stoic as to not allow for our personal lives to be expressed and our personalities to be exposed.

    We have a moderator who when nessessary will step in and correct dialog or redirect the conversation if nessessary, as he has done in the past.

    I would like to think that we all have the freedom to be who we are without being criticized for it.

    Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur…reflection of ourselves, remorse for sins and atonement…peace with God, peace with our neighbors.


  49. dja says:

    Thank you, Steve. You write with understanding of the Scriptures and of God’s people.


  50. Deborah Leach says:

    My first comment ! I have read your blogs a few times and they have made me think lots. Thank you for the pictures of Jerusalem. I have always wanted to go but I don’t think I’ll ever get to go where the Lord’s feet trod (for an number of reasons) But I will one day walk next to Him in Heaven ! Amen !

  51. poohpity says:

    I agree with Steve that it is a blessing to share in others pain, sorrows and joy that we can stand together in prayer. That openness is truly a blessing on this site and is altogether different from topic discussion.

  52. poohpity says:


    Praying for the safety and security of All over there right now.

  53. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh’s last comment caused me to take a look at the news. Indeed Mart it would be nice to hear all of your crews and you are safe and not in harms way there amid this new clash between Palestinians and the IDF.


  54. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Sometimes we need to be inclusive and not exclusive.
    Its is true that in the USA there are many religiouns and the president, who ever he or she is, represents everyone not just christians, so he was trying to include everyone when he said the USA was not just a christian country.
    The same has happened here in Great Britain. The Queen is the head of the church and the protector of the faith but Prince Charles had said he would rather be called the protector of faiths so that the muslim, hindi, jews and other faiths do not feel excluded from the nations way of life and cerimonial traditions.

  55. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, please allow me to explain myself as well as I can in this limited format.

    It is not that I am intolerant of other people who are not Christian, I am not.

    It is because I believe every word written from God, from Genesis to Revelation, I believe God. I believe in a 6 day creation, because God took the time to state at the end of each day of creation, “And the evening and the morning were the — day.” 1st 2nd third what ever day mentioned. In spite of the world view of evolution.

    I believe in the story of Noah, because the story is mentioned in it’s total representation there in scripture, with major and minor detail given by the author, God. In spite of the worlds view of it being a fairy tale.

    I believe in the story of Abraham and his decendants not only because it was given as testimony written again as directed by God, but because there is a people that the world cannot ignore, still here amongst us to force us to accept the story.

    I believe God, and I believe the multi layered teachings that His Word gives us to learn from and live by.

    It is because I believe these things that I also believe the teachings given to Israel, when God established them as a nation….No other gods.

    Whether a nation or a family or singularly one mans heart…No other gods.

    Found in the story of Israel is the consequence of flirting with other gods, even just being a little tolerant. Found in the writtings concerning the wisest of men Solomon, we see the results of flirting with other gods in the heart of a man….And its disasterous results.

    Because I believe God has used the example of Israel as an example for us all to learn from, whether nation, family or man. I can see that only disaster comes from a “House divided against itself”.

    I in no way confuse my country with the Israel of the promise, I don’t want any to think that. However I see that if I want for my nation, family or myself to be true to God’s teaching, then I have to believe God and stay true to His comandment…”No other gods”

    It is because I believe all I have stated above, I believe what is best for myself, my family and my country is to be…Christian.

    I would rather a representitive of my country would say, ” *Because* we are a Christian nation, all people are welcome here, to pursue happiness and a better way of life.”

    Not officialy stating that we are no longer a Christian nation, hiding the staement in a long flowery oratory…a subtil statement, meant to be subtil. Gen 3:1.


  56. dja says:

    Amen, Steve! Couldn’t agree with you more. “Because we are a Christian nation, all people are welcome here, to pursue happiness and a better way of life.” shows the love of God but doesn’t show us as a nation that joins in with all other gods.
    Thank you again for your understanding and clarity on this.

  57. InHisHands says:

    Thank you so much Steve for your last comment.

    You have expressed so well what my mind was trying to say. (I used to be better about expressing my thoughts, but lately I go off on rabbit trails) When I spoke of minorities vs majorities – I was trying to express that according to ‘polls’ there are more claiming to be Christians in this country that do not stand for the standard of the Bible as God has instructed us to. Allowing those who want to take God out of every aspect of our country – school, jobs, government. And you are totally correct about the subtillty –

    We have only 2 students at the school that I work at that celebrate the Jewish ‘holidays’- I am proud that most of our teachers are enlightening our students with the history of the holocaust with books like Anne Frank and Night, bring questions as to what these ‘holidays’ mean; however not everywhere in this country is that allowed.

    I guess what I am saying is that there was not a political intent in my comments – just a call to have us Christians stand and as Steve did recognize that “I believe GOD” – He is a jealous God and will not allow a country that has been taken over with belief in other gods to continue to prosper and be blessed.

    Someone stated that our religious beliefs are demonstrated in our political practice – so the two can not really be separated. This is the way I, too, want our country to be thought of – ” *Because* we are a Christian nation, all people are welcome here, to pursue happiness and a better way of life.”

    Have a blessed day!!!

  58. foreverblessed says:

    Steve, and InHisHands,
    It is good to discuss this, it is going better then a year ago. Much more peacefull.
    There is tow sides to it:
    It is like a father who wants his family to be christian:
    He wants it, but the wife and the children have a free choice: and what happens if they choose to go their own way:
    What do you do:
    -Keep accusing them for not choosing for God,
    -Or turning to Jesus, and lay down your anxiety about their wrong choice before His feet. Leave it there, and pray for peace of mind in your own soul.
    Because only in calmness and total peace with God, can you be a channel for Him to be usefull to draw your family members back to God.

    Which of the two do you choose?

  59. foreverblessed says:

    thanks for the blessing InHisHands!
    1 Peter 3:8 Finally brothers, live in harmony with one another, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insut with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing, then follows Psalm 34:12-16.

  60. poohpity says:

    I wish you could feel the passion in my heart and the respect I feel in saying what I am about to say.

    I have been reading this blog and Mart’s words going on three years now. His teaching and the passion for the things of God which seem to be so Spirit filled and thought provoking I fell in love with (the blog). There are several reasons for this to me. One is I love the Word of God and I love to study and learn all the time. Mart has prompted me to think outside of what I know with gentleness and compassion so out of respect for him and this blog I try my hardest to follow the comment guidelines. I hope not to push it that the moderator has to come in and delete my comments because as an adult the rules are already given for me to follow. I have to say that in those three years I have had some of my comments deleted as a child has had to be disciplined my their parent but on a whole I follow the topic and the rules because I have witnessed what happens when I do not.

    The topics give plenty of areas to discuss in and of themselves. Lots to learn and so little time. It breaks my heart for someone to come in and carry off the conversation into a new direction because it seems to me to be so disrespectful to Mart and the guidelines which are there for a purpose. When I come here each day I reread the topic because usually there are many areas I may have not understood the first time reading just like the bible. The more times I read it the more I understand and the more things are revealed. This blog and the things we are directed to think about are very similar.

    Just like Christmas and Easter. How did Christmas ever get to the point of Christmas tress and presents from the birth of Christ because it began as a pagan holiday. Not the remembrance of Christ but turned into a merchants greed party so if you buy presents for everyone at Christmas and decorate a tree then you have followed the traditions of the pagan holiday. Easter bunny and candy are far from celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ, pagan rituals. The same with our country it started to get away from the government ruling the church. How we ever got to these topics from “Yom Kippur and the Calendar of God” is completely beyond me.

    I understand every bodies passions about what is happening in the US I think we all have them, each with their own countries. I have passions too I want to talk about the topics that Mart posts and see other peoples opinions on them and hear their input. We could be writing for days about all that the topic points too.

    I wrote this not to be ugly or disrespectful of others but because I enjoy so much having a place like this to learn and Mart is a wonderful leader with much thought to other people and most importantly to God. I have learned so much from the things he gives us to think about by pointing us to the bible and to God while putting himself as a servant.

    I know I am off topic but my passion for this site which offers so much to learn from and I feel so blessed in having it I felt driven to give my opinion and if this gets deleted I understand but please stop bringing your personal agendas here and I am not speaking to the times we are asked to pray for each other either.

  61. SFDBWV says:

    pooh, Mart has said that *sometimes* he “Likes it when the blog takes on a life of its own”.

    I do not think it is an insult to Mart when people talk about subjects that the topic subject brings to mind. Rather I think it is a compliment to his ability to make us think and talk about them.

    If people are too tightly restricted as to what can be discussed, there won’t be a conversation that involves a large group at all, but will limit participation.

    Just like setting at the table anywhere, the conversation goes all over the place.

    If you restrict the blog participation to strictly talk only about one subject, you will starve out the blog and it will wither and die.

    Good conversation, will take us all on journeys of discovery about all areas of intrest. Especialy when we have a starter topic to base from. We can learn different things that are closely or loosely related to the base topic.

    It is Mart’s blog, if he wants to change the way things are, then it is up to him to do so.

    As for me I look forward to people taking the time and getting up the nerve to make a comment here, and not feel as though they are violating some *rule* if they do.

    As long as we are not personaly attacking another person or using bad language or purposly trying to disrupt the conversation,I am glad we have the freedoms that Mart allows here.

    Realize pooh, that these things I have written here are my thoughts only, just as the things you wrote are yours.

    So we can disagree, it is ok. Neither one of us has to be more right than the other.


  62. poohpity says:

    I will continue to follow the guidelines because I believe they have their purpose but as you said that is my opinion. It is totally not about being right or wrong it is because I love and have passion about the discussions about the topics. What are the purposes for the comment guidelines then? If you choose not to follow them that is up to you and I am really OK with that. They are guidelines not rules.

  63. davids says:

    I have to say that there is an uncommon level of civility and respect on this blog. Very refreshing.

    Steve, your restatement makes things clearer and I can agree with much of it and I pray that the US will remain “a Christian nation”. I wish that were also true in this country. It is hard for my children to grow up in a country that has hardened its heart against God.

    Pooh, I understand your point of view, but I fall more in line with what Steve wrote. It is not good to immediately pull the conversation off into another direction. In this case, the original subject of this page seems a bit exhausted unless people want to go into deep analysis or personal speculation. The conversation about the conversation has been useful, I feel.

  64. ygp says:

    Thank you Steve for your statements. I thanks God for granting you this wisdom. I believe what you believe, but I don’t have the capability to express it.
    InHishand, I am not offended to be called minority, this is the fact that I am in a minority group. But praise God, Jesus blood saves me and others who are in minority groups too, those who believe in Him.
    Bruce, how is your fever? Has it gone totally? I pray for you and Danny’s family. But have you seeked medication from a doctor? If this is an infection caused by certain pathogen, the earlier is easier to be killed those pathogen.( I am sorry if you are a doctor, you can treat yourself)My brother in law went to be with the Lord , in an car accident last year. Left my sister and her 2 boys of 11 and 15 years old behind. My sister still can not overcome her bereavement totally, and I still cry when my nephews told me their dreams that they hugged their father, or the father appeared on the stage during Christmas performance ( in my nephew’s drem). May God help Danny and his family in this difficult time.(the blessing is my brother in law is now celebrating all the feasts with our eternal father)

  65. ygp says:

    InHishand, what I want to say is I don’t see anything wrong with your statement. You expressed your opinion well. And Pooh, I also learn a lot from you, all of you are the blessings from God for me. I also agree, that guideline is important in bringing up orderliness. Even God gives us guidelines in performing those feasts.

  66. foreverblessed says:

    I would like to comment on the next topic, but I can’t, I cannot write anything there, and so this topic comes up again.
    Thanks all for staying polite, it is good that we can differ, but what Pooh is trying to say: please stop with bringing up your political viewpoints. And I agree with that. It makes me sad. Being an outsider I cannot see that the former political party is very christian, they say that in word, but not in action. To the world they did not show the way Jesus was. They serve Mammon more then God.

    And looking to this party makes you feel down and angry. What I am trying to say: When you focus on this party, you go down and down, and then you write here: it is not uplifing at all. You may be right, but yet you are not:
    You do not show that you take your concern in prayer to Jesus. THAT is the only way for a real christian. And that is what you are. Take your concerns to Jesus.

    It is a learning proces to do that:
    I am learning it too. Seeing loved ones go astray, I am learning now that the only way is to go to Christ, come to rest in Him about it. That is the only way in which you can be a good instrument in His Hands.

    In your country there is a great animosity between the two parties, and it becomes like poison.

    I pray first and foremost, that between christians there will be atonement. No animosity. A real return to the love of Jesus, together worshiping Him. The christians churches showing unity in Christ. Leave all political views behind, all differences in keeping days holy behind.

  67. foreverblessed says:

    John 17:21-26
    I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them. (NIV)
    King James Version (KJV):
    And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

  68. foreverblessed says:

    I would like to go on about this subject.
    This is for exorting one another, iron sharpens iron.
    Years ago I was part of a christian ministry. The person leading it was full of the HS, but also had a spirit of manipulation, and a spirit of control.
    Things were not right, and I had a hard time dealing with it. The person came home to me to talk about it, but thought it was only the Holy Spirit leading, so no opening to clearing ground. Beibg frustrated, it was as if Jesus said to me:
    Look to Me,
    And it was as if Jesus was standing right next to the person.

    You might think that it was that that I immediately did, no more troubles.
    But, I looked at Jesus, and then would think, what does it change the other person? Nothing happens, does it? And so I would focus on the wrong again.
    Would come back to Jesus, but it didn’t take me long to look at was what wrong here on earth around me.
    And it poisoned my heart.
    I should have followed His advice to look to Him, it would keep my heart clean.

    I now even know that instead of not only looking to Him, we also praise Him, thank Him. And that changes our heart. It brings back the peace I had with Him, and in Him.
    And it goes even further than that: bless the person you are having problems with, ask God to send His love to them!

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