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What is Jewish?

The Knesset Government Building in Jerusalem

The Israeli Knesset and  Palestinian Authority remain in a deadlock.

Mahmoud Abbas has not been able to get Hamas and Fatah, two factions of the Palestinians, to agree together to renounce violence, or to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist. Prime Minister, Netanyahu, at the same time is under enormous pressure from his political base to continue construction of Jewish homes in East Jerusalem and in the contested Palestinian land known as the “West Bank”.

Security Wall on East Slope of Mount of Olives

Israel wants to be recognized as a democratic State that provides full and equal rights to its Jewish and Israeli Arab population. But as a State formed to be a homeland for the Jewish people, Israel’s leaders must make sure that its non-Jewish citizens do not grow to the point of being able to get a majority of the vote in popular elections.

This past week something else happened that has raised additional tensions. In an attempt to position Israel as a Jewish State, the Israeli Knesset advanced proposed legislation that would require an oath of loyalty from new immigrants acknowledging that Israel exists as a homeland for the Jewish people.

Writing in the Jewish news service Haaretz.com, Gideon Levy writes, “Remember this day. On this day the character of Israel changed.”

Levy goes on to reason that if this legislation passes it will be all the more difficult to defend Israel as a member  of the democratic states since a democracy stands not just for the rule of the majority but the rights of a minority.

Levy goes on to warn, “For decades, we have futilely dealt with the question of who is a Jew. Now the question of what is Jewish will not go away. What is the “state of the Jewish nation”? Does it belong more to Jews in the Diaspora than to its Arab citizens? Will they decide its fate and will this be called a democracy? Will the ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta sect, which opposes the state’s existence, along with hundreds of thousands of Jews who have avoided coming do whatever they want with it? What is Jewish? Jewish holidays? Kosher dietary laws? The increased grip of the religious establishment, as if there is not enough of it now to distort democracy? Swearing an oath to a Jewish state will decide its fate. It is liable to turn the country into a theocracy like Saudi Arabia.”

I write this not to engage in a debate about the merits of this proposed “oath of loyalty” or even about whether a democracy is the only defensible form of government in a modern world. It seems to me that what is important about this development is that it reflects the ultimately unavoidable issue of Jewishness.

Israel’s leaders want to be seen as a modern secular democracy while laying claim to “Jewishness.” Without realizing it they are laying claim to something that cannot be defined or defended apart from its spiritual roots.

So Paul wrote to the Romans, “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God” (Rom 2:28-29). Later in the same letter Paul adds, “For they are not all Israel who are of Israel” (9:6).

As the Knesset continues to press for the protection of Jewishness it is unwittingly attempting to protect something which exists to say, there is no security in anything or anyone other than the God who gave birth to “a chosen people”, and a “promised land” to tell his story… and ours.

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15 Responses to “What is Jewish?”

  1. foreverblessed says:

    If people ask you to swear an oath in order to follow them, my experience is that they rely more on the participation of the people then that they trust God to be in control.
    Their praise is thus from men, and not from God.
    Because if we rely on God, we will praise Him for being in control of everything.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Abraham was called by God to produce a people. The fact that he and his wife were very old didn’t matter to God.

    The promised line of these people were to be through Abraham and Sarah….Not through Haggar and Abraham.

    So the story continues through Isaak, and then on to Jacob (Israel)and Israel’s 12 sons. Thus the Jew.

    It is *their* story of the passover, of the exodus, of the giving of the law, and as to the coquest of the promised land.

    They the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaak, and Jacob, are the physical Jew. The same physical people who will inhabit the nation of Israel, and be a *burden* on the rest of the world.

    Paul speaks of a spiritual nature, of being included in the salvation and promises given to the spiritual *jew*.

    As far as I know, and could be easily in error, I am not a decendant of Abraham, physicaly….But I am become as the jew in heart as I have been adopted into the promises given to him from God.

    There being both the physical as well as the spiritual in every situation given in scripture.

    We here in the USA pledge an alegance to our country as well, what is wrong with Israel asking the same of it’s citizens?

    Why can’t we let Israel govern herself instead of criticising her every attempt to not be “wiped of the face of the earth”.

    The Church has not replaced Israel, though some think it has. That is not scriptual from the events layed out for the tribulation of the world….Jacobs trouble…not Jesus’s trouble.

    In Revelation, it is numbered 144,000 *Jews* even numbered 12,000 from each tribe.

    There is no way that the Jew and the Church can be confused as one.

    God’s will, will be done in this modern Israel, even if there are some people whom don’t like it.


    PS: just watched the 9th miner be rescued, 62 year old Mario Gomez…I may not speak their tongue but I certainly speak the same language of emotion and facial expressions as they do. Thank you Lord.

  3. foreverblessed says:

    Steve we were posting the same time, mine was one second earlier then yours.
    It will be a great suprise to the Jews when from all around the world the other tribes will be brought back as well.
    Ezekiel 37:15-28
    “Son of man, take a stick of wood and write on it, ‘Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him.’ Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, ‘Ephraim’s stick, belonging to Joseph and all the house of Israel associated with him.’ 17 Join them together into one stick so that they will become one in your hand.

  4. Loretta Beavis says:

    If the goal is to have an outward expression of the inward condition, that is, “I am Jewish” (am being an infinitive of the verb “to be”)…

    Maybe they will require something outward, like adherence to the Jewish ‘holidays’ or records of participation in Passover, or maybe this is where the start of ‘marking’ the body with a chip, to say who is who, begins?

    They have to rely on God to preserve “Jewishness” and Him alone to control Israel’s future.

    I love Jesus, ’cause He first loved me.

  5. dust says:

    Hi All

    Nice sunny day and will reach the 70’s (F) here in south eastern Mass. I think of myself as a branch that Jesus has grafted into the vine of God’s mercy, grace, and love. And so that may give me a jewish heritage, I don’t know. Guess I will ask Jesus when He brings me Home. Much love and blessings


  6. poohpity says:

    It would seem that Israel is living up to her name. God gave Jacob the name “Israel” because he struggled with God and man (Gen 32:28). It still seems that is true because the struggles go on. Isaiah states that Israel is God’s servant and was supposed to be used as a light to the gentiles so it would seem that the mission has become more political than spiritual. (Isaiah 41-42) If they only remembered their history and their mission. I understand because at times I forget what God has sent me to do.

    Steve in that Revelation passage Dan was omitted I do not remember why because it was years ago when I studied it but Manasseh one of Joseph’s son seems to be in his place in regard to the 144,000.

  7. Mart De Haan says:

    My reason for calling attention to Israel’s attempts to “protect itself from being wiped off the face of the earth” is that– such self-protection shows how far this nation is from understanding its God-given existence and purpose.

    As no other nation in the world, Israel bears the privilege and burden of revealing through blessing, judgment, dispersion, regathering, and ongoing insecurity– the existence of the God of gods and Lord of lords.

    Even when all of the world turns against her, and 2/3 of the nation is lost (Zechariah 13:8), no one will be able to wipe out the 1/3-of-a-national-remnant that will be rescued and preserved. (Zechariah 13:8-9).

  8. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Looking at this from a purely secular and logical sense, I can see no differnce to what Israel is asking of it’s immigrants to what the USA, France or even Britain asks, a pledge of loyalty to a concept of nationhood.
    With the USA it is the flag of unity, with france it is to protect the, frenchness of their culture, and we have had to introduce a pledge of loyalty to the crown and and acceptance of the english language and british values.
    If we did not do this as nation states then we would all merge into one culture and have no unique place in the world.
    Islam already dominates the UK culture in many repects and we are losing our heritage.
    It was good to see how the Chilien people today expressed their faith and trust in God and Jesus as His Son. It makes a change when a nation that has gone through so much pain this year exerts itself and stands on the rock that is Jesus.
    Israel has as much right to be Jewish as Britain has to be British, but who is British? Who is American?


  9. davids says:

    I also follow the news in Israel on Ha’aretz. The country is in a lot of turmoil right now. A slim majority support the efforts of Jewish nationalism, while many reject it.

    There are negotiations in the works, and that means a lot of parties are staking out positions that lead to ridiculous retoric. Some are using religion as a weapon rather than a blessing.

    To the Palestinians that support violent actions in the hope that this will win their independence, that cheer when a rocket hits a target in Israel, I can only say, “Body of Christ broken for you”. If you knew what God did, you would approach your Jewish neighbors in peace.

    To the Jews that support uprooting Palestinian olive trees, and cheer when a mosque is burned, and that think the oppression of another people will make them more secure, I can only say, “Blood of Christ shed for you”. If you knew that the Messiah has come proclaiming peace unto all nations, you would make peace in a minute.

    I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but I despair that it is becomming ever more a burden, and will not see peace until Zechariah’s prophecy is fulfilled.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh, I too am in need of a refresher course in Dan, but best as I recall, this tribe was deep into pagan worship, and may have been bred out of existance by breeding with the Assyians and Persians. In the same way that the Samaritans became a less than *Jewish* people.

    Mart, I have to keep in mind that 0nly 70 years ago, some 7 million Jews were executed for just being jewish. Now that they have their own homeland, I am sure there are some who don’t want this horror to be repeated.

    God Himself will open the eyes of the Jew when God’s time is ready. Then they will see their redeemer and God Himself will stand up and fight for His people.

    In the mean time, I do not think it proper to interfere with the self governing of another country.

    As well as this nation these people, may be acting out the will of God even if it dosen’t agree with some. To oppose it one may find themselves to be in oposition to God Himself.

    My thoughts


  11. davids says:

    Ah, but that’s the problem, isn’t it, Steve?

    Cyrus did not know that he was serving God’s will (Isaiah 45). The Romans did not know that their actions would serve God’s purpose.

    Even the Nazis did not know that their actions would lead directly to the re-establishment of an Israel state. Some that currently have power in the state of Israel so not have God’s purposes in mind.

    God does work in mysterious ways, and I think that the only way we can be sure to be on His side is to be on the side of Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love.


  12. poohpity says:

    It seems that often God told His prophets and the prophets then relayed to Israel that God was going to allow certain nations to carry Israel away. God told them not to fight it but to go in peace and one day He would bring them back again but instead Israel fought against them and lost many people. It seems like God always prepares people for what will come if they continue to walk in their own ways.

    foreverblessed, I think the scripture that you quoted was showing that God would one day reunite the tribes of Judah/Benjamin with the 10 tribes of the North which were split when Rehoboam became King after Solomon’s death.

    Mart, how come after the miraculous interventions that happened so often in their history, they still depend on self protection, self provision and turmoil. As I was writing this, my thoughts came around to “why do you (deb) still depend on your own strength to live your life” so I guess my question got answered before it was asked. :-)

  13. foreverblessed says:

    In Genesis 49 Jacob blesses his sons: v1 gather around so that I can tell you what will happen in days to come:
    about Judah: v8
    Judah: your brothers will praise you
    your hands will be on the neck of your brothers.
    Benjamin: is a ravenous wolf, in the morning he deovurs the prey, in the evening he divides the spoil.
    (As the tribes that associate with Judah are: Levi and Benjamin)in v5 it is about Levi, and that is quite aggressive too.

    In Deuteronomy 33 Moses says a blessing to the Israelites:
    (only to 10 tribes, Issachar and Simeon are ommitted)
    about Judah he says:
    Hear O lord the cry of Judah, bring him to his people.
    With his own hands he defends his cause.
    Oh, be his help against his foes!
    about Levi in v8-11 and Benjamin 12

    Quite up up date, aren’t they.
    Who knows the mind of God,??
    but for me it stands that I should stand on the Rock which is Christ, and trust Him.
    What God does to Israel, and helps them even though they do not believe in Jesus, has nothing to do with how I should live in faith.

  14. Regina says:

    This was/is a great blog topic, Mart. Your intro comment was very informative, and I enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to reading the comments from other blogger buddies on this topic.


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