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Meeting Truth in Person

ArtPrize 2010 Exhibit

Pre or Post-moderns Contemplating a Rabbit

While reading a fairly technical book this week on Bible interpretation, I came across a statement that reminded me of the wonder of what God has given us in his Son.

In a world that is struggling with difficult questions about meaning in texts, relationships, and life, a scholar by the name of Zimmerman writes, “The central idea that makes ethical transcendence possible is that in the incarnation, truth is a person rather than a proposition or idea.”

That last statement that truth is a person rather than [just] a proposition or idea reminded me of some of our other discussions about the subjective and objective nature of truth. In those conversations we were working with the idea that the truth of the Bible is about both statements and attitudes that are rooted in and aligned with the reality of God’s existence and nature.

Zimmerman’s statement reminded me again of why it is so important to see how the words, thoughts, and heart of the Bible are fulfilled in– and  come alive in– what Jesus said and did– and how in turn– what Jesus said and did in relation to people like us, gives meaning to the unfolding story of our own lives.

Zimmerman also says, “The incarnation provides what postmodern ethical philosophy seeks: it embodies radical transcendence (i.e. the the self-giving otherness of God) in history and time with a human face, and it offers a social subjectivity as persons in relation.”

I take that to mean that, by the thoughts, actions, and affections of Jesus,  the Son of God has brought real meaning (timeless and eternal) into our lives by getting into our own human story, and thereby into the deepest parts of our lives– into the darkest parts of our past, and into the surest parts of our future. Without the knowledge of him—it would be so easy to deceive ourselves, and to jump to wrong conclusions about the circumstances, relationships, and direction of what each of us are presently looking at.

This morning, such thoughts, are prompting me to want to keep taking long looks at how the wisdom of the whole Bible is fulfilled in Jesus, and to keep reflecting on how the specific things that he said and did, as “God among/with us” brings alive the reality/truth that our hearts and minds long for.

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21 Responses to “Meeting Truth in Person”

  1. dja says:

    As I was reading “Meeting Truth in Person”, I couldn’t help thinking about Proverbs 3:5&6. When we trust in the Lord with all our heart, it leaves no place for our own ideas (I think Bob called it sound reasoning in the previous blog)and understanding. When we trust in Him with all our heart, we will say with Solomon that we don’t even know how to go in and out. Without Him we can not see clearly. It is always amazing to me to see the different perspective the Lord gives us when we cry out to Him for understanding and direction. I know so many times when I have just run ahead with what I thought was the right thing to do. Oh, if only I had taken the time to pray and wait on Him.
    It’s 32 degrees this morning in Northeast PA. Have a good day!

  2. SFDBWV says:

    John 14:6 “I am the the way, the *Truth* and the life…”
    15:1 “I Am the true vine…”
    8:32 ” You shall know the *Truth* and the *Truth* shall make you free.”

    The scripture record clearly substanciates what Mart is saying.

    One day we all will come face to face with the face of *Truth*

    But for now that *Truth* lives in us and if we allow, will direct our lives convict our wrongs and keep us on the narrow path.

    He has a tough job in most of us as we are all too often listening to that loud voice of our own egos rather than that still small voice He likes to use.

    Though sometimes He does shout, I know….

    27 f this morning in West Virginia


  3. BruceC says:

    Sorry I didn’t get a chance to respond to the last topic. I’ve had a lot on my mind in the last few days.
    Please keep my wife in prayer. During the late summer she would get a stiff back working in the garden and felt a lump in her lower right back that she thought was just a knotted muscle or a slight disc bulge. About a month ago she said it got a little larger and I felt it. It was about the size of an acorn and very hard. She didn’t make a doctors appoinment at that time as she already had one for this past Thursday and knew she couldn’t get in sooner. Anyway the doctor looked at it and said it was the size of a lemon and that it was not a fatty tumor. He was very truthful and said it could go either way. Please pray for her healing. She said if it is benign she will praise the Lord; and it things go very bad she will stll praise the Lord, but in His presence. She goes in to out patient surgery on Dec. 7th. It is near the surface and not internal so she doesn’t have to have full blown surgery. They will take a biopsy then. Thank you all!


  4. InHisHands says:

    Good Morning all;

    Pat- am keeping you and your family in prayer. Even after 3 years the loss of my mother’s presence is strong. Some days it feels like it has been forever, and others like it was just yesterday. But, I am so looking forward to seeing her again and blessed because I know I will. My prayer is that you and your family will feel the Love of the LORD all around you as you come through this time of loss.

    Bruce- Will continue to pray for your wife and for you as you await the procedure, for the Peace of God to carry you and that He will touch and heal the area that He would have glory even in the sight of the Dr. who are caring for your wife.

    It has been cloudy and moist here in the desert -creating the most fragrant air. Soon we will be all sunshine again, but during the time of gray skies (around here) we are grateful for the respite from the heat that Aug. and Sept. gave us.

    I’ll have to think on the topic for a bit and get back to comment, just wanted to say ‘hi’ to you all and let you know I am praying for all you all.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce, We will pray all goes well for your wife. Nothing like reality to bring priorities in line.


  6. dja says:

    I am praying for your wife. May the Lord quiet your hearts as you wait for this surgery in December.


  7. Hisgirl4life says:

    Bruce, lifting you up and your wife in prayer. May you take comfort knowing God is in control leading you to medical guidance and the comfort of His love for you. Thinking also of you Deb and sending a hug of comfort.

    “Meeting Truth in Person” is a great title and so true of Jesus. Steve, the scripture verse you pointed us to stated that perfectly!

    One of my all-time favorite movies is the comedy “Bruce Almighty.” In the movie, the main character played by Jim Carrey is fed up with God and believes he can do a much better job of running the world. At one point, the movie depicts his character at the top of a building proclaiming “My will be done.”

    It is a bit ironic, but that is sometimes how we all act when we do not seek God’s voice in our lives. We have a great teacher to model after in the perfect life of Christ, but like sheep that get lost outside of the pasture, we sometimes lose our way. Christ always comes looking for us. He doesn’t want to lose any of us.

    One of the greatest and most tender Psalms is often recited during memorial services for loved ones that are laid to rest. Psalm 23 speaks of the Lord Jesus as a shepherd. There is no greater love than the love of a shepherd for his sheep. This world will always debate truth. As the Bible mentions, Christ is the truth.

    As a young child, I remember a song in Bible School that said, “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” Jesus depicted love to the most unworthy of us in the world’s eyes. There are days that I am overwhelmed in personal reflection that he would see anything in me deserving of or worthy of such a great love; one He that He was willing to die that I might live. That is a TRUTH that is the same for every person, a TRUTH we can hold on to…no matter what.

    Blessings upon each of you this weekend. May you feel His love for you in a fresh and personal way this day!

  8. poohpity says:

    I hope to always remember what that day was like when I met the “Truth in Person” but I find myself forgetting often, more often than I would like to admit. If I can remember that first contact I will be able to keep a very humble view of who I am. I hope to daily allow that relationship to be primary so that Jesus will work through me not to do what I would want Him to do but what He would have me do.

    BruceC, your wife will be in my prayers. So sad to hear of the findings so far but so encouraged to hear that she is praising God in it. I can learn so much from her attitude.

    Hisgirl4life, Thank you!! :-)

  9. saled says:

    Ethical transcendence. This is the goal of religions other than Christianity, but few people are able to put forth the effort to reach the goal. That’s what I love about Jesus; he did for us what we could not do for ourselves.

    Ethical transcendence. Mostly it is hidden in Christians, I think. Our life is hidden in Christ. But sometimes we see and recognize it. I will never forget the interview I saw with a nurse from Canada who served as a missionary to Cambodia during the reign of the Khmer Rouge. The journalist who was interviewing this nurse brought up the subject of how much she was giving up to go to such a country under such terrible conditions. Her reply was that she was giving up nothing, and I could see that she was almost angry that the interviewer was trying to give her glory in that way.

    I think that is the secret for achieving ethical transcendence: our faith in Jesus takes away the need to grasp all the good things in life here and now. We can give because we know that all things are ours in Jesus.

  10. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    Hope all is well with you
    Enjoyed reading all of the comments on this blog topic. Pat, so sorry for the loss of your mother but so glad to know that she was born-again and that you’ll see her again one day.

    Off topic here…
    Was truly blessed to be able to attend the women’s conference at my church. Thousands of women were blessed by the Word, fellowship with other believers and encouraged to develop a closer walk with the LORD.

    Bob, I was not offended by what you said about 9-11, though I can relate to how pooh and Hisgirl feel. I understood your comment to mean that, before 9-11 occurred, America had enjoyed God’s protection on a level that few other countries had (60 years removed from Pearl Harbor), and at times she seemed undeserving because of all of the sin, selfishness and discord among her citizens.
    There’s no mistaking that God has favored her then and now. I believe that’s the case because, as davids said, there are MANY Christians in this country who TRULY love the LORD, and I’m one of them! :-) I’m reminded of the question Abraham asked God about Sodom (Gen. 18:22-26)… he asked God if he would spare the land [of judgement] if He found fifty righteous people there. In verse 32, God said he *would not* destroy the land if [only] ten righteous people lived there.

    Was rainy and windy in Texas today with cooler temperatures (50’s).


  11. Regina says:

    Oh, and (like Steve) I’ve also had to go through a back door in order to log on to this blog site. Everytime I log in, Word Press takes me to my profile page and I have to keep it open in order to stay *logged in* on the blog site.

  12. Regina says:

    *Like Steve and other bloggers on this site.

  13. perocker245 says:

    This is an Excellent Online-Church group! I am Disabled from an ATV accident in Aug 2008 which resulted in Traumatic Brain Injury….Your (our) church is very well done for access thru internet making my daily access a simple process of going into my computer and bringing up your informative and very knowledgeable site….Great Job Done!! Thank You…Phil Espinoza

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Welcome Phil, My own son also suffers from traumatic brain injury. I am so glad you are able to do this and be a part of our group.


  15. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, i like the picture of the *people* contemplating a rabbit.

    Makes one wonder what each of the groups thoughts might be about this little timid creature.

    Since I am one of the faces in that crowd myself, I have came to a few conclusions myself.

    Rabbits look just like deer, even have the same color, the same eating habits, will kick and bite, can and do swivle their ears to listen to things from different directions…And are food for others.

    I am amazed at the ease at which rabbits die, it would almost seem as though once caught they just..die.

    Almost as if they know their current place in nature and are at peace with it.

    Nice fall morning here in West Virginia. Was 37 at daybreak but has already reached 51. Cloudy, leaves are almost all gone.


  16. plumbape says:

    Mart I also enjoy the pictures as well as your willingness to continue doing what you do in the name of Jesus for someone like me. The people that come here to share in the riches the Bible holds are wonderful also…
    Thank You

    The picture today made me think of clowns..! Always had a desire to be a clown, professionally that is.

    Bumped into our old friend daisymarygoldr on another blog and hope she finds her way back here sometime.

    Bob always appreciate hearing your comments. Not an easy thing to just say what you think. You are right about not being much different. IMHO I can’t be sure about the rest of the world breathing a sigh of relief though… what about our brothers and sisters in Japan, Germany and North Korea…. In time of war only evil wins. I also think that God blessed this country because we are all from some other part of the world. ok except native American Indians. I think my last name is German but I’m an American. My future ex-wife is Italian but an American. I can’t think of a country that does not have citizens here. Thanks for listening…

  17. davids says:

    I thought I would just stop by while preparing my trip back to the US tomorrow, but then Mart sends a heavy weight our way.

    Often Christianity seems like an “otherness”. To much of the world it is a book, a story, a philosophy. Even to many Chritians it is a faith, a denomination.

    Cutting throught the philosophical wording of the Zimmerman quote, I get to “The incarnation…embodies…the self-giving otherness of God…with a human face.” Now that I can undersand.

    Jesus made God’s love personal. I hope and pray that through the Spirit I can show God’s personal love to each person – to let them know that Jesus really demonstrated through the incarnation that he loved all the world.

    My prayers to all of you!


  18. davids says:

    Saled, I really enjoyed the story about the nurse. The world wants us to view everything in it’s terms. But that’s not the way, is it?

  19. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Thanks for your comment at the end of the last blog subject. You understood exactly what I was saying and how, especially the British, feel about US attitudes.
    Have a good trip home, despite how it may seem, the US is one of my favourite places to visit.
    Note, I said visit and not live, lol


  20. marma says:

    Read Proverbs 8 this morning with my sister. Couldn’t help but think of Jesus.

  21. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thank You Mart for this topic, it has made me think about how I relate to Truth and that it is really a relationship with a person rather than an abstract idea that cannot be attained as when Pilot said “what is truth” when he didn’t realise he was looking straight at it/Him.
    Sometimes we can’t see the truth even when it is right in front of us because we have to relate to it in person. What is true for me may not always be true for you!


    I also welcome you Phil, this is indeed an “online” church a place of spiritual learning as well as “honest” fellowship that helps us all to open ourselves up to the powerful light and wisdom of God.

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