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A Story Called Desire

2010 ArtPrize Exhibit

How much of life can be explained by what we long for? How much of who we are is defined by our desire?

What if we spent time, together, thinking about the story that the Bible and life, as we know it, tells about what we hunger and thirst for?

What wonderful and wretched things can it do to our prayers? To our behavior? To our overflowing gratefulness or unraveling dissatisfaction—with ourselves, others, and our God?

Let’s stop and start here… and see where it takes us…

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44 Responses to “A Story Called Desire”

  1. Motorcycleminister says:

    My desires and wants are fleshly..WRONG!. I must let go and Let God make all my decisions. It must be God’s wants and desires for me. Each day I must trust and have Faith in Him who is my Abba. Allowing God in my heart 100% will eliminate any worldly thoughts and strenghten my prayer time. It will give me the passion to love others as God said we should. It will give me the Spirit of humility, compassion, and thirst for Him so I can serve Him completely. NOTE:I read the blog everyday and enjoy the thoughts of other fellow brothers and sisters. I am one who would rather speak than write. Thank you all for sharing God’s Word everyday. Thank you Mart and all of the RBC members and staff. With God’s Love, Barry

  2. wvgirl826 says:

    We’re all human, so a lot of our desires and wants are selfish. But we must remember who we belong to, step back, and let God give to us what He wants us to have…or not. We need to trust Him and have faith that He will supply us for all things, however great or small. He knows better then us, He is Lord God.To God be the glory.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    Hello Barry, it has been a while since I have read your comments and wondered often if you were still around.

    As usual you are right on with your thoughts, it is never about us but is always about Him.

    But Mart has an excellent topic, because we all start out as children, both in life and as Christians.

    And so our outlook changes as we grow and mature. Just as we all know people who physically grew up, but have remained childish in their attitudes, so we also are so likewise represented in the body of Christ.

    Many people I have known pray for very selfish desires. Some for a better wife or husband…then the one they already have.

    Some to win the lottery.

    Others to obtain wealth.

    All the kind of things immature Christians may seek.

    While others seek only to please God, and so by asking be in good favor. Still a selfish thought.

    I find it pleasing to ask for others needs rather than my own, believing that God already knows my needs and will take care of me…more properly than I would know what to ask for. But I still ask for for personal matters.

    The word says…Phillippans 4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

    Yes Mart, what we honestly pray for tells all about us and our maturity in Christ.


  4. Hisgirl4life says:

    A few scripture verses come to mind when thinking about desires, longings and our prayers. In line with what Steve mentioned, I too believe that God knows our every need. He longs for our fellowship, our praise, our communication and adoration. “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

    I’m also reminded of the verse in 2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

    In 1 Chronicles, chapter 28, God informs David that it is his son Solomon who He has been chosen to build His temple. Later David informs his son to “acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with whole-hearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.”(1 Chron. 28:9).

    God knows our deepest desires, our longings and our motives. When we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit and lean upon His strength each day, asking Him to guide and direct our path, according to His will for our life, He will answer us. Perhaps the answer will not be what we desire or long for, but the Bible promises us in Romans 8:28 that God “works all things to good to those who believe and are called according to His purpose.”

    Yes, I also agree Steve, sometimes we’ve all prayed those fleeting prayers out of self. God truly knows our hearts condition…He created them. When we cry out to Him and allow ourselves time with Him, He brings the peace, joy and love that strengthen and encourage our daily journey…no matter what our longings and desires. When we can truly surrender those desires and longings to His will, His will be done in our lives, we often see His best for our life is right around the bend. He simply cannot help love those He created! We are the apple of His eye.

  5. Mart De Haan says:

    Good responses. Thank you!

    Here are some of the thoughts behind the question:

    Desires God created.
    Good desires gone bad.
    Desires of the Spirit in us.
    Desires of the flesh.
    Desires that enslave us.
    Desires that free us.
    Desire in the Garden
    Desire in the Wilderness
    Desire in prayer.
    Desire with follow through.
    Desire without follow through etc.

    The point is that desire is such a huge part of who we are… and what the wisdom of the Bible speaks to.

  6. pegramsdell says:

    He will give us the desires of our hearts. He gives us those desires. Changes our desires to His. Godly desires. To love Him and one another. To die to ourselves and live for Him.

  7. scout1 says:

    What a great topic! I think that God gives us desires for all kinds of things -like a good spouse and safe place to live and love from family and friends. I don’t think that it’s selfish or wrong to think of these things.

    As we all know, that sometimes life doesn’t happen just like in the storybooks. That’s when God sees what we do with the things in life that don’t meet up with what we thought. What do we do with disappointment or miss-guided desires and wants? Do we ask forgiveness and then pray for God’s desires and plans for our lives? Maybe it’s a situation that doesn’t make sense to us. God’s ways and not our ways. What then?

    Our desire should always be for God first. All other desires are what God put in us to make us human. The struggle that we have because of sin is what has twisted our desires and wants.

    I’m sure Adam had desires and wants. And they were all met in the Garden of Eden. He was loved, safe, cared for and had purpose. His relationship with God was as it should be. His desires were met. Then came sin.

    I love all the desires and hopes that God has created in me. I pray that they are all directed and controlled by God.

    Good Day!

  8. kaliko88 says:

    I guess we are supposed to be discerning about our desires as well as about people.

  9. poohpity says:

    I often wonder what desires the Lord will place in a heart when we find total delight in Him and Him alone, first and foremost. I wonder if we desire to teach but God desires for us to listen. I wonder if we desire to lead but God desires us to follow. I wonder if we desire to be revered but God desires us to serve and not be noticed.

    The reading today spoke of Simon the Sorcerer before receiving the Lord he dazzled people with his sorcery made money off of it and was highly recognized. After he believed and was baptized while following the apostles, John and Peter laid hands on people and they received the Holy Spirit but Simon DESIRED that gift and wanted to buy it. Peter admonished him by saying that Simon’s heart was not right because he was bitter, full of sin, wanted to make money and get power.

    I think what we desire can give us a glimpse of the condition of our heart. Sometimes I really am saddened by the condition of my heart. I think it was wonderful that David, first a follower of God then a King and a warrior asked, “23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

  10. dja says:

    “Two things I ask of you, O Lord;
    do not refuse me before I die:
    Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
    give me neither poverty nor riches,
    but give me only my daily bread.
    Otherwise, I may have too much and disown You
    and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’
    Or I may become poor and steal,
    and so dishonor the name of God.”
    ~Proverbs 30:7-9
    I wish I could say that this is always my prayer. It certainly seems to say where I need to be. Oh, that the desire of my heart would be that I would always want God’s will to be done and not mine. And, Pooh, the end of Psalm 139 certainly is where we need to be.

    Warm in Northeast PA today, but looks like we’re going to get some rain. Have a good day!

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Mart the list you made of thoughts behind the question, may take all week to start to touch.

    Now that the login matter is smoothing out, my computer is getting contrary….figures.

    #1 Desires God Created…

    Before I go searching throughout scripture for this answer, I was struck with just what may have been the desires God had intended in the Creation as well as what may have been Adams desires…in the beginning.

    I have always believed that God is never suprised, yet He was disapointed in His creation and said so (Gen6:6).

    I would suppose that if we please God, that it may be a desire of His heart for us to do so…(Heb 11:6).

    As I think about it, The life and testimony of Jesus shows us the very nature and desire of God’s heart. luke 22:15 Jesus states “with desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer.”

    Since the beginning He has desired a fellowship and relationship with man.

    Even to His suffering, in order to restore it.

    From the beginning Adam desired companionship, God states that it isn’t good that the man should be alone (Gen 2:18)…Since this is before the fall I would guess it is a created desire from God for us to seek companionship.

    Seeing how Adam had God all to himself, in the whole of the earth, yet here in the Genesis account Adam never complained but God sought out of every created creature a proper helper for him…Eve was the proper helper God desired for Adam.

    From this story I must conclude that God desires for us to have *proper* companions.

    I am certain that the emotion of Love is a desire God created. Real love, selfless love, sacrificial love.

    So in the beginning God has a creation that is in fellowship with Him and with each other, even with the rest of creation….All in a harmony of selfless love and respect for each other…

    Being thirsty and hungry must have been a desire God created, both sustain life and are also words used to relate to the relationship to know and understand Him better.

    Surely the desire to serve others and please our fellow man are created desires from God, as exampled and taught by Christ..

    Much to think about here Mart…Thanks


  12. tandgmartin says:

    Great topic, Mart, and great responses, all. For me it’s summed up in Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    One thing I ask of the LORD,
    this is what I seek:
    that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
    all the days of my life,
    to gaze upon His beauty
    and to seek him in his temple.
    This is what I ask.

    Psalm 27:4

    This is my desire!

    Remember we are His Temple so the place to seek Him is where He lives, in our hearts.


  14. SFDBWV says:

    #2 Desires gone bad…Hmmm it is going to be hard to stick to one sub question at a time.

    Believing that God created the emotion of love, it is easy to see how love becomes twisted when it becomes lust.

    Lust is selfish, and only seeks to attempt to satisfy itself. Unlike real love that is selfless.

    It was lust for the forbiden fruit that caused Eve to desire it enough to disobey God and believe the lies from the serpent.

    Lust, one of the seven deadly sins, will destroy lives. Whether it is a lust for riches or power or sex or any desire outside the guidelines of serving and giving to our fellow man.

    Sex is certainly a desire that God created for Man to procreate, and enjoy the relationship of husband and wife. But when that sexual desire looks within, to only be a means of satisfying that drive or desire then it has control of the person. This is a desire that clearly can have destructive results when it goes bad.

    Divorce, child abuse, and when taken to the more darker levels of human behavior, even murder.

    I mentioned hunger and thirst as a desire God created in order to sustain life, but look what happens when it is done to excess. When it becomes an obsession.

    Yep the old seven deadly sin list comes into view again. Glutony and alcoholisim, from the simple task of eating and drinking, to the destruction of ones life and the effect it has on others.

    I guess when desire becoms an obsession no matter what the desire may be, is when it takes control of our lives and leads us away from the original intent. Toward the destruction of a life and the lives of others around us.

    More thoughts on Marts questions.


  15. pegramsdell says:

    Great scripture references. Psalm 30 (Della) really goes with today’s ODB.
    If I have all that I need, desire, then I am content. And…I’m learning to be content with what I have as if that’s all I really want.
    I am so thankfull for everything I have. I am rich in blessings. My children, grandchildren, job, home, friends, church. And most important….my relationship with Jesus! My main desire.

  16. tha.khoza says:

    as everyone’s been commenting i’ve just realised that God’s desires for us are all in the Bible. whilst that sounds really obvious i think there is a real danger of being so caught up in our own little world that we forget that God simply asks of us to seek him first and all else will follow. and i love the way mart points out that “desire is such a huge part of who we are… and what the wisdom of the Bible speaks to”

  17. poohpity says:

    tha.khoza, that is so totally found through out scripture that God’s greatest desire is for us to know Him. It would seem like the more we learn in scripture the more we understand that. It would seem then that our desires will fall in line with His. When we enjoy being around someone we soon begin to copy their traits, I think that is what Jesus taught about remaining in the vine and drawing our nourishment from Him.

    I went four yeas without reading the scriptures everyday although I went to many bible studies and even taught but there was nothing like reading and spending that one on one time with Him everyday. When I went without reading I got so pulled back into the world around me and it now keeps me grounded, not perfect but grounded. That desire has grown so strong in me today even when something happens around me I cling to that time.

  18. Hisgirl4life says:

    When thinking about desires gone bad and desires of the flesh, I’m reminded of King Solomon’s words in the book of Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 when he spoke, “I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refuesed my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my work and this was the reward for all my labor. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everthing was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” It seems that these passages emphasize self, a me-centered attitude, a desire for comfort instead of a longing fulfilled by seeking God.

    In the end of his journey for satisfaction, pleasure, power and riches he concluded, “Fear God (respect and honor him first above all) keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecc. 12:13-14).

    It seems any striving on our own, by our own accord, is self-reliance rather than relying upon God’s Holy Spirit to strengthen us to accomplish in us what only God can do. Seeking God’s will for our lives above whatever clamours in this world must seem foreign for others that don’t know Jesus, but it is truly a daily surrender of self and a deep worshipful, respectful reverence for who He is and what He has done for us.

    Yes, as Steve mentioned there are many paths that lead to our own destruction, but there is only one path that leads to God’s saving grace. That path begins and ends with Jesus. As Bob mentioned also, it is our heart’s condition, the motives, desires, and longings that matter most to Him. When we fail, God promises if we acknowlege our sin, repent and turn from it and accept his grace we are forgiven. “Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” (Joel 2:13).

    Wishing you all a joyous and peaceful day in the precious name of Jesus.

  19. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you all for your comments! Enjoyed them all, plus the scriptures with them

    I would like to add something, and that is because of Plumbape’s last remark (former topic oct 24 5.21 pm):
    A few years ago I had strugless in my marriage, my husband was all into cars, and egines and racing. He said he loved me, but in his actions, the racing would always go first in his time, and finances (it is an expensive sport).
    I was very sad, and down.
    At christian meetings the songs would make me think:

    This is my desire, to honor You
    Lord, with all my heart I worship You
    All I have within me, I give You praise
    All that I adore is in You
    Reuben Morgan 1995
    Deut 6:5, Psalm 27:4, Psalm 103:1

    While singing songs like these, I realised that my desire would go more to my husband then to Jesus.
    Jesus can fill all of my heart, my husband cannot.

    But Plumbape, is everything you could do on your side, done?
    Did you show in action that you loved her more then your cars,
    and Jesus above all?
    Sorry for asking, but I have to..
    Our desire should be first and foremost to our Creator, but after that do cars have a big role, or f.i. (speaking to women) shopping?

  20. SFDBWV says:

    Just been thinking about a few things while I rest a bit from chores.

    Elisha desired to have a double portion of Elijah’s spirit (2Kings 2:9). It must have pleased God because if you count the miracles Elijah did and the ones Elisha did they are exactly twice the number.

    Then if you consider the Spirit that was in them both, it was a combination of their own spirit, the spirit to do the will of God and then empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish it.

    Psalms 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

    And what is the desire of your heart??? Perhaps to be delighted in the Lord…And appreciate all he has and will do for us.

    Love to all, both here and all around the world. For it is a beautiful fall day in West Virginia.


  21. pegramsdell says:

    Awesome Steve. Delighted in The Lord! Sweet!
    It is a beautiful day here too, but still no rain. It’s been a month. Hopefully today it will rain. But…it’s still nice and breezy and warm. Good running weather. lol.

  22. pegramsdell says:

    Got another race this Saturday. Can’t wait.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    Good luck in your race Peggy. I love that you get to do what you enjoy.

    The lady bugs are starting to mass together and find a way in. I think nature is so cool…these little bugs know what lay ahead.


  24. Hisgirl4life says:

    Psalm 145:16 “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.”

  25. saled says:

    I wonder what Eve’s desire was when she ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Did she really desire the knowledge of good and evil or did she just desire the fruit? Or did she just do it because the serpent said to? And then in Genesis 3:16 God says that her desire shall be to her husband.

    One of my strongest desires has always been to be home. I was the kid who always went home from summer camp because she was homesick, and the kid who missed lots of high school because she didn’t feel at home there. And after being married and having children, I couldn’t enjoy going on vacation because all I really wanted was to be at home.

    And then on one vacation, late at night I was listening to a Bible program on the radio and the speaker was talking about abiding in Christ. He said that the word abide meant to feel at home in. At that time, I felt my desire to be at home slowly begin to lessen. Intellectually I know that Jesus is where I can feel at home, where I can find hope and peace. In my every day experience,however, I still find myself turning to things like chocolate a lot more often than I should!

  26. TTSRF says:

    “…all the desires and hopes that God has created in me. I pray that they are all directed and controlled by God.”

    Very simply and powerfully expressed, Lynda. Thank you. Always enjoy reading the comments of my wise brothers and sisters.

  27. poohpity says:

    saled, I believe their desire in the garden was to be like God (Genesis 3:4). I think that many folks have that desire that is why as Mart said that, “unraveling dissatisfaction—with ourselves, others, and our God?”. Instead of being grateful with who God is we try and put ourselves in the position of trying to be God to so many others which creates the dissatisfaction. I think when we learn about the enormity and the all encompassing grandeur of our God we will trust Him with more of us.

  28. Regina says:

    Good Evening All
    Haven’t talk to you in a few days. Hope all is well in your lives. Didn’t get a chance to comment on the previous blog topic, but I SO enjoyed reading your comments. Been a little busy the last couple of days.

    Off topic here…
    Welcome, Phil! :-)
    I thank God for technology too. If it wasn’t for the internet, I wouldn’t be able to blog (fellowship) with these wonderful brothers and sisters in the LORD either.

    Steve, what you said (in the previous blog topic) about deer and rabbits was very interesting. I also find that picture intriguing, Mart! Thanks for sharing. It made me laugh to think that all of those people found a rabbit so fascinating, but I would probably feel the same way if I had never seen one.

    Hopefully, I’ll have an opportunity to comment on this blog topic later.

    Was a gloriously sunny day in Texas (80’s).


  29. plumbape says:

    It is so incredibly difficult for the American male to be truly humble. By that I mean that deep down inside where we don’t let any one go except God and me. At 54 I’m just in the past several years happy and ashamed to realize in my life I have done nothing good. There is after all no good in man. Those occasional times I did do some thing good (there must have been at least one or two) was the time that I had nothing to do with it.

    It seems I was chasing after that one ultimate *thing* that was going to not only be so incredibly satisfying it would last a life time but it was also that one *thing* I deserved to have. I had, after all being an American man, the right to have what I wanted. Coming from a poor but proud family I soon learned that if I wanted but can’t afford it just take it. I wanted to be like God only the word God would never be mentioned even deep down inside because I didn’t realize it myself and I had no religion or understanding of the Bible at all. It wouldn’t be till my last time in prison while having the spiritual luxury of being in solitary confinement for 13 months that I really began to meet God. Back then I thought I had been arrested but understand now that I had been rescued.

    I actually thought that after finding John 3:16 that I could just believe in Jesus as the Christ and continue doing what I wanted to and I had the salvation part of life covered. Talk about your fast food type of religion….

    will continue but I’m slow (foreverblessed you had to ask didn’t you…? lol)

  30. plumbape says:

    I met my wife while at the dope man’s house buying coke. God was going to draw me back to him one way or another and for the life of me I don’t know why because if there was ever a white skinned monkey that didn’t deserve anything but a swift boot, it was me. We went through all kinds of things and she had this habit that went against my honor among thieves moral code, lying to me. Take money say she did something but keep the money so we could party and pay the bills later. After a year or so she was going to have to go because I couldn’t trust her after many attempts to, “let that be the last”.

    That’s when I found out she was pregnant so okay I’ll wait to see how this develops. Instead of one we had 2 and I never new love like I did when we had these beautiful boy/girl babies. Slowly my honor among thieves was becoming honor as a dad. Did I mention I am really not that sharp some times..? Well 13 months later and we have a girl and I’m realizing what is causing this. Fixed that, mean while the wife is still doing this routine that is driving me crazy because I didn’t care in a way what she did but just be honest with ME at least. So let us actually get married and maybe that will help. Well about ten years into our marriage I started calling her my future ex-wife thinking that will keep her on her toes, right… God has a rude awakening for the ape.

    I figured money is the problem. So I went to work cleaning drains for a top notch plumbing company and kept after it to get a plumbing license. Then in the 90’s I’m making good money and we want to go suburban to get a house kids in school and she is agreeing this is a big opportunity let’s quit the dumb stuff and do the right thing. Still no God in our life but kids start going to a youth club at church so we do the token show up at church some times for our support and making sure they don’t serve up some cult brand of junk to my kids because after all I studied this stuff at Pen State so I should know. *Should* yes

    Year 2k and God starts to squeeze. My sister only 2 years older 46 suddenly dies, 2 wks after 911 my mom dies, 2 more years and dad dies and 3 months later my older brother kills himself. Wife had not been paying all the house payments, hides it until we are throwing good money after bad but still trying to do this without God. Kids in high school doing well actually and they are letting God in. Wife and kids show up at where I’m working on a house and tell me they are moving our things out and we can’t go back in there. Whoa…. where is my Lord when I need him, right…


  31. Regina says:

    BruceC. – I’ll pray for your wife too. What’s her name?

  32. Hisgirl4life says:

    Bruce, it is often in our darkest hour that Jesus comes and shows us how wide, deep and high is His great love for us…never, never give up…He’s right there beside you…He’s right there. Just call out to Him. He already knows your greatest needs, he sees your pain and suffering. He cares deeply for you and your family. He will never let you go. Praying for you and your family tonight.

  33. plumbape says:

    I’m determined to keep my family together and becoming more and more humble despite myself. Kids are with 2 different youth leaders from church and at school the next day as well as the rest of the year. We move in a rental through a friend of the kids. A year, more dumb stuff another rental, few months, same thing only we don’t get back our things back that time. A property owner and friend I do work for let us stay in a vacant with almost nothing to live with but a place to live and the utilities on. I’m depressed, hearing has gone bad and I am wanting to really get to know this God I heard about and thought I knew about.
    Worked out a deal with owner to do work as he needs to pay rent and utilities. Many ups and downs. Wasn’t the ape humiliated when I found out that God put this lady in my life to show me that is how I look before Him. Ouch… My three kids graduate HS, older girl marries young man from church family we have 2 year old grand baby, youngest will graduate from Purdue next year to start law school, my wonderful son is pacing himself but lives with some friends and loves God. My kids are going to raise me and my future ex-wife right if it’s the last thing they do.

    I had one plumbing company that liked me offer to hire me back if I wasn’t with my wife. He was telling me that for my own good because he knew, he is divorced and remarried with no kids and no God. I passed on that and still live here in the hood but a nice crib. Turned down twice from SSI but I do work for myself and customers love me and I love my wife and God…!!! I drive a raggedy 88 buick, tools get stolen if I don’t bring them in every night but life is cozy here learning about the most awesome God that existed before there was anything and created all that there. Amen

  34. plumbape says:

    I love you people and thanks for listening.

    Don’t you kids try this at home without supervision. lol

  35. Hisgirl4life says:

    Children have a way of speaking the truth in love and when they grow up they often teach us some of the same lessons we hope to instill in their lives. Things might seem bleak now, Bruce, but tomorrow is a new day, fresh with possibility. Keep praying for your wife. God is able to work in every heart. Just look at what He accomplished in the heart of Saul whose name later became Paul. Your children sound like they have found what you are searching for. You are always welcome here and loved by all other fellow Christian bloggers. Peace to you this night…

  36. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks plumbape! I am so proud of you!
    Keep going …
    You know we have an awesome God.
    He has done some miraculous things in my life,
    and He did it after He drew me to Himself, and I would hand my worries about my marriage to Him.
    He is the director of our life, every step and every move,
    our going in, and our going out (where is that scripture)
    He should be the desire of our heart,
    the more He is the centre of our heart,
    the more He can do in our lives, and the lives of the ones we pray for,
    and now especially for your wife!
    How great
    is our God, sing with me how great
    how great
    is our God

  37. SFDBWV says:

    Michael, You are a wonderful person, and a true testimony to your love of wife and children.

    I will always believe that God allows such struggles for our own eternal good. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand that while knee deep in the problems you have experianced.

    I mean no disrespect to your wife, but your story reminded me of Hosea and Gomer. How God shown that no matter what we did, He is willing to do more to keep us with Him.

    Keep up the faith brother, and thank you for your story.


  38. poohpity says:

    Indy ape, Thank you for sharing your testimony we have known you for a long time with only bits and pieces. It is good to have more bits to help us understand you more. Your words are always appreciated and so is your humor. Michael you have always been thought well of in my heart. God does such wonderful work in those who are willing to allow Him to. :-)

  39. Regina says:

    Good Morning All
    Wanted to comment on this blog topic (specifically) because the comments and testimony shared here was truly a blessing to me! Thank you all for sharing your wisdom and life experiences! :-) Been feeling “a day late and a dollar short” of late, but God is faithful and my prayer is that I will become more disciplined in my daily life (and in the time I spend with God).

    Plumbape – Your testimony is an amazing witness of God’s love and faithfulness to His children and those who desire to know Him. There’s a scripture in the Bible that says if we draw nigh to God, He will draw nigh to us. I’ve found those words to be true in my own life. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

    It’s a beautiful, sunny morning in Texas, and I’m grateful to be alive, for the new mercy and grace that I’ve received today, and for another opportunity to live out God’s (perfect) will for my life.


  40. Regina says:

    I’m still having some problems logging in. Still have to *sign in* to my profile page, and leave it open in order to post a comment. ..better than not being able to log in at all though.

  41. poohpity says:

    Regina, You might try going up to the PAGES section at the top left side and click on the “log in” there put in you your name and password and then click “log in” again and it will open for you without going to all the profile pages.

  42. Regina says:

    Thank you, poohpity! :) I kept looking on the wrong side of the page for the PAGES section! I really appreciate your help!

  43. Regina says:

    Have to make one more comment about the Log In link! It was staring me right in the face and I didn’t see it! ..go figure! lol!

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