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Wisdom Personified

We’ve been thinking together about how Jesus is not only wisdom personified (1Cor 1:30), but also our best reason to pursue more of what it means to live wisely in him rather than less (James 3:13-17).

While trying to flesh out the thought that James is actually telling us how to find and recognize the wisdom of Christ, I found a quote in a Bible study commentary that  I think captures the idea in a brief paragraph.

Keep in mind that the question is, how does James describe the wisdom that God has given us in Christ when he writes that “the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and without hypocrisy?”

As a summary answer to that question, the Believer’s Bible Commentary says, that persons who have the wisdom from above…

(Quote) …”make you think of the Lord Jesus. Their life is pure. Morally and spiritually they are clean. Then too they are peaceable. They will endure insult and false accusation but will not fight back or even seek to justify themselves. They are gentle, mild-mannered, and tenderhearted. And they are easy to reason with, willing to try to see the other person’s viewpoint. They are not vindictive but always ready to forgive those who have wronged them. Not only so but they habitually show kindness to others, especially to those who don’t deserve it. And they are the same to all; they don’t play favorites. The rich receive the same treatment as the poor; the great are not preferred above the common people. Finally, they are not  hypocrites. They don’t say one thing and mean another. You will never hear them flatter. They speak the truth and never wear a mask.”

Yeh, this sounds fairly idealistic doesn’t it. Yet, a longing for that kind of “Christ-likeness” is what life in him is all about… and what, in increasing ways, our Lord wants to grow in us.

Because these results of wisdom are not natural to our own flesh they must be some of the outcomes the Apostle Paul had in mind when he said that he felt like a woman in labor as he waited for “Christ to be formed” in his readers (Gal 4:19; 5:22-23).

Makes me wonder about the extent to which these outcomes are clear in the reputation of followers of Christ in our politicized and polarized society?

Even more importantly, as I realize how lacking they are in me… what is it going to take to accelerate such growth where my own thoughts and choices can make a difference?

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10 Responses to “Wisdom Personified”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Paul said it well when he said he felt like a woman in labor, as he waits for Christ to be formed in him.

    Almost, just any moment, it is an anticipation and longing that can’t fully be realized until we are with Him.

    While many of us might recognize some of the traits found in Mart’s quote in ourselves, we also want to be able to be just like that, fulfilled in Christ.

    The problem is the world we live in. Many of us are reeling from disaster after disaster, knocked to our knees by heartbreak and loss, with seemingly no let up.

    Knowing that it is in this kind of troubled environment that we are brought before that fork in the road of our life, either we grow closer to, or farther away fom God.

    It is easy to quote scripture or say nice things while life is moving along comfortably, but another matter when you ae hit repeatedly with troubles.

    Job seemed to be much like any of us, in that he seen himself as innocent of recieving the troubles he had poured upon him, and much like many of us, he sat in the dust and ashes of his life and said it would have been better for him to have never been born rather than to have suffered the heartache and loss he had to endure.

    Yet because of this story of Job, we can all have hope that God will rescue us; And if we believe He will rescue us and is there with us, and that there is a purpose and goal in His heart for us…then we can learn how to endure, while like the pregnant woman, awaiting relief and joy at the same moment.

    It is always about the idea, that if we want something we must give that same something to others.

    If we don’t want to be gossiped about, don’t gossip, if we want others to be patient with us then we must be patient with them… etc. ect. ect. Whatever it is we want to recieve we must first give that to others and have a desire to do so.

    If we practice this continualy, somewhere along the way, we find we are doing just what God wants for us to do, while learning to turn insults and wrongs over to Him to take care of for us.

    Calling for 2 to 5 inches of snow today through tomorrow.


  2. InHisHands says:

    Dear BTA friends,

    I want to comment on the subject, but have come in just now to ask for prayer for my son, Josh. We are going in for yet another court appearance, and it seems that there will be a request for another continuance – because the PA did not get his psychological assessment appointment set up. Please pray for God’s intercession to end this ludicrous continuing of an obviously unnecessary court case. The record already shows that he was not in his right mind because of seizure after affects and drugs used to fight the seizure. (All they want is to have this over so they can move on – there is a lovely life waiting for them in Texas.)

    Thank you all and sorry for not sticking to topic. But, in a way I guess I am, for I am asking for the judicial system to have wisdom.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    InHishands, We will certainly be in prayer for your’s and Josh’s need.


  4. poohpity says:

    InHisHands, in my prayer for your family I will place you all In His Hands for wisdom and mercy. Love Deb

  5. poohpity says:

    I also have wondered Mart what it will take for “Christ to be formed in me”. The harder “I” try in those areas the more I realize that if I am trying then it is me trying to form me in me. When I allow the Spirit to Work and give up control I know then it is Christ working in me to achieve what He would like in my life so the credit can only go to Him because I fail so many times. There is a saying in the rooms “Let Go and Let God” that is so true of all spiritual wisdom, change and reasoning. Then our lives will “make you think of the Lord Jesus” and not of self.

  6. xrgarza says:


    Thank you for your thoughts, as a mentor, I never want to teach, “do as I say, not as I do” but so often I find that is always the easy way out for most.

    I really believe in the writings of the Apostle Paul that teach us how to live. I fall short often but during those days that I’m doing well I sometimes feel like a lone ranger.

    Where are those mentors for the mentors? Do they even exist? Its heartbreaking to think that so many aren’t able or willing to even go through the motions let alone live their lives in such a way, that reflects What Christ and the Apostle tried so hard to teach and convey.


  7. davids says:

    Having just come back from the US, and time with family, I realize that the “politicized and polarized society” only describes a few of us.

    Most of the people in the US seem to hate all the political ads; the ritual was to purposefully hit the “mute” when they came on. They are just trying to make it through the day, the week, the month.

    Maybe if I turned away from the television (or more to the cooking channel like my sister) and the news sites, I would be less caught up in the issues of this world. I might find it easier to find this wisdom – to allow the Holy Spirit to form this in me. Maybe it’s more a matter of letting go, as poohpity says.

  8. dja says:

    InHisHands, please know that I am praying for Josh and for you. What a wonderful privlege it is to pray for our brothers and sisters (even if we may never see one another face to face).

    I thank those of you who prayed for my son when he was arrested. The main charges were dropped, and he will have some consequences for the misdemeanor charge. It was hard, especially with my husband’s health problems, but each day we have known the Lord’s encouragement and strength. And as we have called on Him for wisdom, and have waited for His answers, He has shown us things we never would have known if we hadn’t gone through this.

    Again, InHisHands, I continue to uphold you and Josh before the throne of Grace.

  9. SFDBWV says:

    We all know that *The Golden Rule* is a conclusion not a quote from the whole of scripture.

    The simple idea that we treat each other in the same way we want to be treated, seems easy enough.

    Yet how often have we reached out to let a dog sniff our fingers only to get bit. Never realy quick to reach out to that critter again.

    Once we are able to have patience and show some that we are not a threat to them then maybe this next time we won’t get bit, maybe…

    Forgiving and trying to understand, perhaps even finding sympathy, not giving up, perhaps one can find a friend instead of…getting bitten.

    Trying to develope a Christ like attitude in us takes an effort on our part, Christ, like God is not a magician or genie. Whereby with a wave of His hand we become a finished product…No it takes practice and effort from us to become more like Christ…He will help us but it is our choice to follow after His example.

    How well I know the concept of predestination, if you start thinking that we have no choice in the matter while at the same time thinking we have a responsibility to action, one can go in circles and become dizzy trying to figure it all out.

    So for me, love is an action word, and so I work at developing a love for others. It is a desire I have and so I must act upon it….All the while using the wisdom and caution with His Word as a lamp unto my feet.

    It snowed and rained all day yeasterday, with a half inch of accumalation, they think more is on tap for today….Oh well.


  10. InHisHands says:

    Stay warm Steve (and dry). I am from Ohio, but been away from there (more years than I lived there) and sometimes I miss the snow and seasonal changes. Funny, I don’t remember the cold bothering as much when I lived there as I am bothered by it when I get to a cold part of California now. Guess it is kind of like that with the things of God – when we are surrounding ourselves with Him and his people, the things of the world bother us, yet, when we spend to much time in the world we become less bothered by what is happening.

    I think I want to continue to be bothered by the societal issues that turn us from God – and continue to pray for His covering and guidence to help others to see their need for Him so that they will desire to scrape off the worldly influences and want to be more like the One who created and came to save them.

    Anyway – thank you all for your prayers- and Steve, enjoy the snow for me.

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