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Dog and Cat Theology

A friend gave me a smile the other day by reminding me that a dog says,

You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, You must be God.


A cat says: You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God.

Photo by: Nyominx

Later googled the quote to see if I could find out where it  came from and found a lot of references including books and seminars that use these imagined differences between cats and dogs to describe how similar approaches to God show up in us.

The thought reminds me too of some of the conversations I had last week while recording Discover the Word programs with Haddon  and Alice. We are working through the Sermon on the Mount together and seeing once again how all of the things Jesus says there about i.e. salt, light, anger, lust, divorce, and  the taking of oaths are not meant to provide “the last word” on the subject, but rather to bring us back to the foundational attitudes that begin with “blessed are the poor in spirit”…(i.e. those who recognize their poverty of spirit and need of the grace of God.)

We’ve seen together over and over how all of the elements of the Sermon on the Mount that follow “the beatitudes” (5:1-12) can help to bring “the Pharisee in us” to our knees… so as to see our need of “Christ in us”… who gives us a hungering and thirsting for better relationships with our God and others.

Wonder of Creation

So while I fear that Dog and Cat Theology could be taken as an unintended insult to cat lovers, I hope this morning that it can be taken as a smile… and a reminder of how important it is to come back again and again to an awareness that all of the provisions of God whether they be food, clothing, or moral knowledge—are not meant to turn us into little gods… but into grateful worshipers.

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20 Responses to “Dog and Cat Theology”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    I too have heard the dog and cat story, it is always worth a smile. One of those bits of wisdom and common sense we all can understand.

    Far too many people use the phrase “My God”, when arguing their point. As if their God is different than anyone elses.

    Placing God in a box and only believing that which they want to accept while rejecting all other perspectives and dimensions of Him.

    Yes I think the dog-cat analogy is quite fitting for such people.

    The Beatitudes are one of thse conversations from Christ which cause me to understand that no matter how hard I may try to be Christ-like, I will always fall short, that without Him I can do or be nothing.

    On a side note, I read yesterday that the Catholic Church is looking for more exorcist’s..There being a shortage of them within the church, a seminar on the matter Friday and Saturday this week in Baltimore is being held in order to teach the rite to more priests.

    The story went on to read that elsewhere in the world exorcisim is taken more seriously than in the USA.

    Since we are a world wide blog, I wonder what other dog-cat views the world has as viewing spiritual matters.

    Happy to have heard from James from India and Jason from Saskatchewan Canada on the last topic.

    It is 20 degrees f here in West Virginia and another beautiful Fall day in the making.


  2. xrgarza says:

    Cute, I’ve never heard that story about cats & dogs before, but it describes their attitudes quite well.

    Mart we all need to be reeled in every now and then, If we allow ourselves to be reeled in we would be able to see that it is easy to feel like some thing is owed to us.

    havew a nice day.


  3. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I have a cat who IS god and, just like the real thing, knows how to keep me on target, especially at meal times. lol
    But she also is gentle, and shows me great affection and loyalty.
    We all have a tendancy to think we are god, after all we are made in His image, but we are saved by grace and the love that Jesus has shown us, more than just affection and a cuddle from our pet.
    That is why Jesus prayed that we may all be one, you, me and the Father Himself, all one in love.
    No barriers between us only the blood of Christ.


  4. Len Philpot says:

    Our three cats (one littel tom in particular) often remind me that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17 ESV) when they bestow their unconditional and honest affection upon me. While it may be stretching the theology of James a bit (but not too much, I think), it is worth remembering that God loves us through all of His creation, as inferred by Romans 8:28. And, that should bring us always back to a proper and grateful understanding of our absolute need for Him… now, to just personally put that into action, again and again. :-)

  5. bubbles says:

    This helps us keep in mind that the Lord is the giver of ALL things to us. The only reason we have what we do is because of what He gives us.

    We are so blessed to have a Heavenly Father we can depend on, One who will never leave us or forsake us, the one called Jehovah-Jireh, who gave His Son for us.

  6. MaryKristine says:

    Haven’t had a good laugh like that in a while! The pictures helped. We have two cats and that pretty much defines their thought process judging by their behavior. There is a third one, though, that was found at the church and she shows a lot more devotion and tolerance of us holding her. We named her Faith but we like to refer to her as the “baby-kanga-rabbit-squirl” because for some reason those are all the animals she tends to mimic at some point. She’s very unique in the way she communicates with us too and I can’t help but praise God for his creation!

    It’s funny, though, because I wonder if this is how God sees us…similarly to what the article above was referenced concerning our relationship with God…some of us are more willing to acknowledge His number one place in our lives and show Him our love and devotion.

    Yet at the end of the day as I’m rounding the corner to pull into the driveway, all three of the cats almost take my breath away with how beautiful and unique God created them! Regardless of how each one treats me…I still love them very much.

    You think God feels that way about us…everyday?

  7. truthjudy says:

    Yes, Mary Kristine, God does LOVE us, everyday, in spite of ourselves. If He did not love us unconditionally, He would not have sacrificed His Son for us. I thank Him that He loves us so much He won’t leave us wallowing in our sin, but once we have turned to Him for salvation, He lovingly sanctifies us through our life experiences. He does not promise smooth sailing, but He does promise to never leave us or forsake us. Life would be so much easier if we would constantly acknowledge our need for the LORD and keep our focus on Him.

  8. poohpity says:

    I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Although the needs are different they know who to come to for their care and some of that care includes some things unknown to them but I know they need it. They are very accepted by me all their personality quirks and differences.

    I feel that God thinks of us in that light as well we all have significance to the ONE who knows our sitting down, our rising up, our thoughts and our every action before we even know. God knows us more intimately than anyone could ever know us yet still finds worth in us. We are deeply loved and treasured by the God of all creation. Even when we do not feel like it we can know it is true. We are the only beings created in His image to fill a place in His great plan. Thank you D. De Haan for the reminder today.

  9. Jason says:

    My wife and I have 2 shih-tzu dogs. We have no kids so our dogs are often referred to as our fur-children. You can tell how much they adore you when you come in the house after being gone for awhile and they jump all over you. I believe all pets are a gift from God and it is the owners’ responsibility to love and care for their every need. Just like God loves and takes care of us. Thanks Mart and everyone for keeping this blog going.

  10. saled says:

    Dogs provide such a wonderful model of what trust and love looks like. One of our dobermans died on Columbus day, and at the time, one of my co-workers gave me a story that she found on line. It was written by a vet, who told of having to put down a much beloved old dog for a family that included a young boy. As they said good-bye to their friend, the child said that he knew why dogs lived such short lives: because it doesn’t take them long at all to learn to love, unlike humans. He was right about that.

    What a great point, Mart, that all of God’s provisions are not meant to turn us into little gods, but faithful worshipers. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know God well enough to worship him as my dogs worship me, and I guess that’s another reason why he sent Jesus, so we might know God in the flesh. How can you not worship the one who reached out and touched a leper, the one who stood up for the woman caught in adultery, the one who gave sight to the blind? Yes, my dogs are a good reminder to sit at His feet and worship.

  11. Jason says:

    I believe when we get to heaven, all our pets that died before us will be there. We had to put one of our dogs down a couple of years ago. It was very sad because they are a part of the family. I like that story you wrote about saled.

  12. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    As I type this my cat is sat next to the laptop just looking at me. As you said Saled, it is a type of worship, sometimes I catch her looking at me from the garden or from another room.
    Although they can do things on their own it seems there is a total dependence that almost demands this addoration from our pets.
    We are not worthy of such devotion but our Father in heaven is. I think we have a lot to learn, as was said, in just sitting at the feet of the One who loves us and just looking at Him in Awe.


  13. BruceC says:

    I never heard that one before Mart; very interesting.
    I have heard the old adage “they fight like cats and dogs!” though. My wife and I have had cats and dogs for about 33 years now. We call them our little blessings from God and they are spoiled rotten. Just like folks they each have their own, unique personality. The dog; Ginger is a German Shorthaired pointer(our fourth) and the two cats are Tum Tum and Boo Boos(I did not name them!) When I think of the old “fighting” adage above I wonder where it came from. Our cats and dogs have always got along very well. Ginger will lay on the floor about four feet in front of the woodstove and bask in its heat while looking at the flames throught the glass door. Boo Boos will come along and rub his head against hers and purr; and then lie down next to her and sleep. They get along so well. Both cats will sleep with the dog and the dog loves them. Never had a fight. I often think about people and how they should get along as well. The three of them teach us about God’s love, God’s beauty, and God’s blessing.
    Funny things is is that cats and dogs if left to themselves without human guidance would shortly revert back to an almost wild state. Isn’t that true of us without the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Or before we were saved? Or if we have backslidden? Yes, nature does teach us many lessons. Thank God for our pets!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  14. plumbape says:

    Dogs love ‘the chase’ of racing after a cat and people often thought (and some still think) that dogs and cats don’t get along and thus, when people would argue or fight with each other the quote ‘fighting like cats and dogs’ came about.
    Cats remind me of the ladies….
    Okay,dogs are the men, lol
    I love them both, just got a puppy ,a lot of fun, praise Jesus

  15. SFDBWV says:

    Read a story couple days ago about a little Jack Russel Terrer, treeing a mountain lion….

    I guess kitty didn’t want to play.


  16. poohpity says:

    My lab mix is Pooh and she is the solid foundation in our house. When there is someone crying or sad she sits next to them and occasionally gives them a lick in comfort. When there is fighting between the boys or the other animals is runs in and tries to break it up and brings peace. She is always good for bringing a smile to everyone’s face because she believes she is a lap dog.

    Then there is Meme the farrel cat who only let’s me pet her when I feed her but comes when she is called. She does not know how to meow but has growling down pat which she does to every animal and person she comes in contact with. It is all about her.

    After my mom died we then adopted Kenzie Madison a Yorkie who bosses everyone around while being only half the size of the cats and 1/7 the size of the lab really has to be in control. She barks for everything then leads you to what she wants and expects it right now. With her came Maji a big black cat who is now my constant bed companion which I believe gives me fur balls when I breathe in his fur, lol. He also meows for everything he wants and to get petted. He likes it rough with a metal brush on his face which he just leans into and then likes his back combed. I like to sleep alone but now I am never alone in bed.

    I have to admit it is a zoo around here but they all have unique personalities but the have blended well except for Meme she does not like anyone so everyone walks the long way around her. Even in her ugliness she still needs love. I think that is so true about all of God’s children we all have different personalities and how we give and receive love is different but we all need it and Christ is the One who is able to bring everyone together for a harmonious relationship with Him and each other. If we are looking to Him as our leader and allow His spirit to do what it does best by being our guide through this thing called life.

  17. SFDBWV says:

    It is a difficult matter for Mart to create for us a new and interesting topic every couple days. I am sure he feels the pressure of coming up with topics and good subject matter.

    I have always divided people into two types…givers and takers.

    So in looking at the “Dog and Cat Theology” I guess I see the dog’s as givers and the cat’s as takers.

    Thinking along theological lines, givers are always in service to others, in whatever way they can. Giving to God what is is He asks from them and giving to the needs of others around them.

    Takers on the other hand are always looking for a hand out. Always trying to get something from God or from the other people in they way.

    I have a friend who used to be a professor of psycology, when he became a Christian he realized how the thrust of what he had been taught and was teaching was all wrong.

    Telling people that they are ok and that everyone is ok and that life is all about being happy, is not what brings true happiness into a life at all. But rather is never satisfied, always wanting more.

    A dog can have it’s feelings hurt, while a cat just arrogantly walks away.

    People who are givers open up their heart, the effect being that sometimes they get dissapointed or hurt.

    While takers have no concern for anyones feelings except their own.

    So takers look through scripture to see how they can be blessed and seek out wisdom that can better their place in life. That being their goal.

    While givers seek out the way of pleasing God, and so by doing so are given all they need ao require. Their goal only to be in good standing with God.

    Thank you Mart for an unusual slant on an obvious subject.

    Good morning to all


  18. poohpity says:

    Steve, I think that all human beings have a part of givers and takers in us but when it comes right down to it only God is able to determine a persons heart. As circumstance happen in life it effects a persons heart sometimes they end up being takers and sometimes they are to be givers. Trying to do good all the time we end up taking credit for our actions while not allowing the Spirit to work through us then it is Christ who gets the Glory for our giving and allows us to be takers as well.

  19. poohpity says:

    I would like to believe that some God has given to so they can be givers in His name and then others are receivers but it depends on a persons motives behind either.

  20. jbcpk says:

    Check out the book Cat and Dog Theology by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison. We have used it for an adult Sunday School Class and it was great! They also have a website catndogtheology.com It’s presented in a light-hearted way but it’s a very serious topic as it accurately describes many western Christians.

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