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The Goal of a Follower

In sports the goal is to win. And, as a number of you commented in the last post, competition shows up in every area of our lives– always raising questions of relationship and accomplishment.

So what is the goal of the follower of Christ?

I’ll give the answer I’ve been thinking about recently, and see if it prompts some discussion. (As I have probably mentioned in earlier posts), I keep coming back to words the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians. In that very emotional letter he likened himself to a woman in labor waiting for Christ to be formed in those he was trying to help (4:19).

Looking closer, Paul was deeply concerned that the Galatians understand that a relationship with Christ begins and ends in grace rather than in human merit (3:1-3). This is also the letter in which Paul says that “All of the law is fulfilled on one word, even this, You shall love your neighbor as yourselves” (5:14). Then later he becomes very specific in describing how this love is rounded out by the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23).

Together these traits of Christ-likeness seem to be what Paul was referring to when he said that he felt like a woman in labor. He was waiting and longing for the grace, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control of Christ to form in Jesus’ people.

That must be the goal. Even as together we look forward to a holiday season that celebrates the birth of Jesus, we also wait for Christ to be formed in us and in those our God brings into our lives.

But what a strange strategy the goal of a follower calls for– to make every effort… to rely on God… to do in us… what we don’t deserve, and what we could never do for ourselves… for him, or for others.

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30 Responses to “The Goal of a Follower”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    “what is the goal of the follower of Christ”

    Mart you have ask a mouthful there…

    The obvious goal is to do what Jesus has commanded from us and what He has ask of us.

    That may sound simple enough, but the task is anything but simple or easy.

    I am to love others as He has loved me, I am to give up all of my personal desires for His goals and desires, I am to present Him to an unbelieving world as their only opportunity to be reconciled with God….

    In doing so I will offend many and make enemies of many more.

    I will be isolated and rejected from the world and from some of my own family.

    In most all cases I will never know what I am doing nor where I am…only walking forward with my eyes and heart fixed on Christ..in blind trust.


  2. SFDBWV says:

    So many of us were raised up in the concept of work ethics, that it is difficult to seperate that from our being Christian.

    Without some of the attitude that Martha had, little or nothing would get done. Yet without the heart of Mary, what we did would be missing the love or purpose of doing it.

    I dare to say that all of us at some point in our lives have placed ourselves into some sort of worldly relationship.

    That many of us put all of our energies into that relationship, whether it was work, or a marriage, or children, even self indulgence.

    We may have succeeded wildy above or expectations or failed, but the one thing all have in common is an unfulfilled emptyness…Until we become followers of Christ.

    Being a follower of Christ fills the emptyness of life like nothing else can do….

    And we can do nothing to bring satisfaction and true happiness and peace to our beings, until we allow Jesus of Nazareth to have full reins of our heart.

    My goal as a follower of Christ is to surrender *ME* for Him…

    Snow and sleet here in West Virginia this morning.


  3. Mart De Haan says:

    Is snowing here in West Michigan too. Roads on the way into work were slipperier than I expected. First snow usually results in a lot of road accidents. Tried to slow down. But it’s hard to change gears as the seasons change.

  4. scout1 says:


    I find it interesting that you are making your points based on competition and winning games with the picture of giving birth. Most folks wouldn’t put those things together. :)

    When I found out that I was going to have a baby, I had waited 8 years. At one of the first doctor visits, he did a ultrasound, and I got to see what looked like a hollow area inside my belly. I thought, Wow, that little person is setting up house-keeping in there!

    Then, I thought, wait-a-minute . . .maybe I don’t want to go through all this, maybe it’s going to hurt too much, maybe I might die if something goes wrong. The “what if’s” started happening.

    Then as time went by, I realized that I had no control over what was happening -my body just knew what to do. All I could do was sleep and eat well. But that was what I did anyway -so how could something so dramatic be happening? Babies are truly miracles.

    Ten years ago I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy, and he’s is the best blessing! But, there were times when I felt like I was set on a course that I couldn’t do anything about -except hang on and enjoy the ride!

    I pray that God is doing that with me, changing me, forming me and completing the project of making my heart just like Jesus. (with or without my knowledge, help, control or opinions) Praise the Lord for miracles!

    Blessings for today –

  5. scout1 says:

    P.S. No weather to report here in Texas! Maybe Steve and Mart can send in the first pictures of the snowmen that they are going to build! ;)

  6. BruceC says:

    To me; from all the sermons I’ve heard, Bible readings, and studies I’ve attended, the goal is to become more and more Christ-like. So that our reflection of Him gets brighter and more powerful and our witness becomes more effective.

    Very windy and warm(unusually; 57 deg.)here near Coopertown, NY. Expecting temp. to drop with some snow. Mart, I know exctly what you mean by accidents during the first snowfall. I used to dread that as a cop. People need to slow down. Just as folks in the world need to slow down and see what is truly important. No sense in “speeding through life”; only to find that you missed the “Destination”.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  7. christopher7 says:

    Well it is Dec 1, and we have some beautiful snow here in northern Indiana. That is because I am inside now.

    Your title got my attention this morning, I try to share that I am a “follower of Christ” when asked by others to try and distinguish what a Christian actually is. In this country the majority call themselves Christians but only the minority acts it out. That statement works well in turning the question back to others, in whom do they follow and trust? I have sensed the Holy Spirit has used this to get people to think it through.
    A name can say a lot, and as the apostle Paul told the New Testament church, don’t follow me but follow the one I am following (1Cr 3:4). Looking at all the churches today we are inundated with different denominations and leaders. Instead God desires and commands we are to be, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism”, Eph 4:5.

    Where have we gone astray? The Holy Spirit strives to be our strength, unifier, and sustainer, working to make the “ME upside right to WE”. At home my wife and I have reminded our junior high son often that it is not all about him!

    In speaking to him I see myself and pray that we all become the best followers we can be.

  8. poohpity says:

    The more I hang around with someone the more characteristics I seem to emulate. Peter in his second letter written to the church at large says to “learn to know God better and better and through His great power he will give us everything we need to live a truly good life”. The fruit that will be produced then will be from the Holy Spirit not from our fellow believers or our own efforts.

    Trust me I have tried and tried in my own strength to live that good life only to find that the more I try the more I mess up because my eyes are on me. I end up being judgmental, critical, angry and prideful.

  9. toria says:

    Well, I decided to stay out of hiding, at least for the time being. :)

    Everyone has made some great points so far about what it means to be a follower of Christ. In rereading the post a few times, I see there are things that Paul did that I don’t really do. Paul longed for the Galatians to be fully developed in Christ to the point of likening himself to a woman in labor. Wow. I can honestly say that it’s very rare that I feel that much of an intense longing for others’ Christian walk. Of course, by reading all his letters, we know how important his Christians brothers and sisters were to him.

    To me there is so much to being a follower of Jesus. First, I must surrender to Him on a daily basis and lean not to my own understanding. If I’m truly doing that, it trickles down into all areas of my Christian life: submitting, having the fruits of the spirit, being kind and selfless, telling others of Him, being humble, forgiving, being patient, being merciful, being wise and on and on. The key is that I’m seeking Him and asking the Holy Spirit to work these things in me and to help me not be so disobedient. Also, as a follower, hopefully I’m maturing in my faith as I get to know Him better through His word and through our relationship.

  10. poohpity says:

    Off Topic– I just wanted you guys to know that we found a doctor who will finally take my case about my legs so maybe I will be able to walk in the future with no pain. Pray that this one will not butcher my hips any further and be able to correct the damage that the others have done. I am excited but frightened all in one. :-)

  11. SFDBWV says:

    toria, I am glad you came out of hiding, your comments made me think of the other side of Marts comments concerning Pauls labor pains.

    I admit it is usually within my own walk that I feel the deep longing to be fulfilled in Christ. However you have made me realize that, that same longing for others can somtimes be described in a different word from me…

    Often in conversations I will find myself wondering, why don’t this person get it? How can this be so hard to understand? Love would say, as did Paul, I long for Christ to be formed in them…then they can understand.

    Thank you toria, for helping me… understand, better…

    Pooh, we add your need to our prayer list.

    Still snowing here, 3 1/2 inches yesterday, and 22 degrees f.


  12. BruceC says:


    I pray that all will work out for the best; in Jesus Name.
    When Arthur Itis decides to flare up he makes well aware of aches and pains. I will keep you in prayer.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  13. dja says:

    toria and Steve: I, too, seem to dwell on my walk and the lack of understanding in another’s walk. Years ago, a dear brother in the Lord, who was an elder in our church, preached about seeing Christ in our brothers and sisters-concentrating on the best instead of their faults. If I truly love others, than my desire for their growth in Him should be greater than for myself. My flesh can not love like this, but the Lord’s love in me can.
    “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.” IJohn 4:11&12

    Pooh, you are on my prayer list. Having had a total knee replacement, another one in the future and a bad back, I understand about the pain. May the Lord give wisdom to this new doctor and encourage your heart.

    BruceC: Praying for your wife’s upcoming surgery.

    27 degrees here in NEPA. So far, no snow, and it’s a beautiful sunny day-very nice after all the wind and rain yesterday. Have a good day!

  14. phpatato says:

    I received an email from my sister this morning. This is how she ended it……

    “Share a smile with someone. On that note.. I said good morning with a smile to a man who appeared to be down and out. He followed me into the hospital and turning to his touch on my arm, I saw a tear on his face and heard words of thanks as it had been awhile since he had been acknowledged with politeness. So get out the toothbrush and polish up those piano keys and smile today even if it is to your own image in the mirror.”

    In the 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The Sound of Music, the song Do Re Me begins with these words..”Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start..”

    My goal today is to polish up my piano keys and to stop with a smile for someone today. That is a very easy beginning step towards my further goal of mirroring Jesus in my life.

    Pooh, I will remember you in my prayers. Big hugs to you!

    Lots of rain fell the last couple of days. No snow. The temperature has dropped to more seasonal levels and the wind is chilly today.

    Blessing to All


  15. poohpity says:

    Thank you friends for the prayers. I have already had 8 surgeries and set the metal detectors off in every place that has one, lol. The bionic woman, lol.

    I think what is so totally interesting is that as Mart said, “what we could never do for ourselves”. When we try and be good Christians it is in our own strength. When we walk with the Lord it is His Spirit that is manifested within us and does not really take any of our own strength it just comes naturally (Spiritually).

    When Paul groaned with anticipation about watching his children in faith I think that is the things that he wanted them to know so bad. That spending time with the Lord prompts the change and growth through the Holy Spirit and everyone grows at different levels depending on how much control God has of us. Then no one can boast about what a good Christian they are because they will give ALL the Glory to God if it ever comes to that.

    Paul’s conversion, just as any of us, was done by God. Our continued change is done by God. We, seem to at many times, want the things that satisfy the flesh like notoriety, control, and the list goes on. The closer we walk with the Lord our eyes begin to focus on God and not around us but Just who we each are standing at the foot of the Cross. We stop focusing on whether someone else gets it but as to whether I get it or not.

    I find it so humorous because Paul is like any other parent he could talk and talk about these things but he had to speak then step back and wait until they really got it. People today are still laboring with the same things that he taught years ago. Any parent can understand how much we want for our children but know that they have to experience it for themselves to really understand.

  16. toria says:

    Steve-Yes, I need to do the same: “Love would say, as did Paul, I long for Christ to be formed in them…then they can understand.” I too am definitely way more focused on my own walk. I need to really pray about this.

    Dja-This is such a good point that your church elder preached about: Concentrating on the best in others instead of their faults and the desire for their growth in Him should be greater than for me. I have a lot of work here. Well, it’s the Holy Spirit’s work, but again, I really need to pray about this.

    I was reading the first part of 2 Peter chapter 1 and verses 5 through 8 stood out to me because of this topic of the goal of the follower. “But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” As we see these things in our life, we know that our lives are becoming more like the nature of Jesus. It shows that we are being conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). However, like Pooh said, the fruit will be from the Holy Spirit, not from our efforts. This also lines up with what Bruce said about the goal is to become more and more Christ-like. It really all comes back to not what I’m doing for the Lord but what He’s doing in me.

    p.s. Pooh, I will also be praying for you.

  17. pegramsdell says:

    Yessss! I love the bionic woman! lol….and I love you too Deb. I also will be praying for you and hopefully this surgery will be the last. I had a procedure done recently and they gave me the michael jackson drug and said that I would love it. And I did! It’s awesome. Smoothly went out and came back in. No side affects. I hope they give you that my friend.

  18. davids says:

    This topic has really got me thinking about viewing others in the faith. Thanks!

    Deb, you are in my prayers.

    And for once the weather from Belgium, since it is usually unremarkable. High of 23°F/-6°C and snowing lightly for the fourth day.

  19. Loretta Beavis says:

    I’m praying for you, too, poohpity.
    God is the God of restoration.

  20. dinakar says:

    I enjoyed reading all the posts so far, gives me a glimpse as to what God is doing in each of our lives.
    In thinking about my walk (following) with God, I picture myself walking behind my Lord as He walks past a beautiful departmental store and my eyes now wander of Him and into the store, when I get my eyes back on Him I realize I have missed a few steps. Next we go past a circus true to my nature the activity around me demands my attention and I take my eyes of Him in the bargain, a gentle call from Him sets me on my path again.
    To let my God chip away all that he sees unfit in me is a daily yielding process I have to do, cause my God is a gentleman he never touches me without my consent.

    Its a rainy morning here in south India – never goes below + 18

  21. SFDBWV says:

    dinakar, i very much enjoyed your analagy of your walk with our Lord…very true for us all.

    It is one of the problems of our modern world, way too many distractions….

    It is most difficult for our children who are flooded with flashy distractions that pull their attention and their devotion away.

    As much of an attention getter TV is, now there is gaming of everykind, texting, twittering, facebooking, netflex,ufo’s space aliens, ect ect ect…How can Christ compete with all that flash and glitter?

    Even as scary and dark as the future of the world seems to be, a distracted population seems bent on anything but the pursuit of Christ to be formed in them.

    Jesus looked out over Jerusalem and wept, He, now through our eyes and hearts, can look out over our world and do the same.

    It is a giant step for an unbelieving world filled with self indulgence, to even aknowledge there is a God above their own desires, to allowing the seed of belief in Jesus Christ to begin to grow in them…further still to see Christ formed in their understanding, surrender and behavior.

    Yes I see how Paul was impatient for those he loved to see them come to a rebirth and renewal in Christ.

    davids, we seem to have very similar weather…22f, -5c this am as it continues to keep snowing, lightly for now.


  22. SFDBWV says:

    Looking further at Mart’s thoughts, is the additional obsticle we all struggle with….Grace.

    We all want it for ourselves yet somehow want others punished.

    Paul clearly understood what it meant to be forgiven, and so he desired for the Galatians to have Christ developed in them to the point where they too could understand that, grace trumps merit.

    The problem most all of us deal with is believing that we can impress God by doing good works and be in obedience…..

    The problem is that even if we strain at being good in every thing we do…still we stumble abd fall, and are in need once more of forgiveness.

    The characteristics that Jesus has, and that we hope to develop in us, is what Paul longed to see formed in his little group of believers.

    It is faith that pleases God, and as much as we attempt to align our behavior around the guide lines the very scripture lays out for us to, we still will fall short of our goal.

    So it is true of our new goal, in being representitives for our King, Jesus of Nazareth the Christ.

    Representing, behavior in the form of love toward all…always eager to forgive and offer grace.

    07 degrees this morning, an additional 3 1/2 inches of snow….


  23. ygp says:

    Greetings! I still follow this blog routinely. Got encouragement and comfort from the blog, with few disagreements sparkle every now and then. I pray for those who have special requests , and thankful for all of you who have been writing the comments faithfully.
    In addition to the goals that have been mentioned in this blog, I remember the goal that our Lord Jesus told us before He ascended to heaven, which is to tell the good news to all humankind in this world.
    “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
    Our good Lord loves His creation, and His goal is to fix His relationship with us. I feel so much of His love when I read what He said to Jonah in Jonah 4:10:
    And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”
    His ultimate goal is also my goal as a follower of Christ. Although many time I am still scared to do it. As His followers, we should remember those who are persecuted because of obeying His command in bringing the good news to this world, or doing His will daily. I received news from my family back in Indonesia and Burma, from missionaries in Tibet and Nepal. I read the news from Voice of Martyr regarding the burning of churches and the pastors, houses in India. All of the news just prove what Lord Jesus told us that many people will be persecuted because of His name, and yet He announced His goal to make the all nations His disciples. Let’s constantly pray for them and for us to obey His specific command.

  24. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Off topic here…
    Just dropped by to say hello. =) I hope all is well with you all. Still catching up on the blog topics and comments, and enjoying every minute of it! I think I mentioned in a previous blog that I’m in the choir at my church and we’re preparing for a Christmas production that will include all of the fine arts ministries at my church. The preparation has been a lot of fun! I also want to thank you again for your prayers (whenever you go to God on my behalf I appreciate it so much), and I’m so grateful for your friendship. Well, I guess I’ll get back to reading comments on previous blog topics.

    ps. I was trying to post my comment in the current blog topic, but I inadvertently posted it in the blog topic that I’m currently reading, so I reposted it.

    Low 50′s in Texas tomorrow.

    Love & Blessings,

  25. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I went to a most amazing Funeral and memorial service in our village yeterday. I have been to many in my ten years here in west Cornwall, but this was different.
    The lady who died was a Christian and a church leader and Pastors wife, she was only 66 years old. But instead of mourning and sadness, as with other funerals, there was Joy and thanksgiving for a life well done and lived in Christ. Her words, just a few weeks before she died was this, “I know my God can heal me, but if He doesn’t, Jesus is still my number one”.
    That is the goal, to except God’s will no matter what the outcome and be totally focussed on Him as number ONE.


    we have just had a couple of days of rain and +8C but temperatures are about to drop to -3/6C and more snow forcast. Seems we are having the winter you had last year Steve!
    Thank God He provides for our needs in these cold and troubled times.

    As an aside….
    Todays ODB reading struck me as very prophetic. As I was reading it at 5:30 AM I was also watching a News program on TV from the European Parliament in Brussels.
    There were Euro MPs from Ireland, France, Portugal etc. discussing the financial crisis they all face and the so called “bail outs”. They were all bewildered and could see no light at the end of the tunnel, or how they were going to pay back the loans, even France may go under. Then I read the passage in ODB and it was just what I had seen on the News.

    Luke 21:25-28 (Amplified Bible)

    25And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth [there will be] distress (trouble and anguish) of nations in bewilderment and perplexity [without resources, left wanting, embarrassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn] at the roaring (the echo) of the tossing of the sea,

    26Men swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken and caused to totter.

    27And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with great (transcendent and overwhelming) power and [all His kingly] glory (majesty and splendor).

    28Now when these things begin to occur, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption (deliverance) is drawing near.


  26. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, I’ve been following your weather on the web, as well as the rest of Europe…It looks like it will be a long winter.

    We are expecting 12 to 18 inches of snow today through tonight…I hope they are wrong, but will have to deal with whatever we get.

    Regina, Our churches here always have a cantata, I love the music of Christmas…So stiring, so soothing. Almost as if we get an arm around the shoulder of our spirit, and a gentle hug of encouragement.

    I think too that another goal of we, His followers, is to encourage and uplift one another….Kindness, charity, and grace seems to come together at the Christmas season.

    “Peace on Earth Good Will toward Men” The announcement of Jesus’s birth, His goal from the beginning, became our goal when we accepted Him as our Christ.


  27. poohpity says:

    I was thinking about this topic this morning. I guess for me the most important goal as a follower of Christ/God is to fully understand the immeasurable love that is offered us. Which I as a human can not fully understand the width, breadth, deepness or completeness of it but I know God shows it to us because of what He has done for us. Not because we have done anything to deserve it nor will we ever but it is reflected by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When I really consider that love nothing can ever separate us from it.

    As a follower of that love it will manifest itself in the way we act and the things we do or say because God’s love is for all humans. That really changes my attitude, behaviors and thoughts because my goal is to show the same love I have been shown to others. So my goal is to understand how big God’s love is for us and live in that.

  28. saled says:

    Yes, it is a “strange strategy that the goal of the follower calls for: to make every effort . . . to rely on God to do in us. . .”

    We can’t make ourselves good. We can’t make ourselves loving. So what does making the effort to allow God to do in us look like?

    This is a mysterious contrast. God wants us to rely on Him and not our own strength. But I think, like Mart says, that the reliance does not come without effort.

  29. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart your description is right on with how we should proceed in “Our Effort” to Following Christ, what it takes, whom it takes, and what direction it takes.
    It is all guided by Him who makes it possible for us!

    My simple take is this … Stay Yoked with Christ, and leave the consequences to Him, for His burden is light, and His way is easy, His method is to just remain Obedient, and stay connected!
    Be Blessed! GWW

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