We’ve talked some over the last week about the mixed emotions, memories, and expectations of the Christmas season.
Some of our personal feelings reflect the star that came to rest over Bethlehem. Some of our memories blend into the darkness of the night… in which that star could be seen.
In some ways, our story might be similar to Mary’s. She had reason not only for joy and wonder but also for sorrow and anxiety. A few days after her child’s birth, she was also told by an old prophet that her son was destined to cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, that he would face much opposition, and that, as a result, a sword would pierce her own soul as well (Luke 2:34-35).
Now 2000 years later, the story of Mary and her baby, God with us, blends with our own…
Am thinking that telling some of our stories during this season might be a way telling either how the dark night sky of our lives became an occasion for seeing the star of God with us… or maybe how we are still struggling to see the star…