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Our Story of the Star and Night Sky

Photo by:bitmask

We’ve talked some over the last week about the mixed emotions, memories, and expectations of the Christmas season.

Some of our personal feelings reflect the star that came to rest over Bethlehem. Some of our memories blend into the darkness of the night… in which that star could be seen.

In some ways, our story might be similar to Mary’s. She had reason not only for joy and wonder but also for sorrow and anxiety. A few days after her child’s birth, she was also told by an old prophet that her son was destined to cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, that he would face much opposition, and that, as a result, a sword would pierce her own soul as well (Luke 2:34-35).

Now 2000 years later, the story of Mary and her baby, God with us, blends with our own…

Am thinking that telling some of our stories during this season might be a way telling either how the dark night sky of our lives became an occasion for seeing the star of God with us… or maybe how we are still struggling to see the star…

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25 Responses to “Our Story of the Star and Night Sky”

  1. xrgarza says:

    Thank you Mart for your hard work in putting these postings up on a regular basis.

    You have heard me say that the one thing I am most certain of in this life is that I don’t have a clue.

    Mary not only knew that her child would stir the waters of their people, and that it wasn’t going to be a cakewalk, she saw and heard an Angel tell her things that are absolutely impossible for humans to comprehend.

    Often times I wonder during these still seasons in my life, knowing His promises about His word not returning void, if He has forgotten about me, or if I have screwed up so much that He is done with me.

    Then I reel myself in, and think perhaps this is what I’m suppose to be doing. I realize that the pain that comes from within me, battling with how I think I should and want to be living my life in this world that I live in, perhaps is nothing more than pure selfishness.

    This season has always been a dark one for me, since my father passed away during this time, then when I lost my career at Intel and became a truck driver this industry is so unstable it just seems to have gotten darker. I find myself always just trying to catch up and get on my feet, and now with five grand children it’s tough knowing that they will not be receiving a present from grand-pa this year.

    Working sixty plus hours is really wearing on me, I come home and I am so exhausted when does God have time to use me? I don’t see the Star as my ship that will one day sail in, but I sit and wonder as to how His word will come to pass in my life, and if there is something that I should be doing?

    Merry Christmas

  2. poohpity says:

    A neighbor of mine who had a very old walker with the wheels all broken and it was falling apart came up to me on my way to an appointment just filled with excitement. He said I have been praying to God for a walker. You have to understand this man has spent his life crippled and blind in one eye with recurring tumors and shunned by most. He had left his house for a few minutes yesterday to come back and find a brand new walker left outside his door. The smile on his face was from ear to ear with all praise and glory to God.

    Rocky even if you are in your truck for 60 hours a week God can still bring someone to minister to in your life on your travels. Just ask. If you want God to use you then He will gratefully answer your prayers no matter where you are. Like Isaiah says, “here am I” send me and Jesus already touched your heart with the coals of cleansing. Isaiah 6:6-8

  3. foreverblessed says:

    Expectations of the holidays:
    When I was still busy with the Festivals of the Old Testament, the weekly sabbath, and the annual sabbaths (Leviticus 23), I had big expectations of these days:
    at sunset fridaynight, I would look forward to the rest, and the quiet. But then people would phone, asking questions about things organised in church, or my children would ask my help, or my husband would ask, … and I would feel discouraged: where is the rest, where the quiet?
    Now I feel that I was like the Levite, who would walk past the injured man, because he had to be on duty in the Temple, pray, and meditate.
    And that I would not know the meaning of the rest:
    rest of my own works and live in faith in Jesus, THAT would be my rest, and peace, and if there is a demand of anybody, I would serve, or rather Christ in me would serve the other.

    So after I left all these things sabbath and annual Festivals, I made a decision that I would not look at Christmas in that same way either. It is just a day, no expectations of that day, that is should be peaceful or special.
    But instead, that I would look to Jesus, that He is my peace, in Him always, whatever day.
    That I would serve people, whatever day.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    I should think that most, but not all, Christians have a story of a dark time in their life, and a longing for it to end…looking for that star, that leads them to their salvation and rescue.

    My own personal story is a book. I fear way too long and involved to lay out here in the limited space here on the blog.

    One of the mysteries of God is that He knows our needs before we have knowledge that we are in need.

    So there are times when well before we look for that star, God has put into motion all the events and even the answer to our walk through the valleys of our lives.

    The 23 Psalm was one of the strengths that God gave to me the night Matthew landed in a hospital in ICU with no chance of surviving according to the attending physicians.

    But God gave me supernatural help, because I needed it, not because I ask for it. But because He knew my pain and my weakness, and so aided me when I was in the pit of dispair.

    I think it interesting that even an unbeliever will cry out to God, when they are struck with disaster…I also believe He hears their cries.

    When Matthew was in the ICU, every few hours a new family would come into the hallway where we all lived, they too living a nightmare. We all became instant friends because we all needed the strength of each other, and we all prayed for each other….

    There was a fellow about my age who was standing there in terror, and grief stricken, his 17 year old grand daughter in an automobile accident on her way to her job at McDonalds.

    I parayed with him as he cried, but her family listened to the doctors and pulled the plug on her life, and let her go.

    Hope was lost for that grandfather, as he went head bowed away to help plan a funeral.

    There was another young 16 year old who had been crushed from the waist down and suffered head trauma as well….His mother was young and it would seem a woman of loose moral values, but she had faith and she had friends.

    The doctors told her they would have to remove a piece of her sons brain in order to save his life, but needed her permission to do so…

    I will never forget seeing her Christian friends, with their bibles tucked up under their chests push their way past doctors and nurses to pray fro that young mans life. Nothing no nobdy was going to stop them. He lived.

    Stories, Mart I have plenty of them, but they all start in the dark and end in the light, if it is toward the light that we take them. The light of Christ that bright Star that leads us all toward our only hope.


  5. InHisHands says:

    Good morning all.

    Rocky I agree with Pooh. Many times in my life God has used everyday people to draw my attention back to Him. Several Christmas’ come to mind when I was totally broke and wondering how I would give my children a nice Christmas – and interestingly enough, God did not use my church family to fill the need. I was a waitress and through legal situations I was a single mom with 3 children at home and one on the way. God has given me a wonderful ability to remain cheerful at work so that others didn’t know I was down, yet- a truck driver (regular customer) noticed. He didn’t ask any questions but when he left there was an envelope with a $50. bill in it and a note “MERRY CHRISTMAS”. During other times of Darkness, God has brought me back to that day – and I know that He will bless and everthing will work out to His glory.
    Point is, just being faithful to your Lord, will be a blessing to those whose path you cross – He never let’s us know just how many people we affect by our presence. You are being used everyday. Your presence here has certainly blessed me – I was again reminded that God will work this Christmas out. He has never let me down.

    Pooh, Praise the LORD for such a wonderful Christmas story you shared. I must remember to keep your neighbor in prayer.

    Lord bless you all here at BTA. Have a truly blessed Christmas!

  6. oneg2dblu says:

    To all the Saints among us who have had their Faith tested, we know that the “Star” is never brighter or seen more vividly, than in Our Darkest Moments…
    It shines with utter intensity so it does not ever go unnoticed in this ever darkening world.
    WE must be that Light for others,and through our prayers for those who live in constant darkness, we pray to Christ Our Lord. Even without words, when we see their fallen condition and the hopelessness
    it brings into their lives, and we care, Our Light shines when we say, “I Am Willing,” and then, We Pray for them! Our Prayer voice, is a light going out into the darkness that cannot be avoided by the Lord!
    Be a Light, and Be Blessed in knowing others Prayed for Us as well! GWW

  7. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Every morning when I walk to work I see Venus, the morning star, and think of Jesus who shines like the morning star.
    I want to say something here, it may seem strange, then I am a little strange.
    I want to thank Mart (and his team) for all the work he does and his dedication to God’s work.
    We are a motley group of people on this blog, and like was said above, have all been brought from darkness into light.
    Thanks again Mart for all you have done in Jesus name and I wish you a very merry Christmas and happy new year.


  8. davids says:

    If I look back, I look at death. My mother died when I was less than two. She had struggled and her life was hard. Through God’s blessings I was taken in by my uncles’s family who raised me as their own, giving me many opportunities.

    Later my 17-year old sister (cousin) died, but she had been going through very hard times, and though not raised a Christian, I told myself then that God had saved her from a difficult life. I also did many reckless things in my life and was in ICU at one point.

    Ten years ago our baby, born with Downs Syndrome, died at just over a year old. Again, I told myself that God took her home and saved her from a life of trouble.

    A couple years after that, I started attending church and read the Gospels for the first time. When I think of the star, I think of it as the light that led me to the Lord. Behind me is death, and in front of me is life.

    I hope that I won’t lose sight of that star. Life is busy now, with three children. I try to serve cheerfully in our congregation, so that English-speaking people here might find ours a comforting spiritual home.

  9. poohpity says:

    InHisHands, The secret Santa for my neighbor brought about a huge smile to my face and a warmth that turned my Christmas around this year. He holds tight to his faith and was just praising the Lord. It was a blessed thing for him and all those he tells his story to.

  10. InHisHands says:

    A M E N! I have smiled all day everytime I think about your post. It is such a blessing to do something without anyone knowing who it was. I don’t get to do that often. But when I get a chance it is so much fun.

  11. xrgarza says:

    Pooh, and InHisHands,

    Thanks for the encouraging words, I’m usually pretty strong and focused but for some reason this is a real tough year for me.

    I have a lot of good things happening, but at the same time there seems to be this dark cloud over me that simply won’t go away.

    Just keep me in your prayers.


  12. marma says:

    There are times when what is before me–the day, the hour, the next moment–the future is dark as a black hole, swallowing up light. At those times, the light is the Lord’s faithfulness–remembering what He has done for me in the past, remembering His character–His unchangeableness and His love–it’s like I can see that looking straight up, but not forward.

    Makes me wonder if that darkness that hides the next steps is His thick darkness. I find that a comforting thought, because I know I’m utterly safe in it with Him.

    I just did a word search in the NIV for thick darkness. Abram, Moses, and Job all experienced it. For Abram and Moses, it was the approach of the presence of God.

    For Job, it was in his sufferings. Job 23 shows both Job’s hope during his trials “come forth as gold” but also His difficult seeing God ” I catch no glimpse of him” but Job knows that even if he is in darkness, God “knows the way that I take” and that is because for God, darkness is as light to Him. (Someone mentioned that in one of the blogs, as I recall.)

    We have a lot of company in the darkness. Most especially our Saviour who, though the light of the world, experienced the darkness while on the cross.

  13. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Off topic here…
    Happy Holidays BTA family! :-) I forgot to wish you all a Happy Turkey day, but I had a lot going on in my life at that time. Well, there have been some changes in my life since I last talked to you. My husband decided to remained married to me rather than divide our assets. He even said he would make an effort to be nicer and more giving towards me. I can’t even begin to describe how shocked I was when he said that to me.

    I know that his change of heart was due to your prayers and the prayers of others. He had barred my access to the joint bank account when he was preparing to divorce me, and about two or three weeks ago (while I was preparing for a Christmas Production at my church), he restored my access to the joint checking account.

    I don’t know if you can understand this next statement, but I was a little depressed when he told me that he wanted to stay married to me. It’s because I’ve been on an emotional roller-coaster since I’ve been married to him. One minute he’s kind to me, and the next minute he’s not. I didn’t know what to feel or think when he told me he was no longer planning to divorce me.

    I feel like I’m in limbo right now (the marital trust disintegrated a long time ago), but I remembered a verse that I’ve loved since as far back as I can remember (probably when I first read it)…Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths (Prov. 3:5-6, NKJV).

    Ultimately, God is in control, and He knows things about my relationship with my husband that I don’t, and He knows how I’ve been treated and how I feel about the relationship. So, like I said before, I’m going to trust in the LORD in this situation. Going to bring all of my cares and concerns to Him.

    I’m on vacation for a couple of weeks, so I’ll have more time to converse with you. The weather in Texas was beautiful today…77-79 degrees!

    Thank you all (again) for your prayers, advice and concern.


  14. SFDBWV says:

    Regina, I am happy for you (I think)…We pray for your husband to come to his senses, accept the Lord and begin living the example Christ made for him to follow. Including loving you enough to die for you.

    We do a lot of squabbling here about who is the head of the house etc, but when you look at sin and realize it is based in *self*. One of the things that a husband has to do, is to have that selfishness die in order to serve his wife and family best.

    I do pray for your life to be filled with joy, not just tolerence.

    19 degrees and in a constant state of snow flurries, here in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia.


  15. SFDBWV says:

    I have done a lot of thinking about Mart’s question to us in this topic. Wondering whether or not to expose the pain suffered here in my home daily.

    I have wondered if by doing so, anothers pain may be eased or amplified???

    If you can understand it, midnight entered my family life on June 7th 1999. A darkness so intense that it was to me, at first, suffocating…It still is suffocating for Matthew.

    Each day is a new day and a new struggle for joy or for heartache.

    With never a day or an hour where we can be fully at ease or at peace.

    Somedays are way worse than others, but no day is without heartbreak.

    Matthew will pray for others, but believes God will do nothing for him, except disapoint him and leave him to his suffering.

    Matthew asks me to kill him dozens of times during the day, and believes because I won’t that I don’t love him.

    We are distracted by laughter, and by his exercises, but always are returned to the fact of Matthews suffering.

    Some days are very difficult for me to keep up the smile and be a cheerleader, but I must.

    Where does my strength come from??? My hope, my faith, my surrender to God….I can do nothing but look to Christ and place all of my sons pain,his future as well as mine and my wifes..on the Lord. Then leave it there.

    But that does not mean that the struggle is over, or that there is not warfare each and every hour of the day…there is.

    But as the head of my house, I will place all of my hope on Jesus Christ, our lifes struggles being the star that led us to him. He being the only hope we have.


  16. chfranke says:

    I’m so glad you are keeping us posted on your long arduous trial to be a Christian and a good wife. I praise your work on the Christmas production which is your way of reaching others and tell them about Christ.
    I was like your husband (there is still some of the mean old cuss still in me, I’m afraid) and my wife put up with me for a long time by just loving me (and forgiving me, I learned later). When I threatened to physically abuse her she stood up for herself and told me NO, that wouldn’t happen. If it did, she was gone. I still didn’t understand that she was loving me (and forgiving me). Slowly, over the next few years it sunk in. Then Christ came to me personally, face to face, in a bar. I was at the bottom of three martini’s. He appeared in front of me and said, “Chuck, you do not need to do this.” He called me by my name! That’s when I new He was real and He knew me. Personally. I was immediately sober and went home and told my wife. (I haven’t had a drink since.) She was skeptical. I had destroyed the trust between us. It took years for me to earn that trust back.
    I can’t promise that this will happen to your husband. God works it out differently for every person, but I do know that my wife decided to keep on loving me and that made the difference. It gradually soaked in what she was doing and that I needed to keep on deciding to love her back. (I still have rare times of flare ups and temper and frustration that emerges, but within a few hours I crawl back to her asking for forgiveness. I can’t begin to tell you how blessed I am now.
    I pray that peace will come to you this Christmas.

  17. katidid49 says:

    Hi to all!
    Yes, Christmas time seems to uplift some people, yet at the same time cause others to go ‘inward’ and doubt themselves as to their usefullness, as regarding the Christian faith. Alot of these doubts stem from isolation, loneliness, loss of a loved one. When I lost my Dad in 2003, then my Mom in 2006, then my darling sister, Carla, at the age of 60, in 2008, from her battle with breast cancer, I wanted to abandon all hope as far as a ‘Loving God’ goes. The one thing that kept me anchored, during those times, was my sister’s words: “Don’t worry Katey..I KNOW where I’m going. It has remained with me and has helped put things into prespective. So, if I can crawl out of my grief just long enough to see the needs of others and know that I can help, in my small way, then, that joy that comes by giving, replenishes me, renews me. The simplest things can happen now and I can see God’s hand in it. All Christians want to be used…we just don’t know in what manner God will manifest it. We do know that, in whatever way God provides an answer..it is the right way for us. We are all God’s children and partakers of His promises, through His Son..Jesus Christ. Lean on Him for everything. Well, ‘Merry Christmas’ to you all!!

  18. poohpity says:

    I wish I could ease all the sorrow that everyone feels but I know the ONE who can. I longed for someone to take care of me and my children and as the hours and days passed and there was no one, I thought. I would love someone to even help clean my house because the pain involved is overwhelming at times the dark clouds I loved hanging over me. When I consider my circumstance I feel totally overcome with grief and desire to be any place other than where I am. BUT!!

    In the time I was wanting a helper to care for me and my children I found that over these years right under my nose was Jesus Himself. I know it sounds cliche’ but every morning when I wake up and read my bible and spend time with Him things do not seem so bad and everyday one day at a time we get through everything together. Then I started to realize I do not have to clean a lot everyday but just a little at a time. There are always going to be struggles but there right beside those struggles are so many blessings that I over looked because I was consumed with the trials.

    It is cloudy here today but I know behind those clouds the sun (Son) is still shinning. I am learning that I am in charge of how I look at life and the troubles I go through as everybody else does and we all have the choice of whether to stay or go. Whether we look at all the bad things or find good. I realize that my struggles are not as bad as some others but what can I do today to bring light into someones life and sometimes it may be just a smile and a warm hug but it helps. The small things we do for someone not the things we have to do but the small things that mean I have to put aside my self to do for someone else now those are a ray of hope to another.

    It is the little things that bring a star of light into someones life.

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    Today I was having lunch at a coffee house I frequent and was sitting next to an Asian family. One of the young mothers was talking about saltiness. She told a story about one of her friends children visiting the ocean for the first time, when he called out to his mom
    saying how salty the ocean was. His mother said you’ve known about the ocean for years because you were taught it in school. Yes, he said, but today I’m finally tasting it!
    I thought that is exactly the same as knowing and reading about Christ, until, you actually get to taste His Mercy and Grace through a Living Born Again personal relationship, when the Light of His Star can shine forth from you, instead of on you! Be Blessed as you “Shine for Him” throughout this Christmas Season!

  20. BruceC says:

    “The Star in the Night Sky” Reminds me of the Light of the World in a world of darkness shining forth to the Truth and to God’s mercy and grace. Regardlesss of what the world says He is truly the reason for the season ; so to speak. It’s not Santa, decorations gifts, shopping, or even family. It’s Him.
    My wife and I have no kids and both are like black sheep to both sides of the family because we are the only two who are born again. Not that we are totally ignored; just treated “differently” and it shows. And sometimes it hurts a lot too. But I have come to the point of realizing that it likely won’t change unless some people change. So we just get through it. After the “season” things go back to their normal “dsyfunctional” ways again and the spirit of the holiday seems to be a facade. Please forgive me for being so glum. This year we are not going to my wife’s sister’s home Christmas Eve as we have so many times past; but are going to be with our real family at church worshipping our Lord. Our real family is the one that we will spend eternity with and has been purchased by the Blood of the Lamb!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  21. poohpity says:

    BruceC, you all can come over and celebrate His birth with us. That would be outrageous!

  22. Jason says:

    Jesus Is All We Need

    His name shall be called Wonderful,
    Counsellor, The mighty God,
    The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
    Isaiah 9:6 KJV

    Rejoice, you who feel that you are lost; your Savior comes to seek and save you. Be of good cheer, you who are in prison, for He comes to set you free. You who are famished and ready to die, rejoice that He has consecrated for you a Bethlehem, a house of bread, and He has come to be the bread of life to your souls. Rejoice, sinners everywhere, for the restorer of the castaways, the Savior of the fallen is born. Join in the joy, you saints, for He is the preserver of the saved ones, delivering them from innumerable perils, and He is the sure prefect of those He preserves. Jesus is no partial Savior, beginning a work and not concluding it; but restoring and upholding. He also perfects and presents the saved ones without spot or wrinkle or any such thing before His Father’s throne. Rejoice aloud, all you people; let your hills and valleys ring with joy, for a Savior who is mighty to save is born among you.

    This was taken from Charles Spurgeon’s Strengthen My Spirit, Daily Devotional Insights book.

    I enjoyed it and thought I would share it with everyone.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  23. foreverblessed says:

    THanks Jason, that should make my heart strong, Jesus is no partial Savior!

    Chuck, how brave of you to write your story:
    I was like your husband…..
    Thanks for your openess, you could say the same thing as Paul wrote, the scripture in 1 Timothy 1 that was part of Mart’s last few topics:
    v 13Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.
    Paul wrote this so to say to encourage everyone, that if God was mercifull to such a vioolans man, He could be mercifull to anybody
    Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    Jason… thanks for sharing that “lesson of truth” we all need to hear it, as we encounter an ever darkening world. We get to read “words of light,” given to us for our need to be reminded, “We are a Chosen Flock of Sheep, who know Our Masters Voice. Hidden to the rest of the world around us, but revealed to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, for Our God Provides, ALL WE NEED! “Merry Christmas!”

  25. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon All,

    Off topic here…
    Was trying to visit with you yesterday, but I fell asleep. Had had a busy day.

    Thank you, Steve and Chuck for your prayers and words of encouragement. It means a lot to me to know that you care. I so appreciate all of you… your prayers, your comments on this blog site, and your sincere love for me and for one another. I said it once before, and I’ll say it again, I’m a better person for having had the opportunity to be a part of this blog family. :)

    Feel the same way you do, Steve, about my current situation. I don’t know if I should feel happy or sad about the recent turn of events? But I know that prayer changes things, and the joy of the LORD is my strength.

    A Bible verse comes to mind… Psalm 46:1,KJV ~ “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” So, no matter what adversity or trial I may be enduring in life, He’s my resting place… my safe place. He’s my ROCK! A caring, compassionate and faithful friend.

    A song comes to mind… I will not be moved, and I’ll say of the Lord: You are my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliverer, My Shelter, Strong Tower, my very present help in time of need.

    I don’t know what the outcome will be for my current situation with my husband (so many things have happened-past & present). I do know that whatever it is, God will be there with me! :-)

    Jason – Thank you for sharing your devotional.

    60’s and cloudy in Texas today.


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