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Wonder, Worship, and Wisdom

Photo by: Martin Beek

Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus are known for their wisdom.

All three reflect the characteristics of wise teachers. They use short stories and memorable one-liners to help others think for themselves. They help their followers see below surface issues to matters of the heart. They teach their followers to live with priority and perspective.

All three, however, inspire something different when it comes to wonder. Buddha seems to wonder in an agnostic sense about God or gods. Confucius was wise enough to give us reason to wonder whether we are learning from Heaven to do right by ourselves and others. Jesus, however, shows us how to find ourselves and him in the wonder of worship.

Who else  has ever given us reason to worship him– not just as a master teacher, or miracle worker–but as our Creator and Savior?

Who else personifies wisdom, and inspires wonder, by deserving worship as the God of gods, King of kings, Lord of lords, Servant of servants, and Word of words?

Imagine, the following words being written of anyone else: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made…He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him…He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him… And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:1-14).

How appropriate that his entrance into our world gave us the center page of history, the real story of wisdom, wonder, and worship..with Joy, Peace, Hope, Love, and Light… for the deepest darkness in and around us.

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29 Responses to “Wonder, Worship, and Wisdom”

  1. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    God does not require us to worship Him because He needs it or desires it like a self centred emperor on an ego trip (satan does that). God made us with worship inside of us for Him.
    This is a most wonderful place to be, God said “He inhabits the praises of His people” and we have all been in that place and felt that Jesus was standing with us.
    Worship is God’s way of getting us to focus on Him and Him alone “If I be lifted up I will draw men unto me!)
    The one that we love and worship is not a mere prophet or messenger but the Son of the Living God, who IS and WAS and IS TO COME. Infact He is God and everything that exists was made and is held together by Him.
    Yet he became a Man (baby) and served His creation as a servant King even unto death on a cross.
    Jesus will always be a man, He gave up his heavenly form to be one of us, because he loves us and wants to be with us forever.
    All creation stands on tiptoe and is waiting just to see the sons of men come into their own…. inheritance.
    Because of Him we shall live forevermore!!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!


  2. SFDBWV says:

    Just stopped in to wish every one here a very merry Christmas….We here pray for each and every one of you to be blessed and be filled with the joy of our Lord, and all of your prayers answered.

    There is but one God and only one way to him, through His Son and our Savior, Jesus of Nazareth the Christ…

    Today we celebrate His coming into our world.

    Steve, Glenna, and Matthew

    plenty of snow here today….

  3. foreverblessed says:

    To all of you: a very blessed day to commemorate the coming of Jesus, in a lowly manner. That we who are humble and lowly may worship Him, not because God requires it, but because it is laid in our hearts. Because He is the source of our life, the Rock on which we stand, the One who gives us peace, and rest, and love.
    THanks be to Him

  4. foreverblessed says:

    Steve lots of snow here too, and the sun shines on it. It looks like a fairy tale, so beautiful.
    That reminds me of the world that will be, beautiful and full of peace, with our King of Kings Jesus, being the King of Peace, and I pray for all of you, now in our hearts already
    Luke 2;14
    Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

  5. phpatato says:

    May the warmth of family and friends bring happy memories for you this Christmas. May the warmth of God’s love draw you close to Him and fill your hearts with peace, your lips with praise and your eyes with wonder and awe. From my house to yours, have a safe and Blessed Christmas.

    To God be the glory, to God be the glory
    To God be the glory,
    For the things He has done
    With His blood He has saved me
    With His power He has raised me
    To God be the glory,
    For the things He has done.


  6. oneg2dblu says:

    “Happy Birthday Jesus” was the inscription on the cake we ate a friend’s house last night, after our church’s blessed “Glow Stick Service,” here in Melbourne, Florida. We had No Snow though,Just Plenty of Light, going out into Our Darkened World, through the “Message of Short Stories, and Memorable One Liners!”
    Like these:
    “The center page of History”
    “He inhabits the Praises of (HIS) People”
    “To God Be the Glory”
    “King of Kings Jesus being the King of Peace”
    “The Rock I which I stand”
    “Today we celebrate His coming into the world”
    I believe there is a common vioce in all of us…
    Last night, my Pastor Mark Balmer, showed us a new message, posted where the athisits had just placed their very costly, and questionably lengthy, denial statement about there being “no” god?
    But, their time has just run out, and it now says,
    “GOD IS”
    Both, A Short Story, and A Memorable One Liner!
    Be Blessed!GWW

  7. oneg2dblu says:

    I’m not “well versed” in the word atheist. Prehaps that is a good thing that I just don’t “get it” on many levels, even the spelling I seem to not grasp.
    But my New Webster’s has corrected me on that one!
    But, they have dropped the old spelling of the word SAVIOUR!
    I suppose they don’t want anyone seeing the “IOU”
    right in the middle, which spearates it, to the one and only Divine Being, THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD!
    Praise God, there is an IOU contained in the Word!
    Be Blessed!

  8. InHisHands says:

    Wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and praying we will all enjoy celebrating JESUS, the Reason for the Season, today and everyday. Praying for all of you here at BTA and thanking God for you and your prayers for me.


  9. poohpity says:

    Merry Christmas everyone. May your day be filled with love, grace and mercy. Remembering that Jesus is the Gift and no one can out give that one.

  10. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Well The day of “cellebration” went off well and it is back to work today with a bump.
    just about to set off on my 3 mile walk to work, luckily no snow here and temp at 7:30 is +3c, so not as cold as last week.
    Normal Church today as well so will be looking forward to that later on.
    I know God has blessed you all and I pray for everyone here that we all keep our focus on Jesus now and forevermore.


    I was going to say keep our focus on Jesus throughout 2011 but realised our God has no boundaries in either time or space.

  11. Ephesians 4:2 says:

    I agree, Jesus is the Wonder of God incarnate. Thank you for the comparision and contrast with some other “spiritual” historical figures. I am wondering how Jesus (Saviour of all) compares with figures from the Hindu religion; namely Krishna?

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Many times we here have compared the wisdom of the world with the wisdom of God…

    Good advice or wisdom is always recognized as being something we can understand or relate to…It is sweet on the eyes, ears, and heart.

    What we do with the *pearls* of wisdom is what seperates us.

    I remember when all the world was excited about the Beatles. Every word they spoke was international news, wherever they went, throngs of people and photographers followed their every step.

    I also remember the sad quote that John Lennon stated when he said that they were more pouular than Jesus…As they went off searching out Buddism,Hindu,Confucius and other religions. Taking their followers along with them.

    I also remember some feeble Christians attempting to fit into this new emerging movement by saying, that Christianity was also an eastern religion.

    One thing I have learned throughout my life is that, once you pick up the mantle of Christ and proclaim your self to be a Christian, you are a target of being scrutinized and observed by all others.

    Being Christian takes courage, and a life long commitment of adopting the wisdom taught from Christ into your life and so becoming your lifestyle.

    The world is noisy and filled with flashy distractions. I admit it is sometimes difficult to keep our eyes and our heart centered on Christ…But the louder and brighter the enemy becomes, the more important it is for us to be Christ centered and thus a light for others to see by and follow toward the *Truth*.

    As for me and my house, we will follow the Lord…Wherever it takes us.


  13. jaausc says:

    Thanks for these wise words on this wonderful day. Merry Christmas Mart and everyone and their families at DOD! You bless us all year long!

  14. poohpity says:

    With the new year approaching quickly, I would like to challenge everyone to read through the bible this coming year chronologically. What a way to start and finish a year.

  15. oneg2dblu says:

    Psalm 40… parphrase: I called, He answered,
    GOD IS…
    Great challenge pooh…
    I’ve started it many times, and failed to stick
    with it, but a challenge… may just be the ticket!
    I’m on board with this one! Anyone else?
    Thanks! GWW

  16. Jason says:

    I’ve read the old testament once and am in the middle of reading it a second time. I’ve read the new testament twice and plan on reading it again. Also I’ve read revelation once and plan on reading it again. It takes me more than a year but I do get through it. I find I pick up on things more the second time. I highly recommend reading the entire book.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and wish all a great new year.

  17. mlj says:

    As the human race, we have been fortunate (usually) to have been graced with teachers who had great insight. I believe that all great insight comes from the one true God of the Bible, and when a teacher goes off course from it’s standards, he has failed to recognize that fact. I once knew a gentle man who was a professor of Religion at a major university out West and was a practicing Buddhist.
    We happened to be paired up at a local golf course and our course our conversation quickly turned to the Spiritual. He was pretty adamant that there were “many ways to god”. I asked him if in all his study and research, of all the religions of the world, if he had ever found another belief system where the deity, became a man for the sole purpose of coming to die for those who didn’t even believe in him to reestablish/fix the broken relationship with the deity. However, even after hemming and hawing around for a while, he was forced to admit that, he couldn’t name another religion or belief system that could even make the claim that differentiates Christianity from other religions. There have been many “great” men and teachers, but there is still only one Great Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Thank you Heavenly Father for the most unique, precious and wonderful gift of yourself in the form of a baby in a manger.
    May you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    Jason… I liked your comment about re-reading and, the “I pick up on things…”
    I believe every time we read it, God delivers more to us as we grow in Him! As we walk with Him, He presents to us an understanding that aligns perfectly with our ability to absorb HIS MEANING, always given through His Spirit.
    That is why the world only reads the words, and receives only the worldly meaning.
    But, to those who are “in relationship” with Him, we find His meaning written “on and in” those very same words, as they become ever more intense and fulfilling, every time we read them, He Blesses Us!
    To God Be the Glory as He gives us a more decerning spirit, a more clearly written word, and a greater passion to gain a greater understanding of Him!
    We are guided into reading His words, hearing His voice in them, and gaining “Our Own PersonalRelationship,” with His perfect direction and growth! Be Blessed!

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    mlj… your words have blessed me today, and are confirmed as well, through the reading of His Word, contained in the theme description of my Living Bible in 2 Peter it reads…
    2 Peter is a call to steadfastness in the midst of numerous pressures to drift from the truth. The world is seeking to undo the work of God, but we must resist all such pressure by living godly lives, believing the truth, enduring persecution, trusting God, and looking for Christ’s return.
    I opened an email from a Christian Sister directing me to, 2 Peter: 3-11 and my stack of bibles had the Living Bible on the top, so I used it!
    I wonder if I was just lucky or “directed,” this morning
    to read that word, and in that particular Bible, just before I read your post, because I was engaged in posting myself, at the time you were writing… the world would say merely co-incidence, always leaving luck to play havoc with untrained eyes and ears.
    Be Blessed!

  20. mlj says:

    Correction: when I wrote “yourself in the form of a baby in a manger.” I hope everyone understands I meant God himself and not anyone else ;>) Being a little more human today.

  21. InHisHands says:

    The Wonder of our merciful, gracious, Saviour. It is truly awesome that *Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship* – one initiated by God and paid for by Christ and lived in each accepting human being through the Holy Spirit. May we all be blessed this next year by sharing that relationship with others and prayfully seeing our families come to accept the Gift of Christmas.

  22. poohpity says:

    You can find the chronological reading plan on bible gateway dot com on the left side of the page there is a list and there you will find reading plans click on that. Then in the drop down menu you find chronological and next to that will also be a drop down menu that has whatever translation you would like to use or you can use your own bible. I am excited to have others reading together the Words the Lord has for us, His love letter to us. It only takes a few minutes to start your day filled with His Word. I believe they have spaced it out enough that 15-20 minutes a day will take you through the whole year to complete it. I can tell you with out a doubt you will be blessed. This will be my 18th trip through the Word and I now know that I do not know all that I think I know and am still learning. It is the living Word and every year I learn something new I haven’t seen before.

  23. InHisHands says:

    I, of course, mean those of our family member who have not yet done so – meanwhile praising God for all my BTA family and praying for continued blessing in your lives

  24. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I know how much reading God’s word and the distribution of Bibles means to you, it is your calling!
    May God bless you without measure.
    One word that means exactly that is….

    SHALOM “Peace and every blessing God can give”


  25. poohpity says:

    Thank you so much, Bob!! You have given me so many blessings yourself. Love Deb :-)

  26. oneg2dblu says:

    I’m human also, Darnit anyhow! I meant to share a word with you all today, but used an incomplete address. I meant to share, 2 Peter 1: 3-11.
    For me, it validates why I need to be actively persuing a relationship with the Lord, for I cannot believe with the faith I now possess, that He granted me His Gift of Salvation, only for me to find, “no need to remain connected with Him,” but just to bask in my “forever condition,” never fearing a falling away.
    God knew, what I “would need” to remain in Him, for I have experienced in many others lives, who have also called themsleves Christian, an unfortunate case of falling away. Why? Only God knows!
    Yes, I believe “we all have our salvation,” no argument there! But, we are not “all” receiving the same message about our responsiblity of what “is needed,” for us to remain in Christ!
    For some it is a completely separate issue, but for
    Peter, who knew a different responsiblity for his Salvation, I say, “Who put that word in him?”
    I believe it is the same one who also granted it, and “quickened him,” to write it out for some of us today!
    If it is not for you, who feel with the faith you now possess, that you can “never fall away,” than he did it for me, who does not share that same “effortless degree” of faith.
    Yes, Salvation is not by works, I get that!
    But,for them who see it to be connected “with work,” as an additional outpouring if you will, of His Great Gift of Salvation. We treat the “IOU,” or a need for our greatest effort, in return for what Our Saviour has done in giving us this new life In Him.
    It causes us as much comfort in our Obedient Doing, as the OSOS have in their “no need for doing anything” position of faith! For their Salvation is never threatened by being unrepentant,or disobediant! WOW!
    So, we can’t seem to ever meet on this issue!
    Because it does not define our salvation, only our responsiblity to it! Just like some can not ever fathom doing church on any other day BUT Sunday! It is never settled, for God allows it to be, as found in the Faith of each believer!
    Be Blessed!

  27. JediKnight4Him says:

    “In Wonder – Newsboys” on You Tube is a favorate song of mine seeing the topic was on wonder. I just posted that video on my on website this morning. Hope everyone here had a great christmas!! Jedi

  28. JediKnight4Him says:

    Sorry for the typo above….ment “own website”. BTW Mart check my profile for my website and let me know what ya think! Thanks Jedi

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