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Egypt in Crisis

By now, many of us are beginning to see that the protests unfolding in the streets of Cairo are not an isolated event.

The popular uprising in Tunisia earlier this week has ignited hope for social change, and fears of instability, not only in Egypt but throughout the region of North Africa and the Middle East.

Some analysts anticipate a domino effect among other populations struggling with poverty, rising food prices, high unemployment, and aging autocratic governments that have not responded to the critical needs of their citizens.

As the power of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is challenged no one yet knows what the alternatives to his 30 year reign will be for the people of Egypt, Israel, the region, and the world.

Other articles speculate on what will happen if Israel suddenly loses Egypt even as a “cold peace” ally. An article in the Israeli Haaretz news wire says that a loss of Egypt would leave Israel with almost no friends in the Middle East.

With that thought, I’m reminded of what the prophet Isaiah predicted in the last days. Seven centuries BC, he foresaw a great Highway stretching from Egypt through Israel and all the way to Assyria (modern Iraq). According to notes in the Holman Study Bible, “Highway” is a favorite metaphor in Isaiah for the removal of alienation and separation (Isaiah 19:19-25).

On closer look, the prophecy of Isaiah regarding Egypt, Israel, and the region in the last days is a reminder of what only God can do in the world, and in our own hearts.

After foreseeing a divine judgment that will purge the region of its resistance to the one true God, the prophet concludes his vision saying, “On that day Israel will form a triple alliance with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing within the land. The LORD of Hosts will bless them, saying, “Egypt My people, Assyria My handiwork, and Israel My inheritance are blessed” (Isa 19:25).

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43 Responses to “Egypt in Crisis”

  1. poohpity says:

    Wow! That is all I can say. In Jesus Christ former enemies may unite in love. In Christ, people and nations that are poles apart politically will bow at His feet as brothers and sisters because he breaks down every barrier that threatens relationships. I bet when that happens those who consider America as a “Christian Nation” will be put to shame by the ones who totally dependent on Him alone for deliverance.

  2. poohpity says:

    Wow, Iraq, Egypt, and Israel.

  3. poohpity says:

    I was thinking that would mean that the US going into Iraq was a God thing.

  4. tracey5tgbtg says:

    This is a really hard topic to address.

    I am not sure what is going on in Egypt and I’m not sure what will happen in the future but after reading Isaiah 19:19-25 I skipped ahead to Isaiah 31:1-7

    Isaiah 31: 1 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help,
    who rely on horses,
    who trust in the multitude of their chariots
    and in the great strength of their horsemen,
    but do not look to the Holy One of Israel,
    or seek help from the LORD.

    This has always been one of my favorite verses because it seems to me that God is saying quit trusting in anyone but Me to save you. Quit thinking that if you have allies, might, power, friends, money, whatever, then you can help yourself.

    I know many think events are occurring which show we are close to end times, and things do look bad thanks to the news which lets us know every bad thing that happens as soon as it happens, which is a priviledge never known before since maybe the past 40-50 years.
    There will always be oppression until people cry out to the LORD. Isn’t that what the end times are: God’s way of calling out to the lost?

    Isaiah 31:5 Like birds hovering overhead,
    the LORD Almighty will shield Jerusalem;
    he will shield it and deliver it,
    he will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.”

    6 Return, you Israelites, to the One you have so greatly revolted against.

    Does Israel put their trust in God? I think God is waiting for them to see that:

    Psalm 44:3 It was not by their sword that they won the land,
    nor did their arm bring them victory;
    it was your right hand, your arm,
    and the light of your face, for you loved them.

    P.S. I think Steve is absolutely correct.

  5. herenowkingdom says:

    Canon Andrew White, “The Vicar of Baghdad” referenced this same passage in Isaiah at our church last year.

  6. BruceC says:

    I do not know the future of that area either; only God does. But the potential for a radical Islamic state to arise is there; just as what happened in Iran. IMHO when we leave Aghganistan and Iraq the radicals will move into power after much bloody violence. Then, along with the Islamic southern countries of the former Soviet Union there will be a large, powerful, Islamic block around Israel that will desire to exterminate them. Ezekiel 38 and 39 all coming together before our eyes? Only God knows. All we can do is pray for the persecuted Church and that the Lord will open the eyes and touch the hearts of many of those who are filled with hate towards Him, as He did with Paul. Jesus told us to not let our hearts be troubled and to look for His coming. I will pray and do so.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  7. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Some analysts anticipate a domino effect among other populations struggling with poverty, rising food prices, high unemployment, and aging autocratic governments that have not responded to the critical needs of their citizens.

    Does that remind you of a goverment near you?

    I know I am struggling with poverty, rising food prices, high unemployment.


  8. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I never thought it possible of this blog or RBC Ministies.
    Yet you are insighting revolution!

    Do you realise how close alot of us our in Europe to rebellion against our governments.
    The French are always on the streets, God Bless them, but Greece, Portugal, Spain and even Ireland are on the brink!
    There is only a small bit of water between Greece and Egypt and the two countries have been allied for 3 thousand years.
    If a revolution happens here it will surely happen in the USA.


  9. saled says:

    I’m fascinated by this passage from Isaiah. It sounds like God will give Egypt a glorious future. I don’t know how I missed this before. Most of the prophecy that I have heard has left me with the feeling that Israel is the only nation with a future. Revelation 22:2 speaks of the tree of life that has leaves that are for the healing of the nations. God has plans for more than just Israel! Like Mart says, this is a reminder of what only God can do in the world and in our hearts.

  10. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Want to comment on Mart’s statement, “Some analysts anticipate a domino effect among other populations struggling with poverty, rising food prices, high unemployment, and aging autocratic governments that have not responded to the critical needs of their citizens.”

    Sounds like that “domino effect” could be a catalyst for another domino effect, a global currency, the Rapture and the reign of the Anti-Christ.

    Sunny and warm in Texas today (mid/low 70’s).

  11. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I was a litttle bit harsh Mart in suggesting you were insighting revolution, but this domino effect has a wider implication than just North Africa.
    All these countries border southern Europe, and like I said above, many are struggling to survive the hard economic realities of this age.
    It would not take much to light the flames of unrest and then you could see a military clampdown in Europe and who knows where that could lead.

    Mart, you said

    “I’m reminded of what the prophet Isaiah predicted in the last days. Seven centuries BC, he foresaw a great Highway stretching from Egypt through Israel and all the way to Assyria (modern Iraq). According to notes in the Holman Study Bible, “Highway” is a favorite metaphor in Isaiah for the removal of alienation and separation (Isaiah 19:19-25).”

    I to have pondered this passage and have always thought it would mean there would be an open border between Egypt and Israel, allowing proper access to Gaza etc. for the Palastinians.
    Also Egypt and Israel have had a linked history since Abraham and I also feel they will share it in the future. The Great Pyramid also has a link to the return of Jesus and Jesus Himself was a refugee there for some years.

    Lots to think about on this topic.



  12. bec4jc says:

    Hi all, I think Regina & I read the same book possibly? ‘What in the World is Going On?’ by Dr Jeremiah. At least that’s where I read about the global currency effect. Anyway, I agree with you Regina, it could quite possibly be the forerunner.

    I’d like to reintroduce myself… my name is Becky and I used to be here from time to time by the name BeckyM when I used my other address. Now, I’m on my Yahoo address and as you can see, my username is bec4jc. I tried to capitalize the b & jc but, they didn’t allow capitaliztion so I went with the name anyway. I tried a couple of new usernames with my old(original)address but they just didn’t work. Maybe I tried them too close in time to each other, I don’t know. Well, that’s ok cause I’m here with this username and password and all is fine now.

  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Welcome Becky,

    7am here and I have to go to work, but hopefully we can get to know each other via this blog soon.


  14. SFDBWV says:

    I would suggest all of Isaiah Chapter 19 be read in order to fully understand vs 23-25, especially verses 18-22, also chapter 11.


  15. pegramsdell says:

    Thank You Lord for the plan you have for your people. Your people in Egypt, Irag, Israel, and everwhere else. I am with you Lord Jesus to the end. And I am praying for safety on the Egyptians, most especially my brothers and sisters over there. How hard it must be to be there right now, such despair and fear. Heal them Lord and give them peace.

  16. saled says:

    Steve, the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee says that verses 16 through 25 are unfulfilled prophecy, while the first 15 verses have been fulfilled.

    Chapter 11 is full of hope that all the wrongs of the world will be made right. This morning, I notice especially verses 6 and 7 with their emphasis on the animals. I’ve thought of you lately as I’ve wondered if God intended for so many of us to become so far removed from his creation, the earth and the animals. I love it when you write about the animals so near your home. But what is this in verse 6, “. . . and a little child shall lead them.” Lead who? I have heard this verse used to mean that a child sometimes has more wisdom than an adult. I don’t think that is what Isaiah was saying.

    I’m guessing though that what you meant for us to see in chapter 11 is the idea that no matter what nation we are from, our only hope lies in the return of Christ. No human government is going to save us. And it will take the hand of God to gather the remnant of his people. And there is that word ‘remnant’. It’s my hope that it means something different than just the few who remain.

  17. Mart De Haan says:

    Steve, the prophet Zechariah describes something similar in 10:9-12. He talks about how the people of God will one day be called out of Egypt and Assyria (i.e. Iraq) as the pride of Egypt and Assyria is broken (i.e. before the remnant of Egypt and Assyria are established).

    The judgment of the pride of these nations is similar to the judgment of Israel/Judah described in chapter 13 where in the day of their national cleansing, 2/3 of Judah will be lost and 1/3 brought through as the remnant of God.

  18. foreverblessed says:

    About Assyria, I was taught that the Assyrians had moved northward, together with the Northers Tribes of Israel,to the Kaukasus, and further on into Europe, and are not living in the Middle East anymore.
    Maybe so.

    The heart of all prophecy is Jesus,
    For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Revelation 19:10
    How wonderfull: He has a plan for the whole earth, for all nations!
    Today we sang in church:
    Revelation 21:1-4 God living with men, no more pain no more sorrow, for the old order of things has passed away.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Well, I never thought my suggestion would raise so much response. I only wanted others to read more of the Prophesy concerning Egypt and Iraq etc.

    I will say that There is prophesy concerning all nations from Genesis thru Revelation, and the study of end time events and the study of prophesy is quite exhausting.

    However, all lead to the conclusions of first the coming of a Savior, The arrival and death of that Savior, judgement upon all nations that reject God for any other worship, and finally the return of that same Savior. To Rule forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    “In that day” there will be safe, open, and unbordered highways between old enemies.

    In what day? The day after the return of Christ and peace between old enemies….All nations then will be Christian….All of them.

    Interestinly all nations will be ordered to come annually to Jerusalem, or face the punishment of rain being witheld….Except for Egypt. Should they not come to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts…there shall be a plague, and the Lord will smite the heathen that not come to keep the feast of Tabernacles. Zechariah 14:16-20.

    Plenty of unanswered questions about prophesy, it seems we too often recognize it after the event.

    Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Haggai, Malachi, of course Isaiah, all give details of future events concerning the end times. Details about the future, some of which has already came to pass, and some that has not…The bits and pieces that have not come yet, are the worst of events to come against creation…All coming to a conclusion found in Revelation, begining at Chapter 5.

    What I hope for Egypt, now, is that order is restored and its people can get on with a peaceful existance…Without any more blood shed.

    However what I fear is that the stage of events are being established for the very purpose of ushering in the last days of man…

    Yes it is with a sad heart that I see the coming horrors that will be played out upon all people every where.

    There will be a world wide finacial collapse, world wide chaos and anarchy….And the threat of nuclear war.

    But there is a man who is going to, bring order, peace and prosperity…For 3 and 1/2 years.

    It is then that Revelation chapter 5 begins to unfold.

    Now, is the hour to accept Jesus of Nazareth as your Lord, to ask Him to cover your sins and forgive you all tresspasses…Before the door is shut. Just like in the days of Noah.


  20. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Is AMEN! a big enough responce to what you have just said Steve.

    All the prophecies summed up in one post.

    I get the drift that we should look at the whole picture and not one incident like Egypt today.
    Just another event that brings us closer to that day of Jusus return to earth.

    Only one way out, as you said…

    “Now, is the hour to accept Jesus of Nazareth as your Lord, to ask Him to cover your sins and forgive you all tresspasses…Before the door is shut. Just like in the days of Noah.”


  21. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just another event that brings us closer to that day of JESUS return to earth.


  22. poohpity says:

    Jesus said, Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Very convicting for me, I have not told anyone the Good News today that has not heard it before.

  23. Daragon says:

    I very much enjoy reading all of the comments here, and oddly enough, find myself in agreement with them all!

    Where I come from: I am Catholic by choice, with a convicted faith in Mary and in our Lord, Jesus the Christ. Convicted: to share with you, four intercessions with Mary, visions with Jesus, and encounters with two Guardian Angels.

    As poohpity says, [ Wow! That is all I can say. In Jesus Christ former enemies may unite in love. In Christ, people and nations that are poles apart politically will bow at His feet as brothers and sisters because he breaks down every barrier that threatens relationships. ]

    As Mary always points to Jesus, Jesus always points to God. Jesus did say, ‘I and my Father are one.’ But I don’t believe Jesus ever said, ‘Worship me’: he gave us the Lord’s prayer to worship God. If we can look to where Jesus points, the God of Abraham,the same God of Muslims, Jews, and Christians, then in God we will find unity with our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters. As Jesus and the Father are one, we do not lose by looking to the Father. For Christians, we believe that Jesus will come again. The Jews look for the Messiah. When Jesus comes, or comes again, this prophesy will be fulfilled in Him. At this time, who’s going to argue whether he came once,or came again? Pas moi.

    All of this leads to what Saled mentioned: [ I’m fascinated by this passage from Isaiah. It sounds like God will give Egypt a glorious future. Revelation 22:2 speaks of the tree of life that has leaves that are for the healing of the nations. God has plans for more than just Israel! Like Mart says, this is a reminder of what only God can do in the world and in our hearts. ]

    Perhaps now, in the breaking of these autocracies, we will all find unity with people of faith.

    In summary, may I say again: If we can look to where Jesus points, the God of Abraham,the same God of Muslims, Jews, and Christians, then in God we will find unity with our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters.

    Montpellier, France
    overcast and 4 deg C

  24. BruceC says:


    I will try to be as respectful as possible in my disagreemnet with your viewpoint in two areas.

    First it is the Holy Spirit that directs our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ; who is fully man and yet fully God. It is not Mary or any of the apostles. Jesus Himself said that he would send the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.
    Secondly, The God of Islam is not the same God of the Jews and of Christians. That’s a very “popular” misconception that’s floating around and is untrue. Just compare the koran to the Bible. Do some Bible reading friend and get some of the pamphlets from BRC or their courses online. Be very cautious when someone tells you of the “same God”. It is a deception. In the end days many people will be decieved and will unite into one goverment, one world, and under “one religion”.
    “When they shout peace, peace, then suddenly shall destruction come upon them.”

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  25. BruceC says:

    Correction. I meant to say RBC and not “BRC”.

    It is very difficult to explain ones self in a loving manner on the internet through just typed words. So please do not think I am being cold, angry, or too blunt in my remarks.
    In the New Testament Paul spoke of the Bereans. He said they “more noble” because they SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES to see if what they were told was true. So many today believe what they are told without asking the Holy Spirit to guide them through the Scriptures or to seek out those who do so earnestly. That is why I say read the Bible and do as much study as you can. And to be quite honest; I cannot think of any place better on the internet to get sound teaching than RBC.
    My wife and I have many, many of their pamphlets on various topics from years ago and have them as a sort of reference library and to share with others.

    Love in Christ and in Christ Alone,

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  26. SFDBWV says:

    AMEN, Bruce…

    John 10:1 “VERILY, VERILY, I saay unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climeth up some other way, the same is a thief and robber.”
    :7 ” Verily, Verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.”
    :9 ” I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”
    :10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

    Any religion that denies Jesus is the Son of God, is false… Any religion that does not accept Jesus as the only avenue to God is false…and I will have no fellowship nor unity with them.


  27. poohpity says:

    I do not worship Mary mother of our Lord nor do I worship angels the messengers of God (both were created beings) but I do worship the God of all creation and peoples of the earth whether they recognize that God is. Jesus being fully God and fully man I do worship because He is part of the God head. Scripture states in Philippians 2:9-11
    Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
    10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
    11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    Then in John 1:1-5 Before anything else existed, there was Christ (the Word), with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. He created everything there is–nothing exists that he didn’t make. Eternal life is in Him, and this life gives light to ALL mankind. His life is the light that shines through the darkness–and the darkness can never extinguish it.

    Then Romans 14:11 but all of Romans 14 is wonderful as all of the bible is as BruceC said, “That is why I say read the Bible and do as much study as you can.” Reading God’s Word with the direction of the Holy Spirit will open everyone’s eye to what God has revealed to us about God and I am not saying that it is all inclusive because God can not be contained in a book but it is what we have been given to know God.

  28. davids says:


    I think you were quite respectful in addressing this subject.

    For 2000 years people have been pointing to current events and seeing signs of the end times. Not only has it been fruitless, it has led to the deaths of many innocent people, including Jews and other Christians. It has also fractured the church.

    I pray for the Egyptian people, and especially for our fellow Christians there, who make up about 10% of the population. I pray most of all for peace.

  29. bubbles says:

    Bruce C and pooh,
    It is so vey refreshing to see the love and kindness you used to communicate today. It was a blessing to read your thoughts. Thank you.

  30. foreverblessed says:

    Daragon, thank you for pointing to Revelations 22:2
    the tree of life, for healing of all nations. I have often wondered about this verse, weren’t they already healed, in Revelation 21.
    Or does the healing go on.
    GOd is a mercifull GOd, His mercy is forever and ever.
    And the name of God in Arabian language is Allah, whether people have a wrong view about God, does not make God in arab a wrong name. If you get what I mean.

  31. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you today. :-) Had a busy day today, and just dropped in to say hello. Foggy, cold and rainy in Texas right now.

  32. kaliko88 says:

    I’m a bit of a news junkie. I don’t have as much time to read in depth as much as I’d like, but I try to at least check out the headlines and summaries even on a busy day. Personally, I’m disgusted with many media outlets on how and what they choose to cover as a news story. Many times I’ve thought of just tossing my journalism degree through a shredder.

    That being said, though, I cannot help but think that all this news coverage is part of His plan, to get more of us paying more attention and focusing more on that area. I don’t like what I see as more seem to think violence is the proper tool for change. But I get the feeling I’m watching God setting up the stage behind the curtain. I just wish I knew for sure if I’m supposed to be in the audience or part of the stage crew.

    Cold and getting colder with the wind here tonight as we brace for a blizzard. Pray I get to and from work safely. It’s very slick out and about to get worse.

  33. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Not much time as I am off to work soon.

    First I would like to welcome Daragon from South West France. It is so good to hear from you and see your point of view.
    You said “I am Caholic by choice,” Well done!
    It makes a change on here to have a veiw that is not full blown right wing evangelical bible bashing USA christianity.
    While I do not agree with some of the forms and style of worship in the catolic church, I do know many born again Spirit filled christians who attend it’s services and also attend large area prayer meetings we have in west cornwall. They pray, sing and worship in the Spirit like anyone else here.
    Also It would seem that the catholic church is treated as being “not quite right” or worshiping the wrong God just as Islam is also treated as being evil and that Allah is not the same God.
    I do not have the answers to any of these points, but I do know we are all children of Abraham, whether through Ishmael, or Isaac, or by being a child by faith as we are as gentiles.
    All have been blessed of God in the past for whatever purpose He chooses to fulfil in us.
    While I stand up for Jesus Christ, I can also see the need for Love between us all.
    Events and attitudes are begining to polarise along religious lines, this may be Gods plan for us now, but please let us focus on our main task. To love one another as He loves us and to spread the Good news to ALL MEN!


  34. bec4jc says:

    Thank you, Bob from Cornwall for the welcoming.

    poohpity said, I have not told anyone the Good News today that has not heard it before.

    The same goes for me,too. They either push me away saying “oh I’ve heard it all before or they want to debate and try to prove me wrong(for those who don’t believe in Jesus). The others usually talk about where they go to church or have gone to church or share with me how they worship(for those who believe in Jesus). But,it was only about 45 years ago that I and my brother were talking about Jesus and our cousin asked us who is Jesus? Well,we were very surprised then because his mom had spent time with our older sisters and when she was young went to some of the goings on at our church but she never went regularly. We just naturally thought that his mom would have told him about Jesus. Obviously she just went to the events(suppers,dances and such for the youth group at the time)but never paid any attention or if she did,never cared to believe, so she never told her son. Why would she talk to her son about something she didn’t think about or care enough about to mention? Anyway the point I’m making is, it wasn’t that long ago and see how God is speeding things up? That too is a sign of end times. We need the signs not to predict but to WATCH for Jesus’ coming(1st coming for the Jews,God’s chosen people). The Jewish Christians(of which I know of two)ask us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel. For when they have peace so will the earth have peace because that’s when Jesus will rule in God’s Kingdom. God the Father’s son will rule and there will be true peace and the healing of the nation’s both spiritually and physically. Mentally and emotionally are included in those.

    When Jesus comes back He will stand in the Mount of Olives and a great divide will happen via an earthquake. The divide will be North & South. My question is, is that at all connected to when Jesus divides the sheep from the goats? I know I’m adding to the questions about the end but I leave you with this…No one knows the time or day which the Lord God has picked(in mind) for this event. Like I said before,God wouldn’t have given us signs to look for if He didn’t want us to have some idea of when it is near except that He wants us to look up for our salvation.

    Just my opinion. The scriptures mentioned are in my own words and(I know) I havn’t sited them. I think some may get perturbed over this but if you know the scriptures, you’ll know to which I refer.

  35. SFDBWV says:

    It is odd listening to the news about events in Egypt. Clearly such an uprising has to be organized and have leadership.

    Yet it seems if the CIA or other spy groups know who, it is a well kept secret.

    I have heard or read that everyone from “Wicileaks” to the “Islamic Brotherhood” and even just an out of contol mob ( With mod mentality) are who is behind the scenes pushing the panic buttons in Egypt.

    Clearly someone knows, but no one is telling it.

    Anti-christ? Champion of democracy?

    I read where even the hard line other Islamic countries are worried about the discontent being spread into their boarders.

    I guess we will know if this mess ever settles down.

    Watching from far away.


    Ice this morning…everywhere

  36. nyekis says:

    My name is frank from Nairobi Kenya,having experience civil unlest in my country in during the last general election in 2007-2008,i know that street demonstrations have got a way of getting out of control,eventually it is always the weak that suffers most.Since 2008,there are families back here that are still living in camps of people displaced from their own homes,people that were once comfortable in their own little ways ,but are now living in abject poverty,and all this because someone somewhere decided to call people out into the street to protest without a plan B.

    Most street protest normally lead to loss of life and destruction of property worth a lot.My heart feels for the Egyptians ,all Egyptians including Their president because,the sermon at the mountain teaches us to not only love our enemies but to also bless them. I wonder how many people are praying for Hosni Mubarack,and the family of the immediate former Tunisian President. They and many other leaders have not done the best of things,but should people celebrate when they see others suffering.

  37. foreverblessed says:

    Welcome from me too, Becky. It also happened to me, I had logged in via another e-mail, you cannot use that same name again when you use another e-mail number.

    Thank you Nyekis for telling about Kenya, what a tragedy. I pray this will not happen in Egypt, or Tunesia.
    It all reminds me of the revolution in Eastern Europe, 20 years ago. People think they get freedom, but what happens: money rules. We in the West think we are free, but we are not. Revelation 18 calls it: Babylon,
    where the trading of all kinds of things bring riches, verse 11-19,
    v 23Your merchants were the world’s great men
    By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
    But she will fall down.

    I pray that among all these things, people will find Jesus, and spread the news amongst the poverty. He is our richness, everything we need is in Him, 2 Peter 1:3-4

  38. SFDBWV says:

    Welcome Frank, from Nairobi. Very excellent comment and true.

    I am somewhat confused about bec4jc, and Daragon. Are you the same person? I only ask because of the reference of a thank you toward Bob.

    Yesterday I had typed a comment a couple times only to see them disapear when I tried to post. So I got my little bible reference in and was never able to get back on.

    I hate that because, I also wanted to welcome Daragon, and be aable to have dialog with him(?).

    It is neat how Frank, from Nairobi, and Daragon the Catholic are here at the conversation table.

    I have told this before, but want to repeat a little story.

    When my son was in a coma and in intensive care at the hospital (Now well over 11 years ago). 2 Catholic priest’s from Africa, one of which spoke no English and the other only partialy, stood beside my son and I and prayed for his recovery.

    I have rarely, if ever, felt the warm glow of the Holy Spirit as I did at that moment and during that experiance.

    The difference of our races, nationalities, even our choice of Christian church affiliation, were all gone. The only presence there was the presense of God and His believers.

    Frank, again thank you for your comments.


  39. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    If you look further back Steve you will see I also welcomed Becky.

    your Priest story just goes to show how God unites us in His Spirit and Truth.


  40. poohpity says:

    Frank, I have a friend who lives in Nairobi, Kenya. He went to school here at ASU before he went back home last year.

  41. nyekis says:

    Thank you all for your kindness,i love it when Christians overcome racial and cultural.You know the devil is so smart at lying that he can make Christians to focus too much on denominations and fail to recognize the bigger picture,that in heaven there won’t be any denomination,but rather only those who answered to the call and lived by it.

    When i read the comments about the highway from Egypt to Iraq through Israel,i asked my self whether there is any similarity between what the Christians in Egypt and Iraq are going through.

  42. nyekis says:

    i meant cultural barriers

  43. confidential says:

    Hi, interesting developments.

    The Lord Jesus loves Israel and is protecting her:

    And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.
    Acts 7:5

    But you, Israel, are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
    Isaiah 4:8

    The Lord Jesus loves the Jewish people and is subduing their enemies before our eyes. Such a wonderful Jewish Messiah, the Lion of Judah, the root and offspring of
    David …

    2 Chronicles 20:7 “Did You not, O our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel and give it to the descendants of Abraham Your friend forever?

    Isaiah 29:22 Therefore thus says the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob: “Jacob shall not now be ashamed, nor shall his face now turn pale;

    Jesus is Lord.

    Isaiah 44:1 “But now listen, O Jacob, My servant, And Israel, whom I have chosen:

    Isaiah 44:2 Thus says the LORD who made you And formed you from the womb, who will help you, ‘Do not fear, O Jacob My servant; And you Jeshurun whom I have chosen.

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