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Blog Update

Photo by: Saunderses

Yesterday, our Web Administrator explained to me the problems we’ve had keeping some of our sites up and running the last few days. Apparently the number of people trying to access Our Daily Bread and the family of RBC sites is growing at a rate that has exceeded the capacity of our servers.

So our Information Services team is working on a solution that will apparently require them at some point to shut off, temporarily, the “comment option” while they make the transition to more capacity.

Not knowing when this is going to happen, I wanted to let you know right away so that, when “comments” are shut down, you, my friends, will not think that I’ve “pulled the plug” on you …

Yes, as I indicated over the weekend, the thought had crossed my mind as we tangled over whether it is wise and necessary to characterize others while making a case for our own faith.

Along the way I’ve also realized that I may not have explained directly enough why I feel so strongly about not naming and making negative characterizations about other persons and organizations (as our blog guidelines discourage). I’m guessing some of you think I’m just trying to be “politically correct”.

So this is the explanation I owe you. Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that in order to express our faith, our own brokenness before God, and the life-changing forgiveness and acceptance of God, we don’t need to knock others down to lift Christ up.

There are practical considerations. The very act of personally naming another person or group raises the predictable response, “Who are you to judge us, when you, or your own people, Scriptures, say, or do etc…” Unfortunately, such back and forth characterizations can launch an endless contest of mutual accusations of unfairness, misunderstanding etc. It is the very nature of our humanity to defend ourselves against the insult or attack of opposition.

As I see it, such practical considerations can help to align us with the truth that we all affirm. I think we’d all agree that our story is really about our own wrongs, and the mercy that we have found in Christ. By telling our own story, we will lead by example, show what we have found for ourselves, and give others a chance to decide for themselves whether they are hearing the voice of truth in us.

This doesn’t mean we are asking for only positive thoughts about others. Of necessity we need to be able to say what the Bible says, that apart from the cross of Christ, and apart from his grace and rescue, no one has any hope of coming to God on their own merits.

Since “no one” is “everyone”, “no-one” needs to be named– either for the sake of the truth, or clarity.

If you say, yes, but what about the practical issues of safety, national security etc? The response is we can talk about these legitimate issues in principle rather than, as if only the members of one group can pose a threat to others.

I need to stop here… and allow you to comment… If by your way of thinking I have just further clouded the waters, don’t hesitate to say so…

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54 Responses to “Blog Update”

  1. pdcouture says:

    Thanks for letting us know. I felt that it was a bandwidth problem so I was almost ready to change my devotion time of day. I enjoy the morning time as it is so quiet and the ability to reflect is greater.

    Truth be told bandwidth problems are great since it means that more people are reading and experiencing the love and boldness of our Lord

  2. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Mart, very very good!
    I once read this: If we see somebody sin, there are only two possibilities: either we have been kept from doing the same sin, or we have been forgiven for doing the same sin.
    That is quite something.

  3. wpleasant says:

    Thanks Mart for explaining. I confess, like some others, that I personalized the interruption of blog commments as being something I caused by making an unwelcome comment or unknowingly and inappropriately referring to other blogger responders and their responses. I have not tried to get to “Been Thinking About” since the intensity of the crisis in the middle east and Egypt occurred, but I’ve read some of the comments which understandbly generated some strong opinions about what may be the prelude of one of the most historic upheavals in the region since the Crusades. I think blog exchanges should follow the “comment guidelines” available on the web page and which have been there all along for those who cared to read them. I recommend people read the guidelines several times and periodically before posting. If not the “Been Thinking About” blog site could possbily degenerate into what some would consider rather unchristian attacks and counterattacks against persons or groups, as is the case on other blogs and Internet comment sites. Anyone who reads the Bible knows that, unlike the Constitution, Christians do not have right to say (or post) anything we want. Our words are to be Spirit inspired and a little prayer before blogging, such as “May the words of my post and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”, might go a long way in keeping the exchanges edifying. Doesn’t mean we do not challenge injustice, intolerance, bigotry, sin, and the works of the devil. It just means in doing so we try to emulate biblical principals in faith. I am guessing your into is to invite reading and commentary from both Christian and non-Christians alike, so your guidelines are welcome to encourage some self control and restraint. It is too easy for us to allow our own personal agendas to get caught up in the guise of being pious and spiritual. Now I will go back and read the guidelines myself on brevity of comments. :0)

  4. scout1 says:

    Good Morning Mart and All!

    Thank you for telling us about the “web-gliches” -I hope all things turn out good with the site update. Don’t pull the plug, yet Mart. I appreciate what you say here and the contributions that the others make.

    Mart, I think that you said the bottom line when you said, “Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that in order to express our faith, our own brokenness before God, and the life-changing forgiveness and acceptance of God, we don’t need to knock others down to lift Christ up.”

    There are ways to keep the light of the Truth upheld and prayerfully wait for all things to align themselves within God’s timing.

    Although saying that, I do realize that it can be Extremely Difficult!!! But, it is the right thing and Our Lord is the final Authority and Power.

    Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and HE WILL direct your Paths. (I’m trusting that the word ‘mouth’ could be put in place of ‘paths’ when necessary!) ;)

  5. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, I admit I thought you may have been scrambling the blog because you did not like what you heard.

    I am happy for you that the number of hits is why the problem exists.

    I can only guess that the success of the blog is because we who participate are able to be open and honest about ourselves and our thoughts.

    To stiffel or censor what we are able to say is just wrong.

    To label anyone as being unchristian in behavior because they are open and honest is just as wrong.

    To place the gag rule of only saying pat comments and not upsetting anyone is not honest dialog.

    If we are to present Christianity and so the Gospel, we have to, at some point, make comparisons against other religions.

    Elijah did not back off from the Baalites and John the Baptist did not back off from Herod.

    And I will not back off from the enemies of Christ.

    If I offend for Christ, then I count myself blessed beyond understanding…


  6. marma says:

    Mart, amen to what you said.

  7. poohpity says:

    Mart, I am so thankful that you have invited us to share on your blog. I know there are times that I have failed to follow the comment guidelines which I think are so beneficial for mutual respect of the commentators and bring honor and Glory to our Lord. As others have said it is worth the thought to pray before we comment.

    Today I read your piece in ODB on “Counterfeits Of The Heart” and “Slippery Slopes” in which you said, “Jesus never broke the law of love, even though He repeatedly resisted the misuse of the slippery-slope thinking. On the contrary, He ate and drank with sinners. He made a Samaritan the hero of one of His stories. And on the Sabbath, He healed the sick. So as we post on this blog we may ask which is also a quote from you, “What do truth and love ask of us in this situation?”

    I feel so thankful that you have given us the ability to come into your living room and think with you on the issues that are presented. When I enter someones home I remove my shoes so that I will not track in mud or dirt out of respect for them and in the future I will pay better attention to the guidelines out of respect and love of God, respect for you and others while still discussing the topics. Thank you again for this blog and giving us things to think about to grow in our walk with the Lord and others.

  8. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thanks Mart for letting us know about the server problems.
    I used to work in IT and know how sometimes one problem can mask another, but busy traffic is a blessing and just goes to show how the internet will come into its own in the end times.

    I agree with you about being personal with comments, but in reality it is very difficult not to mention sertain organisations and religions as they cause so musch grief to the christian cause.
    I to defend my cause as sometimes who I am seems to conflist with fundimentalist christian thinking.
    Someone stood up in our church on Sunday and made comments that offended the non christian person I was with. I know that Christ and the Word of God can offend and challenge us, that is why it is sharper than a two edged sword, but we must also be sensitive to the needs of those around us who do not fully understand Jesus.
    I can stand the knocks to my faith as I stand in the redeeming blood of Jesus and know Him as my Lord.
    I am responsible to Him and no one else. But I will also stand and defend those who have suffered greatly in predjadice and misguided thinking.
    When Jesus met the woman at the well, He met A dispised and rejected Samaritan. After meeting our lord she was still a dispised and rejected Samaritan only now she was in Christ.
    Thats how I feel sometimes and when christians show that same attitude that calls me an abomination, even though I do not commit the sin they accuse me of, I know I am in Christ even though I am still a “Samaritan” in Name and culture.


    What brought on?
    Was just going to say it is in our nature to defend ourselves when attacked.
    But we have put on the nature of Christ, haven’t we??

  9. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    meant to say “what brought that on?”

    It’s a good job you have differnt spelling in the US to UK English, means you never really know if my spelling is correct or not. lol

  10. pegramsdell says:

    I feel that I am a Christian (Christ-like). Not trying to be or hoping one day to be a Christian. So….if I hear of religions that don’t line up with the bible, I get a yuk in my spirit. Because automatically I know that it is anti-Christ. I know the bible says that in the end time even the very elect could be deceived. So I am very leary of any other “religion”. If Jesus says it’s okay, I’m all for it. And if He says it’s not okay, then I don’t even want to hear it. If that religion says that Jesus is the Son of God and walked in the flesh, then there you go….

  11. poohpity says:

    I agree peg, if anyone wants me to follow anyone but Christ with what they say or do I will not allow that in. Anyone who raises themselves above what the bible teaches or the fruit of the Spirit is not reflected in their lives then I hope with the help of God there will be a red flag. We can be deceived and it comes sometimes like a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing and we do have to be very careful and watchful. Satan also can come in the form of an angel of light it is the little forms of deception that can creep in and eat us up. Some things are more in the face than others and some things do not seem to be against our beliefs but if one really pays attention will see the error in the things presented.

  12. irishdoo says:

    As we all know, Ephesians says, “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.” It says nothing about protecting or wearing armor on your back. We can vigorously defend Christanity lovingly and by our actions, but sometimes defense is the best offense. Too, we can disagree without being disagreeable. Dick

  13. davids says:

    Mart says:
    “Apparently the number of people trying to access Our Daily Bread and the family of RBC sites is growing at a rate that has exceeded the capacity of our servers.”

    Hallelujah! It is a tribute to the great work RBC does in creating resources. Producing all those great Day of Discovery videos and making them available for viewing. The Discovery Series, Strength for the Journey, and the rest. They have been very valuable in my walk, and I am happy to know that more people are finding them.

    Except for a very few times, people here have followed the guidelines and made this blog a daily blessing for me, a source of learning and encouragement.

  14. Charis says:

    Dear Mart,

    While comments are off (to spare the subscribers who seem to dislike discussion on that topic), may I suggest filling us in on “What Women Wish Pastors Knew”?

    I know a month in an eternity in the blogosphere, but you said you planned to blog on the book and I have been patiently waiting for the counterpoint to “Men’s Aversion to Church”.


  15. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you all and that you’re staying warm in this very cold weather! We had hard sleet, thunder and lightning this morning, and we’re still receiving light snow right now with ice on the ground. It’s 19 degrees right now! Don’t remember it being this cold in Texas in a long time. Most of the major school districts were closed today (I had a day off), and a lot of the homeless shelters (my neck of the woods) are full. Just heard on the news that the major school districts will be closed again tomorrow( another day off for me).

    Thanks for the blog update, Mart! :-) I’m making an extra effort to read the current blog topics, and I’m glad I’m doing so. Would totally miss you all if this blog site had to shut down due to unexpected growth, etc.

    Still reading comments from the previous blog topic.

    Stay warm dear brothers and sisters.

  16. Elaa says:

    Hello All,

    I think the challenge is noting flaws without being insultive. Hard as this might be, I think it can be accomplished. Personally, I find that if I receive what may ordinarily be useful comment, I am unable to truly appreciate it or use it, if it was given in a condescending manner. The downside of this, I think, is when I leave off what might be beneficial if said, if I am concerned that I will be unable to keep the disgust out of my voice. Needless to say, I am working on getting more things said instead of leaving them unsaid, which of course means I am working on a balanced delivery.

    I am somewhere where I hear continually, “we are doing this and we are better than those people”. I always wonder – why can’t we be doing this because this is the best way to do it? Wouldn’t it go without saying that we are better than those people if they aren’t doing it the way we do it?

    I agree with Bob that sometimes it may be necessary to mention names, and I agree with Steve taking a firm stand for Christ comes with the territory of believing, but neither in my view, is license to be insensitive. And that, if I understand your right, Matt, is what the question is.


  17. afranz says:


    Thank you so much for your explanation of the blog problems. I appreciate reading the comments here and have always enjoyed RBC, ODB, and Day of Discovery. I can’t help but think of the reasons people must be searching these RBC sites: financial, health, economic, stress, loss, hopelessness. Looking for hope, and thank God they will be exposed to the giver of hope, our Lord Jesus Christ. POWER UP!

    I think your comment that meant the most to me was the following:
    “This doesn’t mean we are asking for only positive thoughts about others. Of necessity we need to be able to say what the Bible says, that apart from the cross of Christ, and apart from his grace and rescue, no one has any hope of coming to God on their own merits.”
    That cleared the situation up for me.
    Thank you again

    Blizzard conditions here in KS. Lots of white stuff and cold.

  18. wpleasant says:

    wpleasant says:
    February 1, 2011 at 8:45 pm
    Emailing RBC and Our Daily Bread to friends probably has a lot to do with the increase of website visits. “Been Thinking About” is a unique blog that allows wholesome interaction. That is one of it’s main strengths. I’m learning so much from others.

  19. Marjorie says:

    I could not agree more with Mark’s comments. Drawing attention to our differences only serves to distract us and those we are trying to reach from the truly important issue, which is sharing how God has shown us His grace. Focusing on God’s intervention in our own lives can soften others’ hearts and minds, making them more likely to see their own need of Christ. Criticism only leads them to defend their current position.

  20. bec4jc says:

    Thank you Mart, for the update. One of the 1st things I did after not being on here for awhile is throw out a name. I’ll try to be careful and read guidlines more often. Glad to see everyone here. weather wise…in NY State we’re used to the snow & cold tempts, it’s nothing new. Lived here 60 years now. Isn’t it funny though that there seemed to be more snow when I was little? I guess that’s because there was cause I was smaller than the drifts and snowbanks, lol. Who cared how cold it got, I was blessed with plenty of clothing,socks, and boots. God bless all.

  21. nyekis says:

    Hallo Good God’s people,am new to this blog and am still reading the previous posts,however having read what many have said ,all i can say as a peace crusader is that,you can deliver a very tough message without being insensitive especially when the message is based on sound biblical foundation, which is love. A friend means well even when they hurt you but when an enemy hags you,watch out.

    I believe in freedom of speech and expression,the most important thing about freedom is that there is no freedom without responsibility.People must be candid
    a bout their comment,however those same comment must show a high degree of responsibility,one of which is being sensitive to others feeling.

    As Christians we must live as such all the time even when making comments because,it is such comments that the devil can use to accuse us.can you imagine the devil talking to God telling God “look at Frank,you still say he is your follower,but look at how he talks to other in that blog,…….”,what would God say about your language and your motivation in saying whatever you would have said.We must never give the devil a chance to invade our lives including and especially in this blog.This i believe is what should always guide a christian in his daily walk.

    Be blessed

  22. Mart De Haan says:

    Charis, I’ll try to post something on that other book soon. Thanks for the reminder.

    Woke up this morning to see that the blizzard predicted for us really has happened. Haven’t gone outside yet. But temp looks like its about 17 f. and we are snowed in for the day.

    Our offices are closed along with much of the rest of our city. Hoping that the power stays on.

    Steve, we are finally getting a taste of what you all have been getting the last couple of years in WV, PA and East coast etc.

  23. Mart De Haan says:

    Was wondering if any of you have seen The Nadine Hennesey Story either on Day of Discovery or our Web site. It expresses a lot of the spirit of what we’ve talked about lately. You can find it either by going to http://www.dod.org or directly to http://www.dod.org/Products/When-You-Dont-See-His-Plan–The-Nadine-Hennesey-Story__DOD2214.aspx

  24. pegramsdell says:

    praying for your safety and protection mart. hope you keep the power on and have plenty of heat. :)

  25. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just watched the BBC news at 1pm.
    Our friends in Queensland are about to be hit by their worst ever storm. Winds over 180mph with a 400 mile weather front and 20 mile wide eye.
    After all the flooding they must feel that the whole of nature is against them.
    I know we will all remember them in our prayers.
    Makes the 70mph gusts I get here seem a bit tame.


  26. foreverblessed says:

    In my town I often have to visit an old peoples home. There is a lady who is soooo christian, such a great example to me, she is a nun, 96 years old. She is lovingly, friendly, always smiling, a smile which is genuine, allthough she seems to have a lot of pain (I think reuma), but she uplifts all others around her, and there are many depressed and sick people in an old peoples home. It is not that she does not see character faults in otheres, but she does not pinpoint on them, she looks for a way to lift them up.
    For me she is a great example, how to stay lovingly, full of love for Christ, while being with people who walk in the dark.
    My natural state of mind is to dwell on the wrong that is going around in others, in my town, in my country. And it does not make me any better.

    Many have written it here before: Jesus was very very hard only to the self righteous (Matthew 23) Not to the sinners and the lost, He even wants to visit a publicly known corrupt man, Zacchaeus Luke 19. Would I do that, or would I tell him how wrong he is before entering his house. But Jesus saw the state of his heart, that he was looking to let Jesus in.

    I need to know much much more how Jesus looks at others, being sensitive to what He has to say to me, how to treat others.

  27. poohpity says:

    Mart, very good video. If I am not mistaken while they teach there they can not preach the gospel in the school, they have to live it. I think now they have bible studies away from campus in homes.

  28. poohpity says:

    It is in the 30’s here in AZ which is totally out of the norm for the valley of the sun but no snow. It seems the whole world is experiencing a shift in the weather and other areas too.

  29. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I am having a bad time and was full of self woeing today.
    The Nadine Hennesey Story puts everything into perspective.

    I to have a plaque that quotes Jeremiah 29:11 and often read it allowed.


  30. poohpity says:

    I am there a lot lately too, Bob. I am just praying for God to show me where I belong.

  31. poohpity says:

    Losing so many to cancer and then the empty nest which I gave everything to raising my children. I sort of feel like a duck out of water.

  32. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope you all were able to stay warm today. The temp in my city did not rise above 19 degrees (current temp now). We’ve had rolling blackouts throughout the state of Texas today (didn’t hit my house though but a cousin on facebook and some of his friends were experiencing them throughout the day), and the streets are covered with ice.

    Bob, I’ll remember Queensland in prayer tonight, and I want to request prayer for Australia (& Australians). Heard on the news, a few minutes ago, that that country was hit with a massive cyclone. I’m sure we all heard about the terrible flooding there, so the last thing they needed was a cyclone! May the LORD bless them and keep them.

    I love the ODB devotional for today. Think it’s right on time in light of the current situation in Egypt, Queensland, Australia, and what some, if not all, of us are enduring in our own personal lives. Want to share a portion of today’s devotional:



    Psalm 55:22, NKJV
    Cast your burden on the LORD,And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

    Prayer can help to defragment our lives. When we cast our cares on the Lord, He will show us what we need to do and what only He can do. ~ Julie Ackerman Link

    O Lord, we bring our restless hearts
    To You in fervent prayer;
    Now help us wait expectantly
    While resting in Your care. —Sper

    “We need prayer the most when we have the least time to pray.”

    Gonna check out the Nadine Hennesey story tonight or tomorrow, Mart. Thanks for sharing the web address link on this blog site.

  33. Regina says:

    Just received some shocking news, BTA friends, the schools in my city are going to be closed again tomorrow due to inclement weather! I don’t ever remember schools being closed three days in a row, and I’ve lived in the same city (except for a brief stint in another) my entire life.

  34. Regina says:

    Well, dear brothers/sisters, I finally finished reading all of the previous blog topics and comments! The unexpected time off was a great help! I thank God for the blessing of rest. Totally looking forward to all that I will learn and share on this blog site this year! :-)

  35. dussmiller says:

    The bandwidth problem is due to the number of people who are buying tablets like iPad an Nook and using them for web access as I am doing noe

  36. mlj says:

    Mart, I agree with the majority of your statements. Our primary mission is the gospel and by attacking groups we undermine our effectiveness in that most important mission. However, I sincerely believe that without safe guards to our freedoms and beliefs concerning them, we can just as quickly undermine both our freedom to witness and freedoms in general. To put it simply, do we defend the right to worship anything if in so doing, we are forced to renounce our rights? Must we allow one group to irradicate any and all who oppose their beliefs in order to uphold their “rights” ? I think we can all agree the answer is no, the puzzle is how to practically uphold the law while clarifying this freedom. The reason we “need” so many laws is not just because we pay congress too much to make them, it’s because mankind is always looking for a loophole to allow him to sin. When dealing with a depraved, godless society, you have to take these arguments to their final conclusion.
    But, I still agree that we must grant everyone the right to choose Christ or not, no matter what they choose to believe.


  37. SFDBWV says:

    My sympathies to all of you who are dealing with snow and cold weather.

    I would caution you to take every precation in dealing with the weather.

    Whereas I have lived with cold snowy weather most of my life, I know the dangers and the limits very well. I would hope that you who are not accustumed to it are very careful, don’t drive in it unless you have to, don’t shovel it if you are not used to physical exertion and are in that heart attack age range.

    The ground hog may not have seen his shadow in PA but here yesterday morning was a bright blue sky, of course by afternoon it was snowing again….So I guess we can take our pick on the groundhog’s prediction.

    I love seeing all the new participants, welcome each and every one.


  38. SFDBWV says:

    I have been thinking about Mart’s topic, which is a little breather for us to cool off a little and reassess our purpose here.

    I remember the very first time i offered up a comment. The subject was about whether non Christians trusted us… I quoted Ghandi reguarding the topic and was immediately set upon by another blogger. I was chastised and abased for even mentioning Ghandi’s name.

    So I learned right away if I was to participate here I was going to have to either ignore such people or answer their sass with explanation.

    I have done both. Saddly, ignoring some negitive comments only encourages more sarcasim, whereas coming back with a frontal attack also has it’s negitive recourse as well.

    Over the last few years I have had a wonderful relationship with the people on this blog. I have met and become deep personal friends with some and have enjoyed being able to share my life’s experiances with all.

    I have had a good time.

    But the for the past several months, all I have been able to do is defend myself or my possitions. Not from everyone only from a couple people. I have to tell you that it doesn’t take but one person to ruin what could be a good day.

    I have not been happy only aggrivated by the blog these past months. I have tried to alter the direction of how I percieve things but it has been tough.

    Just as Mart mentioned on the last blog, I have often wanted to pull the plug and move on away from here and just feel better.

    I suppose whether I do or not, is up to me and others here. If their sarcasim and sometimes downright nasty behavior persists, I can see no recourse for me but to leave and not have such unwanted people in my life.

    But it is also up to me, I also have to remember the feelings of others.

    As to discussing other religions….I am in a trap. Whether politics or religion. I can seperate the fundamentals of the philosophy of each while omiting the followers from them.

    Clearly I can say that the tenet behind some religious beliefs is a pathway to hell for all who adopt it. But still pitty those who have adopted it as their path, and warn them as such. Without being labeled as being nonchristian in my behavior…Having once again to defend my stance.

    The Lord has told me to “Stand Fast” and this I will do. I will follow the directions of and from the Holy Spirit that is the driving force and quiet calm in my heart.


  39. phpatato says:

    Love ya Steve!!! I consider you one of the anchors on here. So enjoy reading what you have to say. To me, it’s almost always spot on. Continue to stand fast my brother!!

    wpleasant – February 1, 2011 at 9:11 am
    …Thank you!

    We got our first winter storm of 10/11. A whole 6″! I guess it’s time to get out the shovel. I’ve been using a broom to do the front walk. lol

  40. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Since I have just discovered this blog I am glad you are planning to keep it going. I have been reading the BTA pamphlets that come with Daily Bread mailings for years and have saved several.

    In the opening blog statement, Mart says: “…apart from the cross of Christ, and apart from his grace and rescue, no one has any hope of coming to God on their own merits.”

    To that I say “Amen.” I know I have no hope apart from Jesus’ gift of grace and salvation. So what do you say to people who vehemently reject the cross of Christ and the powerful work that He accomplished there? How do you reach them with the Truth? If you don’t know the truth, won’t you be deceived by the anti-christ in end times who will supposedly bring peace to the world?

    We certainly don’t want to re-enact the crusades. That didn’t succeed in changing anyone’s mind. But to sit back and say nothing; will that help?

    Rev 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

  41. poohpity says:

    As I reread the topic this morning, Mart. A couple of things stood out to me. #1 Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that in order to express our faith, our own brokenness before God, and the life-changing forgiveness and acceptance of God, we don’t need to knock others down to lift Christ up. #2 Unfortunately, such back and forth characterizations can launch an endless contest of mutual accusations of unfairness, misunderstanding etc. It is the very nature of our humanity to defend ourselves against the insult or attack of opposition. I was reminded of what Christ called us to do in John 13:34-35; 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

  42. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you, and that you’re all having a good day.

    Steve – I second phpatato’s comment (2/3 – 11:12 am). I shared with you a few weeks ago, and it’s worthy of repeating, that your contribution to the blog topics on this site (your perspective, insight and wisdom) is SO appreciated! You’re definitely one of the anchors here, and you would be sorely missed if you decided to “pull the plug!”

    I SO admire your “pit bull” tenacity to tell all who visit this blog site the truth (that Jesus Christ is King of kings and LORD of Lords, and there is no other way to the Father except through Him ~ John 14:6).

    Your willingness to share the gospel, in the face of opposition, is so encouraging to me; I know it encourages others to do the same. I want to share a Bible verse with you, dear brother, that I know you’re familiar with…
    Gal. 6:9 NKJV
    And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

  43. poohpity says:

    Mart, I just went back in the blog to May of 2008 and reread the topics of “The Great Impostor” and “The “H” factor”. I needed the refresher course. It brought a smile to my face and revival to my heart.

  44. poohpity says:

    Do you remember peg?

  45. dja says:

    Steve: “For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother.” Philemon:7
    I am so thankful to read what you write. Please don’t even think about not contributing to this blog. You are so solid in your writings. May the Lord encourage your heart!


  46. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Sometimes you are the only sane person in here.
    Other times I am. lol ;-)

    Please don’t go!

    I love you!


  47. saled says:

    I love and appreciate the chance to participate in the conversations here. It makes me really think through my own beliefs and perceptions. I often come away inspired and sometimes awed by the stories that others who write here tell. There is truly a lot to think about.

    I agree that we don’t have to knock others down to lift Christ up. But sometimes naming persons or organizations and discussing both their positives and negatives can be encouraging to those of us who find the same contradictions within ourselves.

    Again, I appreciate the great topics that Mart provides for us to respond to, and the contributions of all of you who take the time to share your thoughts.

  48. Regina says:

    I forgot to add one sentence to my comment earlier. I love you too, Steve, and this blog site wouldn’t be the same without you. :-)

  49. Regina says:

    Just finished watching the Nadine Hennesey Story, Mart, and it’s such a beautiful testimony of God’s love and faithfulness to His children. I love children, and I so admire Nadine for what she’s doing for the children in Kosovo.

  50. Regina says:

    Forgot to add in my previous comment that the schools in my city will be closed again tomorrow. More bad weather predicted for today and Friday in my city. 22F (-6C) right now.

    Soli Deo Gloria (thanks BruceC.)!

  51. bec4jc says:

    Amen- “The Lord has told me to “Stand Fast” and this I will do. I will follow the directions of and from the Holy Spirit that is the driving force and quiet calm in my heart.” And Amen to this, Steve. Please don’t leave because of two.

  52. BruceC says:

    Off topic here. My wife goes to see a surgeon this AM. Not sure if they will remove the growth with out=patinet surgery in the facility today; or if the surgeon will determine to take it out at a later time; or “whatever”. The doctors have known about this since Oct 21, of 2010 and here it is Feb 2011 with basically not much of anything done. Please keep her (and me) in prayer. We are beginning to run short on patience with the doctors.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  53. phpatato says:


    Please know that I will lift you both up in prayer. May His peace and comfort fill your hearts and minds during this troubling time. Rest in the knowledge that He loves you both so very much and that He hasn’t turned His back on you. It is His will and His timing that are perfect. Praise God!

    Hugs to you both!!



  54. davids says:


    I am involved in technical matters, and I know that you and the IT team there must have been pulling your hair out today.

    This too will pass :)


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