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What About Rev 22:18-19?

Photo by: Nathaniel Smith

The 18th and 19th verses of Revelation 22 describe severe consequences to anyone who either takes away or adds to the words of the prophecy. Apocalyptic plagues are promised to those who add to the book. Even worse, the Tree of Life and City of God are to be taken from those who subtract from the prophecy.

Some believe the warning applies narrowly to the book of Revelation. Others are convinced that it refers broadly to the whole book of Scripture.

In either case, who among us can be sure that we have not either fallen short, or crossed the line? The question is similar to what we might ask after reading in Rev 2:7 that those who overcome (renewing their first love) will be given to eat of the “Tree of Life which is in the middle of the Paradise of God). Does that mean that those who lose their first love for Christ, and don’t renew it, will lose out on eternal life?

Or are these warnings too severe to be be taken seriously?

Seems to me these words are to be taken as seriously as the original warning given to our first parents. The fact that, by their distrust, they did lose access to the tree of life and Garden Paradise  is enough reason to believe that the warnings of God are not idle threats or scare tactics.

Adding or subtracting from the Word of God (like losing our first love) does deserve the severest consequence.

Photo by: Bob AuBuchon

Yet again we are faced with the issue of context. Once again we need to remember that the story behind words is what gives them meaning. Because these statements are found at the end of The Book, we already know that the severest and most deserved punishment has already been borne in our behalf. The worst of our sins– to the least– have already been paid for.  That is why John can go on to say to all whose confidence is in “the blood of the Lamb”, “Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.” (So ends the Bible)

The Book that begins  with a warning (to our first parents) to trust what God said about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil–or lose the tree of life, ends with a similar warning— with one and only one hope: The grace of our Lord Jesus. Christ.

How else can we make sense of the worst warning or best of promises, if we lift either from their place in The Book.

PS Some commentators say that the warning is not to be taken literally, but rather is an exaggerated statement meant to indicate the seriousness of tampering with the Word of God. On the other hand, in the second century, the Church Father, Irenaeus, suggested that the warning was meant, not for the general reader, but for the false teacher who deliberately added to or subtracted from the words of Revelation. In either case the only hope still would be the grace of Christ…which a careless person might unknowingly need… and which a false teacher willingly rejects.

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16 Responses to “What About Rev 22:18-19?”

  1. jam200 says:

    The issue presented by these verses is simply one of choice. Our ability to choose the path we will take. God the Father gave us “free will”, the power to choose His way or our way. Throughout the Bible we see men and women make choices, some good and some bad. Throughout the stories, one thing is clear, God has a plan, a purpose for each life.

    Revelation 22:18-19 are summarizing the choices we make, for God or against Him.

    I’m out in Calgary, AB and it’s funny to be the first to comment twice in a row, since I’m two hours behind Michigan time. Regards.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Another dire warning is found in Matthew 18:6 as well as Mark 9:42. The cost of offending those who believe in Christ, even as a little child.

    What greater offence than misleading believers through the subtle lie of altering the Word of God to mean something other than what it was intended to say.

    I side with Irenarus in that the warning is meant for those who would alter the Word for purposes of intentional misleading believers.

    This is the great danger I see in some of the new translations of our Bible. Not that I do not agree that the translation of Latin Greek and Hebrew must be done in order to make it readable to all people of various languages. I mean to say there is great danger in going too far and changing the meaning of scripture to make it fit into a modern society and its politically correct ideology.

    Sometimes it seems the only safe thing to do is to do nothing at all. That would be ok except this is not what God wants us to do. So He gave us a great power, and a companion, the Holy Spirit. So that we can discern between right and wrong, and still boldly proclaim the Gospel and use His Word to validate our claims.

    No snow last evening, 1.3 inches of ice. I would rather have had the foot of snow they predicted.


  3. florida7sun says:

    Good morning all.

    Mart, reflecting on your post, Lucifer comes to mind. His perceived glory distorts and adds to God’s Holy Word. He seeks to devour and destroy.

    The devil snatches away the Word of God sown in the hearts of the unsaved (Matthew 13:19).

    He sows false Christians among the sons of the kingdom (Matthew: 13:25,38,39).

    He blinds the minds of men to the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

    He induces the world to accept his colorful lie (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10).

    As an angel of light he adds to and removes Scripture by presenting his apostles of falsehood as messengers of the truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

    The three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness bring this to greater clarity for me, as the Lord rebukes Satan by proclaiming, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” – Matthew 4:4

    Nothing should be added or removed from “every word that comes from the mouth of God”, for in so doing we disfigure Our Savior and add to His stripes on the Cross.

    Jesus is the pure, unadulterated Word of God.

    Lucifer, as portrayed in the Garden of Eden and throughout history, is the word of gods.

    Only the blessed Word is precious; for the blood of Jesus is precious. As with the Ark of the Covenant, we must be careful in our approach or be consumed.

    The saints of God, as written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, are precious for they are covered by the Blood.

    Throughout eternity, only that which is precious to Our Heavenly Father will exist in His presence forever.

    Everything else will be consumed in fire.

    I use to get up very early to shovel snow. Now, I sleep in a little later.

    Love to all, Ray

  4. SFDBWV says:

    Prayers for our friends in Christschurch, New Zealand.


  5. aboverubies says:

    there is alot that comes into play with this topic. but may i bring it on my level.
    i as a pastor’s wife hate it when someone misquotes my husband and i out of context. it distorts what a statement was meant for encouragement and makes it into destruction. it makes us into liars. i am sure most of you at some point in your life have been misunderstood or misquoted. it hurts.
    now imagine God who is sending a message of hope and love to the world and gets the title “big man upstairs” stating that while the world suffers God is uninvolved. or one someone distorts a passage to make it look like God is not just or loving. i can be assured by scriptures, He gets “upset”!

    whether the audience is to believers or nonbelievers, its to both! sorry but because of shortness of my time today, i can not expound more!

    Jesus made it clear to pharisees that they were adding words and traditions to God orginal laws, and that was not acceptable cause that was not what God meant!

    gtg but thanks again! love to tell the Story and need to study hard and fall in love with Jesus more!
    Montana girl

  6. poohpity says:

    Something similar is written in the book of Deuteronomy 4:2 about the law. I think it is a severe warning just as it was then about the law which later we see that the religious leaders did add to the law and Jesus repeatedly corrected and rebuked them.

    If we distort any of God’s message we put ourselves into a place of authority which would be elevating us above God and we know that there will always be a severe consequences to that.

    Verse 17 is an invitation, verses 18-19 are warnings and the final verses are the hope of those who belong to Christ Jesus. It would seem if we truly belong to the Lord we will not try and change anything that is written but hold it close to our hearts realizing that those who want everyone’s eye to be on them has already distorted the scripture for personal gain.

  7. bratimus says:

    Revelation 22:18-19

    Could be a warning against the result we seen in Waco, TX.

    Revelation 2:12-17

    May the Grace of God come to everyone

  8. BruceC says:

    I’ll comment later on.
    Please keep me in prayer I have been sick as a dog since Friday. Flu I think; and the sinus’ are really acting up too. Wife has taken care of me like a high-paid private nurse. God bless her!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  9. christinal says:

    This message, again, comes at the perfect time.

    I had a mall experience yesterday, where two girls came up to me to talk about “Our Heavenly Mother”. They were both from the World Mission Society Church of God, where they spoke about the importance of believing in the heavenly mother as much as the heavenly father. Furiously flipping through the bible, they pulled verses from various points of the book to form a seemingly unique ideal.

    As a new Christian, I wasn’t sure what they were talking about, so I did some research on the church itself, and the topic they were speaking about. I remember, though, being disappointed at the time at these confusing notions the bright-eyed young girls had about the bible; and that they felt “secret” passages in the bible were important to magnify, to overshadow the most important point of the whole book — Jesus’ death on the cross to cover our sins.

    All in all, the whole experience has left me even more affirmed to read the bible diligently, to become intimately acquainted with it, so that nothing can derail me. Perhaps next time I can share a little bit of knowledge back.

  10. foreverblessed says:

    Mart, I have been part of a church who would have more warnings then encouragement:
    We are not to take light the call of God..
    But if I do not take it light, and if my heart is set on following GOd, even if I misinterpret some bible verses, I stand before God, because I am covered by Jesus blood.
    I believe in Jesus.
    And if I am a true seeker of the truth, God will make it known to me where I have been wrong.
    The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people v21
    BruceC, I am having a flu too, more of the stomach, my husband is also sick at home. He is less ill then I was, and took care of me, for which I am thankfull.

  11. bratimus says:

    Read a little about this world mission society church of God

    Revelation 22:18-19 was completely ignore by this organization, now all there is yet to be seen is the punishment

  12. christinal says:


    Thanks for your additional scriptures!


    I was definitely more disappointed than flabbergasted when I read up on the church. I feel like it’s good for us to recognize and steer clear of these things, and it only encourages us to stay close to Jesus’ word and what it says.

  13. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Sore throat tonight. Took some theraflu/sore throat medication and very sleepy right now. Would welcome any and all prayers, and thank you in advance. Will talk to you soon.

    Sunny and cool in Texas today (mid 60’s).

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce and Regina both feeling poorly, I pray the Lord speed your recovery.

    I also pray for the people of Christchurch, New Zealand.

    As well as for the family and friends of the Adams and their companions Phyllis Macay and Robert Riggle.(murdered by pirates). Their offence, being in the wrong place at the wrong time while distributing the Word of God to people who needed it the most.

    What a world we live in, any where at any time people are suffering, and dying at the hands of another.

    The living Word of God says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:” Hosea 4:6. How many times have you seen this scripture verse used to express or extend an idea. Yet it is used only as a warning to The Jew in Israel. Or is it a larger warning to all of God’s people. As to what happens when we reject the law of God. God rejects them as well.

    When God rejects someone their fate is clear. A life of miserable evil and an eternity separated from God.

    What is it that God has warned us about in Revelation 22: 18 &19? It sounds as if it is the same fate as those warned in Hosea 4:6.

    Clearly we see the evil of this world in such people as these *pirates*, if we look deeper, we also see they are devoid of God as well.

    Yet even for such dark and evil people there is an opportunity for salvation and the life altering moment of rebirth through Jesus Christ.

    Yet as stated in Hosea 4:6 as well as in Revelation 22:18&19, God has a limit to His grace.

    God is to be taken very seriously, not played with and second guessed. He will do as He says and we had better take His warnings to heart, and seek Him while He can be found.


  15. pegramsdell says:

    christinal, you did right in checking out their story. God says to test the spirits. you are right on track. love you new sister, peg

  16. christinal says:

    Thanks Peg. Nice to meet you!


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