Proverbs 18:18 says, “Casting lots can end arguments and settle disputes between powerful opponents.”
Another proverb says, “We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall (Prov 16:33 NLT).
So is it biblical to settle an argument by drawing straws, flipping a coin, or rolling the dice?
And…why is it that few questions divide followers of Christ more than the question of whether an idea, doctrine, decision, or practice is biblical?
At risk of offering seven ways to divide up,
Is it biblical to:
- Go to church on Monday instead of Sunday?
- Have a pastor who is not married (i.e. the husband of one wife).
- Get involved in partisan politics?
- Get remarried after a divorce?
- Be a 5 point (or less) Calvinist, or Armeninian?
- Dress up (or down) for Church?
- Bury by cremation?
I’ll stop here hoping we don’t dive into opinions about the above questions.
The point is not that such questions are unimportant. It is that people with a deep commitment to the Bible can be found on both sides of these issues, with chapter and verse to support their opinion. Furthermore, the tendency of either side on any of these issues is to believe that those who disagree are being “unbiblical” whether they realize it or not.
At this point is it possible that what we need most is not just more knowledge, and not just to roll the dice of divine sovereignty one question at a time– but for wisdom?
Do we need more than anything the life-changing wisdom that comes from keeping our focus on (1) the story of (2) a Son who shows us (3) the mind and heart that is behind every word of the Bible?
And if our focus is there, will it allow us to consider all questions with a sense of what is most important… as well as when and where rolling dice is the best way to resolve a disagreement?