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Thoughts on the Why Question

On waking this morning, my mind went to those in Libya, Japan, and countless other places where people have spent the last ours either without sleep, or with a growing sense of fear and even panic.

When I checked the international news, I found conflicting reports on wind directions, radiation levels and actual conditions in Northeast Japan.

Then my thoughts went back to a few days ago just after the tragic events of an earthquake and tsunami had begun to unfold. I remember an eye-witness report of someone who described how she had heard all around her people asking the question, “Why, what have we done to deserve this?” I remember the witness expressing such deep sadness that already stricken people would add to their terrible plight with thoughts of personal or national guilt.

This morning, I momentarily wondered whether to admit that from thousands of miles away I’ve caught myself having similar thoughts. After posting recently on a God powerful and present enough to be involved in “the roll of the dice,” I wondered whether  it is better to say such disasters have nothing to do with God, or that these things have everything to do with the Divine hand…or to say nothing at all.

My thoughts turned to someone who recently told me about how he would spend time with a friend who, in the later stages of Lou Gehrig’s disease, had lost the ability to speak. My friend said he would take his friend to a cafe’, help his friend to a table, order a cold drink for him, put a straw in his glass so that he could drink, and then sit for a half hour together saying nothing at all.

My thoughts also go to that day when Jesus was told about incidents that involved a tragic loss of life in Galilee and Jerusalem. Referring to such news, he seems to have anticipated “the why question”. So he asked those with him whether they thought it made sense to assume that those who died were worse sinners than anyone else. Then he answered his own question by saying something like, “No, it’s not about someone deserving a tragic fate more than anyone else. Unless you have a change of heart toward your sin and God, you will end up likewise” (Luke 13:1-5).

I take from this that the “why questions” we ask in the middle of our own loss– or in the face of the loss of others– are not necessarily wrong. The problem is that, as was also the case in the pained conversation of Job and his friends, our natural answer is apt to be more than wrong. It is sure to make matters worse… for hearts that can only find comfort in the silent presence of those who love them… as the always present God who showed how much he cared… by knowing when to lovingly sound the alarm… and when to “quietly” die for us.


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94 Responses to “Thoughts on the Why Question”

  1. wpleasant says:

    I concur that often our answers to the why questions are often wrong. I have always been intrigued that God, in reponse to Job’s “questions”, never addresses specifically why Job had to go through what he went through. Job nevetheless received a revelation on new insights he discovered from God’s responses. Recently, after researching a history on the popular children’s hymn “Jesus Loves Me”, I found out that the words and verses to that song were taken from a novel in the 1800’s in which the “poem” from that novel was being read to a “dying” child in the novel. Later, music was added to the poem and it became the popular song. Not sure how this relates to your post Mart on the why’s, but it doesn’t take a lot to know that where God is concerned, He expects the living to reach out the suffering and dying.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Why? The topic certainly comes to mind as Mart has said in lieu of events of such misery inflicted upon so many.

    The why question also is always present in every moment of peoples lives as little and big events occur.

    Just like everyone else, when Matthew ended up in the hospital in the fix he was in, I began to blame myself and look inward at the sins of my life and what may have caused this.

    While dealing with the rearrangements of life and looking toward how to resolve the crises in our family, just as a plan of action took hold for us, my wife Matthews mother, found out she had cancer. Now I was certain my sin had caused the suffering of my family. That the hedge I had around my family was removed because of sin in my life.

    This was somewhat confusing as I didn’t know that I had made such a grievous error in my walk with God as to bring about such harm to my family. Though my wife was not a believer at the time, my son and I was, and had only weeks before his accident dedicated our lives to the Lord.

    So I then looked forward to convincing God to forgive me and heal those in my family, which I was convinced that my sin had caused to bring about their suffering.

    Rita, my wife died one year after learning of her cancer, Matthew remains a victim of his injuries unable to use the left side of his body, as well as suffer a great number of other difficulties.

    On June 7, this story will be 12 years old.

    Have I ask why? Has Matthew asked why? Has Rita’s mother asked why? Yes that question has been asked many times, and yes God did answer my why questions. ODB March 14,2011.

    Throughout any given day Matthew will ask me that question many dozens of times, expecting me to give him an answer he can accept.

    We have never sat in the ashes of our lives and felt sorry for ourselves, each and every day we rise to the task of living and do all we can in order to do so. Without needing to know why, we continue on. We continue on because this is God’s will, for us to continue on and be totally dependant on Him for every matter of our lives.

    This is running long so I will stop for now and write more later.

    I will close with this thought, whatever your own place of suffering has you in, just trust God. Trust that He is in control, and will lead you out of your valley to the Promised Land, just as He has promised He would.


  3. poohpity says:

    When I was in school the one question in counseling we were taught never to ask is “WHY?”. My parents, when I was a child, used to ask me “WHY?” all the time. Why do you do the things you do? That was one of the reasons I went into the counseling field was to find out why human beings do the things they do but in that search I found it was futile for the healing of someone to question the “WHY’s”. The healthy thing was to find out what I could do in the here and now to promote change and healing.

    I have seen the tickers rolling by with that question with a probable answer as being “greed”. I felt so sad for those that read that and wondered just how that was going to help anyone in their present situation. God refocused Job off of himself by wondering why those things were happening to him and back to God.

  4. wpleasant says:

    Thank you Steve. Your post response helped me put into perspective some things I am going through that are dwarfed compared to the struggles you and your family have faced.

  5. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thank you Steve for that last paragraph.

    Most of us are in a valley of some kind and rely totally on Jesus to lead out to the promised land. Jer. 29:11 springs to mind, as it is on a fridge magnet just behind me as I type this.

    There are lots of reasons to ask why. Why did Jesus have to come and die in our place, why couldn’t God speak a word and make everything right without this struggle with life we all have.
    In reality He did speak a word because the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us.
    I am glad you shared your wifes name today, I don’t think I have ever heard you mention her by name before.
    My oldest sister is called Rita, thanks for sharing more of your life with us today.


  6. pegramsdell says:

    Thank you Steve for your post. So honest and true.

    I don’t know why this happened. It is a tragedy. So much suffering. I wouldn’t know what to tell them if they ask me. This could happen right here, right now, to any of us, at any time.

    “It rains on the just and the unjust alike”.

    I know God is good, faithful and just. He died for us so that we could be made righteous and live with Him in heaven when we die. And none of us know when that is.

  7. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Steve, thank you for being so open and sharing some hard and painful things that have happened to your family. The account of your dream was very comforting.

    It seems like the media gets so involved in tragedies when a large number of people are affected all at one time, and rightly so, but still, every day individuals suffer painful trials and see loved ones die and it doesn’t make the news. Only God sees all the suffering that is happening every moment of every day all over the world.

    One verse that really spoke to me during the last tsunami was:
    We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. 2 Cor 1:8-10

  8. prov1only says:

    I believe Psalm 46 is a vivid and relevant passage in light of recent events. God shows us His supreme power over all the universe. He wants everyone to realize
    His omnipotence. At the same time He reveals his love for us by providing a refuge and source of strength to those who seek His will. The Lord WILL be exalted over all the earth!

    Psalm 46: 1 God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.
    2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
    though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
    3 though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah

    4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy habitation of the Most High.
    5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
    God will help her when morning dawns.
    6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
    he utters his voice, the earth melts.
    7 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah

    8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,
    how he has brought desolations on the earth.
    9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
    he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
    he burns the chariots with fire.
    10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”
    11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah

  9. SFDBWV says:


    When all the world changed for me and my family, I had been working 2 full time jobs and did part time work in between. I did so in order for us to have the nice things money can buy, and make life easier for us.

    I had to quit working in order to take care physically of my family. All but a little insurance policy on Matthew became our only income. It was not enough to carry us; we were in a financial bind. One which I could not work us out of.

    Well, the community I live in reached into their pockets and through an organized effort at our local bank gave us a large donation. The local churches held special dinners and took up special donations for our need.

    Their love saved us financially, and enabled us to continue on until Rita’s death and social security and insurance matters could be established for our income.

    Did God abandon us in our darkest hour? No quite to the contrary He showed us and others that He is more than enough to meet our needs, even to over flowing.

    Over the past 12 years many people were offered an opportunity to share our life with, for the few that have they are blessed. For those who have walked away, they have missed out on many blessings.

    I needed help with life issues and sincerely sought out God to send me a proper helper. Someone He would send, someone He intended for me.

    My current wife Glenna was a childhood sweetheart of mine and a first cousin to my deceased wife Rita. She and Rita were more like sisters than cousins and even grew up next door to each other, their mothers were sisters. Glenna had left our home town and lived far from here but visited frequently with her family.

    Long after Rita’s death, Glenna came to visit her Aunt, my mother in law, it was then that she and I opened up the possibility of our becoming closer. She lived over a thousand miles away, but when I ask her to come and join me in finishing out our lives together; without hesitation she moved from Las Vegas back home to where she had started out in life to be my wife.

    God had not only sent me a companion, but also a companion for my widowed mother in law.

    Over the years why becomes less important, and our hope turns to expectation for the future. Only God knows where we are headed, I have only to trust Matthew’s Glenna’s and my future to our Lord and leave them there.


  10. pegramsdell says:

    amen steve. our future is in His hands and we do need to leave it there. good word and testimony. praying many blessings on you and all bloggers. and on the japenese people.

  11. poohpity says:

    As I watch the news casts the thought came to mind about preparation for tragedy. In Japan they never thought anything would happen to those reactors and the radiation would always be contained which caused all other countries that have nuclear power to examine the containers and access how secure they are. I wonder how prepared we are for an emergency in our lives thinking that nothing may happen when at any time it may without warning.

  12. poohpity says:

    I have other questions. What would make them slow down on search and rescue? Is human life so expendable not to look with hopes of finding more people alive where the tsunami hit? The main stories seem to focus on the radioactivity so is it just the media or are there people searching for those who may have survived?

  13. bubbles says:

    The why? question is difficult. . . it is one question that goes unanswered. It is similar to the ‘what if?’ question–ike after a car wreck–what if the ones wrecked had left 30 seconds before or after and it could’ve been avoided. I had that running through my mind for many weeks after my grandmother was killed in a car wreck. It’s hard to not ask why or what if. . .

    My heart aches for those in Japan. I cannot imagine their suffering.

  14. marma says:

    The scripture/incident Mart mentions from Jesus’ life on earth is one I rediscovered recently–within the last year or so, I think. Oddly enough, it was one of the scriptures I was quite grateful for, as it is another reminder that the same types of incidents/suffering we face now were also present and acknowledged in the first century by Christ when he walked on earth. I was grateful, too, because often questions like this will come up and as Christians we struggle with how to answer. Jesus knew how to answer those around him.

    In the case of Japan, I have many thoughts and emotions. Not the least of which is sorrow, sympathy, and concern for Japanese friends, some former students, and missionaries who are there now, going through this disaster.

    This is a lost world we are living in and there is a great amount of sorrow for those who don’t know the Lord and live day by day, even without tragedies like this one. However, as I think of the survivors with little food and water, and how each hour of each day is a struggle, my responsibility is to help where I can as God leads, and pray, pray, pray.

  15. bratimus says:

    We might already have the answer to Why.

    Matthew 24:3-8 speak of this exact same events that Mart metioned in this post.

    Wars, rumors of wars and Earth quakes in varies places.

    A headline came out about a man rescued on a roof top ten miles out to sea two days after the quake. Which got my mind going to Matthew 24:17

    So the question might be is the time upon us?

  16. SFDBWV says:

    If we could actually understand the language of animals, I wonder if they would ever put forth the question of “why”?

    In the Garden of Eden when God told Adam he could not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it is not recorded that Adam questioned God on the matter or perhaps more importantly did not question God’s judgment.

    However God gave explanation to His instruction, and it went unheeded. Thereby substantiating God’s word on the matter. Setting a standard for man to understand, whatever God says will happen, will happen, however long it seems to takes.

    How troublesome to mankind to have to know the answers to every question. In an endless pursuit of knowledge, with answers only leading to more questions.

    There seems to be two types of why questions; the obvious and practical question and answer, and the impractical or supernatural question and subsequent very debatable answers.

    This approach to the question of why is easily answered in most all situations. The people of coastal regions of the world are always going to be in danger of tidal waves or tsunamis, simply by the nature of where they are located and the fact that the natural events of earthquakes occur.

    The same goes for all disasters, whether natural or manmade.

    The people of Pompeii lived beneath a volcano; they lived with a time bomb. How many communities today still take the chances of living beneath volcanoes? Or live on known faults prone to earthquakes?

    Do people who live near rivers never think that a flood can occur? Do people who live in dry arid grasslands think that grass fires do not occur?

    The list can go on and on. We most often set up ourselves to be vulnerable to danger every day of our lives. I can think of nothing as dangerous as driving a car.

    So many times the answer to why is an easy answer.

    The confusion comes when we try and answer the supernatural or spiritual question of why. It is an age old question and every culture of mankind has ask it and dealt with it differently.

    Human sacrifice was a common practice of early mankind’s attempt to answer the spiritual why questions regarding the events of their lives.

    This may sound stupid to we enlightened civilized people, but it was a way of answering the why questions to events that seemed outside of their ability to control.

    It is time for Matthew to begin his morning exercise program. It is quite extensive and difficult for him, but he gets up every day and works hard at doing what he can and doing it well. I will return to continue my thoughts after we get a break from his routine.


  17. pegramsdell says:

    Good question Deb, are we ready? That song comes to my mind: “People get ready, Jesus is coming, soon we’ll be going home”…..He could come back at any time. Are we ready? Do we need another day? Do we have another day? We aren’t going to be taking anything with us, that’s for sure. It’s scary and exciting.

  18. hisheart017 says:

    Blame. One word. Powerful. Living with a terminally ill husband stricken at the age of 49 with this stupid blood malignancy stripping him of any dignity he held i realize without the daily mercy and grace from God, i would be destroyed by the very first emotion;blame. Then guilt. Every sin i ever committed i thought gave him this illness. No cure. So much change in our lives. i read RBC every day every morning i sit with God and wonder why. But He speaks to me gently and the whys go away. Max Lucado said somewhere, sometimes the healing is on the other side of heaven – and i know i didn’t cause this deep down – God is in control, and i am not that powerful. We must be there for each other through the suffering. Japan is an example of how we should treat each other through any tragedy. Kindness. Compassion through works. It’s hard but this is not my home; trying to figure out the whys only takes our eyes off Christ, and the needs of others suffering. – Why doesn’t matter. How we help each other is all Christ is saying. Do for those in need.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    In Greek mythology there were three “Fates” they were above the gods and predated them, even able to influence the gods’ destinies as well.

    The first was Clotho, the spinner, who spins the thread of life. The second was Lachesis, the measurer, who chooses the lot in life one will have and measurers off how long it is to be. The third is Atropos, she who cannot be turned, who at death with her shears cuts the thread of life.

    Destiny is described as a sequence of events that is inevitable and unchangeable.

    When we ask why spiritually, who are we asking?

    We followers of Jesus Christ ask why of God and often seek the written word for answers.

    When the disciples of Jesus ask Him who was at fault for a certain man born blind, Jesus answered and said neither him nor his parents are at fault, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. John 9: 1-3.

    A rather clear and somewhat disturbing answer to why is found in 2 Chronicles 7:12 -22. If you read this passage once again like in the garden, God gives warning as to what will happen if His instructions are not carried out, answering the question of why before the question is even ask.

    The fall of man and the curse upon creation is why so many bad things happen. One of the reasons that we see so many terrible things happen to “good” people, may simply be so that the works of God may be manifested in them, and that they are able to carry the cross given them to carry here in this life. That when creation is restored and the Kingdom established here in this world all wrongs will be righted and justice shall prevail. Most importantly for most of us, all tears will be wiped away.

    This is our eternal hope, and we Christians have placed all of our hopes on the person of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Son of God and the second part of the triune Spirit of the God head.

    This is our faith and how we are able to endure all the events of this life that cause some to ask “Why”.


  20. Loretta Beavis says:

    Why…I have only been able to guess,
    in my flawed self,
    that at the present, this world is imperfect, that Satan does his kill, steal and destroy’ activity, for now.

    At first, I didn’t want to read the reports…’cause I felt helpless to do something. Surely can’t send money to the Red Cross or something and felt guilty about that (a lot of you know my situation these past years).

    But as I determined to go back and read them because I know God will show something Good to be done in tribulation, I did.

    I kept reading the words ‘looking for’ or ‘lost’ LOVED ONES that people were reported to be saying….I started to pray that in all this disaster, the people in Japan will find
    THE LOVED ONE – Jesus.

    And, at Monday night prayer, we all prayed for the people of Japan, that people who could go there would bring Jesus to the people; and that the Holy Spirit is there.

    They’ve lost their families, their loved ones. But there’s one Loved One that will always be there for them, no matter what and when nothing else comforts.

    “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or sword?” Romans 8:35, but read the whole chapter.

    I love Jesus ’cause He first loved me

  21. poohpity says:

    hisheart017, I think you have a very good point. It seems if we can “blame” something or someone it may make it better. Job’s friends struggled with trying to put the blame on Job in someway to make sense of the problems he faced. Sometimes crap just happens and we can search for the genesis or trust God in it.

    God made all things and they have a natural order to them. For instance, scientists have looked for answers about the genesis of AIDS in hopes of finding a way to cure that disease but so far have just found a way for folks to live with it. The earth has a natural order to it as well it has sifts and rearranging of the plates and land massages but the one thing we can be sure of it will change as it has since the beginning. There have been shifts and changes in societies and cultures. I do not think we are taught to hold to things that change but hold tight to the ONE thing that always remains the same that is our wonderful God.

    We can depend on the fact that things change and crap happens although we try to make it fit into our understanding, we will never have the whole picture or the mind of God who knows the “Why’s” but we can cling to the ONE who has all the answers to our questions and trust in His strength, mercy, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience to help us get through all the things that happen in this life without having the answers to everything. That confident, quite trust in the creator of all things because He knows and some secrets He keeps to Himself. It is all on a need to know basis.

    I think just sitting quietly next to those who suffer offers more encouragement than trying to find out the “WHY”S”.

  22. oneg2dblu says:

    Why should matter… Who but Almighty God could answer all the Whys of Man! Who but Almighty God would choose to Bless us, those who would Believe and Obey, His Only Begotten Son, supernaturally quickened!
    Why did we get to sleep in our beds last night, while so many others found no sleep, as their world damatically changed forever? Why are their dreams broken, and their loved ones missing? Why were we choosen amoung the worlds
    vastness to know Him, suffers no resolve? In a world where everyone else who does not know and beleive in Jesus Christ have no hope of eternity, as they are all
    lost,alone,hurting,guilty,and in fear of their own death?
    It is the “great why trajedy” of our time, of all time, that we have been granted grace and they have not! It is the unanswerable why us! While we are able, do we give enough, do we pray enough, do we share enough,
    and if not… WHY NOT? If we have been chosen amoung such a vastness of disaster, despair, disillusion, depravity,
    grief, loss, darkness, rebellion, and the abject poverty of souls, does an Almighty God give us such Grace, Blessings, and Mercy, befitting Only His Annointed and not them, but only to us, the Forgiven, who through the Repentance of our fallen condition, do we see an Almighty God who Saves us! To Him be all Glory, Honor,and Praise! My prayer is that we Pray Fervently today, as a Collective Nation of Forgiven Saints, for those who still need to know Him today! Come Jesus!

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    “while others suffer no resolve”

  24. Regina says:

    Good Morning All

    Just read Mart’s intro comment for this blog topic, “Thoughts on the Why Question,” and it made me wonder “why” there’s no picture for this blog topic. :-)

    Partly cloudy and warm in Texas today (low 70’s).

  25. Regina says:

    Both of these comments…

    “On waking this morning, my mind went to those in Libya, Japan, and countless other places where people have spent the last ours either without sleep, or with a growing sense of fear and even panic.”

    “Then my thoughts went back to a few days ago just after the tragic events of an earthquake and tsunami had begun to unfold. I remember an eye-witness report of someone who described how she had heard all around her people asking the question, “Why, what have we done to deserve this?” I remember the witness expressing such deep sadness that already stricken people would add to their terrible plight with thoughts of personal or national guilt.”

    brought a thought to my heart and mind that, if it’s ok with Mart, we should have a corporate prayer on this blog site for the countries of Japan and Libya and their citizens.

    Luke 21:25-28, NIV
    25) There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26) Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

    27) At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28) When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

  26. Regina says:

    I love this thought, Steve…

    “…whatever your own place of suffering has you in, just trust God. Trust that He is in control, and will lead you out of your valley to the Promised Land, just as He has promised He would.”

  27. Regina says:

    and your testimony (the circumstances that occurred in your life 12 years ago) of God’s love, grace & faithfulness in the midst of adversity is definitely worthy of an ODB devotional. :-)

  28. oneg2dblu says:

    What is the greatest tragedy of Japan? They have wasted themselves on worshiping a “fat bellied idol” that is worthless to save them. Every lost soul that has died there is lost forever! That is the greatest tragedy!
    Second to it, is that the majority of those who are still living do not realize their own lost condition.
    We must pray to the the One and Only,
    True God, that He would manifest Himself to the remainder, before it is too late for them also. It is our \Mission, to Spread the Good News to them, and perhaps this most terrible event can become a cataslist to thier Believing
    in the Christ that lives, rather than the “dead idol” they now know.
    We should make a corperate effort if possible, perhaps one of us will step forward and create a Blessed Effort to Help these Helpless while we still can. In His Name,
    in His timing, and through His people, perhaps a resolve will come for them!

  29. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I don’t think it will bring much comfort to the people of Japan telling them they are wasting their time worshipping a “fat bellied idol”. They are a sophisticated, cultured and historic people who have centuries of tradition and culture to help them through times like this. While I would agree they need to know and understand the gospel as well as their own traditional beliefs, I sometimes feel the western culture, mainly the United States, would try to take advantage of their plight just to sell them Jesus along with all the other corporate packages designed to make a profit for fat American bankers.
    The Japanese psyche is dominated by the memory of two nuclear bombs and the fall out from that over the past 65 years and need our support in dealing with this current crisis.
    I fully understand the reasons for those bombs but if I were Japanese I would be reluctant to trust in the god of a nation who could use such weapons of mass destruction against innocent people.


  30. poohpity says:

    Gary, how dare you assume that those lost were not believers or that some do not know the Lord. You might spend time reading Job and what happened to his so called friends when the Lord restored Job. I take offense to the attitude displayed in your last post and I feel it is you that needs to be prayed for in your ignorance of the things of God. It may benefit you to spend sometime looking at your walk with the Lord and not other peoples.

  31. poohpity says:

    You to Bob with your judgment of America. Try looking in the mirror and the wrongs of your own country.

  32. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I was not judging America Pooh, we have all done terrible things and as Paul said we tend to forget what we see in the mirror as soon as we look away.
    Just as you said, there are many Christians in Japan and theses disasters fall on them as well as the non christian. Many of those still embrace certain aspects of the Shinto/Budist traditions as it is their culture.
    I to was taken aback by Gary’s statement and was just trying to make the point that many in the USA also have their “fat bellied idols” Some are litteraly “fat bellied” themselves.
    We can’t expect other to embrace our God or follow our Moral codes when we ourselves don’t.


  33. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I agree with Regina,

    “we should have a corporate prayer on this blog site for the countries of Japan and Libya and their citizens.”

    If we only agree on one thing it should be that prayer changes lives.
    Prayer is something we can all do and our God is faithful and just and will hear our requests.

  34. chukwujekwu says:

    People ask ‘why’ when things go wrong because we are rational. Anything we do not understand scares us because of the sense of lack of control over the situation. God most times does not give you a direct answer to the why question. However by reason of passage of time one can look back and say ” i now see why this happened”.

    For me the answer to why did this happen is simply this. God is still supreme and rules in the affairs of men and this world. He can do whatever he wants to do or allow whatever He wants to allow. However all His Children needs to bear in mind that His thoughts for us are thoughts of good and not of evil to give us a hope and a future. This is difficult I have been there, Job was there in the bible as well. But knowing first hand that God still loves me and cares for my future gives me the comfort in times like this.

    I cringed yesterday to read about the falling and rallying of the stok markets all over the world on the back of this catastrophe. stocks of companies that my potentially benefit from the reconstruction efforts in Japan are being bought up while others are being dropped. It is sad to say this but this world is a very hostile place and that the very minute a major incident happens, people are betting over your misfortune. I am not against capitalism, but this is just in passing

  35. BruceC says:


    Very well put my friend. That is how I see it also. I used to ask why a lot. Until I really began to realize that EVERYTHING belongs to God and He can use it as He pleases. And for we who put our faith in Christ there is no one better than the Lord to place our trust in.

    I too get amazed and sometimes angry at how this world looses no time in putting human suffering into dollars and cents. Of course the unbelieving in the world waste no time in running to one of “their gods”.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  36. wickedvillageidiot says:

    This is my first post on Mart’s blog though I’ve been reading it for several years now. For more than 10 years, RBC Ministries’ “Our Daily Bread” was my “church” in a way, because social situations/social interactions feel me with terror, and Church is a place for social people. For most of my life, I’ve been a sociopath whose conscience slowly deadened. Knowing nothing about life, about people, about family, about human relationships, about society, about humanity. 2 years back, at age 33, the Word of God, which I had never seriously read/meditated on opened my spiritually blind eyes. In the 2 years since then, I’ve been analyzing my life/events/people in my life. My suffering/distress/despair since then may have a loose parallel with that of Job. The big difference, of course, was that Job was a righteous man. And God loved him. Whereas I had been living in a cocoon since childhood partly because of my psychological/mental/severe social limitations and partly due to my wickedness and the fool (as Bible footnotes say – a person who is morally deficient) that I am.

    I struggle daily with my enormous guilt (” Now that you claim to see, your guilt remains”) and whether it is possible for Jevovah to forgive the wickedest + most foolish person in human history.

    (name withheld for now).

  37. florida7sun says:

    As our faith grows, I believe we ask fewer “why” questions and are comforted by His abiding grace. Not my will, but His. Not my understanding, but His.

    When I was a child I trusted my father. I never asked, “Why?” Growing older, with a sense of self, I often questioned… but lost a sense of total trust and complete faith in the process. Doubt and the opinions of others entered my understanding.

    I believe when we see Jesus face-to-face, we will not ask “Why?” We will then fully understand and rejoice to be in His awesome presence. With our eyes fixed on His cross while embracing His Word, we can rest in the assurance He loves us beyond our comprehension.

    Not being a writer I find it difficult at times to express my thoughts. Horatio Spafford I think penned it best for me when He wrote “It Is Well with My Soul”:

    “When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.”

    I believe the Lord desires us to be courageous and find strength in Him, so we can pray for and comfort others with the resources and blessings He has graciously provided.

    Praying for all afflicted and those in pain, Ray

  38. cherielyn says:

    I have not posted (nor been able to read the blog) in a long time.

    A couple years ago I called my daughter and asked her to put a certain urgent prayer request on her church prayer chain, making the comment, the more who are praying, the better.

    My daughter, who is (& has been for several years) attending a Bible institute responded to that by asking me the question, “Do we need to pray as a corporate body because God cannot hear the prayers of just one individual?”

    A lengthy discussion ensued and I realized she was right. That is not to say that we should not pray corporately. We should just remember that our awesome God hears ALL prayers, not just those of large groups!

  39. SFDBWV says:

    If you listen to the world around you, you will hear everyone at some point in their lives ask “why”. As I have attempted to lay the foundation down to explain that this is a question people have ask since people have become “aware”.

    Actually the first recorded use of the word came from God, how interesting.

    Genesis 4: 6 records God asking Cain why he was angry and why were his feelings hurt. Then a warning from God for Cain to beware that such feelings can lead to being trapped by sin.

    Cain must have been too busy feeling upset and angry to believe God.

    Though not recorded it can be assumed that Cain, at least in his thoughts wondered why his offering wasn’t acceptable. One might even think this a reasonable question to ask of the one to whom the offering was made.

    Once again the answer had many layers of explanation.

    Certainly God had already shown that for the covering of sin, blood had to be shed and the death of an innocent creature had to be sacrificed in order to cover the sins of disobedience. This is what Abel had offered.

    In a way Cain simply paid tithes or gave a tribute of his earnings.

    Maybe it was that Cain just didn’t understand what it was that God expected from him and then again maybe Cain didn’t really care that much about the matter. Just fulfilling his expected duty with no real loss or effort put into it.

    Knowing that God uses the story itself to give insight into His thoughts and plans, many believe the story to be a precursor to the sacrifice of Christ and the acceptance of the second man.

    That matter becomes a question of “why” for us to search the scripture for answers. To the feeding of our souls and enlightenment from the author of the story. Finding that the overflow of answers leads us into more and more revelation from God and endless blessings.

    Just because we wonder why.


  40. SFDBWV says:

    Cherielyn, Hello and welcome back. How wonderful that your daughter is engaged in a pursuit of the knowledge of scripture.

    One of the things I have learned along my way is never to intentionally quench the Spirit. If the Spirit leads groups to pray for any matter, do so enthusiastically and with all haste.

    Yes God hears all the prayers from His saints, but we as a group are blessed when we pray together.

    If it were possible, each time someone here asks for prayer for any occasion, I would gladly reach out and hold the hands of those beside of me and create an unbroken circle of prayer.

    Somehow it is encouraging to pray as a group and humbling as well.

    Point is I would suppose, is to pray no matter how you are led and believe that your prayers are accepted and answered.

    With love

  41. dja says:

    Please know that I am praying for you. I John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” He casts our sins into the sea and remembers them no more. If you have come to him in repentance and faith, then you are forgiven and do not need to carry these sins with you. I pray that you would cry out to the Lord to take this burden away, and that He would give you a good Christian friend/friends who will encourage you and help you in your walk with Him. May the Lord draw near to you this day.


  42. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I too find it hard to interact socialy and used to find sharing in church, praying in a group etc. the most difficult of tasks. looking at some of my blog comments makes me sometimes wonder if I have any social skills at all.
    But then I realised that God loved me for whom I am.
    He came and died in my place and took away all that guilt and stupidity and put the righteousness of Christ in its place.
    Jesus said we have to be more righteous than the pharisees to enter into heaven and yes Job was a righteous man, but in Jesus we are as righteous and holy as He is and able to sit with Him on His throne.
    Just imagine the reality of where we are in Him.
    Not an easy place to be or to keep hold of as we keep looking at our faults and circumstances.
    His Righteousness is just one little prayer away and Jesus hears every prayer. God said “If you draw near to me I will draw near to you”.
    Just sit with Him and He will hug you and love you as no other could ever do.


    ps. Change that blogg name and use the one God ment you to have!

  43. poohpity says:

    Forgiven wickedvillageidiot sounds wonderful to me and fits me as well. :-)

  44. poohpity says:

    “Why” has God chosen to forgive us? I guess because He can, that is amazing grace.

  45. pegramsdell says:

    Fits me too. I was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see. I was forgiven of ALL of my sins by the shed blood of Jesus! I am a new creature now. The old things have fallen away. God doesn’t even see the old man anymore. He has chosen to only see Jesus and His righteousness covering me from head to toe. No long guilty, but bought and paid for by Jesus my savior. Guilt is only of the devil, he will always try to make you feel bad. And he always will. Rejoice and turn to Jesus who loves you and always will. :)

  46. poohpity says:

    Thanks Peg, what a beautiful reminder and much needed to remind all of us who we are in Christ.

  47. dja says:

    Amen, Bob, Pooh and Peg.
    And Bob, thank you for saying what I wanted to say but hesitated to-“ps. Change that blogg name and use the one God ment you to have!”


  48. oneg2dblu says:

    wickedvillageidiot… I hope I spelled that right! LOL
    Great handle, now if you could only live up to it, it wouldn’t hurt you at all. Its being a Christian that really hurts us all when we fall into the pit of not being all for Christ! It is really such a watered down,tainted name, when everybody tries to identify with it, my Pastor doesn’t use it anymore, we preferes Christ Follower, which also is very difficult to live up to, when the shouts of fellow believer’s ring in your ears, but God is Faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. Praise God, that I can now live up to even today’s wasted efforts to provoke. Be Blessed, and Be for Him, in Christ!

  49. wickedvillageidiot says:

    Thanks to all who responded.

    A large part of why my life turned out this way is because of this:

    Isaiah 45:9:
    “Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘He has no hands’?

    So this has befallen me:

    Proverbs 16:4:
    The LORD works out everything for his own ends–even the wicked for a day of disaster.

    To be a non-social, low IQ person is a very serious disability, because man is a social animal. But even then, God takes responsibility for the mute, the blind:

    Exodus 4:11:
    The LORD said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD?

    A job loss 2 years back was what prompted all this. (In retrospect, the best thing that ever happened to me in my life though I only wish it had occurred 5 or 6 years earlier). And the 2 years of extremely painful/even traumatic experiences of realization/soul searching that most of my beliefs/assumptions/dreams about myself/others/society/life were not rooted in reality, thru peeling away years of delusions and falsehood and hatred/bitterness and resentment in my mind.

    And then to this conclusion a couple of months back: I’ve been a wicked fool for most of my life. (Here fool both in the sense of “morally deficient” and low intelligence/IQ).

    Though Proverbs 27:22 says,
    “Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him.”

    I believe now that thru this experience, God has grinded the “fool” part of me out now. Though I do not claim to be wise now – I believe I’ve some measure of wisdom now. The only way for me to gain self-acceptance/feeling of self-worth was that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made – the fact that I can think, have emotions and a mind, even given
    my real and severe intellectual and social handicaps.

    I believe now that the incredible *truth* is that Jehovah knows every single one of the 7 billion people on the planet. I believe now that the Bible is the WORD of God. And the incredible truth is that there will be a judgment day. And that is what terrifies me some days – because this wicked fool will have nothing to say when I meet Jesus. Nothing except to ask for pity and mercy.

    About my name, it translates as “Truth-loving”. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” How I wish I had come to know the Truth earlier, much earlier!

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    The debate of singular, or corporte prayer is about as useful as the, “Should we use bread or crackers?” and then find, you are “not being engaged” in the taking of the Sacrament until that “worldly issue” is settled.
    We all know the right things to do…how we go about it should not become the conflict. Be Engaged, and Be Blessed! God hears the prayers of those who love Him, and those who love Him, obey His Commands! There are no accidental meetings, we have all been led here for a purpose, when it comes to the things of God,
    He is always directing, and listening.

  51. poohpity says:

    wic, you sound pretty wise to me and we all need to be a fool for Christ. The only sad ones are the ones who are wise in their own eyes.

  52. poohpity says:

    It seems that over in Japan that some still have the attitudes of the Kamikaze pilots and that human life seems expendable if it does not benefit the common good. It would seem that being told the truth and allowing each individual to make a decision as to the choices they would make whether to stay or go would seem beneficial. Rather they are asked to stay indoors with no food, water or electric for warmth rather than to flee. I would like to know the Why to that.

  53. bratimus says:

    It seems to me that the information on Japan or the lack of information. Are attempts to not let the stock markets of the world to meltdown. the way of the world money before human life.

  54. bubbles says:

    On BBC early this morning, they spoke of the 50? or so men staying behind at the reactor site. They were trying to stop the meltdown from becoming worse. It’s is hard to imagine them putting themselves in harm’s way with something as dangerous as that to save others’ lives. Their quiet sacrifice spoke loudly. What love they are showing to their country and people there.

  55. poohpity says:

    Yes bubbles, those at the reactors are very heroic to stay to try to keep it cooled down. I was speaking of those in the surrounding areas. This is all so sad and I know for myself I would love to have the whole story if I were them to make a decision. bratimus, I know the lack of truthful information is really horrible for all involved.

    Father all I can say is HELP them whatever that looks like. In Jesus name.

  56. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well in your lives.

    I agree, cherielyn, that God hears the prayers of individuals. However, when it comes to corporate prayer (many believers), there’s strength in numbers. I want to share a Bible passage with you:

    Matt. 18:19-21, NIV
    Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

    Yes, God definitely hears the prayers of individuals (the prayers of the righteous and even unbelievers), but Jesus Himself said that where two or three are gathered together in His name, He’s there with them. Paul and Silas prayed while they were in jail, and a mighty miracle occurred on their behalf:

    Acts 16:25-27, NIV
    25) About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26) Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose. 27) The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped.

    And Peter was miraculously released from prison because the church (many people) prayed for him (Acts 12:5-17). I’ve seen supernatural things happen for people and myself while praying with other believers (people) at my church.

  57. bubbles says:

    Dear pooh,
    Oh, I was not disputing anything anything you said. I had not even thoroughly read every thing that has been written here due to time constraints.

    I was just making a comment about the newscast this morning. Those people were on my mind when I visited here earlier. I was not trying to say anything against what you said here, please know that.

  58. Regina says:

    I want to start a prayer on behalf of our fellow brothers/sisters in Japan & Libya and all of the citizens in those coutries. Feel free to join me if you desire…

    Dear Lord, I come before Your throne of grace on behalf of my brothers/sisters in Japan & Libya. As You know, the Japanese people are dealing with the aftermath of a tsunami and a massive earthquake. And the people of Libya are enduring suffering and hardship at the hands of a maniacal dictator. I ask, LORD, that You will guard their hearts and minds with your peace, which surpasses anything that we can understand.

    Please provide for their every need, LORD. I pray that You will (supernaturally) provide food, shelter, clothes (& shoes), transportation and protection for those who have none or don’t have enough. I ask, especially, LORD, that You will protect the Japanese people (& their country) from a nuclear catastrophe because that disaster would affect other countries as well. Both countries sorely need Your help, LORD.

    I pray that You will be a very present help for them in their time of trouble as only You can. I pray also, LORD, that you will use the unrest in both countries to turn hearts and minds to You, the one true God. Thank you, LORD, for all that you’re going to do on behalf of Japan & Libya. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

  59. phpatato says:

    Amen. I am thankful Regina to be able to join you in praying for those two countries. The burdens they are carrying right now are oh so heavy. The not knowing what lies beyond each day can be so debilitating when faced with what they see. This is my prayer for them, that they can experience His peaceful rest:

    Matthew 11:28-30

    28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  60. Regina says:

    We give to others what they need
    No greater help and care
    Than when we intercede for them
    And bear them up in prayer. —D. De Haan

  61. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Wickedvillageidiot, you said:

    “About my name, it translates as “Truth-loving”. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” How I wish I had come to know the Truth earlier, much earlier!”

    It seems God made your name a prophesy and a promise and that indeed you shall know the truth and it will set you free.
    God’s timescale is not always the same as ours. Now is the exceptable time of the Lord and if it is happening now and not a few years ago it is because that is what He planned for you.
    I to lost my job two years ago and have gone and am going through all kinds of agonising sh.. sorry, stuff.
    I have found that I am at my best for God when I am at my worst for me.
    What you said above sounds quite profound to me. I know many “world class” preacher and evangelist who have had no education and have been out and out thugs.
    I know as soon as God helps me and my situation eases I become an absolute plonker, but when I need Him for everything, even my next meal, I can be used by Him and sometimes shock myself by the things I can do and say.
    My best place is out of my comfort zone and in His comfort zone.


    Amen to your prayer and I see things have progressed on the Libyan front overnight with UN resolutions.

    God Bless


    You will need to look up the word “plonker” in the Anglo American dictionary, or use your imagination. lol

  62. BruceC says:

    It is about time that the Useless Nations finally passed a resolution for a no-fly zone. And the list of countries that abstained from the vote comes as no surprise. This butcher should have been dealt with much sooner than this and the loss of life would have lesser. Sometimes I feel like I could pull the trigger myself if Qadaffi were in front of me.

    It breaks my heart to watch the tragedy in Japan and I thank you Regina for that prayer. I have been praying for them almost every day. I shed some tears watching it on TV and then I get upset when it gets reported that TEPCO; the company that owns the reactors, hasn’t got a very rosy track record in regards to safety and reporting.

    Sorry for the rant. 27 years as a cop hasn’t completely made me callous. But I have very little feeling for folks like the Libyan murderer.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  63. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Regina for your “corporate” prayer, I too will join you in agreement.

    Village Idiot, We all know you are no fool and most all of us have at some point in our lives come to grips with our old lives and nailed them to the cross with Christ. Once Christ is chosen, a new life begins and God promises us that in the coming future we will all be given new names, given by God and written in stone.

    Bubbles I also am impressed by the 50 workers who are sacrificing their health for their fellow countrymen. I also am not surprised; the Japanese people are by nature a family that is concerned with the welfare and good of the whole of themselves as a people, not as individuals.

    There is a story this morning about China sending relief and rescue workers to Japan. This in spite of a history of very bad feelings in China from the cruelty of Japanese occupation in the 30’s thru the end of WWII.

    It is interesting from a historical perspective how the world has changed. In an earlier time, no one would ever send help to an enemy, whether a new enemy or an old one. Such tragedies as Japan is suffering would have been received as good news by her enemies.

    Yet 2000 years ago something happened that has changed the world, even countries that are not Christ led are influenced by those that are. The good examples and wisdom of love your neighbor as you love yourself and to even love your enemies has a power of healing old wounds and creating new friends.

    One thing is for certain, today’s news will soon be forgotten and tomorrow there will be new disasters to contend with and be observed.

    Bruce, the Romans would have dealt with the likes of Qadafi and his goons swiftly and without mercy. This is why we are living in the time of the “feet of clay”. A mixture of iron and clay makes the iron weaker, not stronger. Man’s rule on earth is coming to an end and it won’t be a pretty sight as it unfolds. Keep looking up for our Lord is about to return.


  64. fiyameta says:


    Thank you so much for the prayer.
    As there are many who works day and night to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in Japan, we need to pray continuously.


  65. Mike says:

    One newscaster pointed out that the Japanese, in general, do not ask “why”, but that the Shinto and Buddhist religions teach them to ask, “what do I do next to get through this?” We Christians would do well to spend our emotional energy on that question instead of the “why?” The greatest “why” story in the bible is Job, and God never answered. “God, show me how to move forward from this tragedy in your grace and love. Help me to sense Your Presence in my home and heart, and help me to respond to this tragedy in a way that glorifies You.” We (I) need to learn to pour all the emotional energy that I waste on the “why” into the “what next, Lord?”

  66. bratimus says:

    This topic to the question “Why” seems to be flipping between Japan and Libya. Both are disasterous areas, Japan being on the nature made Disaster and Libya being a human made disaster.

    With the events unholding in Libya starting as a uprising for democracy and heading to God only knows. Matthew 23:15 comes to mind

    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.”

    there is a lot of history between Libya and the western countries.

    I have a bad feeling about this Libya crisis. which ever way we side with it we might just be D… for it.

    Might heart goes out to Japan in their time of need.

  67. oneg2dblu says:

    Where is God in all this suffering? Perhaps, waiting for the “very prayer” we give up to Him “for them” today.
    Is He not given up to responding to His Own? Does He not relish our voices being raised to Him? Will He not give us what we ask for? His word declares that we already have what we ask for, and He knows it before we even form the words! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. Thank you Lord for setting us upon a Rock and Protecting us, that we may become a rock for others who have no footing around them, no well defined path, no light to lead them to you, but through our prayers
    Lord you provide all we need, and you will provide all they need, if we “only believe” we have what we ask for. In Jesus name we ask and praise you,for we believe it will be done! Amen

  68. oneg2dblu says:

    My rant for today…Too bad the United States doesn’t possess a leader who will step up and be the Christian man, he claimed to be, when he was running for office. He is a silent man when it comes to this things of God, and totally mute of the
    words, “Jesus Christ” whom he professes to follow.
    He has no reflection to fall back on when it comes to showing the world, the Christ-like quality of his personal religion or his nation’s people. Instead he professes to the world he has bowed down to, that we are not a Christian Nation, but a group of peoples… sorry I lack his exact words,
    but this leader has failed to show the world, what he really “should” stand for!! They give him the Nobel Peace prize, for his silence and inability to act,
    but has he really brought us peace, or long suffering?
    Thank God, that even for a Remnant, He will Save a entire Nation!
    Remeber this… the United Nations are “not united” in Christ, but united only in the World.
    This is where “our corporate prayer” has its best ally,

  69. florida7sun says:


    Amen and amen!!

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams

    “…Let me live according to those holy rules which Thou hast this day prescribed in Thy holy word… Direct me to the true object, Jesus Christ the way, the truth and the life. Bless, O Lord, all the people of this land.” – George Washington

    God bless you and all who claim Him as Savior and Lord,


  70. poohpity says:

    I would like to quote not past presidents whom I do not follow but the Words of our Lord.

    Romans 13:1; Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

    1 Timothy 2:1-2; I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

    1 Peter 2:17; Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor. That was written even as Nero was the emperor of Rome.

    It is not our job and it even hinders our witness to grumble, rant and complain about those in authority over us. It would be nice if we held them up in prayer rather than cutting them down.

    Why so downcast oh my soul put your trust in God. Psalm 42:11 if we are trusting in the mighty hand of God we really do not have to be ugly or rant to anyone unless they are butchering the Word of God and even then God prevails.

  71. poohpity says:

    So Gary and Ray, Why? do you speak against the one the Lord has chosen to put in authority over the USA at this time as the heathen do?

  72. bratimus says:

    I would say the governing authority spoken of in Romans 13:1 in the USA would be the U.S. Constitution that gives a man or woman the rght to be President over the People. The first Amendment gives citizen authority in the freedom to worship God and also to freedom of speech and the right to potition the governmentover the redress of grivances.

    Now as Christians are governing Authority is the Bible, there is a warning in Revelations 2:12-17 about Balack that was taught by Ballam to put a stumbling block before the Children of God.

    With the President’s evolving look on same-sex marriage, is not the president starting to reflect a Balack. President claims to be a Christian, but he is going against what is said in Romans 1:20-28

    If we know the Bible and back in the Old Testamet God used a Donkey to rebuke Balaam.

    It is the Christians responsibility to rebuke a Christian who might be putting a stummbling block before Christians or those soon to become Christians.

    Galatians 6:1 covers this

    “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in ant tresspass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.”

  73. oneg2dblu says:

    In Christ We Unite, and In Christ We Pray, for all those whom God has placed in authority over us. May God Bless the President of the United States, and all world leaders, as they lead into all that God has prepared for them, before the foundations of the world were set. Amen!
    I do not question his govering authority, or whether God has put him there, I only stated that he as “leader of this nation,” fails to lead us in any National Corporate Prayer for those other countries that are suffering.
    He is a “silent man” when it comes to the words, Almighty God and Jesus Christ. In this world, which he so gladly bows down to, he also fails to stand up for, those in his own country who share his “professed religion.”
    Lukewarm is not a sufficient stance for a Christ Follower! I say these things because, It is written…
    If you deny me,(which his silence deffinately does)
    then I will deny you! Our, One Nation Under God, does not deserve this SILENCE!!!! Whom do you think it does serve? That silence, should be sufficient enough
    to sever something, and I do not believe it is the Christ we are Praying to here! Any further explanation
    would only belinger what we should be about… as for as the heathen?…their path is set by their own example,as they live out, what God has ordained for them before the foudations of the world were set!

  74. BruceC says:

    I remember reading where FDR led the entire nation in prayer over the radio for an ENTIRE HOUR during WWII.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  75. florida7sun says:

    Hi Pooh:

    I pray for all those in authority to embrace the Lord Jesus; to be strong and courageous in Christ; and to be mindful that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. I pray that they seek wise counsel and that God’s will be done in their lives and ours.

    “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” – Proverbs 29:2

    This verse is referenced in “Prayer For Those In Authority” which can be can be found through Google. It is a helpful guide in praying for President Obama and all others in positions of authority.

    I believe our nation needs leadership that uplifts our Savior and Lord. That is what I am praying for.

    God bless you, Ray

  76. bratimus says:

    The UN resolution of this no-fly-zone and necessary military action to prevent civilain deaths.

    Is showing how the world can gather many armies to one battle fieeld.

    I think i have heard about this somewhere before hmmm.

  77. poohpity says:

    There will only be ONE leader that will rule by the unchangeable Word of God and that is Christ Jesus. Do we expect more from this president or any other president than his human existence can allow? Why do we expect him to live by the Word of God when we have troubles with it ourselves? Have any of you ever been the President so how can you say what you would do in his place? We are taught as followers of Christ to hold him up in prayer we are not taught to grumble, complain and be busy bodies we are taught to do good. How is it doing good to cause dissension?

    Ephesians 4:29 says “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” So each of you can answer that one yourselves are you building up our president by the murmurings? Back to as we have talked about before when you are pointing the finger at someone else you have three pointing back at yourself. The same way you sit in judgment of our president you will be judged as well. Which one of you is without fault? I know I am not without fault so I find it hard to say what I would do in the position of anyone else. How is judging others doing good?

  78. wickedvillageidiot says:

    My posts were off-topic (the fool part of me hasn’t been completely ground out yet!), so I’ll make this brief.

    Thanks Della for praying for me. Thanks to Pooh and others for your responses. Thanks to Bob for sharing your own experiences. Yes, what God intended for me, from birth, was to live in *complete* dependence on Him, every day of my life. Even for simple things that “normal”/social people can do effortlessly.

    God made me a fool/idiot from birth; He has to take responsibility for that! Now if He’ll only forgive the wickedness part of me/my life AND heals my mind, that is what I desperately want/need.

  79. florida7sun says:

    In answer to your question, I do expect more from our President for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, we live in a republic with a representative form of government. Although I continue to pray for him and others in leadership positions, the framers of our Constitution were wise enough to create a process where a free people can voice their opinion and make what they deem to be sound judgements.

  80. bratimus says:

    The good Sheppard will leave the 99 to find the one lost sheep.

    There are many parts to the body of Christ all with different functions Romans 12:4

    The eyes need to be watchful, the ears need to hear and the mouth needs to speak. And this is all control by Christ as the head of the Body.

  81. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Wicked man,

    God has already healed your mind and forgiven your wickedness.
    Every promise He made in the Bible is true.
    What we see is a lie but what we cannot yet see is what will last forever.

    Dare I say I love you my friend!
    Is that allowed on hear?


  82. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    sorry web people got my ears and hears muddled with my eres and here’s. lol

  83. poohpity says:

    Ray that is not what I asked. Why would you expect him to be a better Christian than how you are able to be?

  84. oneg2dblu says:

    Regina… thank you for being One with Christ, and one having a prayer voice, that we can take together to the One and Only True God, who is in Control of all things.
    Bless this effort and our joining with you, as we seek
    to send the Real Comforter, Jesus the Christ, to those in need. Gary

  85. florida7sun says:

    Pooh, despite the fact that I share the Apostle Paul’s sentiment that I am the worst of sinners, I do not expect President Obama’s Christian faith to be better or worse than mine. God is no respecter of persons. I do, however, expect him to be a better President than he has proven to be.

    The Bible encourages each of us to work out our own salvation. In our walk with Him we are asked to take inventory on a daily basis, to repent of our sin, and to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. I pray that for myself, and I pray that for President Obama.

    The Lord’s Prayer is one that leads us to seek His forgiveness and His kingdom on earth. The Bible also encourages us to put on the full armor of God and have discernment of what is presented to us by the world. The Apostle Paul judged and criticized people, and we have been instructed to likewise judge when judgment is warranted.


  86. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    You’re welcome to all regarding my prayer for Japan and Libya, and thank you for joining with me in prayer. Those countries (and others) truly need our prayers on a daily basis.
    I can’t speak for you all, but this blog site helps me to stay focused on what’s most important, my relationship with my LORD, Jesus Christ. I love this blog site because I get to share my thoughts and receive wisdom and knowledge from brothers and sisters in Christ, and that’s not a small thing.
    It’s such a *blessing* to be able to freely study the Word of God, whether online or at church without the fear of being persecuted. Thinking about how many of our brothers/sisters in other countries have to study the Word of God and have fellowship with one another “underground” or they’ll be persecuted (and may be killed) for doing so.
    Was thinking this morning about grace… God’s amazing grace. I could have been born anywhere in the world, but I was born in America. A country that, for the most part, has been a recipient of God’s great grace and mercy (and to whom much is given…).
    I’m extremely grateful for God’s mercy and grace on my life, on the lives of my brothers/sisters, on my country, on other countries, and with all that’s going on in the world today, we have to pray daily that God’s will will be done in us and through us. It’s like Steve said… “Man’s rule on earth is coming to an end and it won’t be a pretty sight as it unfolds. Keep looking up for our Lord is about to return.”

    “Amazing Grace” (Don’t know who penned this version)

    Amazing grace shall always be my song of praise,
    For it was grace that bought my liberty,
    I do not know just how He came to love me so,
    He looked beyond all of my faults and saw my need.

    I shall forever lift mine eyes to calvary,
    To view the cross, where my Jesus died for me,
    I do not know just how He came to love me so,
    He looked beyond all of my faults and saw my need.

    Sunny and beautiful in Texas today (low 80’s)! :)

  87. bec4jc says:

    I want to add my AMEN’s to the paryers said here.

    Job was brought up quite a bit and I’d like to say that Job sacrificed and prayed for his children before the lord just in case they did something that they shouldn’t have done in the eyes of our Lord. He lost them anyway. But, don’t you think those prayers were heard by God and that Job will be united with them in God’s earthly Kingdom? For me if they were my children, just seeing them alive even though I may not get to live close to them would make me very happy. And one would have a everlasting to get together for family reunions.

  88. florida7sun says:

    Regina, in reading your beautiful prayer this morning, I can only say Amen as we look forward to His coming. Amazing grace it is.

  89. oneg2dblu says:

    florida7sun… it must be something in the waters here, or in the words we read, for I read your words and feel they have come right out of me also. You bless me and others as well with your contribution here. Be Blessed my Brother in the Son. We must also remeber to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, and our brothers aand sisters there! Remember to never take our eyes off of what is happening in Israel, for it is the very Touchstone of the End of this Age of Grace, that we sometimes take for granted, and so enjoy today, as our world become more violent every moment, tic- tic- tic.
    To God be all the Glory, Honor, and Praise. Gary

  90. oneg2dblu says:

    beec4jc… we are all awaiting God’s Appointed time of the “Greatest Family Reunion,” when we gather in Heaven, with His Entire Family! We do not possess words that can express what that “Glorious Gathering” will be, but we have a glimpse, as looking in a mirror faded, and still find it overwhelmes us! Praise you Lord for giving us a grand glimpse through “Your Son Jesus” today! Gary

  91. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… looking back at your “intro take” on Jesus’ response, to the shedding of blood and those who were trying to give it some value attached to the sins of those who were sacrificed, He said, “Unless you have a change of heart toward your sin and God you will end up likewise.”
    I find that very statement, so very telling to the wasted efforts of those who worship idols instead of the One True God. It is they, the deceived, who need this desparate change of heart. For is it not in their destiny now, that they will end up likewise?
    Only Almighty God could change that outcome, but He would have to also have to change His Written Word, and Hid Mind, about “who goes where” for Eternity. For, “It is Written!” Idol Worship, does not qualify…
    Lord please help us to pray today for those who do not SEEK YOU, as their “ONLY” way. Open thier eyes Lord, Open their ears Lord, Open thier Hearts for You! Gary

  92. wpleasant says:

    Thank you poohpity.

  93. bec4jc says:

    Hi Gary, thanks for responding to me. I was trying to press the idea of prayer on behalf of a father for his children. Just like a wife for her unbelieving husband and a parent for their unbelieving children even today. God hears all prayers and even if the unbeliever dies in sin, the prayers of the loved one help where if there were no prayers said at all.

  94. oneg2dblu says:

    bec4jc… Yes, we who know and love Him, all trust His Word that says, God does Hear Our Prayers! Amen!

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