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Hearing Test

Photo by: Dave Lifson

Here’s one to tell on ourselves… wherever we are.

It’s an old one. But gave me a needed smile.

In his first session with a marriage counselor, the guy says,

“Doc, it’s gotten so bad she doesn’t even listen to me any more. I think she’s deaf or something. But she won’t do anything about it.”

“OK”, the counselor says, “Let’s see how hard of hearing she is. Go home and tonight stand about 15 feet from her and say something to her. If she doesn’t reply move about 5 feet closer and say it again. Keep doing this so that we’ll get an idea about how bad it is.”

Sure enough, the fellow goes home and does exactly as instructed. He starts our about 15 feet from his wife in the kitchen as she’s making sandwiches for tomorrow’s lunch and says, “What’r ya makin?” Hearing  no response, he moves about 5 feet closer and asks again. No reply. Five feet closer. Still no reply.

Anticipating what he’s going to be able to report to the counselor,  he moves even closer. Now only  an inch away, he raises his voice and says, “What’r ya makin?” Startled, she looks him in the eye and says, “What’s wrong with you?

For the fourth time…Tuna!”


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74 Responses to “Hearing Test”

  1. poohpity says:

    I resemble that statement, LOL. I did that in the last topic so busy yelling about one thing only to find myself doing it myself. Judge not lest thee be judged, that is the KJV.

  2. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    3am here, can’t sleep and I have a hospital appointment early, 9:10am, on the north coast about 12 miles away.
    So early bus ride at 7am. Going to be a long day.

    Mart, I am glad the topic has changed to somthing a bit more light hearted.

    But saying that, I have been having trouble with my hearing too. Not so much with the hearing but more with the listening. God has been shouting at me to repent and change my heart and to serve Him more.
    I know what to do but I just keep going on the same old way. I know He has such blessings install for me, so why am I so slow to respond.
    I was taken aback by todays (25th) ODB reading from John 21:3-17 and how Jesus prepared a special meal for Peter and took him back to the situation a few days earlier when Peter wanted to run and hide and denied his Lord.
    Peter was all set to carry on with his old life but Jesus made him recommit, 3 times, his love for Him.
    I want to do that, recommit my life to Him but find it so hard. I was due to go to our prayer meeting last night but copped out at the last minute.
    My old ways will lead to death and an empty net, like Peter I need to follow my lords instruction and cast my net on the other side. Then tell Him I love Him when realise who He is!

    Strange it was a Tuna Sandwhich you mentioned above.


  3. scout1 says:

    Thanks for the change of topic. Makes you wonder if this fellow really went back to the Dr. and told him the true results . . .admitting that he was to blame as well would be the first step to recovery! :)

    Blessed are forgiven sinners!

  4. bratimus says:

    Huh What

  5. BruceC says:


    Will pray all goes well with the doctor today brother.
    Very few believers have the level of honesty that you do. Myself included.

    Mart; that joke brings out a very apparent fault in our fallen human nature. That of hearing ourselves and not listening to what others are saying. Same as saying that what I speak is important and only what I speak. There’s that ‘I” again. Always popping up.

    Very similar to what goes on in the world. The “world” keeps talking and asking questions and all the while God is speaking in many different ways; but the world isn’t listening.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  6. Regina says:

    Good Morning All

    Off topic here…
    Today is my birthday!!! I want to thank the LORD, with you, for another blessed year…my 44th year of life!! I haven’t been feeling my best this week, but my beloved Pastor taught me that how I feel has nothing to do with what I know and who I am! So, on my birthday, I *know* that Jesus Christ is King of kings and LORD of Lords (Rev. 19:6); I know that I’m God’s child, and I’m sitting in heavenly places with my LORD, by [the power of] His blood (1 John 3:1; Eph. 2:4-6; 13)! :-)

    SO glad that I can celebrate my birthday with you all! Sunny and warm in Texas today (85 degrees).

  7. bec4jc says:

    tee hee, thank you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Regina, child of God.

  8. foreverblessed says:

    Be blessed Regina, you are up early! Have a blessed day, and year! Wow, Ef 2;6 God has seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in CHrist JEsus,
    I ask God for more faith to grasp this, that I can hear this!
    God is shouting this in my ears, please open my ears Lord, Curia.

    After the last topic this verse gives me extra meaning now:
    v7 is also in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

    85 degrees F, is 30’C, that is quite warm. Overhere is lovely spring, 50F in the shade, 68 in the sun, (10C and 20C.)

  9. SFDBWV says:

    If you watch the news interviews on television, one has to be amused at the tenacity of the interviewer. Either they are tone deaf, stupid or just awaiting the answer they want to hear.

    Over and over they ask the interviewee the same question, the poor person being grilled answers it each time from a different angle, but still always the same answer.

    Once the interviewer is able to either trip up the person they are questioning or hear the answer they have already set in their mind to hear, then finally they feel the question has been answered.

    Yes I think too often we all have an answer to our questions set into our minds, we just seek out the same answer from others, so that we can feel we are right and justified in our thinking.

    How amused God must be watching us try to appear as if we know what we are doing.

    23 degrees F, snow flurries all day yesterday but blue skies are peeking between the clouds this morning.

    Happy Birthday Regina, Many blessings on you and your life this coming year.


  10. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, please be encouraged that we all want to do better in our minds for God, that we all seem to fail Him at times and that we all feel badly when we think we do.

    Sometimes our weakness is His strength and an opportunity for His love and grace and purpose in our lives to shine through.

    Peter’s seeming failure has been a source of comfort and enlightenment for us all for over 2000 years.

    For all of you who don’t know, Bob sends me wonderful pictures of the beautiful place there in Cornwall England where he lives. He is a good friend and beautiful person; I hope his doctor visit yields good news for him.


  11. dja says:

    Good Morning!
    Bob, I do pray for you, and am praying that all will go well at the doctor’s today. I, too, am encouraged by your honesty and your beautiful love for our Saviour.

    Regina, Happy Birthday to you! May the Lord bless this day and each day He has ordained for you in His wonderful plan for your life. I will be celebrating a birthday in May. My daughter tells me that my age is just a number, but I’ll be 65 and she’s only 30:-) So I don’t say anymore because I know she’s not “hearing”. I think it may be because she doesn’t want to think that her Mom and Dad are getting old (I confess I sometimes don’t want to think about it either). So, Regina, 44 is a wonderful young age (I graduated from college at 43 and started teaching then), so enjoy this day of celebrating your birth, my Sister!
    20 degrees in NEPA this morning. The sun is shining brightly. May we all rejoice in this day no matter what the weather, for our Lord has made this day. May it be a day of “hearing” Him and all we are with this day.


  12. florida7sun says:

    This is a beautiful day to be alive, for this is truly the day the Lord has made.

    In keeping with 1) Mart’s humorous post today, 2) in reflection of all that was written in the past few days, and 3) in anticipation of the opening of this year’s baseball season, I recall this memorable quote from a wise man:

    “Half the lies they tell about me aren’t true.” – Yogi Berra

    May the Lord richly bless you, as we look forward to what He has prepared for us.

  13. InHisHands says:

    It is 9am here, but I pray the LORD is with the Dr. and your visit is one of good news – Bob. You have inspired me very much on this blog and I look forward to hearing wonderful answered prayer from you when you write again. –
    I, too, have a hard time hearing the LORD’s urgings, with the noise of the world, family, and self desire ringing in my ears. When it comes to my son’s current situation, I am discovering that the hardest place for a parent to stand, is out of the way of the HOLY SPIRIT’S working. I want to go to see him, but am confirmed in conversation with is fiance that he is still blaming others and seeking an easy out – I must let God do what He is going to do. I have put money in his account, so he can get the things he needs – but seeing him, I believe, would only get him on the same track -“mom, you need to do this or that.” and not, “I am sorry I havd done these things, please pray the LORD will work this out.”
    Sorry, I am babbling – just a little update on the situation.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REGINA, and may the LORD bless you through the whole year.

  14. peacedove says:

    Sorry,but I to me this is NOT funny.Again a husband is portrayed as being the dummy and the wife walks away.
    Did anyone see the Super Bowl commercials where the wife got away with throwing a pop can at the husbands head? Or she kicked him hard under the table?
    This stereotypical husband/dummy is not right.
    How about refreshing our minds with Corinthians 13-4
    “love is not ill mannered,or selfish,or irritable”
    The women in this story KNEW all the time her man was trying to talk to her.
    Come on….the guy is going to a therapist.There is nothing said about if she is going with him,is there.
    So how is this fair.He is going to a therapist and she is playing mind games with the poor guy.
    I ask you now…….how did this poor man end up going to get professional help…..”alone!”

  15. dja says:

    InHisHands, I have been praying for Josh and for you as well. We have had a rough 6 months with the foolishness of our son, and this week he had his court date. We are praying that the Lord will make him see how merciful He has been to him. Although it has cost him a bit of money (and he’s paying for it), he is on probation for a year. He could have been given a 2 year sentence in prison as well as a $10,000 fine. Our prayer for him and for your Josh is that they will seek the Lord, repent of their sins and walk in His ways.

    peacedove, although I do understand what you are saying because we do live in a world of husband bashing, I didn’t take this little joke as meaning that. Being older, my husband and I sometimes struggle with hearing. My husband’s hearing is much worse than mine, and sometimes, I don’t think to speak up. I took this little joke meaning that the husband was the one who was hard of hearing, and that she was answering as she was working, but he couldn’t hear her. I guess I didn’t see it as someone playing mind games but rather about someone who actually couldn’t hear.


  16. poohpity says:

    I took the joke to mean that sometimes it is easy to look or accuse another of having a problem when all along I needed to look within at my own shortcomings. Which after the last topic and finger pointing at someone else, not many even know, brought out the worst which was a very ear and eye (blindness) experience for those of us who claimed to follow the Master, YET ………………… (fill in the blanks). Blame can be a very unproductive thing when it stops us from looking within.

    Happy B day Regina. Praying for the Doctor visit, Bob, I also was very excited to read ODB for today it gave me hope. InHisHnads that is the problem that many families go through letting go and letting God do what He does best, you are not alone.

  17. poohpity says:

    peacedove, usually when folks go to marriage counseling the counselor will see them separately at first then bring them together. Each person has issues but what seems to happen in a marriage they focus on the other person before they consider they have any problems them self. They want to blame their problems on the other person and take no personal responsibility for their own part in the problem.

  18. Mart De Haan says:

    Peacedove, I hear you. That’s why I tried to frame it in terms as a “joke we can tell on ourselves.” Figured that if I, a male, and a husband posted it, it would be different than if a woman posted it.

  19. bratimus says:

    oh never mind, seems like to me what ever is said in here someone gets upset. Instead of conversations with different points of view. It is like being in court in some civil suits with lawyers giving closing arguements.

    Not enough of God’s nature and to much human nature in here.

    I thought the topic was funny with ironies, about not hearing and casting the first stone.

    May God’s peace be with and my hopes and prayers go out to Bob

    Over and out

  20. poohpity says:

    A fact of life bratimus that when folks misunderstand someones intent it does cause problems but usually can be resolved before an argument can ensue. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that none who write on here are perfect in anyway. As ODB stated for today that “being imperfect doesn’t disqualify us from serving God; it just emphasizes our dependence on His mercy.” It also stated, “After all, if only perfect people qualified to serve Him. He wouldn’t have anyone to choose from!”

  21. djkeyboard says:

    Cute. Something about removing the splinter out of mine own eye comes to mind….hmm.

  22. poohpity says:

    djkeyboard, lol. It actually says the plank in my own eye before we remove the splinter in someone else’s eye. Good words to heed don’t you think?

  23. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    As I was reading down the comments I was thinking how nice it was of Mart to give us a bit of space and light relief after many topics that cause tensions between us. Then as I got near the bottom of the posts it all seemed to get heavy again. lol
    Sometimes it is good just to be oursleves and say what is important to us!
    Happy Birthday Regina, I have only visited Texas once but I always like your weather updates. Fancy, only being 44 years young. I hope you have a great birthday!

    My Hospital trip went ok, I got there an hour early and was delt with within the hour so was out by 9:15am.
    Used my day ticket on the bus to go to Newquay, our premier surfing resort and then on to St Ives and Penzance, completing the loop back to my home village on the south coast.
    I went to see a heart specialist about a problem I have had off and on from a teenager. You know what they are like, keep off the alcohol, and reduce coffee and tea and drink lots of water. Nothing I didn’t already know.
    At least a specialist has seen me and I now have quick access to their team if it occurs again.

    Also thinking of you and your situation, Thanks for the update, letting go is often the hardest thing we have to do.

    Thanks for what you said about honesty, but I am far from honest.
    “The fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom”
    When the husband and wife in acts tried to deceive the Apostles and the Holy Spirit they dropped dead, which warns us all that we are dealing with an awsome God who expects us to be true to ourselves and with others, always walking in the light with nothing hidden.
    Thats being honest and I sure aint there yet.


  24. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Laughter is a great healer and brings people together in fun and Joy.

    Remenber “The Kingdom of God is righteousness, Peace and Joy”

    Not my words!

    Romans 14:17 (King James Version)

    17For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

    So lets have a good laugh!

  25. foreverblessed says:

    Bob, fine that all is well with you, and that you could take such a nice bustrip as well. Thanks for the verse, I see the joy part just now.
    Funny, that you mention the laughter, wednesday at my church housegroup they prayed for me, and asked the Holy Spirit to talk, everybody was quiet, someone started to talk about faith. And then the happiness of GOd filled me, and we started laughing, and it was so healing.
    Joy, and peace, and maybe a little laugh at our shortcomings too.
    InHisHands (your name also says it), your son is In His Hands too. I pray for a lot of joy for you too, and for Bratimus!
    God bless you all, we have to go to bed overhere.

  26. plumbape says:

    I know we exchanged some words some time ago and I’m sorry because it was no doubt me misunderstanding. I have been praying for Joshua since you first ask…. I can offer this for what it is worth having been young once apon a time and in prison twice before my 24th year.

    Alot of young guys come in and are telling there “story” while yelling to some other cell. Almost invaribly an older con would yell out, “You fool you didn’t get arrested”, you got rescued…! They don’t take kindly to that but by the time they get out they fully understand what that means.

    Pray you have the Peace that our Lord Jesus can Provide, Amen

  27. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Yes, I thought it a strange thing that laughter just sprung into my mind.
    Maybe the Holy Spirit is just wanting you to know He is with you and you are on the right path.

    Nearly midnight for me too now, so off to bed.
    It has been a very long but happy day!


  28. oneg2dblu says:

    Regina… Happy Birthday, 44 Again? :)
    Bob in Cornwall.. we like good reports, keep them coming, they are healing for all of us!
    Peacedove… I hope your not a dumb blond also! LOL!
    Relax…That was a joke! Just like the opening statement about the Tuna Sandwich.
    We are all discussing with a lighter flair, good things and grand thoughts, about the place in life we are right now in Christ. Blessed beyond belief, always wanting to be more for Him, trusting that the work He has started in us will continue to Bless us all.
    There are “none here” who are not guilty, but We know we are Forgiven in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Saviour.
    That’s better than any tuna sandwich, even from 15 feet away. Unless you need me to move a little closer and say it again! Relax, its a joke!
    Like when I heard they had to cancel the Nativity Scene this last Christmas in Washington D.C., because they couldn’t find three wise men! Gary

  29. poohpity says:

    What is greater than God? More evil than Satan? Rich people need it, poor people have it, and if you eat it you will die?

  30. tracey5tgbtg says:


  31. plumbape says:


  32. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Mart, that chicken sandwich sure does look good, and chicken salad is one of my favorites!

    Off topic here (will comment on the blog topic later).
    Thank you all, BTA family, for the Happy Birthday wishes!! :-) You all made my birthday so very special! (((hugs to all)))
    SO grateful to be a child of God, bec4jc!
    I agree with you foreverblessed, Steve, Della and InHisHands in your prayers for me! So thankful for the prayers of the righteous for they avail much!

    85 degrees is very warm, indeed, foreverblessed! Very much my familiar though. Don’t know what I would do if I lived in a state that had a lot of cold weather! :-)

    May your daughter be blessed to see 65, Della! :-) Wonder if she’ll feel the same way (if the LORD tarries) if she does?

    I’m glad you enjoy my weather updates, Bob, and you’re one visit ahead of me because I’ve never visited England, though I would love to! :-)

    oneg2dblu, What do you mean, “44 again?” This is my first time…honest! :-)

    Love to all,

  33. poohpity says:

    tracey5tgbtg, right! To easy huh!!

    Regina, I think it looks like chicken too but sometimes looks are deceiving. I think it was supposed to be Tuna to go along with the joke, lol.

  34. Regina says:

    Oh… Thanks, pooh! :) As you can tell, I haven’t read the intro comment yet! Gonna try to read it tonight before I turn in.

  35. Regina says:

    I have the BTA window open, but I’m copying music from my favorites box for choir rehearsal tomorrow.

  36. Regina says:

    Just read the intro comment! LOL, Mart!! Thanks for the laugh! Gonna share it with my facebook friends! :-)

  37. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Good Morning all,

    This time up at 5am to watch the Australian F1 Grand Prix Qualifying sessions ready for Sundays first Grand Prix of the season, Bahrain was cancelled.
    Well we all have to have some kind of sport or interest that relaxes us!

    Thanks for the jokes. It is so good we can all relax a bit and have a bit of fun with each other.
    Passover and Easter coming soon.
    Spring has sprung here and nice and sunny and warm at 16c
    Looking forward to a good summer.
    On a serious note, let us not forget to pray for the people of Japan and all those in the middle east who are trying to change their fate.


  38. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Let us not forget Haiti and chile to!

    Lots of people struggling around the world.

    We have Jesus!

    He wants us to share Him with everyone we meet!

  39. SFDBWV says:

    Peacepdove, thank you so very much for the great laugh. Without a doubt you exemplified the heart of the story better than anyone. Even your name was perfect, instead of peace and the offering of the dove you came out with teeth and claws out ready for battle. Thank you for the laugh.

    Having said that I want also to add that it is ok if you were offended by what you considered gender bashing.

    I agree men get beat up everywhere, on TV, in movies, victims of either being too much of a man or not enough.

    It makes one wonder why God chose to be born into the world as a man and not “Oprah”.

    Tuna salad, chicken salad, what possible difference could it make considering tuna is the “chicken of the sea”.

    Bob I fear the worst is yet to come to Japan, with the growing problem of radioactivity. The growing mess in the Islamic world of revolution is also not going to turn out well either. Plenty to concern us, but we all must keep focused on Christ not the never ending problems of the world.

    Michael (Plumbape) you echo the voice of wisdom, getting caught isn’t enough, for most punishment is what is needed before it gets their attention.

    Snow for WV this am and more on tap for Sunday, I don’t take my plow off my truck until May.

    Blessings to all


  40. oneg2dblu says:

    From my perspectrive… that sandwich has raisons and celery, which I do not mind in my tuna. If you have not tried it that way, take a chance. No Joke, it is yummy.
    I’m not really a fish eater, may have sometihng to do with the way my mom prepared it, always breaded and pan fried. Which may also be why I didn’t like her liver, or eggplant either. I think she used lard which is not big on my list of fats! My loss? Of course, as an adult I made my own choices, even some good ones when it comes to food, and found that I really do enjoy fish when prepared differently and liver as well, but eggplant has to be snuck into the mix, or I do not eat it! It is a night shade vegie after all, just a small point for those who care.
    I do not want to turn this into the FOOD NETWORK, just thought I would share some “lighter fair” I had on my plate this morning. I think I’ll put on a couple three minute eggs. Have a Jesus Filled Day, no matter what you eat, Be Fulfilled. Gary

  41. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… Just a thought…I wonder if my three minute eggs are done more quickly here on the lowland Coast of Florida, then way up in the Smokies, or the Appalachions? tic-tic-tic

  42. oneg2dblu says:


  43. SFDBWV says:

    Gary, raisons, really, on tuna fish? Oh well I eat mustard on French fries and that usually raises a few eyebrows.

    I am however a voracious fish eater and can recommend brook trout, however I have to agree that there are better oils to fry with than lard.

    Well you have heard that the higher up the cherry tree the sweeter grow the cherries, so it is with boiling anything, the higher up the less time it takes to cook a three minute egg, that is if you bother to time them.

    One thing about living in the Appalachia’s is that there are a plethora of ethnic foods to learn to eat. However even I have to squirm at the tastes of some.

    I wonder if our friend Bob over in England enjoys eel pie, or blood pudding?

    I will take you up on your menu choice of a day filled with our Lord, bon apatite.


  44. peacedove says:

    SFDBWV,so glad that my post gave you such a good laugh.Oh yes,and Dr Phil is another one who just passes off spousal abuse against males as if it were nothing.Oprah will never have a show about the issue as well.Take a look at here time slot and who watches the show.Her ratings would certainly take a big dip on that day.
    Yes,I knew I was going out on a limb when I raised this issue.Nobody wants to face up to it.When a wife tells horrible lies to the police,who always believe the women,and he ends up in jail….is that something to laugh about.It is the small things that escalate into bigger issues.
    There is no venom in my posts.Just trying to push the envelope a bit.There are 2 sides to every coin.
    Just keep the issue in your mind.
    And to you Matt……..you are a really cool guy and thanks for the forum to allow me to express my thoughts and opinions.Was it not a fellow named Jesus who moved a few tables around the church one day in order to make a point?

  45. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Never knowingly had eels Steve, that’s a London thing, over 300 miles east of me.
    Blood puding is called black puding here and is a northern English version of the Scottish Haggas, I have eaten both and they are brilliant.
    Of course here the Cornish Pasty is king.
    Not King of Kings I hasten to add. lol
    And we do a mean Cream Tea with Scones.


  46. oneg2dblu says:

    Bob… Do you take yout tea in a beaker? I know I would if I had one. Scones…Ah Yes! Yesterdays was a wild blueberry one, without raisons and celery I might add.
    As far as Haggas, I trust it is an acquired taste.
    Steve, I remember the accounts of a Famous Naturalist,
    who almost killing himself on a couple of occaisions, eating mountain plants and such. I’ve done quite a bit of mushrooming myself, but have not been poisoned yet.
    Like false teachers, it is the really the ones who look so good, that can also kill! Thank God for His Discerning Spirit that protects us from Satan’s Wiles.

  47. marma says:

    Greetings my fellow living stones, chosen and precious!

    The birds gave us quite a symphony this morning, here in Florida!

    All this talk of food is making me hungry, though!

    Mart’s joke is an old one and funny, and we have all been in the place of the husband at one time or another, haven’t we? Sometimes I’m so clueless about my own deafness to truth. God is faithful though. What would we do without His people and His Word, and His Spirit to show us the way? Don’t want to think about that.

    Regina–It is warmer here in Florida, too. Spring has really burst out, here.

  48. poohpity says:

    I think all of us are deaf to the truth at one time or another, marma. I think it is quite humbling that even though the topic was a joke it has life lessons we can learn from. It was a shame that the one spouse had to blame the other so long and not ever think that it could be the accuser themself that had the problem. Which is emphasized repeatedly in scripture. It is really not funny when one puts their self in the place of the deaf or blind because they blame so much they never have their ears or eyes opened.

  49. InHisHands says:

    Thank you all so much for your continued support in prayer for my family and this particular situation with our son. It means so much to know that many are praying in one accord for God’s work in our lives.

    Bob; I am so blessed to hear that all went well with your Dr. appt. Thank you for describing the tour home. I have never been outside of the continental USA so I travel vicariously through others.

    Pooh; I loved your riddle – so appropriate.

    Peace; I agree with you that our families are so being attacked through the entertainment field – making not just ‘men’ look bad, but parents in general, and yes, men specifically. Our societies have taken God’s plan for families and portray it as a joke. I didn’t take this joke that Mart presented as a bashing ( I have heard from both standpoints), but I glad to see someone speak out when something bothers them – how else can we understand and ‘hear’ others points of view?

    Della; I was blessed to hear of God’s mercy in your son’s case and continue to pray with you that he ‘sees’ it as well. I pray Josh will see that mercy, too and that he will seek the help he needs for the mental issues. He is in God’s Hands and I must leave him there.

    Thank you all again for your prayers and may you all have a truly blessed day in the LORD.

  50. InHisHands says:

    Michael; thank you for your insight – I know God will have someone in there to work on Josh’s heart. It is nice to have confirmation of that and your comment gave me peace.

  51. foreverblessed says:

    Laughter is a very important tool in GOds hands.
    Laughter heals, makes hearts soft.
    I pray that we as christians would laugh more, the joy in the Holy Spirit, so not something that we work up ourselves, but something we ask God to give us.
    And I can improve in that area as the first one.
    Two years ago I got this verse: plough the ground, Hosea 10:12
    Now I know more about what that means:
    Laughter ploughs the heart, and makes it softer. My heart.
    It is also the means how GOd works the ground, the hearts of people who will receive the Gospel, we christians plough the ground, how, with joy in the Holy Spirit.

  52. marma says:

    Pooh, agreeably, it can be tragic when blindness and deafness spiritually goes unabated.

    One thing that Mart’s joke did was to help us lighten up and be able to see that yes, we don’t always see or hear clearly what others are saying to us, and even, what the Lord is saying to us.

    I’m reminded of the chorus, “Open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus…Open my ears Lord, and help me to listen” and with our eyes and ears open to Him, a lot of other things become clearer.

  53. poohpity says:


  54. bec4jc says:

    Hi all, Bob, I’m glad you got your problem looked at by a pro and he has your back. My prayers go up for the two people here who are having problems with their sons. It must be very frustrating for you but God will give you peace. Thank you Mart, again for giving us all a more light hearted subject to talk about. And let’s all dance before our Lord with song,happiness,and thanksgiving more often than not because His promises are true & real. God bless all today and all week long.

  55. SFDBWV says:

    Gary, I have eaten plenty of wild mushrooms and you are very correct in that one has to know what they are doing in order to gather them. Some poison ones look very much like the real deal and it is those that sometimes fool even the most expert of fungus edibles.

    There are some that grow on white oak trees that taste just like oysters and then some that grow on black oak trees that taste like chicken. There are some that grow only under apple trees, but all have a season when they come on.

    No matter what the mushroom butter is always the choice of what to fry them in.

    No gathering of mushrooms today, 2 inches of snow and still coming down. All of the song birds will be out asking for breakfast after their morning prayers. So I will have to accommodate them as best as I can seeing how they sing for their meals. Good thing I don’t have to do that.


  56. SFDBWV says:

    I liked Mart’s little joke. It is one of those stories we all can identify with and understand the message that comes along with it.

    Too often we are so self absorbed in our own inner thoughts that we can’t see or hear the obvious goings on around us.

    This human failing has no gender, nor did the joke imply that it did.

    One of the gifts one can enjoy is the ability to see our own failings and to especially be able to laugh at ourselves.

    If every now and then we come across a little story that may shed light on one of our own faults, I would hope we were adult enough to learn from it and smile at the joke.

    Not make an ugly face and go about scowling on trying to rob others of their little lighter moment.


  57. bubbles says:

    Don’t forget about ramps. (ugh)

  58. SFDBWV says:

    That is funny Bubbles, it is hard to believe that city people drive all the way from Baltimore and Washington to come up here and enjoy the little stinkers.

    Every volunteer fire department around here has a sold out dinner each spring.

    I used to think I liked them until I got married…:)


  59. bubbles says:

    I would not eat ramps if it was the last edible thing to eat. Hahha.

  60. SFDBWV says:

    When I was a boy going to grade school here, the teacher would send anyone home who came in from recess smelling of ramps…..so you guessed it the boys soon learned an easy way out of school.


  61. christinal says:

    Ahhh. Great post! Sounds familiar ;)

    32 and cloudy here in NY, I hope all of you with warm weather enjoy!


  62. poohpity says:

    Heard the Lord this morning through DOD, refreshingly beautiful. Thanks RBC ministries.

  63. xrgarza says:

    I don’t get it. Hehehe, I’m kidding,

    That’s a great analogy of how we often are with the Lord. My understanding is that He is constantly communicating with us, but often times there are obstructions that prevent us from clearly hearing and listening.

    Lord, if I need a spiritual hearing aid, or whatever it takes to get me to hear You and listen to even your small still voice do so in your name I pray, Amen.


  64. xrgarza says:


    48° and Partly cloudy in Sacramento, Ca


  65. poohpity says:

    In the sermon I listened to this morning he talked about listening to God and the more we do not pay attention to what God is saying to us individually His voice starts being drowned out. It is up to us to pay attention. Like this topic the one spouse probably thought the message was for the other spouse just as I do sometimes when I hear something I think oh so and so should hear this when it was meant for me. I am so thankful that God wants to speak to each of us daily with encouragement and/or conviction in the place where we are today to grow and change to all that God knows we can be.

  66. xrgarza says:

    You are absolutely correct!



  67. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you. Enjoyed a phenomenal time of praise and worship at church today! Was just good to worship and praise the LORD with brothers/sisters in Christ.
    I agree, marma, all of the talk about food made me hungry too! :) Wasn’t hungry for the ramps, eel pie or blood pudding though. I’m more of a Kentucky Fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy & corn-on-the-cob kinda gal! lol! ..my guilty pleasure though. Wouldn’t be wise to eat that everyday.
    Bob, so glad that all went well for you regarding your Dr.’s appt. Take care of yourself, you’re worth the investment. Della & InHisHands, Will include your sons in my prayers too.
    Steve, Tuna or Chicken? I think there’s a big difference. I usually have a taste for one or the other. Both are good with mustard though, and I’ve actually had fries with mustard too. Normally, Texans eat fries with ketchup, ranch dressing or even mayo, but I can’t have a lot of ranch dressing or mayo because I’m moderately/highly lactose intolerant so I have to eat fries with ketchup, barbecue sauce or mustard. Wouldn’t mind raisins & celery in my tuna salad either, Gary. :)
    Hope I didn’t share too much random info about food & my dietary issues. Snow in WV and Japan? Wow…
    Unusually cool in Texas today. Overcast/cloudy and 51 degrees (feels like 46).

  68. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… yes butter, and I usually do it 50/50 with olive oil as well. I lie Angel hair pasta with the more delicate ones, and a sprinkling of parmasean and some fresh ground black peper.:) I had many feastings of the oak mushrooms, both types, and do miss them, as they were a favorite part of my New England foraging. I also miss the wild blues I would gather for pancakes. I don’t find them in Florida, but knew exactly where to go for the harvesting of several wild foods, where I used to live. It seems everything South of the Mason/Dixon either bites,stings, or will kill you!
    I shop strickly at the mercy of the local stores now!
    Regina… the first time I ever saw anybody eat a hamburger with mustard, was a Texan, who thought my eating mine with catsup was crazy! Different strokes, for different folks. I like catsup on fries as well,
    but don’t eat many these days! Now,I’m starving!! LOL

  69. plumbape says:

    My Dad was an old country boy and I’ve ate the mushrooms several times. Going with him to find some once reminds me of being a new believer sometimes. I was of an age that I knew enough about life to get by on my own probably. (about 5 years old) We went into some woods and found what dad called May flowers, which were these plants with huge leaves that grew in the shade of the trees. He brushed back the leaves and soon spotted a cluster of them. So on this hill going down I got down low enough to look under all the leaves and saw near the bottom a bunch so I jumped up and ran down there while my dad is yelling something. I grabbed a hand full and showed him all proud of myself. He said you just stomped on three dozen of them on the way down… oops!!


  70. marma says:

    Waiting for the laundry to finish drying.

    Regina — your post made me hungry again. LOL!

    I love all the talk about mushrooms–never met one I didn’t like; though my mom would never let me eat the ones my Grandpa picked. Although, he knew what he was doing.

    One of my favorite parts in Fellowship of the Ring is the bit about the farmer and the mushrooms.

    Now I’m making myself hungry!

  71. poohpity says:

    I like fries with, gravy or a combo sauce of mustard/ketchup/mayo or picante sauce or malt vinegar. Have never picked wild mushrooms just store bought but really like all kinds, grilled or saute or baked or raw with garlic. I sure do hear you now.

  72. peacedove says:

    You guys are great.Thanks for the wonderful posts and all the great ideas.Fries with mustard/ketchup/mayo?
    Have got to try that one for sure.
    Don`t forget the old English favorite….HP sauce over pork and beans on bread.

  73. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you.

    Pooh, I don’t think I’ve ever tried fries with a mustard/ketchup/mayo dressing. I may have to try that one too! And I forgot to mention in my last comment that I love mushrooms, have never picked wild mushrooms, and, like you, I’ve never tried one that I didn’t like.
    peacedove, what is HP sauce?

    Overcast and cool in Texas today (55 degrees right now).

  74. peacedove says:

    HP sauce is a steak sauce that originates from England.
    It should be available at any grocery store in that department.My friends father was a Spitfire pilot in the RAF during WW2.That is where it all comes from.

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