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Father, Son, and Family

Photo by: zz77

From Moses to Jesus, the Bible tells the story of a Creator who eventually reveals himself in the Son who wants us to know his Father, and a Father who wants us to know his Son. The Son tells us that, at heart, he is just like his Father; that his Father is just like him.

The 14th chapter of John quotes Jesus, just prior to his crucifixion, saying to his disciples, “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him (14:7).

When Philip follows with a question, “Lord, show us the Father…”, Jesus says to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” (vv 8-10).

Earlier, the Son had overheard his disciples arguing among themselves about which of them is the greatest. In response Jesus left the table of their last Passover Supper, got down on his knees and, like a lowly house servant, washed their feet (Luke 22:44; John 13:1-15).

Later, he then let them overhear him talking to his Father, and saying, I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me (John 17:20-21)”.

Keep wondering what others would need to see in “the family” for such a prayer to be answered.


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52 Responses to “Father, Son, and Family”

  1. BruceC says:


    “Keep wondering what others would need to see in “the family” for such a prayer to be answered.”

    I have asked myself that same question more than a few times Mart. Maybe one of the answers would be less inter-denominational bickering. Not saying that we should compromise on primary doctrine from the Word of God. I have heard a few pastors run down other churches from the pulpit and have heard the “brethren” argue themselves into anger towards one another too. I just imagine what unbelievers think when they hear this. Been in some churches too that thought they “had it all together” and that anyone who left was a deserter. A deserter of what or who??
    But I am also cautious at the same time as many churches today have watered the Word down so much that a needy sinner couldn’t quench his thirst for God’s forgiveness.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. bubbles says:

    Today’s ODB’s reading says, “Acting with grace and kindness is one of the best ways to point others toward God.”
    We may be the only one who takes time to give a smile or a kind word to someone else today.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    Depending upon whose reports you decide to believe, I think the conversion of Constantine says a great deal about what the world sees in Christian believers.

    Of course when attempting to combine people together and show as a group their particular characteristics, there are going to be some in the group who are not going to be exactly like the others.

    I had a superintendent at one of the mines I worked at who said on more than one occasion that he himself was not a Christian but liked having Christian workers.

    Hard working honest people who showed up for work did their job with very little complaining.

    Constantine liked the structured order of Christians who were willing to die for their faith and showed no fear in doing so. He also liked the fact that they were better citizens obeying the law and willing to do all they could for the benefit of others.

    For me whether you agree with the truth behind Constantine’s conversion or not doesn’t matter, what mattered was that he is recorded as believing on Christ. His conversion changed the world.

    Our conversion should change the world around us as well and others should be able to see it.

    The types of people most of us look down our noses at such as drug dealers, thieves, murderers and so forth, all usually possess the same desires as most any of the rest of us. They get hungry and tired, they need love and give love, some are even loyal to their families and some are even goal minded. They are often not the monsters we see portrayed in the movies or on TV.

    So showing mercy or love toward people isn’t enough to be that different from the darker side of society.

    We have to possess that Spirit that can come only from God, His Spirit, so that without saying a word something is different about us and makes others want to see clearer what it is.

    It isn’t enough that we feed the hungry; clothe the poor, visit those who are broken hearted, comfort those who are alone, be a constant friend. We must do it all the time without regard for whom we do it for and do so with the zeal as if we were doing it for God Himself not just for our own good feelings.

    Somewhere in living a selfless life, people take notice. Once they do we can introduce them to the person of Christ who enables us to do so. Even providing the ways and means of doing it.


  4. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    The most important relationship is between a father and son.
    Not wishing to leave the ladies out but that is the way it is.
    If we get our relationship right with Jesus then we are one with the Father and one with each other.
    That’s what He meant when He said, “If you have seen me you have seen The Father”.
    We had to complete our national census yesterday, I expect you have the same, ours is completed every 10 years and has been going for 200 years now.
    One question is to say what religion you are.
    Christian was so inclusive of all the denominations that I ticked other and wrote “Diciple of Jesus” in the box provided.
    May seem strange but I would rather be known by Jesus Name than by Baptist or C of E or Cathlic.
    To me the oneness is in Him, not in any religion.
    Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one and we are part of that family right now and shortly to be married to the Son as the Bride of Christ, then God will truly be our Father.


  5. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… good morning. As you have said here, about those who we look down our noses at, that they usually possess the “same desires” as most of the rest of us?
    Yes, they are human as we are, and No, they do not possess the “same desire” to have a living personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Master, Savior, and Friend. Their actions alone do not show a Presence of the Holy Spirit within them! Todays message
    as I ponder it, says to me that through “our words,” we Confess this Christ as Our Saviour, and through our actions we display how, He has changed us, into a New Life. The one’s you’ve mentioned here do not possess, this New Life, they are “still stuck” in the Evil Dark World of their true human desire, where making themselves number one, remains their god. They operate on the five sense of the world, not the senses of the Holy Spirit within us. In that light they are very easily seen as without a Saviour. Be Blessed and know that we have the words, and the Way!
    In todays ODB (extra comments section) I found some very telling words…
    ” People must be willing to hear the Word of God and Receive it BEFORE they will see anything as God’s Work.
    Evil cannot stand up under righteousness when righteousness takes a firm stand.”
    To me… Anyone living in their own sin, has not taken that stand against the evil in them! Until one becomes Born Again, his Demon, “the world,” will possess him! Gary

  6. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve.. I know I’m preachin to the choir here, and your comments were well taken and useful, they helped me to share what I received this morning, with the rest of the “Family” here. To all, Gary

  7. oneg2dblu says:

    Bob in C… great post, and great reply about, “How to answer the questions the world just has to know!”
    “Discple of Jesus,” says it all. Of course, they would rather put you in a “Denominational Box” that they can riddicule, deny, and comfortably control, then have you sellect the Absolute Freedom, you presented them with. Making a Stand for Christ, will always cost us something, but not making it, will cost us much more!
    I stand with you as part of His Family! Gary

  8. oneg2dblu says:

    bubbles… Here’s looking at you! :)
    For He’s looking at you, and He’s smiling as well!
    Thanks for the word. Gary

  9. poohpity says:

    I believe that others need to see in “our family” something similar to what Luke wrote in chapter 18:9-14;
    To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

    13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

    14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

  10. oneg2dblu says:

    poohpity… ain’t God’s Word wonderful, He says so much
    more to us, and uses less words! Good find, and right to the point. You msut be possessed… :)

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Since we are in John 14, I will share a couple personal points concerning this Chapter and my life.

    When my mother suffered s cerebral hemorrhage in April of 1982, the physicians at the University Hospital said there was nothing they could do to help her and in fact would not do anything except let her die.

    For three days I never left her side and would read to her from John 14: 1-3 over and over again. The doctors said she could not recover and would never awake from the coma she was in. With my brother and I at her side in her very last moment alive she opened her eyes sat up in bed looked us straight in the eyes and fell back dead.

    17 years later I found myself in the same hospital with doctors telling me my son would die from the injuries he had sustained, the emergency room doctors had done all they could to stabilize him but there was nothing more they could do.

    I had the ICU nurse cut a lock of his hair and I placed it in my bible there in between the pages at John 14. This chapter so rich in promise from the Christ; I thought no not again not this time this isn’t how it’s going to end. So I took the matter to my Heavenly Father one father to another and ask that he spare my son. Knowing that He did not spare His, I knew He felt the pain I was in so I made my case right there from these pages of scripture.

    That was almost 12 years ago; Matthew is here in the living room listening to his cd’s and later today will have his favorite 4 cheese pizza for dinner. Things may not be as perfect as I would have them be but I still claim the promises and revelation from these pages of scripture and if you were to come here you would see Christ in this family and find fellowship here. It is what everyone sees when they come here, and they are always blessed for having come.

    I pray all of you are as blessed as we are, and that Christ is the light in your eye.


  12. scout1 says:

    Gary (a.k.a. oneg2dblu) I can understand your comments. We have a neighbor who, knows that we are a Christian family and we have shown our testimony. We have even watched several Christian movies and films together. We have prayed for him as well. But, his thoughts are: “I used to buy into some of that “stuff” but now I have evolved past it. My intellect has helped me to see that believing in something you can’t see is unintelligent and that the Bible is not truth they are just speculation from several individuals that have been changed throughout the years. All religions think that “their” way is the right way.” So, as you can see, his heart is very hardened. He has even on several occasions told me that my Mother “brainwashed me” and that I don’t know any better and can’t think on my own. That’s why he is so proud that his intellect is on a higher plain than the capativity of Christian thinking. He says that he doesn’t even like the word “believe”.

    So, in his case, has the Christian Family let him down or has he decided against following Christ or does Satan have him tricked and blinded? He says that he has seen most, if not all Christians to be hypocritical. I usually tell him that the things he sees Christian doing wrong -just like anybody else . . .are just sinners in need of a forgiving Savior. All the fruits of the Spirit need to be displayed in our lives so that people will see Christ. . . however, some still will not believe.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Lynda, your question was put towards Gary but if I may interject a little comment.

    Remember that Paul preached the resurrected Christ to the intellectual elite of Athens at Mars Hill and was laughed at.

    People who see Christianity as just another religion really haven’t seen any thing at all and most often are far too self absorbed to care.

    Satan is a very religious creature which is why there are so many false religions, but he is not omnipresent, your friend is blinded by his own choices. However even he will have a season when his opportunity to recognize Christ comes.

    You can’t push people like this and neither will God, but God will allow him all the time he has to repent and come to his senses until that point in time comes when God will give him over to a reprobate mind.(Romans 1: 28).

    Live your life as an example and even the likes of your neighbor may yet see something special he desires for himself.


  14. peacedove says:


    God does give people all the opportunities to repent.Look at all the times he saved the Israelite`s in the early chapters of the Old Testament after they turned away.The best way to help the family next door is to always serve as a good example.Not getting trapped with keeping up with the Jones`s is a good start.

  15. scout1 says:

    Steve –

    Thank you for your words. You are right on! We do continue to live out our Christian life. So, to get back to the topic at hand . . .us as a Christian family need to keep a “fruit of the Spirit” testimony and know that we are ALL being watched and tested to see if what we stand for is real.

    One comment you made Steve “People who see Christianity as just another religion really haven’t seen any thing at all and most often are far too self absorbed to care” -that’s what I’m sad about the most -he is so prideful -he has made himself judge, jury and lord over his own destiny -what a shame. However, as you also said, “God will allow him all the time he has to repent and come to his senses until that point in time comes when God will give him over to a reprobate mind.(Romans 1: 28).

    Thanks Steve.

  16. poohpity says:

    Gary, I am possessed, LOL! If anyone would believe that Christ died for them no matter what they have done is a sure way to win a soul to Christ. I think sometimes we forget where we were when we accepted the gift of grace. I will never forget what my heart felt like when I realized how much Jesus loved me which to me would be what Mart spoke of in John 17:20; but also for those who will believe in Me through their word;. Now I am still aware of how amazing that grace still is. It is not about my works but Christs’. I believe!!!

  17. bubbles says:

    This may be off topic, but, can I please ask those of you here to pray for someone? I have been burdened for this individual for many, many years. This person is very ill. This illness is at Stage 4. They know the gospel, but they do not know the Lord. They know Jesus loves them and that He died for them. This person sat under 2 very good, sound messages on Sunday. Could you please pray that the Holy Spirit could work in his heart?
    Thank you.

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    scout1.. your friend is using his best “self-honed” worldly senses. They are the very ones we all used, until we were taken over by a better set, the spiritual senses, the ones the only Almighty God can give us, and only if we choose to accept them, with the Grace they were given in. What amazes me, is that even after we have accepted those higher senses, God still allows us to choose to go back to the worldly sight, hearing, tastes, and the rest of the lot that darkness can so temptingly present before us daily. We can “fall away” and go back to those anytime we choose. He never holds us captive, unless we allow Him to do so. Your friend is only doing what comes natural to him. It is to his loss, that he chooses wrongly. We can only pray that his sight will be renewed, his heart changed, his hearing become sharpened by the Word of God as it continuosly is presented to him, never forced, only presented! When he comes to his awakened senses, he will see his wrong choices, but until then… we pray… we serve… and we live out, the live we are given In Christ as best we can. We leave the rest to the Lord Our God, for it is His Will that none should perish. Trust in the Lord and do not believe even what your worldly eyes see, for they are always blinded to the spiritual realm, in which Our God has only one real Advisary, human worldly intelligence, which pales at best, and fails man at all attempts, where he tries to reconcile himself to his world. Forever captive, until Christ sets him free! Gary

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    bubbles… it is already working, out of sight for now maybe, but ever working. If we could only see with our sight that the Lord has given us, we would know He will have His Way over all circumstances, even those that appear hopeless to us. My prayer is that WE as a Family do not look at anything other than Christ, we hold all thoughts captive to Him who sees, even our request before we utter it! He is in control of All Things!
    We know this, yet we suffer for those whom we feel don’t. we give Satan more than he is due, for Satan
    may have his day, but God has HIS ETERNITY! Pray for the “Owner of Eternity” to have His Way with your Lost Friend, and God in His Amazing Grace will Hear your Faithful Prayers! We all join with you as a Family of Believers in Christ. Gary

  20. oneg2dblu says:

    Truth is… anyone of US who feels we had it better before we came to know Him, Christ as Our Saviour, also know, we can go right back to where we where, any time we want to. Praise God, that He changes our wanter!
    That is the Miracle of the “Fruit of the Spirit” that Reigns within us! We do not want that “Old Self” back again! We have tasted, felt, seen, touched, and dwelt in the Fragrance of the Lord, and nothing on this Earth can compare to the Riches and Glory, of Knowing Him!
    We are Blessed,Beyond Measure, and We Know It!

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… you are posssesd… Thank God!

  22. wpleasant says:

    I think Steve was very close on the conversion experience and resultant transformation is one of several ways I can see “the family”. The other one is Spirit led fogiveness. I liken the millions of testimonies and experiences over the centuries that reflect a shockwave, if you will, of what happened on the cross, spanning time and space. When I hear about the conversion testimonies of people like John Newton, former slave trader, repenting and serving the rest of his life as a servant and composing the hymn Amazing Grace, and many more, I see the Father and Son more clearly and understand more why we need Jesus to establish see them and ourselves in that family. Forgiveness for our sins becomes even more clear. It is hard to account for the testimonies of forgiveness of some pretty heinous acts, unless you accept accounts of what happened to people like Paul, Peter, Mary Magdelene, and many others, including people God will reveal to you in your lifetime who have been forgiven or extended forgiveness.

  23. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Want to share a few thoughts on Mart’s comments, “Later, he then let them overhear him talking to his Father, and saying, I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me (John 17:20-21)”.

    *Keep wondering what others would need to see in “the family” for such a prayer to be answered.”

    Want to share my thoughts on what it would take for Jesus’ prayer to be answered…
    I attend a fairly large church, so I wish that we had more time and opportunity to come together in smaller groups (perhaps those of us who live in the same neighborhood, suburb or city) for fellowship with one another on a Friday or Saturday evening. Many of the members of my church (and in churches all over the world) are so busy (now) with work, family and friends that they have little time for an informal Bible study/fellowship.
    Sadly, also think that there’s a lot of jealously, dissension, covetousness, and pettiness in some churches today. That’s one arena that would definitely have to change in order for Jesus’ prayer to be answered.
    Presently reading a book by Billy Graham titled, “Storm Warning;” he did an indepth study on John’s letters to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. ..so interesting, because he shares anecdotal experiences from his own life and likens the actions/offenses of the seven churches to what’s going on in some churches today.
    Can’t wait to put off “corruptible” and put on “incorruptible!” :)

    Romans 8:22-23 (NLT)
    22) For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23) And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us.

    Overcast/Partly cloudy and cool in Texas today (55 degrees).

  24. Regina says:

    *Forgot to add that Evang Graham shares so eloquently (Storm Warning) about what he believes “the family” needs to do in order for Jesus’ prayer to be answered.

  25. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Steve, You said:

    “I still claim the promises and revelation from these pages of scripture (John:14) and if you were to come here you would see Christ in this family and find fellowship here. It is what everyone sees when they come here, and they are always blessed for having come.”

    From over 2,500 miles away I have been blessed by your family and found felowship in your home.
    Christ indeed lives in the midst of your family and above all in your fathers heart.


  26. foreverblessed says:

    Well. how can we be more like sons?
    I think that a child love the Father for who He is, not for the way He works.
    We are children of God, through Jesus
    We stand on Jesus Himself more then on a set of doctrines, a page of defenition of what our belief is.

    I say this, because in the topic, Love wins, I found the reaction to this new book alarming. Whether the book is right or wrong, it is the fierceness of the reaction that is worriesome to me.
    I am not saying that we should have wrong doctrines, butg our faith is in a Person, Jesus, a beautiful relation, growing more and more intimate.

  27. SFDBWV says:

    I am a sunrise person in contrast to a sunset person. This morning the sky gave me that beautiful transition of pink and purple hues as the fingernail moon stood silently watching high above the horizon.

    At 16 degrees F it felt good to be there in the cold morning air as God put on a display of His beauty in this one sunrise.

    As God Himself charges the unbeliever who looks for proof in Him, to simply look at the beauty of creation all around us. So it is for the unbeliever to see the same God of creation there at work in us His family.

    Sadly many will only see what ever it is they want to see, failing to see the beauty spread out before them. For them nothing short of a thunderbolt will ever open up their eyes to the truth that is already there.

    For them we must be steady in our example and patient in allowing them to be stupid for as long as it takes for them to become aware of the presence of Christ in others lives as well as in their own.

    Today is Matthew’s birthday, he is 33.


  28. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Happy Birthday Matthew!!!!

  29. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Off Topic but related to the last one.
    My friend in Southampton was at a meeting yesterday and started to laugh in the Spirit and could not stop. Everyone there was laughing in the end and she was still laughing when she got home.
    When we spoke on the phone she was so embarraced by it all and I explained what we discussed last week.
    She thought people would think her stupid, I just explained it was a part of her ministry to bring Joy.
    Her name is Joyce, which means Joy.
    Just thought I would share that with you to encourage you.



  30. SFDBWV says:

    I have a moment between morning activities and wanted to stop in and explain my differences between sunrise and sunset.

    I would suppose that because I have such a broad and commanding view of the east and a poor and obstructed view of the west, that I see and pay more attention to the sunrise than the sunset here where I live.

    However even when I was a young boy I used to love and get up early and walk up high above town and watch the sun come up. Sometimes I could swear that I could hear the music of the event and in all of the colors. Strange but I think color has a sound and when we are there with God, we will be able to hear it.

    While the sky is still dark and starry, birds begin to stir and at first slowly they chirp and begin to fill the night air with anticipation. As light begins to pierce the eastern sky then the birds erupt in a symphony of what I like to think of as their morning prayers.

    With each passing moment as the sky changes colors life begins to emerge every where. With the coming of the dawn comes life. Just as it did on that marvelous morning when Jesus brought life to a dying world.

    The sun sets and everything settles down into a quiet sleep, awaiting the coming of the sun.

    So each morning when I can, I enjoy the event of the coming of the Son and all the life that comes with Him, for me acted out each and every morning as the sun rises.


    Bob, Matthew says to thank you for his birthday wishes from you.

  31. scout1 says:

    Steve –

    Please give a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Matthew!


  32. poohpity says:

    foreverblessed, I believe that was the point and continues to be the point when you spoke of; “I say this, because in the topic, Love wins, I found the reaction to this new book alarming. Whether the book is right or wrong, it is the fierceness of the reaction that is worriesome to me.” When others agree with everything we say whether it fits scripture or not it is easy to speak kindly to or about them but when someone has a differing opinion whether it is biblical or not then it truly shows what we have in our hearts and what we truly believe. For that matter it shows who we truly trust, our own understanding or the Lord and His ability.

  33. poohpity says:

    It is like when people date they have a superficial relationship it is easy to be kind, courteous and inviting. When after you know someone for a while the dating face disappears and the true person comes out just like in those past topics when RB wasn’t even the point but a persons true heart comes out and a lot of times it does not match what they say they believe.

  34. poohpity says:

    Happy Birthday Matt!! Keep up the good work on those guns!!!

  35. oneg2dblu says:

    wpleasant… the testimonies of others, those before and after us, they are really a Gift from God, and show us who our family is! We can hear from each one of those testimonies, a true Personal Relationship revealed, a Heart changed, and a Life Saved, through Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Each one, in his own words and his own time,telling us How Great is the Lord we Love, Worship and Obey. To Him be all Glory, Honor, and Praise! As we can all testify to that, now that He has revealed Himself to us, and shown us how Divine Grace has touched each of us. I just love testimonies, they show us the Hands, Feet and Mouth of God, are still alive and active amoung us! Praise God!

  36. poohpity says:

    There are many unbelievers that help the poor, care for the widows and children, show hospitality and are kind. I have thought about that and what would make anyone see a difference in us unless it was the fruit of the Spirit. What would it be in our lives that would draw people to Christ and into our family?

  37. BruceC says:

    A brother in Christ who went home with the Lord a few years ago gave me a very surprising answer to a question I posed to him. I asked him what is the major difference between Christians and non-believers; considering that none of us is perfect. He answer; “Christians have been forgiven.” When we get to heaven why will we be there? Our good works or words? Or because we put our trust and faith in what Christ did on the cross? We can put on the best show on earth for all to see and the minute we slip someone will be there to say “Ahah!; I thought you were a Christian!”
    IMHO folks need to feel conviction in their hearts and the tug of the Holy Spirit to have a desire to be a member of the “family”. Our good works will come; but we must also admit we will slip up in the eyes of the world at one time or another.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  38. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    My friend Joyce, who I mentioned earlier, is 78 years old.
    She asked God one day what is the worst way to die?
    He instantly replied to her.

    “without me!”

  39. poohpity says:

    :-) Amen!! It is His voice that calls us out of the wilderness and onto Himself. It was God who came and rescued the people out of Egypt. It was Jesus who called His disciples and us to His saving grace. What we can do? Brush off a spot next to us as we kneel at the Cross.

  40. dja says:

    On a class trip years ago, a Mom commented on the giraffe we were watching. She said, “How can anyone look at this amazing animal and not believe in God?” I’ve been thinking the same thing as I watch an eagle cam in Norfolk VA. How can anyone see the beautiful sunrise Steve wrote about and not believe in the Creator Who has made all things and gave His Son to die the most horrible death to cover our sins.

    But then I realize that I see the beauty of the giraffe, the magnificense of the bald eagle, and stand struck with silence watching the sunrise because the Lord has worked in me to give Him the glory for all creation. He is the One who works in me to do any good works. I am overwhelmed and can only quote from the hymn by Isaac Watts, “Why was I made to hear thy voice, and enter while there’s room, When thousands make a wretched choice, and rather starve than come?”

    Oh, that the Lord would use each one of us in a mighty way to show His mercy and goodness. May we look at each person we come in contact with and see not their outward appearance nor their worldly attitudes, but rather, a soul destined for Heaven or Hell.


    PS. Happy Birthday, Matthew!

  41. SFDBWV says:

    Lynda, Deb, Della and Bubbles; Matthews sends you all a big smile and a thank you for his birthday wishes. Deb his guns just like him just keep on going.

    He and I just returned from Burger King where he did his best to fill himself up. He had a pretty rough start to his day but it finished well.

    He thanks you and I thank you for taking the time to send him a smile.


  42. saled says:

    Maybe we are looking at John 17: 20-21 the wrong way. Maybe this is not yet the time for us to appear to the world as one in Christ and the Father. Maybe this is a spectacular event that will happen in the future, and maybe at that time the world will believe that Jesus was sent by God. Maybe.

  43. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… please extend a Happy Birthday to your son Matt
    for me,and I hope he had fries with his meal, and maybe even tried some mustard on them! LOL Gary

  44. plumbape says:

    Mustard on fries…really
    I think we might be getting some where, I like it

    Happy Birthday Matthew from home of the Indy 500


  45. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you. Enjoyed reading all of your comments, and, not a slight to others comments, Steve your comments were very insightful and thought-provoking. Thank you for sharing.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Matthew!! :) The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace (Num. 6:24-26).

    Still *unusually* cold in Texas today. Very cloudy skies and rain (50 degrees).

  46. Regina says:

    BruceC., What is IMHO?

  47. Regina says:

    LOVE the hymn by Isaac Watts, Della! :) Thank you for sharing!

  48. mhbrown57 says:

    I, too, have thought about this desire, that we be one like Christ is one with the Father. I’ve concluded that the mistake that can be easily made is that “one” means “one at all costs.” In other words, unity regardless of beliefs. For instance, can I truly be “one” with someone who does not believe that Jesus was both God and man or who believes that the Scriptures are not the inspired/inerrant word of God? I can care for, pray for, talk with and hang out with this person, but I don’t see how I can truly be “one in Christ.” To me, using these as examples, some things are fundamental while other are matters of opinion. Admittedly, sometimes we make matters of opinion fundamental matters, which I believe has led to the fractured body we see today.

    I try to always remember the words of my dad who taught his four boys to always study with an open mind and to listen to what the word of God actually says (or let it speak to your heart is the way i would put it) and not what we want it to say.

  49. royalpalm says:

    Hello, everyone,

    In response to Mart’s question, I think we can learn from the early church described in the book of Acts

    Acts 2:42 – 47
    “42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

    43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.

    44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.

    46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people.

    And the Lord added to the church[h] daily those who were being saved.”

    People believed in Jesus because of their faith demonstrated in their unity, love, joy, praises, sharing, simplicity of heart (I really like this one)…

  50. SFDBWV says:

    Regina, Michael, and Gary, Matthew says thank you, he needed a few more smiles this morning.


  51. BruceC says:


    IMHO means “In my humble opinion”.
    Internet “lingo” drives me nuts too. If you want I’ll post a link to a sight that has the definitions or you can just do a Google.

  52. Regina says:

    Thank you, BruceC.

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