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Before and After

Photo by: Anthony Kelly

According to Matthew’s gospel, Jesus began telling his disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem to suffer and die at the hands of the religious leaders (Matt 16:21).

The same Gospel shows that the Lord predicted his death several more times in the days to come (Matt 17:22-23; 20:17-19; 20:28; 26:2). One text even says that when they heard Jesus say this, “they were exceedingly sorrowful” (17:23).

At other times, however, it seems like the Lord might as well have been speaking another language when he made these predictions.

So why didn’t they get it?

Is the only answer that makes sense that God must have withheld the truth from their understanding so that they couldn’t see? Or is there something about human nature that says we won’t believe in something that seems to be contrary to the natural securities  of life as we know it?

I’d be interested to hear from any of you who can remember what you thought before accepting and trusting the fact that Christ died for you, in your place, for the worst of your sins?

Photo by: Amanda Etches-Johnson

Does anyone still remember the difference in your thinking, before and after?

Or if it has been too long ago to remember,  but you have friends who have accepted Christ in later years, wish you would either ask them to explain how their view of reality changed after saying “yes” to  Christ. If they’d even be willing to sign in and tell some of their story that would be really great.

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63 Responses to “Before and After”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Because I had a mother who was deeply Christ filled, she saw to it that from my earliest age I was presented with the knowledge and awareness of Jesus and His sacrifice for us all.

    In truth I have no remembrance of ever not knowing or believing in the death and resurrection of Christ.

    However throughout my life, much like the prodigal son, I had to leave home in order to learn to appreciate it.

    This was the great sin of Israel and her Rabbi’s that they did not keep the faith and keep true to the teachings of their prophets.

    The exact day of Christ’s death was foretold by Daniel, why didn’t a people whose entire purpose it was to be God’s people not have known this?

    Because much like today, their teachers twisted the truth around political issues and personal agendas and in the confusion truth was lost.

    If Israel’s priests had loved their charges as much as did my mother love me, they would have known all about the Messiah from their birth.

    Jesus wept for Jerusalem because they missed their day and would pay dearly for it. I pray that any of us not miss our day and cause the Christ to weep for us.


  2. scout1 says:

    I was very young when I was saved, so I really don’t remember. When I think about the disciples, I think that your second scenario is the one that was one in play back then –“something about human nature that says we won’t believe in something that seems to be contrary to the natural securities of life”. The disciples saw all the miracles, they felt the love and securities of Jesus and they knew that if anyone could “save” them, it was him.

    He just did that His way, which they didn’t understand. The Bible tells us His ways are higher then our ways, His thoughts higher than ours. It reminds me of people I remember that were soooo nice, and didn’t accept Christ as savior- how could they possibly go to hell, but the Bible says the “wages of sin is death.” It’s just hard to accept sometimes.

  3. BruceC says:

    I went to Sunday school as a child but did not accept Christ until I was 23. Not making any excuses, but I was not really dicipled. Those in church my age did what they did and so did I. I must say that I didn’t feel the same about it as before. Later I became more and more aware of what my salvation meant(and still am). Prior to being 23 I thought as many did that just being good and not hurting anyone was enough.
    I think the apostles missed the message Jesus was giving them because they too had this pre-arranged thought in their mind; that the Messiah would deliver them from Rome and set up His Kingdom; just as Moses delivered them from Egypt by the mighty hand of God. They missed the point that the “deliverance” was from the punishment and power of sin.
    Don’t we in the modern world do the same…”I need this” or “I want that” type of mentality instead of letting God give us what he knows we need and what He wants for us.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  4. pdcouture says:

    I was nine when I gave my heart to Christ but I remember the “change” that I felt inside where Christ went from something outside to someone inside.

    There are sometimes in life where we have a specific “view” of something. For that view to change we at times need to be shocked into the reality that we are mistaken in the way we see something. 

    The disciples saw Christ as the ruler of the world that was foretold by the scriptures. They were being told by Jesus the whole story and since it did not reflect their view they did not want to see it. This process even carried into the time after the resurrection. Until they saw the risen Lord they had converted their view of Christ into something that was lost. When He appeared to them it was the shock that they needed to change their view of things to be in line with the view of Christ.

    This Easter, I pray that we all will see what Christ did for us and start seeing things through the eyes of Christ.

  5. scilley says:

    Said yes to Jesus at 43 years old. There is a wall that seems to be in place between man and God. I read the bible for ten or twelve years before I believed. While reading the gospel of john one night, chapter 17 verse 23 a light went on, and I understood what Jesus had done for me. But more importantly I finaly understood who he was, GOD. Being a gentile, didnt understand scripture. But now I know like thomas knew, my Lord and my God.

  6. florida7sun says:

    Mart, we need cardiac surgery and a new heart. We need to be born anew to see our Risen Lord.

    Young and going through a painful divorce, I fought for custody of my six year old daughter. Several weeks prior, the Lord brought into my life wonderful believers who shared the Gospel with me. The Great Physician was preparing my heart for a transplant through His grace.

    The day the judge read his verdict of parental custody I came to the realization that God gave His “only” begotten Son that I might live and come to an understanding of His Word. Standing before a judge is a humbling and frightful experience. No more bravado. No more self-help. No more exclaiming, “But.” Yes, we may have a counselor to plead our case… but the judge rules. The judge’s ruling is final.

    How painful it is to be stripped of one’s child. How much more painful it was for Our Heavenly Father to sacrifice His only child for sinful man!

    The realization of God’s love for me built up a tsunami of emotion and a flood of tears, as I drove from that Courthouse in Dade County. I had to pull off the road and stop. My heart crushed to sand, I prayed that the Lord Jesus would open my eyes and give me a new heart to comprehend and grow in His Word. I prayed that He would live His life through me.

    We see Jesus crying out from the Cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Not seen is the unimaginable anguish of Our Father in heaven who endured those horrible moments of brutality as His Holy and Perfect Son gave all He had to save us.

    Jesus has been faithful to His Word. Each day with my Lord and Savior has been sweeter than the day before. I can testify that He is a God of restoration who meets all of our needs through His saving grace and daily bread.

    My daughter will be 49 this year and has been happily married for 27 years. We have a loving father and daughter relationship.

    Another beautiful day in sunny Florida. Temperature heading to 92.

    Happy Easter and love to all, Ray

  7. anne4JC says:

    The church where I grew up read the Bible often. I knew all the stories inside out, but never read or heard God’s Word with any power. I was taught a religion of works and rituals from the blind leading the blind, the sort who are “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” At age 16 I gave up on church and spent the next several years actively searching for God among universalist false prophets. Their words rang even more hollow than the church of my youth, so I returned home where they at least spoke of Jesus as God.

    Relocation at age 22 meant a new church, where I heard not a Bible reading, but God’s Word preached with authority. When I expressed my astonishment (Luke 4:32), it was explained to me for the first time that salvation was not based on good works, but on Christ’s death as payment for my sins which condemned me. I had heard spoken hundreds of times that Jesus died for our sins, but the words never held any personal power before that day. I immediately put faith in those words—but no one explained that I should do anything more.

    I came under good Bible teaching. But for three more years, no one ever taught me that salvation from sin also meant repentance of sin. Then I came across the words of Acts 2:37-38. “Repent and be baptized” spoke to me personally (I now know that was the Holy Spirit). Without hesitation, I asked to be baptized.

    December 4, 1988 was the date of both my water baptism and my Holy Spirit baptism, when I was truly born again, when God’s power came over my life and began to transform me, when I began to understand Truth in the words of Scripture.

    Why didn’t I ‘get it’ before then? It was not enough to hear the words of the Bible. It was not enough to recognize Truth and believe an explanation of salvation when the Gospel was finally spoken to me with authority. For me, personally, I needed to come to the point where I surrendered my life to the Lord and repented of the sin which condemned me in the first place. I was by no means born again by the act of baptism, but because God asked me to take a step of faith in Him as Lord of my life, and I did so by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    How can a person understand that Christ’s blood purchases our deliverance from the condemnation of sin’s eternal Hell, without, because He first delivers us from the immediate Hell within, where sin has lived? I believe it takes the Truth of the Word shared by faithful believers, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the act of free will that puts Jesus on the throne of a person’s heart where Self has reigned. Only then can Christ’s illumination shine from within.

  8. poohpity says:

    I guess before I started walking with the Lord it was like those dreams I had before I fell asleep. Like falling with no one beneath you to catch you or running in fear from someone chasing you. It seemed that I did not fit anywhere. Yet I would hear that small voice saying “psssst” could I have your attention but I just ignored it then I would hear again “pssst” until my life was in such horrible condition that I walked into a sanctuary and sat in a pew and just started weeping saying I do not know who I am or how to do this life without drugs and I am so scared please help me.

    Life before was a constant hunt for where I belonged and a search for who I was. Life after was I finally knew who I was and where I belonged. I felt like I was home and felt loved and accepted for me naked and unashamed. Someone who finally knew that I was worth something and could be used for good. This relationship no one could take away from me and I did not have to fight to be wanted, Jesus fought for me. Someone finally wanted me and would not withhold His love because I did look, or dress, or act like everyone wanted me to. No matter how many times I tried to push Him away He would never let me go and always knew that I was a diamond in the ruff. A diamond that he would gently and mercifully with much care form me into the person He knew I could be.

  9. SFDBWV says:

    Before and After;
    When I was 17 Viet Nam was in full bloom and my youthful over eager heart wanted to go and be a part of history, afraid I might miss the whole opportunity I rebelled against my parents and went off to the Marine Corps….To prove something to myself and show the world who I wanted to be. It was 1965.

    As I rode away that morning on the Greyhound Bus taking me to Paris Island NC, my mother watched and wept as I disappeared from her. I had broken her heart.

    Somewhere in the next few years I had violated nearly every commandment of God and was hungry for the experience.

    One of the added benefits of eating that forbidden fruit was knowledge. I became very hungry for the experience of learning everything I could.

    Somewhere in the experience of learning, I learned that God didn’t create man, but that man had created God.

    My mother’s prayers never went unanswered and even though I thrust myself into harms way over and over again, I was spared injury and her further heartache.

    God’s heart was also broken and like my mothers love His love never gave up on me either….He sent a messenger to me, a nightmare of such terror and darkness I would be tested to adequately describe it. This nightmare would continue for many years.

    As I came home, married and began the next phase of my life, I continued my quest for knowledge absorbing all I could, which included the trap of the strange, unusual and eerie. Ghosts, UFO’s, paranormal activity and such inviting interests.

    All the while suffering the terrors of a nightmare that had began the very night I left Viet Nam for home.

    Strange enough it was in the midst of learning about the occult issues that I came face to face with the understanding that the Bible is right, and if the Bible is right, all spoken within it is also right.

    The Prodigal son returns; From that moment on, I could not put my Bible down I read day and night between meals and carried one even down into the depths of the mines with me to read every chance I got.

    My eyes were opening as well as my heart, the nightmares continued, but were getting less frequent. On my 30th year and while Matthew’s mother was pregnant for him. I went to a small creek on the 21st of October and was baptized anew, it was a cold and rainy afternoon but I never felt anything but warm.

    I only learned after naming my son Matthew that it meant “gift from God”…..
    Like eve in the garden, I had looked at the forbidden fruit and longed for it, after partaking of it and immersing myself into the pursuit of knowledge, I finally came to my senses and came home.

    Like the father in the story of the Prodigal son, God came running towards me and presented me a gift for returning home.

    Fully forgiven…..Not by my actions, but by His.

    I was lost and blind, but He came into me brought me home and opened my eyes so that I might see. The nightmare ended in my 33rd year, after learning to ask God to take it away.

    Though I am fully ashamed for my misadventures, I cannot change those things, I can only rest in the knowledge that He has forgiven me and though I can remember that old me, that old me died on the cross of Calvary with Christ. The new me rose with Him from the grave and when the fullness of my time comes I will rise again to be with Him forever finally finished and fully restored.


  10. Loretta Beavis says:

    I don’t worry about dying anymore…when it happens, how it happens, why it happens.

  11. isaiah118 says:

    What we see, whether in our mind or with our eyes, must match what we hear. In the case of the Disciples, they saw (in their mind) Jesus on the throne of David so they did not hear what He was really saying. Before I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior my ears heard the Gospel, my mind did not. I heard the information but my mind simply did not process it until I saw the work of Jesus in the person telling me about Him my mind heard it and I responded. “Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words.”

  12. oneg2dblu says:

    isaiah118… those very same words were quoted by St. Francis of Assisi, who also lived for Christ, 1182-1226.
    Who knows how many others have claimed them as their Gospel Truth, as to HOW we Should Live our Lives, in the After we have Believed! A very Powerful Testimony, this using so few Words to Live by, as such a “Divinely Given” Ideal! Gary

  13. oneg2dblu says:

    I too being raised in the church, and knowing of all the children’s stories of Christ, and believing them as well, but never really connecting, that He was Almighty God!
    How could it be, that one could sit through hundreds and hundreds Crafted Sermons, Sing tons of Hymns, and never get “that picture” in your mind?
    Because as a child, I never “developed a relationship,” only a knowing of many stories presented.
    Only a knowing religious practice, but never having My tiny believer’s heart “Enlarged Enough” to contain Him as being MY GOD!
    That took “His Work in ME,” not my efforts to comply to a church’s protcols.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Good to see you again Bob (NC) thanks for covering my back brother.
    I hope this weeks weather didn’t have too much of an effect on you or your loved ones.


  15. peacedove says:

    The first word that came to me was denial.People do not want to know the truth.They are afraid of it.When someone passes away,often times we act as though they are still alive.It is human nature.
    We must always pray and keep in touch with God.
    I ran from God for years.Then one day,the flight had to stop.Now I have come home

  16. scout1 says:

    Steve: Thanks for your testimony. Being a single mom of a ten year old boy -I can feel the pain that your mom felt when you left. I pray that my son, as he grows, will not have to go through the prodigal stage of life. I know there are so many lessons that you learned -my heart aches to think of what your mother went through and then you as well. God had His hand on you the whole time.

    I just wanted to say thanks -it made me realize that I need to keep my son’s adult life in my prayers and not just the present. I hope you and Matt and Glenna are having a good day.

  17. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Lynda, personaly I know of no power in heaven or earth as powerful as the power of love…I am that proof, and Christ the one to thank.


  18. Jason says:

    Before accepting Jesus as my personal savior I was lost, rebellious, self-willed, egotistical, proud, the list goes on. I remember thinking that “religous” people were weird. I didn’t understand that Christ died so that I would be saved. I know lots of people know the exact date they accepted Jesus, for some reason I don’t. I confess that I re-accepted Him several times just to make sure I did it right! Talk about small faith. Today I try to live as He wants me to, loving, humble, accepting, gracious, kind, grateful, etc. I fall short sometimes as we all do, no one is perfect except Him. I am so glad I am forgiven today. Below are the lyrics to Amazing Grace which I thought were appropriate.

    Amazing Grace Lyrics

    “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
    That saved a wretch like me….
    I once was lost but now am found,
    Was blind, but now, I see.

    T’was Grace that taught…
    my heart to fear.
    And Grace, my fears relieved.
    How precious did that Grace appear…
    the hour I first believed.

    Through many dangers, toils and snares…
    we have already come.
    T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far…
    and Grace will lead us home.

    The Lord has promised good to me…
    His word my hope secures.
    He will my shield and portion be…
    as long as life endures.

    Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
    and mortal life shall cease,
    I shall possess within the veil,
    a life of joy and peace.

    When we’ve been here ten thousand years…
    bright shining as the sun.
    We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise…
    then when we’ve first begun.

    “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
    That saved a wretch like me….
    I once was lost but now am found,
    Was blind, but now, I see.

  19. Jason says:

    I just want to wish everyone a blessed and happy Easter weekend.

  20. marma says:

    I didn’t start going to church regularly until after my father died. I was about eight years old. At church, we recited the creeds, but it didn’t mean anything. Heard scripture, thought that I didn’t need Christ to know God though. My two biggest things were, why should I have to know Christ to know God? I didn’t think I needed to. I also thought, how could God, who is a spirit, have a flesh and blood son? Since it didn’t make sense, I dismissed it.

    I remember once singing “There is a green hill far away” in Sunday School and that green hill kind of gave me an odd feeling–I didn’t understand it. We stopped going to church when I was about eleven, I think.

    A few years later, Jesus Christ Superstar came out, and I remember reading some in the gospels when I listened to it. Still didn’t think much of it, and I thought the resurrection was too amazing and just a belief, not a historic fact (I honestly didn’t know much). I believed Jesus was a good teacher. I didn’t really know enough to appreciate the significance of why he came. I even knew John 3:16, but it didn’t mean anything to me.

    In High School a school mate shared her testimony with me, that there really was something to–of all things–Christianity after all. At that point, I thought, what? That old, dusty religion? Still, something caught my attention. We talked a couple of more times, and I shared my (then) beliefs in reincarnation. I believed in an immortality, even then, though misguided.

    Well, at some point during this time I decided to “read the scriptures on my own.” That is, I didn’t tell anybody, just started reading through the new testament. When I read John 8:44, the truth of what Jesus said hit home. I knew he wasn’t just talking to the Pharisees, as I knew I was a liar, and so out of that passage, I was convicted — I wasn’t God’s child, I had a different father.

    It must have been right before that that I read John 8:32 and I believed what Jesus said–interesting that right after that I read 8:44. I was open, I suppose at that point to hear the truth. After reading through the gospels, I came to believe Jesus was the Son of God. I hadn’t much faith, I thought, but with even a part smaller than the grain of mustard, I put my faith in Christ. After that, I knew–either through scripture, or scripture in a tract someone gave me, that I needed to believe the whole bit about Christ, that he died for my sins, that he arose and was alive.

    Since then my thinking on a lot of things had to change. I didn’t really understand why Christ had to die for my sins, only that he paid for them.

    Accepting and believing that Jesus was the Son of God was a huge step for me.

    I remember saying at the time that I’d been to church, but that nobody told me it was important to believe in Jesus, and what the bible said about him.

    At that point a door opened to me in my understanding of the scriptures. I began to understand the truth of John 14:6, that no one comes to the Father, except through Christ.

    From that day, I couldn’t get enough of the Word, even though at the time all I had was a King James Bible, which at times can be a challenge.

    That was nearly forty years ago, and most of it I remember like it was yesterday. I couldn’t put it in precise chronological order, but it is how I remember it. After believing and trusting in Christ, I had immediately numerous opportunities to share my testimony, which helped me remember it, I suppose.

    Hope this helps.


  21. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you Marma, for being so descriptive, and all others too. Steve, that part I dind’t know. And Jason I had to learn to live in Grace. Thanks for giving the whole song, I only knew the first 2 verses.
    Mart’s question, I asked my husband, it was an opportunity to talk about Christ again.
    He is a believer, but he keeps it to himself.
    His answer was: I didn’t think.

    From my youngest years I was raised christian. The fact that Jesus had to die for my sins was clear. I just accepted it. That’s because we are forgiven and white as snow before God. Very simple. I remember as a young child I would walk in the garden and there I would be impressed by God, because all of nature around me told me He was there.
    The part that was hard for me is not the fact that Jesus had to die for my sins, but the fact that He rose again and would live His life in me. That took me years and years and years. I would read the scriputres to live according to what God says. But then, I am still in control of my life. I decide to obey His rules. And His rules tell me what is good and what is evil. So I lived according the to tree of good and evil.
    But the fact that I had to lay down my life for Him, so He could live His Life in me, that was so hard to get. I remember asking God about it. But I guess I would not listen to the answer, I was too busy being a church person, and we were busy in keeping all the Holy Days of Leviticus 23. Keeping 2 plus 8 days in the fall Festivals is quite a time consuming thing.

    The scripture that cut my heart was Galatians Galatians 4:10-11.
    Like a sword, it was very sharp, but also full of hope. The thing I had to loose was the thing that would give me the answer to how to live in faith in Christ.
    But I was also mourning for losing these days. I think that is also what Saul did when he was called by Jesus.
    His whole life was consumed in following rules, traditions that come out of the bible, and seemed so good.
    These rules were given to bring us to Christ, Galatians 3::24-25.
    Following rules is clear, but living in faith looks so uncertain, it is like an adventure. Jesus is in control of my life, and I am learning to let go of control, and give it to Him.
    It is the Tree of Life I am to eat of: Jesus Himself.
    Living in Grace, how sweet the sound.

  22. Mart De Haan says:

    foreverblessed, your story resonates so deeply with my own. Those of us raised “in the faith” have no less to learn than those who found, or were found by, Christ, in dramatic ways– at the end of themselves.

    Am deeply grateful for all who are taking the time to tell– or even just allude to the difference the life, death, and resurrected life of our Lord has made, is making, and still needs to be made in us.

  23. Mart De Haan says:

    Jason, I still love to pray “the sinners prayer”. I don’t ever want to get over the the truth and wonder of it all.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    While Matthew and I were working in Winchester VA at Hershey Pasta, there was a manager there named Jeff. Jeff had been college educated, a Captain in the Air Force, and now part of the upper level management team at a very modern food processing facility.

    He liked Matthew and I very much and as often as he could would come and work with us and talk.

    Talking with me always meant hearing about the Lord and His stories.

    Jeff was and I may say is a great fellow, loyal, hard working, raised up with good ethical life habits and goals. However he was just too “smart” to believe or take to heart the story of God and especially of Easter.

    One afternoon as he and I were working together, he ask softly of me how it was that I could believe all that stuff? He had great respect for me and genuinely couldn’t understand how someone as intelligent as he perceived me to be could believe…all that stuff.

    My answer was equally soft and genuine, “because it is true” was my simple answer. He ask no more only absorbed that which I had said.

    After Matthews wreck and my subsequent termination as an employee there at the plant, when time allowed Matthew and I came down so that I could remove my tools and personal things from the plant. Jeff stayed with me like a shadow. When I was finished packing all my tools and things into my truck and was about to leave, he told me he had been going with his wife and daughter to church and now trusted his fate and Matthews to “our” Lord.

    His look into my eyes was for a look of approval, I hope it was what he saw.

    His intellect and education had kept him from believing the truth of Jesus Christ, somewhere in the events of our tragedy and his love for his daughter he had finally been able to see and understand.

    The catalyst that is needed to open our eyes and hearts to the truth of Christ is different in us all. The Holy Spirit knows that and will use it when all of the events of your life come together in that one special moment when your opportunity comes to accept the Truth.

    Not until then, are any of us able to finally see and accept the “Truth”.

    2 inches of rain yesterday and dense fog all evening, the promise of more rain this morning. Over 6 inches of rain so far this month….April showers bring May flowers.


  25. dja says:

    As I have mentioned in a previous post, I was raised in the Catholic Church. When I was a child, the Mass was in Latin, so I didn’t understand what was being said, but it was so very beautiful. I loved going to Mass even though I didn’t understand what it was all about. My wonderful grandmother, a woman of prayer, use to tell me that I could go to Jesus with anything. My Mother took us to church while my Father paced at the door at home waiting for us to get back so that he could go to the bar (it opened at 12).
    My Mother made us go to Catechism classes, and being a good student, I worked hard to memorize the Baltimore Catechism-for the weekly prize that the nun had promised. So, I knew all the “things” I had to do and did them for fear of dying and not being right. It was scary. I wore a scapular and had all kinds of crosses and made sure I said all the prayers by memory that I was suppose to say. The first question in the Catechism was, “Why did God make you?” The answer, “God made me to love Him and enjoy Him forever.” Somehow all this tension was not giving me the enjoyment that the first question answered. I also remember so well looking at the Stations of the Cross and being horrified and so very upset. I didn’t understand why this had to be.
    As a teenager, I had more questions inside me. I didn’t ask them because we were never allowed to question the church. I remember going to confession weekly and wondering how this man could forgive my sins and how 5 Hail Mary’s penance could make it right. I had 2 friends who had boyfriends, and one Friday they said they wanted to go to another town to go to confession because the priest didn’t know them, and he gave easy penance. So we got on a train and went to a different town. This went on for a number of weeks, when I finally decided that I wasn’t going to do this anymore. In my heart, I did not believe that I needed to confess my sins to another man, so I stopped going.
    My husband was raised in a Christian home but was not walking with the Lord when we met in high school. His family was concerned that he was dating a “Catholic”. We got married in the Catholic Church, and I know that it was hard for my dear Mother-in-law, but it would have been harder if we married in a protestant church because my family would not have attended. Lots of division in those days.
    After we were married, my dear Mother-in-law use to give me copies of “Our Daily Bread”, so I have been reading “Daily Bread” for almost 45 years At the time we were living in NJ, but when we would go to PA to visit my husband’s family, we would go to their church. I was glad to go, but I really struggled with the Catholic bashing that often came from the pulpit. Although I knew there was much I did not agree with in my religion, it was still the church I was going to, and it was my family’s church. One day, my Mother-in-law asked me a very direct question “Do you believe you are a sinner and that Jesus Christ died for you?” I was shocked by the question, but not wanting to look stupid, I said yes. I said yes, but did I really believe that? I don’t think so because I still had all the deep rooted works going on. I started reading the Bible, and it was a book that brought me through Revelations, that showed me my hopeless state, and it was then that I cried out to the Lord. What a glorious day! I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted. I felt such joy within.
    We were married for 14 years with 2 children and one on the way when we finally decided on a church. It was a traditional church , but it was where the Lord brought conviction to my husband. He wasn’t convicted by what was preached. The Lord remembered to him His word, and he became uncomfortable enough by what was and wasn’t preached that he dug out his old King James Bible to check it out. At that time, my husband was an alcoholic, but people didn’t know because he was always in church on Sunday like any respectable person. As he read the Word, he was convicted of his sins. He cried out to the Lord to deliver him from drinking, and the Lord did that indeed. I had been praying for years, and praise His Name, my husband has not had a beer since that day (he said he asked the Lord to take away the desire, and then the smell of it made him feel sick), and we both agreed that we needed to find a church that preached Christ.
    I’m sorry this has been so long. So many memories have come while writing, but my heart is so thankful for these memories. Thank you Mart. I have been so blessed to read of other blogger’s journeys as they were coming to the Lord.
    Steve, thank you for sharing. I am that Mother who loves her son and continues to pray night and day that he will come back. I prayed for my husband, and saw what the Lord did, and I continue to pray for our prodigal son and wait with great expectation. ( Jeremiah 31:15-17)
    46degrees, very foggy and rainy in NEPA. But this is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

  26. Hugger4U says:

    Good morning to all. Have been reading for a couple years here and enjoy everyone’s comments and perspectives greatly. I would like to thank RBC and Mart for doing this blog. It has broadened my world. Even though I don’t interact I’ve been blessed. I think I might have posted a couple times but haven’t really allowed anyone to know me. I would like to change that. But first I would like to make a couple observations about the topic. The first thing I thought of when reading the blog is that God’s timing is perfect. And the second is truth is revealed. Once God’s timing is in motion He will open the eyes or our hearts and the Holy Spirit will reveal truth. It is then matched with our portioned faith which will produce fruit. Revealed truth. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal truth to God’s people.

    I grew up in an average American home. My mother was a believer but my dad wasn’t. I received the little book of New Testament and Psalms in grade school. That might give you a clue as to how old I am! I remember over the years trying to read it and kept reading Luke over and over. At the same time I was growing up, graduated from high school, hung out with my friends, doing the ‘normal’ thing everyone did back then. Experimented with drugs, alcohol and sex, but all the time that was happening I occasionally would drag out that little new testament and read Luke trying to understand what I was reading. Finally in my late twenties I was tired of the life style I was leading and wanted to change. I knew there was more to life than just working so I could afford partying and having fun and boyfriends. I got a job in a lumber mill working on the planer chain. The majority of my co-workers were Christian men who loved the Lord. They taught me by example and conversation that Jesus was who I was searching for. I heard the Gospel several times. One night alone in my apartment, I was anguished in my soul about my life and cried out to the Lord to save me. From then on He guided me through the process of my changed heart. Repenting, forgiving, renewing. I truly believe He prepared my heart through all the difficulties of my young adult life and at just the right time I was able to hear and know the truth and finally believe. So, as Mart’s blog asks the question about the disciples, why didn’t they get it? They eventually did and that’s the point. Even Israel will eventually ‘get it’ in the end. Some of us take longer to get to that place of ‘getting it’ than others. We should not give up or lose hope for our loved ones who haven’t ‘gotten it’ yet. Keep praying and believing. Keep the FAITH.

  27. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… those closed blinds tell a story in themselves.
    They represent the “BEFORE” condition…
    They are very much like the “natural sight” of man seeing some light, but until the Lord opens them for us, we never get to see what is one the other side, “AFTER” You Finally SEE Jesus Christ, also being God, and ALIVE IN YOU!
    It is a vision the “blinds of world,” can’t give you!
    I would tell you how the current weather is, but I can’t for we would be soon overpopulated, and then I would have to move. Gary :)

  28. peterpugliese says:

    Wow, to testify of God’s work in our lives, and His saving grace; what a privilege. As I look back on my life being raised in the Roman Catholic faith, religion was easy to accept. Church, school, family, it was culturally a part of life. This was true until my mid – teens when rebellion became my priority and the things that were important were no longer. Life took me a different direction, and it wasn’t centered upon God. The religion I experienced early in life was something that always was at the back of my mind, but not of interest. As I went about doing what I did I would reflect upon my upbringing, but in the end it had no bearing on choices and decisions I made. As I entered my 20’s and began dating my wife to be we were truly living in the world. The things of the world were what we enjoyed. Once we were married this continued to be the path of choice, our work and social time were priorities, along with family time when necessary. None of it had anything to do with God. When we began having children we became sensitive to the traditions of the church such as baptism and we became part of the Christmas and Easter crowd, still not seeing life from God’s perspective. Then we started having marital problems due to my misguided priorities. The priorities I had before marriage and children were still my priorities. This isn’t good for a marriage. During this time my mom died and suddenly mortality became real to me. I began to question life as I knew it and couldn’t understand why the life I was comfortable with was unraveling. During this time my boss began to share Christ with me. This wasn’t the first time someone shared the gospel with me, but it was the first time I honestly listened. With all that was taking place in my world, I thought why not listen? I didn’t know it then, but I came to realize it was the Lord nudging me. As the gospel was presented to me I came to place where I knew I couldn’t fix anything, I was desperate. I needed Jesus Christ in my life. It was then that I came to saving faith in Him. I didn’t choose Him, He chose me. Three months later my wife came to faith in Christ and together we came to see the hand of God in our lives. How thankful we are for the covenant mercy of God and His hand upon us. I must say that this occurred 21 years ago, and to this day as I look back I am so thankful that our eyes were opened to holiness of God as revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ. Our lives have purpose and meaning. Our lives have been completed in Him our Lord and Savior. As we look at life today there is no reason to look back other than to say thank you Lord for your redeeming power in my life, the forgiveness You have provided has changed one who was blind to being able to see. Thanks be to God in Jesus Christ, through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, Amen!

  29. peacedove says:

    Thank you all for these wonderful testimonies.We must be in the end times.With computer technology, the prophecy “all eyes will see’ turns out to be reality.2000 years ago,that was not the case.
    I look forward to seeing you all at the Great Feast.We have our seats waiting for us.Now it is up to us all to make sure the remaining places are taken before the door is closed and it is to late to get in.
    To you SFDBWV….We had a Life subscription and I watched the CBS News every night (I was 11 years old.) What happened in Vietnam was on the screen nightly and went on patrol with Charlie Company through the jungle.Thank you for telling us your personal story.I cannot imagine actually being there,as you were.The Lord was surly there to protect you and bring you home safe and sound.

  30. nezzar says:

    I have enjoyed reading all these conversion stories. I gave my life to Jesus at an early age so I don’t really remember what was before. But I do know that the way that I think about my faith has changed tremendiously over the years. I was atending a Charismatic church at the time when I came to a crisis in my faith. Like many who learn in a charismatic church my focus was misplaced on the gifts instead of the Giver. I knew all about the gifts of the spirit, how they worked and how to minister in them. Or at least how that church tought them. but none of the gifts were active in my life.

    Finaly I got to the point where I could strive no longer. Ether God didn’t love me, couldn’t work through me or He just plain didn’t exist. I didn’t like any of these options after all I loved Jesus very much how could I just stop beleving in Him. I had to have something wrong. All I could do was to look to heaven and say “God if you exist tell me what I’m doing wrong.”

    Someone handed me a book and I halfheartedly read half way though it when God Brought one phrase to my attention. “All the gifts are God’s way of loving the people around you, through you.” To put it in a charismatic way this one sentance hit me with fire and blood and billows of smoke. I decided from that point on I would allow God to love people around me however He wanted, and when He stopped giving me instructions I would stop. All the gifts have been active ever since, but more importantly people have been brought to Jesus or there faith and mine have increased.

    Jesus had to change the way I thought in order to use me.

    The weather? Its raining mud and the heater stopped working in my matchbox here in Iraq.

  31. davids says:

    BEFORE. When I was young my parents believed that there was a God, but it was very unclear. We went to church a few times on Easter.

    I spent years as an athiest, an agnostic, and I guess some kind of unitarian. I came to believe that there was a God, but that only meant that there was some form of objective good and evil.

    There is somethng that psychologists call Cognitive Dissonance: an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. I think that the Apostles faced this. They downplayed Jesus’ words because they just couldn’t match it to their beliefs.

    I also dealt with that. “God doesn’t matter or expect anything from me.” “If you are a good person, what else could matter?” Obedience is hard to accept in a society that tells you there are no absolutes.

    But God led me to his church through the backdoor. I couldn’t answer my young children’s questions, so I brought them to church. Maybe they would get a moral grounding that would help them resist the dangers of this world.

    AFTER. One day I picked a copy of Our Daily Bread at church. The cognitive dissonance was gnawing at me. I started to read the devotions. Then I read The Case for Christ (Stroebel). My eyes were opened and I accepted that I had not been a “good” person and that Jesus had suffered and died for me.

    That was around six years ago. I am not a good person, but a sinner. But I am a happy person. Instead of moaning about things, I am thankful for all the ways that God has blessed me.

    Spring has been astounding in northern Europe. Mid-sixties and calm.

    Thanks for all your stories. Peace of Chist to all during this blessed time. He is risen indeed!

  32. bubbles says:

    My mother taught Sunday School to 2nd graders. She used me to practice her lesson before Sunday. So from the time I was very young, I was taught about Jesus. One Sunday night, our church had communion. When we got home, I asked my mother what it was about. She explained it to me saying Christians did this to remember Jesus’ death. She walked into another room of the house and left me standing in the dining room.
    I remember the very spot to this day where I was when I was hit with the realization I was not a Christian. I knew I sinned and needed Jesus.
    Soon after that in Sunday School, our teacher taught the lesson about Zacchaeus and how he wanted to see Jesus. She expalined about salvation again. I told her I wanted to ask Jesus in my heart. I was almost 5 years old. She showed the verse John 3:16 and expalined how Jesus loved me and died for my sins on the cross.
    I asked Jesus to save me that Sunday.
    I am so thankful for a mother who taught me the Word of God. My mother died when I was 8 years old. I am thankful she made sure I knew about the Lord and that many memories of her include her praying with me and reading the Bible. Praise God for salvation that even a small child can understand it. I am so thankful for His love and sacrifice.

  33. marma says:

    I am so encouraged and touched by the testimonies. I haven’t had a chance to read them all, but have found such encouragement, such faith, such glory to God in the ones I’ve read so far, that I want to come back and read even more.

    I have an early day and a day-long class to teach tomorrow, so won’t get back here until tomorrow night. I look forward to reading more.

    Thanks to all of you, and to Mart for suggesting the topic. How miraculous our salvation is!

  34. marma says:

    foreverblessed-thanks. It was good to remember and share again.

    Jason-my sister doesn’t have a date, either, but is also my precious sister in the Lord and blesses me daily by her love for Jesus. She believed at some point, but never recorded the exact date.

    Sometimes I wonder how I could have been saved when I understood so little on “the date”(!)

    Oh, the faithfulness of God in continuing to deepen our understanding past those first hours (whenever they may have been) that we believed.

  35. Jason says:

    Thanks Mart and Marma, it’s good to know I’m not the only one who prays the sinner’s prayer more than once and other people don’t have a date either.

    I also want to say thank-you to all the soldiers and veterans who fought and continue to fight for our freedom. It doesn’t get said enough. Your bravery and sacrifice are remarkable.

    A cool night in Sask, 1 degree above zero celsius.

  36. SFDBWV says:

    It must be Holy Week as last evening on PBS was a program titled “The Mystery of the Jesus Prayer”. Followed by a story about Jesus titled “Jesus the Missing 40 Days.”

    The Mystery of the Jesus Prayer was about the Eastern Orthodox faith and the journey of Christianity from the earliest churches up through the Balkans up into Russia.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this program as it exposed a dimension of our faith I had not been exposed to enough.

    I especially enjoyed the answer from a Russian monk when ask by the interviewer if God ever spoke to him. He said that God had already said all He needed to through the scriptures. I liked that answer.

    I equally enjoyed hearing the numbers of Christians in the various countries visited. It seems that no matter the language, Jesus remains the same, as well as his influence on the faithful.

    I couldn’t stay up for the second program, but did see it involved what we have come to know as the Gnostic letters. When I encounter this topic I feel that old tug of dangerous curiosity that can lead to the “slippery slope” of deception. So I tend to avoid it.

    Like others, I too have enjoyed the widely diverse testimonies from each of you. I learned long ago that our conversions are different in us all because we are all different. But that the outcome is always the same, because Jesus is always the same.

    37 degrees F and overcast this morning.


  37. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks, Steve, and all of you. I’ve left this post up all week and may until Saturday morning, because your stories seem like such a wonderful way of honoring the price our Savior paid for us.

  38. poohpity says:

    Tuesday night around 8pm I had to go in for an emergency appendectomy and I did not have anyone around me whether friend or family through the surgery and the Lord told me gently I am here with you Deb I will be with you always. I am so very thankful that we have a God who can be every place we are and we are never alone.

    I am so thankful for all the testimonies they are beautiful. The Lord meets us right where we are at and lifts our head as a parent does saying LOOK TO ME and I WILL……

  39. annalisa says:

    I’d like to Thank everyone who commented b/c as I read your responses I felt a part of my own in each of yours. I grew up in a 2nd generation Italian-American family I say this b/c its important to understand the cultural tradition of the Pope & RC guilt. Although I attend Sunday School as a child it was geared more around religious tradition & rituals than Biblical Scripture. You would hear in church…”A Reading; taken from the Gospel…(insert any New Testament Gospel- of choice) it would only be a sentence or two, nothing more. The Priest’s sermon would be centered around that, as interpreted by the Vatican & its hierarchy. (Not unlike how I’ve come to learn about the Jewish High Priests of Jesus’ day). And going to church was more a duty than a desire. Church was a “place”, an institution, before. And now, church is the body of believers. (The bloggers are church).

    Riddled with guilt as a child for diverting from the Commandments & learning how RC’s use “good works” & the confessional box to be closer to God, coupled with living in an environment of megalomaniacs; believing in wealth, power & fear, and grandiosity; you are the “master of your domain” philosophy (my family knew educational & material success, but little about the Truth/ and the Bible). You could say, it was an uphill struggle to know Christ Jesus. I thought I was a good person & hoped I would be permitted into Heaven; after all, a sinner- yes, but I wasn’t a murderer or adulterer!

    As a teen & young adult I always felt something missing…love, unconditional acceptance. I prayed, even ran to the church when there was trouble…little did I know God was answering all along (Footprints), he kept me from physical death & safe from real harm. Having had a drug addiction I prayed I could stop & when I couldn’t, He answered… picking me up & putting me in a place (jail!). There I had to remain still…and listen or be consumed. It was there a missionary came each week & I read the book of John. Cathartic… I pictured the face of Jesus, His sacrifice, His pure love if I only would allow Him; then, I did.

    A peace & calm I felt inside of me in a instant bringing joy to my unrested soul. Never having to walk alone since that day, especially during the storms of this world I’m certain of His promises & I’m certain He is coming back & I’m certain of eternal life…once I could only hope to be spared, today I know forgiveness.

    Similar to King David with Bathsheba I also dishonored God’s sacrifice & mercy after He blessed me with a beautiful son, my consequence is I have been separated from my child who is now 12 yrs old & growing up in the same family I grew up in. Except now none of them have anything to do with any church, anymore. Can you all pray for my son for his salvation? (btw- I have not been permitted to see him for that last 6 yrs…tied up in the courts) Since this topic is about before coming to Christ & it happens to be the week of the Crucifixion & Resurrection I am asking this bold request of you (all) to pray for my child. And I thank you all, in advance for earnestness & time. Happy Easter Sunday to everyone one of you, God Bless annalisa

  40. annalisa says:

    How unequivocally horrendous for Jesus in those moments at the Cross, I have such a hard time swallowing or taking a breathe knowing His sacrifice but eternally grateful in knowing…..

    Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

  41. oneg2dblu says:

    Before… After…
    Helpless Given a Helper
    Lost Found by Grace
    Guilty Foregiven
    Alone His
    Broken Made Anew Whole
    Separated Heir of Kingdom
    Wreckless Purposed
    Abandoned Adoped
    Rejected Accepted
    Without Christ With Christ

    Any Questions?

  42. davids says:


    I have prayed for you and your son. But for the grace of God, I might have gone down a similar path.

    God Bless!

  43. Jason says:

    Deb, sorry to hear you had to go through your operation without family or friends around. I’ll pray for your speedy recovery. Also praying for your son, Annalisa. I like your before and after, Gary.

  44. poohpity says:

    It happened so quick I could not let anyone know. Thank you very much for you prayers.

    Annalisa, I am also praying for your son.

    bubbles, forgive me for hurting you.

  45. dja says:

    Oh, Pooh, I’m so sorry. Please know that I am praying for you.
    Annalisa, I am praying for you and for your son. May the Lord hold your heart and encourage you.


  46. bubbles says:

    Don’t worry about it. It is okay. ♥

  47. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… Heal! It must have been pretty frightening,
    I’ve been through a couple of surgeries without others around to help, it makes you rely on the Lord even more!
    I had my appendex out also, but voluntarily, as I was having surgery for a hernia aboard a ship in the Navy, and the Dr, gave me the option saying, While I’m in there, do you want me to take it out? I told him to go for it, so I trust I won’t have to go through what you’ve just have! Prayers for speedy recovery! Gary :)

  48. oneg2dblu says:

    I was…Broken, Empty, Drifting, Sightless, Lonely,
    Dead to the Word of God, living in the world,
    worshiping worldly gods, like money and self.
    No conviction, no connection to the Lord,
    unknowingly driven by the sin nature,
    and never finding peace.
    But by the Grace of God…
    Christ allowed me to Hear His Voice,
    Accept His Offer,and then become His,
    Born Again, Restored, Refreshed,
    Redirected, Lifted from the mirey clay
    into the Arms of the Master, Free at last,
    Emboldened by His Spirit, Enlightened by His Word,
    Given Peace beyond Understanding, Washed, Cleansed,
    Protected, Provided for, Worthy and Prised, and Passionate for the things of God, Praising Him, Possessed! Asking, Seeking, Knocking, Praying, Knowing I was finally Walking with Christ in a Daily Personal Relationship, and then came, the next Day! It remained as before, but more Treasured, Tested, Proven by Truth. The Promisses, the Priviledge, the Moments Remembered just of the day before I knew Jesus Christ to be My God, and I shudder at the thought of Ever Losing Sight of Him again. “Help Me Lord to Forever Remain in You!”

  49. poohpity says:

    Gary I was not frightened at all just was wondering how I am going to accomplish my move to a new apartment at the end of this month with hip problems already now I have a few holes in my tummy and can not lift anything. This will prove to be another problem for the Lord to handle. I have had 8 hip surgeries and six others surgeries so nothing new to this raggedy ol body that is awaiting with expectation for my new glorified body.

  50. BruceC says:


    I will keep you in prayer my sister that you be both healed and helped in your move. We serve a mighty God!!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  51. SFDBWV says:

    Glenna and I were setting on the swing a few weeks ago when a pickup truck came up past the house slowed down turned around and stopped out by the walk.

    A fellow stuck his head out of the window and said hello, had he not spoken I would never had recognized him, as he has tripled his size from when I last saw him some 20 years past.

    I laughed and told him to shut off the truck and come set with us on the porch, he quickly obliged and we shuck hands and sat down to begin to catch up.

    He came from a home that could best be described as dysfunctional on every level; it was his brother whom I have talked about before who was homosexual and at 21 had killed himself.

    Vulgar speech was the only speech that this fellow had grown up hearing and adopting as his own. Sexual misconduct, drinking and all around unaccepted behavior were the normal life this fellow had been exposed to and exhibited in his adult life.

    Yet as he told me about being in the National Guard and going several times to Arizona to do border patrol and several stints in Iraq and Afghanistan, not one expletive was uttered.

    He had stopped to invite us to a pig roast he and his family were having as a celebration of his retiring, and to tell me of his acceptance of the Lord.

    This guy was unmistakably still the fellow I had known all of his life, but his before and after demeanor was equally unmistakably different from each other.

    I am happy for him and his family.

    Little misty and cold this morning 37 degrees. Not everyone likes the heat and humidity of Florida Ray.


  52. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… God Always Provides, and even uses people to Help Him, when He wants! He is willing, and so are HIS! “God Luck” with Your Move! PUN Intented! Gary :)

  53. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… In Fla Today, warm breezes, blue skies, and only 80 this morning. This report, I’m sure, we could all tolerate today, but don’t ask me to discribe what is coming shortly! How does one discribe, Oppressive,
    Heat AND Humidity! Answer… Florida in summer!
    Oh, just to be in the Mountains, on a summer’s day!
    Gary :)

  54. poohpity says:

    Thank you Bruce. :-)

  55. oneg2dblu says:

    Today’s, “Discover the Word,” 4-22-11, was all about, The Changing of One’s Words, ALSO CHANGES ONE’S WITNESS!

  56. SFDBWV says:

    Gary my older brother lived in Tampa; he loved Florida and hated the snow. I on the other hand really and truly enjoy Spring and Fall the best but even the first snows of winter are welcome and beautiful, there is little I like about summer.

    Cutting the grass never ends flies, uncomfortable nights, violent thunderstorms, too hot, too dry, and too wet. Seems that summers here get more complaints than winter, mostly there are only two complaints that come with winter….too cold and too much snow.

    Any way I enjoy the four seasons, and tr4y and not complain as little as I can.

    It would seem that God likes variety.


    It has made it up to 42 today, I am in my tee shirt.

  57. davids says:

    Wow, Gary, you’re quite the poet!


  58. Marjorie says:

    When I was growing up, I learned that Jesus came to pay for our sins and give us eternal life. I tried many times to accept Christ, but I wasn’t really trusting in Him to set aside the penalty ALL of my sin. I thought He paid for our past sins and gave us the Jesus vaccination that was supposed to keep us from sinning after we accepted Him. When I sinned again (and I always did), I would assume that my vaccination hadn’t taken for some unknown reason and would give up again. When my last attempt to accept Christ in that way failed, I tried to forget about God and fell into a lifestyle of the deepest sin ever. Almost a year later, I met a friend who was a babe in Christ. I saw that he was a sinner like me, but I knew his faith in Christ was real. He encouraged me to begin seeking God again. One day while reading my Bible, I ran across Romans 8:1. “There is therefore, now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” Suddenly, I realized that I was wholly justified in Christ. I could rest in Him. My focus had been on my sinful self all of my life. From then on, my focus has been on Christ and His finished work on my behalf. God has continued to work in me for His good pleasure since then. Philippians 2:13

  59. oneg2dblu says:

    Marjorie… your words, tell about the same story, as many of us have encountered. We all come forward having this Concept, of what being Born Again is. But, then it grows into a Connection, which can only come about when we Suffer the Working Out, the Living Through, and the Testing. Finally, each of us finds, the Victory Over Self, and find that it is, “Only In Him,” that we are Found Worthy of Being His! “Happy Easter to All!” Gary

  60. bec4jc says:

    I know I’m late in reading and posting on this thread since the last entry was yesterday and Mart started a new thread but I just had to write to tell all of you how moved I was reading your testimonies and I read a little of myself in all of them. Thank you Mart for the thread and thank you all for sharing.I hope everyone had a love filled Easter. He has risen and is High Priest at the right hand of our Father in Heaven, now!

  61. lionheart says:

    Understanding the truth of the Gospel, in our hearts, can only come through the Holy Spirit. Prior to coming to Christ as the age of 33, I had been to Sunday Schools, Scripture classes in public school, Confirmation classes in the Church of England, and it was only head knowledge that did not bring understanding.

    Only when the Lord called me and gave me faith did I understand. When I rose from my knees and began reading the Gospel of John, it words seemed to rise up off the page as I read them. I recall saying over and over, yes this makes sense, now I understand.

    Only with the Spirit interpreting the truth, can we understand.

  62. poohpity says:

    Amen, it all comes from God so that we can not boast about anything. It is God. It is God who opens our eyes and ears to everything about Him when we are in a place to see and hear.

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