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Returning to Normal

As thoughts of ‘holy week” and “resurrection day” linger,  here’s an update on the break-away, floating “lake shore” that produced my twi-light zone experience a couple of weeks ago.

On our last visit to the lake, we found that city workers have dredged out and trucked away about ¾ of the mystery shoreline.

At this point it looks like this Canada Goose is the only one hoping for a permanent settlement on the quickly disappearing marsh.

Reminds me that when the winds of God change the landscape of our lives in ways that overwhelm us with a sense of his presence, the moment is soon gone. (This is different from another point that we were making the other day when we talked about a “lasting” new reality in place of the old. )

The "new shoreline" that blew in overnight

Think, for instance, of Peter, James, and John after their  Mount of Transfiguration experience. Together they discovered that they couldn’t hang on to the moment when they saw a “glorified” Jesus talking with Elijah and Moses (maybe in anticipation of his coming crucifixion). Peter, overwhelmed by what he was seeing, wanted to pitch some tents and stay “in the miracle”  (Matt 17:1-9).

But an ongoing, mind-bending  miracle wasn’t in the plan for the 3. Neither would a sustained overwhelming “vision” of God at work in our lives help us develop the kind of faith to which we all are called.

And so we are left to reflect on fading memories– in the presence of what we are inclined to call “natural.” Yet what about the glory of God that remains to be seen in a “return to normal?” Who can deny the divine signature and fingerprints on a lowly cattail, a Canada goose, or in the constantly changing winds of design and provision that reflect and signal the work and presence of our Creator.

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50 Responses to “Returning to Normal”

  1. scout1 says:

    I liked your post Mart. It reminds me a little of what I was just talking to my sister about. We’ve been praying for an answer to something and it’s been quite a while with no answer. So, we wonder why the Lord is waiting and what the purpose is. However, there are times in my life that the Lord has worked and done things so fast that it was hard to keep up with the changes.

    I think trusting and depending on God’s view is a lesson learned one day at a time. Seeing a part of a picture or none of the picture –but resting in the belief that “all things work together for good to them that love God” – is what I’m holding on to as I wait for Jesus to answer.

    It must have felt different for the disciples to one day have Jesus there and the next day be in the situation that we live with– Learning from the Word of God. One day, it will be our turn to talk to Jesus and sit at His feet to learn.

  2. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    This Life is too short and we are so tiny in the scheme of things.

    I saw a web site the other day that tried to show the vastness of the universe.
    There was a slider set in the bottom middle and if you slid to to the left it showed all the various things going right down to the smallest partical and if you sld it to the right it went to the galaxies and beyond. What struck me was when it was placed in the middle it rested on man.
    Just an illastration that the universe was made to show God’s vastness and Glory and that He placed man right at the centre of it.
    We only see glimpses of it all and can never really understand why the shoreline of our lives keeps changing. The Cross and the Empty Tomb are also right in the middle of creation. The whole of History and the old testament look forward to it and we look back to it. It sits in the centre of time and is the focus of everything in creation. The greatest event since creation itself.
    The Cross and the Resurrection can never bee seen alone, always together. There is no life without the empty tomb and there is no resurrection without the death on the cross.
    If we remember that we are at the centre of God’s universe and if we keep Jesus, the Cross and Resurrection
    at the centre of our lives, then no matter what changes around us, we will be safe forever in Him.


  3. SFDBWV says:

    The two events Mart brings up in his comments have from me two separate directions to take my thoughts. The Transfiguration, the Resurrection, and returning to normal.

    Both events have me wondering if anyone ever returned to normal who were connected to the resurrection. As well as observing that no one returns to normal now after accepting the resurrection.

    I also wonder what thoughts were present in Peter, James and John after the experience of witnessing the Transfiguration and the Glorified Christ as well as seeing Moses and Elijah.

    We know that this was during the festival of Booths and so is why they clumsily wanted to erect tents for them, in adherence to Old Testament Law. Yet we can also understand that these two men, Moses and Elijah, represented the Old Testament, Moses the law and Elijah the prophets. Jesus the fulfillment of both. We also understand that Moses represented death and Elijah life, as Moses died and was buried and Elijah taken alive into Heaven so as to appear again to announce the time of God’s salvation.

    That time had come.

    Did Peter, James and John understand this, probably not?

    However, as they witnessed the passion and crucifixion, the events of the all the miracles as well as the Transfiguration had to be some part of their ability to try and make some sense out of what they were experiencing in the moment.

    I know I have had miracles and visions in my life, and how I must from time to time remind myself that what I witnessed was real not just a figment of my imagination, yet sometimes while awaiting deliverance from some of life’s misery they dim from memory.

    The followers of Jesus not only witnessed the empty tomb but were given 40 days following the resurrection, the presence of Jesus with them. I would suppose to help prepare them for the coming events in their lives that for all would test their faith and cost them their lives.

    The Resurrection, all of our faith is placed in this selfless act from God Himself, and for all of us who have accepted it, we will never return to normal.


  4. BruceC says:

    Wonderful post my English brother!

    In my humble opinion; I think the return to normal may have something to do with our not being able to handle “ the supernatural highs” or emotional highs that sometimes occur in our lives as believers. Would we not in our mortal bodies begin to take it as commonplace? Could one imagine the reaction we would have in our fallen state to the miraculous happening all the time? I believe only our glorified bodies could handle that. From what I have read Heaven is always a miraculous place in a way.

    I read David Wilkerson’s devotional today and he spoke of how soon we forget those times in our lives when God intervened in a spectacular way. We do not need to look at those to base our faith; but rather His Holy Word and His promises.

    Good Friday and Easter services at our church put both my wife and I onto such a high spot in worship and we were truly blessed by the great sermons. But here it is Monday and that spot does not “feel” as high as it did. But He is concerned more with our faith; and not our fleeting emotions and feelings.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  5. rxman says:

    Steve, thanks for the info about the festival of Booths. I didn’t know that was why they wanted to put up tents.

    Reminds me of how we want to do things a certain way because “that’s the way we’ve always done it”. Sometimes God wants to break in and we don’t recognize it because we are too busy either with ritual or so concentrated on pleasing God or people we are with.

    Also,Mart, your comment about the “natural” was something I have been feeling lately. I have felt strangely out of place in the natural, physical world and more comfortable thinking about the “supernatural” realm. Like an alien in a strange land. Still trying to work through what it all means.

  6. injesusname says:

    It is interesting how the shoreline in my life has continued to change after being baptised in April 1987. Shortly after this event, I can only describe the Joy as “Overwhelming” and as time rolled on and that state of “transfiguration” faded; the old man began to creep back in trying to reset the borders in my life, to what they had been. Each time this would happen the conviction of the Holy Spirit would cause a storm in my soul. This would cause the shoreline in my life to be left with the debris like Mart witnessed at the lake. Spending time on my knees; the aftermath would be cleaned up and I would see only shades of what God wanted me to become. Each time the change was very gradual and now after 24 years I see I am allowing the Spirit to shape me, and return me to what I saw when I was first baptised! God showed me what it was like to be like in His presence, and now I am seeing it again! Only this time the old man can’t sabatoge my walk because he is being defeated! Jesus dying on the cross and ressurection, was Gods way of showing us that death was defeated; and as in the Day of the First Fruits (Pentecost) he’s showing us that we too can know beyond doubt that He tells us the truth. The Feast of Booths or Tabernacles goes for 7 days and it builds to the last day or Last Great Day signifies Jesus triumphant returning to earth and all of us being “ressurected” as well! And the shoreline in my life will be completely defined! No more storms, no more pain, no more disease, no more Satan! or his nature plaguing my life!!

    Blessings Dale,

  7. poohpity says:

    After the empty tomb and having not seen Jesus yet some of the disciples went back to what they knew, fishing. Having had a guide for three years then He was taken and all the questions they may have had they went back to the natural thing to do. They had no idea what they were to do next until the resurrected Christ came to reveal more to them.

    I think sometimes after conversion people may ask what do I do now? I think sometimes people think that they will turn into Jesus and demand such perfection of themselves they forget they are now looking at life through spiritual eyes with spiritual guidance but will never be Jesus.

    At the beginning of this journey with the Lord I thought it was going to be smooth sailing with no troubles or problems but I was joyfully mistaken. It is those changes in life that help promote growth and dependence on the Lord. The disciples had to become more dependent on the risen Savior although they could not see Him this is when the next step of faith came into action. This gift(faith) would be the big change that all further generations would cling to while still living in this dying world it is the one thing that sets us apart that we trust in an unchanging God.

  8. oneg2dblu says:

    Great comments today! We must all be in the “AFTER”
    Easter Spirit. Praise God!
    Pooh… I think that those who go back to their normal lives, like their fishing, wondering why?
    Are those who have “not yet” had the Holy Spirit “COME UPON” them! They may have their Salvation, but the Baptizm of the Holy Spirit, that all empowering, separate occurence,which happened in the upper room, had not yet happened.
    Once that indwelling spirit comes, it makes US the Tent, the Dwelling Place, and its constant presence changes our shoreline forever! Gary

  9. oneg2dblu says:

    That changes us from the inside out!

  10. poohpity says:

    That’s true Gary. I find that there are those who still, even after the Holy Spirit seals them still do not heed it’s call, direction and allow it to work in and through them. People still depend on their own strength which causes those attributes that are opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit.

  11. oneg2dblu says:

    Yes Pooh, I thought about the many souls who came forward during the call this weekend, knowing fuul well that many of those will not continue on in their new found faith. It is a fact, that most will fall away.
    What are we to think about for those?
    Were they never Saved? Did they move out of their seats for a worldly reason, or a true calling of the Spirit of the Lord upon their Souls?
    Is it not through their “future walk” that we will come to know, if the calling took?
    I believe, that Salvation is not a one time response, as much as it is a lifelong changing of one’s shoreline!!
    A tree does not produce fruit in a moment, it must live and breath, and be fed and cultivated, to produce its Best Fruit!
    So, it is with sinful man, as his shoreline creeps ever closer to Eternity, through the impending throes it encounters!

  12. annalisa says:

    What a lovely Easter Sunday service I went to yesterday, 4 Baptisms (2 married couples all older than their 50’s). Not surprising when people truly seeking God (they) find their way to Jesus there, at the center. Yet it is still a miracle to witness others come to know Christ & thereby receiving the Holy Spirit. Certainly, this is a change in the boundaries/shoreline of our character & being. Even though I cannot “see” the course of change that will take place as it happens, the Bible tells me I become a changed & new creature in Christ.

    We become passing of old ways & thinking to a disciple; new & eternal.

    In this lifetime, in this world, nothing is constant but change. We grow older, our physical form changes, relationships change & the passing or changing of things (seems to) prompt resistance. That’s all of this world…of this lifetime, a blink in context of eternity. What is constant… is all the glory of Gods love & Jesus’ sacrifice. Inconceivable His plans for (my) future; a by product of being finite. Trust, Faith & constantly being told to “fear not” are the choices I can be responsible for with His constant reassurance in His Word along with the Helper/ Spirit.

    Jesus appeared ahead of the Holy Spirit perhaps to reassure & comfort fears.

    At the start of the day yesterday I was feeling kinda of odd like caught between two worlds like my feet weren’t really touching the ground, spoke to a friend at church who said who said she feels that way often…”in this world…. but not of it”. Just mentioning it b/c after reading some of the replies today I gathered I’m not the only one with these feelings.

    At this point I’m rambling…today’s topic is a tough subject to articulate for me, anyway.

    Really, I just wanted to take an opportunity to Thank all of you who prayed for my son (& me too!)it really was encouraging & moving to me to read from those of you that did say so. This seems silly but something about it being written, is like, a permanent record of your pray requests. I’m grateful for love & compassion of one another here. Glory Be!! I hesitate to name names in Thanking you individually for fear of leaving one out, by mistake, but God knows, and I did/do appreciate it very, very much. (BTW he turns 12 tomorrow).

    All of you in my prayers as well. Poohpity praying for a speedy recovery from your surgery, and for the reminder that He is the Greatest one right there in our times of need, your share also reminds me “Be still & know, that I AM…God”.

  13. oneg2dblu says:

    When Christ said to the sinner next to him on the cross, knowing he was moments from death, “Today you will be with me in Paradise!”
    We may not hear those words spoken to us today, but they should become our norm, as we communicate daily with Our Lord, and the rest of the world, cannot Hear or See Him!
    To me we are already there, because like the sinner on the crossd…We Believe!

  14. annalisa says:

    True,true! Just caught up to the other comments… to bear fruit there’s the pruning process & we must be firmly planted & be nourished!!

    I find it easy to forget with all the pace of life today & all the distraction in this world/ temptations, when I’ve not exercised my mind with scripture notwithstanding my baptism into faith.

  15. poohpity says:

    I believe that there are some things that are just not in our hands and that is a persons heart after they first believe. God takes care of them and their hearts if I am always looking at those who fall away or those who just put their toes in to check the water or what ever another persons walk looks like then my eyes are not on Jesus, I am trying to be Jesus.

  16. poohpity says:

    I think we do ourselves and others an injustice by not realizing that we are still in our bodies and will not walk a perfect walk we are however in the process of change. Christ knows this and knows that we will fail and stumble but that is the reason we are covered by His blood. God no longer looks at us he looks at the work of His Son. That is why it is so very important to only look at who each of us are at the foot of the Cross, nobody else that is not our business it is God’s. God is in the business of being God and we are in the business of trusting Him to be God.

  17. poohpity says:

    annalisa, :-) that is my life verse. Psalm 46:10

  18. bec4jc says:

    If God uses everything for good, He uses change which is one thing we can count on happening in this Temporary life.

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… if we only “look at ourselves,” as you say, “at the foot of the cross.” Then, how do we spot a False Teacher?
    If we are not looking at them, and their fruit, they can lead us anywhere,including Outside the Will of God.
    Is it not “dependant upon us” to search out “ALL” we are being taught, and approve it, according to the Holy Scripture?
    Unless, one believes that there is no walking outside God’s Will, Once Saved, but Only Eternal Security. Really! Even to a False Teacher?
    Who are the one’s with a millstone tied around thier necks?
    Do they retain their Salvation as well?
    Or is Repentance still available to them?
    Or is Repentance, “not really needed” Once Saved?
    I wonder, and when I search out the scripture…
    It clearly says, we need to be always vigilant, lest we be led astray with fine sounding falsehoods, that open the door to allowing us our favored sin desires, without
    ever sacrificing Our Beloved Position of Salvation. That would be a License to Sin, for many! That would allow one to continue to walk their own way, Keep on Fishing if you will, and never follow again, and still be in God’s Will, Following Christ? Where is the Deny Self (our sin nature) Daily? What is the cross (burden)that we are to bare, if there is NO NEED FOR US TO CHANGE?
    You see, once you “open the door” of not caring about making changes, not caring about your sin, where does God’s Righteous Path, and your forever desiring to be found in your sin, come together as Following His Will?
    Is Disobedience rewarded, the same as Righteouness?
    King David knew better, He Repented, because he knew he was clearly Outside the Will of God. Saul did not!
    There is a lesson in there some where, for those who have Ears to Hear it…
    “A person hears only what they understand.” Geothe

    Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; but in all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your path’s straight.”

  20. poohpity says:

    False teachers and our place at the foot of the Cross are two different subjects. I am sure if you keep in the Word you will find answers to all the differing categories of your many questions. I do not feel capable of sorting through all of them and addressing each point. It is to confusing for me, I like to keep things simple.

  21. SFDBWV says:

    In Acts 2 we read that when the day of Pentecost was fully come, “they were all with one accord in one place”.

    “In one accord in one place.”

    Reading on to vs. 41-47; we see that the infant Church was in one accord and I use the idea that they are in one place in their heart.

    What was the result? They received the Holy Spirit and added to the Church daily.

    We read on in chapter 3 about Peter and John going to the temple and the very famous healing of the lame beggar and equally famous quote from Peter in vs. 6 “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I Thee:”

    Peter who had only several weeks earlier denied even knowing Jesus cowering in fear and hiding now along with John boldly going into the Temple and preaching the risen Christ.

    Neither Peter nor John ever returned to normal.

    However on the horizon the enemy watched and plotted action against Jesus. Though Jesus Himself had been killed, these followers of His were equally dangerous to the designs of evil.

    What happens when we the church are in one accord and of one mind? We add to the church and miracles happen.

    Who is it that comes against the church?

    What is the result when evil has his way in the affairs of Christ’s people? Instead of adding to the church, people fall away, instead of miracles there is doubt and confusion.

    How sad.

    Think of what we can accomplish for God through His Son, if we could lay down self and be of one accord again.

    Enjoying summer temperatures and delightful weather, beautiful sunrise this morning.


  22. poohpity says:

    I was reflecting this morning as I read about the many times that Israel was reminded of all that happened to get them along in their journey. All the miracles that happened but when it came to the everyday tasks of life those happenings faded when the days were just normal activities.

    It would be nice to see the little everyday miracles in our normal routines. Those, to me, are the times our faith can grow if we do not get side tracked and caught up in the drama that is either happening or that we cause. Everyday in “Returning to Normal” from a celebration we can think on how the Lord is there in this place, in this time, if we concentrate on Him in the mundane routine tasks of everyday living. Then everyday does not have to be just normal it can be another day to celebrate that we have a God who really cares in the moment by moment parts of our lives.

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… sorry about all those questions. I’ve been reading too many blog topics with multi-facetted questions! lately! LOL
    I really was not looking for answers, as much as just interjecting another perspective, from additional biblical references, and without using chapter and verse. But I am willing to share, the many verses that do stand in direct opposition to the Eternal Security teaching.
    Simple… Yes! Let’s keep it simple.
    Walk your Own Way… and you will not be “Following Jesus Christ,” (The Way),or anything other than you own desire, and Living Outside the Will of God!
    But you know all that already! Gary :)

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… my brother, by birth of a common mother, not the brother in Christ that I would desire him to be,
    although he goes to a church and calls himself a Christian, he says, that there is “more than one reality,” when he’s trying to always find ways to allow for his sin desires to go un-challenged by scripture.
    My answer is, “To me, there is “only one reality,” and that is… Only One Heaven, and Only One Hell, and Our Lifestyle Choices make for us, a “living testimony,” about which ONE we truly desire.
    He preferes his assessment to mine. He preferes, “His Inclusivity.” But, my reality is formed from the bible, “You will recognize them by their fruit!”
    Those are very powerful, JUDGEMENTAL WORDS, but they ring true as well, as they come for My Master! Gary

  25. poohpity says:

    Gary :-) hopefully we are all following Jesus. No thank you to the verses that stand in direct opposition to eternal security teaching. I believe that most of them are taken out of context anyway which is a topic that has already been discussed thoroughly in “Can Salvation Be Lost”. You can go back there and read both sides of the story. I believe that is where we first began to talk, right, so I do not want to go there again. I’ll pass.

  26. poohpity says:

    With your brother you might try rather than debating and arguing what Mart has suggested in the past 2 Tim 2:23-26.

  27. poohpity says:

    But the Holy Spirit will ultimately be your brothers guide to the truth and sometimes we can cause more harm than good.

  28. oneg2dblu says:

    All Paths, althought they may seem right to a man, do not Lead Us, to Our Salvation into Heaven, or keep us in the Will of God! Some, althought wide, and easily traveled, also Lead to Destruction! We must head the Warning Signs given to us in the Word of God, to protect us from ourselves! Our normal, must not also be as we “were found,” but it should become where we are now being directed, by the Holy Spirit living in us!
    That is, “Living in the After,”of where we ONCE WERE! Gary

  29. poohpity says:

    There may also be something you can learn from your brother.

  30. oneg2dblu says:

    Yes, and from you as well!
    But, I try to stay directed by the Word, more than by man’s self-seeking desire, to always be found excused from all Platant Disobedience.
    There are just too many verse that say there is a holding on, which I believe does not mean, holding on to you sinful ways, but a pressing on, a strong finish, an enduring, that is our place to aspire to, not of the flesh itself, but by the Spirit within US, IF WE LISTEN to it!
    In the wolrd? Yes! Of the world? Not on your life!
    Not on “His Life,” either, should we strive to remain unchanged!
    So, I do not stand to defend, “sinful man,” but rather a Holy God, Who Will Judge!

  31. bratimus says:

    Getting back to normal,

    I have a question

    What is normal?

    As Seal Christians to Christ, we are strangers in a broken world. We are starngers to family somethings, friends and nieghboors also. Matthew 13:53-58 is one example of this and Jesus speaks of this other times.

    Everyday is a day that the Lord has made, it should be a day of God’s Love that is Christ filled. This is not normal for the broken world.

  32. poohpity says:

    bratimus, I had to reread the post this morning to understand that Mart may have been directing us to consider the day after the celebration of the Risen Savior. Like going back to our everyday living activities, hence normal life not what we were before conversion. That was what I got out of it.

    Gary that would be nice if we just went by scripture but as said in an earlier post that you have been reading different blogs and other things that have lead you to believe the way you believe and ask the questions you asked.

  33. bratimus says:

    Christ is still risen today as He was on Easter Sunday, so is the celebration over of the risen Christ because a calender doesn’t have it marked as a day of celebration of the risen Christ.

    So what is normal?

  34. nezzar says:

    There have been so many changes in my life and faith that I can’t remember what normal is. I know that God has brought about growth in certain areas at certain times in my life and when that area seems to be going back to normal He brings about change in another area. Just so I don’t confuse anyone let me use the areas of growth and change from my life just as an example.

    Growth in worship to the point that I was in reckless abandon to worship my Lord.

    Crisis in faith almost turned my back on God.

    All the gifts of the spirit activate in me.

    disillusion with my church.

    Hunger and thirst for the truth.

    Bible study Verse memorization oh my.

    Falling away for a time. (not losing my faith just not actively persuing God.)

    Given many profound truths though the direct revelation of God.

    Having my flesh Killed (to some degree.) did not feel good so I’m glad that didn’t last long, but I know it needs to continue. Just don’t like it.

    Doing word studies that I used to hate but now find joyous.

    Reading poohpity’s comment I am reminded of the verse “For we beholding as in a mirror the glory of The Lord are being transformed from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” I believe that is I Cor 3:18 (please correct me if I’m wrong.) Our job is to look to Jesus, and it is the Holy spirits Job to change our hearts, we do not perfect our own hearts, we merely look to Him and let him do the perfecting. Yes we must resist sin and sometimes that can be very difficult and require all our effort. God is the one to change our hearts to want sin and the things of this world less. As we allow the love of Jesus to fill our hearts, the love for this world gets pushed out. It is a gradual process that we can’t hurry. “I will drive them out from before you little by little lest the beasts of the earth become too numerous for you.” In the new testament that verse is about pride.

    I am amazed at the changes that Jesus has brought about in my life and my faith not just in how far He has brought me, but in the variety of areas that He has worked on. I guess my point is that I don’t even know what normal is anymore nor do I want to return. I look in wonder at what God will do next. I still have so far to go, and I don’t know how to get there, but He does, so for now I will let Him do the changing as I just sit and watch.

  35. poohpity says:

    I guess normalcy is in the eyes of each person to determine, if they can. :-) What is normal for one may not be normal for another. Like Mart’s bog one day it was as it has been “normal” then the next time he saw it, it was not the same “normal” so now it has a different norm.

    Are you still celebrating the Risen Savior today? Is it something you do everyday? Is it still something you embrace as you once did?

  36. nezzar says:

    Has anyone else notice the Guy on the red sign that needs to be saved?

  37. nezzar says:

    I celebrate the risen savior every chance I get. I am absolutely passionate about my risen Lord and I can’t even read my bible in a group setting with out chocking up. I am more passionate every moment and care less and less about who sees me with tears in my eyes as the Lord stirs me up. I’m a man I’m not supposed to cry. I don’t care.

  38. nezzar says:

    Not as I once did. More! There are a lot of valleys in the list above, but I needed to get through those to get to the higher peaks.

  39. poohpity says:

    Amen, brother!!

  40. oneg2dblu says:

    What is normal for one, is to be avoided at all cost to another. What is normal for me today, would never have been acceptable to me before, my accepting Christ, but after… it becomes a normal, and even that, soon changes, as God grows us continually.
    Remeber your first drag on a cigarette? It may have made you cough, or even get sick to your stomach. You didn’t really like the taste either, but you were detremined to have it in your life, so it, soon becomes your normal.
    It is the same for conquering that created addiction,
    refusing it is also very difficult, but soon becomes your normal.
    When your living in your own way, the things of God
    are not your normal, unless you are also deceived or falsely taught that “your normal” does not matter to God!
    Then, you go on living your own way, and not seeing that you are “Outside the Will of God,” which does not want the desires of the flesh, which oppose the things of the Spirit, to be your normal.

  41. oneg2dblu says:

    Most things are not normal. Even 98.6 is not normal for all humans. So, a range of acceptabilties, have to be formed by those who must detremine if you are in your normal, for your range. That normal for you, is only found through repeated testing, of you. I believe that very same thing, or process is what God does for us, and to us, to see if our normal Faith Response, has changed to be for Him!
    He, God, once flooded the world, because the “normal” was not within His Acceptable Range! He, God, once confused the languages of people, because their normal language, and what it brought about, was also not within His Acceptable Range!
    His Word Alone, defines for us what He will, and will not, Tolerate. Our normal, had better change to be as close to His Word, as we “even in our flesh” must constantly guard against, drifting away from, and work out!
    Sitting back and watching to world go by it’s normal,
    blending and bending for the populous, may not be what the, “All for Christ Range,” really looks like.
    Too many Christians look just like the world, on Monday
    through Saturday, and only look the part on Sunday. That part, could well be, Beyond the Aceptable Range!

  42. peterpugliese says:

    When thinking about returning to normal I think of the disciples on the Emmaus Road. [Lk. 24] What was normal to them? They were prepared to give up on everything they believed in and return to life as they knew it before Jesus came into their lives. They lost sight of everything Jesus said and did. They forgot all they knew as revealed by the prophets. Jesus joined them on the road and by asking questions that mattered brought them back to reality. As I reflect on this passage I ask myself isn’t this me at times? How often do I lose sight of reality? As He revealed Himself truth came to light. Thankfully just as Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples He does so with me. My heart is open to the Holy Spirit’s nudging even when the flesh is weak and caught up in the world. It’s then that I find myself thinking about Christ’s journey from Palm Sunday until Easter and the intensity I experienced while journeying with Him all the way to the empty tomb. The joy that is experienced is overwhelming, then comes the Monday after; where are my thoughts? What’s normal? What’s normal is realizing Christ victory over sin and death and living in His victory which was completed for me. To live this way trusting in faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ this is what’s normal.


  43. phpatato says:

    I’ve enjoyed reading all your comments.

    Normalcy can lead to complacency. Complacency can be a bad thing. Each day, we should strive for change, even if it’s ever so slight. For without it, how can we become more like Jesus?

    On another note: My husband Philip and I would appreciate your prayers. He goes in for major surgery tomorrow morning. He has a hernia (about the size of a small watermelon) at the sight of his stoma opening (he had cancer surgery 10 years ago and has a permanent colostomy). They are going to mesh the hernia and close the stoma opening to reroute it to the other side of his stomach.


  44. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Off topic…
    Hope all is well with you. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m a day late and a dollar short. Life just seemed to be going a little faster than I wanted it to, so I decided to strive for more discipline and structure in my day (I can do all things through Christ…). Was also feeling tired all the time, so I started taking a vitamin regularly, and I feel better now. :) Was catching up on some of the previous blog topics today, and was blessed and encouraged by what I read.

    Bob, the view from your window (on a previous blog topic) is beautiful! Thanks to all (who share your thoughts in this blog) for sharing your life with me. Partly sunny and rainy in Texas today.

    Blessings to all,

  45. Jason says:

    Hi Pat, I am praying for Philip’s health and quick recovery and praying for you as well.

    God bless

  46. royalpalm says:

    Hello, all… Thanks for all the posts I praise God for His work in you and me and the assurance that He will bring to a glorious completion what He has started in our lives… What a joyous day it would be when we are gathered together before the throne of the Lamb!(Rev. 7:9)

    Regarding Matt’s comment that after a profound experience of God’s presence, the moment is soon gone…and we are back to “natural and normal”…

    Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Matt. 5:8) I believe that a person who has a righteous heart, by virtue of his faith, will always see God even in the “ordinary” things or events.But are there really “ordinary things/situations” in the hand of our sovereign and almighty God for whom all things have their being?

    It is our sinful nature that prevents us from seeing the glory of a holy God. Jesus performed many miracles to prove His words about Himself. Some believed and others did not. The skeptics asked for more signs. Jesus called them hypocrites, wicked, and adulterous.(Matt 16:1-4).

    God has given us His word and His Holy Spirit to confirm and reassure us of the truth and His presence. We do not have to sense/perceive to believe… God wants us to think -so He gave us His word to read, study, ponder and meditate and it is our knowledge that leads to faith. (That is why we have to be careful of “visual” representations of the Scriptures because it is “tainted” with sinful man’s interpretations).

    Nezzar, thanks for quoting the verse , which is one I also like. It is from 2 Cor 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” In the same way, please correct me if I misquote the Scriptures.

  47. foreverblessed says:

    Annalisa wrote on april 25 11:57 am:
    In this lifetime, in this world, nothing is constant but change. We grow older, our physical form changes, relationships change & the passing or changing of things (seems to) prompt resistance. That’s all of this world…of this lifetime, a blink in context of eternity. What is constant… is all the glory of Gods love & Jesus’ sacrifice. Inconceivable His plans for (my) future; a by product of being finite. Trust, Faith & constantly being told to “fear not” are the choices I can be responsible for with His constant reassurance in His Word along with the Helper/ Spirit.

    This was on my computer screen, my son came, with one of those rare moments where a child shares things of life, and just the above was to read for him.
    Pray for my son that he will see Jesus is the Rock of ages, whatever choices he makes in life. There is one COnstant Factor, the Alpha and the Omega, and we are in His Hands if we choose for Him.

  48. foreverblessed says:

    Pat, your husband Philip is in my prayer, my mother is having a surgery right now, her left hip will be replaced. Please pary for her, and the recovery period too. The hospital want to sent her home in 5 days, and she lives alone. They want to send a nurse just to help her in and out of bed. Because she is a fit old lady.
    I could help her out, but to be many weeks away from my own home…
    Pray that a place will be found for her in a recovery home.

    Tomorrow I will be on a trip to Germany with my choir. The flash mob of the Hallelujah chorus in a shopping mall which Mart gave us last november, I send it to my choir, and they liked the idea so much: We are going to do the same thing in a shopping mall in Germany on friday evening. We have been learning the Hallelujah chorus from the Messiah by heart.

    The kingdom of this world
    has become
    the Kingdom of our Lord,
    and of His Christ
    and of His Christ.
    .. and He shall reign for ever and ever
    King of Kings and Lord of Lords

  49. foreverblessed says:

    Back to normal, I would like to give my part here, after the High of the service for the Risen Christ. It was so upon a High hill.
    Back to normal, I had a dream, I was talking to my mother on the phone, and suddenly I changed into praying like I would pray to God, only me talking. I woke up, and the first thought was how would my mother feel, just me talking to her, no converation, and the next thought was: O dear, is that how God feels this too, just me talking to Him, and I am not listening?
    Back to normal? I am trying to listen now, while praying. Kind of a hard thing to master..

  50. nezzar says:

    foreverblessed I always say that if your God doesn’t speak to you then He ether does not exist, isn’t listening, or you’re not listening to Him. This is in no way meant to be a put down. But I rejoyce whenever I hear of someone wanting to listen to God. I think Psalm 25 may help. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear anything right away It took me 10 yrs before I got a specific verse to read from Him. It is a gradual proses of hearing more and more clearly from him. The best aid of course is the bible. I encourage anyone and everyone to ask Jesus what He wants them to read from His word. You know its Him when It makes sence and is relevant to what you are going through right now. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear clearly right away. I once thought that He asked me to read Jerimiah 64. Look that one up and you will see how I know that I wasn’t hearing clearly that day. However I do know that He speaks to me, because He has given me specific books and chapters to read that saved my life, and made tough times more bearable. And He has given me things to say to people that helped them come to saving faith in Him. Just don’t ever give up and if things get tough listen harder. I know That He WILL speak to you.

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