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Open Field and Posts

Am on the road for a while.

Not sure when or how often I’m going to be able to post over the next week.

But do want you to meet some friends I’ve met along the way.

In the mean time please use this site to stay in touch with one another…

Don’t try to read too much into the pictures :-)…

The only thing that’s coming to mind right now is that when we read what the Bible says about our Good Shepherd…

…can be an occasion to think about why that’s exactly what we need…


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62 Responses to “Open Field and Posts”

  1. florida7sun says:

    God bless you Mart. Wherever you go He delights being with you. In looking at the sheep in the protected field, I noticed the feeding trough in the distance. Thank you and your team for providing Our Daily Bread and much to ponder in our hearts.

  2. bubbles says:

    Love the sweet sheep picture.

    Mart, hope you have a safe trip.

    {Don’t read too much into the pictures! Hehehe ;) I see why you wrote that!!!!}

    Your thoughts, Mart, brought to mind Ps. 23 right away.
    What a sweet and precious Psalm it is! It is a small Psalm with many treasures there for us. The names of God help me understand Him better.

    In Psalm 23, God tells us He is our Jehovah-Rohi: He is our shepherd. He feeds us and warns us.
    He is our Jehovah-Jireh: He is our provider. He provides us with what we need and he provided us with Jesus.
    He is our Jehovah Shalom: He gives us peace.
    He is our Jehovah Rophe: He heals and restores us.
    He is our Jehovah Shammah: He is there. He gives us comfort and friendship.
    He is our Jehovah-Nissi: He is our banner of protection.
    And at the end of the Psalm, He gives us the sweet and precious promise of our home in Heaven with Him someday.

    This Psalm makes me feel loved. I wonder if He gave this to us because He knew we need to “feel” loved as well as “know” it in our minds. This Psalm is like a feather-down comforter.

    He is all we need. :) God is SO good!

  3. davids says:

    Bubbles, thank you for that enlightening reply.

    Mart, bon voyage!

  4. poohpity says:

    Yes, bubbles, that was wonderful.

    Mart have a safe, enjoyable journey. Praying all is well with you.

  5. scout1 says:

    Hey Mart! Great pictures! I hope you are making another Day of Discovery program -however -I’m sure a well deserved vacation would be nice as too! In either case, safe journeys and tells us all about your adventures when you return.

    Also, where ever you are -the green grass and the beautiful trees are just amazing. I really like that picture. Keep clickin’ camera dude! :)

  6. BruceC says:


    God be with you and bless you on your trip and may His hand be with you in everything you do.

    The pictures remind me that we all need boundaries in oue life set by Someone Who knows better than we what is good for us, and Someone who cares more than we comprehend. Reminds me also that we all have a “place” in life that is chosen by the Shepherd to serve Him and bring glory to His Name!!

    Mart, Just wanted to let you know that the painting of the owl (remember the pic I sent to you) was accepted at a local art show and really came as a surprise. I pray that it will get sold.

    Soli Deo Gloria

  7. tha.khoza says:

    wow. i simply love reading your comments guys. its so amazing and weirdly comforting that some of us are thousands of kilometers apart (i’m in zimbabwe) but we all have one thing in common – Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. All your comments are always refreshing. many thanks guys! travel mercies to you mart.

  8. joemk says:

    I like your new friends Mart, you must be travelling in the beautiful green country!

    Looking at the sheep and thinking of a good shepherd takes me to my growing up, looking after cattle and goats and sheep as a kid. and the most striking thing to me in that relationship of sheep and a shepherd is the complete dependence of the sheep on a shepherd. the sheep do not know where dangers may be, they don’t know where grass may be most green (we used to drive the animals many miles away in the wild in search of good pasture), the sheep didn’t even know where water would be when they were thirsty. and so out there in the wild, the sheep are totally dependent on the shepherd for their safety and well-being. one thing the sheep knew is the identity of the shepherd and when in familiar areas, they would know their way back home.

    and a regular shepherd’s job is to make sure the animals are safe and well-fed, but a good shepherd is more than that – it’s one who is totally committed to the flock, and wants the very best for each of the sheep. and so its greatly comforting for me to know that as one of His sheep, Jesus is not just a shepherd but a good and able shepherd looking out for me, wanting the very best for me! and all I have to do is obey him.

  9. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… thanks for leaving us, “the ninety-nine” and searching for those other places, to bring other lost one’s into the fold.
    We will all be listening for your voice, that directing spirit you give us, when you challege us will new teritory! Prayers for Traveling Mercies are all we can provide now that you have departed. Feeling Loved, yet?Gary :)

  10. nezzar says:

    Sheep are cute, but dumb. Some sheep may be slightly smarter than others, but they are all dumb. If you don’t believe me just see the comment above, and the blank stares they give the cammara. Always good to remind myself that I’m Just another dumb sheep and shouldn’t think myself too smart. Pride is my worst enemy.

    Mart I pray Jesus gives you traveling mercies, and inspires you further for blog topics and whatever other projects you have cooking. Have fun too it’s not all work.

  11. dussmiller says:

    The ram has such an intelligent somewhat yearning look

  12. foreverblessed says:

    TO leave the 99 and go after the one sheep. Today, my husband is going to visit an old friend, who left church and became spiritual therapeut, (regression therapist). Just a visit to say hello. He is on business in Antwerp, a few blocks away from where they live. This morning I had the church housegroup, and I asked a prayer for them, for my husband and for my friend. While praying, one of the ladies got a vision, it looked like a birth, but is was a person who was drawn out of a slimy pit in the ground. SHe never had such visions, and was a little suprised, so the vision was short. But she told us anyway, and I am so relieved, God goes after the one sheep.
    How great is our God.
    He cares for the lost. And I hope we are ready to do whatever God wants us to do, and specifically for myself, that I put myself in His hands, because He leads me, what to do and what not to do. Phil 1:9-11

  13. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed…that story of leaving the ninety-nine,
    always is reasuring to me, for what it does not say, and that is, the shepherd knew he could leave the ones who would listen, for they were under his protection. But, the wandering, and lost one, is the one who needed both rescue,and protection. Also, no one accept the owner, the good shepherd, would care that much for them, for the hirelings never would go the extra step, even to their own suffering, for just one worthless little sheep. But, the owner, the good shepherd, knew the real value of each one that was lost, and He was willing to risk all for them! :)

  14. poohpity says:

    If any of you have the time there is a pamphlet in the Discovery Series titled “What Is Real Love?” that will bless your socks off if you wear them, lol. I hope you will take the time to read it.

  15. royalpalm says:

    Mart, we pray for a safe and enjoyable trip for you …thanks for the pictures; though I sometimes see sheep from a distance this is my first close encounter…(I notice that the two sheep are waiting for their shepherd )
    Bubbles, thanks for reminding us of God’s loving kindness,tender mercies, and wonderful promise expressed in Psalm 23, along with our heavenly Father’s names.

    Reading joemk’s post, makes me think again of the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15. As joemk wrote from personal experience- a sheep does not possess the “smarts” to find its food or to be able to come home. And it is defenseless so it has to be totally dependent on its shepherd…

    Isaiah 53:6 wrote,”All we like sheep have gone astray …” – the sheep represents all of us- however wise we think of ourselves, we cannot find true spiritual food or find our way home without Jesus, our true shepherd. And we are completely defenseless without His protection. The good shepherd bids us to listen to his voice and follow him to peace, safety, and rest…May each of us totally depend on our good Shepherd today.

  16. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Just stopped by to say hello. Hope all is well with you all. Very overcast and Spring rain in Texas today (81 D High/64 D now). Amazing lightning strikes and my electricity was off for about 5 min., and it came right back on. Looking forward to reading this new blog topic.

    Love to all,

  17. poohpity says:

    I do not feel that anything that God created is worthless. Everything and everybody has purpose even sheep. As far as being dumb they are smart enough to know who looks after them and trust completely their shepherd, that sounds pretty smart to me. ;-)

  18. bubbles says:

    And they are good at following their shepherd. They teach human beings a lesson without speaking.

  19. nezzar says:

    Guess I’m even dumber than a sheep

  20. christinal says:

    Have a good journey!

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Interesting, Mart said not to make too much of his pictures yet that is all that has been discussed. I would suppose the movie Babe should have hinted at us that just because we don’t speak sheep only means we are not as smart as they.

    Nezzar, anyone in the military should be able to relate to being led around in circles with no idea what is going on. At best the sheep are led to water or food, at worst they are led to the slaughter.

    I have been under the pressures of work here at home and in my community, it has been a nice little rest from the blog but I do miss the time I get to spend with all of you.

    It is supposed to rain for the next few days, but the last few have been beautiful and as such mandates outside chores. The lilacs are now in full splendor here, when they wane what is left of my rhododendron will be in bloom. I have two styles of lilac the light and the dark purple; I also have two types of rhododendron, purple and red.

    It is interesting how the bumblebees are attracted to the flower colors of blue and purple, as the honey bees work more of the yellows and reds.

    Anyway my back yard is a buzz with bees and awash with color. Spring is good.


  22. poohpity says:

    Well if I make to much of the pictures then I will have to say that that one animal is sticking it’s tongue out, giving raspberries to the on looker, lol. Brings the kid out in a person don’t it, if there is any left.

  23. InHisHands says:

    Oh, I so miss lilacs – my grandparents farm has a whole hedgerow of them in the front of the farm. They have always been my favorite flower. Hard to grow in the desert ( hard to find in the desert) –

  24. annalisa says:

    Mart your insights & challenges are surely missed though you have my prayers for a Blessed, delightful & rested trip! Just wanted to stop in as well. Bubbles that was beautiful; so true.

    Nezzar I thought the same, how dumb I am like a sheep, UNTIL it was said, they’re smart enough to know who looks after them, Guess I too am dumber ;)

    Seemly, I am one who needs continual discipline of thoughts of mind, not to stray/ be distracted. And I like being reminded by John 1:3-5 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.

    My tasks are in practice of vigilance for discerning or being fooled by a “stranger’s” voice. Fortunately for me my heart in His Hands!!

    Thanking God for all of you, & may His Blessing abound you this day.

  25. SFDBWV says:

    Yes pooh the she sheep has her tongue out, in what looks like a display of disgust, but what do you make of that stare from the ram? I have noticed the same look from several people I know. Aside from the same brilliant stare I also think they have the same bone structure about their head….

    InHisHands, Your grandparents knew that without the bees that vegetable garden isn’t going to produce, they got the best of the deal, beauty, wonderful aroma and the bees to do their specialty of pollinating. Enjoy the memory, sorry I can’t send the aroma.

    Back to work for me, I hope all have a good day.


  26. poohpity says:

    The ram looks a little high to me. Like someone woke him from his nap and he is disorientated, lol.

    All this talk about the Good Shepherd really has given me so much to think about. If I trust myself in the hands of the Good Shepherd then why would I be so concerned and grieved about the things around me. I would really enjoy feeling like the lambs that leap through the air in glee and rejoicing. I remember how I felt when I was young that my parents would take care of everything it would be so very nice to think that way about my Good Shepherd but now it seems like I have got to have control because if I am honest with myself I really do not trust God with everything. Some really good things to think about.

    Do I really trust my life in the hands of the Good Shepherd? Do I have to feel in control to not be out of control?

  27. bratimus says:

    I think the ram is starting to stair back at me

  28. poohpity says:

    Oooh Noo bratimus I wonder what that means. lol.

  29. oneg2dblu says:

    Bratimus… stop starring it is not very polite, unless you also hold your tongue out, then they will assume your just another dumb sheep. BAAAAD Joke :(
    I think the “horney one” is smiling, I wonder where his mind is? The other one, is saying BAAAA, which in tongues means, he just heard lamb is quite tastey with mint jelly! …Help Me, I’m drownding here! LOL Gary

  30. poohpity says:

    Well talk about not being appropriate. Obviously where your mind is. ;-0 I am not even going to throw you a life preserver for that one. You just lost your salvation.

  31. bubbles says:

    It looks like a certain post should be mediated and removed.

  32. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… you are judging again? What were you thinking?My salvation is not your decission dear one. If you view my jokular attempts as being anything inappropraite, it is becaues “you” have thought about them in that way. Not me! They are but jokes, and you are looking for something else within them. Sorry, if I offended anyone here, it was not my intention, and you should know at least that much about me by now! Dear sister in Christ, I thought you stood by the Once Saved Always Saved Doctrine, but I’m may be wrong on that as well! Let’s not waste our time judging other’s intentions, but focus rather on the Cross. You have taken muy comments, jokes, “Out of Context!” Gary

  33. marma says:

    Has anyone thought of Isaiah 53:6? I like it that Isaiah say “We all like sheep have gone astray” it is very inclusive…none of us is left out.

    And the rest of the verse is so amazing, too.

    “The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”

    How wonderful…we stray…He saves. What a wonderful God we have!

  34. foreverblessed says:

    marma, that is such a profound scripture. All of us! ANd each in his own way. Sometimes you tell a person your struggle, and then often the answer is: I do not have such a problem…
    I have to remoind myself when people tell me their problems, that I do not think myself, well I have none like that. Rather I should remember I have my own weakness.
    And Jesus knows us all, and still loves us! He sees what we will become. And lately I often ask: let me see others as You see them, washed and clean, all sin removed.

    (that verse is part of the Messiah by Handel.)

  35. SFDBWV says:

    The Mississippi river is experiencing historic flooding as a result millions of people are affected. Seen last evening where the Army Corp of Engineers are going to open flood gates and flood farmland and the homes of a few thousand people in order to maybe prevent worse flooding again in New Orleans.

    If I were one of the farmers that were purposely going to be flooded, I might be pretty upset.

    I look at the matter and I see that the farmland to be flooded is where our food is grown, yet in larger cities is where the most population is.

    What a dilemma for the Corp.

    Also I must remember that it was back in the great depression that our government took on the task of building levies and dams in order to stop annual flooding along the Mississippi. Yet I read long ago that the Corp of Engineers lied about the gallon flow in the Mississippi at the time saying it was less than it actually was.

    The reason being that congress would never approve the cost of building levies and dams that would be required at the real numbers, so lying about the numbers and making the cost lower was their goal.

    They figured something is better than nothing.

    They created a worse mess than simply telling the truth.

    Sin always comes with a consequence; even after being forgiven we are left with the results that sin creates.

    The people of the south nearly forgotten now still suffer from the tornado destruction, the people along the Mississippi and its tributaries are slowly watching their homes and lives being flooded, the fires in west Texas, there just seems to be one catastrophe after another.

    As a nation we should be led to repent and revival. I have read where for the sake of one God would not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, We Christians here in the USA need to fast and pray for our country, because to do so is to pray for our fellow countrymen.

    Dense fog this morning in the mountains of West Virginia.


  36. nezzar says:

    Reading the posts above I am reminded of a time a few years back when a fellow Christian was asked about the names of actresses in certain movies. He answered the questions without even a pause too think. Maybe you’ll understand my consternation when I tell you that they were asking about porno movies, and I had given them up a few years before and had to be delivered from that sin by the hand of God. At that time I was stuggelling not to go back and refusing to look no matter who tried to show it to me. I was angry, but did not speak because I knew that it would be just my flesh speaking not the Spirit of God. I prayed about it for two or three days. Finally God showed me that while my mouth was horrible and I cursed like a soldier, he never did. Not one crass word. This was God’s way of showing me that we both had weaknesses and streangths that could be used to help each other or tear each other down. Neather one of us was better than the other, just different. We later broke fellowship for other reasons, but the lessons Jesus taught me stuck with me.

  37. florida7sun says:

    Something to enjoy. It’s National Fruit Cocktail Day.

    Fruit comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Each is a special delight, as are loving people.

    Our sweetness is found in the Lord Jesus. In clinging to Him, He sustains us and ripens us to perfection.

    Stay connected to Him. Do not become separated from the sustenance received through His Word and prayer. In doing so, the enemy seeks a foothold of rot in transforming adoration of Our Lord and Savior to that of an idol of our own making.

    The beauty of abundant living is in the freshness of His Spirit.

    Enjoy the fellowship of one another in Christ and savor some fruit cocktail.

    Heat records being set with 96 yesterday.

  38. SFDBWV says:

    National fruit cocktail day??? Well why not; are the banks and post offices closed? It seems to be the best of all days when the government shuts down and leaves life to its own control, even if just for a day.

    I always make my own fruit salad; pears, peaches, apples, halved red grapes, bananas, and blueberries.

    You could take fruit cocktail and just add whatever ingredients you like, but I enjoy the preparation and creativity of cooking or the making of salads.

    On a lighter subject, one can see the similarities between fruit cocktail and any group of people be it a country or the church; a mixture of all sorts of people comprising one people.

    Certainly there should be a “Fruit of the Spirit Day” as these are the best of all fruits and the ones we are allowed to covet and desire without feeling guilty.


  39. nezzar says:

    Oh, the weather.

    Warm and dusty. For those who may not know what dusty means; imagine a fog where you cant see more than 100 meters. Now imagine that “fog” is dry dust. The good thing about it is that it is 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. Today its only 94.

  40. SFDBWV says:

    Thinking about nezzar’s comment reminded me of a fellow Christian I met a few years ago who had told me he was freed of the habit of swearing. Sad to say that he thought that the defining moment of his conversion.

    My son Matthew never swore, never and to this day won’t. I admire that in him as I cannot make the same statement about myself.

    I never liked pornography, never. I was always repulsed by it; I am speaking of hard core pornography. Like most any man I did enjoy the milder form as pin up girls and such, but gave that up once I had become a Christian and especially once I became a father.

    However when I became a foster parent to a young teenage girl who had been abused by her father, I realized that even what seems as mild pornography is still dangerous to those who are unable to control their urges.

    It would seem that whatever are our weaknesses is the area where we are attacked, only the full armor of God can protect us while we continue to change our hearts to have no interest in any vices that take away from our witness for Christ.


  41. nezzar says:

    Amen Steve

  42. poohpity says:

    Gary, I did take the “horney one” to mean something else but I can see the error and it was intended the ram with horns. The other part I was just teasing you. Forgive me for misunderstanding your intent.

  43. poohpity says:

    I was also thinking about King David. He was brought up being a shepherd and that job trained him to be a warrior. Jesus referred to himself as the “Good Shepherd” in John 10 but will also come back as a warrior.

  44. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Nice pics. Interesting the symbolism scripture puts to these animals. Yes, we are so much like sheep. So helpless and hopeless in ourselves. So thankful for the good Shepherd, and for under shepherds. And that Jesus actually is identified so closely with us as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. Out of that salvation, I was reminded today, comes the following in discipleship. The cross as our salvation, and then our own to carry in the way of Jesus together for the world.

    I so much appreciate your postings, and need to get here more often–like everyday. And the fellowship here is really good. One of love and truth in Jesus.

  45. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… there is always several meanings to words, and some get us all in trouble as those have. Sorry, for using such closely misinterpreted choices. I should have said the goofy one with the blue eyes and the shaggy hair cut!
    Forgiving you is easier that not forgiving, because if I can not forgive, I can not love either! I read that piece on Love, very good stuff! It helped me in many areas. Thank you :)

  46. dja says:

    I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks. Sometimes when I’m struggling through things, it’s hard for me to write. All I can say is that the Lord is over all, and I am so thankful to be His child.

    Following is a wonderful poem that I always taught my first and second graders. I thought of it when reading this blog:-)

    The Lamb by William Blake

    Little Lamb, who made thee?
    Dost thou know who made thee?
    Gave thee life, and bid thee feed,
    By the stream and o’er the mead;
    Gave thee clothing of delight,
    Softest clothing, woolly, bright;
    Gave thee such a tender voice,
    Making all the vales rejoice?
    Little Lamb, who made thee?
    Dost thou know who made thee?
    Little Lamb, I’ll tell thee,
    Little Lamb, I’ll tell thee.
    He is called by thy name,
    For He calls Himself a Lamb.
    He is meek, and He is mild;
    He became a little child.
    I a child, and thou a lamb,
    We are called by His name.
    Little Lamb, God bless thee!
    Little Lamb, God bless thee!

    InHisHands: I continue to pray for Josh and John. Pooh: Praying for your son. Hope things are better for him.
    Steve: Matthew is always in my prayers.

    May I ask for prayer for my son’s girlfriend, Denise. She was in a bad motorcyle accident (she has been riding since she was a child). Her bike malfunctioned and she was thrown 100 feet. Thankfully, she was wearing a helmet, but she will be having hip surgery and there’s damage to her knee plus other injuries. Some of you have prayed for my son, Sean, in the past for which I am so thankful. I ask that you pray with my husband and I that the Lord will use this to bring him back and to not only heal Denise but also to bring her to Christ.

  47. poohpity says:

    Della, please let us know when you are struggling you do not need to share what it is about but please let us know so we can pray for you. As a parent knowing how much our heart breaks for our children always reminds me of how the Lord must feel about us during the things He watches us go through. The one thing that he can see that we can not is the heart of our child but being their parent we have learned to know them and remember that that child is still in that grown up. Will continue to pray for Sean and will add Denise. Really enjoyed the poem.

  48. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Don’t think I’ve ever seen a sheep’s face that close before (..didn’t go to the zoo that often (can only remember a couple of visits) when I was a child). Their eyes look so strange…kind of “other worldly.” They look like marbles…like they’re just there for decoration.

    Sunny and cool in Texas today (64 degrees right now).

    ps. I’m going to have a 2nd interview (sometime this month/not sure what day) for a Teaching position (full-time) at a Christian private school, and I’m asking all who feel led to pray with me/for me to remember me in prayer (that God’s will will be done in my life).

    Love to all,

  49. SFDBWV says:

    Della, thank you so much for remembering us in your prayers. I fully understand not feeling like writing while you are dealing with the troubles of life, sometimes we feel like just doing nothing but resting and not thinking at all when deep in our struggles.

    However the struggle is still there and has to be met, so through a combination of effort on our part God and some comfort from friends we move forward.

    It is a dark trail when we don’t have friends that can sometimes just listen, that is the best of friends, someone who will just listen and let you cry.

    I would like to think that is the one thing we can offer here in this meeting place is a sympathetic ear with out judgment or condemnation.

    You have our prayers for Denise and Sean as well as for you and your family.

    Regina, I am praying you get the right job that God wants you to have.

    Foggy damp and cool in the mountains this morning, 54 degrees.


  50. dja says:

    Thank you Pooh and Steve for your encouragement and your prayers. Thank you for praying for Denise and Sean. We wait in hope for the Lord’s work in them.

    While I kept up reading the blog, I just could not seem to get the words typed out. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed me with a very caring and understanding husband, and he knows that sometimes I just need to be quiet and let the Lord work these things out inside me.

    It’s always amazing to me how the Lord works in situations when we call out to Him. I often get churned up inside and forget “be still and know that I am God”. I need to do immediately what Proverbs 3:5&6 tell us to do with everything, but I sometimes tend to lean on my own understanding which vs. 3 tells us not to do.

    I just turned 65 last week and have so much to be thankful for. There have been some hard times, but these times have brought us closer to the Lord. Recently, my husband and I have been going through boxes and boxes of papers, cards, memorabila, etc-tossing some and sorting through and repacking others. It’s been a trip down memory lane-sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes bitter memories. All this plus some issues at church attributed to my low spirits, but I am so thankful that the Lord didn’t let me stay there. What a wonderful Father we have!

    Regina: I am praying for you. I taught at 2 different Christian Schools. I was teaching for 7 years at the last Christian school when it closed. That was a sad day. I would not have retired at age 62 if the school had remained open. I loved teaching, but after it closed I taught adult ed. in the public school system for 5 years. I loved working with the adults, but the state paper work and the unethical practices were very upsetting. Teaching in a good Christian school is such a blessing, Regina. May the Lord be with you as you go to your interview, and as you wrote, may God’s will be done in your life.

    A rainy, dreary day in NEPA – a good day to get some inside work accomplished and get ready for tomorrow, the Lord’s Day!

  51. bubbles says:

    Regina~ I’ll pray for you also. I taught in a Christian school for 16 years. It was a blessing to be able to pray with the students every morning. I loved sitting in chapel and hearing the little ones recite the catechism for that week. It was a blessing.
    You will enjoy yourself there.

  52. InHisHands says:

    Della – Thank you so much for your continued prayers, and please know I do pray for you and your family as well. May this be exactly what Sean and Denise need to draw them to the LORD, to be in fellowship with HIM.

    Regina – I also pray for you (and all those here at BTA), but will be more specific now that I know the need. Though my knowing isn’t necessary, for God knows all our needs, but sometimes it is so nice to have a specific need to pray for – so we can be blessed when God answers those prayers.
    I too, worked in a Christian School and it is such a blessed to be where you can share God without fear of annimosity. I have been asked often why I don’t get a *teaching certificat* for California, instead of IAing, but Della answered that best – the regulations and unethical environment is to much to deal with. As an IA, I still get to work with the students and even share my faith – not as stressful. And, at 62 who wants to start a *public teaching* career? lol

    Blessing to all today – gonna’ get up to the high 90’s today, here in the desert.

  53. poohpity says:

    Every day is the Lord’s day and everywhere a Christian works they can bring a piece of Christ into the environment no matter if it is a Christian school or a regular one. I think God would have us go into the places that need Him no matter where that is.

    Personally I have had issues with Christian schools because I really wanted my children to go but the cost was so extreme and they did not work with children with learning disabilities so what did that say about them. Then I learned if my home was a home that honored God then the kids brought that with them even into a public school.

    I really think we need to be out in the world and share our love for Christ not always be in a Christian circles it starts to feel and look like a clique.

  54. poohpity says:

    Now more than ever do we need teachers in the public school sector that care about the children and their education and what better than to have a teacher who loves the Lord and can bring His heart and hands into to lives of those who need hope and love.

  55. bubbles says:

    I cannot speak for all Christian schools, but here goes:
    The reason the Christian school here could not really help those with learning challenges was due to finances.
    There was never enough money. The school I worked in did the best it could. But, many parents would not pay tuition during the winter-December/January/February were so hard that one time the school did not know if the Xerox copier rent could be paid that month. My paycheck was delayed for several days due to lack of finances. So, our school could not employ a special needs teacher. There were not aides to help. The curriculum was rigorus. It was really hard to work one-on-one when there was not extra help. I did not have a planning time during the day. I did not even have a lunch break. It is a shame that many cannot service those with special needs.

    I am grateful for the time I spent there, but I would never go back. God placed me in a public school that serves a very poor community. It is like a little oasis. Every teacher there loves and cares for these children. Often those in Christain education see public education as “evil”. It is SO not true.

  56. bubbles says:

    Pooh, I understand about the “clique” thing too.
    All of the teachers in the buidling were mothers.
    I was the only teacher who did not have children.
    I was made to feel left out, and never felt like I belonged in their group. I could relate to Hannah’s feelings pretty well. :)

  57. royalpalm says:

    Regina, I too, am praying for you and the forthcoming interview. As a substitute teacher, I feel a kinship with all teachers in this blog – Bubbles, Della, inhishands, Regina, and others. I taught for 20 yrs. in Asia where I grew up and then in Nigeria – but when I came to Canada, I did not have the right qualifications. Nevertheless, I was issued a probationary teaching certificate due to the great need. Every time there was an opening I faithfully applied but did not get the job for not having the credentials. I should have gone back to school to get it but taking care of the family came first. So I am still a substitute teacher – happy, content, and thankful to God for being one.

    The environment in the schools have changed with the changing family structure and the problems that teachers have to contend with are more complex and stressful. As a substitute teacher (who does not know in advance who will need me and which school and class) I praise God for the opportunity to use me in different places as He meets my needs.

    This week I spent a day in a special school for convicted young offenders where in a previous time I learned the various offenses the students committted…(ex. I stabbed and almost killed a guy who made a pass on my sister; it was my birthday-I had no money so I stole…etc.) and a morning teaching in a First Nations school helping students get job certificates.

    I usually tell the students that my favorite book is the Bible and this generates curiosity and questions. I have
    substituted in a Christian school where we start with devotions and study of the word of God and I like being there but God has better plans for me. Lately a teacher who belongs to a cult has been asking me what the Bible says about lots of topics…I remember Paul writing to Timothy in 2 Tim 2:15 ” Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This is my prayer and like a palm in the desert, I hope that my life will be a testimony that there is an oasis of “living water” available to each one who hunger and thirst for the truth.

    Pooh, I agree with you… I got saved in Asia because I went to a Christian school where they gave scholarships to poor students like me and accepted also non-Christians (like me). The Christian school here is as you said, like a clique- accepts only Christians, and the fees are high. I know of some families who wanted very much to send their children there but cannot afford… The govt. pays for the salary of teachers, and a lot of things but there seems to be money problems always…

  58. dja says:

    Pooh, you are so correct-every day is the Lord’s day, but I like getting everything ready on Saturday to go and worship the Lord on the Sabbath. I do our church bulletins, and try to prepare by doing the things that need to be done on Saturday, so that I am not rushing around before running out the door to go to church. That’s what I meant by getting ready for the Lord’s Day.

    I agree, also, Pooh, about some Christian Schools. The first one I worked at for 11 years. My children went there, and I believe it is where much of the anger and bitterness began in my sons. Academically, it was a top rated school, but it was very legalistic. Much of my meager salary went for 3 tuitions.

    When I left, I took a year off and worked for a friend in their store, but I was really missing teaching, because, as Bubbles said, “It was a blessing to pray with the children each morning”. So then I applied to another Christian School but couldn’t complete and sign the application because they wanted me to sign a statement that I would never do this nor that. It was really legalistic!!

    I was praying that the Lord would open up a teaching position when someone told me about another school. I sent my resume to that school and received a call 3 days later to come for an interview. I was overwhelmed. The school was wonderful. The children were allowed to be children. The pay scale was so fair (in the other school, there was no such thing-married women made less because their husbands worked.)When that Christian school closed due to a poor administrator who was hired the year before, everyone cried. It wasn’t a clique-it was truly a beautiful school family.

    At that time I was 58, and although I tried to get a public school teaching position, most schools have about 200 applicants every year, and they do not want an experienced teacher. They would rather not have to pay more for an older teacher when they can get someone fresh out of college and start at the lowest salary. Believe me, I would have started there-it was much more than I was making at the Christian School:-)Also, in our area, you need to know someone on the board to get hired.

    Since I could not get a teaching position in elementary education, and I was not enjoying substituting, which turned out to be babysitting highschoolers, I applied at an adult education center which was under the public school system. I loved teaching these men and women who needed their HS diplomas, and I also taught ESL to adults. Many times, I was able to share my faith. But the dishonest practices and seeing first hand how state grant money was wasted on perks for the bosses made me sick. I know the Lord will deal with it all, but after 5 years of it, my husband wanted me to retire.

    I miss my little students from both Christian Schools. I prayed with them, taught them God’s Word, sang hymns with them in addition to all the academics. I was so blessed by them and would go back to that time in a flash:-) It delights me so much to be able to keep in touch with many of my students on Facebook -some have already graduated from college.

    And Bubbles, you’re right-many in Christian schools see public school as “evil”. There was a time that I did too. But the Lord showed me that “evil” is everywhere-even in Christian Schools.

    Thank you, InHisHands, for your prayers for my son and his girlfriend. How wonderful it is to be in the family of God!

  59. poohpity says:

    Talk about some good shepherding stories.

    I taught GED classes in a girls 12-18 year old, residential treatment center that housed sexual offenders in lieu of going to jail. A captive audience, lol. Some of them came from Christian homes. I ran into one girl years later in the store than again tending bar where my son’s band played next door in a youth place, she had grown into a wonderful mom. I also got a couple of scholarships for the girls to attend AC Green Basketball Christian youth camp for a few weeks of the summer. So my hat is off to professional teachers it sure is a challenging job.

    I hope we never forget that being alive each day requires us to be students of our Lord so that we can teach those who come into our lives what it means to live by grace and love.

  60. dja says:

    Amen, Pooh!

  61. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Thank you Steve, Della, bubbles, InHisHands and royalpalm for sharing your thoughts and experiences in the teaching field (Steve you were a teacher to your son, Matt, for many years and in many ways you still are) and for your sincere prayers for me. I’m truly grateful for it because I don’t want to go through any door that the LORD didn’t open for me.
    And you’re right, Pooh, God needs born-again, Spirit-filled Teachers and Sub-Teachers to be a light in the lives of His precious children (and His adult children)in public school sectors. That’s why I’m willing to teach wherever He wants me to teach.
    royalpalm, your testimony was a blessing to me, and, while I would wholeheartedly welcome a full-time Teaching position, I feel the same way you do about being a Sub-Teacher – “happy, content and thankful to God to be one.” :-)

    Love to all,

  62. Regina says:

    Della & bubbles, I want to say, again, that I was blessed by your testimonies too. I’m familiar with Blake’s, The Lamb, Della. LOVE it! Thanks for sharing it in this blog. Haven’t read all of the comments in this blog topic yet. Getting sleepy now, so I’m planning on reading the rest of them tomorrow.

    Sunny and cool in Texas today (58 degrees right now).

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