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Trip Update

Have been meeting with international co-workers to update our efforts and to think through ways of using our wider perspectives to help one another increase reach and impact in each of our regions.

Together we have once again found it so stretching and renewing to be able to consider the challenges and opportunities that stretch far beyond our own local and national boundaries.

Our hosts, this time, have been team members in England who have done a wonderful job in finding a quiet place to spend needed time for shared understanding and planning.

Each day has begun with a time of teaching led by local pastors and teachers. Has been so good to hear their deep spiritual commitment to Christ in a part of the world where so many have been disillusioned by, and lost interest in the Church and its message.

From the moment we arrived, have also been impressed with the natural landscape and creatures of our Father’s world.

The birds wake us up at 4:15 each morning with what may be their call to prayer.

Has given us a chance to begin the day with some reflection and exercise.

Along the way grabbed the chance to take a lot of pictures of rich grasslands, sheep with their spring lambs, cows, and a variety of natural wildlife.

Wherever we look we also find the seemingly endless rock walls that are both a tribute to human labor, and the rocks that tell their own story.

Now that meetings are over, have had a chance to move north and spend some time at a bed and breakfast in a rural setting of England’s famous lake country.

A full English breakfast followed by hikes on public footpaths has been a great way to grab a couple of vacation days before heading home.

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57 Responses to “Trip Update”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Interesting isn’t it how no matter where one goes the birds and the beasts all speak the same language.

    The pictures are beautiful Mart thanks for the update.

    Wet, foggy and cool in the mountains of West Virginia.


  2. BruceC says:


    Glad to hear your report. May He richly bless the remainder of your trip.
    My family is originally from England on my father’s side. My great-grandfather moved to America after a career in the British military. Always wanted to see England(after Israel though).

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  3. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… great pictures! Would love to see it for myself some day, but welcome very much, your sharing it with us. It’s your shepherd’s heart revealed.
    My people came from England also…
    It is amazing that today,only, 4% of England’s people attend church on a regular basis, when just a few generations ago, it was the major “sending place” for missionary work around the world. Today, missionary sender’s are sending God’s work, back to England!
    There is a “message” in there somewhere…
    “When you Forget to train up your youth in God’s Ways, you have also forgotten your entire nation’s future!”
    I pray that America who is on that very same path, does not seek that very same future. May God prevail against, the tidal wave of Islamic Dominance, over the World! Missionary Work, has reached it’s greatest hour of need, among the fallen nations of our time!

  4. Tunmishe says:

    The english country side is perhaps the most enthralling place to contemplate the Master’s workings. I sincerely pray for the mountains and grazing lands to be fired up by the spirit of Revival once again like in the days of old.

  5. christinal says:

    Thanks for sharing your fellowship experience and photos. It looks and sounds peaceful, rejuvenating, and lovely!

  6. Toml5169 says:

    Great pictures and it seems a trip that should fill your mind and heart with many future posts for our combined thoughts. It always amazes me how peaceful sheep look grazing in the country, but we the sheep of His pasture often forget to take time to rest and feed in His pasture. May the Holy Spirit open the eyes of England and all the people who can see the evidence of God but have been blinded to perceive it. May God wake up His body to the urgency of opening blind eyes.
    Blessings from rainy Portland Oregon.

  7. Toml5169 says:

    One other comment is that I was very encouraged to hear about the spiritual depth and heart of the local pastors. It is good to know the Spirit is still on fire and calling God’s people to Himself first and then to the nations. I suggest we all lift these men up to tbe Father today and the nation they are calling back to our God.

  8. nezzar says:

    Wish I had your job.

    Sunny and hot in Iraq.

  9. poohpity says:

    Hopefully we who are called by the name of Christ will start bringing healing to those around us to be a safe place to come with open arms of welcome. I find it so sad that the place we found healing and restoration we cause others to believe it is a place we have to earn the Love of Christ. I pray that RBC ministry continues to grow and help people find shelter from the storms of life. You are working with such a blessed crew.

    My youngest son, when he was 5, gave me a very good lesson to learn. As we were rushing out the door to get to school and work which was an usual event, daily rushing here and there. He looked up to me and said, “Mom what if we were turtles?” and a big tear came to my eye because what if we were turtles then we would not be in a rush all the time and could enjoy the moments we rush through in life. I will never forget that as long as I live that was 17 years ago. I now keep a glass blown, beautiful turtle in plain view to remind me that it all doesn’t need to be done in a day.

    Mart, enjoy and pretend like you are a turtle. :-)

  10. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    I 2nd Steve’s comment, Mart. The pictures you posted in this blog are very beautiful, indeed. Thanks for sharing. Gonna read the rest of the comments now.

    Sunny and cool in Texas today (63 degrees right now).

  11. Regina says:

    Hope you’ll enjoy your couple of days of vacation, Mart. :)

  12. scout1 says:

    Hi Mart:

    Are you going to visit Bob? The pictures are wonderful. Have you enjoyed afternoon tea time? I collect tea pots and hope you have had a chance to drink some tea for me!

    Maybe later you can share with us some of the ideas and thoughts that all you fellas talked about.

    The comment about the walls was great. They are so beautiful. If you can, please post lots of pictures of the cottages and all the pretty things that you have seen along the way.

    Have a restful and wonderful vacation.

    Pooh -I really loved the comment about the turtles! That is just priceless! Thanks for sharing.


  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Sounds a great place Mart!

    I must try and visit. lol

    I have been up to the Lake Distict, it is a stunning area.

    The poet Wordsworth wrote about it alot.

    Glad you found Jesus alive and well here to.

    Have a safe journey home to Michigan.


  14. Mart De Haan says:

    Bob, have thought of you while here. We’ve been meeting near our UK office which is at Sand Side.

  15. Elaa says:


    God bless you and the team, and continue to direct your paths.

    The beautiful pictures remind me of a song, with only two of its lines clear in my head at this time… “Everytime I hear a new born baby cry, … or see the Sun,.. I know why I believe” It’s so easy to see God in the beauty of the world.

    The Lord keep us.

  16. alegria says:

    Beautiful pictures Mart. My husband recently spent six months working in Derbyshire. The girls and I visited at Christmas. It gave me a real heart to pray for the challenges our brothers and sisters in Christ face in the U.K.. Enjoy the rest of the trip. I second Lynda’s motion that you enjoy a good cup of tea.


  17. dja says:

    Off topic, but yet, on topic-Last night our daughter gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl. We are so thankful, and we praise the Lord for His goodness to us. This make six granddaughters!! How blessed we are!

    Mart, thank you for the beautiful pics! I have over 30 books in a series about an English village school teacher. I so enjoy reading about the cottages and the people of the village. So often, as I’m reading, I find myself wishing I was there teaching in a little village school. Of course the stories are back in the late 40’s and early 50’s, but somehow, when I read about that village life, it seems so peaceful(I know, they’re just stories, but I am thankful to be able to enjoy them!).

    Overcast day in NEPA but in the 60’s.

  18. foreverblessed says:

    Just some history
    Two weeks ago I was in Germany on a trip, and read some of the history about the region:
    Christianity was brought to the continent of Europe by chistians monks from England, Ireland and Scotland.
    The area of the Old Saxons, which is now the nothern part of Germany was visited by two monks, called the two Ewalds,
    from Northumbria, about 695.
    Northumbria was the biggest kingdom at that time, and lies east of the Lake District.
    They were martyrs, the Saxons did not like the new religion, and killed them, the one instantaniously, the other slowly. After their death the Saxons regretted this deed, and the area was christianised more easily. This shows how the gospel spreads into new pagan area by martyrdom, and in this way the christianisation is speeded.
    You can find the story on – Two Ewalds.
    Their statue stands in Dortmund.
    Just some interesting stories, how to connect them to todays situation…
    There are so many christians in Great Britain, but how to make unity….

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… speaking of turtles… today I was sitting on the side of the road in my school bus waiting for the clock to tick to my ususl start time for my third school, when I saw some movement in the culvert that had a small stream trickling. There was of all things right in front of me a turtle about the size of a lunch plate heading my way. I watched his slow progress, and also noticed it paused to look around every once in a while also! So, even at that pace, it pays to take time and smell the daiseys!
    I always marvel at God’s creation in its many forms.
    I saw about ten sandhill cranes today on my route today and still find them sooooo awesome every time I see one!
    I also watch a pair of Eagles tend to their family every day during this layover time, but today I was at a different spot because of construction, and because
    God wanted me to see that turtle! Thank you Lord, for all your creation! :)

  20. xrgarza says:


    Thanks for sharing, I find it’s interesting that not only in America but all around the world so many people have been disillusioned by, and lost interest in the Church and its message

    I really like the idea of working together to make a bigger impact around the world.

    Welcome home


  21. poohpity says:

    Gary, I was born in Tampa and have always considered Florida my home. I really enjoy all the wildlife there as well as the white sand and moss. Now living in the valley of the sun in Arizona, I find myself daydreaming of Florida again.

    I hope we can make an impact right in our own neighborhoods. God has lots of people all around the world to make impacts in their own neighborhoods. I have found that no matter where we are there is just one person who needs a smile or a hug today. I have to stop daydreaming about other parts of the world and ask what can I do here and now, in this place. God needs me right where He has me or He will move me to another place.

  22. SFDBWV says:

    Ok, I am watching this incredible story unfold as the Army Corp of Engineers have begun to flood homes, farms, towns and businesses in order to save the flooding of other homes, cities and businesses.

    There are a great many questions I have to wonder about as I watch this unbelievable event unfold.

    Here in our community we have a small flood control system complete with concrete as well as earthen levees.

    When our flood control system was built in 1962, the recognized flood plane was by way of design made unavailable to future construction. There had to be city ordinances in place to prevent any construction in flood prone areas.

    Yet as I watch this news event unfold; I see the entire design of these relief gates was to flood areas down river from them should it be necessary to use them.

    So why was the construction of homes, towns businesses allowed to be in an area that could be flooded on purpose? This is making less and less sense to me all the time.

    If since the flood control systems were built in order to protect New Orleans and its Ports, why haven’t there been public work systems in place to channel the diverted water instead of simply flooding of hundreds of square miles of populated areas?

    It would seem the people who brought us the atomic bomb have designed another bomb and placed it in the heartland of America.

    The amount of human suffering has to be taken into consideration as they lose every thing they have, ordered to leave their homes and expect nothing to be left when they return.

    As I feel heartbroken for these people all I can do is pray for them to have the supernatural help of Christ in their lives.


  23. poohpity says:

    I am confused too, Steve. Why would someone sell in those areas and why would someone buy in those areas. It is so very very sad. I guess people thought the benefits out weigh the risks.

    It is like those people who buy medications without reading the inserts and find down the road ten years or less they develop something far worse. The inserts read “the doctor has determined that the benefits out weigh the risks” and that is what a majority of them say but no one reads the fine print.

  24. poohpity says:

    I have not heard any recent things on Japan either it is like a media blackout.

  25. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Off Topic, but like Della said, I feel like I’m on topic because we’re just sharing our thoughts and a little bit about what’s going on in our neck of the woods…

    Congrats, Della, on becoming a grandma again to your sixth grandchild! ..six girls?! Wow! What if they all have boys when they grow up?! lol! Wouldn’t that be something to talk about? :-)

    Don’t know about where you all live, but we’ve been getting some unusually cool days in Texas. It was cool enough for a light jacket today, and it’s only 64 degrees right now! It’s usually warmer than that in mid-May! All I can say is, if we’re having “sign of the times” weather bring it on! lol! Normally, it’s hot around this time of the year, and extremely hot in the Summer.

  26. Regina says:

    Was also thinking/wondering about that situation in Louisiana, Steve & Pooh. That situation seems more like a “sign of the times” to me. May the LORD protect all who are in harms way.

  27. SFDBWV says:

    One of my many personality flaws is trying to fix every problem. Even looking at solutions to national problems and thinking how they can be solved. Then wondering why those in office can’t see the solution as clearly as I.

    I would suppose it is a common flaw among many, to think they have answers and then criticize those in control for not having the same vision.

    I do not like being in a position of criticizing others, it makes me uncomfortable.

    Unless I have all the information surrounding a matter it isn’t fair of me to doubt the wisdom of the actions of those who do.

    It seems that when calamities such as natural floods, tornados or other disastrous natural events occur, we take it in stride. Even attesting to them, as do insurance companies, as their being “an act of God”.

    I suppose that is why the flooding of these people’s homes and businesses in Louisiana seems so “un natural”.

    When I think about history and some of the events that have taken place I would suppose that this is not all that different from other actions.

    The infamous “Trail of Tears” forced an entire race of peoples from their homes many whom died on the journey to their new homes….Reservations.

    In the fifties we moved an entire population of south Pacific Islanders from their homes to another island chain and placed them on our welfare systems, just so we could blow up their home island with a hydrogen bomb test.

    Further back in the history of man, conquers took entire nations of people and enslaved them erasing their history as a people forever.

    For four hundred years the people who became known as the Hebrews cried out for a deliverer, it would seem that the world has been crying out for a deliverer for a long long time.

    The person we know of as Jesus of Nazareth is whom we believe to be that great deliverer, even as we cry out for His return, there is a false savior on the horizon who will step up with all of the solutions to the worlds problems.

    These are times for me to keep my eyes fixed firmly on Jesus Christ and not be distracted by the world.

    Della, I am happy for your family.

    Foggy and cool in the mountains again this morning.


  28. BruceC says:

    Well, let’s start with the weather. Rather cool and damp to very wet. Had to use the woodstove or the furnace just to drive out the chilly dampness. Good news is that by Sunday we will see sun and mid 70’s. Praise God! That will be uplifting for morning service!
    This past weekend even though the weather was gloomy; we had an uplifting two days. Saturday we met with the church elders to give our testimony and answer any questions prior to joining the church. We were told we would be contacted and that some Sunday asked to recieve the right hand of fellowship. To our surprise it was the very next day at the end of the service; along with a young man and a young couple who were going to be recieved at the evening service!
    Right after service we had a delicious(yum yum yum!) church dinner and annual business meeting. What a great day in the Lord! We also heard news that five more folks were going to see the elders about joining and that up to 20 more expressed interest! The Lord be praised! Despite the rain and cool we had a bright, warm weekend!!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  29. foreverblessed says:

    The pictures show the english countryside, and it looks so idyllic. I always loved to go to England,
    Till I lived there for a while, and then suddenly the old fashioned coutrny side gets a different meaning. Things stay the same in England as they were generations ago, as if in the past things were better. A bit of a depressed state.The village where I lived south of London did not have street light, because that was “new”.
    And people drink a lot of beer. Even at work, my husband learned that he had to get to things done in the morning, as people would go to a bar at lunchtime, take a pint of beer, and in the afternoon a sort of a hase was over them. Not workable anymore. (Sorry Bob in Cornwall)
    The houses are gorgeous to look at, but not to live in, they are damp. moisture, a bit coldish. A warm woodfire would make things better, but they are hard on spending money for heating.
    I have heard that this is because England was the world power, and gone down a century ago, and still in the down face of life. A depressed state. The same could happen to the US, hhaving been the world’s dominant country, when they are not any more,people can fall into lethargy, and that can take a few generations.
    The Netherlands was the same, our state of depression has been straight into the 19th century, having been a mayor country in the 17th century, our Golden Age, when Rembrandt had his paintings and we sailed the seas.
    I pray there would come a new spirit in England, full of hope, bright, full of strength to cope the day, and this time based on the redeeming power of Jesus Christ Himself.
    I also pray that christians in the US not to look at their country as their inspiration for living, so that when the country goes down, the spirits of the christians living in them goes down with it. While we serve the Living Christ, who is busy with the Kingdom which is not of this world, we ought to grow stronger day by day in His strength.

  30. poohpity says:

    Here the weather is totally unusual as it is there in Texas Regina. Normally it is in the 100’s but yesterday it was 86 and today the high is to be 83 while tomorrow they suggest the high in the mid 70″s. There is certainly a shift in the weather stream but I am so enjoying the cool temps.

    Steve, you are so right on about not having all the information to make decisions and thinking we may have all the answers when in reality we really do not have a clue. Just when we think we know then God will show us He had a different plan all along. It is a very good thing to realize our knowledge is limited and we are but a speak of dust in the greater scheme of things. It helps us admit our limitations.

    I was listening to a presidential candidate the other day and when asked what he would do in a certain situation he stated, ” I really can not answer that because I am not privy to all the information to make an informed decision”. My mouth dropped and thought that would be a person that I would like to have in the White House because he admitted to his limitations and was not going to go out on a limb with an answer because he wanted to be a man of his word. We need more people like that to acknowledge they just do not know enough to speak for or against something.

  31. davids says:

    Steve, your comments demonstrate some wisdom. We don’t have all the information. When the flood plans were made, they were based on existing information and resources.

    How could they know that the earth would be experiencing climate change? After all, the floods are caused by rapid snowmelt in the higher elevations. Coould they really prepare for an even that was very unlikely?

    It reminds us about judging in all cases where we don’t have all the facts – and we almost never do. So our Lord told us not to judge others.

  32. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I take your comments onboard, but lots of things have changed here.
    Yes we do like our beer and yes I used to go to the pub for lunch when I was working at Heathrow airport in London in the mid 80’s. But today any form of drinking at work is taboo and you will find our houses, even the old ones have full central heating.
    I will admit living on a cliff top in west cornwall can be a tad damp.

    I was interested in your story about the Christian brothers going to saxony. I have been to dortmund but failed to see the statues.
    When I was 16 or so, I sat under Jean Darnells ministry when she lived in my home town of Poole in Dorset. This was in 1968 to 73 ish. That is when she had her vision of rivers of fire running down the length of Britain.
    They started in Scotland and streamed down the country and some stopped at the south coast but others streamed across the sea and into Europe.
    It may be that God is planning a similar event and to rekindle the fires of christianity in Britain and Europe again.

    Although I live in a Celtic area I am very proud of my Saxon heritage, coming from Wessex, the land of the western saxons.
    I beleive Northumbria was also a saxon kingdom in 600ad as the Romans had only just left and the vikings had not yet attacked.
    It was the Romans who brought christianity to these islands first, we have third century Roman church building foundations in Dorset. But I beleive christianity had to be reintroduced later and Holy Island in Northumbria became a centre of worship and teaching and that monks from there went out across Europe.
    Lets’s hope Marts work here will herald a start to this new work of fire that Jean Darnell envisioned.


  33. foreverblessed says:

    Bob, I am glad the beer is prohibited, that will do good.
    It was just a joke about the wood fire, as BruceC talked about warming up with a fire.

    There is also the story of missionaries from Ireland, of which Patrick was a major one. That Ireland was a key factor reintroducing christianity into England in the 4th century, starting monastries, and from there missionaries went to the continent.
    Going back even further in time: isn’t there the story that some of the apostles have been to England too?

  34. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    It is rumoured that Peter came to Britain and it is documented that Joseph of Aramithea(?) visited Cornwall.

    There was tremendous trade between Rome and Cornwall before the conquest in 55bc (mainly Tin and Gold) but then the trade moved east to places like Chelsford in Essex and London.
    That established a trading pattern with northern Europe that lasted over 400 years and was what brought the Saxons here, form Germany, after the Romans left in the 5th Century. They established trading posts up and down the east coast and thus also traded in Jesus.
    Yes the Irish Celts and St Patrick did have a big influence, also St Piran came from Ireland to north Cornwall and establish a church, the ruins of which are still on the beach at Perranporth. that was all around the 5th century as well. Ireland was a well develloped country and were not troubled too much by Rome, that is why it is good The Queen is there this week establishing new links after so many centuries of hate and distrust brought about by Norman domination of our islands.
    I think we forget that people in those days travelled
    all over the world and that trade between India, China and Western Europe was going long before Jesus came.


  35. davids says:

    Bob, your mentioning India reminds me that there is quite some evidence that the Apostle Thomas evangelized in India. More evidence than some European countries have regarding apostolic visits. At any rate, a missionary from Egypt travelled to India before 200 AD and reported that Christianity had already been established there.

    So, yes, those early Christians got around quite a lot. Good to see that others are continuing that tradition.

  36. alegria says:

    Chilly, rainy and temps in the 50’s here in Indianapolis. Just wanted to thank all of you for the history lessons. I always find it both fascinating and encouraging to be reminded of how the Lord has worked through the centuries through past saints. Now it’s our turn to spread the word of Jesus wherever God moves us or plants us. I’m reminded of the song sung by Steve Green that had the line, “Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful.” Having lunch today with my Mom-in-law, a gracious woman of 77, who has been faithful to go wherever God wanted to send her to spread the word. Now she’s facing the challenge of dealing with the terminal illness of my dad-in-law. How good it is to know that God has his arms around them. May you all have a blessed day spreading the seeds of the Gospel. Pam

  37. SFDBWV says:

    I love history, not the kind of stuff that they teach in school, but the real truth of history. It is difficult to find sometimes as there are so many who twist truth around lies that after a while history is riddled with lies and the truth is lost in the history of time.

    Herodotus is known as the father of history only because he is one of the earliest historians. Yet if you look at a great deal of what he wrote it was stories and tall tales he heard at the gathering places along his journeys.

    It always amazes me at the attention given to Plato’s story of Atlantis. To this day scholars spend time, energy and money looking to prove or find this place and its people.

    Hitler’s super race was based on the descendants from Atlantis.

    It is incredible where the curiosity of men will lead them.

    What then was it about the early disciples and their message that took them to the ends of the known earth and what was so powerful about their message that it changed the world?

    Did they attempt to bring the story of man and God through the writings of the Hebrew text or did they just preach the resurrected Christ and the message of the cross?

    I think sometimes that the reason there is so much division in the churches and why there is such a falling away from the faith is because the original message has been lost to too much other information and distractions.

    Jesus of Nazareth, a man, has taken all of the sin of men upon Himself and died upon the cross as a sacrifice for everyone once and for all times. Then through His own power was resurrected from the grave, a testimony to His purpose and authority. Belief and trust on Him and His sacrifice saves us from judgment and allows us to be in fellowship once again with God the Father.

    Too simple?

    When we try and make the simple more colorful then we begin to distract from the message and allow a false message to creep in. That is the power of a subtle lie it has just enough truth attached to it to make people pay attention to it.

    Maybe all that is wrong with our churches is that they have lost the original message?


  38. bratimus says:

    Steve say matbe what is wrong Chuurch is the lost of the orginal message.

    How about what is wrong is the orginal delievery system.

    We so depend on technologies of man to deliever the message. That we over look the orginal delievery system of the Holy Spirit.

    At start of the message of Christianity all the disciples had was the Holy Spirit after the Acending of Christ. They didn’t have the printed Bible as we know it today and most scrolls of the writen word of God wher in temples, no inter net, no TV.

    So i think it is the delievery sytem that has changed the most, or the lack of the orginal delievery system in our lives. Does the Holy Spirit perfere to work throught wires and signals oe walking and breathing men and men and women.

    Through all those wires and signals the message can get lost and twisted.

    The Brat

  39. foreverblessed says:

    I agree Steve, the first apaostles had the strong message of the cross and the risen Christ.
    We should be careful what the Holy Spirit tells us to preach.
    I know that the missionaries from Ireland and England went to the continent in the 4th century, and what they did was establishing monasteries. That was a good training ground for new converts to be trained in the life in Christ, as the world around them was so depraved: loose moral, drunkeness, idolatry. THat environment gave them a good start. Just like nowadays many christians start homes for drug addicted people. A sort of a prison to keep the distraction of drugs and criminal behavior outside, till Christ is formed in them in a stable enough way.
    But that is not my work. I am still finding where to serve, I go to my house group and there we pray for people who GOd lays on our heart, and that is so full of blessing to ourselves too. For the rest I am being disciplined in waiting on God. Acts 1:4
    I pray for Mart and his team for guidance, and for all of us, in all our churches, to be open to what the Holy Spirit tells us.

  40. oneg2dblu says:

    Good morning all… the message? What is the message being taught today, when we have removed prayer for our schools, the Ten Commandments from the Halls of Justice, and have leader who plays both sides of the house like neither one is worth really aking a stand for? Everything is all about “thers feelings and not wanting to hurt them,” But, who are they, but sinner’s just like us, so why we change everything for the few, I will never underdtand!
    We have diluted the strength of God’s Message which says, “All have sinned and are in need of a Saviour,” but that Saviour’s name is not tolerated in our, don’t cause anyone distress society!
    The message never fails, only the failing to give it!

    The whole flooding the plains thing, is both costly and distressing, but it is also controled!! Planned instead of like a tidal wave, so why we continue to seek low lying areas to live in is something I cannot answer for those who are now found displaced…
    I feel for them just as I feel for those people who build Cstles by the Sea and then cry, HELP! when nature takes away their property.
    I guess it all boils down to what you invest yourself in, if it is Christ and His Truth, His Message, no one can take that away! No moth, no rust, no act of nature, and certainly no man! Cool start today in Fla, but 60’s are what we consider cool this time of year. Have a Blessed day! Gary

  41. oneg2dblu says:

    Then again, if we consider the times we live in… it all seems to make sense, according to the Word, we will see such things and know we are getting closer to the end, not the predicted by masn end, but the God-given directed end when we shall hear the trumpet sound, Come Jesus!

  42. SFDBWV says:

    In the earliest example of evangelism, Jesus sent his followers out in groups of two, these men were told not to take anything with them except the clothes on their backs and shoes on their feet. To depend on the charity of good people to provide their creature comforts and to tell the good news.

    In the beginning Jesus also told His followers to go only to the house of Israel not to the Samaritans or to the any other peoples.

    Then what do you know he goes and presents the good news to the Samaritan woman at the well Himself.

    After the crucifixion, after the resurrection, His followers are then commanded to take the good news into all the world and to all nations and peoples everywhere.

    What have we added to the good news?

    John said that if all that Jesus did before the events of the crucifixion were put into books the world could not hold them. Yet look at all of the books that have been written to add to what the good news is .Look at all the differing opinions of what every word found in scripture means. Each condemning the belief and thoughts of those in opposition to them.

    Jesus stated that He came to divide. I would suppose that divide and separate can have similar meaning. If Jesus came to separate out of the earth a special people for Himself, that would make sense.

    I can not believe that His intensions are to divide His followers into little groups of individuals who mistrust and hate those who do not agree with their “amended” Gospel.

    Isn’t that what our churches have become? Each establishing an amended Gospel rather then the simple one that Jesus and His original followers offered to the world?

    When someone knocks on your door today and offers you little bible tracts, is it simple or is it an introduction into their tenet?


  43. poohpity says:

    As I was reading this morning it made me chuckle that people, no matter what time they live in, are the same. We just do not learn from history and repeat the same mistakes over and over. Different times, different cultures but the one factor that remains the same is the people.

    In Psalms 58 David speaks of the politicians that they take bribes and are not fair, sounds just like today and it was written between 1050 BC till 970 BC. Solomon reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun but the fact we do not learn from history.

    I can only speak for myself but it seems that forever people have chosen to look at others rather than paying attention to their own relationship with God. Boasting about things that come from the hand of God or blaming God if things do not go their way. Anything to not take responsibility for our own actions but that is nothing new.

    I know one thing for sure and that is today people leave learning about God to others. They listen to pastors, authors, internet and each other yet never spend time reading the history we have been given for ourselves. Today we have so many translations in so many languages and then missionaries go out to learn new languages to translate but after a while no one reads the bible anymore. The history book of our faith and the God we love yet it seems to not ever be the first thing one reads in the morning before the day starts. Just to busy I guess. I hope God never says that when we pray to Him.

    The only true fact about history is that we seldom learn from it and it repeats itself until we do.

  44. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… I didn’t know you were a Florida girl.
    After I had spent many years sending others into the mission field, always directing my giving to Missions,
    the Lord convicted me, by promting me to not direct what is His! That was the last check I wrote directing it to be given to missions. Then, when I was wondering when I would be called to go, He let me know, In no certain terms, that my true mission field was those who were right in front of me, “His Disabled Children!”
    I wept for I thought my feet needed to be on foreign soil, and then I obeyed! Yes, today we are to be His Hands, Feet, and Mouth, to all those around us in our daily lives! :)

  45. oneg2dblu says:

    In today’s Reading the Bible in One Year, we are in,
    1 Chronicles, and the message, never stops repeating the same message about man… 5:20 He (GOD) answered their prayers because… they believed in Him.
    (they had to have faith to believe)
    Then, within two verses, all reverses..
    5:24 But, they were unfaithful to the God of their Ansestors, and prosstuted themselves to the gods of the people of the land…
    We all know today, America is doing that very same thing, alloiwing sinful lifestyles to be celebrated, legalized, and growing at an the unstoppable rate, as the repeating of history, lives well!
    For how do they believe, what they are no longer being taught, what they no longer hearing daily, what they do not see being lived out? Where is the righteous living, the righteousness of God being displayed today in Our Government, Our Courts, Our Schools, and Our Daily News?
    Only through the lives WE live will they see a difference! We MUST Live for Christ Todsay!

  46. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry for so many typo’s. I’m on my web book and things are a little smaller in this world, even my typo’s! lol

  47. poohpity says:

    Yep I was born there. I have lived in 26 states, Canada, Africa, and Mexico. I hope to be attending a wedding in the DR this summer but it does not look like I will have the funds to go. The young man getting married was the mentor to my son’s but having the reception here will be just fine if the Lord does not provide the money to go. The reason I lived so many places was my dad was a lineman and we followed the work. When I was in six grade I went to 6 different schools that year, in junior high I went to 2 different schools each year then in senior high I went to California my sophomore year, Texas my junior year and Florida my senior year. I got my BA in college here in the sunny state of Arizona. I have lived here the longest but my heart is in Florida.

  48. phpatato says:

    Hello my dear Beenthinking family

    Off topic here…Prayers greatly appreciated for the healing for my husband. What was to be a 4 day stay in hospital for a triple hernia/stoma repair extended to be 16 days. He is home with a picc line for IV antibiotic and a suction vac for a bad infection (he got at the hospital). He has a low grade fever today. I fear another trip to hospital is ahead of him.

    I quickly scanned the comments and Della…congratulations on your 6th granddaughter.

    Mart, enjoy your R & R!!! You and your ministry have been such a blessing in my life.

    Hugs to each and everyone of you!!! Waiting for the sun. It has been rainy and cool for days here. Forecast indicates Saturday as the only day for sun and then back to rain all next week again. How green the grass is.

  49. poohpity says:

    Pat I will be praying for your husband and you.

  50. royalpalm says:

    I read with interest the various posts about the early Christians and related topics… Why did they travel a lot, spreading the gospel of Jesus?

    1)Because they are OBEDIENT to the command of Christ. Matt. 28:18-20 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Acts 1:8 ” But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

    I marvel at Christians who sit in the pews every Sunday listening to God’s word, yet have not taken the time to even talk, visit, or invite their next door neighbors for juice or tea with them. God’s command is for each one of us. God placed us where He wants us – to influence the people with the truth that we learned. I CHALLENGE everyone who reads this post – to TALK to his next door neighbor, and possibly invite him/her for a drink or tea… and tell us what happened…

    God does not want us to do something for Him – He wants to accomplish His Work through us. John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing…7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples…16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. 17 These things I command you, that you love one another”

    2) They, like Paul, are convinced of the power of the Gospel to save : Acts 1:16,17″ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

    3) They realised that when they were saved by virtue of their faith in Jesus (justified) they were also set apart by God for His own holy service and work (Sanctified and consecrated).
    Eph 2:10 after v.8,9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
    Titus 2:14, after v. 11-13″ For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”
    2 Timothy 3:17 after v. 16, ” All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    There is so much emphasis on the joy of salvation, but not much is said about the work that God has prepared for us to do… Frances Havergal’s hymn written in 1877, part of which is as follows asks,:
    WHO is on the Lord’s Side?

    Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King?
    Who will be His helpers, other lives to bring?
    Who will leave the world’s side? Who will face the foe?
    Who is on the Lord’s side? Who for Him will go?

    May our answer be,

    “By Thy call of mercy, by Thy grace divine,
    We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!

    Jesus, Thou hast bought us, not with gold or gem,
    But with Thine own lifeblood, for Thy diadem;
    With Thy blessing filling each who comes to Thee,
    Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free.
    By Thy grand redemption, by Thy grace divine,
    We are on the Lord’s side—Savior, we are Thine!

    Though we are in the world, we belong to God and we have to promote and advance God’s kingdom. May God bless each one who has ears to hear…

  51. poohpity says:

    royalpalm, our pastor asked one day, “Do you have any friends that are not believers?”. He was trying to get us to focus if we are to be advancing God’s kingdom why are we always just in the presence of believers. That is why in the past I eluded to Christians as being a click where it is hard to join. I think we have taken it to extremes what is meant by not being of the world but in the world. Although it is true that people may not see the difference in our lives and be able to tell if we are only in the world. Some very good and convicting things to consider, thank you.

  52. dja says:

    Pat, please know I am praying for your husband and for you. My husband had a picc line in last year for viral menengitis so I understand all that you must do to care for him. I never thought I could learn what needed to be done and give the injections properly, but the Lord calmed my fears and helped me to do it. Please keep us updated.
    Thank you also for your congrats about our new granddaughter. I will be leaving on Saturday morning to help and, of course, get lots of snuggling time with her:-)

    I thank you all who have been praying for our son’s girlfriend, Denise. She had surgery yesterday and will not be able to stand for about 12 to 14 weeks. My husband visited today and while alone with our son, he felt compelled to talk to him about the Lord. Our son got upset and did not want to talk about it. We continue to pray and wait with great expectation for what the Lord will do.


  53. BruceC says:


    I will keep your hubby in prayer! God be with him and with you also!

    I agree, that the methods used today are different than the apostles; we (todays church) also have a much larger audience to preach to. And while electronics will never replace the presence of believers in people’s lives; it does have an important role and has reached many for the Lord! Just look at what goes on here!
    I have seen folks on hunting/fishing forums on the web come to Christ by the the faithful work and word of believers.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  54. SFDBWV says:

    People who live in large populated areas and cities can grow old and die and never know the names of their neighbors.

    They can belong to a church go every Sunday followed by a brunch at Denny’s, even pay tithes and do volunteer work at their church and feel good about themselves. Yet could not tell you the name of their next door neighbor.

    Every so often there are three different groups of people who come knocking at my door passing out Bible tracts. The Jehovah’s Witnesses or The Watchtower Society and very rarely the Mormons.

    Even more rare there is a Baptist church not far from here that has teenagers pass out invitations to a revival, I would suppose as some sort of youth group obligation.

    Even here they all have one thing in common, they leave their tracts and never come back to just talk or visit.

    As if the entire ordeal is uncomfortable and something they have to do and when it’s over are happy to get back to their own personal interests.

    For all the good that the modern electronic age has to offer, it has also isolated us. The noise and drone of the TV or radio drowns out a great deal of empty time and idle thoughts.

    People are naturally social creatures, without the interaction of others there is a great deal missing from our need to fill that void of loneliness.

    Sometimes the best witness for Christ is to just be a good neighbor, be considerate, thoughtful, friendly, and visit once in a while. Listen to their trials and troubles to their happy and sad. Don’t judge, just share a piece of yourself and Christ will be seen.

    It might be ok to get a little “churching” from TV, but it can never replace real people in your life.

    Pat, your family is in my daily prayers as is Della’s and others here in our little gathering of friends.

    Wet and cold in the mountains, but I fear we will miss the cold here in a few days or weeks.


  55. alegria says:

    Pat, I’m praying for your husband – and you as you care for him. Della, I will be praying for your son and his girlfriend. We also have a son who has walked away from the Lord.

    Steve, I can’t agree more with you on the need to reach out to our neighbors. My husband Dan and I have always felt a huge burden to do that. We’ve been blessed to do mission trips in Africa, Europe, Mexico and South America, but all that means nothing if we aren’t reaching out to the people around us.

    We lived in Alabama for 14 yrs, surrounded by unbelievers. I wanted so much to have one believing neighbor for fellowship, but the Lord showed us that He put us in that neighborhood for a reason. We often skipped Sun. evening church so we could go to neighborhood BBQs. By the time we moved to Indiana, one neighborhood family had returned to church fellowship and two of the neighborhood kids had invited Christ into their lives. Of course, that had much less to do with us than with the working of the Holy Spirit – but I’m grateful we were able to be a part of it.

    Let’s share more tea or garden plants, or chats by the mailboxes with our neighbors. God can use that effort.


  56. SFDBWV says:

    Pam, you are right and it is clearly what Jesus wants us to do. Well done!


  57. nezzar says:


    I love your post. I think that you are doing what God is just showing me. Creating relationships with the people around you and allowing God to work through you. I really think that this is what Jesus meant when He said “Go and make DESCIPLES of all nations.” You are fulfilling the great commission right in your own neighborhood. I don’t know, but I think that you are the kind of person that lives the Christian life in such a way that others think “I want what she has.” That is the salt of the earth. Is there any better form of evangelism?

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