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The Trouble With G’d People

Photo by: New York YMCA Camp

Some of us feel story-challenged. If we believed in Christ early in life, without ever doing drugs, time,  or the prodigal thing, we tend to feel at a loss for what used to be called “a testimony.”

We may even have felt spiritually deprived the first time we heard the principle that those who are forgiven much love much. But those who are forgiven little love little (Luke 7:47).

But let’s not forget that Jesus had a way of turning everything upside down, and inside out.

So let’s start with what we think we know about that privileged relationship Jesus had with those who had a better bad story than we do. It’s true. Jesus was known as “the friend of sinners.” He seemed so predisposed to prefer their company that religious people tried to make a case of guilt by association against him. Reputable men could see that dangerously bad people were disproportionately attracted to him.

Jesus didn’t deny that he loved those others hated. He admitted that he didn’t leave heaven to hang out at the club, or even in the sanctuary. He seemed to honestly like messed up people and seemed to want to bring them all home to his Father (Mark 2:16).

Good people also resented the fact that Jesus told so many stories at their expense. Even in his famous telling of The Prodigal, it was the “good ol’ boy” who seemed to get under his  skin far more than the kid who had been in the pig pen (Luke15:11-32).

He used such parables like a subtle form of Marshal Arts (whoops I mean martial arts :-). By simple, down to earth stories the Teacher took the supposed strengths of those who had an excessively high opinion of themselves and flipped them on their backs.

Some good people, therefore, ended up with a completely different view of themselves after meeting Jesus. One of them later wrote a letter in which he described himself as having been a former best of the best (Philip 3:4-8). After meeting Jesus, he gratefully called himself the worst of the worst (1Tim 1:15).

In another letter he set a trap for the good people he used to run with. First he cataloged the bad habits of irreligious, immoral, pagans. His list reads like  a  “who’s who” of the “worst people in the world” (Romans 1:18-32). According to this former Pharisee we know as Paul, “Although they [these awful sinners] know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. Therefore you are without excuse, every man of you who passes judgment, for in that you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things. (Romans 1:32; 2:1).

Talk about [martial arts]. Without the chapter and verse numbers that we usually see in the above, the push-pull catches good readers off balance.

But what gives Paul the right to set such a trap? How could he write with such moral certainty about his readers? Well, maybe if we could talk to him now, he might tell us that it takes one to know one, and that everything changed for him after meeting someone who not only knew his heart, but the hearts of all who compare themselves among themselves and measure themselves by themselves (2Cor 10:12).

Is it possible that those of us who have believed in Christ ever since we were children … could be among those who are the most guilty of resisting the Spirit of Jesus as he moves among us today?

You may not agree. But we might all benefit by asking ourselves the question and then thinking about whether our view of others lines up with what we know about our Lord’s opinion of others. My guess is that if all of us could spend a day seeing our hearts in the unmasked presence of Jesus, none of us would come away without a story.

It might even turn out that those who, from our point of view, seem to have the best story of rescue might now realize that, in some ways, our worst sins weren’t committed until after coming to the light. It was Jesus himself who taught us, “to whom much is given, much shall be required” (Luke 12:48).

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87 Responses to “The Trouble With G’d People”

  1. remarutho says:

    Mart — Good morning!

    You have guessed right on:

    “My guess is that if all of us could spend a day seeing our hearts in the unmasked presence of Jesus, none of us would come away without a story.”

    The voice of the prophet Hosea echoes in my ears: “…break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.” (10:12)

    Dear Paul, God’s “retooled” Pharisee, wrote to the church: “But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world.” (1 Cor 11:31-32)

    How often do I run to Scripture to find my own vindication? When I find myself challenged and questioned as to my motives and my own wisdom, do I have the courage to stay while the Lord deals with me — or do I wilt at the challenge — refusing to repent — refusing to be transformed? There is a story when the transforming power rises from the written page and enters my daily walk.

    Thanks for the encouragement to stay with it!

  2. oneg2dblu says:

    Maru… I do understand fully your simplicity of words, about judging ourselves, or, coming under God’s discipline,so we may not be condemned with the world.
    It is a much better way of saying, In Christ Jesus there is no condemnation. You have “brought out,” the real meaning, that we are only not condemned when we are first disciplined, repent, and then, there is no condemnation along with the world. That is key, to walking with Christ, Being Under His Disciple, because walking as the world does, already condemns us regardless of what we may have been taught, or choose to believe. Seeking verse to justify our little secret sin, that besetting one, that keeps us, separated and condemned! We must let go, and be totally submitted!

  3. poohpity says:

    I really like the way they put it in today’s terms, “When you point a finger at someone else you have three pointing back at you”. 9 times out of 10 when we look for something to criticize or complain about in someone else it is usually a problem that we ourselves have but it is easier to identify it in others, who really likes looking in the mirror and owning up to our own faults.

    Jesus repeatedly called attention to the religious leaders of His day because they wanted recognition, pomp and splendor. They wanted to look so righteous and spiritual yet Jesus called them a “broad of vipers” among many other names that pointed out their inability to see themselves for who they really were which in turn stopped them from seeing Jesus for who He really is. Luke 18:12-14

  4. Toml5169 says:

    Great summation in your last paragraph. I came to the Lord from a completely non Christian home at 18. Even though I had done some terrible things and committed great sin against God, the real story is after believing and the courage and faith to stay the course as Jesus heals the true issues of my heart. That story is still being told and witnessed at age 60. It never stops, God is at the center and I am learning to listen and follow. “The Never Ending Story”

  5. poohpity says:

    I think some people wear their masks of righteousness for so long that if they ever really looked within they would appreciate more the testimony they hold under those masks.

  6. oneg2dblu says:

    Until you toally submit yourself, and allow the Lord His disciplne, you never truly experience that off the chain feeling of totsl freedom, like a calf freshly released from the stall, the unbounding joy of true freedom!

  7. Toml5169 says:

    Just as Aslan was the only one who could remove the dragon exterior of Eustus, only He can unmask us; We have to submit to the painful process of disclosure.

  8. Toml5169 says:

    That process is not only painful but humbling; and underneath we find our story! Praise God we all have a story to be revealed.

  9. Regina says:

    Good Morning All

    Hope all is well with you.
    Mart asked, “Is it possible that those of us who have believed in Christ ever since we were children … could be among those who are the most guilty of resisting the Spirit of Jesus as he moves among us today?”

    This question made me feel like the disciples did when they were eating the Passover meal with the LORD…

    Matthew 26:20-22, NKJV
    20 When evening had come, He sat down with the twelve. 21 Now as they were eating, He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.”
    22 *And they were exceedingly sorrowful, and each of them began to say to Him, “Lord, is it I?”*

    This blog is an awesome reminder that I need to ask the LORD to purge me of all unrighteous thoughts, desires, temptations, ambitions, etc. on a daily basis.

    Sunny and warm in Texas today (81 degrees right now).

  10. poohpity says:

    Tom, I think that peels back the last few posts of Mart that the closer you get to God the more it is only He who reveals what is under the masks and yes it is very humbling. We also realize that only God can change what he finds under the mask.

    In my reading this morning there was also a Proverb that said, “A rebel will misapply an illustration so that it’s point is no more felt than a thorn in the hand of a drunkard”. I take that to mean that if we as human beings try and get someone else to realize their folly it puts us in a bad position while if we allow God to point out the folly (mask) who better to deal with the person than the one who knows their heart.

  11. poohpity says:

    To me that is what is so amazing about Jesus he knows us the very best even better than we know ourselves yet still died for us masks and all. Knowing that kind of love and sacrifice should help us to love others better and not be so quick to judge.

  12. oneg2dblu says:

    Regina… I like this possiblitiy of being purged of all unrighteous thoughts, desires, temptations, ambitions, etc, on a regular basis.
    As I consider myself a vessel, that holds the same, I now ask for a Filling of His Holy Spirit, which would also have to purge those other things out to make room for His Filling. Perhaps it is just another way to the same result, but I would much rather be filled then have a void! Just a thought, as I am reading R A Torrey, the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, it is a wonderful work, originally from 1910, but very empowering, and fresh as a morning glory, for those who have not yet read it! Gary

  13. florida7sun says:

    We are all different.

    Despite what some manufacturers claim, the world does not produce “one size that fits all.” I have difficulty buying clothes that fit. Maybe you do as well.

    I find the same is true in attempting to package the Word of God in communicating with people. Our understanding and expression may not fit the needs of others. Only Jesus through His Spirit can build us up and satisfy our hunger. Only He can cover us with His Blood.

    Where Satan offers bones to dogs to chew on, Our Father in Heaven provides meat that nourishes the body and new wine that refreshes our spirit.

    There are different degrees of belts in the world of marital arts. There are also different crowns earned in application of His Word to our daily life.

    All of us have a God-shaped vacuum that only He can fill. When we seek Him with all of our heart, He reveals new truth day-by-day for His Honor and Glory. When we repent of our sin, He gives us more and more of His abundant life.

    What I need this very moment may not be what you need in building up the body. Only He is faithful to give us what we need.

    Growing up I enjoyed Mello-Rolls. The molded ice cream cone was rectangular in design. The cylindrical ice cream (vanilla, strawberry or chocolate) fit exactly into the hollow of the cone. It was a creamy treat to receive, lick and then devour; especially on a hot summer day.

    Likewise, all of us are individually created by Our Creator. We are uniquely fashioned. Only He can satisfy.

    He has a special treat to fill us today.

    Enjoy His Presence, and Happy Father’s Day to all Dads.

    Abba, we love you, Ray

  14. poohpity says:

    All those crowns we think we earned are placed at the feet of Jesus realizing that it was His work that earned them not ours.

  15. alegria says:

    Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, an lead me in the way everlasting!

    One reason I often like being around non-christians, is because they have few illusions about their sinfulness – even in our depraved society, they realize that lying, cheating, etc. is wrong. As a christian, I really want to wear that mask of righteousness that Pooh mentioned….when instead I need to allow God to peal it back and strip me of prideful, fake holiness.

    Someone back in the Middle Ages said, “Comparisons are odious.” I quote that to my teens a bunch…..but I’m just as guilty. If I look down on the sinful – I’m probably trying to make myself look better – pride. If I complain about not having the character qualities or possesions of another, is it because I’m jealous of what another has?

    Heb 13: 5-6 Be content with such things as you have, For God himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”……………the daily struggle to value
    God’s presence and cleansing power in my life each day.

    Warm and humid in Indiana today. Pam

  16. poohpity says:

    alegria, very true, humble and wise words.

  17. poohpity says:

    alegria, as a personal application for myself the verse in that Psalms passage does not say, “search me, oh God, and know my heart so I can point out the flaws/sin in others so I can tell them what grieves you”.

  18. patience says:

    I always look to a passage like Romans 12:3-8. We aren’t all the same, and hopefully we all have the same mind in faith to our holy Father. I just thank God for letting us serve him, come what may. Thank you Jesus and thank you Mart. Amen God Bless all Fathers and the job they have!

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… I agree, as only the Holy Spirit can convict the sinner to change his ways. Only a person “open to receive” will accept correction. But, isn’t it in the sharing of God’s Word that we also show others what God values, and what He rejects about the way we live, or think. If we really love others, why would we not share His Word about such things?
    Not all words that come from a particular man, come from the man alone, for even the most gifted Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary, Sunday school teacher, Christian conselor, or fellow Christian, could be nothing but words, unless they are Directed, Empowered, and Indwelt by the Holy Spirit, to do the work of making His words become a reality, and a gift from God to the hearer. Unless we are blinded by only seeing the pointing finger of man, then even God’s word probably will be rejected. Gary

  20. poohpity says:

    Gary, I have always believed that it is the Holy Spirit that convicts us as well as changes us so that we can not boast. Our job is to allow Him to do what He does best when we love Him with all our heart, soul and minds and remain in Him. Then we do not have time to point fingers because we fully understand who we are compared to Jesus not to any other human being.

  21. poohpity says:

    Philippians 1:6 “6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

  22. poohpity says:

    I think the title to this post should be simply “The Trouble With People Period”!! LOL!!

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… Yes, we agree. We should also agree that saying, “There is No condemnation in Christ,” leaves some to believe they are fancy free to keep on sinning, which would be very problematical for many. I feel we should add to that, the rest of the story… There is however, the Conviction from the Holy Spirit on those who will Love and Obey Him.
    No condemnation, but there is a conviction, that should lead us to repentance, and with His Mercy, our restoration from sin’s separation.
    He will not Condemn those who Believe and Obey!
    To me, Obedience to the Holy Sprit’s Conviction is the very work, that puts a sinner right in line with God.
    So, can we still take the time to use our fingers, to point another in the right direction, without condemnation, when we see a wrong turn taking place, that may cause them, or others to stumble.
    Without that Conviction, we would stumble along as Pagan’s or unbelievers who are without direction, and that would truly be, “Trouble with all G’d People.”

  24. Marjorie says:

    “My guess is that if all of us could spend a day seeing our hearts in the unmasked presence of Jesus, none of us would come away without a story.” Wow! It kind of reminds me of Romans 3:23 that we all know and love; but since we “see through a glass darkly” (I Corinthians 13:12) we not only cannot conceive of what God is really like but we haven’t a clue about the true nature of our own sin. We won’t see it until we see our Lord. Until then, our tendency is to compare ourselves to others and not Him. To see ourselves as we truly are would surely kill us. We wouldn’t be able to handle it. We will spend eternity glorifying and praising Him who redeemed each one of us. Whether we see ourselves as great sinners or lesser ones, a sinner is a sinner. Period. We are all guilty (James 2:10) and free in Christ if our trust is in Him. So, yes, we all have a wonderful story.

  25. florida7sun says:

    Thank you, Marjorie.

    Yes, we all have a story to tell, a wonderful story. To know Jesus is to love Jesus. To love Jesus is to share Jesus:

    “I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
    Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love.
    I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true;
    It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.”

    – Words by A. Katherine Hankey

    Each day He pours out His Love and feeds us our daily bread. Each day He forgives our trespasses if we earnestly seek His forgiveness.

    We who love Him are witnesses to His influence in our lives. Each day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.

    Apart from Him there is no good thing about us. Only He is worthy. He is the very air we breathe. He is life, now and forevermore.

    Yes, we all have a story to tell.

  26. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Gary, I was also thinking about a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Have known for years (and what a blessing it is to know) that it’s the Holy Spirit who gives us the power to live a righteous and holy life before our LORD.

    Sunny and hot in Texas today (99 degrees right now).

  27. Regina says:

    Question (anyone may answer): Does “G’d People” mean “God People?”

  28. tracey5tgbtg says:

    poohpity – your comment at 8:34 am: “when we look for something to criticize or complain about in someone else it is usually a problem that we ourselves have but it is easier to identify it in others” is so true. Why is it, I wonder, that it is so easy to see the flaws of others, but so hard to see our own?

    This blog entry was so tough. Sometimes I need things spelled out for me, literally. For instance, was it God People or Good People? And I noticed it’s filed under “grace” yet it was so convicting. After reading Mart’s entry, I am more than ever grateful for the grace that God has given me. Not just to me, but to everyone who is willing to ask for it. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

  29. Marjorie says:

    Regina, I think it means “good” people–as G’day means good day in Australia.

  30. peemun says:

    Dear Brother Mart,

    One of your very last comment is admittedly and brutally true when you said ” our worst sins weren’t committed until after coming to the light”. And sadly is the story of my present life. I became to know the Lord back in 1992 when I Migrated to Australia from Iran. But soon after that I started to lose the site of the light and our Heavenly Father. 

    The situation got worse after marrying my wife. Within several years after our marriage with my loving wife, I started to cheat on her committing adultery. I have used any means of deception from lie to be hypocritical to continue my lust for sins and adultery. Although I love my wife so much, but I thought no matter what I do, my wife would not leave me. Knowing the sins that I was committing was against the Lord and my loving wife ( even though deep inside it was hurting) but the pleasure of sins got full control of my sinful life.

    Despite of having a lovely pretty wife of my own, I was looking for any other opportunities to committee adultery and neglected to provide for her. I always looked for any excuses to avoid mixing with Believers and God’s people and all the times came up with new excuses to avoid going to church. My wife used to ask me all the times to take her to church and  every time I came up with a different lie. So instead of going to church every Sunday I would leave my wife and go to bars and discos to look for another female. My job ( traveling to other countries) also gave me another opportunity to continue with my sinful pathetic life.

    So the combination of above had it’s consequences and the Lord’s punishment ( surly be the silent one) soon came in a disaster. My wife started having her own pleasure of being with other mans and just two months ago back in end of March 2011, she packed her stuff without telling me and left to live with another people. Now she does not want to do anything to do with me, hangs up on me when I call her at her work and wanted to divorce. 

    I was once blind and now can see, the pain and torment of me treating so bad, neglecting her needs, pushing her to lose the site of light is so much. These two moths has been the darkest, the hardest and most miserable time of my entire life. I am ready to die for her, she is the love of my life, my eyes, my blood and without her life is very difficult.

    Last month I went to Japan to visit her family to talk with them about our problem so they could assist but they had already changed their address long before and the only contact I had was for her older sister cell phone which she did not answer for those two days while I was in Tokyo. So after two days I came back to Singapore empty handed. 

    I though by contacting some Japanese Christian church here in Singapore they might be able to assist by visiting my wife at her company as I do not believe my wife is attending to any church.  So thanks the Lord couple of them came to visited me and I explained everything to them. But my wife is refusing to meet with them either.

    The fact that my wife now is living with a divorced Chinese lady with her son and father as well as the company my wife works at, both current places are not a good environment for my wife to be at as she gets easily influenced by them. I know in fact many people at her company ( specially a couple of them) are very interested in her and all the time trying to seduce her with the night life after work, any wife being so naive and simple minded easily falls for those and she can be easily influenced by anyone. This was despite me keep asking her prior to her leaving me to resign from this company and look for another job but she refused and gave me excuse all the times. She had claimed that she is going to a different church but I do not believe she is attending.

    I have discussed this with the pastor of the previous church we used to attend ( we are not a member of this church) but he was only happy to pray about it as I later on asked him (desperately) if that is possible for him to go and pay a visit to my wife st her company and his replied ” uh… I’m not sure about that, I do not do nothing about it now until I think and pray about it”. Although I have forgive this pastor ( as our Heveanly Father commands & to Glorify His name), but a backslide and not s positive respond from him made me very disappointed that how can a pastor stands preaching every Sunday in front of 600 people that Gods commands 1)- love your father with all our heart, all our soul and all our minds, 2)- love your nighbour and 3)-Love your enemies, teaching us all about helping each others in the time of need and yet come up with such a cold and negative respond. It is so easy to pray because it won’t cost you anything, but when action was required, we lack for it??? Wouldn’t a fig tree without a fig, would only be a tree?? Where is faith in action??

    So The Lord knows that I have tried anything to pull my wife out of such situation for her to go to a church, to be surrounded with the Believers Christian people because I know her heart and I know if God can change me, then the lord can also bring her back to light and ultimately returning my loving wife back to me.

    During these two months, I have been just praying and asking from the Heavenly Father to Forgive my sins against her and my wife, to have mercy on us, to sends her Holly Spirit upon me and my wife, to cleans our heart and mind from any sins, to makes us his servant, to move away his wrath from us and to ultimately return my loving wife back to me.

    Now every day I come home, I just pray and read the Holly Bible, read the Daily Bread. My hands are tight as I do not know anyone here in Singapore apart from a couple from the church I am now regularly attend. So I do not now how can pull my wife from her current situation for her to attend a good church as she is refusing to talk to me or see me and I do not know many people who can help me with that.

    Even my own mother, sister and some others have all advised me to think that my wife is dead so its easier to accept that she is never coming back. But how can one think of his/her love one or your children to be dead? Are you able to rest peacefully at night knowing your love one is lost out there? Wouldn’t you tear the world to have him or her back? 

    “No I Can Not Rest peacefully”. Despite being “the Sinner of the Sinners”, despite the dead end, despite all negative advises from others including my own family, I can not and will not give up on her or our Father. My only hope and faith now rest with our Heavely Father. I will knock his door days and nights and sincerely believe in him for the salvation and the light at the end of the tunnel. It it very life shattering and so sad that I had to go through all these in order to come back to our Heavely Father. So I hope our Heveanly Father replaces his anger and punishment with his Mercy and Grace and gives me one more chance to look after my loving wife, to serve others and to shine light and happiness to this broken marriage.

    God Bless You All
    In Him 

  31. SFDBWV says:

    Paul, hold tightly to Christ stay close to Him and even though your heart is breaking He, Christ, is faithful to heal your pain. You may or may not be reunited with your wife as all sin has its consequences, but all things work to the good for them that love the Lord. It may just take some time.

    In the mean time I for one will pray for you to have that peace that surpasses understanding.


  32. SFDBWV says:

    Regina when Mart first posted this topic it was “Good” for some reason he shortened it to G’d.

    I know, it is confusing.


  33. florida7sun says:

    G’d People: Is it God People or Good People? The urban dictionary says G’d People are dressed to kill. It’s a hip-hop term.

    There was a popular song in the 1970s sung by Larnelle Harris that included the lyric: “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

    Indwelt by the Holy Spirit, believers are bond-slaves given new names. We are sealed by our Lord and Savior and given a new identity: Christian.

    There is no greater name under heaven.

    There are many god people. There are many good people.

    As Mart’s title suggests they are incomplete and could be g’d people dressed to kill. They are easily influenced by the world. Wise in themselves, they became fools.

    The world is troubled by followers of Christ, for the world loves itself. The world is filled with vampire energy, seeking to kill and destroy. It seeks darkness rather than light. Sin is pervasive. It distorts and deforms.

    Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Heirs with Him we are one in Christ.

    “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” 1 Peter 3:15-16

    The joy of being one with Christ, wholly dependent on Him, is a wonderful story to share. There is so much to tell. “…I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” – John 21:25

    Heat index going to 100 today. Enjoy the weekend and Father’s Day.

  34. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I echo what Steve said to you about Holding tightly to Christ.
    I have to cling on to Him every day else I would just crumble in despair.
    I will be praying for you as well, although the outcome may not be the one you expect!


  35. SFDBWV says:

    I hesitated to even participate in the subject, as I didn’t see much of a subject here. However I will say that if you read what Christ had to say about people you see a transition from Him.

    In the very beginning He almost scolded His mother by saying “woman what have I to do with thee?” (John2: 1). He chose His disciples from among Jews who were good men and even though Peter was a rough sort of fellow he was not a bad person. Matthew was a tax collector and seemed to be a more open sinner, violating the laws of God, but Andrew and Phillip were both disciples of John the Baptist and were seeking the Messiah.

    Jesus goes on to say that no one except God is good, so that statement alone eliminates every person in the world born then or yet to be born from ever being good according to Jesus.

    All are sinners and in need of Christ. All equal in sin and equal in need.

    He, Jesus, instructed His disciples to go only to the house of Israel and to seek the lost sheep of Israel. Yet He Himself offers salvation and does miracles for non Jews as He goes about His ministry and in the end instructs that all people of every nation be included in His plan of salvation.

    I for one thank all of the *good* people who came before me, who have kept the faith, kept the Gospel and followed as best they could the instructions from Christ so that Christianity has survived for these past 2000 years and allowed me to know about Jesus and seek salvation.

    I for one will not make their sacrifice and effort minimal as compared to drug abusers, murderers, thieves, liars and all the lower base characters of the world who by the very efforts of *good* people have finally been given the opportunity to find grace from Christ.

    So I say thank you to all of those *good* people who have kept the faith.


  36. dbroth01 says:

    I’ve been lurking a couple of weeks, and have been impressed with the quality of the blog and the discussion. It seems that you’ve been “reading my mail” with every entry. It’s been a source of conviction, but never condemnation, and I appreciate that.

    BTW, based on the picture and the rest of the text I’m pretty sure that you meant “martial arts”. My wife is usually the editor, not me. :)

  37. Mart De Haan says:

    Paul, thank you for opening your heart to us. If the subject of this post means anything at all, it means that none of us not even the b’st among us, is in a position to dismiss your pain, or the longing of your heart.

    If we understand at all the self-deceptive nature of our countless sins, then we have no ground on which to judge you.

    Let me at the same time be as honest and as caring as I can. On the basis of what you have told us, if you were to come to any of us personally and to ask us to intervene with your wife, I don’t know how we–with your best interests in mind– could do so (even if we could)– not at least in an attempt to restore the trust by which you originally committed yourselves to one another.

    At this point it seems to me that, on the basis of what you have told us, what we are seeing might be a small indication of the immeasurable love of your heavenly Father.

    Since I may be wrong, I’ll express my thoughts as questions. Is it possible that our God is showing you that he loves you enough to let you lose your wife as a means of bringing you back to himself? Is it possible that it is in his immeasurable love that he has given you a wake-up call that has allowed you to see a self-deceptive heart for what it is?

    Is it even possible that part of what our Father is doing in not giving you a “pastoral brother or sister” to intervene on your behalf is a test of your faith, to see if this is really about your return to the love of God– rather than something less.

    I raise the questions not to add to your pain, but with a desire to join the other friends in this blog who recognize with me that nothing is more important than learning to entrust ourselves to our God– without pointing an angry finger at anyone who we believe is letting us down in the process.

    Please forgive me for any wrong assumptions I’ve made. Problems like this are far greater than any of us can really understand.

    But what we do know is that God alone deserves our absolute trust, hope, and love.

  38. Mart De Haan says:

    Oh you are so right about the spelling of “martial arts.” Now ya got me laughing at myself (with a red face). I’m going to go back and change it right now while also leaving the original so as to make sense of your above comment.

    Thanks so much too for your encouraging words, and for hanging with us for awhile. I hope you’ll stay “at the table” with us.

  39. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… We can never be “good enough” to get into Heaven, so good people need not apply, only Forgiven people go to Heaven! I thnik the *good* people you are refereing to, are those who are both Surrendered, and been Forgiven! Heaven to me, is not a place for the unbelieving, or the disobedient. There is another place for them, as the word Hell comes into my mind. I am also not familiar with this G’d word. So, some of us are lost, for the defining of it, for ourselves.
    This is true with so called Christian’s as well, when they seek for themselves, verses that help support their way of thinking,and many who are living actually separated by there sin, ignore all the warnings and grasp only the promises to find their deceptive form of peace, and fail to change those things that keep them outside God’s Will. This creates for them, a seared conscience, and the Devil has his winning moment, every day they continue living with only the promises.
    That pretty masked fig tree,looked good to many, but because there was no fruit, we all know what Christ did to that good looking tree. Gary

  40. SFDBWV says:

    Gary aside from just wanting to disagree with me, what is your point? You have filled the page with words but say nothing of any value. I can stand my ground with the best of them and fight with you face to face, but where is God’s light or His love in any of that sort of dialog?

    So Gary I will state again a quote from the past “A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool because he has to say something.”

    Have a nice day Gary.


  41. Regina says:

    Good Morning All

    It’s already 81 degrees outside, and it’s only 8:27 am Getting ready for a scorcher of a day. Thank God for AC! It’s not a SMALL THING in Texas! lol!

    Thank you, Marjorie, Steve and florida7sun for helping me out with “G’d People.” Would LOVE to learn something new everyday!

    I hope you all will have a GREAT weekend, and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the dads on this blog and everywhere (esp. the *Christ-like* dads)! :-)

  42. jam200 says:

    Thanks for a great blog this morning. The scripture that I’m constantly reminded of is “for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It doesn’t say that some have sinned which would imply that others are not sinners. Paul writes a simple statement to remind us of who we are, and where we have come from.

  43. oneg2dblu says:

    Paul… please know that you have touched many hearts here with your story. We are praynig for you to find that Peace which surpasses all Understanding. We can never know exactly what God’s complete plan for us is, but we can put our complete trust in knowing He has our best in mind, even if it requires of us, a letting go of all worldy desire.
    All our human love, all our human emotions, and all human interactions may not always align with God’s greater plan. For we must all suffer at times in this living out of our human lives in this darkened world. But, His Light will light our path, and we will overcome all obstacles that cause darkness to prevail against us.
    We must remain steadfast in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Saviour. It is our only hope of knowing His Mercy and Grace, it keeps us wrapped in His Love, Forever! Gary

  44. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart, if it is true that “our worst sins” come after we Believe, than would finding God at an early age, not lead us to living a better life?
    Sounds almost counter productive, to me.
    When, I consider the drastic change of direction my life took twenty years ago, when I became Born Again.
    To me, my worst sins were blotted out, my worldly lifestyle no longer enticed me to live as I had. I took God’s warnings to heart, with much “letting go,” of old worldly desires.
    Have I failed your premise, or have those sins which I committed before Salvation, been of lesser consequence than those I commit today?
    Because sin always separates, and our sin nature never totally absolves, do we then sin with greater intent
    and consequences, after Being Born again?
    Just looking to quantify your statement, so I do not oppose your intention.
    I do believe that once we have tasted, once we believe, and turn back to our old ways, we have failed to take to heart, the warnings that God has provide for us, as we do not seem to hear the Holy Spirit within us.
    So, in that light, I see a greater loss, if choose to obey, the old man, our sinning nature, instead. Gary

  45. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Hi Gary – I don’t usually respond to questions, but yours was so intriguing that I couldn’t resist.

    Obviously, I don’t speak for Mart, but I do agree that I became “aware” of how truly bad my sins were after I had been saved.

    For example, once I was saved, the desire for drinking, immorality, and worldly things did fall away and disappear, however, I felt that I sinned more than ever because I knew how often my heart was not in the right place.

    I picture it like a victim of an explosion. You come up to that wounded person covered in dirt and debris. You wash away the mud and they are clean, but now that they are clean, you can clearly see the gaping chest wound that is the real problem.

  46. oneg2dblu says:

    Tracey… precisely, it was when I came Under the Conviction of the Holy Spirit, that I could see my sin, then I surrendered my Life to Christ. I did not walk through with my sins intact, unnoticed, unforgiven, returning to my vomit, if you will, but, I recieved in my spirit such an overwhelming conviction, that change then became possible, and became my way of Living for Christ. That to me, is the fruit being revealed, the word believed, the life changed, the renewing of the mind. Never looking to go back, from whence I had come.
    Free to walk on, and freedom from those old sin’s grasp.
    Off the chain, if you will! Born Again! Gary

  47. oneg2dblu says:

    tracey… I grew up with the Lord in my life, attending Sunday school, and then church. So, I may have given my life to Jesus as a child, but I do not really remember doing so.
    From the way I lived for the first 47 years, there was no fruit bearing going on in me.
    Was I saved? Who knows but God. I always felt something good, about professing that I was a Christian, but my walk was not Christ-like.
    So, was I saved?
    After, I experience an extremely low point in my life, I found myself helplessly calling out to Jesus to save me. From that instant on, something changed within me. So, Was I saved then?
    A month later I found the sinner’s prayer in the back of a Gideon’s Bible and with all my broken heart, gave myself to those words, and signed my name in the blank space provided. Was it then, that I was Saved?
    Then, within a month I went back to church, and in that first service, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit came upon me with such force and conviction, that it broke my earthly vessel, and I weeped all over myself, uncontrollably and unashamedly. I knew, at that point, my Salvation was in tact, and working out within my members a great change, I was Saved, Born Again!
    Never, did I go back to where I was. I’ll leave the When, to God alone, and the Way, to Christ alone, and the change in my spirit, to His Holy Spirit! Praise God Almighty, for He hears our prayers, and He is Willing! Gary

  48. poohpity says:

    “The trouble with G’d people” is their own thoughts of being good. They are in denial!! Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.” Some really good examples have been posted about self goodness which is really self deception. For those who do not think this applies to them are usually the ones that need to hear it the most.

    When we sin, even though we have been forgiven and trust me we have been forgiven a lot, it still has consequences that we have to live with. Paul it seemed that at the first of your post you were focused on your sin and that is healthy but then the conversation went to the behaviors of your wife and that you have no control over which was the damage of the sin. I lived my whole life as a child with a dad who was unfaithful and the damage to my mom and my brother and myself still remain. Both parents accepted Christ after divorce but that does not take away the consequences, for me I have no trust for men and was also unfaithful in my marriages and so was my brother. Since Christ I have stayed single but still struggle with trust issues. The only man I trust is Jesus Christ.

    That is why sin is so bad cause it effects the person and everyone around. It is also very harmful for people to never admit to their wrongs, that harms the person and those around too. It is also calling God a liar saying we are good which stops us from fully realizing the enormity of the grace we live under.

  49. poohpity says:

    Philippians 3:8-16

  50. InHisHands says:

    Maybe I have this wrong – but I view this topic from my Pastor’s lessons. If we could see ourselves the way that God sees us- (before salvation), we would understand how truly appalling we are before our Holy God. When Christ draws us to Him, He opens our eyes to just how much we need Him – just how lacking we were, how badly we failed, but how faithful He was and is to keep us after we accept Him. In and of ourselves we can do nothing to *deserve* or be *G’d* enough to spend enternity with God – Who is pure love, righteousnes, and holiness.
    Don’t mean to sound like I am babbling-

  51. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Gary – thank you for sharing some of the personal details of your walk. I share many of the same experiences. I also appreciate your ability to accept forgiveness and live as a new creation in Christ.

    I must admit I do struggle with feeling that I am trapped in sin and will never escape as long as I am in the flesh, and I know that is the wrong perspective.

    Your words made me think of one of my favorite Oswald Chamber’s devotionals in “My Utmost for His Highest”, the one on October 28th. There is a link to it on this website. Go to the archives to find that date.

    It starts out, “I am not saved by believing – I simply realize I am saved by believing.”

  52. foreverblessed says:

    G’d people, I thought Mart meant God people, people who do not want to write the name of God, and so say G’d, because He is to big for us to comprhend, he did not write g’d, being good. But I thought maybe that is a daring thing to write.
    OK, I agree with Mart, that when you grow up as a “good” child in church, the conversion to Christ is the beginning, not such big stories to tell about how bad you were. The realisation of how fallen my state was came later. How often my thought wander of, how often so little faith, how often being overwhelmed by the trials of life. How much I fail, and how great God’s grace to me is, to draw me close to Him. How little I know of how big G’d is, how unfathomable. How often I my thoughts dwell more on the wrong going around, the and forgetting how G’d holds everything in His Hands.

    Paul, thanks for sharing,
    The second part of your story, where you talk you want your wife back, reminds me of the movie Bruce Almighty (2003)
    Bruce has to learn the same thing God knows, He cannot make anyone to love Him. God cannot force anybody to live with Him. Even God who has not done anything wrong to us, how much less we, who have done wrong to others?
    Go see the movie.

  53. oneg2dblu says:

    Tracy, thank you. I will check it out. :)

  54. poohpity says:

    tracey, I do not think there is anything wrong with thinking we are trapped by sin because it is the truth. It is a struggle that we in our flesh live with the rest of our lives and realizing that and how the Lord looks at us is the only way we can really understand the immense amount of love, mercy and grace we have in Christ. If we look at our selves any other way then we focus on being good and deserving which we do not. When we look at ourselves through the eyes of Christ with the compassion he has given us and fully acknowledge that, then we can look at others and ourselves through His eyes and show the same forgiveness, mercy and grace we have been shown. It is like if Christ thinks and feels that way about me and others who I am to consider them or ourselves any other way hence loving others as He has loved us.

  55. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks patience for Romans 12:3, and Tracey, I just read the october 28 of Oswald, how thrilling this is! Gary, sorry to tell you, I have been in a church where they constantly preached warnings, the warnings were bigger then the encouragements. It is sooooo encouraging what Oswald writes here, please do not come with a warning after this.
    Lets rejoice this day, and be glad in it, for the Lord has made it, Psalm 118:24

  56. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… I have no words or warning for those who feel no need to repent, aor have no need to mention the Holy Spirit. My lips are sealed, not because you have asked, but because I know that my words will not change anyone’s “already settled means” for their Faith.
    That change can only come through the Holy Spirit, which was not mentioned in this particular treatise.
    I only say that God has chosen to reveal to me, another standard, through Christ’s words, which says, Repent and Believe, and you will be Saved. So now, to satisfy Oswald Chambers exhortation and others here who also would agree with him, I’ll ask this…I need to do what with the 26 verses in my bible references, that speak of this not so needed Repentance? I only ask the question to produce a thought… for the believing, and yet unrepentant among us. Gary

  57. foreverblessed says:

    Gary, “this not so needed repentance” if you read closely enough, Oswald did not write this, it is your conclusion after reading this.
    I read: “And it is not repentance that saves me— repentance is only the sign that I realize what God has done through Christ Jesus. The danger here is putting the emphasis on the effect, instead of on the cause.”
    and I read this:
    “When I turn to God and by belief accept what God reveals, the miraculous atonement by the Cross of Christ instantly places me into a right relationship with God. And as a result of the supernatural miracle of God’s grace I stand justified, not because I am sorry for my sin, or because I have repented, but because of what Jesus has done. The Spirit of God brings justification with a shattering, radiant light, and I know that I am saved, even though I don’t know how it was accomplished.”

  58. dust says:

    after i read the above i thought – how corrosive sin is-
    confessed, unconfessed etc and how it reduces us down to dust and then one spec of dust. That may be where we find out much God’s pure , perfect, infinate love readly is and how much we need him.

  59. poohpity says:

    It was the difference of following John the Baptist or Jesus. I chose Jesus because of all my dust that will never be gone until that day when we see Jesus face to face meanwhile we need to tell others of the love and forgiveness of Christ and stop thinking we are “Swiffer Dusters” :-)

  60. Marjorie says:

    InHisHands, loved your 11:32am post. Right on!

  61. Marjorie says:

    BTW, InHisHands, you weren’t babbling. :-)

  62. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… enjoyed your duster add! It is my brother’s favorite. Glad you mentioned John the Baptist, you saved me, I mean saved me some words, about His Ministry, and where we think His lesser Message accually came from. Repentance to me is critical, for if “our only justifiable act,” is in this recieving Salvation, we are still so far away from the Message of what Christ-like living, Discipleship, and Evangelism is, and requires.
    But, I guess we are all stuck on this Salvation only point forever. No repentance for salvation? It may be a way for some, but for me, Repentance opened a door that no other act of the heart, so far, has brought about change in my sin life. Just seeing your sins, and doing nothing about them, really takes me by surprise, if your trying to Obey God’s Commands, and be Christ-like. Praise God, that His Ways are above ours, and His words do not go unheard. :)

  63. foreverblessed says:

    Marjorie, I have a comment for you in the topic:Logical conclusions.
    Gary, the post does not say that repentance is not required, neither that faith is not required, it is the connection by which the salvation reaches us, but the source of our salvation is Jesus’s sacrifice for us.

  64. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed…First, Owald tells us “how” it was accomplished, “When by turning to God,” (repenting to me, is a turning from our flesh, our all encompassing worldly self, to an Almighty God)) and by belief accept what God reveals, the miraculous attionment of the cross of Christ instantly places me in right relationship with God, as a result of the supernatural miracle of God’s grace I stand justified, not because I am sorry for my sin, or because I have repented, but because of what Jesus has done.” Then, he finishes with… “The spirit of God brings justification with a shattering radient light, and I know that I am saved, even though I do not know how it was accomplished.” Wow! He already has forgotten his words about his very first step, “When I turned to God!” Call it anything you want, but I call it repenting, this turning from our sinful self, to this Almighty God. Yes, Grace reveals, grace directs, grace calls, but we must turn toward God!
    Maybe I did read it wrong, after all, so I’ll read it again, and again, And wonder why he avoids mentioning
    his very first words, and every believer’s very first act! Gary

  65. poohpity says:

    The problem with us trying to do the work of God in convicting others is we do not have the solution. God convicts and then offers the solution. I believe what this topic is about is looking within not at others to take the mask off of them when we have a hard time seeing beneath our own. It will befit us in our witness to be slow to point out the faults in others and tell them to repent when there is so much work left to be done in each of us. I think sometimes God gives us a word and it was meant for something that needs work to the person it was given not for that person to give it to others.

  66. florida7sun says:

    Repentance does not save. We are saved by faith. It is a free gift. However, without repentance there is no salvation.

    As Oswald Chambers writes, “Get alone with Jesus and either tell Him that you do not want sin to die out in you; or else tell Him that at all costs you want to be identified with His death.”

    The first public pronouncement of our Lord and Savior was “Repent” in Matthew 4:17. “Unless you repent, you too will all perish.” – Luke 13:3

    Repentance is turning from sin and asking Jesus to live His life in us. We cannot live a life for Christ unless He is Lord.

    If He is not Lord, we are dead in our sins, for we grieve the Holy Spirit and mock His crucifixion.

    As Lord, “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

    The Apostle Paul tells us to work out our salvation. In our flesh all of us are imperfect.

    The Lord gives us our daily bread and forgives us our trespasses as we pray His Prayer in earnest to Our Father in Heaven.

    Happy Father’s Day, Ray

  67. oneg2dblu says:

    florida7son. Thanks for the plug on repentance. Oswald Chambers wrote multitudes of works. Thanks for the clarification on that peice you cited, althuogh it was not part of the message we were looking at, or trying to work out, if you will, but it is relevant.
    It really is applaling to me, when we try to discuss our views with others, and if they differ, suddenly we are masked villians, who are pointing fingers. I wonder why they feel so, threatened, or maybe even guilty?
    Just a thought… we are so sensitive about every word we exchange, and even almost brutal with each other at times. How preplexing we can become, when our flesh becomes riled. We lose focus and treat each other like we are exercizing Christianity for Dummies, for the program of the day. Straingly, we seem to find no resolve ever, on certain issues. We make ourselves sound like broken records, claiming the same verses over and over, like we need to show those we feel are pointing fingers at us, their mask. Sadly in reality we are all sharing God’s word, in one form or another, and God’s words should reveal, because they do not hide behind any mask.
    Those who have ears to hear, let them find your peace
    Lord, and be still in it. Gary

  68. oneg2dblu says:

    God must do a work in us, before He can do a work through us, and we all obviously need more work. So, do we remain mute, or do we strive to show others, sharing the word, as we learn lessons for ourselves?

  69. poohpity says:

    I feel so frustrated sometimes on this blog. I fully believe that God has given a gift to Mart regarding the topics that he puts up for us to think about and discuss and it never fails that folks come in with their own agenda. They disrespect the comment guidelines and the author with things that do not pertain to what we are talking about. I was invited here to think about a specific topic and discuss that. We can learn so much if we read what he writes and then “Think” about it and then discuss it. To me it is so rude to go off on a different direction when there is so much depth in what is presented.

    The only reason I can see is if someone does not understand what is being said or just does not care about anyone else but themselves. If the topic is to hard to understand then ask for clarification. If you just what to talk about your own agenda then at least apologize for being rude and disrespectful.

  70. poohpity says:

    Talking about those who have ears to hear and just ignore. What does that say about you!!!

  71. Marjorie says:

    poohpity, I share your frustration. The topic gets lost in all of the posturing and flurry of words. Here’s hoping we learn from our mistakes.

  72. branch says:

    There is no difference between “messed up” people and good people-all are sinful people and forgiven people. Those who accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, do not become magically sin free. Also, concerning witnessing, the only testimony I can give is what I know to be true regarding the presence of the Lord in my own life. 1 Corinthians 12: 7-8 says-To one is given, through the Holy Spirit, the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit.

  73. BruceC says:

    “The Trouble with G’d People”

    There are no good people as the Word says. Only those who are saved and forgiven and those who are not or not yet. The always-good God works through those that are saved. And He works in them to conform them to the image of His only Son; Jesus the Christ.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  74. florida7sun says:

    ‎”Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.”

  75. oneg2dblu says:

    marjorie… I’ll use your name when responding to you, I feel it is more respectful to do so, thank you for your openminded reply, “We can all learn from “our” mistakes.” You have found the way to respond, that doesn’t come off as judgemental, or pointing fingers back at specific persons. You have learned this lesson well, you have risen above the condemnation of personal conflict. God can use “your type” of responding for it is about the betterment of all. You’ve blessed us, and I’m holding you accountable for it. Oops, I guess I’m still learning…LOL! Gary :)

  76. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh-pity… I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets frustrated with this type of dialogue that wanders off topic at times, but we are also about human covnversation, and our God-given speach is a freedom we all exercise here. Some taking offense, some making only pat contributions, as you have said in the past, and some wanderfing off subject. But, we are all here to express our Love for the Lord, His Works, and His Provission in our lives. Our hunamness gets in the way, because we have issues that are overwhelming to us, and can not be contained or ignored, as they flow out freely, and show themselves. Sometimes in a loving way, and sometimes not! It is this condition of bieng human, that we all strain to overcome, and with God’s Helper, He can eventually make progress in us. He already has!
    Praise God, for His Mercies are new every morning.

  77. poohpity says:

    God bless you Gary. If anything you are persistent. ;-)

  78. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I agree with Steve when he said, “A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool because he has to say something.”

    I only usualy comment on here when I feel I have something to say and sometimes suprise myself as to what comes out.

    Other times I have logged in just because I wanted to say something and be heard, in those moments I tend to offend and cause hurt.
    Proverbs state that if we speak we will be deemed either wise or a fool by what we say but if we keep silent we will be assumed wise as there is nothing to judge us by.


  79. foreverblessed says:

    Sorry Pooh, that it offended you, this side track. I found this devotion Tracey brought up very revealing. That we, as good people, even our goodness, it is not ours, it is the righteousness of Jesus that comes flashing down from heaven, and fills us. It is all His, there is nothing we can boast about. His goodness is sooo High, so far beyond any good we as humans have, it is His, forever and ever.
    To be honoust, I wish you would encourage that we learn here, even if it is not strict the topic, especially if the topic runs awhile. Love you Pooh, (we named our new rabbit Pooh, and the other Winny. Now Winny happens to be a male, and we had to split them up, because Pooh is very dominant but female, and they fight because she does not want the male dominancy. O dear. We will find a solution, but that is hard to tell here. Sorry Bob, I am now writing because I have to say something)

  80. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    I will love you whether you have something to say or whether you just want to say something.
    It is always a blessing.


  81. foreverblessed says:

    That warms my heart! I always enjoy your posts, but you do not write so much lately? Is everything well? I loved your story about your little barn church. When I cycle here in the country lanes, there is an old farm, with a big barn, and it is for sale, then I pray: God, would it not be nice if a little barn church was here. And a sign to be read for everybody to read who comes along the barn. People like Bob, who were lost, and are found. A place where music is made a lot of times a week, where people could come and sing you praise! Maybe gospel music. It is a dream, but then again I pray that in all the earth His will be done as it is in heaven.

  82. poohpity says:

    foreverblessed, I do not think that is a problem for you, staying on topic, you usually do. I do not think I have ever heard you put Mart down for a topic choice either. I have a strong personality because God has put me in the position of having one but that does not keep me from respecting people or standing up for what I believe. It also does not stop me from allowing Christ to be head of my life.

    This morning in church God showed me that if I spent more time praising Him and trusting Him to work in peoples lives I would not be on here so much anyway. I will in the future read Mart’s posts as I have for the last 4 years without defending Mart or the guidelines it truly is not by business. Jesus does not need my defense of His word or trying to get people to recognize the importance of context either that is God’s job. The Lord has much house cleaning left to do in me, so I will concentrate on Him and His word. Forgive me if I have harmed anyone.

  83. Marjorie says:

    The natural inclination of children is to hold their fathers up to expectations that only God can satisfy. Not even the best of fathers are up to that job, although some do much better in the effort than others. The disappointment and heartache that result are oftentimes used by God to cause us to seek Him so our pain is really a blessing in disguise. We come to know the purpose of our suffering later. Many of the most compassionate of God’s children have been through horrendous childhoods and can only learn to forgive their earthly fathers when they have come to God and are learning to let Him heal their wounds and fill those deep needs. Seeing their own sin and knowing God’s forgiveness makes it possible to grant that same forgiveness to their fathers. Then father’s day can take on the special meaning for which it was intended.

    I am one of those wounded ones. It was a relief when my father died. My mother blossomed when she no longer had to endure his abuse. Over the past 20 years, I have learned to appreciate the positive ways that my father impacted my life. Until then, profound depression was the norm. He was so broken himself that now I feel more sadness than anything else when he comes to mind. I hope that, unknown to anyone else, God revealed His grace to my father and moved in his heart to accept Christ in his dying hours and that we will both be made perfect and see each other again in heaven. The reason that I have that hope is that he searched the scriptures for hour upon hour and longed to know God, but he simply could not give up on himself and rest in Christ. God knows our hearts so I must trust in Him and His purpose concerning my father. Maybe some of you can identify with that hope.

  84. foreverblessed says:

    Wow Pooh, did GOd tell you that? To praise Him more? Great task to perform! Praise God, and I love you.

  85. oneg2dblu says:

    God is never done growing us, teaching us, awarding us, and Fathering us. Praise God, His Love Endures Forever!

  86. poohpity says:

    He did not tell me, God showed me what the benefits would be in praising Him because it would show how much more I trust Him than in my own strength/good. It would enhance His image not my own.

  87. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I am ok but struggling with stuff and life at the moment.
    I am very blessed by The Barn and believe me revival is about to hit our land as it is happening right now in Cornwall.
    God is at work in our land and in our time.
    The latter rain is here my friend!


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