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Are Good People Jinxed?

Photo by: Mel_Rawling

As children use the term, you don’t want to be around a jinxed person. Who wants to be around when bad stuff messes up something good we thought we could count on?

In the world of sports, athletes do a lot of strange and superstitious things to avoid the dreaded curse, field gods, or anything else that creates chaos at the most unexpected moments.

So if we aren’t superstitious, how do we explain the sudden unforced errors–the stupid mistakes– or the awful feelings that seem to follow some of our best and most treasured moments? Are those slip ups inevitable? Or by focusing on Christ can we make them a thing of the past?

I raise the question after our last conversation about Being Real Before Being Right resulted in an honesty of conversation that I found so healthy and helpful.

Along the way, though, one of our friends asked a question about our emphasis on being real before being right. Is being honest about our wrongs all it takes to be right? Haven’t followers of Christ been given the ability to rise above and beyond our admission of mess ups? Doesn’t our alignment with Christ result in a wholeness of life that is a better way of being right?

I think those questions reflect the one that was raised. If I’ve misunderstood or misrepresented the point, I hope this friend will correct me.

My thought is that as true as it is that those in Christ can claim new life by “abiding in him”, we need to keep talking about what that looks like. I, for one, have never experienced, for any period of time, being in that zone where all that is showing is Christ.

Even the thought that “I think I’m finally getting it together”, reminds me of how I wince inside whenever a sports announcer talks about a person who is “in the zone” of not making any mental or athletic errors.

I’m not sure what to make of the superstitious sounding “jinx” in sports. But I’ve noticed  that even the thought that I’m starting to get the hang of the “exchanged-life principle” (i.e. abiding in Christ and experiencing his life in exchange for my surrender) results in finding coffee stains on my “white shirt” or something worse.

Isn’t it safer to long for “higher ground” while always remembering that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6-10);  (1Peter 5:5-8).

Am pretty sure that I’m on to something that most of us can identify with, but don’t know how much I’m missing in the process. Hope the conversation will continue.

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68 Responses to “Are Good People Jinxed?”

  1. florida7sun says:

    Is there anything we can do apart from God? I think not.

    Every breath we take, every movement, every thought, every error, times of despair and times of great joy are all ordained by Him to take us to John 3:16 and the Cross of Christ.

    We are not jinx. On the contrary, He foreknew us and orchestrated eternal life with Him.

    Truth, light and love hang on the Cross. It cannot be found in the opinions of men.

    Eternal life with Him cannot be bought. It cannot be inherited. It cannot be stolen. It cannot be earned. Our individual righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God. We need a Savior, and He provided the only acceptable One: Himself.

    He hangs on a tree for the world to see and has given us His Word.

    The Four Spiritual Laws developed by Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ) proved to be a helpful resource for me.

    It is not enough to know the Law to gain understanding: “We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord through repentance of sin; then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.”

    If we lack understanding; if we lack faith, all we have to do is earnestly petition Our Father in Heaven and He, through His faithfulness, will reveal the majesty of His Son in all His Glory.

    In Him we discover our imperfections. And, He has a great sense of humor in revealing them to us. I have laughed with Him many times. He is more than a friend or a brother. He is life itself.

  2. jam200 says:

    It’s not about being right. Rather, it’s about living up to the standard that God has given us. An example is the Olympic sport, the Decathlon. In that sport, we compete against ourselves. In other, words, we are seeking to better the standard that was previously set by ourselves. In life, God has set the standard and we compete to be better each and everyday. This doesn’t mean we have to be right, just better. Better at living the life that God has called us to.

  3. jim2 says:

    good morning my name is Jim and this is my first time to comment.but I have been reading on this (Been Thinking About)for about 2 months.I think that we all at one time or even more than one, that we are jinxed.the bad things that come our way is from the sin that is in the world. some times it’s my sin and some times not,but being honest and real with God,is to go to hem in prayer.And even then we need to ask hem what it is that has(jinxed) us or what the sin is that is in our life. Some times I can get down in the felling of being jinxed,I don’t know what to say to God. So I can go to God’s Word to get comfort,(ROMANS 8:26-27) And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.For example,we don’t know what God wants us to pray for.But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying,for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.(NLT) Being honest with God in conversation with him in prayer,and in his word,is where I get wisdom and empowerment.God bless you all and have a great and Godly day.

  4. musicgirl61 says:

    okay, let me throw a different light on this. As a musician, I totally understand the sports term “in the zone,” and I don’t think it has anything to do with being jinxed or not being jinxed. It has everything to do with you and what you are doing coming together in such a way as to fully (okay, almost, anyway) express who you are. Does that mean the musician doesn’t make any mistakes? Of course not, because we aren’t perfect. But if what a musician does is makes music, then those times when he’s doing it well expresses something bigger than himself; it becomes a transcendent thing for both the musician and the listeners. I believe it gives us a glimpse of God and who he has created us to be.

    So as far as our relationship with God, when we are “walking the walk” the best we can, we are simply expressing who we are in Christ. It’s a “fit.” When we get it right, it feels good (usually), and it looks good (at least to the Father), and it is good. Because that’s who we are. To do otherwise would be like a bride in her beautiful white gown getting down and playing in the mud. It doesn’t make sense for her to do that; that’s not who she is.

  5. poohpity says:

    The only zone I can claim is the zone under the covering of the blood of Christ which is what God looks at me through. The covering of Christ’s righteousness not my own that no matter how hard I try I will not ever be able to accomplish by myself. Being real is to admit I am wrong and only then can Christ do anything with this life of mine for good. Understanding that self effort is what got me to a place of kneeling at the foot of the Cross and being real is what keeps me there being clothed in the grace of the Holy One. That gives me freedom to love, show mercy, extend grace and forgive others because of what Christ has done for me.

  6. poohpity says:

    Mart, I really appreciated your insert for August in ODB.

  7. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks, Deb,
    I’m not sure what that insert was. Will check.

  8. poohpity says:

    “Being a Man”

  9. BruceC says:

    Hi to all!

    Was busy all last week with Fun In The Son(our kids summer program at our church.)
    All went well considering the first two days we had bad weather. Monday we got an inch of rain in 45 mins. Tuesday the sky got dark and the wind came up. When it started to lightning and thunder we all moved across the street to the former National Guard Armory which the city now owns. And we finished there. It came down in buckets! The kids made a scale replica of the temple, two large columns that were in front. They were six feet high and a long banner with paintings and their names on crosses with John 3:16 lettered on the banner. Funny how Tuesday lesson and painting was on Noah’s Ark! Thank you all for your prayers!!!

    Anyway on being jinxed I must say that maybe that falls in the same category as luck and that I do not believe in.
    But things happen; even aggravating little things almost daily. Sure things may seem to go just right at times but mostly they don’t. I believe it is because of our fallen world and because the enemy does attack and also because God allows things into our life for testing or chastising and getting our attention. Look at what Paul went through and the despair he felt at times. But he knew God’s hand was on him and with Him and upon that he trusted. I have had many a day that I have almost felt like giving up; saying “What’s the use?” But God………
    Interesting how many times that is mentioned and spoken about. But God……
    But for God what would be the purpose of life and what we endure? There would be no purpose at all. All during the week we felt like we riding a “spiritual high”; working all together and with the kids. On Saturday I felt so low and down. A “spiritual low”, so to speak. I can learn from those low points; that even when I don’t “sense” God He is still there with me. Hope all understand me.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  10. foreverblessed says:

    Thanks Bruce for the report. Doesn’t that happen often: feeling low after a high time.

    What does that mean: being jinxed, maybe an explanation is needed for the non-american readers.

    Being real before being right, is not the same as: it only needs to be real to become right.
    But without being real before God, He cannot make us right.
    In church yesterday, the pastor talked about that we as christians often fight in the wrong way; We fight against our weaknesses,
    While Jesus said: Come to me, al you who are weary,
    and not only coming to Him, but giving our strugles to Him, and leave it there. I give my worries, and strugles, my weaknessens to Him, and then go praise Him. All my attention is on Him, that is the work I have to do. While naturally I would let my mind go over and over again on the problems and worries I have. And the work I have to do is stopping that and: looking up to Jesus, Singing songs, praising Him, praying. And I can do that even while doing my daily tasks. And while I praise God, He does the work in me, He fights my battles. Like Moses could not open the sea, God did that.
    Exodus 14:14
    I know this verse since I was a small child, but the real meaning of this is only slowly dawning upon me. It is giving up control, as someone wrote a few topics ago, and give it to God.

  11. marma says:

    Hi, all. It’s been a while.

    When I (emphasis) think I’m in the “walking with the Lord” zone, it is often soon after, that something I think or do shows that no, flesh has asserted, or some sin is revealed to me.

    So, it makes me think that “walking with the Lord” isn’t about, momentarily, or for an hour, or a day, being all Christ and none of me, but in the walking, learning, stumbling, getting up again and continue to follow Christ.

    I was reading in Acts 14:20 today in a newer version where the word “believers” was used, and a footnote said the word was “disciples” which reminds me I never stop being a learner. Paul said in Phil 3:13 that he didn’t count himself as aprehending, but “forgetting…straining” he kept on going.

    Being “in the zone” sounds a little like we are patting ourselves on the back and seems contrary to “not I, but Christ” which is what we all strive for, in the Spirit.

  12. jani820 says:

    Hi everybody, I was so surprised by the varied responses to our multi faceted topic. I believe that God lets us go on in our own thinking until we hit the spiritual guardrail. Its at that moment of impact God gets our attn and then it becomes full disclosure time. Sometimes we are harsh in our opinions of ourselves, or how we handled a difficult situation. Sometimes, a lot of times we are self-righteous and judgmental. Then God sends us a reminder; a series of events that take the focus off how good I am and how my best day is as a filthy rag in His estimation. So if I get His divine hint, then I can say God I blew it help me fix me. I cant change myself. I can only admit that my sin nature took a big step forward, and that I need more Word, more prayer, more meditation. Ten years ago, I felt like a jinx. My estranged husband and I began to dialog, because my oldest son had gotten into trouble. So that was the beginning of February. Six weeks later he was on life support. My son was sentenced to a juvenile facility. The night of the funeral, my nine year old daughter stepped on a carpet tack. My husband’s significant other fought me for his worldly possessions, my home at the time was in foreclosure. Trust me I felt like a black cloud was perpetually raining in my life. When my daughter,was hospitalized with an infected foot, we learned my children’s health coverage was terminated at the time of his death. So i was facing homelessness, bereavement, didn’t know if my
    little girl would walk again, or even keep the foot. My 14year old son a ward of the court, I felt cursed not tested. A few family members started calling me Job. By the time my husband had been gone nine months, my father-in-law and my own mother had died. I was so depressed. I didn’t blame God. I blamed me. I felt like I should have prayed more. Should have tithed more, fasted more. Fear like I have never known surrounded me. There were days when I just cried. I felt sorry for me because I failed. Ten years later, I see that God is in control. That His plans and purposes I will never fully understand while I am a resident on planet earth. I know that its just better to give Him praise. That He keeps us in the midst of the storm. I find it easier to laugh because there is joy to be found in simple things. When I go to church on sundays, I feel Him, loving me. When I am in my car, it just me and Him talking. I invite people to church more than I ever did in the past. I believe that the best is yet to come. I have learned that God is more accepting of me;as that old hymn says “Just as I am…”

  13. Regina says:

    Good Evening All

    Hope all is well with you. I’ve been a little busy of late but glad that I have some time today to stop by and share my thoughts on this thought-provoking blog topic.

    Mart, I don’t think good people are jinxed because we live in a fallen world. Thinking about the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve opened a “spiritual Pandora’s box” when they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Their actions placed mankind under a sentence of spiritual death, not a jinx. I’m grateful that I can consider your question (Are good people jinxed?) from a spiritual perspective. People who don’t know the LORD may feel “jinxed” believing that that’s the reason why bad situations and trials occur in their lives. They (at least most) don’t know anything about the precious gift that our heavenly Father gave to us in order to save us from eternal damnation (John 3:16). Knowing God’s Word helps me to understand why bad things (sometimes) happen to me. I understand that adversity is going to come, and I have to be prepared for spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:12-18). Some Bible verses to come to mind, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19, NKJV). “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12, NKJV). I don’t believe “bad people” are jinxed either. They’re suffering, enduring hardship and destroyed because of what they don’t know (Hosea 4:6, John 10:9-10).

    Sunny and hot today in Texas (103 degrees right now).

    Love to all,

  14. oneg2dblu says:

    Being jinxed? You can only be “there,” if you believe in luck. There is no luck expressed in the Bible. Luck is another creation of the human response, to worldly situations. It is a venting place, for those who have no other place, to take their misplaced emotions.
    With Christ Followers who know their Bible that says we are to use our hands to produce a living, and still play the Lottery, still gamble and such, they are the ones who worship Lady Luck, they are the jinxed amoung us.
    I’m not talking about the throwing lots, I’m talking about “believing in luck,” or feeling that having bad luck, means you are jinxed.
    It is a fools game to gamble with your emotions, your earnings, and your life. For all those I’ve just offended…I think I will quit before my luck runs out. Gary

  15. musicgirl61 says:

    I think those who believe they may be “jinxed,” or who believe in luck, karma, or whatever, do so as a way to cope with their fear that this life is all there is, and that whatever happens might be totally random. Of course, those of us who know Christ know better. And even though I can’t explain the whys and wherefores of bad things that happen (both to the just and the unjust), I rest in the knowledge that there is a bigger story being told, and I know the One who is writing the story.

  16. poohpity says:

    I do not know if I have ever walked up to someone and only seen Christ without seeing that person also. It would be nice but I think I can venture to say highly improbable. Letting people know that I live under grace and the forgiveness that the Lord offers may be “higher ground” because that would then put the focus on Christ and not me.

    We can see external obvious sins in ourselves and others but by identifying them in others and not looking a them in our own lives we can tend to get caught in a position of pride. I know of no one that has been in such a zone that they have no errors or mistakes except the person of Jesus Christ. So I do not believe that identifying our wrongs make us in any way right that is only something that Jesus can do for us if we accept His atoning death.

  17. rhking728 says:

    I Remember back at times now talking about this term ‘being in the zone; sorta speak and the days i felt out of sink or this term jinxed are the days i did not ask of my Father in prayer to let my inner being experience his truth & peace to let me fully learn and experience all that our Father has in mind for me to enjoy that day .so I now ask each day to be filled with what ever GOD has for me and I have not ever felt out of sink ever since, not to say not ever having challenges . but each day being truly lived in christ having & seeking my Fathers truth within each day ,& trully resting each night ,ready for the next days experience with my GOD our Father in Heaven,. Thankyou,.

  18. musicgirl61 says:

    it seems to me that the expression “in the zone” needs to be better defined for this conversation; I’m getting the impression that it means different things to different people, especially in the context of our walk with Christ.

    Anybody game to try?

  19. royalpalm says:

    Hello, BTA friends… I hope you are enjoying your summer. Our garden keeps us busy; picked 4 gal.of raspberries yesterday; apples, plums and grapes later; the flower bed is a sea of colors from roses, lilies, delphiniums, hostas,etc…

    First of all as Jesus said, no one is good except God (Mark 10:18) and as such, we all sin and make mistakes.
    However, I agree with Regina that no one is jinxed. God who knows the exact number of our hair (Matt 10:30), who
    decides when each sparrow falls (Matt 10:29), and who calls each star by name(Isa 40:26)is in complete control of the whole world and universe – both the visible and the invisible. Nothing happens in this world without His
    permission. Even the ocean waves stop where He wants them to (Job 38:11) and the wind and sea obey Him (Matt 8:27). It all comes down to faith – ABSOLUTE faith in God and His word.

    Jani820 your life story made me cry for it illustrates what “abiding in Christ” means – complete confidence in the goodness of God, believing Him when He said ” And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.(Rom 8:28-39). Never doubting nor blaming God, but praising Him, and trusting Him for His way is perfect and all His ways are righteous. The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. He is full of loving kindness and tender mercies. I quote your words “… I see that God is in control. That His plans and purposes I will never fully understand while I am a resident on planet earth. I know that its just better to give Him praise. That He keeps us in the midst of the storm. I find it easier to laugh because there is joy to be found in simple things. When I go to church on sundays, I feel Him, loving me. When I am in my car, it just me and Him talking. I invite people to church more than I ever did in the past. I believe that the best is yet to come. I have learned that God is more accepting of me;as that
    old hymn says “Just as I am…” Your testimony of faith
    honors God and encourages us…

    After God rescued Israel from bondage in a miraculous way God did not lead the Israelites through a “garden path” to Canaan. Instead, He let them experience trials- by using the Pharaoh and his pursuing armies, by taking them through a bleak and inhospitable land, by letting them face enemies who wanted to kill them…They were told to fight and drive away the inhabitants of the land of Canaan so they can occupy and live in the land given to them.

    Similarly, we, too have been freed from bondage of sin and have to journey here on earth until we find our place of rest. Some paths are bleak and desolate, some full of dangers, with enemies around. But like the cloud and the fire which accompanied the Israelites, our Lord is ever present. As He spoke to Israel through Joshua saying, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you, ” (Josh 1:5), our Jesus (Joshua) also tell us, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb.13:5). Let us therefore face with faith and confidence the path God planned ahead of us…

  20. bratimus says:

    I think good people or God’s people are persecuted and to the outside obsever it might look like the person is jinxed.

    Those that persecute want the persecuted to think they are jinxed, to bust the faith.

    Trials and Tribulations.

    Some outside observers might have even said that Job was jinxed.

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    Good morning royalpalm, your comment about being “freed from sin” can only be claimed by those who have overcome such. But to those who continously claim their sins, they are still “held captive” to them.
    Those who know their Bible, also should know, that ongoing, unrepetened, and repetitive sinning, is never condoned by scripture, or Christ. As His very words are, “Go and sin no more!” Then, there is the bible’s voice, which clearly says, “What sin is, Who it is that sins, and that there is “NO Temptation” that should rule over us, “IF” we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. If we are in Christ Jesus, and we “DO,” Believe and Obey!
    But not overcoming the worldly presence of sin’s position over you, is never God’s desire for the Empowered Christ Follower.
    Why bring the Word of God down to uselessness, into the filth of human effort, human defeat, helpless human desire, instead of Following Christ, who was also human and yet chose to be above sin. Why would we then drag Him into our own created mess, by claiming Him as ever present in our lives and also claiming our own chosen way of desired sin?
    There is no “self pride” in showing others the way to Being Empowered, that is living with the true freedom from sin, in Jesus Christ, and His Empowering Message.
    Why waste time calling others prideful, when Christ says that we should not judge?
    Is every preacher who tries to show his congregation their faults throught ignoring the written word, living in sin, and claiming their own way, also being prideful,
    or might they actaully have a calling to show others their self-defeating captivity? Gary

  22. musicgirl61 says:

    We all have the inclination to sin, and we all at one time or another, sin. But just because we do, that sin does not define us. Our adoption into God’s Family does.

    It is easy for me, when I do blow it, to become so mired in remorse and regret that I don’t get up and get moving forward again. I believe that is a place Satan would like to keep me. But the Truth of the matter is that when I confess my sin, my Abba hears me, forgives me, picks me up, and encourages me to get moving again in the right direction.

    He “knows that (I) am dust,” and He “has compassion on those that fear Him.”

  23. pegramsdell says:

    Amen Musicgirl61. Satan would love for us to stay in that place where it’s all about us. But…where we need to be, is where it’s all about Him and His plan and His will, not ours.

  24. poohpity says:

    I realize who I am in Christ which is a Saint who still struggles with this life and the sin all around me. Do I have power over sin no but Christ who lives in me does. It is because of Christ that I am no longer bound to the things of this world but to not have sober judgment of who I am, not compared to others but compared to Christ can put me in the zone of self righteousness. (Romans 12:3). As Mart said, “Isn’t it safer to long for “higher ground” while always remembering that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6-10); (1Peter 5:5-8).

  25. royalpalm says:

    Hello, Gary,

    I agree with you wholeheartedly about sin and obedience. Due to my lengthy post already, I was not able to add more impt. details…

    During the Israelites’ journey to the promised land, while they obeyed God they were protected – but when they started to question His authority, or question the wisdom of His commands and plans and started to doubt His power, God let them experience what it was to be not under His protection. Their lack of faith caused them not to enjoy the rest that was due to them. Only two who never doubted God’s authority and power entered the promised land, out of the entire generation.

    It was also during that journey that God told them how to worship Him – only one can approach Him directly and only once a year- the annointed high priest who shall atone for their sins through the blood of an unblemished animal. All sins – willful and unintentional was covered by the blood. God’s holiness is reflected in the details of His instructions – He did not provide room for man’s ideas…We are told in the NT that all these were written for our benefits to warn, encourage, and teach us…

    Our life is shaped by our choices – most of which depends on what we choose to believe about God. When faced with a hard choice like going to the enemy and serving them we can be angry and disobedient like Jonah when he thought God should not be kind to the cruel Assyrians or we can purpose in our heart to honor God like Daniel did when he served one of the most cruel kings in the Bible – Nebucchadnezzar (2 Kings 25:7) Read 2 Kings 25.

    God has a plan for each of us – to accomplish His good purpose in our lives and in the lives of others through us. It is our faith in Him that makes us useful.

    During our journey here on earth our faith will be tested again and again. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail. But we can have peace and joy because we do not have to sacrifice an animal. God has already provided the perfect Lamb who took away the sins of the world. All we need to do is acknowledge our sin and thank Him for the blood that He shed. Romans 5:8 May our lives be a pleasing offering to Him each day!

  26. asonnenburg says:

    I have heard the terms “jinxed”, superstitious and “in the zone” throughout most of my amateur playing and coaching days but they were never used in the same sentence. If good people or athletes use the terms “jinxed”, “superstitious” or “luck” today, my experience tells me that they are not physically and mentally prepared to execute the task at hand. It’s when a good person or athlete is firing on all cylinders, confidence is bountiful and nothing is to big that will lead to a rare experience of being “in the zone”. Should all this physical and mental training not lead to a livelihood in sport, it’s this experience that prepares us for a greater calling that God has planned for his purpose. Ones who experience this are leaders of tomorrow in whatever livelihood they are called to and I doubt if they ever use the term “jinxed”.

  27. thanqlord says:

    I believe you’re over-thinking this one, Mart. Stay centered in our Lord. The world will continue in its superstitions and pagan beliefs. Have the mind of Christ and remain focused on Him alone.

  28. jimgroberts says:

    Agree thanqlord. Focus on doing Gods will. That is all we can do. There is no being “good”. The hard thing is having an ear for the spirit and discerning what is flesh and the devil and resisting it. Thinking well of your self is just pride. Thinking well of God is evrything. Praise and worship brings Him closer

  29. firstbehonest says:

    IMHO, being “in the zone” means that, like Christ, our total focus is directed at those outside ourselves. When we stop to check our scorecard, the focus shifts to our performance, and we become concerned about ourselves and how we are rating. If we allow our Lord to flow through us, we will be too busy meeting others at their point of need to waste time worrying about how well we are doing. It is not us “doing” anything anyway, for apart from Christ we can do nothing.

  30. pegramsdell says:

    “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:26-27

  31. shay says:

    I personally don’t believe in “Jinx, luck nor Superstition” because God word is real and has been order before the foundation of the world and it shall not come back void. What’s meant for me is for me, I think sometimes people want a quick fix to things or need something to blame when they don’t know what happen or can’t explain something; but if you know the word of God then you will find an answer even if it’s not the answer you want. I am trusting every work of God and learnng to be more patient and understanding to God’s will for my life, because He has a better plan for my life than I do. We all have painful moments in life and sometimes we don’t know exactly why but God knows and he will comfort and supply for every thing we go through. Prayer will open you up and draw you closer to God and you can hear is plans for your life if you listen and obey Him. Trust God and His Holy word and you will be fine.

  32. jani820 says:

    I think in the zone is more a state of unification for a human. Its the intellect, the emotional, and spiritual coming together for a singular purpose. Its a time of intense focus; as music girl stated being in the flow of expression while music(instrument,vocal,etc)is playing. I like to write. The house could crumble around me,and I would be none the wiser because I am so engrossed that time has slipped effortlessly away. Its when I need to turn on a light, I realize “Wow, I was in the zone”. There are moments, in prayer, where I feel that the Lord has transported me to a quiet zone. Like a spiritual time out. A zone of refreshing. Sometimes the feeling is so sweet, I can only cry quietly. Sometimes, I come away with a plan, instructions to implement what needs my attn.

  33. Mart De Haan says:

    I threw some curves by using the words “good” people, “jinxed”, and “in the zone”. Was trying to put on the table the idea that any degree of “Christ-like goodness” we experience is always clothed in “disruptive” flesh that requires us to be real in our ongoing admission of how imperfect and “not altogether” we still are.

    Such humility (realism before God and one and one another) is a huge part of being right with him/and his grace. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

  34. Mart De Haan says:

    Also just went back into the post and made a few changes that I hope will make the issue clearer. Wish I could see the confusing things I write– before or as I write them– rather than a day later :-)… That’s why I have editors that protect me in printed articles. But a blog on the fly is a different kind of animal… much more realistic that right :-)…

  35. florida7sun says:

    Thank you Mart. Often we see one thing, but it really is something all together different. We have to see everything through the eyes of Christ.

    For example, this morning I saw that the winning photograph taken by an electron microscope appears to be a section of the Grand Canyon. In reality, it was a microscopic crack in a sheet of steel too small to be seen with the naked eye. These images can be viewed by referencing “2011 FEI Owner Image Contest Winner.”

    The richness of God’s Word speaks to us individually in wondrous ways.

    In searching the depths of Scripture the Holy Spirit gives us new and fresh insights of our Lord’s majesty as we are transformed into His likeness.

  36. oneg2dblu says:

    royalpalm… thanks for your direct reply. We are of one accord. Yes, Belief and Obedience are still required by God, and His Blessings are the result. No more blood need be shed for sacrifice, but Belief and Obedience is still relevant, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
    Yes, God has Provided the Perfect Lamb, and that Lamb, also requires Belief and Obedience, and God’s Commands fulfilled, are the formula that takes away the sins of the world. For, as long as we have this unbelief and disobedience amoung us, we will have sin in this world.
    Just like the Jews in the O.T. who suffered greatly every time they exercised their unbelief and disobedience, we the chosen amoung us, suffer our world today, through the very same.
    Our Holy God who sees all we do and knows our heart,
    Blesses us daily. Be His, and be Blessed! Gary

  37. oneg2dblu says:

    shay…you are an Empowered Believer! Not only have you read your Bible, but you also chose to believe and obey it. That is why you rely on God, His Grace, and your tested Faith. You know you are Blessed, not jinxed, so even through hard times, you will always come out a winner, and not a worldly winer! Gary

  38. oneg2dblu says:

    florida7son… pun intented! You are after all a true “Son,” there is no doubt in my spirit about that.
    You are a Brother in Christ. You always bless us with your comments, because they are rooted in the word, and fall true to any worldly contention. God’s Helper to us, is the electro microscope that allows us to see the inner working of His Word, that the world can’t see with their, now tainted, naked eye.
    For we can live in the Grand Cannons of His Blessed Word, every day we choose to Believe and Obey. Gary

  39. oneg2dblu says:

    I recently returned from a long dreamed about trip, that is now a pleaseant reality. Our God does give us the deisires of our hearts.
    I drove from Melbourne, Fl to Gloucster, Mass. towing
    a rowing shell that is 24 feet long! My long held desire was to compete in the Blackburn Challenge, which is a twenty mile long row around Cape Ann.
    Although, I build my own boats, the chosen one I had to take this time was not a competeitive craft, but it was a well tested one. So, instead of completing the one on the drawing board in a rush, and going all the way up there with an untested boat, I chose to put on a very needed new bottom, on an old friend, and away I went.
    That event was absolutely glorious to me, as the long awaited dream fell upon my being, and touched so many deep levels that I was Praising Him most of the way. Yes, I did complete the race, not in a competitive time, but a respectful, and blessed, completetion non-the-less.
    But, that is not the whole story…I took my older, 1979 El Camino, a well tested car, “because” it has all the bumps and bruises, that I would not enjoy on my totally restored newer one.
    During the trip, and coming out of N.Y.C. in manic rush hour traffic, with all those who were definately in the zone, cutting me off left and right, because I was leaving a small saftey zone in front of my car that they could not resist filling at a moments gain over their competition, that was the real race for them.
    I found at one point the need to apply the brakes full on, and I was not happy with the response, a very close encounter. My “saftey zone” and my prayers, increased accordingly after that near miss.
    When I arrived back in Melbourne, and unloaded all my precious stuff, I pulled the car into the garage to do some needed brake work. I took the cover off the master cylinder resvoir to find “no fliud” in the rear section, and just a thimble of fliud in the front. I was just a few more stops away, from not stoppong at all!
    Do I feel “jinxed” about having to do all this brake work? No, I feel Blessed to have lived my dream, to know a God who cares enough to give me the desires of my heart, and get me home safely as well!
    I live today, because of the Grace of God, and His Blessed Provision! Gary

  40. Mart De Haan says:

    florida7sun, just googled that photo winner you mentioned. Wow, is that neat. Thanks.

  41. infiniti07 says:

    I can identify with God resisting the proud and gives grace to the humble. There are certain verses that stick with me but I seem to forget where exactly it is in the Bible. I’m thinking that this is because God is more interested in me showing and being the person He wants me to be rather than to quote a verse and come across as a knowledgeable Christian…then again, it may just be that memory lapses and age go hand in hand :)

  42. poohpity says:

    I think that kind of realism, Mart, is what makes Christians approachable to share the gospel and to elevate Christ above themselves.

  43. tpb1963 says:

    Mart – I enjoyed your article. I think it’s only human to have the “jinx” feelings at times. Do you think Job felt that way? At times in life, I’ve been afraid to pray for other people because I didn’t want to “curse” them. It’s sometimes frustrating to try to interpret God’s will in our lives, but over the years, I’ve learned to be patient and not try to make things happen in life that were not meant to be, and not part of God’s will.

  44. florida7sun says:

    Thank you Gary. You have been a blessing in sharing the Gospel. And, thank you for sharing your trip with us. It made me realize that all of us can be drained of our protective resources without even realizing the level of danger we face.

    So many illustrations can be given. In my own life, I need to be in His Word and refreshed by His Spirit on a continual basis. The Holy Spirit is our dip stick in testing our condition. The level of His presence must be acceptable to Him, for He is our Maker and our Redeemer.

    When I accepted His gift of salvation and eternal life, my eyes were open to His Owner’s Manual. In it He assured me that He would regularly clean out the gunk in my life and He fills my fluids on a daily basis. I need to I abide in Him to run on all cylinders or I too will break down and require unscheduled maintenance.

    That’s the beauty of Our Daily Bread and the Body of Christ.

    I know that you and I found Him at the same dealership. There is a Cross outside visible to all who look up. Like you, He is a friend and a carpenter, as well.

    God bless you.

  45. lillyg says:

    It is my understanding and experience that “being real” is a prerequisite to becoming a Christian (someone that has repented of sin, asked God for forgiveness and placed trust in the atoning work of Jesus Christ thereby entering into a personal relationship with God). It is also necessary to continue to “be real” in order to grow up in our Christian faith. I have been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for 28 years this month and I am also a believer. I have stayed a member of the AA program because one can “be real” for as long as is necessary for growth and change to occur. That is, to become more like Jesus in our thoughts and actions. The first 3 Steps of the AA program basically mean “I can’t, He can and I will let Him.” In other words, we cannot redeem ourselves, we need God’s power for that kind of change. And until we call sin sin (being real) we cannot hope to change by God’s power! Being real to me means admitting we are sinful in need of God’s forgiveness and cleansing. By the way, the 12 Steps of the AA program are biblical. And I have remained sober for the entire 28 years of membership by God’s grace, mercy and love! I have also attended a Bible believing churches for the past 28 years. “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation (excess,riot) but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).

  46. jani820 says:

    Hello Mart and everybody. I think the entire jinx concept needed to be a separate blog. A simple question, Do we believe in superstions?” “Being real…”
    stood on its own;and it was easier to comment. Mart, I am feeling major anxiety about my upcoming high school reunion. I was looking forward to attending; until I remembered there is a host of classmates I never wanted to see again. I hated high school. I had some hurtful things happen to me there. Now, this is also a time in my life before I had true walk in the Lord. I am not willing to rehash my teen angst. My dilemma is my best girlfriend has told everyone that we’re coming together. So I know some of the nice folks are hoping I will attend. God forgives, He forgets, but mankind has a long memory where faults are concerned. I was chatting with a friend last night, and he said he would never go to a reunion because those vindictive folks would take the opportunity to be cruel. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me… Christ has not given us a spirit of fear… Should I pray for my left hook?

  47. poohpity says:

    lillyg, Amen!!

    jani820, they may have had a change of heart too!! Hold your head high and walk in the light of your identity in Christ. A dearly loved and accepted child of the King.

  48. foreverblessed says:

    Infiniti07, there has been discussion in the past over using bible verses, there was one person who advised to add bible verses to what you say, so people can check it in their bibles themselves.
    (what was his name, Bob in C. might rember his name, a jewish name.)
    If you do not remember where the bible verse is, nowadays it is very easy to find it with biblegateway. You do a a keyword search.
    I did a search on: proud, grace and humble, and here come the verses: Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5.
    I am very sorry that it makes us look like knowledgeable persons, that is not the intention.
    But searching in that bible website enriched my bible knowledge. (And then further on from head to heart in living it.)
    God keeps us humble, but others have mentioned that here already, but the bible verses that go with them are so comforting, so I repeat it. Paul the apostle, who had more then coffee on his shirt to cope with. Mart gave this scripture a few topics ago: 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, the whole passage is beautiful, as God gives sufferings He also gives comfort, so that we can comfort one another, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 5-6,7, 10-11.
    So we help each others by our prayers.
    Paul had learned how to cope with it, .While being in prison, he would sing God praise. (I would like moan to God, what is happening to me, but he starts to praise God). Now I have to find the scripture, now I turn the pages of my bible, I only remember it is written somewhere in Acts, and yes Acts 16:25-26. Paul and Silas in prison in big words on top.
    I am in the process of learning this, when being hard-presses on every side, to start praising God.

  49. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… Yes, using bible verses are a great way of sharing ,learning, and getting constantly in your own bibles to confirm the truth they always employ.
    But, I have found here on this site, from past experience, it is sometimes counterproductive to quote them, or use them for certain people do not accept their message if it rebukes. They will not edify the one’s who find they are offended by them. So,they are then coined, “Out of Context” as the applying rule, which will then take “its valued precedent,” over even God’s Word.
    How tragic, that we use the most powerful words ever written, and they are rejected for they are found offensive, instead of being digested they are then discredited and rejected by a rule, without knowing the intent for which they were used in the moment of current discussion.
    The pagan world even uses such things as this, “That was given in the olden days and past times do not apply to us today!”
    So, care must be taken, and messages with many verses
    sometimes go completely unattended, because of the work involved in looking up every possible application.
    We by nature are sometimes lazy, unyeilding, and even unapproachable, to the possiblity of ever changing ourselves! But, isn’t that also part of the Divine Message?
    I could google that for you, or do a biblegateway search as well, but I know you get the message, even without the applicable verses! In His Love,Gary

  50. dust says:

    when I was reading IBT I thought of the word RESPECT and I realised that I haven’t heard that word for a long time. What happened to it? I also realised that I have not regarded God, others, and myself respectfully.

  51. poohpity says:

    I was thinking about that verse you gave us to consider Mart, ““God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble”. Could that be applied to those who continually look at the failures, faults and shortcomings of others while refusing to admit any of them in their own life. Expressing their opinion of others, is that not elevating ones self above God so that the focus will be on them rather than on the Lord?

    Similar to what Luke wrote about in Luke 18:11-14; The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

    13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

    14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

  52. awraith says:

    Proverbs tells us “Man tosses the bones, God determines the outcome”. The word jinx suggests luck. Luck is a lie of Lucifer.

  53. poohpity says:

    awraith, Mart stated in his post of August 03, 2011 @ 6:06am; “I threw some curves by using the words “good” people, “jinxed”, and “in the zone”. Was trying to put on the table the idea that any degree of “Christ-like goodness” we experience is always clothed in “disruptive” flesh that requires us to be real in our ongoing admission of how imperfect and “not altogether” we still are.”

  54. foreverblessed says:

    I agree Pooh, the My Utmost for His Highest of today is appropriate.
    “As long as you think that you are of value to Him He cannot choose you, because you have purposes of your own to serve. But if you will allow Him to take you to the end of your own self-sufficiency, then He can choose you to go with Him “to Jerusalem” (Luke 18:31).”
    So it is in our poverty that we are of use to God. Everything we miss we can ask God. Like as I wrote about rejoicing in difficulties, I wanted to add a little: We have to be real about ourselves: lets face it, can I have joy in my troubles? No, I can’t. And yet God tells us to rejoice. So the only thing left is to ask God, ask for His joy. And if this joy does not come at once, the clue is: hang on, do not give up. That develops perseverance in us.
    It took me years to have joy while being sick, sorry, to ask for joy while being ill.
    We have to obey God, and at the same time face the fact that the things He asks we cannot do of ourselves. So I live in faith in Jesus. He is the joy in us. He is sufficient in us.
    The only work we do, is maintaining a right relationship with God, keep the tie clear and clean. Everything that hinders take it out of the way.

  55. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Amen Foreverblessed!

    Poohpity – thank you so much for the comments you made earlier which included the words from Luke 18:11-14.

  56. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Just dropped by to say hello. Hope all is well with you.

    Sunny and hot in Texas today (105 degrees right now).

  57. oneg2dblu says:

    poohpity…. thank you, today I finally get, what, and why, you are talking about this pride issue with Mart.

    “Thank you Lord for allowing me to be Christ Follower. To know you more by following your example of showing others where they go wrong, not because you are proud in the showing, not because you need to elevate yourself, but because your heart cares for others.
    In that Context Lord, I am blessed to walk with you, according to your written word. Amen!”

  58. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart… I have tried to encapsulate my calling, or context, that showing others the way, or their faults, is never founded on pride, but shown clearly in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ Our Lord. He overturned the tables, He accused the Pharisees, He has shown us all, We are all sinners who need His Mercy, Grace, and Loving Leading in our own lives daily.
    Why do we “not see pride” in His actions, but find it so comforting to access the same in others? I need not wonder where the roots of finding pride in others comes from! By His Daily Bread alone, do we sustain ourselves in Christ Jesus. Gary

  59. musicgirl61 says:

    Yeah, Jesus did those things. But there were also lots and lots of people (5000+) that He simply cared for. I find it’s much better and much more effective to just care for someone than to feel obligated to point out their faults and failings. Good chance they already know how bad they are; but do they know how good God is, and how much He loves them–yes, even the way they are? That’s what most of us need to know, and then be reminded of.

  60. poohpity says:

    Amen, musicgirl61, we were saved not to judge or condemn but for good works to show the care and love of our Savior.

  61. oneg2dblu says:

    musicgirl61… Should we also ignore all the words of Paul about false teachers and their leanings, for they are also about the faults and failing of others.
    Maybe all references in the bible about man’s wrong thinking, his corrupt heart, and evil bent should also be avoided, while we praise everyone including the deceived, that they are OK just the way they are.
    That reeks of modern day popular churches and their watered down teachings, that avoid the hard truth about God’s condemning words. Telling everyone they are okay the way they are, is not doing the masses any Godly good. Go and sin some more, seems to be more acceptable to many, but to those who follow the Words of Christ,Go and sin on more, would be more appropos. So, I see your point and the grand applause given, and recognize also that Christ never said, continue in your sins, remain as you were, accept any old teaching, ignore the ones you don’t like, and Heaven will be yours. Gary

  62. musicgirl61 says:

    I guess I would respond to that with some words from Ecclesiates: there is a time to speak, and a time to be silent.

    Generally, I find people to be more responsive to hard truths when they are given gently and within a context of caring. That doesn’t mean condoning sin, that doesn’t mean not holding people responsible, but it does mean being careful to not run ahead of the Holy Spirit’s leading.

    It’s been helpful to me to realize that it is not my job to convert people. It’s my job to reveal the invisible God to those around me as much as possible, and then when they start to get thirsty, to speak words that will point them to the Living Water. It’s God’s job to do the work in a heart.

  63. oneg2dblu says:

    musicgirl61… Praise God that He doesn’t leave us jobless, but uses each of us in a different capacity,
    all for His pleasure, and for His Kingdom. He allows us the freedom of expression, the freedom of choice as well! In that freedom do we express, recieve, and enjoy
    all that God Provides. You can hold your tongue only if it is controlled, and we know from His Word, that the tongue is the hardest of things! You do your job, I’ll do mine, and Pray that there is always be a dailogue like this blog available to us, to help each other and His Kingdom. In Christ, Gary

  64. poohpity says:

    Ephesians 2:8-10; 8-For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

  65. oneg2dblu says:

    Claudia… glad to hear your voice, it speaks Gospel truth at all levels. All our works are but filthy rags! I get that point. We live by Grace and even our Faith is from God, not from ourselves. I get that point also.
    But, as Christ Followers, there is work to be done, and there is work for us to do. That is Gospel truth also. God uses “us” today as His Hands, Feet, and Mouth, if we are called to be so, and you are, if you are a Christ Follower. That is Gospel truth as well. In the body there are many parts and each has a job to do. Although the Body of Christ today needs nothing from us, He still calls upon us to do the work He designs for us to do. Ignore that truth, and you are truly helpless to the Gospels design.
    Sorry I don’t throw in the address of the words I reflect, but you know them as truth as well.
    Where all the pride talk comes from is very understandable, we by our nature see pride in others when we elect to do so. But, that is not biblical for us to determine, but our tongues driven by our faulted nature cannot be contained, so we label others as prideful. Sad truth, is still truth, and hard words must be spoken at times, or the hard truth doesn’t get through. Pride is not the basis for hard words, but truth is… Gary

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