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The Tree of Life

Photo by: Jonathan

It begins with Hubble pictures of the cosmos and the whispered question, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38:4,7)

As a film, The Tree of Life, written and directed by Terrence Malick, and starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, and Jessica Chastain has gotten mixed reviews. Some are captured by the visual poetry, spirituality and realism that tell the story of “lost souls” through the journey of life. Others don’t appreciate Malick’s use of  the book of Job as a point of reference.

Tracking the lives of 3 brothers growing up in the 1950s, this slow moving, powerful story shows the profoundly tested influence and heart of a mother who believes there are two ways to live in life: the way of nature and the way of grace.

According to the mother’s (Jessica Chastain) whispered thoughts: “The nuns taught us there were two ways through life – the way of nature and the way of grace. You have to choose which one you’ll follow… Grace doesn’t try to please itself… Accepts being slighted, forgotten, disliked… Accepts insults and injuries…Nature only wants to please itself… Get others to please it too… Likes to lord it over them… To have its own way… It finds reasons to be unhappy when all the world is shining around it… And love is smiling through all things… The nuns taught us that no one who loves the way of grace ever comes to a bad end…”  (before her life is shattered by bad news).

The father (Brad Pitt), by contrast, tries to prepare his boys to be strong in the strength and, at times, severe and over-controlling ways of a man. He’s a father who says, “It takes fierce will to get ahead in this world…” and, “I’ve just wanted you to grow up strong, be your own man…”

Viewers watch young Jack (Hunter McCracken) come of age (Sean Penn) in a world where “loss of innocence” is everyone’s experience.

The result is a film that holds in tension the beauty, wonder, and design of the universe with the unanswerable questions and probing realism of the book of Job.

So what happens if viewers are intrigued enough by the quote from Job, and check out its context and what it contributes to the bigger story of the Bible?

In what may be the oldest “book” in the Bible, we are reminded that:

1.  Some human suffering is the result of bad choices (Job 4:7-8)

2.  Some suffering comes from a spiritual enemy who is trying to prove that we only trust God for what we can get out of him, and that if he doesn’t come through for us, we’ll show God what we really think of him (Job 1:6-22).

3.  It’s a mistake to believe those who have taught us that we all prosper or suffer in proportion to the character of our choices.

4.  Sustained suffering can disillusion even the best of God’s servants.

5.  At the lowest moments of our lives, God may use the wonders of we call “natural” to remind us that he has given us reasons to trust him, and that the story of those who do trust him will eventually have a good ending (Job 38-42).

In addition, though, it’s  important to remember that the question that shows up in the prologue to Malick’s Tree of Life also needs to be read as a prologue to the Bible– rather than its conclusion.

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” is a question that reminds us of the immeasurable wisdom, power, and glory of our Creator. The rest of the story of the Bible brings us eventually to another question that reflects the immeasurable love of our God.

The same Creator who tested Job with questions eventually cried out to his own Father, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt 27:46). In that moment The Tree of Life took on a whole meaning.

Who could have foreseen that the beauty of the original tree of life could be one day surpassed by an executioners cross? Who could have predicted that our God would prove his love for us, and enter into our deepest sense of abandonment…

A hurting Mrs Obrien (Jack’s mother) whispering to God …”Where were You?… Did you know?”

Young Jack asking his own questions of his Creator...”Where were You? You let a boy die. You let anything happen. Why should I be good ? When You aren’t.”

…While turning a tree of death into the ultimate Tree of Life?


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20 Responses to “The Tree of Life”

  1. poohpity says:

    I am so grateful for the tree of death that turned into the ultimate Tree of Life and I pray that God helps me everyday with fear and trebling to remember the grace I have been shown.

  2. jani820 says:

    Hi Mart,hello everybody. Is this film on DVD or in theaters? Since I have no television, I am very much out of the loop with the latest events. When I am able to schedule time off;I attend a ladies Bible study. For nine months we studied Eve in the Garden and the Fall of Man. My daughters and I blame Eve,every time the evil left ovary exhibits its discontent and authority. I will always wonder what it would have been like to live a life of total fellowship in the presence of God. To eat from His very hand. To stroll with Him in the cool of the evening throughout the Garden. To praise Him openly, freely, uninhibited;unshackled from the fetters of sin. It takes courage to live a life of grace. There are so many moments when I want to get even, have it my own way. God’s way is such a higher love. That if I do right, His grace sustains me. Through those moments of anger,if I put vengeance aside,He will keep me, give me new perspective, and most assuredly deal with my adversaries. There’s an old hymn. ” Have a little talk with Jesus, tell Him all about our struggles, He will hear our plaintive cry, Will answer by and by, Know that the fire is burning, feel that prayer wheel turning, Have a little talk with Jesus makes it right…” I find that prayer, praise and grace go hand in hand.

  3. Ken says:

    This is off the current topic. I just want to report on Toni’s (my wife) surgery
    and say thanks again to all of you who prayed for us.
    The surgery went well. The Lord has lifted my depression and given me the strength and the will to serve and care for my wife in the way that I wanted to. Surgery was at 10:am on Thurs the 4th of August. She was discharged from the hospital and we brought her home by 4:00 PM the same day. Thats the way they do it these days. We will have a visiting nurse each day for the next few weeks until the physical healing is well under way. We don’t know yet how much further treatment, if any, that she will need but that is in the Lords hands. Praise His Name.
    Again thanks for your support I don’t have words to express what it meant to us.I am so glad that we are part of God’s wonderful family.

  4. lotus says:

    Really happy about your wife’s surgery going well, Ken. Hope everything else goes well too. God bless you!

  5. BruceC says:


    I praise and thank God for His answer to prayers and ask that He continue to heal and strengthen both of you.


    I have not heard of the movie; although the plot line seems to be a lesson this world needs. Hopefully some; as you have said, may have their interest piqued and look further into Job. Once there I hope they read Job 20:25-27. The oldest book and a reference to the resurrection through faith. Job was looking ahead in faith as Abraham did.
    I may try to see the movie and hope it is good as Hollywood does not have a great track record IMHO. One; of a few exceptions, being The Passion.
    Yes; the Cross is truly the real tree of Life to we who believe. All other ways are dead stumps.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  6. BruceC says:

    Sorry about the mistake. It is Job 19:25-27. Too bad we don’t have an edit feature like some forums do> Oh, again I am sorry.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  7. oneg2dblu says:

    BruceC… we do have an edit feature, it is called, post after post! LOL
    I rarely see my typos and junk until it posts, then they stare back at me, just like all my sin did that I did not see, prior to Being Born Again!
    That is God’s true edit feature, for our old life, the before Christ life we used to have, no longer holds us captive, unless we feel powerless to use the Helper that God provides. Then we are truely just stuck in our old stuff, and are useless for His Kingdom’s purposes.
    We also then miss all the blessings He has in store for those who who will Believe and Obey.
    To God be the Glory, Gary

  8. tracey5tgbtg says:

    The tree of life movie does not sound as if their intent is to point towards God, but to point to nature (creation). There seems to be a pagan, wiccan, earth-based religion going around where creation is worshiped rather than the creator. Romans 1:25 That way of thinking is rampant in the movie industry. However, I could be jumping to conclusions as I don’t know a thing about this movie.

    Obviously, God’s creation is wonderful, beautiful, majestic, and awe-inspiring, the list goes on and on, Romans 1:20, and if a person doesn’t believe in God, it is easy to transfer adoration to the creations of God including this earth, the universe and even man.

    The questions in the post that the boy asked, “Where are you? Why should I be good if you aren’t? How could you let a boy die?” can lead to God if one is truly asking them of God. However, I have a feeling that some people ask these questions with their answers already in mind. They feel that God has not acted in a way that they feel is right, therefore they don’t believe there is a God at all. They justify their unbelief with these questions.

    Questions like these clearly show that we want to be in control, instead of God because we want everything to be comfortable and trouble-free.

    One question that really gets me is when people ask “why did God let this one die, or that one die or a large group of people die?” Who doesn’t die? The moment the sperm hits the egg and a zygote is formed, there is a journey begun that will end in death.

    God knows the number of our days. We could have minutes of life or over a hundred years. Compared to eternity, both are but a breath.

    Why do we feel that we are “entitled” to a certain number of years? Don’t we believe in life after death in paradise with Jesus? I don’t want to minimize the pain of losing someone or facing our own death. It is truly scary. God has placed eternity in our hearts. We never want to face an end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 I also don’t want to sound as if I think we shouldn’t ask these questions. God can handle them.

    I struggled with accepting that even though I trusted and believed in and worshiped God, I could still lose one or more of my children to death. I thought, what is the point if I can’t be assured my children will be safe? But God allowed me to see that life is going to happen no matter what I believe. With or without God, my children could die, but only God could see my heart and the pain in my soul and comfort me and give me peace if such a thing occurred. I realized I could withstand anything only by the peace of God in my heart through Jesus Christ.

    I can empathize with someone in pain, especially if I have been in similar circumstances, but I cannot feel the pain of anyone’s grieving heart. God feels our pain. Jesus Christ feels your pain and He can live right inside of your heart through the Holy Spirit to comfort your pain if you invite Him in.

  9. poohpity says:

    Ken, Thank you for keeping us posted on your wife’s progress. It seems lately that the longer one stays in the so called sterile environment of the hospital the more likely they are to get infections like staff, strep and others. Healing comes quicker at home where they are surrounded by things they love and feel comfortable with.

    Before we accepted Christ’s atoning death we lived in the way of nature just accepting things the way they are not thinking that there is any higher way of looking at life. Trying to make sense of things that make no sense, trying to figure out the reasons for everything and coming to the same conclusions that our thinking is grounded in what nature hands out.

    Then we came to believe and although we still try and put a human perspective on the natural world we know in our hearts that living the way of grace brings an acceptance of being loved by a God who has all the answers and we accept that we do not have to know them all to believe and trust. We no longer have to trust in our own strength to get through the natural and unexplained but have a constant companion to shelter our hearts from falling prey to the storms of life. Someone in grace who will keep our hearts pliable and able to give and receive love while everything around us is, in this natural world, falling down.

  10. musicgirl61 says:

    I too am not at all familiar with this movie, so cannot comment on it.

    I am, however, familiar with grief–much more so than I would ever want to be. I have (and do) ask God the hard questions…questions that most likely I will not have answers to until I am in heaven. I know that, but in my pain and grief I still ask. Sometimes God stills the storm; sometimes He just holds me close and lets the storm rage. My prayer is that my heart will not grow hardened as a result of any storms.

  11. florida7sun says:

    Anne Cetas and ODB is a blessing this morning. Rising early I desire to focus my thoughts on the Tree of Life.

    “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24

    Yet I know we will all be tested and tried this day. We will be confronted by deceptions from our adversary encouraging doubts while offering visions of grandeur.

    “Drink this, smoke that, watch and enjoy, has God said?”

    Sin is pervasive in the world. Like yeast it permeates and bloats our selfish condition.

    It rules the world’s financial markets. It roams the halls of governments. It slithers through the air waves in seizing our attention. It cannot be restricted nor can it be confined. As dust falls on us, so does sin. It is alluring. It is in every institution and in all of our vanities.

    Take. Bite. Sample, be empowered.

    The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil promotes itself. It has something to sell.

    What hangs on the Tree of Life is silent. “It is finished,” He said. Yet, there is where I want to be; for in the stillness of the morning His Word speaks to me. His Spirit gives me quiet assurance that the Cross is where I need to be.

    “At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
    And the burden of my heart rolled away,
    It was there by faith I received my sight,
    And now I am happy all the day!” – Isaac Watts

  12. oneg2dblu says:

    florida7sun… early riser or late nighter, your comments always bless. At church last night we were studying in Proverbs. Although the message was about money, finances, and possesions, and the teaching covered it well, my eyes did fall upon an out of context verse, if a verse can ever be deemed out of context, or I should say I was directed to fall upon a verse… for early that morning the ODB used
    Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
    That very night I was directed to this verse… Proverbs 11:30 : The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
    My thoughts were, Who really is the Wisest of all, and wins every Soul He Desires? Is it not Our Alminghty God, who is the Tree of Life, and Who also directs those whom He also Saves? Gary

  13. refump says:

    Music girl great prayer…My prayer is that my heart will not grow hardened as a result of any storms…. Sometimes that is a fear I have. I also find myself feeling guilty that I am so weak when trials troubles come my way. So, I think that will be my prayer as well. Thanks for sharing your heart. Most of us won’t admit we have these questions but instead just gloss over them with some pat answer we don’t really believe down deep in our heart.
    Tracey, thanks for your words also.. I received encouragement from them.

  14. saled says:

    Anyone ever read The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thorton Wilder? It won a Pulitzer back in the 1920’s, and deals with the question of why God lets some things happen. I’m hoping to see this movie and wonder if it comes to the same conclusion that Wilder’s book does, in the words of one of the characters, ” learn at last that anywhere you may expect grace.”

    Mart’s quote from Tree of Life that there are two ways in life, the way of nature and the way of grace goes a long way in explaining life. It seems like our whole journey through life is spent learning to choose grace. And I wonder, could we substitute the word love for grace?

  15. pegramsdell says:

    Yes, I believe grace is love. God gives grace to the humble and God is love, so there you go. It’s not so greek after all. lol

  16. poohpity says:

    Amen!! Nature pleases it’s self by making one look around at how we compare ourselves to one and other. Grace shows us how that perfect One took our punishment understanding how undeserving we are. To live under Grace we able to see how to reach hurting people with that same love that we have experienced ourselves. Nature teaches us that it is all about us, Grace teaches us that it is all about Jesus.

  17. jani820 says:

    Hi Ken so glad your wife’s surgery went well. It was an answer to my prayer for you and her. So glad you are feeling better on the inside. Your faith is still strong, in spite of the fear, you still believe. God loves that about us. When our faith is down to the size of a mustard seed. It makes it grow into the size of a humongous redwood tree. Stay encouraged. I can say you are one of the good guys, standing by your beloved wife in a very stressful time. I know from experience, not every man stands by his wife. Happy for you both.

  18. Ken says:

    jani820 Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement One of the things I worried about was my ability to be a caregiver but God is so good. Just when I needed it he gave me a gift of the will and the ability. He also gave me a sense of joy in doing all these things. This was a surprise to me. I didn’t think about feeling joy in having to do these things but there you go. Our God is full of surprises.
    Thank you again.

  19. foreverblessed says:

    Ken, so pleased that things are better. Especially that you found a solid ground again, or rather, that God filled you with His hope and faith! And even joy! Thank you for sharing, and telling in the first place how you felt. I guess, this is what Mart meant, be real before bein right. God made you right for the job! Thank God.

  20. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon All,

    I hope all is well in your lives. I enjoyed reading all of the comments on this blog topic, and was especially enlightened/inspired by what tracey5tgbtg and florida7sun wrote. A hearty “thank you” to all who shared on this thought-provoking topic.

    Thank you, Ken, for the update and praise report on your wife’s healing and the supernatural peace and comfort that our LORD gave you. Your testimony brought this song to mind:

    “It Is Well…”
    When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like seabillows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well with my soul.

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