Hurt people tend to hurt people. We’ve talked about it here before. Abused people abuse people. Abandoned people abandon people. We’ve all seen examples.
But who hasn’t also seen that loved people hate. Indulged people deprive. The accepted reject.
One of the recurring themes of the Bible is not only that hurt people hurt people, but that chosen, loved, and provided for people also repeatedly reject their Provider and treat others with contempt. Over and over the God of a chosen people finds it necessary to say things like, “I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me” (Isa 1:2). The Lord of the sons of Jacob goes on to say that even domestic animals know who feeds them (Isa 1:3). Yet the people of the Promised Land forsake the One who has loved them for other loves (Isa 1:4) (Isa 1:21) and treat one another as if no one has cared for them (Isa 1:23).
Wish we could say that we don’t repeat the mistakes of those who have gone before.
The beginning of a new year seems like as good a time as any to reflect on where we have been and what we already know matters most to our God, and to one another.
I’m finding that the harder question may be, “What matters most to me?”