Together with the others who meet here, I remain deeply moved by the stories of Steve, Matt, Nyekis, and all who can identify with the God who is with us through our break downs.
Caught this picture a couple of days ago after thinking that winter was never going to show up. Around the 10th of January we were still seeing no snow, balmy temperatures, and blue skies. The bulbs planted for Spring even started waking up.
Today the weather report is for rain, sleet, and snow.
Reminded by looking out the window, that even when it seems like nature’s calendar has broken down, the seasons do change. And in the middle of it all find myself overwhelmed once again simply by the wonder of being— anytime, anywhere, at all.
Amazing isn’t it, that sometimes when we are hurting, and afraid to face the day… we want out of here… only to be terrified by the thought of losing our chance to experience and finish the journey of walking by faith, to experience the grace, that reflects the greater wonder of the One who is with us– all of the time, and everywhere…on a calendar that he alone understands.