Why does the word “disciple” suddenly stop being used in the New Testament? While “disciple” or its plural show up over 250 times in the Gospels and Acts, they don’t show up once in all that follows.
My guess is that there is a connection between this disappearance of the “disciples” and the fact that the Apostles Paul, Peter, James, and John also seldom directly quote Jesus in their New Testament letters. Even though their Teacher had given his first disciples the responsibility of teaching others what he had taught them (Mat 28:18-19), Jesus’ New Testament letter writers (1) did not make a practice of directly quoting what they had heard him say; and (2) after the book of Acts, are not referred to (from Romans to Revelation) as “disciples” but rather as i.e. followers, saints (set apart ones); the church; adopted children; beloved of God; and family of God.
Will wait for a bit to see if you have any ideas, and then later let you know what I’ve been thinking…