Before Jesus returned to his Father he challenged his disciples to teach others what he had taught them.
At this point, questions linger from our past conversations. Were Paul, Peter, James, and John faithful to that Great Commission, even though they seldom quoted their Teacher in their New Testament letters?
Seems to me that their New Testament letters speak for themselves. Individually and together they advance the ongoing drama of all that Jesus taught and did. Their letters reflect what Jesus had said about who he was; about why he had come; and about what he expected of those who wanted to be true to him—as they wait for his return.
The Scriptures would never be the same again; neither would the law of Moses; nor the institution of discipleship. Jesus had fulfilled the Scriptures; satisfied the legal demands of Mosaic law; and placed an ultimate claim on the goal of learning.
The demands of Scripture, the Law of Moses, and Jesus’ own conditions of discipleship would no longer disqualify or condemn anyone who wants to know the love of God in the face and scars of Christ.
Now Scripture is his story. The law of Moses becomes a chapter that helps us understand why we need him. And discipleship becomes our opportunity to use our failing grades as an opportunity to learn from the One who is able to do for us immeasurably more than we could ever ask or think.
So… the link I suspect… is that, just as the story of Jesus is told by all Scripture rather than by just his direct quotes, so… being accepted in his school …is not limited to those with passing grades, but is available to all who humbly take our place at his feet… wherever we are…