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Lord of the Seasons

Foreseeing the end of the age, the prophet Daniel has a vision of a king who, while speaking arrogantly against the most High, tries to change the laws and seasons of God (Dan 7:25).

The character and ways of this rebel leader are in direct defiance of the One of whom Daniel earlier says, “He changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding (Dan 2:21).

Ironically, Daniel immediately goes on to say that this king who tries to change the times is allowed to have power over the people of God until “a time, and times, and a dividing of time” (7:25).  While the language  is intentionally obscure, what shouts out is that this (anti-Christ) figure who tries to change the calendar of God will not be able to go beyond the times that boundary his short-lived reign of terror.

While there is so much in this prophetic window to think about, it is a prediction that also gives us reason to reflect on the wonder and source of changing seasons.

While it is easy to focus  on what is happening as daylight hours get longer, all of it is a gift from the One hated by those who want to control their own universe—but loved by those who have come to see how much he deserves our trust and surrender.

…And to think that the ultimate reason to trust him is to see how low the Most High bowed to surrender to our need for him.

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151 Responses to “Lord of the Seasons”

  1. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart!

    I cherish the foundational principle that God himself came as the Son of Man and Son of God to bow humbly to the task of bringing our salvation into being. All the redeemers and leaders and prophets of all seasons of history come to fulfillment in God’s anointed one.

    We are at the 11th week of 2012, the 3rd Sunday of Lent, the first day of Daylight Savings Time. I remember often that we are also in the “last days.”
    (2 Timothy 3:1) It is only the real historical birth, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus that make this the last chapter of history. What can we do but look to him for the “next thing?”


  2. SFDBWV says:

    Had the anti-christ Daniel speaks of emerged on the world scene 1000 or even 200 years ago he would have been recognized for who he is. However over time the world has become numb to the nature of the anti-christ.

    God has given the anti-christ *time* to grow and when the *times* of his seven years come, *half* which is devoted to deceiving the world and *half* of which he suffers under the weight of judgment, his time will have been fulfilled.

    When the idea of changing the clock settings in order to *gain* an hour of daylight at the end of a day first emerged on the world scene, just as getting a social security number, many believed this to be the handy work of the *spirit* of the anti-christ. The government of man giving us a number just as warned for us not to take the mark of the beast and then we see this same government wanting to even alter time for its purposes.

    However most *intelligent* people just laugh at such hysterical thinking and move forward with accepting the idea that government has our best interests in mind.

    However as any one can tell you if you need to renew your drivers license the government has gone over the edge in protecting us from ourselves to a point of making outlaws of us all. The only answer some sort of federal identification not subject to being copied or stolen.

    So is it such an innocent activity for the government to tell us we all *must* turn our clocks forward and backward every spring and fall or is it another freedom we surrender believing that the government knows what is best for us? As well as another building block in the foundation of the *beast*?


  3. remarutho says:

    Mart & Friends —

    Daniel’s hymn to the God of heaven (Dan 2:20, 21, 22, 23) is part of Daniel’s petition for insight into the king’s dreams. First and foremost, he asked his group of prophets to pray, in order that their lives would be spared.

    Many of my kin in the old days thought Daylight Savings was of the devil. It is still resisted in some places. Daylight time does not compare with what followers of Jesus must endure in Algeria, India or Turkey! Times of difficulty for believers remain light so far in the U.S., it seems to me.


  4. yooperjack says:

    Mart: For God so loved the world (you and I) that….. Are you sure God didn’t send His Son to die because God had a need for us as well as our need for Him. Without Jesus God would have had to destroyed man kind like He almost did in Genesis 6:6-7. The reason He had to kick Adam and Eve out of the garden was so they couldn’t eat of the tree of life and live their corrupt sinful lives forever. Jesus was the only way to make it right.

    If you have been reading my post the last two-three days I explained why God had to make it right. I think some blogers understood but my writing was out of the box so I’m not sure.

    God really loves us and wants us to fellowship with Him, so He did the unthinkable in mans eyes and made the supreme sacrifice.

    I believe God enjoyed those walks in the garden with Adam; that’s why I’ll never understand why God put those stumbling blocks in Adams way. Did He know Adam would fail? I personally don’t think so because of Genesis 6:6-7 and His confession.

    Maybe there’s a bigger game going on here that we can not comprehend?

    It makes me humble to think God admits He messed up Genesis 6:6-7 but was willing to go so far to make it right. Now that is LOVE.

  5. foreverblessed says:

    Today in church the pastor read Daniel, chapter 1 and 2, and I was reading Dan 2:21, in my own bible, again and again. And thinking, do I really believe that with all my heart? Singing spiritual songs with words from bible verses like that help us to grow in our faith. What comes in comes out, but I ask for more faith, try to every morning, but sometimes forget.

    All the songs we sung this morning was about worshiping God, God the Most high,

    Our God is greater our God is stronger,
    God you are higher than any other
    Our God is healer
    Awesome in power
    our God, our God
    (form Water You turned into wine)

    As long that it is still day (even if they shift one hour), let us learn to seek God now and do His will, worshiping God is also giving a hand to the poor (poor in spiritual life) before the night sets in.
    (just a minor detail, a time, times and half a time, that is also what Revelation is talking about, so I leave it at that)

  6. poohpity says:

    Here in Arizona we do not have a time change so no need to mess with the clocks. God gave us the sun, moon and the seasons to measure time that was after the separation of the dark and the light. God has given us time to let those who have never heard about Him to have time to hear before the end of times.

    Man created things to measure time but yet they go without knowing really what time it is and what they are to do with the time given them. We who are believers know that we are given time to tell others who may have never heard that God came to earth in the form of a man to take the penalty for their sins. We do not know how much more time we have to do what God has given us to do, so we better get going because the time is close at hand. :-) That we do know for sure and we do not have to make guesses or have philosophies about that to take our minds off of what we are called to do. It is time.

  7. poohpity says:

    Bernese Mountain dog is my favorite dog next to a Great Dane. Beautiful working dog.

  8. yooperjack says:

    Where is everyone? It must be nice weather all over the blogesfere 57.8 degrees F here, this is unreal. It’s going to be that way all week. The water is running and the snowman is melting.

    Or maybe the Lord came and I missed it, I better check CNN. LOL

  9. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… those particular dogs capture me as well as a favorite one of my choice, but i thought Bernese Mountain to be a foreign word for some reason as I have another word in my mind that identifies that species, perhaps a more reagional one, I’m not remembering it exactly, anyhow they have a very soft muzzel and a great temperment.
    They seem to make instant loving friends. Perhaps Austrailian Shepherd is the name that is stuck, like my backspace key, in my head. :)

  10. narrowpathseeker says:

    I love the photo of the dog. At Christmas we added an 8 week old Bernese Mountain dog puppy to our pet family and already she is quite large, beautiful, house broken, and obedient to several commands. I’m hoping to train her to pull a little cart to help me tend my gardens.

    I have long thought about how our world decayed to this point since the 50’s. It seems to me that first came TV, but it seemed somewhat harmless at the time because they kept it fairly moral. Then came the Kennedy assassination followed by the Hippy movement and the influx of drugs and countless protests of everything and anything. Then, I remember the Hippies running around with big signs reading that God was dead and free love. Then they challenged the meaning of indecency. Once satan got enough people to question the existence of God, his evil works began to progress more speedily. It seems to me that now evil lurks in every corner of life on earth and I can’t begin to imagine how people can endure without faith in Jesus Christ. I can still get caught up in anger towards those who serve satan in his evil schemes, but then I remember that they are his victims….lost souls as well as our enemies. God told us to pray for both and to do good unto them. I try to remember that, but the constant bombardment of headlines and breaking news of more and more evil tends to trigger anger before I remember to pray for those caught up in satan’s deceptive tactics. Sometimes I think I would like to move to Amish country and learn their ways.

  11. yooperjack says:

    The turning point was the 1960s. Satan got into schools of higher learning to sow his crazyness and now we are reaping those crazy ideas.

    The Amish are even haveing their own problems.

    narrow: Just keep on keeping on the way you are and you’ll be just find. Fear not He’s comming soon. Your angel is still there with you, you just can’t see her now.

  12. bubbles says:

    When was the last time you set foot in a school? When were you in a school for 40 hours a week? Have you seen Satan running amok through the hallways and classrooms or are you repeating rhetoric that you have heard so many others say?

    Don’t blame the schools. Blame individual people who turned away from God. Blame Christians who did not vote the right way. Blame Christians because we became allowed this sort of thing to happen.

  13. narrowpathseeker says:

    Bubbles, I don’t think Yooperjack was blaming the schools…I believe he was blaming satan. I attended school in the late 40’s till 60. I have been in the schools with my children, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren. I was nearly 50 when I started college. I have seen the vast progressive changes and I have to agree with Jack. However, sometimes I wonder if anything we do is going to change anything when scripture foretold us this is the way is was going to be. I am wondering how “voting the right way” could have prevented it. Wouldn’t it not happening make scripture appear to be inaccurate? Part of me finds this country’s state of affairs unbelievable and part of me wonders why I find it so unbelievable when scripture already foretold us.

    Jack, that is amazing that you said that angel is still with me. I had an experience several years ago that I know was a miraculous escape from an accident. After, writing about that angel yesterday, I started wondering if that was the same angel(unseen at that time) and if that angel was still with me now. I got shivers when I read your thoughts on it after thinking the same thing only hours ago.

  14. yooperjack says:

    bubbles: Narrow pointed out how things in our world decayed sense the 50s; I simply pointed out that the 60s was when it started.

    I’m not talking about grade or high school I’m talking about collages, about professors. Unless someone was living under a rock sense 1960 they know exactly what I’m talking about.

    All the people you mentioned went to those collages. “We” didn’t all go to collage and get corrupted we didn’t get brain washed by some professor into thinking God is dead or that we are the center of the universe. I’m speaking generally of course.

    When I was in school…. Naw!!!! Why go there? LOL

  15. yooperjack says:

    Narrow: The Spirit is working in this place. Some day you may see your angel down by the river just for a moment during your quiet time. I had that thought as I was writing that other post but was waiting for the right time.

  16. poohpity says:

    I do not know about angels being with you narrow but I know that Lord is with you always if you have asked Him into your heart and as long as you have Him why do you even need a angel?

    All of us need to accept the responsibility for acting as if we do not know the Lord or for demanding our own way rather than allowing Him to have our hearts, souls and minds. It would be nice if blame were gone and admitting how each of us falls so short of the mark and need a Savior then it would not be up to anyone else to do what we each fail to do.

  17. poohpity says:

    I have not ever read in scripture when we stand before the judgement seat of God that we have to give an account of anybody’s life, only for our own. Time is running out. Be responsible for doing what is just and merciful to EVERYONE we come in contact with and remember none of us deserves the grace we have been shown.

  18. SFDBWV says:

    You are quite right Maru we American Christians have it very nice when compared to the Christians in any Islamic controlled country such as many in Africa and Indonesia, Remarkable that the communist government of China still resists Christianity. Yes we Americans as well as most every Western nation takes our Christianity for granted.

    Yet as Narrowpathseeker mentioned, I believe such things are *meant* to be, all being seasons of God’s plans for these *End Times*. One has to believe that if God wanted things to be otherwise He would have shown His hand.

    I believe that we are under a *Time* or *Season* of grace, this is the *time* of the Gentiles. But all of the seasons and times of God have a starting and an ending point and when the time of the Gentile is fulfilled God will show His hand once again. (Luke 21: 24)

    Narrowpathseeker and Jack and I all agree that in our lifetimes our country has been on a downward spiral morally and this can not be denied. When did it begin? Who can accurately pinpoint that time? One could say in the Garden another at any such time in the course of human events when good ideas are taken over by bad people.

    Yes as mentioned it was in the 60’s that our “Supreme Court” officially took prayer out of our schools, but the people who sat on that bench and cursed us for their decision were put there many years before awaiting the proper time to begin to dismantle our Christian Nation and make it something its founding fathers never had in mind.

    Satan was subtle in the garden and our moral corruption as a nation has been a subtle process, we are only beginning to see the troubles we will reap for our choices we have made as a nation.

    Democracy indeed, it has been a minority of people who have taken away our nation from us and slowly corrupted the minds of each generation.

    I know from scripture that there are still nations in place after Christ returns, I know from scripture that all such nations are governed by the King of Kings in Jerusalem, but I have no idea how each nation is structured internally at that time. I understand that we are to play a roll as reigning with Christ, but in truth I really don’t know in what capacity except that our conduct and faithfulness now will determine our placement in that *Kingdom*.

    If you like stories of angels seek out a Catholic bible or look on line for the story of Tobit. Tobit being one of the books of the Catholic Bible. You may enjoy the story, I did.


  19. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve, you hit it right in the “face of reality” when you said the Dismantling of Our Christian Nation. The pawns are quite well placed today to bring this about today even more so then yesterday.
    I do not know the actual date that Dr. Martin Luther King said these words, but he knew it was happening even then, “Be wary of the Intoxicating Drug of Gradualism.”
    That drug is the decline of America that has gradually caused this nation much pain, distress, and an ungodliness it does not need to serve, if it is to serve that One God.
    But, God has a cure for this gradualism of decline, it is called Revival. When will this nation wake up? If this nation wakes up, the Call to Revival will be heard around the world, but first must come a Repentance that this “One Nation Under God,” with the now deaf leadership that is failing to hear, allow or provide.
    Ann Graham Lots made that “Call to Repentance” a few months ago and it was not heard by this Administration or the governing body that is now in place.
    But…”If my people who are called by my name…” 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still available to us All!
    We suffer much and much more is coming if we don’t “Wake Up!” Wake Up America, the world is watching.
    But the most troubling thing to me is the God who we should be Under, serving, upholding, honoring, praising and glorifying goes unheard in the Halls of Justice and the Halls of Academia! The church as been filtered out of the Equation of Equality!
    The Almighty dollar rules, almighty courts vote, and almighty ruling party with it’s Almighty worldly liberalism, well fortified against even the Word of God is now worshipped here!
    “Dear God, Please Wake that CLAIMING TO BE “One Nation Under God,” who is now seen by too many in the rest of the world, as the Great Satan! Gary

  20. yooperjack says:

    Oh! Boy. Some people sure like to cut things out of the Bible; Spiritual gifts, Angels, demons, healings and the list goes on. If I cut all the stuff out of the Bible that some say is not for today I would be able to read it though in a week.

    Angels are mentioned 192 times in the Bible, 97 times in the NT. Yes God is with us but He still uses Angels from time to time. And they take the form of people at times. There are even strangers that some times act like Angel and give me a hand now and then without me asking them to. They seem to show up in a nick of time out of no ware and make me wonder: “Was that an Angel or just a nice person”? God uses both. I can give you about 6 stories at least where God sent the right people or an Angel to aid someone in their time of need.

    If you don’t believe what I just wrote, the next time you get into a bad situation and someone comes along and offers to help you just tell them no thank you God is going help me.

    Bottom line: Those that study the Bible and are filled with the Holy Spirit are tuned in to how the Spirit works and recognizes spiritual things when they happen. In their life nothing just happens, there are no coincidences. They walk by faith not by sight.

  21. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends!

    Mart, you wrote:
    “While the language is intentionally obscure, what shouts out is that this (anti-Christ) figure who tries to change the calendar of God will not be able to go beyond the times that boundary his short-lived reign of terror.”

    It seems to me an individual anti-Christ has not clearly emerged in the United States in the religious, social or scientific arenas. There are some bidders, but no one has come along who has duped millions of people – and seized power yet.

    I agree with Ann Graham Lots, and with you, Gary! Revival across the U.S. and the world is exactly what is needed. I attended a concert of prayer last evening that inspires a vision for bringing Christ into the lives of the peoples of our area here – but also brings unity in the unfortunate isolation and factionalism in churches – sometimes within the same denomination!

    Too many Christians seem to be parked on the couch – or the pew – to do any good for the gospel. We’re going to have to get off our “good intentions” if we hope to see more and more hearts belong to Jesus!


  22. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: I don’t believe you ment what you said about Angels. I had to reaspond in case I was wrong.

    Amen: to Gary and Steve.

  23. poohpity says:

    Is it wrong to say Jesus is all we need? “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:19

    I agree Maru. The changes we want to see in our Christian world can begin right in our own homes. Lot’s of people think it is another persons job to spread the gospel and totally forget the person in the mirror, it is each of our job!

    I have found that the fear in giving the gospel message is because people are not sure what to say or how to say it. They may not even be sure of what they believe to tell anyone else. That is not as uncommon as one would think.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie because you have come into the conversation a little later than me you may have missed a couple stories I have shared with the rest; for your amusement please allow me to repeat a little one.

    I worked with an older fellow in the coal mines who was certainly one of the most difficult people I have ever tried to get along with, let’s call him Charlie.

    One afternoon as we were getting ready to go underground for our shift he and I were engaged in a red hot discussion about some subject probably neither of us were expert at and neither of us would budge in our opinions, which were opposing each other.

    Tired of the game I said “Ok Charlie you win I am wrong” whereby he looked at me as serious as any could be and said “Now wait a minute Steve you have a good point too.”

    Point being some people just like to argue. I got a good laugh from the experience and learned a valuable lesson, sometimes all you can do is smile and walk away.

    We are having a beautiful day here today, I love it.


  25. yooperjack says:

    No, it is not wrong to say Jesus is all I need; nor is it wrong to say God uses people and Angels to supply our needs and help us in a time of need. It may be hard to understand if it never happens in a persons life where they needed someone to help them.

    I understand. Stay tuned that time is comming no one is an island onto themselves we need each other and yes an Angel now and then. Trust me.

    What are His riches in glory?

  26. poohpity says:

    I wonder if arguing over things can not be an earworm when the most important thing is to ” Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds and to love our neighbors as ourselves”. To lead people to the truth that is in scripture rather than vain philosophies about things that do not really make a difference except to be right or wrong. That is a problem with pride and self importance while leaving Christ out of the mix. Try elevating Him.

  27. yooperjack says:

    Steve: I lived with an uncle like that I’d say white he’d say black with a grin of coures. Your story is funny. The question is: “Who’s pulling Who’s chain.

    My son trys to pull my chain when I’m trying to teach him something sometimes. One day he asked me: How come you let me pull your chain dad?” I told him: “Because I value you and your opinion”.

  28. poohpity says:

    No one has said that God does not use anything He must to have His will accomplished.

  29. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: You did when you said: “Why do you need Angels”? Go back and read your post.

  30. poohpity says:

    Oh Jack, I said “as long as you have Him why do you even need a angel?”. Him was referring to Jesus. Maybe it would be wise for you to heed your own advice, “Go back and read your post.” I did go back and read my post and found that you misquoted me but all is not lost you can find something else to cause strife, I have trust in that.

  31. yooperjack says:

    I give up, game over. I’m going to go and talk to my cat she understands me better. LOL After she gets up from her nap.

  32. poohpity says:

    It has never been a game for me. In a game there are winners and losers and from most of our conversations we all end up losing either our witness or our tempers and nothing is gained at all ever just talking for the sake of being heard over everyone else. You win, you have gotten what you wanted since you came on this blog division and disruption. Go for it Jack. While I have always loved the topics that we are given to think about by the time the conversation develops I can not remember what they are any more. :-(

  33. poohpity says:

    That last post sounded after rereading it like I blame you Jack and that is not it at all. I have made the choice to get into it for that I apologize and ask for forgiveness because I was wrong for doing so. I know you may be a nice man and I have probably misunderstood your intent but that is no excuse for acting like I have and I take responsibility for that.

  34. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: You are absolutely right in your last post at 11:12 am. The Spirit spoke to me as I was talking to my wife about you. He told me that woman (poohpity) has gone through enough hell in her life, so let her alone. I said: “OK boss, I hear you.”

    I will go back to reading and not posting. Mart: you can pull my “log in address if you wish and I will understand and will not be tempted to take over your blog ever again.”

    It was fun, no hard feelings but I got out of control, I hope I didn’t cause division. I disrupt when ever there is a need to. Trust me; disruption is not always a bad thing.

    Have fun you’al.

  35. narrowpathseeker says:

    What a beautiful day the Lord has made!! I’m going to spend as much time of it outside working and talking to the Lord about whatelse He would like me to do today. Have a great day everyone.

  36. SFDBWV says:

    I would like to share a really eye popper for me; I was out talking to a neighbor this morning about helping me catch a loose dog and during the conversation she told me of the trouble she had getting her drivers license renewed. She had to produce her birth certificate, social security card and two proofs that she had a 911 address and that she lived there such as a voters registration card.

    While talking with her a FedEx truck pulled up in front of her house and she said “Oh they are delivering my license”. I said “You mean they had to send you your drivers license? “ she said “No this is my *Federal ID Card”.

    I said “What”? She said yea I know but they said I didn’t have too but this way if I applied for the card I would only have to show it the next time my drivers license came up for renewal.

    I don’t know what to say, a federal ID card?

    I don’t know whether to be excited or disgusted.


  37. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie, please don’t leave the conversation, remember what I said before; if you leave only your voice is silenced.

    Stand up brother and take your turn at the podium.


  38. poohpity says:

    It would be nice if rather than taking our place at the podium to be heard that we took our place at the foot of the Cross to listen and learn from the Master. Then, I know for myself, I will be less likely to want to be heard. What a better place it would be to listen much and speak little. James 1:19-20, 26.

  39. poohpity says:

    There is so much responsibility that comes with teaching of which scares me that I may lead someone down a path that does not lead to truth, I would much rather be a student. As a student my grades often fall well below passing but living within the grace and mercy of our God I still have a chance.

  40. foreverblessed says:

    Jacky, keep in touch, it is so good to join the discussion here, you know what, it makes clear to yourself when the old man is coming up, you can see that by you own reactions to someone elses writing. Very good lesson to learn. I myself have such difficulty in letting go. So when I give you this advice: What does it matter to you that Pooh is not interested that much in angels. Does it make your statement about angels any less true? Then I know how difficult that must be to you. But there is nothing else to do but to put that old man in us out, away with it. We all have to do this, there is none without the fallen nature, except for Jesus.
    I really enjoy your contributions, a bit of humor, almost british it seems. Thanks for all your posts.
    We are an new creation in Christ, thanks to Jesus, all our old stuff He took with Him on the cross. This morning I woke up, a beautiful morning, with sunshine, nice weather, and started to think, God is everywhere, He is around us, with us, His love is all over us, no place where He is not.
    Except on the moment when Jesus died, God left Him completely alone. What a terrible moment that was for Him, maybe that was the hardest part in the whole ordeal, Jesus without God, left alone, He Himself cursed because of our sins and shortcomings and illnesses.
    How grateful we can be, what a freedom from sin we have now, what a freedom from the penalty, all is forgiven, if we believe in Jesus, forsake our old ways of the old man, and follow Him, God is all around us, everywhere, and His angels are with us too, Psalm 91:11.

  41. narrowpathseeker says:

    Jack, I’m sorry. I’ve been busy outside or I would have written sooner. Your post wasn’t there when I posted about the beautiful day here. PLEASE don’t stop posting. I truly enjoy your thoughts on various subjects and enjoy your humor as well.

    I just received a carload of my sister’s belongings. She died almost a year ago and had told her son that these things were to go to me. They had been stored in his basement and were a little musty so I was sorting outside. I found a Red Heart Yarn book titled, “Knitting for Defense” from World War II…..1941…10 cents!! I smiled as I looked through the pages. My son in law said it may be worth something but if so I would give it back to one of her sons.

  42. davids says:

    I am sometimes baffled by the comments I read here. I wonder how two people allow comments arise into an argument.

    I wonder how a posting about the seasons turns into a discussion about daylight savings time. God determined the seasons and the seven-day week, but I don’t find the 24-hour clock in the bible.

    Most of all, I don’t understand how the topic strays into US politics. There are Christians in both parties in the US, for good reasons.

    In contrast to those that would say everything has got worse, I offer another point of view. I recently read “The Better Angels of our Nature” (Ignore the reference to angels; it is not a Christian book.) In it, the author makes a persuasive case that violence across all aspects of society has declined: wars, rebellions, terrorism, murder, violence against women, children, and even animals. In 1780, committing even a small infraction meant you could be put in the stocks for passers-by to spit, throw rotten food, or dung on you. Is this the past for which we lament? Perhaps the Prince of Peace is ruling.

    The idea that we live in a more corrupt society than before is questionable. In decades and centuries past, more people went to church and crossed themselves, but that does not mean that they believed in the Lord or that they follwed His commandments.

    The days are getting longer in the northern hemisphere, although not for those below the equator. Blessed be the Lord that has put the seasons in motion. Let’s keep to the work he has given us.

  43. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Hope all is well in your lives. Very thought-provoking blog topic, Mart. I was especially drawn to your comment, “…And to think that the ultimate reason to trust him is to see how low the Most High bowed to surrender to our need for him.”

    Wow! The fact that the Most High “surrendered to our need for him” is mind-boggling! Your comment brought to mind the compassion and the *deep love* that our LORD has for us! ..a love so strong that it compelled Him to lay down His life for us…a LOVE that produced a dogged determination to not let anything stop Him from giving His life as a ransom for our lives. Thinking of the movie, The Passion of the Christ. I couldn’t even watching the suffering scenes. Too emotionally painful! As I prepare for fellowship and communion with other believers during this holy and sacred season (Palm Sunday, Passover & Easter), I’m overwhelmed by the sacrificial love that our God has for us, and I’m left with a greater desire to love others in the same way…unconditionally.

    Love to all…

  44. Regina says:

    Foreverblessed, we sang that same song at my church on Sunday! I love that song! :-)

    “Our God is Greater”

    Our God is greater our God is stronger,
    God you are higher than any other
    Our God is healer
    Awesome in power
    our God, our God
    (form Water You turned into wine)

  45. Regina says:

    Wow…very interesting that your state (Arizona) doesn’t have a time change, Poohpity. I thought every state in America had a time change (the same time change for the Spring & Fall season).

  46. SFDBWV says:

    We had a very warm spring rain last evening, 0.33 inches to be exact. I went out to the rain gauge this morning to get the measurement as is always my habit I wear a cap light on my head so I can see well in the dark, but as I looked around on the ground I thought where did all of those sticks come from? The ground was filled with them every where.

    Then as I looked closer they were not sticks at all, but rather “night crawlers” (earth worms), there were hundreds and hundreds of them the yard alive with them. I began to worry about where I stepped as I didn’t want to step on them, though probably already had.

    All of this is very unusual for the ides of March, and though much appreciated I hope that we don’t have a cold snap that comes in late and kills off the blooms and buds that this nice weather is pushing the fauna to accept.

    This is the natural season of the coming of spring, but this is a tad more like mid April or even early May for us.

    Daniel is one of my favorite Books of the Bible in that it is specific about detail and gives us a look into the movement and duties of Angels as well as a peek into the power of the dark side of evil spirits. It gives dreams and interpretations of them as well as stating it is God who sends some dreams and God who explains them when it suits His purpose to do so.

    Many of the prophets give exact details about the coming political condition of the world and reasons for God to intervene and restore justice.

    But Daniel tells us that that time is upon us and as we watch the news and muse about the weather we can expect all of the troubles that the prophets warned us of to begin, knowing our part in the matter should make us ask ourselves are we ready? How are we treating each other? Have I helped someone today or have I helped them to stumble?

    Seeing all of the worms in my yard this morning immediately made me think I needed to gather some up for bait, but then had to remind myself I don’t go fishing anymore. A smile and a memory of a different season in my life.


  47. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Steve & All —

    Appreciate your musings, Steve. As I saw Jupiter and Venus last evening, which have been nearing one another over the past weeks, I marveled at their brilliance and their apparent proximity. All this beauty just for we earthlings? Wonderful.

    We are mighty dry on the High Plains — now with 80 degree weather headed our way — wind, but little moisture (~.40″ for the month so far). Yet, the trees and low-growing wild flowers are budding! The season is upon us. Time is pressing — always bringing change. I am praying the plants will not spring up only to wither in the relentless, hot, barren wind.

    We are called first to belong to Christ. (Romans 1:6) It is a comfort to know that seasons and times are in the Lord’s hands.


  48. oneg2dblu says:

    yooper… you used to complain about all those who would try to put God in a box, saying you can’t. But, now you seem to have put yourself in one by shutting down your contributions here. Its too bad you’ve put yourself in a box of silence… now your playing,the Yooper-jack-in-a-box, kinda looks like a child’s toy of some kind to me!
    I know you to be a Child of God, so get out of the box and share some light with others. As only you would say… using your favorite lingo. LOL

  49. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… night crawlers takes me back to my old fishing days, long lost now somewhere in my past. I remember the first time I went out to hunt them and learned the technique for getting them before they slithered back into the earth. I would cup my hand over the face of the flashlight and gently spread my fingers to allow only a little light out, just enough for me to see them but not so bright that I would send them back to the darkness they so enjoyed.
    Makes me think of how sometimes this blog gets a little too light for some and they go and hide themselves from their own over-exposure. That is another technique I had to learn myself, now I have to cup my hands over my
    ever open mouth and try to restrain the over-doing it!
    It does take some practice for sure, but in time you end up with enough to still go fishin, which is much more fun if you don’t go it alone! Gary

  50. SFDBWV says:

    Maru I too have been watching Jupiter and Venus in my western sky and when I turn and look east there is Mars in its obvious red glow. Even with the full moon we just had those planets stuck out in the night sky

    The gray squirrels and birds are having a go at the bird seeds I’ve put out this morning and the clouds are trying to allow for the sun to peep through.

    Yes I agree it is a good feeling to know that people do not control the seasons; that at least we can leave to the One who created them.

    Gary good humor and a worthy of a smile at your jack in the box pun. I do hope Jackie comes back into our conversation.

    Writers and especially fiction writers are good at trying to expose human nature and its flaws as well as its high points in many entertaining and unique ways.

    I don’t know if all of you are familiar with the “Stepford Wives” or not, but it is one of those looks at how dull and colorless people can be if they are all the same. I would suppose learning that we are not all the same and learning to appreciate that is a part of our spiritual as well as intellectual maturity.

    There have been many looks at a world of people bred to look all alike, think all alike, and so behave all alike; in fiction it always comes tumbling down.

    I believe it was a goal of Adolf Hitler to produce a “Master Race” of people who all fit his view of perfection. It cost tens of millions of people their lives.

    We have to learn to adapt to the different seasons, we also have to learn to accept different people as well, I think maybe our survival may depend on it.


  51. narrowpathseeker says:

    I smiled as I read through comments this morning.

    Gary, great as well as humorous analogies. I have a situation here at home that I think calls for keeping my mouth shut. Your comments may very well help me get through this day…..this and of course prayer. thank you.

    Steve, Maru, I can not readily identify the planets, but I DID see one of them larger and brighter than any I have ever seen in my life a few nights ago. I was a little startled at first as I really wasn’t sure what I was seeing. After awhile I just enjoyed His magnifacent work.

    Regina, I can relate to not watching parts of a movie where Christ is being tortured. In fact I have probably never seen an entire movie where there is anyone suffering, because I either mute it and get up to do something else until I think that part is over, or shut it off altogether.

    Jack, you are missed! I hope to come back later and see that you are back.

  52. poohpity says:

    Mart when you said, “all of it is a gift from the One hated by those who want to control their own universe—but loved by those who have come to see how much he deserves our trust and surrender.” Scientists, politicians, parents, and many others want to control their own worlds and control those around them and it seems some feel that is what God’s does as well. If God created the seasons and where they fall naturally in time then we can see His way has a wonderfully natural ebb and flow that works well with everything around it. Rather than trying to control, enjoy it.

    I think it does all boil down to trust and surrender as written by Jeremiah 17:7-8 2700 years ago.

    Maru, I see Jupiter and Venus from my back patio but did not know that was what I was looking at either thanks for the info.

  53. poohpity says:

    Science tries to make things better by genetically engineering, crops, babies and different medicines then down the road they see that the crops no longer have to nutrients they once possessed, babies are born from test tubes and we have not got to see the problems there yet but medicines have often caused more damage than good. When anybody tries to go against what God has said will work it never does.

  54. davids says:

    narrowpathseeker, if you go outside a bit after sunset and look in the direction of the setting sun, you will see a very bright “star”. That is Venus. Very close to it this week is a fainter light, which is Jupiter. It is much, much, larger, but also much, much further away from us.

    If you turn around then you should be able to spot Mars, which is a very bright, red light.

    Five planets were visible to the ancients, mentioned in Jude as the wandering stars. Interestingly, right now you can see all of them in one evening, which is pretty rare. A wonderful season!

  55. poohpity says:

    davids, I thought the wandering stars mentioned in Jude were a metaphor for apostasy happening in the church. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing type of thing.

  56. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Hope all is well with you today. We’ve been getting a lot of rain in Texas! Yay! Most of our rivers are either half full or completely full now! The weather was warm and cloudy today, but we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day yesterday (80’s)!

    Steve, Why don’t you go fishing anymore?

    Love to all…

  57. narrowpathseeker says:

    Davids…wow…it must have been Venus then because it was just a little left to where the sun sets. I have looked up at the stars there quite often in all seasons and I have seen this one before but NEVER as big and bright as a few nights ago. It is a little cloudy here tonight, but I will be looking for them again this week…thank you.

  58. lovely says:

    Dear all sorry i hadn’t been joining the blog as things get busy
    when you’re working in the house of the Lord but i ‘ll try to fit in to this conversation

    Dear Yooperjack,

    since you brought up the question of God putting stumbling block
    in adams ways , and if God know adam will fail, was the same question i kept pondering whenever
    i come to this verse.But you know God answer in amazing ways,
    i realize that true love can only come by free will, that’s the reason for the tree of knowledge of evil and good

    Imagine if God were to make us all like robots. with a push of a button all fall down and worship
    perfect voice and perfect dance, and a push of a button all pray in unison, but all the same prayer

    Shows how much God loves us so much in giving us free will

    Amen Narrowpathseeker, i agree we do need to pray for the dying world

    Steve, Maru God still rule in His season and time regardless even when government and authorithies goes against Him
    Coming from this side of the world, i mean you’should have heard how many of those “causin” of ours comes to know Christ through dreams and visions
    and even in China.. there is revival.. its like the more resistance there is the more God ‘s power is at work.

    I welcome all of you to this side of the world to experience what God is doing.
    But all in all people have been receiving email to pray for America.. and we all are praying

    Keeping you all in my prayer


  59. yooperjack says:

    Lovely: Jesus was not a robot yet He loved His Father and was without sin. The difference was He did the will of the Father all of the time, even onto death. He was a man with the same Spirit we have, without the sin.

    We will be the same in a short while. I came back just to answer your question. I stand by my revelation from the Spirit. “God messed up but he made it right through Jesus.”

    Yooper-Jack-in-a-box. LOL Good one Gary.

  60. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie, I am so very pleased to see you here my friend even if just to answer Lovely’s question. I do hope to see more from you as well.

    I am off to a day of doctoring with Matt and will be gone all day, but I wanted to say hello before I got away.


  61. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Morning Jack…nice to see you back.

    Lovely, what part of the other side of this world are you in? I have heard many takes on “free will” over the years(including yours)but this morning yours really clicked for me. Thank you. As I think about the “knowledge of good and evil”, I recall my early childhood..I had never heard vulgar words and at about 11 or 12 when I DID I had no idea what they meant and when the one girl in our area that had exposed me to the word tried to explain, I had no idea what she was talking about. I had never felt the burning of anger and I didn’t even understand anger…it scared me when I saw someone engaged in it. At times in later years when wallowing in diverse sin in deep rooted bitterness, I would reflect on that time period and think, “HOW DID I GET HERE?!!!” I often wished myself back to that “blissful ignorance”, but this morning, I am thinking I would have been somewhat like a robot. I would have had no choices to make because in a way I really didn’t know there were any.

  62. poohpity says:

    lovely, I have been to the other side of the world and have seen the revival and the Lord’s name lifted up. Their desire for God and His Word is a deep hunger that can only be satisfied with more of the Lord.

    Here in America the deceivers seemed to be welcomed faster than those who hearts are set on the Lord. davids reference to Jude is alive, well and growing. It is up to each of us as believers to be able to identify the deception because it comes as a thief in the night, looking like an angel of light. Now as always everyone needs to be on their toes. I understand now how in the end times many will be deceived and fall away because it seems easy to be led astray by wandering stars.

  63. yooperjack says:

    Narrow: Jesus was spoken of being the second Adam. He did not have a sin nature, it was impossible for Him to sin. He did not eat of the forbidden fruit. If it was not for our sin nature brought on by free will, the tree and Satan there would be no one going to Hell but the Devil and his fallen Angels. I’d rather be a robot for God in Heaven (which I will not be) than a sinner in Hell.

    We can turn our freewill over to God now and hate sin but too many Christians don’t want to surrender it just yet. This robot idea is just a lie from Satan. He wants us to think we are gods of our livies, he wants us to think: “I’m in control of my life I have the gift of freewill.” “I’ll decide to love or to hate God” Wasn’t that Lucifer’s problem? I say: “How’s that working for ya!” I’m speaking general here. We are bought and paid for by the blood of the Lamb. We are not our own. Galatians 2:20.

    Look at the life of Jesus did it look like He was a Robot? The choices He made where of the Fathers will not His. If anything all those people that are slaves to sin and addictions are more of a Robot than a Spirit filled Christian. I don’t have to go out and have a cigarette every 15 minutes or need a drink to be happy and have fun or have a stiff drink to face my advisories. I don’t need liquid courage. Who are the Robots? It’s not me. The only robots I see in this world are those that are salves to sin.

    I’ve said enough, back in my box again unless someone cranks me up again. LOL

  64. narrowpathseeker says:

    No Please.. NO back in the box, Jack. lol.. “Robot” probably wasn’t the word I should have used nor was it exactly what I meant, Jack, because I agree that we are robots to any addictions we may have. I used “robot” because I was following suit, but also because in a small way it fit my recollections. I was very obedient to anything my father told me to do(until I saw the “girl” that taught me much wrong, disobey her father). Once while other children were at my home, my father told me to go sit on the couch and that he didn’t want to hear a peep out of me until he told me it was ok. The other kids were still playing and very noisy and talking to me but I would not let out a “peep”. I used the word robot because I didn’t know I could disobey my father and LIVE…lol! Yet, my father had never ever hit me and I knew he loved me, so I don’t know why I feared him. However, adding to that I guess I meant that I would have had no victories had I not encountered the dark side and I wouldn’t have encountered evil had I never known about it…Oh…boy that doesn’t make much sense when I read it, but in my head I know what I mean…sorry Jack…I hope you understand what I have not been able to express very clearly.

  65. yooperjack says:

    Narrow: The goal is to be more like Jesus. Just imagine a world without sin. We’ll have choices but not to do good or evil. Choices like what can I do for my friends today or should I go for a picnic down by the river or a walk in the woods? No fear, no evil, no guilt just peace and tranquility.

    Maybe just a little talk with Jesus face to face will be nice every 100 years or so. Or lay in the sun with my lion and bear.

  66. foreverblessed says:

    Last night a big accident has happened to Belgium (and Dutch) school children. A bus with school children and their teachers crashed in a Swiss tunnel last night, the parents of the children were flown over there by an army plane, not knowing which children survived, and which had died. The cathlic bisshop of the town tried to comfort them before they left. 52 in the bus, 28 died, 6 adults and 22 children.
    It is in the news here in the Netherlands the whole day, just as it is in Belgium. It is about two primary schools in Belgium, near the Dutch border, many dutch people live there too. The prime minister and the Belgian king went to Switzerland, where it happened. By now the parents must know. Pray for them, if you have a prayer, that God is a God of all seasons in our lives, the good ones, the tragic ones.

  67. davids says:

    Poohpity, yes I think you are correct that the wandering stars in Jude are a metaphor, but a metaphor relates to something that is familiar. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse only has meaning because horsemen exist(ed) in reality.

    Foreverblessed, my wife is Flemish and the great majority of those killed and injured in the bus crash are Flemish, although there were others too. I have prayed for them all and their families and friends.

  68. davids says:

    About the seasons, Europe is in fact quite north of the US. Rome is at the same latitude as New York, so Bob, and Foreverblessed and I live at a lattitude similar to upper Canada. The winters are dark, and the summer days last long.

    In this region, where western Chritianity evolved, the difference between the sunrise and the sunset can change five minutes per day at this time of year. That’s half an hour per week. It truly feels like the light is coming into the world again.

    Mart wrote, “While it is easy to focus on what is happening as daylight hours get longer, all of it is a gift from the One hated by those who want to control their own universe—but loved by those who have come to see how much he deserves our trust and surrender.”

    Indeed, it is a great time to reflect on the One that came as a light into the world. I look forward to the hapiness of Palm Sunday, the gloom of Maundy Thursday, and the joy of Easter!

  69. SFDBWV says:

    Foreverblessed and Davids, certainly my prayers this morning and sympathies go out to the families of the school bus disaster you have mentioned.

    It is always a sad story when it involves the young; all the more reason to make certain we raise up our children in the knowledge of Christ.


  70. SFDBWV says:

    The idea that angels rebelled against God is quite an amazing thought. What made Satan think he could be equal to God? And if we are to believe he has deceived 1/3 of the angels into going over to his side, what could they possibly think they could gain by doing so?

    If we think that this is a war between God and Satan with mankind as the prize, then why is it Satan has to obey God’s directives?

    This anti-christ who comes into the world political scene believing he can change the times and laws of God is either stupid or empowered in order to not so much to take on God, but once again dupe people into believing a lie.

    I have always been amazed, even from my earliest reading of Revelation how during the “Tribulation” people curse God and still try to oppose Him. It reads as if the accept that it is God who is causing all the horrible death and destruction they are enduring, yet rather than beg for mercy they shake their fist and continue to defy God.

    That just never made sense to me, how one can believe in God yet when faced with His wrath, not ask for forgiveness and surrender to Him.

    Yesterday was like an early summer day here, more like June than March.


  71. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Part of the wonder of God’s sovereignty over all his creation is his “use” of some of the nastier characters of the saga told in Scripture: Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Pilate…
    In the passage we have been rereading these past days, the context is a truly prophetic dream that the Lord gave to the king of Babylon. (Daniel 2:28) He was a major heavy throughout the ancient mideast.

    I have just read again the drama of Joshua’s victory over the five kings of the coastlands. God used his own faithful Joshua in an extraordinary way – whatever season it was – killing hail stones fell from on high, taking out many in the armies assembled against Israel. Also, the sun stood still for 24 hours at the noon position. Such extreme manipulation of nature threw the enemy into panic.

    It seems to me, if we stay with the whole story of the Bible, we keep our hearts open to the awesome power and freedom of our God, who created the universe!

    Heard the BBC report of the bus accident where so many children and adults died. My heart goes out to those families who have lost their greatest joys.


  72. yooperjack says:

    Steve: I think it’s like when a rebellious child tries to take over a home, they think they can so they try. Many times today the parents don’t put the fear of God in them so the child wears the parent down and get their way. As a parent my kids knew exactly who ran the home there was no doubt in their minds.

    Satan may think after thousands of years of rebellion he will wear God down, but as you and I know it’s not going to happen. Satan even thought he had God when Jesus died but boy was he mistaken. Satan lost his power against the believer after the resurrection.

    This is why I think the Job game may still be going on. When God gets tired of playing the game it will be over and Satan and all of his followers will be cast into the pit.

    Satan may be ahead in followers at the moment but I hear there is a mighty revival coming.

    When a kid goes bad many people including the kid will blame the parents. Well, in the book of Revelation they’ll blame God for everything gone bad this is the way sin nature works, it’s very self centered, just like a child you are hard pressed to get them to admit they are wrong.

  73. SFDBWV says:

    Maru sometime ago there was a TV show on called “Cosmos” it was hosted by then a noted astronomer Carl Sagan. It was a very popular excursion of the universe and told to the audience in ways we *ordinary* people could understand.

    The one stunning comment that Carl Sagan made that stuck in my memory was that there was 24 hours missing in the cosmic clock. All of their astrophysics calculations had to use the fact that there was a 24 hour period of time missing.

    As perplexing as is was to the scientific community it was immediately obvious to me where and when the 24 hours went missing.

    One only had to know about Joshua and the story of God standing the day still for him.

    I have since read of an ancient Chinese writing commenting on a day that matched up to the event.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Our God is God and our Lord is Lord and only He can change time and seasons for His purposes.


  74. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie I can’t venture into the Book of Daniel without angels coming up and since we have also been talking of free will it is curious that apparently angels also have free will.

    They apparently have access to God and as we read in Job so does Satan, our accuser.

    I have had two encounters with spirit beings which are to me obvious in my understanding as to what they were. The first I have already explained, without going too far into the second story, just let me say that the encounter was terrifying and that its presence paralyzed me, which only years afterward I read where Daniel had the same physical response to being in the presence of an angelic being.

    I often wonder about Moses and the burning bush, we have all seen things that are hard to believe, but to be standing in the presence of God, Moses must have had to be strengthened by God to be able to stand at all.

    As we have mentioned before, I believe we are on a need to know basis with all things from God, but His wonderful story gives rise in me to wonder about all the little unknown facts and facets of the story and so God.

    Thank you for your thoughts.


  75. oneg2dblu says:

    Good morning Our world is filled with death and destruction, evil and darkness. All things were created by God to separate life from death, light from darkness, and good from evil. Then, the God of all creation gives “only mankind” His Image, and part of that is our free will. The ablitiy to choose which side we will surrender to, we are not allowed to ride on the fence staying lukewarm, we must choose!
    Jesus also had to choose to do the Will of his Father, because he had free will choice, and in the Garden of Gethsemany where we know he suffered greatly to the point of sweating blood, because that is where he gave up his free will to the Father’s instead, ” Take this cup from me…” Gary

  76. SFDBWV says:

    Am curious Gary, I already know where it is said that God created man and woman in His image (Genesis1: 26-27), however am not clear as to where it is said “only mankind” as you have stated.

    The physical description of both angels and the Lord has always been as men in the scripture. So I am wondering if I have missed something since you highlighted “only mankind” in your comment.

    Not picking only seeing if there is something I missed.


  77. poohpity says:

    Genesis 1:27

  78. poohpity says:

    I do not believe that in scripture any other place did God say He created anything else in His image only man/women. I have never read that He created angels in His image although I would be interested if it does say that in scripture and where it is or are we just assuming?

  79. poohpity says:

    Rebellion is anything against the Lord, satan and his angels rebelled, anyone who sins rebels against God. When we drive and break the speed limit is that not rebellion against the government that the Lord has put in charge over us? Cheating on income taxes is that not rebellion? Not following any rules that have been set is that not rebellion? Rebellion is what caused Jesus to go to the Cross! His life was the only One who lead a life without rebellion or trying to control everything around Him. Jesus led a life of humble submission to the will of the Father, no one else is capable of doing that or are they? Trying to be in charge or control is that not rebellion especially if it goes against the guidelines set before us? The human heart is set on rebellion because we think we are at Burger King and what things our way.

  80. yooperjack says:

    Gary: Adam had it made in the garden it was like Heaven. It was beautiful he walked with God in the evening. Why would anyone in their right mind want to leave a Heavenly environment to live on an Earth the way it is now? He was either eating those hemp plants or had no idea what he was getting into.

    In reality there is no choice to be made. Example: We have nuclear bombs can we choose to use them? Absolutely not! Who in there right mind would choose Hell over Heaven? So why do we need freewill if the goal in life is to be in the will of God. Only because God messed up humans have to go from a Heavenly environment (the garden) to a Hellish environment Earth then back to Heaven. Makes no sense!

    Only an immature person has to have someone prove their love and loyalty to them with some stupid test. Example: If you love me you’ll get rid of your cat? If that person knows anything about love they would know it’s about give and take. Surly God knew Adam loved Him, God knows the heart. God doesn’t need a test to prove if we love Him or not. That doesn’t make sense! What does make sense is a game is going on between God and Lucifer and we are the prize. Adam was the first and Job was the second tested; now we are the big prize. If Adam would have chosen not to eat the forbidden fruit the game would have been over. I think God messed up playing games with Lucifer. God may have thought Adam would choose not to eat the fruit. Thus Geneses 6:6-7. Now that we have to make a choice because we are part of their game; I’ll choose God and Heaven over Satan and Hell.

    This is out of the box so please think and read with your mind open about it before you post.

  81. poohpity says:

    Actually it seems more like putting God in a box to say, “What does make sense is a game is going on between God and Lucifer and we are the prize.” The box being a game between God and lucifer that seems to be a very, very, very small neat and tidy little itty bitty box that takes nothing else into account but a very small amount of information tied up nice and tidy in a very tiny package.

  82. poohpity says:

    Blaming God for our own choices sure does take a lot of responsibility off of our shoulders and trying to say that a mans desire to be like God is God’s fault, works for me. Yea, now I no longer have to take responsibility for the wrongs I do, it is God’s fault because He put things here to tempt me. How could He do that to us? You are right Jack, God is so very wrong and does not deserve my worship because it is all a game. What on earth was I thinking?

  83. yooperjack says:

    Satan almost boxed God in but God had Jesus in His corner, now the game is almost over. The score Adam = one for Satan, Job = one for God. We will break the tie and put Satan where he belongs in Hell. The Lord of Lords will rein forever and ever. Read the end of the book we win with Jesus.

  84. poohpity says:

    But I thought Jesus is God in the flesh, fully God and fully man, then that must make Him wrong too. Wrong plus wrong equals right? How do I know whether Jesus’ death on the Cross wasn’t a game too? Now I am really confused!!

  85. yooperjack says:

    By the way every game has rules if you choose Gods side you have to repent and will play by Gods rules. If you choose Satan’s side just do what he wants and that is not to play by Gods rules. Our reward is eternal “Life or Death”.

    This is so simple a child can understand it.

  86. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: I knew you would be confused as are so many others. LOL

  87. remarutho says:

    Revelation 12:10, 11, 12 — “Almost” only counts in horse-shoes & grenades. Almost doesn’t count — isn’t even close. The Accuser is a created being. ;o)

  88. yooperjack says:

    And maybe Lucifer after winning Adam told God I win you lose but God said lets make two out of three. LOL

  89. SFDBWV says:

    I too am caught up in the endless search to know more of God. There is a great deal said in scripture about the nature of God and His work as well as His plans, all relevant to mankind.

    However there is a great deal more of God and of the history of God being God than given to us. Our story with Him is all we have.

    The situation is that when questioned, God asks more questions that we can not answer as a way of telling us we know very little.

    Angels are created beings; they are spirit beings yet are able to interact as flesh and blood at times. Given the statement that they had sexual intercourse with the women of the earth and produced the Nephilim (Genesis 6: 1-4) gives me rise to understand that at that time their free will and abilities caused them to cross over from heaven to earth, either at their own will or with the permission from God.

    The idea that they had sexual intercourse with women also gives me the idea they are at least in a similar image as are we.

    I have said that I have seen two spirit beings one as a female the other I could not tell you what it was; taller than I, all I could *see* was a black shrouded hooded silhouette of what could be called an image of a standing man all black no face no hands and even after I was able to muster the strength to stand up to face it, when it glided over to face me and rose out it’s arms I fell back to the ground unable to move.

    No angel of light that one; not wanting to get too far into that let me just say that God and I worked out that episode in my life many years ago, and all to a more pleasant existence for me.

    Look once again to Revelation at the description of some of the creatures that God has around Him (Revelation 4: 6-11) and try and figure out what they are and how privileged they are to be in God’s presence.


  90. oneg2dblu says:

    yooperjack… your starteling premise of, “God messed up,” Is what’s Messed Up! So, making a reply with that as the starting point, is like trying to stay in the dark with the lights already on.
    God who is perfect in every way, every day, and in all He does, never messed up anything. (PERIOD!)
    But we are gaming as usual here so we play along…
    The only tihng that is messed up is the heart of man and God was smart enough to recognize it right away.
    What if’s, from the Garden Scene are not where we need to be thinking, instead, we should be thinking what now!
    Now that Adam has made the wrong choice, and we know better, must we also follow in his foot steps?
    You are thinking just like Adam, when he said the women you made, made me mess up. Accept you are calling Eve by the name free will, saying to God, It is not me who messed up but it is that free will you created, or that tree you planted, our that evil one you allow to live. Are we always to blame God for all our shortcomings? Just a thought that I see in your statements of, “God messed up!” That is where we come apart in our premise of thought, for I see Him as only AAbsolute Perfection! Gary

  91. oneg2dblu says:

    Also, How did you know i have a cat? LOL

  92. poohpity says:

    But where are the Scriptures that say anyone other than man/woman were created in the image of God? We do have a scripture that says that mankind was created in the image of God but even to give a thought that anything else was created in Gods’ image would be an assumption wouldn’t it? Assuming is what can really get us in trouble that is why it is so important to compare anything taught to what it says in Scripture unless one does not believe what Scripture says. No one ever said that God did not create the angels but what Gary said was that mankind is the only thing created in Gods’ image there is a big difference and we only have scripture to back that up, the rest is just guess work with human reasoning reading things that are not there unless there is a scripture to back it up.

  93. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… Yes, we all search for more of Him, but only after we know He is all sufficient., and His Grace is enough, and God is always with us! We searcher’s are blessed, in our searching, even if we know we already have all we need! Gary

  94. oneg2dblu says:

    Once you know the truth, the truth sets you free, for
    one can no longer ever unknow the truth! :)

  95. poohpity says:

    Yes, I get confused a lot about those who do not trust and or surrender to a Holy God who I worship as One who deserves my all and that includes trusting that His ways are higher than anything I can think of. I get confused when people think we have a scheming God who uses us as pawns in a game and points others to question our God by believing that he has horrible plans for us by being in a competition with satan. That goes against all I trust and believe about a loving God who was willing to give up His Deity to die a horrible death to take the penalty for my sins, so that we could live in a vital union with Him. Yes I get confused by anything that goes against those beliefs and can still refer to themselves as a Christian, it is very confusing. I am not however confused about what I believe and whom my trust is in.

  96. poohpity says:

    I also get confused when others affirm that type of belief system and encourage it to continue, now that is really confusing for me especially when it goes completely against all that I have learned in the bible, in church and my relationship with our Lord and Savior. I get confused when anyone talks as if God and satan are on the same level in anyway shape or form.

  97. yooperjack says:

    Gary: Where does it say that prefect beings or Spirits never mess up? It’s not even a sin to make a mistake. That bugs me when fathers railed on their kids for making a mistake rather than showing them the proper way. God admitted He made a mistake in creating man Genesis 6:6-7. It is very clear. I’m not sure why He was upset enough to want to destroy the beast, creeping things and birds of the Earth? What did they do wrong? Losing Adam to Lucifer must have hurt Gods feeling real deep.

    I guess I could blame my parents instead of Freewill, a Tree and the Devil but I like to get to the root of a problem.

    How do I know you have a cat? Let’s just say I know things. I’d tell you all about your cat but I don’t want to freak you out. LOL

  98. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: Read Job again, Satan is not on the same level with God or we wouldn’t be here but God and Satan where in a close relationship at one time. Satan “had” access to the presents of God.

    Actually God challenged Satan with Job, (round two).

    Note: I’ll worn you when I go out of the box then you can “choose” to read it or not. I don’t want anyone to not believe what they learned in Church or by reading their Bibles. OK!

    Stay in your box where you feel safe and not confused.
    Don’t even question all those end time theories that are out there. They all say they are right and have good arguments “but” who is right?

  99. narrowpathseeker says:

    In regard to the matter of what ISN’T written in scripture, I have always wondered whom Adam and Eve’s offspring married. In fact that is a frequent question I encounter from people who don’t believe scripture. Then there is the question of where all the different races came from if Noah and his family were the only surviors of the flood. I would be grateful to know how I should answer those questions with something more than, “I really don’t know”.

  100. yooperjack says:

    Steve: My biological father seen that same spirit you said was dark and creepy. He said it walked right though the foot of his bed. This was in the 1940s. Weird!

  101. phpatato says:

    Steve/Jack – My sister related an experience to me where she described an image that was so similar to yours; she saw “it” one night (1970s) at the end of her bed as well. That was during a very tumultuous time in her life and I am thankful that God never left her or forsook her and that “He saved her from herself” (her words) Today she is a sweet humble woman who loves her Lord.

    Prayers going out to those affected by the tornadoes that struck late this afternoon in Michigan. As I understand, tornado “season” hasn’t even started yet.

    Ecclesiates 3

    Unusual late winter thunderstorm as I type. Sat promises sun with a high of 20c (70f). Another high temperature record may be broken.

  102. oneg2dblu says:

    narrow… we will always have the poor in spirit, the darkened who only pose the questions, but never choose to walk by faith. Having the answers is not faith, it is only having the answers. We who choose to Follow Christ, much follow through the walk of faith that the ever darkened, who are never satisfied, also never get to know Him either, because He is the answer, and they just don’t get it. Gary

  103. oneg2dblu says:

    Then whom shall I say has sent me? Is the next question, and knowing well that the askers will be there, God answers, “I Am!” That is the answer to all our questions, if we walk in Faith, I AM is our answer. Gary

  104. oneg2dblu says:

    When people ask who Adam and Eve’s children married, you should say why don’t you just ask their Father, He has all the answers.

  105. phpatato says:


    :-) I like your response to Narrow. Thank you it helped me as well.

  106. poohpity says:

    Jack, I always thought it was satan who challenged God with saying that Job would deny God to get out of the terrible things satan put Job through but I could be wrong. Job 1:9-11-12 and the most important part is Job 1:22 which is the opposite with what you are doing by charging God with wrong doing.

  107. poohpity says:

    What was the race of Noah? When did the tower of Babel come? God confused the languages so no one could understand the others that was after the flood. We all (mankind) come from the same origins it seems so no matter the color of our skin we have the same ancestors if one believes the Bible. And saying you do not know is the best answer when you really do not know and to me there is nothing wrong with that. The problems come from talking about things like one really does know when they do not.

    We do not have all the answers and we all sin. It is OK to admit both. No perfect people but Jesus and that does not mean I am condoning sin, it is just the reality of our lives on this earth attached to these bodies, not admitting to the truth of it all is where we fall short and we all fall short according to the Bible if one believes what it says.

  108. poohpity says:

    Jack, I want you to know I have questioned and cried out to God with a lack of understanding in a lot of areas. While reading the Bible I have to ask all the time for understanding and wisdom. The more I read the bible the more I know I do not know a lot of things and sometimes I do not even need an answer because I trust. Even my trust is not perfect I have times when I doubt even if there is a God but because of who God is He gently shows me that there is truly a God and I weep and ask for forgiveness for my doubt and ask the Lord to strengthen my faith.

  109. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: Boy do we see things differently. I believe in verse 8 God put Job right out their as a challenge for Satan and Satan took it.

    Who are the sons of God in verse six, are they Angels?

  110. yooperjack says:

    Poohpity: Since March 9th-1969, 43 years ago I never doubted my faith in God, I know He is: because of what He has done in my life. I am living proof there is a God. Every Christian should ask there selves this question; “If I was arrested for following Jesus Christ would there be enough evidence in a court of law to convict me?”

    Ryrie study Bible in the notes says that those sons are Angels in verse #6.

  111. narrowpathseeker says:

    Thanks Gary, Pooh, I am expecting that question soon from an “eye roller”.

  112. foreverblessed says:

    Narrow, what does “eye roller” mean? Anyway, some of these questions are not difficult to answer, as Adam and Eve had many many children, so they married their brothers and sisters. Cain married his wife, Genesis 4:17, that must have been his sister, even if it is not mentioned that she was born, this is just logical.
    And after the flood there is a in Genesis 10 the table of the nations: the sons of Japheth, which are the more colored people (polynesian, Chinese, Japanese), the sons of Ham, Cush (being Egypt)these are the darkened colored people, and the sons of Sem, which are the white people. So after Noah, their children became of different color.

    On the other hand, I like Gary’s answer, not everything is to be explained out of the bible. The bible is about the story of Jesus. People have messed up but God already had found an answer that Jesus would bring salvation. Genesis 3:15,14 the matter is already settled between satan (the serpent)and Jesus. The bible is there to help people who search to find their Saviour Jesus, and have a personal relation with Him, the one we talk to, the one we bring all our sins, worries too, the one we walk behind in faith.
    And we should be walking evidence that Jesus is alive, full of love, joy, peace, Gal 5:22,23 I try to focus on these things, how is my character, knowledge does not bring me very far.

  113. foreverblessed says:

    Off topic, about spiritual beings appearing at the bedside, in troublesome times: ask them if they come in the name of Jesus Christ, and otherwise you can send them away.
    That sounds easy, but our faith in Jesus should grow, and be unmovable, His strength in us should become bigger, that we can do that.
    Jesus was tempted in the desert, satan came in a most friendly manner. All these spiritual beings who come as angels of light, but not in the name of Jesus.
    1 John 4:1-2,3

  114. lovely says:


    I am just right above Singapore, So i can only say that its all been the same season all year
    so Jesus is the same yesterday today and forevermore

    Yeah Narrowpathseeker. i understand what you mean. if i don’t walk out of my comfort zone. I will feel like a robot working

    Yes poohpity , i see people are being deceived then its so mysterious that each of us still had a choice
    to either be deceived or not

    Steve i like your deep thoughts about the cosmos
    I really could learn a lot .. keep writting

    Amen Forever blessed
    Jeremiah 9:23-24
    23 This is what the LORD says:

    “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom
    or the strong boast of their strength
    or the rich boast of their riches,
    24 but let the one who boasts boast about this:
    that they have the understanding to know me,
    that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
    justice and righteousness on earth,
    for in these I delight,”
    declares the LORD

  115. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends!

    Mart, you quoted:

    “He changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding (Dan 2:21).

    The risen Christ told his disciples:
    “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and o will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:7-8)

    It seems to me we all see the change in the seasons – redbud blooming – crocuses and daffodils pushing up green shoots…We are still called, just as the eleven plus Jesus’ mother Mary, to watch, wait and pray. When the Holy Spirit points the way and gives the word, we are to go out to places near, distant and very distant to proclaim the lordship of Jesus Messiah.

    We are essentially in the same “season” as the church described in Acts.

    In Him,

  116. remarutho says:

    I meant to write “you will be my witnesses.” Sorry.

  117. SFDBWV says:

    Because the Bible is a story about the history of God and man (past, present and future) its content seldom strays from the relevant nature of the relationship between God and man.

    In its story line, as often we do, it bases some of the direction from content that has to be outside of the text. So we get peeks into another story without details, because the details of that story are irrelevant to the story of God and man.

    The whole matter makes many of us hungry to know more and so we search deeper into scripture for answers which is probably why those peeks are there; in order to keep our interest alive and our noses in the story.

    Shem, Ham and Japheth; their subsequent genealogies are traceable in scripture as well as in history. A descendant of Japheth is Magog; we find Magog mentioned again in scripture as one of the nations God will draw into the battle of Armageddon (Ezekiel 38: 2 Ezekiel 39: 6 and Revelation 20: 8, this is Russia. Japheth is the ancestor of the northern people.

    Shem is considered the father of all of the Eastern races including the Mid Eastern peoples as His genealogy is given in scripture as being the ancestor of Abraham (Genesis 11: 10 and Genesis 11: 26).

    Ham is the primary ancestor of the southern peoples and since his son had been cursed by Noah (Genesis 9: 25-27) misguided people for thousands of years thought it acceptable to enslave a race of people and consider it to be scripturally acceptable to do so.

    I liked Maru’s comment this morning. “It is not for you to know the times and seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.”

    As said earlier, some things are just not given to us as we don’t need to know everything.


  118. narrowpathseeker says:

    Foreverblessed…thank you. — “eye roller” is one that rolls his eyes to mock what is being said. This particular “eye roller” has been my nemesis most of my life and has mocked my faith over and over again. He has been in ICU twice in the past 6 weeks or so and I have helped my daughter to care for him. Yet, once again, I have found myself having to battle contempt for him as he is STILL unremorseful, ungrateful, and rolling his eyes! I took this on because I thought he was at death’s door, but now I am beginning to think he will outlive me and maybe our children as well. I try to stay focused on Jesus and on all that is good, lovely, honorable, etc, but he is here in my face, triggering flashbacks of yesteryear of intolerable times.

    Lovely, I think one of my sons has visited your area on business a few times.

  119. yooperjack says:

    Steve: Not only do we not have to know everything, we can’t know everything. Many people could not handle some things. That’s why they stay in their comfort box and that is ok.

    We can know more about the things of God, read I Corinthians chapter 2. Verse #10 is very interesting. We can have revelations from the Spirit if we seek He will reveal things to us that immature Christians and the world can not understand. He also knows what we can and can not handle.

    All the things I told you about the “war” or games going on in Heaven have nothing to do with our salvation or trust in God but some people cannot handle it because it shakes the very foundation of there faith. They just don’t understand the spiritual world it’s as real as the one we can see. By the way we can read all about it in the Bible but it’s not that easy to understand because the understanding has to come through faith.

    We have been having some awesome weather. The snow is going fast.

  120. yooperjack says:

    If you have any doubt I live in Gods country check out the pictures for today on pasty.net. there are people feeding birds out of their hands with deer watching in the back ground.

    My wife and I took a ride yesterday and stoped and talked to a deer that was about 10 foot from the car. She was waiting to be fed at a road side park. I asked her if she was and she shook her head yes. LOL

  121. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie, people do have limits as well as fears and sometimes their limits keep them from venturing into the unknown. It is just sad that those same people sometimes want to extend their limits to deny what others have already learned.

    The dark spirit that your father and Pat’s sister saw has been around for as long as mankind has been recording its anomalies; I seen this spirit for the first time the night before I was to leave Viet Nam for home.

    He stayed with me for several years visiting me as often as once a week or once a month, it was not until I learned to call upon the name of the Lord to remove his presence from me that he slowly began to fade from visiting me finishing in a spectacular vision of rescuing me from another.

    I found this experience to be called “The Classic Nightmare” in my search for answers. I had an uncle as well as an aunt who revealed to me the same experience only after I had. They had only seen it once, and it so terrified them that it effected them the remainder of their lives.

    I don’t expect people to understand everything I do nor do I understand everything others do, but I have learned to listen and not judge. When we speak of matters of salvation or the Lord I will test every spirit by way of the scripture and the Holy Spirit’s leading always remembering that God gives to each their own personal abilities so as to be in fellowship with Him. That for them, this for me, something else for others, all different but all the same in their conclusion of salvation.

    The Word of God, the story of Christ, the entire mystery of God is my passion, and as such I think about it, talk about it, study it and search it all the time. I can not get enough of it and so there is no end to my experience in relating to it and sharing it with any one I can at any time I can.

    Which is one of the reasons I am here.

    June weather in March, very nice, but very odd.


  122. yooperjack says:

    Steve: Did you ever find out why you where being visited by this spirit? I get attact in my dreams by some strange events that are not part of my awaken life. Many times I will awaken myself to escape the nightmare. Where does this stuff come from and “why” what is its purpose, maybe to wear us down? And the battle rages on! But greater is He……

  123. poohpity says:

    Maru, I have a lot of respect for you for honoring Mart and his topics. Have a blessed day. Deb :-) You are way better at it than I am. :-(

  124. poohpity says:

    To many times I follow the rabbit down the hole to wonderland.

  125. yooperjack says:

    Maybe we should stay on topic for one time and see how many, post. We have been running it way over 100 post at times. I find it very interesting myself but maybe it’s keeping some away. Let’s try it next time topic; I’m game.

  126. SFDBWV says:

    Jackie, yes I did finally find answers to the visits. It was a long journey that led me back to the Bible and fellowship with God.

    The entire story is long and took me on a journey into the science of psychiatry as well as the study of demonology all having their own answers, but without a cure. It was the Bible and the story of Saul to whom God sent a tormenting spirit to that finally opened my eyes and send me on my knees back home to my heavenly Father who took away the spirit He had sent.

    At one point I thought maybe it was a generational curse upon my family, but settled on it being an experience for me to seek out God and so as the prodigal son come home spiritually to where God wanted me to be.


  127. SFDBWV says:

    Knowing that this blog is Mart’s and that Mart likes for it to develop as we freely discuss amongst ourselves. I continue to leave it to Mart to decide if our conversation strays too far from center.

    Anything I say more on this subject is just going over old ground and will lead to an argument which is just what is desired by the antagonist among us.

    I would say if anyone has something to contribute, say it. Do not let another intimidate your desire to be part of the conversation.


  128. poohpity says:

    Why don’t you start your own blog Steve. It is easy to do. Maybe even word press would sponsor you. Then you could run it anyway you wish. Mart has said things many times but he is never heard or understood by some.

  129. poohpity says:

    The kind way he has addressed the issue just gets looked over or misinterpreted. One such comment was when he said that he did not mind the topic of weather and location in each of our areas as being welcomed. One could read into that or just take it as written.

  130. poohpity says:

    Do you think a humble man is going to come on here after writing guidelines is going to say, “only think about what I have given you think about” and command the attention to be on him. I really doubt it, he seems to be a humble, gentle spirited person and would rather walk away than have all focus on what he says and say one person is right/wrong over another.

  131. poohpity says:

    If he did that would it not be likened to treating us like children on the playground that needs a teacher to look over us so we do not hurt one another. Blowing the whistle to call fouls. It seems that that is exactly what God has done in giving us His word as our guidelines and we can respect what it says but God does not blow the whistle every time one of us goes down the wrong path. God comes to each of us individually by the Holy Spirit to convict us when we foul.

  132. remarutho says:

    Hello All —

    Mart, you gave us this guideline:
    “While there is so much in this prophetic window to think about, it is a prediction that also gives us reason to reflect on the wonder and source of changing seasons.”

    We have the whole Daniel scenario with King Nebuchadnezzar — plus the wonder of spring…there seems to be room for any and all comments in decent order… :-) Maru

  133. narrowpathseeker says:

    I have spent a significant amount of time writing, but I just can’t find any kind way of expressing what I have long recognized, so I deleted it.

  134. SFDBWV says:

    Bob in England is having trouble getting on the blog and ask me to copy and post for him, but when I try I can’t get on with his message. so this is a test run


  135. poohpity says:

    You are right on Maru, it took the controlling and desire to be a god of Nebuchadnezzar for Daniel to give the prophesy from God about him having to be humbled by placing him as an animal to eat grass like a cow for Him to recognize God. Daniel 4:24-25 until Dan 4:26 happened. In Daniel 4:34-36 and Nebuchadnezzar ended with the realization of Dan 4:37.

    I find it amazing that after being given this prophesy in Dan 4:30 again calling attention to his control and majesty that is when God took him out of power. Trying to be in control has it’s consequences doesn’t it.

  136. poohpity says:

    I have so enjoyed this blog and your thoughts Mart. I have great respect for you and several on here and their desire to learn more about God through the discussions and digging deeper into God’s Word. Keep up your ministry it is simply amazing.

  137. SFDBWV says:


    I wish I had seen this topic earlier but have been busy (doing nothing) and have a few days off from work.

    Steve I too have seen this dark character. When I was a young child and until about 13 years old, I used to have a reoccurring dream that I fell through a hoist hatch and this dark hooded monk like person would be at the bottom waiting for me. It always smelt like death and I always woke up before hitting the ground. Sometimes there was more than one but never more than three. The hatch was like you would get on the side of a mill or warehouse it was at 45 degrees so you could look straight down at the ground through it. The dream got less and less as I started to seek God in my teenage years.

    As for God, free will and the like.

    All I know is that something happened just over 6000 years ago that changes man’s relationship with God and the universe. There seems to be a whole lot of unexplained history and time before this but God is only concerned with restoring our relationship to Him and that is why the Bible, His Word is all about Jesus, the Word made flesh.

    If God wanted us to know everything about “the big bang”, let there be light, and the prehistory of this world He would have written a history book, instead He gave us His Word (Promise) of salvation through the power of the Blood of Christ as mentioned right in the beginning of Genesis.

    Last Friday I led our Bible study group through the Tabernacle and if you study it you will see it is about Jesus from start to finish.

    He was the gate, the sacrifice, the laver for washing, the lamp for light, the table for show bread, the alter of incense, the Ark of the Covenant, the covering of atonement, and the covering of God in the Holy of Holies!

    He has taken us from separation, outside the Tabernacle, right to the very heart of God to live with Him forever in the New Jerusalem, which by the way is exactly the same shape, a perfect cube, as the Holy of Holies. And is more than able to hold the population of the world many times over.

    God is in the restoration business restoring us to Him forever.


  138. SFDBWV says:

    the above post is not from me but is a copy of Bob’s comments. He ask for me to get it in and I have.


  139. remarutho says:

    Good Evening Mart & Friends —

    Pooh & Bob, it seems to me there is a direction in your observations that permits another focus. Nebuchadnezzar thought he was the most high. Through the working of the genuine Most High he saw the three young men in the fiery furnace, plus one with the apppearance of a god (Dan 3:25) — after their refusal to bow down to the great statue. By the time he was reduced to being a dumb beast, he had received eyes to see the God of Israel.

    Daniel served the Babylonian court like a fish out of water. No temple, so he turned toward Jerusalem to pray. No sacrifices, so he simply implored God to forgive him and his people. No holy of holies, so he revered the Lord by daily times of devotion and solitude. Perhaps the constancy of the natural seasons (summer, fall, winter and spring) were a source of true hope that God would free his people. Daniel witnessed faithfully before Nebuchadnezzar — even while performing his duties as chancellor

    I know it takes some bowing of my own will to pray earnestly for the current crop of world leaders to have eyes to see and ears to hear the word of the Most High. The spirit of Daniel is a long-suffering and humble one — a true inspiration, but hard to live up to.


  140. poohpity says:

    I really find it interesting that God told Israel what was going to happen before they got taken captive and why it was going to happen and rather than fight against it similar to how Joseph acted they did what they could in the positions they were in to bring Glory to God and never stop worshiping Him alone. They did not start conforming to the culture around them by surrendering their beliefs. They held tight to them even being faced with death to renounce them and bow down to other gods.

    Because of the things Daniel did in Babylon when they did start the trek back to Israel it befitted Nehemiah, Ezra and those who went back to rebuild the gates around Jerusalem. It is like everything has a chain reaction either for good or for bad.

  141. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Hope all is well with you. Enjoyed reading all of the comments on this blog topic. Thanks to all for sharing your insight & thoughts on this topic.
    Off topic here… I’m going to start the “Bible In One Year” challenge in ODB, and today’s Read is: 1 Sam. 8-10. This is going to be a challenge for me because I’ve never read the entire Bible. I believe I’m ready for the challenge now.

    For those of you who’ve read the entire Bible, do you have any tips for me? I really want to meet this challenge that I given myself. April will be the tri-annual month for this year, so that means that we have 2/3 of the year left. If there’s anyone else on this blog site who hasn’t begun yet, you’re welcome to *begin* with me. :-)

    I’ll let yall know if I met the challenge on 12-31-12, and if I forget to tell you, feel free to ask me.

    Love to all…

  142. Regina says:

    Warm & cloudy weather in Texas today (75 degrees right now). Seems like we barely had a winter this year… No bitterly cold days at all! Like someone else said, very unusual (even for Texas).

  143. poohpity says:

    I pray and ask God to show me what He wants me to learn for today and to bless this time we are sharing together away from the cares of this world. I am praying that your reading will be a blessing for you that it will be something that will be a life long new addition to your daily routine. I already know how much you will be blessed and how much you will learn, it is amazing. saled is reading through this year too. Be prepared for everything to come against you to stop and not follow through. The adversary sure does not want you to do this so just beware of the attacks because they will happen. You Go Girl!!:-)

  144. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Just testing to see if the log in bug has gone?


  145. Bob in Cornwall England says:


  146. foreverblessed says:

    Narrow, God bless you mightily! I guess that many of David’s psalms would resonate with you.

    Bob, thanks for your story, isn;t it amazing how God draws people to himself? I read about CH Spurgeon, that when he was a boy of about 15 he had terrible words coming into his head, cursing, and other horrifec things, that made him all the more adament to look for His Saviour Jesus. When he was a preacher, he would not preach when the rest in his mind in Jesus was gone for some reason, he would withdraw, and pray till God filled him again, and then he would preach in church again.

    Regina, God bless your reading, I also started the bible from beginning to end, so has Maru. But I take longer, like when Abraham came to Canaan, he lived in the area where later Jesus would be born, God already knew that at that time, that is so interesting, looking on the maps where all these places are where Abraham lived. Isaac was 60 when Jacob and Esau were born, when he was 130 he thought he would die soon, and blessed the boys, (so I always thought they were, but Jacob must have been 70 already then. Isaac lived after he had thought his end was near, another 50 years. That man must have learned a lot, living 50 more years when you are really old, and almost blind! To think of that! So I take longer then what the schedule says.

  147. oneg2dblu says:

    Bible in a year readers… I too find that scheduled reads that dictate a more hurried pace do not work well with me. I feel that God should direct my pace, but the scheduled reading must go on, so there is always conflict when I find I need more time than the schedule allows! I can stay on schedule though, but then my comprehension, which for me means basking in the word and not running through it, is all but lost to the keeping of appearances, “Look at me, I’ve read it all in one year!”
    Enjoy your daily venture through the word as if you will never get another chance to be with it. Like holding a fading friends hand, do I take my time with each verse, or tick of the heart of you will!
    But that’s just me, a slow reader at best. Gary

  148. oneg2dblu says:

    reader/learner… :)

  149. poohpity says:

    I do not think it makes a difference how one reads but just that they do. The benefits far outweigh the time given then their will be treasures stored up in heaven that no one can take from you.

  150. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    I hope all is well in your lives today. Thank you poohpity, foreverblessed & Gary for your encouragement and thoughts on reading the Bible In One Year. My goal is to read (with an understanding) the chapters listed in the ODB, and usually it’s 3 chapters per day. poohpity, your advice lets me know (if I wasn’t already fully presuaded of this need) that I’m definitely going to have to pray everyday before reading the chapters if I’m going to be successful with this endeavor. I’m really excited about this challenge because I love the Word of God, and I want to know it…like I know my “abc’s!” :-)

    Enjoying a beautiful, warm, partly-cloudy day in Texas (79 degrees)! Still can hardly believe how fast Spring arrived!

    Love to all…

  151. foreverblessed says:

    Regina, you are so kind, there was 1 thing I was thinking, why do you not start in Genesis 1? Just 3 chapters every day is an easy schedule.
    Be blessed in you reading.

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