What can followers of Christ bring to the death of a young teenager that has filled the public media with a mix of facts, allegations, and theories that have divided the public of the United States?
What we know is that Trayvon Martin (17) is dead and George Zimmerman (28) is declaring that he is not guilty after being arrested and charged with second degree murder.
The incident has been enflamed by claims of racial profiling, the legality of a controversial “stand your ground law” and a legal process that is going forward largely because of media attention that has ignited a polarized public outcry for justice.
So again, what do followers of Christ bring to such an issue? What can we draw on from our relationship with Christ that can bring sobriety and reason in the face of counter claims of racial hatred, injustice, and political opportunism?
My reason for asking such a question is that, because this case has gained such public attention, we might be inclined to think that what we say in the individual conversations of our own lives doesn’t really matter.