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Trayvon, George, and Us

Los Angeles Times Photo

What can followers of Christ bring to the death of a young teenager that has filled the public media with a mix of facts, allegations, and theories that have divided the public of the United States?

What we know is that Trayvon Martin (17) is dead and George Zimmerman (28) is declaring that he is not guilty after being arrested and charged with second degree murder.

The incident has been enflamed by claims of racial profiling, the legality of a controversial “stand your ground law” and a legal process that is going forward largely because of media attention that has ignited a polarized public outcry for justice.

So again, what do followers of Christ bring to such an issue? What can we draw on from our relationship with Christ that can bring sobriety and reason in the face of counter claims of racial hatred, injustice, and political opportunism?

My reason for asking such a question is that, because this case has gained such public attention, we might be inclined to think that what we say in the individual conversations of our own lives doesn’t really matter.

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125 Responses to “Trayvon, George, and Us”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    I hate racism; it is not a color but a state of mind. I also hate the attitude of the news media. There isn’t news any more only opinionated spin doctors who weave a tale of half truths and purposely inflame their audience so as to get *RATINGS*.

    The law should have been left to handle this situation not a lynch mob.

    Is it not enough that a 17 year old boy is dead and his family grieving, will anger and hatred change that? No and neither is running another young man and his family justice.

    If this case was not prosecutable under criminal law it should and could have been handled under civil law.

    Warning! This is an explosive issue and a doorway to anger. I am already uncomfortable talking about it here, as I know it can and will escalate into division and strife.


  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    There is much more heat than light being generated by crowds with placards and shouting — as well as city, county and state public officials stating their opinions into microphones and cameras. All these folks have the right to free speech.

    Although I do not live in the area of this “stand your ground” law, it looks to me as though this case is a lightning rod for the politics and the attitudes that put the rule on the books. This testing is inevitable. Those who follow Jesus can pray for the families impacted by this tragic loss of young life.

    Mart you asked:
    “…what do followers of Christ bring to such an issue? What can we draw on from our relationship with Christ that can bring sobriety and reason in the face of counter claims of racial hatred, injustice, and political opportunism?”

    Looks like the answer is in the question. We can discuss the issue on the basis of the actual facts of the case. As I understand it, George was in touch with the police dispatcher. Now that he has been arraigned, and is being held in isolation, authorities can assure that he will be safe until the case comes before the court. As the lawyers argue the case, the whole law will be scrutinized and precidents will be set.

    I have seen churches sponsor round-table forums where individuals are invited to meet to air their opinions — with an orderly process of speaking for and against a clearly stated proposition. Those who agitate are asked to leave. Each speaker must state their opinion in the first person — without accusation or name-calling — without cameras or media coverage or publicity.

    Mostly, we can take the whole event and its implications before the Lord in prayer.


  3. Mart De Haan says:

    Thank you, Steve, for wading in.

    As followers of Christ we stake our lives on the importance of a true story. Our faith, hope, and love are rooted in the true story of a God who delights in lovingkindness, justice, and rightness (of thought and action in behalf of those in need) (Jer 9:23-24).

    Our desire to honor such a God gives us every reason to avoid the kind of spins, natural inclinations, group pressure, and quick takes that you rightly fear.

    And thank you too, Maru, (I was writing while you were :-)

  4. marylouise says:

    What happened in Florida was not an isolated incident. Black people have been killed there before and the person who did it went free. The only thing most black Christain is asking for is justice. If a white person had died because of a black person he would of been locked up right away. We just want equal treatment.

  5. djkeyboard says:

    Unfortunately, what we know of the case is only a distorted image. From the news editor who initially cut an paste the audio of the original 911 call to implicate George of a possible hate crime (and was to resign), to the pictures showing Trayvon as a youthful teenager five years or more younger than he is. I don’t defend Zimmerman’s actions – “Thou shalt not kill” is still a commandment the last time I looked – but, I believe we don’t have the full story yet. And the story we have seen on news media venues has been twisted and told with sensationalist motives for ratings. I think a Christian response is to once again recognize the depravity of man and the sin nature we all have within.

  6. cjaway1 says:

    Well said Steve! This case seems to be moving beyond justice and into vengeance which is not ours to pursue (Rom 12:19). One of the positive things that may come of this is a review of the “stand your ground” laws.


  7. mercedes says:

    I am trusting in the Justice System of the United States.

  8. rbtsmith says:

    The fact that a person has been indicted, arrested, plead not guilty does not under our system of justice make him guilty. I think that as Christians, we have an obligation to see what the 12 person jury returns. Guilty or Not Guilty.

  9. hershey11 says:

    As a Christian Grandmother of an African American grandson, this concerns me greatly. The facts are that too many African American males are being killed in this country and even though it appears that the killers are going free, God’s justice remains! I have had to speak to my Grandson and tell him such stories as Trayvon; my Grandson is only 9 years old, but I inform him of the Trayvon stories because I fear for his life – a plain and simple fact. You need to walk a mile in my shoes to understand. I plead the Blood of Jesus over all of my Grandchildren daily, but my only Grandson gets an extra dose of Jesus’ Blood because of the world we live in today!!! We need Jesus!!!!

  10. fjr3 says:

    I am an African American senior citizen. I have seen much prejudice and discrimination in my lifetime. I this case only the Lord knows what really happened. I pray that Travon knew Christ and that George also knows Him.

  11. Bugchaser56 says:

    The problem is that the media has hyped this up so much, plus it has been stirred up by the likes of Al Sharpton, et.al. Now the U.N. wants to put its two cents in. The situation still needs to be resolved and hopefully will in the courts. Did George gun down an innocent teenager, or was he defending himself from a brutal attack? Whatever the case, this should be handled by the Florida courts and people and not all of the extraneous people whose only motive is to stir things up to a boil. The attempt to make this a racially motivated incident backfired, as all evil schemes of man do, and cost a person their job. The attmet to make this a white vs. black incident has failed, as both parties involved are of a minority group. Why the U.N. needs to stick their nose into it is a mystery, unless this is the forerunner of what will happen in the near future in the one world government system. The thing is, those who are stirring the pot are not doing anybody any good. There doesn’t seem to be a concern so much for those people who are being affected by this tragedy. Both families need to have prayer support, as does George. Emotionally, he has taken a hit and needs help. If he is truly guilty of commiting 2nd degree murder, then let the Florida courts deal with it, but still lift him up in prayer. God knows what he may have been going through during the episode, we don’t.

  12. sandylimacher says:

    what as christians can we do? first is not to judge, second is to pray for God’s justice and truth.
    pray for the family, and for Zimmerman.

  13. hiswill12 says:

    I think that the only way to find out whether Mr. Zimmerman was justified on shooting Trayvon Martin was for an arrest to be made and for the justice system to do what it is designed to do-determine the facts of a situation.
    I think that the was the point of the rallies and demonstrations. I also do not understand anyone who counters a legitimate request for that process to start with ” let’s not judge until we get all the facts.”. I question how anyone could not support an arrest so that we can get the facts.
    I pray that this case does not polarize us along racial lines but along the lines of what is right and what is fair regardless of how this turns out.

  14. indyruss says:

    I must say that racism is oppressive, discriminatory behavior based on prejudging a person based on the color of their skin. Certainly, thoughts are involved, but it is acting on those thoughts which results in racism. The interesting thing about many of these comments is the obvious bias in favor of the admitted shooter, while attacking the media and protesters. Christians of color (visibly non-white) experience profiling based on their skin color, at the hands of white Christians on a daily basis. This is sad, as it is no different than that of the “world.” Rarely is there open discussions of such actions by Christians and virtually never initiated by white Christians. Actually, my non-Christian colleagues/associates are more open than my white Christian “friends” and fellow believers to confronting and discussing this topic.

  15. paradocs says:

    When I read the tragic story, I was once again reminded of the tensions and complexities that exist in your country!

    Thanks Mart for your deep questions. Allow me to offer some words toward an answer (hopefully. To the question: What should the Christian response be?, the response like the story) is frought with complexity.

    First, the Christian should extend compassion to the grieving families. Second, Christian leaders, with ONE voice should not be shy. They should, like you Mart, bring the issues to the “head of the class.” This I believe is what Jesus would have done. Didn’t he say that what was done in secret will be exposed. Darkness dislikes Light. And this may be what is going on here. By bringing the Light of the Gospel to bear the works and workers of darkness will be routed (at least for a little while). Ultimately, the problems will not be solved in this lifetime, nor in this life. That does not mean that the Christian Community can ignore it. Salt and Light Christianity (Jesus’ idea) should be evident in this bedazzled world! And lastly, we should call Christians to pray. Pray for the family. Pray for the Legal Begals. Pray for Justice. And pray for forgiveness at various levels.

  16. slml says:

    I have thought about this. It’s truly sad, and we have no right to be making any kind of comments in either direction. What we need to do is pray that God’s will be done, pray for the people who are suffering, and that through it all, God will receive the glory.

    This is a world filled with sin, and bad things happen all over the place every day. Our 2 cents worth is unimportant. As the old song goes, “we will understand it better by and by”.

  17. Bugchaser56 says:

    My response to hiswill12 is this. At least when I was growing up, one was not guilty until found guilty by a court of one’s peers. There is a difference is “suspecting” one of wrong and “convicting” one of wrong without all of the facts laid out. That is what made our justice system superior to those of other countries. No doubt, if you got arrested in any other country, you probably would not be read your rights, though in some of the Euro countries I could be wrong. The fact is, there is only One who has the singular ability to know if one is guilty right off from the start. For the rest of us, we need to hold a jury trial and, hopefully, have all of the facts laid out before those who will be doing the deliberating. Sometimes, it does seem like the scales of justice are sometimes skewed toward the wrong doer and they get off Scott Free, but sometimes that is the price one must pay for a legal system that attempts to do the right thing. It would easy if we just haul off George to prison and never let him see the light of day again, because it appears that he killed someone, possibly in cold blood. But often times appearances and the way things are presented can be very misleading and innocent people get put in prison or even sent to their death on assumptions and appearances. If he gets off and he is guilty as sin, be sure that his sin will find him out and that he will get his just reward either now or in eternity. But we should not jump in and say he is guilty until all of the facts are searched out. Remember, he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Interestingly, in the case of the woman caught in adultry, only the Lord could have cast that first stone, since He was sinless, but He did not do so and perhaps we ought not either.

  18. concerned says:

    How can it be said that “a legal process that is going forward largely because of media attention”. As Christains, and leaders, we must be very careful when we choose to respond to events that stir emotions. We especially must be careful with the words that are used. Wisdom and discernment are critical at this time. Without it, we should be silent. There are so many interpreatations to the statement above. I personally disagree that the legal process is going forward beacause of media attention. At the end of the day, a unarmed young man was shot and killed. That required the legal process to begin. It is unfortunate that anyone could think otherwise. What can we do as Christians? Pray for young men like Trayvon and their safety, pray for people like Zimmerman, pray for the nation and for healing and reconcilation for the Nation


  19. newtothesouth says:

    As Christians, we need to pray for those involved in this situation and in control of this situation. There is too much discussion of all of this without knowing all the facts. None of us were eye witnesses to the events that happened. I feel it dangerous to accuse each other of profiling people of color or anyone. It is not healthy or productive to point fingers at other Christians and judge them when we really do not know what is in their heartts. That is not our job. Remember that God is the judge, not us. Racism can go both ways, so be we need to be careful not to do the same thing that others are accused of doing. It may seem that non Christians are more open to confronting the issues but maybe they are judging in their own way. We can confront and discuss a topic without pointing a finger, trying someone for a crime we don’t know the facts about, or accusing others of profiling. White people. or Hispanic people in this situation, are being profiled as aggressors when we really don’t have all the facts. I say that as Christians, we need to be fair and really honest with ourselves. We need to pray that God will deal with the hearts of those involved. Again,we are not the judges. We don’t live in a perfect world and when we think we have it all together, we are in big trouble.

  20. clbz says:

    If only the media would give equal time to ALL murders.

  21. clbz says:

    If only the Supreme Court would reinstate the teaching of the 10 Commandments from pre-school on up. The same 10 Commandments posted right behind the Supreme Court every day they’re in session.

  22. clbz says:

    So many cases of “if-only.” As a parent, the sound of –by all professional accounts — Trayvon’s last cry out is unbearable without producing tears. I can only imagine the depth of his parents’ grief.

  23. pastor4nando says:

    I am amazed, though not surprised, at the reaction of so many people and groups who have taken up this issue with such fervor and determination as to bring attention to this incident and themselves. This blog asks two questions. What do followers of Christ bring to such an issue? What can we draw on from our relationship with Christ that can bring sobriety and reason in the face of counter claims of racial hatred, injustice, and political opportunism?
    These are just a few questions which I must determine to answer within myself and come to an understanding of what has and is transpiring. There are so many questions that will change me as an indiviual, family member and a member to society.
    Here are some questions which we all have asked ourselves and of others:
    Let me back track and place here this final comment. As I was typing in the questions I realized that the written word could be taken out of context and somehow misconstrued as biast/racist. I am not a racist and do not want to be percieved as one. What I do want is answers so that I may be able to eduacate my children wisely. So I leave you with one final question which hopefully will answer all others, “If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking.” Jas 1:5 (CEV) I will continue to pray for the families invovled as is my duty to do so.

  24. jimmyvern says:

    I have a hard time understanding people who don’t know the facts immediately starting with negative reactions. So I thought about it and this brings to mind the killing of innocent Amish children in Pa. and the way the Amish reacted to that atrocity. They, the Amish, responded in a Christian way, they took food to the mans wife and family and consoled her even though her husband killed their children. This is a true Christian reaction, one of love and forgiveness, and I praise the Lord for allowing us to see His work through the Amish Christians. I am praying for our world to be more like the way of the Lord.

  25. scottyb says:

    I have found that black people are more racist than white people today. I grew up differently and our friends were of all different colors. Black people. PLEASE stop playing the race card. Please for your sake get rid of this chip on your shoulder. I’m white. I don’t go around and judge you. Please stop judging white people. We are no better off and are given the SAME opportunities in life that you are. Stop acting like you know the facts in this case and stop blaming it on racism. Like I said the black people that talk about racism all the time from what I’ve found are the ones who are keeping racism alive. Just stop it already. My sister and niece live in Georgia, are white, work with many black people and they are treaded VERY discriminitory from black people. But my sister and niece being Christian and smart; they keep their mouth shut. Please stop it already and let the justice system work it out. Turn off your TV’s, put down your pitch forks and pick up your Bible’s. You should not take offense to this because it is the truth. My black friends never went around talking about how they felt discriminated. If anything their parens put these ideas in their heads. As I said I grew up with people of all colors. This is life today and when I was a kid 25 years ago. I’m 33 years old. Just let racism die already.

  26. sonjac says:

    I just wanted to share that this one is a tough one for me and one for which the rubber meets the road. Because I could go off and get off track, and in the not-so-distant past, I have….but as a follower of Christ, I know Christ is asking me to submit, to His authority, control and wisdom in the situation. He is asking me to guard my thoughts and even more so my tongue. Even though I have some very strong opinions on the topic and think I know what I know, I need to continually bring my thoughts under his leadership and lordship. We discuss this issue from different vantage points and experiences, different priorities and understandings, but how we discuss them speaks volumes about us and our faith. Our attitude and spirit of discussion can be Christ like even though we passionately disagree with one another. So often online discussions can digress into subtle and not so subtle bullying where people try to dominate what gets said about the matter. I believe God is asking me to hold space for others’ opinions – knowing that their differing opinion doesn’t diminish mine, and to keep looking to Him for the answers.

  27. scottyb says:

    If you keep bringing up racism then it will never die. And don’t say I don’t know what it is to feel discriminated against. I feel it every time it’s brought up. Oh and by the way my best friend is mexican and our other best friend is black. But we don’t look at eachother that way. We see Scott, Jerry & Tyrone. Not black, brown, or white. For the sake of beating a dead horse, this is what I was taught by my parents, and in school. Stop teaching your kids, and grandkids that they’re being cheated and judged based upon their skin color. Instead tell them that they have evey opportunity available to them. That God loves them, get the negative ideas about racism out of their heads and they won’t be dragged down or burdened by them. They will be free, just as my friends and I were. They will be free of racism.

  28. awurabena says:

    Only God knows what happened that day and may He bring justice through the legalsystem or someday when He judges the quick and the living…anyhow His wisdom wishes for only God knows what is in the heart of men.

    Having said all that, only love will help us overcome our sins of hatred and prejudices. Mother Theresa was right…if we judge people, we have very little time to love them.

  29. scottyb says:

    Sonjac: Well said! I wish I would have read that before I posted my comment. I’m just so hurt everytime someone says that they have been cheated in life because of racism, and is so quick to accuse someone of racism. I’ve had a hard life. I lost my father to a horrible diseas when I was a teenager. I lost my first born son, his mother. I raised my second son all on my own from the time he was a baby. I didnt’ have things handed to me. I could have made all kinds of reasons why I wasnt going to succeed. I mean I had plenty. I made it though. Me and my son made it. I gave God a chance and He fought for me. Thats what I’m trying to say is that instead of making up all kinds of reasons why you are held back, start asking better questions. Like how can I make the most of this situation. What can I do to help. Blaming it on racism, and filling kids heads that they might be discriminated against doesn’t help them.

  30. beenrescued says:

    It truly is a tragedy that a young man has been killed. God’s Holy Word speaks that it is appointed for man to die. I do believe that we all have an appointment for death, and God knew before the annals of time that Trayvon would on that day at that time die. The shooter is not excused by any means. I still believe in our justice system and whatever the verdict, not everyone will be pleased. God is the final Judge and that should please everyone.

    Thanks and God Bless.

  31. awurabena says:

    I am very bothered also that we disobey Jesus Christ…if someone wishes to have your cloak, give them your tunic…you know Jesus knew precisely what He was saying…what was the gun for? To kill or protect that cloak? Well, it took a human life! The same words Jesus spoke will judge us some day.

    I don’t know if we understand that getting close to those we deem criminals…even like Jesus invited Himself to the home of Zaccheus…that by getting up close and personal to these ‘thieves’ and inviting them to our own homes…has a greater impact to change their lives than a gun in our hand.

  32. awurabena says:

    What would have Jesus said to George Zimmerman? The same He said to Peter…put your gun away. Whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword…

  33. 3303rco says:

    Zimmerman made a conscience choice to carry a gun and to use this gun to take a child’s life. Every action has a consequence. Can he be forgiven for making a bad decision? SURE!! However, we must be realistic, we all receive punishment when we do something against God’s will. If I carry a gun to the store and kill a stranger because I feel he’s acting in a certain way, NO QUESTIONS WOULD BE ASKED, I WOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY! Zimmerman was told by the 911 operator not to follow the individual, but he did not listen, therefore; he has been arrested and if our justice seems works correctly he will have to be punished.

    To the family of Trayvon: The deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a trial, trusting HIM when tempted, surrendering while suffering and loving HIM when HE seems distant. HIS word says HE will NEVER leave us or forsake us. Please know that prayers are being prayed for you and that we can only imagine the pain that you are going through. Just to hold to GOD’S unchanging hand.

    Unfortunately, some people will never know what it feels like to be discriminated against EVERYDAY just for being Black! I have experienced racism for 54 years and it does not get any better. But we don’t have to lie down and take it. STAND UP for what is right and wrong. They used to kill, beat, castrate, tar and feather our ancestors. Enough is enough, even Jesus got mad and delivered justice.

    Let our civil rights activists know that they did not risk their lives for nothing and that there are SOME of us that will still STAND and MARCH for justice!

  34. roxymtaylor1954 says:

    As a Christian Black person who is 58 years old. Where I grew-up I got called the “N” word on a regular bases. My eight other brothers and sisters went through similar thing also. My father went to a segregrated school, had to sit in top of balcony at the show, even when he paid the same price as the white kids. (My Dad is 76 years old). I stating these things for a certain reason. We was taught to be good abiding citizens and not to respond to ignorance. We all have worked hard, gone to college, not criminals. We all have been stopped by the law, even us women and asked for I.D. even thou we have not done anything at all. I only crime was that we were Black in a so called white area. I understand why the Treyvon’sfamily had to get outside help with this situation. If they didn’t I feel that it would have been sweep under the rug. I always prayed that everyone is treated the same, but I know differently. If you haven’t ever been treated differently I believe its hard to identify with us who have. I believe in the non-violence just like Martin Luther King subscribed to. I just don’t like people saying everybody gets treated the same, when I know better! Roxanne

  35. sandylimacher says:

    please do not send me notifications of comments or new posts.
    thank you

  36. sondrajp1219 says:

    Thank you so much for encouraging a Christian discussion regarding this case and this issue. May all involved be led by the Holy Spirit.

  37. tmoc1 says:

    Our God is not a respecter of persons. He loves justice and He desires that we also live justly and love one another. Justice has no skin color. The marches and protests that I witnessed were about justice, not about race. Without the media involvement in this case, I would not have heard about it otherwise. When I heard about it, I knew I had an obligation to pray for justice. Jesus was there on 2/26; He saw what happened; He knows the truth. The battle is not ours, it’s the LORD’s. I will continue to pray for the Martin family and the Zimmerman family. Both families are experiencing a traumatic event that only God can bring them through.

  38. glufkin says:

    I don’t think race has anything to do with this unfortunate situation with Trayvon & George. I have researched the statements from witnesses, the police, and Zimmerman. Please read the following possible senario based on what we know about the case.

    Trayvon Martin Killing
    A Possible Scenario
    4-12-2012 GHLufkin

    It was a dark and rainy night and 17 year old Trayvon Martin was walking home through a gated community in Sanford Florida. He had on a dark sweatshirt with the hood pulled over his head to protect him from the rain and cold and with it obscuring his face.

    Meanwhile, George Zimmerman was returning home from a store when he saw a suspicious figure walking along the street. George was a volunteer neighborhood watch member and was keeping watch for burglars that had been stealing from houses in the gated community. He called the local police and informed them of the suspicious character that he had seen. He parked his SUV and got out wearing a red jacket over his pistol on his hip and complying with the latest neighborhood watch law, he started following the suspicious character keeping him under surveillance. George thought to himself, “This must be one of those burglars and I’m going to catch him in the act if I can.”

    Trayvon Martin had noticed a guy that seemed to be following him and thought to himself, “That must be one of those burglars and he is going to try to enter the house when I open the door.” Trayvon started running to get away but as he approached his father’s house he jumped in back of a bush and watched as the man looked all around and then turned to walk away. Trayvon felt braver when the man turned around and he was in sight of his father’s house so he decided to sneak up on the man and confront him.

    Trayvon caught up with him and confronted him asking,” “What are you following me for?” George opened his jacket and reached for his cell phone to call the police but when he did, Trayvon saw his gun and he punched George in the face, knocking him to the ground thinking he was going to pull the gun out. He jumped on top of George and bashed his head to the pavement mercilessly and George thought Trayvon was going to kill him. George struggled toward the grass hollering for help and tried to get his gun out but Trayvon was trying to prevent it. The gun went off hitting Trayvon in the closest part of his body and he slumped to the ground face down as George wiggled out from under him.

    George got up and in a daze he stood there with the pistol hanging in his hand muttering “Good God, what have I done! What have I done!’ Then he heard the sirens of the Police cars coming and thought, ‘Why couldn’t they have come just a few minutes earlier when I needed them?”


  39. awurabena says:

    I did not grow up in this country being black and never experienced racism until I returned to the U.S. Then being black, you suddenly put on this thick skin as a shield because some people think having that color of skin is whatever.

    I also happen to have a Muslim neighbor who puts on the scarf(hijab) and is told all kinds of nasty things but when you get to really know her and her family, they are kind and loving perhaps not in the righteousness of Christ but there are still hints of God in these people even if not fully developed through Christ.

    I am raising two boys of my own in a predominantly white community. I get a lot of ‘oh your boys are very polite’ and I have to think, do they have other choices? Can they afford to be anything else before they are stuck with a label for a whole race?

    My heart bleeds for my boys constantly knowing the least mistep they make, they will be outrightly condemned just for being who God made them in His infinite wisdom which they had nothing to do with it.

  40. jfripp76 says:

    Brother De Haan,
    Peace and grace to you. I appreciate the Socratic approach to this question, but my question to you is what to you feel Christians can bring to this issue and the overall issue of violence in our society given the great inequalities evident in our justice system.Ten thousand thanks for raising this issue.

  41. rhjaramillo says:

    This incident has been used by political people to advance their own standing by taking sides on this issue. As leaders they need to advocate that justice will be served after a careful investigation by the proper system. These political leaders are just throwing fuel to the fire with their speeches. We as Christians need to pray for both families and also pray that justice will prevail. We need to pray that people will turn to Christ for comfort and guidance. We need to show love and concern to both sides. If Zimmerman is found guilty or innocent, we need to advocate peace and accept that our system did it’s job to the best of its’ ability. For people that may not be happy with whatever outcome comes out, we need to pray for them and help them find peace within our Lord. God loves both Martin and Zimmerman and He is righteous. We need to lean on Him. May God use this incident to bring the people closer to Him.

  42. gto49 says:

    1. Jesus Christ is the answer to all and any of life’s issues. If you meet someone who doesn’t know Him, tell the person about Him and what He has done and why He did it. They need to hear the good news.
    2. Recognize your own responsibility in this issue. Stop conjecturing; you do not have all the facts. Also recognize that opinions don’t matter…especially yours.
    3. Stop judging; you do not have all the facts.
    4. Pray on behalf of all parties; if you know Christ, you have access to the throne of grace while those involved may not. What to pray for? That those who do not know Jesus get to know Him. When they do, everything else will fall into place.
    5. Leave the rest up to God. He can handle it.

  43. virgilgreer24 says:

    This is a very delicate matter to address with so many viewpoints expressed, but I know my Triune(Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) God is watching His creation at work in 2012. If the United States continue its application of carnal justice, we’re in for a more devastating judgement from the throne of God. We’ll have to give an account of our actions when Jesus returns. God said “Vengence” is His, so USA be mindful of your actions against any of His people. Sometime I ask myself; How Long? And the Spirit answer-NOT LONG! All anyone wants is for America to live out its creed–“JUSTICE FOR ALL”. “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is “LOVE”(I Cor 13:13 NIV) God bless you, and God bless the USA. I’m not going anywhere until God calls me home.


  44. huggybear53 says:

    Let’s not forget that the lie started in the Garden of The lie started in the Garden of Eden,as well as the blame game,shortly after the first murder was committed and another lie was told(Cain killed Abel).Jesus knew that many of His followers didn’t truly believe He was who He said He was.Doubting Thomas was a disciple to let us know that we are also doubters.You see we think also,”That seeing is believing”.Jesus, the compassionate One,reassured Thomas that their would be many more like him.Those of us who believe and haven’t seen The True and Living God are the exception.
    America has used the Bible as a means to bring about slavery-where were the Christians?Lynchings,discriminations in all aspects has continued-where are the Christians?.Now, stand your ground,another way to lynch-where will the Christians
    If we are to be called by His name we should stand for the Truth-We need to change our ways and actions or change our name.What is the truth?

  45. dependent says:

    The words that come out of our mouths affect our relationship with others and with God. I think the first step for me is to examine my heart and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any sinful attitude, bias or thoughts about this matter that don’t please Him. And ask for His help to renew my mind as I seek to align with the model of Jesus.

    Because, it’s of the abundance of our hearts that our mouths speak–and I risk the ever-present danger of my “tiniest member”, my tongue, sparking a destructive wildfire. Even when I may not intend to cause damage.

    The example of Christ in the gospels convicts me. He didn’t just speak against the prevalent racism and bigotry–he modeled the behavior of lovingly crossing those social lines and engaging those who were despised or feared. Whether prostitutes, Samaritans, tax collectors, Romans or lepers, Jesus compassionately inserted himself into their lives. He was despised for this precisely because it exposed the fear, hatred and darkness in the hearts of those watching him who had self-righteously self-segregated. His love for the individual transcended the norms of the day.

    And this sort of ‘agape’ love living inside us is what can truly empower all of us, regardless of race, to be ready in season or out, to discern those moments when our words and actions can add light and justice and wisdom. Words that rise above the ocean of opinion and self. Conversation that promotes the redeeming work of humility, conviction, repentance and restoration.

    Oh Lord, let your living Word transform me into a vessel that can be used for your glory.

  46. uriah says:

    Too bad we can’t use the Urim and Thummim.

  47. yolanda says:

    What can followers of Christ bring to the death of a young teenager that has filled the public media with a mix of facts, allegations, and theories that have divided the public of the United States?

    I would like to answer this question by encouraging everyone to look at the main followers of Christ affected by this incident – Trayvon Martin’s parents. They have proclaimed their belief in God and relied on their faith throughout this ordeal. They have modeled great patience, restraint and resilience. What would we all have done if the same had happened to us? How many of us would have showed such strength and faith?

  48. billystan864 says:

    I believe that as Christians when we weigh in on such a touchy subject we remember what Christ taught us in Matthew 5:43-48. When I hear of atrosities such as the one going on in Florida and the Travon Martin case I am reminded of Christ’s teaching in these verses. Personally I believe the law in question is mostly responsible for Travon’s death.
    I quite honestly pray that such a law will not be passed in my home state of New York. My question is this what are we teaching our children when we pass such laws? Law is ment to protect the public not expose it to fear and the destruction of everything Christ has taught us.
    Christ taught us to forgive, to not take revenge on our fellow citisens and to walk in a righteous manner. I blame no one for this crime other than Florida’s state government. A law ment to take the law into your own hands is dangerous.

  49. floridasunshine01 says:

    @ Hershey11….

    As a Grandmother of color, do you tell your grandson that most of the blacks you say are being killed are indeed being killed by other blacks?? This is very important for your grandson to realize so he won’t grow up thinking all the black folks you tell him are being killed are NOT being killed by white folks!!
    Black upon black killings add up to the most killings in the United States. Please know of which you speak before teaching a youngster wrong information.

  50. pwags says:

    I try really hard not to be racist. My question — where are all these people when it comes to protesting black on black crime? Not a day goes by that I don’t hear about young black men being killed by other young black men. Is that not important? Martin Luther King said that someday people will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character? What kind of character is this that turns a blind eye to gangs, rap singers who promote violence, fatherless homes? When Bill Cosby tried to address this, he was referred to as an Uncle Tom! My heart cries for Trayvon and for George, because too many young black men are being seduced either by the gangs or being killed by them.

  51. floridasunshine01 says:

    @ Yolanda…

    I’m finding the comments on this thread more and more alarming! You are commending Trayvon’s parents??? His own MOTHER told the world she thought the whole shooting, etc., was an ACCIDENT (much to the dismay of her attorneys…you could see it on their faces!!)…THEN she turns around THE SAME DAY and say it was definitely an act of murder on the part of Zimmerman!!

    NO ONE can tell me she wasn’t put through the wringer for saying she believed it was all an accident that got out of hand. She was COERCED by SOMEONE (or several people!!) to change her story that it was indeed murder!!!

    I am OVER this whole incident and the people involved in it!! This is ridiculous!!!

  52. shay says:

    Why is that European Americans get irritated when African Americans say they have been treated unfairly or without justice…This is not an incident first of all it is “MURDER”, and to say it’s been inflamed is an insult to all people of color. Florida is a known state for RACISM, this is not the first time a black person has been killed for being black there and all across America.
    Stand your ground law is a ignorant law, it’s like the wild, wild west anyone can harm someone “just because” this is a modern day way of killing people of color by saying you felt threaten, “really” American, where is God in that?
    George Zimmerman is not a innocent person, he was told by the 911 operator not to pursue Trayvon Martin, but Zimmerman felt he was above the law and went after this 17 year old kid and shot him dead, what is hard to state the law about that and for some of you who commented saying 911audio was distorted and younger pictures of this kid was posted, it doesn’t matter what pictures they show of this kid, he was someone’s child whether he looked like he was 12 or 17, Zimmerman took someone’s child from them for no apparent reason.
    Those of you who think people shouldn’t have marched and protested Zimmerman’s actions then I say to you what if it was your child, would you want public outcry then? White American never have to leave in fear of walking down the streets while white or driving while white, but the black communities across the country knows that the same rules don’t apply to us, so that’s why we must protest because the laws doesn’t represent everyone equally nor fairly.
    No we are not polarized by the media, we are tired of this happening to our children period. If the story was flipped the other way there would be no need for conversation because a black man would never get away with killing a white child, “NEVER”.
    What sadden me is you good old Christians so easily to defend Zimmerman saying a lynch mob is after him, if you look at your history here in America you did the lynching and still are in present day “today”. Your history is full of killing, rapping, molestation, lynching, hatred of people who doesn’t look like you “RACISM”, bigotry, slavery, stealing.
    Those who think everything should have been left up to Florida’s law to handle, well no justice would have come of it, because Florida police didn’t even arrest Zimmerman when he told them he killed this child, so why should we trust the law? The law hasn’t worked in 600 hundreds since there was a law for people of color, but I don’t expect you to understand what people of color have to deal with on daily base in this country, because you’ve been privilege not to have to worry if anyone will racially profile you.

  53. meathouse says:

    Had Zimmerman stayed in his car as he had been instructed to by the police, I believe there would not have been eventually, a dead teenager. Zimmerman chose to take matters into his own hands, which was not his place to do. He can not claim “self-defense” when HE pursued someone who was minding their own business. Zimmerman had the gun, not Trayvon.

  54. poohpity says:

    I believe that as Christians we are all one (Gal 3:28) and when any type of hatred is displayed it becomes a foothold to the adversary. Does racism still exist, yes, much to my dismay as does hatreds of many kinds. I believe we are taught not to hate people but what is wrong (Psalm 45:7; Prov 8:13; Amos 5:15; Matt 5:43,44; Romans 12:9,10) Jesus asked us to rise above the hatred of this world regarding other human beings (Luke 6:35; John 13:34, 15:12; Romans 5:8). Are we able to do this perfectly, no, but with the Lord’s help we can take a step back and rise above prejudices, racism, hatreds and media hypes and ask God how He would like us to handle this situation.

    This kind of thing happens all the time and whether bringing light to this one situation is a political move or what the reasoning is behind it, helps to test us as Christians by showing where our hearts are in our responses. The Martins are suffering right now the loss of their beloved son and the Zimmermans are also suffering the loss of one of their family members too although not as final as the Martins it is still a loss.

    There can be something good come from this as long as we do not get caught in the media hype and pray for justice to prevail while remembering that if we want justice in this situation we also want justice in our daily activities. I pray for the Martins to come to a place of forgiveness and allow the courts to do their job and let God do His. From the interviews I have seen of this humble loving family I have great respect for them and am also saddened by their horrible loss. I also think it is great that a country who says racism is dead can see that it is not but I believe it is less than it used to be yet there is much room for further improvement.

    I fully trust God’s care for all involved and with the outcome in His hands, who better to rest in.

  55. floridasunshine01 says:

    @ Shay…

    Until you (and everyone in the U.S.) can STOP saying European Americans and African Americans we will NEVER work any racial problems out…NEVER!!! It’s too devisive. I don’t call myself an Irish American…or a British American…because I AM AN AMERICAN. PERIOD.

    And until ALL Americans can do that, peace will evade us.

  56. shay says:

    PWAGS: Your statement is where are all the protesters while black on black crimes are being committed? Let me see if I can help you out with that, the reason so many young black guys are killing each other is because of societies injustice that’s been handed down to them, America’s economic system doesn’t allow for poor black boys and men equal jobs and education, but you can think big European drug dealers to bring drugs and pour them into the black and Latino communities, poor people don’t own the air planes and boats to bring the drugs into the country, nor do they have the money to pay off government officials to allow the drugs to come into the country, what poor black young boys and Latino’s have is poverty “a need to survive”.
    Yes the media loves to report on black on black crime but you rarely hear or see on the news white on white crime which is happening all around the country as well. I sure if Martin Luther King Jr. was alive today he would be display with what happen in Florida and would be leading the protest against such violence and the lack of justice that’s been in this country since his death.
    You also spoke about negative rap music, understand this point “White” teenagers listen to rap music more than “Black” teenagers, this is statistically proven, it’s white kids who are buying rappers music and keeping it mainstream, but the media won’t report that.
    As for Fatherless homes it is also statistically proven that there are more white children who are fatherless than black kids, while we are on statistic’s it also shows there are more white women on welfare then any race of people, which European American’s set up a system to rid black men from their homes with families by not allowing the male to stay in the home if the female and children need public assistance.

  57. honi61 says:

    1. Humble ourselves in Prayer and not be self rightous and judgmental, (for those prayers will not be heard or answered)
    2. WAIT and LISTEN for the will of our Father God to give us directon in the matter at hand and how to handle it
    3. Believe that our Heavely Father is the ruler of all things and that nothing gets past Him
    4. While standing and waitng for the answer from God believe that He is all knowing and that He gave us the Wisdom to seek Him and that He would answer so that His perfect Will will be resolved
    It is nfortunate that the parents of a slain child felt they had to go to the media to be heard but that’s what happened in the case of Trayvon vs. George. If Trayvon’s mother and father had not sought after justice through the media would George be in custody and waiting to stand trail, maybe not. Is this how God told them to seek justice in a country that has based it’s standards on supremacy and color. God does not think as man and we may not always see things in the way He does. There are times that our Heavenly Father has to do things in away that makes no since to us. But Him being God and Lord of us He is always right. Trayvon’s parents did not ask to try George in the media, they ask the courts to do it. Let us hope that with out prejudice the courts do just that. I as a black woman have been waiting to hear the whole store, the truth and nothing but the truth so I can understand what happened that dark day in Trayvons and Georges lives.
    So, my true brothers and sisters in Chris Jesus the Lord and Savior of our souls let us pray that we ourselves hear what the Lord our GOD is saying to us as a nation, as a country and as followers of His true Word Jesus the Christ. I stand firmly in that God is in charge and that vengeance is His, (we Chistians quote the scripture Romans 12:19 all the time but did we ask God the whole true meaning of it?) We are not to take matters into our own hands but to allow the wisdom of our Father God allow Him to use us wisly when seek Him in honest Prayer. There are times and people that God will use to carry out His perfect Will, those people will be in the Will of God and prayed up and willing to be used.Family are you prayed up and can God trust you to carry out His perfect WILL?
    I love you and I hope you open your heart and that you are willing to hear the Holy Word of our Lord God.

  58. shay says:

    Floridasunshine01: Until those of you “European American’s” STOP making job applications, drivers license, birth certificates and other legal documents that make you say what race you belong too, it will always be divided. You don’t have to call yourself Irish American or British whatever because it’s all lumped into being “WHITE” in American….but other races or single out.

  59. tw1960 says:

    I know this — the media will play the race card to the hilt and make Trayvon seem like a poor innocent victim. You’ll notice the emphasis there has been on photos of him based on school pictures where he looks like Mr. Squeaky-Clean in a shirt and tie.
    But the fact remains that this kid looked and acted like trouble. Does that mean he should’ve been shot? No, of course not. But I will not place the complete responsibility for this tragic incident on the shoulders of the person who shot him.
    If you’re going to look and act like trouble, you can expect to be treated like it. Unfortunately, we won’t likely hear this side of the matter from our media.

  60. floridasunshine01 says:

    @ Shay….

    I absolutely agree with you on this! How I wish Dr. King were still with us. I marched and picketed during the Civil Rights Movement…I was in the middle of it in downtown Atlanta. Dr. King, Rosa Parks, and Abraham Lincoln are three of my heroes in life. My granddaughter doesn’t even realize people are different colors…I wish all children could be raised as she has been. She’s nine years old now and the most loving human being I’ve ever seen. There have been times when I’ve witnessed her being treated not in the same accepting way on the playgrounds we visit sometimes. She’ll just go up to any child…ANY CHILD…and ask if they want to play. She has joyously skipped away holding hands with another child so many times to go swing or play on one of the pieces of equipment. But I’ve seen her rebuffed and ridiculed many more times than that. The first time she was about six years old and she came running to me to ask why “the chidren” were talking to her “mean”. I had to explain the basics of hate to a six year old…it was not easy, but I asked God for help. Well, He must have put just the right words in my mouth, because as the years passed and she was rebuffed and ridiculed, she would just skip away and ask another child to play with her!! Still smiling…still happy!! (Thank you, God!!) I can say, at age nine, she is my all-time hero!! I respect her and admire her and love her because she is what God wants all of us to be.

  61. indyruss says:

    I thank God for being raised by loving, Christian parents, who happened to be African American (“colored” when they were alive) endured prejudiced employers who claimed to be Christians. Their trust was not in these employers, but in God. They beleived that God is a just God, and they forgave those who mistreated them. They died longing for the day that the color of their skin would not influence how the majority of Americans viewed them, their children, and grandchildren. How should Christians respond to this event? This case/event is an opportunity for Christians to step back, open eyes to the realities of the daily lives of many minorities in this world (understanding how very difficult this is), open hearts to examine centuries-old privilege that the majority have been “blessed” to enjoy, and have open dialog among ourselves. Silence about racism, which is one of the worst sins in our world, is foolishness. God help us all.

  62. jacqui1 says:

    Mart: To you I say that you have opened a venue to reveal the true heart of man. I am appalled by the “Christian” responses to your questions, by the blatant- and subtle-flavored racism and by the ignorance. Indeed your invitation might have unintentionally influenced some of the comments (“The incident has been enflamed by claims of racial profiling, the legality of a controversial “stand your ground law” and a legal process that is going forward largely because of media attention that has ignited a polarized public outcry for justice.”). This statement could be taken in different lights, as well as your other comments. Perhaps the legal process is going forward because of the media, but do not be fooled – God is not mocked – had the parents not sought this avenue of recourse, the death of Trayvon Martin would have been swept under the rug. We have been a racially polarized country since time immemorial. The Florida criminal justice system has been racist as long – I talk about what I know; I worked in the system for more than ten years and saw it firsthand.
    To bugchasers6 I say, your statement referencing “the likes of Al Sharpton” speaks volumes. The dictionary defines it as (and I quote): a similar kind; “dogs, foxes, and the like”, “we don’t want the likes of you around her.” To those of you who are not of the black race,I encourage you to read a book: Black Like Me” by journalist John Howard Griffin, a white man, who disguised himself as a black man and flipped between races, and experienced racism firsthand. This was in 1961. Racism is still prevalent today. Christianity is in deep trouble and no wonder the sinner wants no part of Christianity if these comments reflect the heart of the Christian. America is a country at risk. I find comments from those of other countries bias-free, neither black nor white based, but what I perceived as truth. My prayer in this all along has been God’s will be done. I am a black woman, my close friend’s brother is Trayvon’s grandfather; I have three black sons who have been – and still are being profiled and mistreated by the system simply because they are black. Every time I see a picture of Travyon my heart bleeds. Every time I see a picture of George Zimmerman I imagine he is tortured because of his rash actions, whatever his reasons. God have mercy on us all. We do NOT know love. And until we do, we can only seek God’s mercy and grace.

  63. awurabena says:

    Shocking…whoever wrote this….pretty disturbing!

    “If you’re going to look and act like trouble, you can expect to be treated like it. Unfortunately, we won’t likely hear this side of the matter from our media.”

  64. awurabena says:

    God’s will?

    Micah 6:8

    He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?

    Justice will definitely be served in this life or the next…if served in this life…the better. Lord have mercy on all our souls.

  65. chosenone2010 says:


    First I would like to say, with what I’ve heard of the matter [no longer desire to view daily news] it appears George had an agenda and was bound and determined to bring it to fruition. While not there, I believe Trayvon had nothing more on his mind than his Skittles and returning to watch the game with his dad. George, on the other hand apparently bought into the belief that people of color are nothing but trouble. How long has he dreamed of this type of incident? No matter what degree of scuffle ensued, Trayvon was unarmed and there is no valid excuse for George taking Trayvon’s life.

    Also believe George was reasonally sure, he could get away with it as a huge sector of society continue to view people of color as less than……………no matter the socio-ecomonic status.

    I believe we would have never known Trayvon or George had George listened to the police instead of pursuing Trayvon. Perhaps the neighbors should have been more diligent in screening those who want to be involved in the neighborhood watch. It is evident, George had decided Trayvon’s life meant nothing. When police advised George they did not want him to follow Trayvon, he should have gone back to his post. THE END !!

    But no, he decided to act on his personal opinion/bias of a young black man and pursue him with the belief he would never have justify his actions. And………….he came very close to not having to dance to he music. One young black man dead, one less to watch. A young life cut short by an overzealous neighborhood watchman with a hidden agenda.

    It is a fact of life and has been since the beginning of time…..killing a black person is of no consequence because they are just troublemaking animals who do not deserve life anyway. I believe Trayvon’s life was taken as a result of racial hatred and George’s belief he would get away with it. Despite the arrest, which occurred only because the eyes the world are watching, in an election year, no less, George may never have to account for his actions. Prejudice is a powerful thing bred and fed by ignorance. Acting on prejudiced beliefs is ugly yet does not always carry consequence. George doesn’t appear to be “white” yet he apparently believed his actions would be upheld. Have heard stories of this type of hatred in Florida as well as other southern states.

    In our relationship with Christ we must draw on the fact that Father God created us all. God is love and He has instructed us to love one another. Father God is no respector of persons – He loves us all equally. Despite what we see – despite what we feel – we cannot qualify hatred of any kind, injustice of any kind and shame on political opportunists who hang their hats on this type of ungodly behavior.

    While expressing our distaste for hate crimes, we must also share our love of and for Christ, who suffered on our behalf. We must pray for the Georges of the world. We must pray for God to speak to the minds and hearts of grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts and whomever continue teach hatred. I pray George has asked Father God to forgive him. That George apologizes to Trayvon’s family. We must keep them all lifted up n prayer.

    One thing is certain, times are UGLY. People do not respect anything or anyone. It is quite appalling how people kill others in cold blood without remorse. We can only rejoice that God is still in control and seek to share the gospel with those who do not know the Lord, because being here after Jesus returns and Father God removes all control………………….I don’t even want to think about it.


  66. bbjohnn says:

    Dear Brother Mart, there is not many times I disagree with you but this time i must say you are wrong for bringing this to the public. I think by allowing people to post WHAT THEY THINK is creating more controversy and dividing the people even more! Just read the post in one day today! Your allowing this to be done under the OUR DAILY BREAD BANNER! Not to sound holier than tho because i am not but, God doesn’t care what you or i think about this matter. God is still in control and HE must laugh sometimes at what we think or say but HIS DIVINE WILL is all that matters. These post are doing no good for anyone and might be causing problems for some!If you want to do something good for this matter, you would have accomplished more in asking the people to pray for both these families and that HIS WILL BE DONE!

  67. silent says:

    I am glad to see christians are mulling over this and I am thankful that the author of this blog asked a great question: What can followers of Christ bring to such an issue?

    My take on this is-prayer is good, yes, but we should do more than that. We should endeavor to forcefully act and show love within our own sphere of community, challenge our own biased thoughts towards others, challenge our sense of normalcy and sensibilities of our society, challenge our own friends and families, challenge our selves to walk in other’s shoes, and continue to be christ like in our efforts.

    As much as many do not want to know about the deep stench of racism in our beloved country, it is very deep. It is incidences like these that will bring those hateful words ‘racism’ to the forefront and no one wants to acknowledge that we have such type of mentality embedded in our systems and in our people. For one, it seemingly places whites in a position to defend themselves to say “I am not racist” and for blacks it is continued throw back in their faces again and the deep sigh of fear and dread of the past. We have a president who is both black and white, but by virtue of the history of this country, he is considered ‘black’. However, this awesome stride in history does not dissolve the mentality of our systems and some of the people who operate and control these systems.
    Polls have shown that over 50% of whites do not think that race is an issue in this Trayvonne event, whereas over 70% of blacks consider race as a major factor in this unfortunate incident. Why such a difference? Is it because blacks are always ‘pulling the race card’ and causing stirring of something that is past and gone? Is it that whites are not seeing through the eyes of the blacks and really think that racism does not exists on this level any more? These are deep questions to be asked and talked about in churches across the globe-not just the USA. I would say racism is the enormous elephant in America today, and clearly it is always being avoided and not looked straight in the eye and call it for what it is and deal with it for what it is. I think this is where the church can shine. As long as there are mixed congregations and whites and blacks worshiping together, it remains that the congregants do experience different experiences in their every day lives and in today’s society. Whether we think race is a factor or not in this incidence, a dialogue should begin within out selves and with others because our own brothers and sisters are thinking differently about this situation than us. I think the start of churches having honest-to-goodness discussion on these issues, might be a great learning and true healing experience for everyone involved. It is time to stop skirt the issues and have open discussion within our churches. As much as many deny, the fact is there are two different experiences that are experienced in our ‘color sightedness’ society. As much as many may think it does not exist to the degree that others are saying it does because-hey it should not occur because we now have a ‘black’ president or Civil Rights era is non existent anymore because there are no active lynchings and other atrocities associated with the civil rights era no longer being seen. We do not want to hear the word ‘racist’, or ‘racism’, we shudder with dreaded anticipation when in incidences between a black and white individual, we hope to God that the ‘race card’ will be pulled. Why do we think that way? That is the challenging question. Something is lingering and yes, it is awful, but pushing the elephant under a carpet does not help. There are true born american citizens christian folks who have contended that racism does exist because they know how they are treated at times in their daily lives. These are the discussions I think churches should be having with each other. Why do you think that way? What cause you think this way? Why do you think there is a race factor in this Trayvonne incidence? (God rest his soul).
    Race issues transcends ‘church’, religion. Sadly enough, I have seen acts of racism in our very churches that is quite disheartening. The very offspring of the Father that was birthed in love, its members finds it difficult to show that love regardless of race. I think this this incidence should allow us to begin our own explorations of our selves, of others and of what God says about us and others.
    My prayers continue to be with Trayvonne’s family as they grieve their loss. I too pray for Zimmerman and his family as their hearts must be highly troubled also and these are rough waters for anyone to go through.

  68. 4merlyslick says:

    To jacqui1: VERY WELL SAID. All to many times, I have encountered well-meaning, well-intentioned “Christians” who consistently try to tell Black people how we are supposed to feel about racial injustice, and even try to tell us how we are supposed to react to prejudice, instead of LISTENING and RESPECTING the fact that we are smart enough to know when we are being mistreated.
    Some who have commented here from the perspective that they know and understand the plight of Blacks in America are suffering from delusions of grandeur…a God-complex. A non-Black in America cannot tell me how I am supposed to feel about racism against Black people in America…in the same way that I (a man) cannot tell a woman how she is supposed to feel as she is delivering a baby. The best that a man can do is to listen to her problems, respect the fact the she knows what’s going on with her body, be there to support her and pray that God will give her the strength to make it through.

    As Christians, PROV 31:9 says plainly what God expects ALL Christians to do in a situation like this…where one man murders another man and is not arrested and detained until 44 days later. It says: “OPEN YOUR MOUTH, judge righteously, and PLEAD THE CAUSE of the poor and needy.”

    As Christians, we need to quit picking and choosing what parts of the Bible we want to follow and what parts are not relevant. Didn’t out Lord defend His disciples? Didn’t He speak on behalf of the woman caught in adultery? Didn’t He die for OUR sin? If more REAL Christians would stand up against injustice instead of avoiding confrontation, maybe we could stop the racist sentiment that continues to run rampant in America. Maybe, there will be no more Trayvon Martins if we, the Church, just do what God expects us to do in these end times…RESTRAIN evil.

    My personal thoughts? As it has already been said: Had this cause not been taken up by the masses of the people, this young man’s death would have been “swept under a rug” in the same manner much oppression against Black in the United States gets “swept under a rug” until the people gather together, and stand up and speak out.

    I don’t understand how we can have the same instruction manual (the Bible) but unity and continuity of thought continues to elude us. May God give the understanding to all.

  69. poohpity says:

    You say Mart was wrong by asking, “What can we draw on from our relationship with Christ that can bring sobriety and reason in the face of counter claims of racial hatred, injustice, and political opportunism? or “what do followers of Christ bring to such an issue?”. It seems to me that it is a question that would help each of us really look within at who has a hold of our hearts and minds. By the responses we can see how much of us the Spirit really has when compared to the barometer given to scripture to measure those responses. (Gal 5:22-23) not to look at others but maybe to open each of us up to look within, a closer look at our own heart condition.

    Our wrong desires are: evil, destructive, easy to ignite, difficult to stifle, self centered, oppressive and possessive, decadent, sinful and deadly.

    The fruit of the Spirit is: good, productive, difficult to ignite, easy to stifle, self-giving. liberating and nurturing, uplifting, Holy and abundant life.

    So how we act, feel and respond to this situation is a good determinate of what our hearts really look like and every now and again it is wise to do a little closer mirror looking to see what we are reflecting.

  70. 4merlyslick says:

    NOTE: If your child was murdered today, every last person who has commented on this issue would be outraged if the police knew who did it but they didn’t arrest and charge that person who killed your child with murder. And, it wouldn’t make a difference to you whether the police said that your child was killed by someone who said it was in self-defence or the killer of your child was somehow exonerated by some law called “Stand Your Ground”. I wonder what would be your response, what would you do as the days begin to draw out while you prepare to bury your child while his murderer is enjoying lunch at McDonalds?

  71. silent says:

    As look back over some of the comments in here, I have to make another comment and then i will be silent:)

    I support he spiritual focus and aspect of our lives, but the fact is we are real spirits living in real physcial body and are in a real world. We cannot ignore or diminish the reality of each of these truths. Going to church, praising God, praying etc. is the spiritual disciplines or motivation that drives us towards higher living in our bodies and in this world. Discussing these incidences may not include “God” in every sentence, but it is vital to our growth in our minds, bodies, emotions and ultimately, how we carry our self in this world.
    I would support everyone who say ” let the comments and discussion about this incidence that affects all humans who hears about, let it continue” And what better avenue than on a christian blog. We are real people too. Christians most of all should be able to talk about non-spiritual things in a spiritual context that can apply to us for growth and maturity.

    Keep talking. We may not all agree, but it is our perspective on what affects everyone-including christian. Some things we cannot just ‘sing’ or ‘pray’ away without first ‘talking’ about it first.

  72. yolanda says:


    I think you are totally right in your last response. I thank Mr.De Haan for being courageous enough to start this discussion. We can better pray for the healing of others when we know how they are hurting and how things impact them.

  73. meason121 says:

    It is unfortunate that we as Christians forget what the world is like. We are sojourners passing through this temporary existence to eventual eternity with our Lord. The media, the government, the judicial system is not the God we serve and therefore we should not stupidly expect the truth, justice and righteousness from these institutions controlled by unbelievers. We should ONLY be trusting God as the word says Isaiah 30:18 “….For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” (NIV). Read 1 Corinthians 6 – Are we to expect justice from unbelievers. We may never know the truth because the entire case is riddled with twists, innuendos and deceit. Of course, I have my opinion. I felt as if Mr. Zimmerman since he felt Mr. Martin was a threat should have retreated to his apartment and let the police do their job and not try to be a hero. It would have been nice if Mr. Zimmerman or his representatives had shown some remorse for a loss of life regardless of the circumstances. That is why stripping away all what I have heard and seen I sympathize with Mr. Martin’s family because they exude amazing grace in this process. On the other hand, I have seen ego, pride, changing stories and excessive anger from DIRECT representatives of Mr. Zimmerman. The bible teaches us to test the spirits in 1 John 4: 1. Hence why and only why I side with Mr. Martin. Remembering, I am a mere mortal and I can never think like God and I should never lean on my own understanding. The beauty is our Savior, Lord Jesus KNOWS and his justice is promised, and it is the BEST. Our duty is to pray for the victim’s family and friends and Mr. Zimmerman and his family and friends.

    We as Christians should pray because that is the best weapon against unrighteousness as described in the Bible but we will never change this world and that should not be our goal as Christians. As suggested the 10 commandments would be nice but remember we are saved by grace not by following the law. The most faithful of prophets, apostles and kings all fell short and sinned
    – We are in a fallen world over which God is sovereign and that is why we pray.

    Racism or racial profiling is wrong but most if not all of us are guilty. It is ludicrous to suggest that only a white person can commit this sin. It is possible to hate and racially profile your own “race”. Denying this is part of the problem. Therefore, it is not about America or the world we live in today. Even in the OLD TESTAMENT we read about racism “…Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.” Numbers 12:1. Just one of the many numerous examples of racism recorded in our history. My thoughts are the Ethiopian was not a bad/ pagan worshipping etc woman or God would not have corrected Aaron and Miriam by afflicting Miriam. It was likely because she was DARK/ BLACK and looked different likely why Aaron and Miriam spoke against Moses.
    We cannot change the ongoing sinful nature of men, which includes racism. NO. However, our Lord can; therefore, my humble proposal to my fellow brethren is to pray let go and let God and stop trying to change the world.

    Blessings always.

  74. davids says:

    Turn off the television. All these images distort our vision.

    Pray for the families involved. Pray for the authorities. Support the system of justice that God has put in place in the US to sort this out.

  75. kingdomkid7 says:

    Galatians 3:28 encourages us to drop the socially constructed statuses that we seem to hold onto. At least that is how i read it. We need to love and not judge. I am black, but I am Christ’s first and foremost. I am a little bit weary of all the race talk — and I’ve spent most of my professional life working for the “underrepresented, dispossessed, and lowly”. This society has changed so much since I was a little girl going to segregated schools, it makes me wonder why we “pretend” that the progress isn’t real. There are two sides to this Travon/Zimmerman story. Maybe even more than that.
    As a lawyer of over thirty years’ experience, I know that. Police do not arrest right away, always. Prosecutors have discretion not to charge. That is our system. It works pretty well most of the time, usually without the benefit of marches, press conferences, and threats by enlightened spokespeople.
    Again, let’s try to remember love. Pray for Travon’s family. Pray for Zimmerman and his family. Let’s pray for each other. And let’s know whose we really are: we belong to Jesus. That’s the most important thing.

  76. poohpity says:

    Dearest 4merlyslick, there may be some of us here who may not have had a child shot down in their youth but there are some who have had their children experience molestation, sexual abuse, racism, hate crimes and bullying. Our response to those things and I can only speak from my life experience to my son at age six, the act had to be forgiven for us to heal. How about all those who’s children are lost voluntarily to protect our rights to have this conversation. If the perpetrator of my son is enjoying McDonalds today, then God bless him and I hope he enjoys his meal. That is what trusting God is all about in my opinion.

  77. poohpity says:

    It is amazing without having all the facts of what happened the assumptions and conclusions that many have reached about this case it is no wonder that this man is not already sitting in the electric chair, fried. Things like this bring the best in people out doesn’t it?

  78. BOBBY MAYS says:

    Like most persons, I decry the shooting/killing of Trayvon Martin as a senseless act of violence. The person who did the shooting/killing should be brought to justice and prosecuted to the fulest extent of the law. As tragic as the killing of Trayvon was/is, I find it almost equaly as tragic the fact that the Sanford FL Police Department chose not to arrest Mr Zimmerman based, it appears, solely on the weight of his own testimony. Even if his testimony was credible, the credibliness of such testimony should have surfaced AFTER he had been arrested. In a civilized society, George Zimmerman, an armed man, “going after”, or otherwise ‘following’ Mr Martin, and then uttering ‘whatever words are on the tape’ and then shooting him in cold blood, even if he was later released, should have been arrested.

    And to those who say, “all the public outcry, activism, demonstration, etc” should not take place, rather, leave it to “law officials”–to them I say, without the public outcry, by persons of all colors, George Zimmerman would still be a ‘free man.’

    Lastly, to those who say “stop talking about racisim, stop teaching your children that they’re being judged by the color of their skin (not all persons are guilty of this)—to these persons I say, “When others stop teaching their children about the horrors of the holocast, and death camps and Auswchitz,” then maybe only then will we stop teaching our children about the past and all too often present faces of racisim in America.

    Maybe this incident can be used as a beginning.

  79. robertj says:

    I believe that as Christians, we must be SALT and LIGHT. If we really were SALT and LIGHT this issue would not be nearly as explosive as it is. The roots of this hatred between the races is wrapped around the very foundation of this nation. It has never been properly dealt with. The Christian community has not properly confronted and dealt with the hatred, bitterness, anger, etc between the races. Until we do-we will not be able to effectively address it in the world. There are some deep-seated issues that both Blacks and Whites have with and/or against each other. In dealing with this issue we have to separate the problem from the person. We have to come out of denial and deal with it. Otherwise it will continue to lay dormant until something else happens.

  80. ayoojutalayo says:

    We should thank the media for bringing this issue to the fore. Many black kids are killed without proper if any investigations. This case would have been treated the same way but for the public uproar. We as Christians have a responsibility to show good examples in our communities.

  81. butterfly221 says:

    Through prayer and peaceful protest justice is taking place. It is important everyone pray for both families and there are many lessons to be learned in this tragedy as in many that take place in our life and the lives of others. The greatest commandment in the New Testament is “love thy neighbor as thyself”. We definitely need to have concern for many injustices and this one of them. I’ve seen so much hatred and lack of knowledge for all of American History to have it where people forget – yes, in studying the Word “in all our getting get understanding” but this should apply to many aspects in our lives in general – including our neighbor.
    No one is playing the “race card” and no one should hate anyone. I am pleased the Martin family has shown dignity and proclaimed their faith in Christ to be their guide.

  82. narrowpathseeker says:

    First of all I am still doing front line battle against hatred for a still present house guest. However, I think God’s instructions for battling hatred apply to ALL regardless of why, where, or when hatred takes root. Therefore I think this is relevant to this subject, because I think hatred is satan’s number one weapon of choice and the way I see it, the entire world is his arsenal. Moreover, I think his strategy is that hatred begets hatred and it doesn’t matter how it is disguised or the reasoning behind it. It spreads massively.

    I’ve lost a few battles, but I am determined to win the war with God’s help of course. When I am losing, He reminds me NOT to repay evil for evil. He reminds me to pray for my enemies and to do good to them. He reminds me that “I” am NOT without sin or that my ememies sin in not BIGGER than my sin…sin is sin…HATRED is sin. He reminds me that this is between me and Him and not between me and my enemy. I can obey God or I can please satan and wallow in hatred and let him convince me the hatred is justified. I do not want to choose hatred over God.

    I could be wrong,but I do not remember at any time when Jesus gathered up his followers and protested wrongdoing. He didn’t campaign against or for Roman rulers. Again I could be wrong but I think the only slaves he set out to free were those slave to sin, otherwise he gave instruction on slave and master relationship. I believe the Samaritans were discriminated against while Christ was on earth and I don’t think they were set apart for reparations at any time. In conclusion, I don’t think it is Black against White and v/v, Democrats against Republicans and v/v, or any others against anybody else…it is Satan against God. We either obey God and battle against hatred or we please satan and justify our hatred or deny it has a place in us.

  83. tracey5tgbtg says:

    Thanks narrowpathseeker. Your comment really struck home with me. I’m sure that everyone could think of someone in their life at this moment who is causing them pain to the point where, according to a worldly view, they deserve our hatred.

    Satan loves that I’m sure. Nothing plays into his schemes better than when we look at another human being and say “what you have done is beyond forgiveness and you deserve to be punished.” “I will never forgive, I will not let this go until I see you get what you deserve for what you have done.”

    I have been there, I have been caught up in the anger that says “they should not get off for what they did to me or my loved one (which is the same thing as me).” That anger hurts and destroys the holder of the anger.

    The media knew this story was a lightning rod and that is the only reason it is in the news. The media needs viewers to survive, (viewers equal profits), thus they pick stories that will attract. Like Scott and Lacy Peterson and Natalie Holloway and the little girl with the wild mom whom I already forgot the name of.

    That goes to show where the “soul” of the media is in that they hand pick stories which will stir up anger in the hearts of listeners. It was even so with Rob Bell, who was newsworthy because he stirred up anger.

    People are senselessly, brutally and undeservedly killed each and every day, but only the “newsworthy” have their story told to the world.

    That is why I rarely watch the “news.”

    Yes, people are evil and they do evil things and yes, God knows and He will repay. I would rather leave it in His hands than mine or anyone else’s. Psalm 44:6-8

  84. poohpity says:

    I went to the DOJ to look up statistics on murders and you may be surprised at the results. Why this one case when there are hundreds and thousands of friends killing friend, blacks killing blacks, whites killing whites and the list continues so why is this one so very important over all those others? Just something to get our minds off what is going on else where? Why is there not any outcry from all the others crimes? It looks like the media has control of our emotions, if it is allowed.

  85. poohpity says:

    Hopefully we will all remember what our calling is Eph 4:1,2,3,4,5,6 NIV

  86. oneg2dblu says:

    narrow… your label of “hatred,” is exactly where the root to all this worldly wrong thinking or sin is founded. Where the Christian in us should keep us founded on Christ alone, the hatred in us keeps us human and worldly bound, and our Foundation in Christ then becomes more clouded, distant, separated, covered, unseen, and with all our prejudices for evil held close at hand, do we fail to Follow Christ first, but choose to dwell in our own desires. My prayer for us all is,
    “God Help Us to see ourselves with all our guilt, and yet choose first for Christ instead!” Gary

  87. flmango says:

    I have read several of the comments made on this page and I am sure we each have our own opinions. However, as Christians, we have a responsibility not to judge, but to pray. I see comments about our justice system and jurors, but the ultimate authority in this and all situations is God himself. My prayer is for the peace of all who were affected by this tragic event and that God will use this situation to make the world know who He is.

  88. fadingman says:

    I haven’t kept up with the news, but even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to make a judgment on this issue. I don’t have all the facts, so I have nothing to contribute for or against in this case. Even if I did know all the details, it is not my place to make a judgment.

    However Mart’s question, “What can we draw on from our relationship with Christ that can bring sobriety and reason in the face of counter claims of racial hatred, injustice, and political opportunism?”, reminds me of Luke 13:1-5.

    There were two news stories Jesus dealt with in this passage. One was a case of injustice where Pilate, the authority figure, had killed some Galileans and mixed their blood with their sacrifices. The other was a chance disaster where eighteen people died. In both cases, Jesus said those who died were not worse than the rest of us, but “unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

    Those who came to Jesus were probably expecting Him to give a commentary on the events… who was at fault, who wasn’t, how should justice be served, etc. Instead, He brought the issue down to their own hearts. For all the debate over the Trayvon/Zimmerman case, this is the more significant and uncomfortable issue: the state of our hearts.

  89. silent says:

    It is easy for most of us to say ” pray’ ‘read your bibles’ and everything will be okay.
    It is enough to read the placating comments which are just diversion to the real issue and concern at hand. WE know there are all types of hatred and interactions between all people no matter race, color or creed. However, the issue at hand is one of race. If there is one thing i understood about our history, is that slavery/racism was constructed and carried out by well meaning Christians who misinterpret the Scriptures through eyes of superiority and bigotry, which is why I appreciated Mr Mart’s question. Sometimes you need more than Scriptures to allow for understanding. During the civil rights era, when activists were brewing and the injustices of a nation of the treatment of people of color was becoming a national affront, people were saying the same things many of you were saying ‘ pray about it”, stay calm about it’ dont start nothing’. If they had followed them, the Civil Rights Act would not have been signed. Those ‘stay calm’ comments are just as dangerous as those who are on the opposite side of the fence with their violent reactions. Both extremes I truly condemn. To placate and be peaceful as if nothing is going on, is the simple reason why many are angry at the murder of this young man. This is not the first time such an incidence has occurred, as many blacks would tell you from their world. They have learn to live with the suspicions, degradation and constant reminder that they are inferior and not of equal competence and intelligence as their white counterparts for decades perpetuated by systems that are in place. These systems were created at a time when blacks were not considered members of a society-think about it. Try walking in that comment for awhile, and think how you would feel if you were constantly reminded in reactions to you by society that you are inferior and you are not equal to the rest of humanity. So to say ‘get over it’ and ‘ pray about it’ is the easy thing to say. We know God is the answer to all situations, but what this situation is saying now is” I am tired of the placating’. The human side is very much real and one does get tired. Even Jesus himself got tired. So no, this is not a demonic thing where ‘the spirits of oppression and depression need to be rebuked’, this is a human thing. Deal with our stereotypes and we will begin to have a better world. With God all things are possible. “WITH” denotes, you have a responsibility to act, and God, who never lies and will uphold his end of the bargain, will work with you, and together nothing is impossible. Take up our responsibility as people of God. Do your research, and stop listening to media and sensationalism of the media. Get the correct figures and facts of history and current events and you will understand why people of color are completely fed up at this time. Media is the root of all misinformed judgmental assumptions especially when it comes matters of race. Zimmerman started with stereotypes on his assumption of black men, which led him to disregard the police officer telling him not to pursue, then led to the murder of an innocent young boy. If you are honest, the general assumtpion of a white young man in a hoodie is not assumed to be a skin head. The negative stereotypes are allotted to the young black males; hence resulted situations like these. Let us be mindful, and not use spirituality to build a facade over the concerns and issues facing congregants of color, and what this continues to bring to the forefront for them. It is real for them, whether you believe it or not. Many have concluded that Martin Luther’s dream is dead and his dream was a facade. They are not looking for pity, they are looking for understanding. Do not be like Job’s friends. Let us be real as Jesus was real with the Samaritan woman at the well.

  90. glufkin says:

    I researched the Christian Science Monitor newspaper for comments from young black men. I think this one has the answer.

    An educated colored man last name Page says this: “Page also says that if he and other African-Americans want change, they have to take some responsibility for it. “We can’t complain about being targeted if we’re not doing anything to counteract those stigmas,” he says.”

  91. raymofern says:

    I wasn’t there. I didn’t see or hear anything but rumors and hearsay. I have not trusted the media to do anything but embellish the little they know, and distort the rest, for over forty-five years. The only positive contribution anyone can make with the information I have would be to say I will pray for Trayvon’s family, and for George Zimmerman and his family. I can do no less, nor can I do any more.

  92. silent says:

    To Claudia:

    Not discounting the others, but your comments is one of the most honest, real christian/human like response that i have seen so far.
    The fear in Black mothers are real. The talks they have had with their children-especially males children, before and after this incidence is one that is always a weighty one. most parents fear the ‘birds and bees’ talk with their children. Blacks fear that ‘talk’ and also the ‘talk’ when they have to tell their children that they are not seen as equal in the eyes of the systems that govern our society. It is not something that is lauded by black parents because they know it is their natural responsibility as a parent of color in society. So, yes, the fear is real, and magnified by this and other incidences.

    Prayer fueled by love and compassion is the beginning of something good and the end of something bad.

  93. poohpity says:

    Silent, your comments are greatly appreciated but they are not all true. There are many of us who search out facts and know of the plight and oppression of many people groups. Here are just a few facts supplied by FBI analysts for the Criminal Justice system James Alan Fox and Marc Swalt. Black teens 14-17 years old killing each other has soared by 34% and a rise of 40% are victims of killings. So some of us really care and are trying to make a difference.

    Judge Penny Brown Reynolds said, “But statistically most of the Black crime that is committed in the Black community is committed against Black people and that is what is so sad about it.” This was taken from a book that Bill Cosby wrote, “Bill Cosby Is Right; But What Should the Church Be Doing About It?”

    This one case with Trayvon being shot has brought light to a problem with all of youth today that needs help. There is a problem. Yes there are many people that care and understand what many of the real issues are that face a people that have experienced horrible acts done to them because of color. But there are many who have gone from being victims to victors and this one case is trying to put Blacks back into a victim role again. No one has ever said to sit idly by and pray, they have said to pray for the Lord’s guidance as to what to do. To pray first then take action not to rush off and do things that will be regretted later and that is has so much wisdom.

    Even the Trayvon’s Mom is putting all this in the Lord’s hands and asking for His guidance which shows her love not only for the Lord but for her son.

  94. foreverblessed says:

    Praying for these families is the comment I would make, like many of us have stated here.
    awurabena says:
    April 13, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    “I am very bothered also that we disobey Jesus Christ…if someone wishes to have your cloak, give them your tunic…you know Jesus knew precisely what He was saying…what was the gun for? To kill or protect that cloak? Well, it took a human life! The same words Jesus spoke will judge us some day.”

    But if we don’t live according to Jesus’words, we have to take matters into our own hands, to protect ourselves.

    I was thinking of Lev 26:36, the result of not trusting and following God, we will become fearful. But if we follow God, and obey HIm Lev 26:8, see the multiplying 5 to a 100 and a 100 will chase a 10.000 (that is more then 20×100 which is 2000, see how the working together gives a big increase? What if we pray, the 5 of us, for a 100 families, pray for their peace, but a 100 of us will pray for 10.000, What prayer good do?!
    Jesus taught us how to live, in the beautitudes, isn’t that something, as someone mentioned, we should look into our own heart: do I want to live like that, and do I ask for strength from Jesus to live like that?
    Welcome back narrow, did you tackle the virus in your computer?

  95. silent says:

    Poopity: Thanks for your response. My comments are to encourage honest dialogue.

    Allow me to respond to the black on black crime reports:
    You are not the first to point out black on black crime when there a report of the act of violence between races. The stats are not being disputed. What media and others also fail to mention alongside these statistical reports is that: (quote from an article)

    “According to Justice Department statistics 87% of whites killed every year are by other whites. In fact, all races share similar ratios. Yet there’s no outrage or racialized debate about “white-on-white” violence. Instead, the myth and associated fear of “black-on-black” crime is sold as a legitimate, mainstream descriptive and becomes American status quo.
    What they fail to mention is the exacting truth that white Americans are equally “nine times more likely to be killed by other whites”.

    The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

    “The term “black-on-black” crime is a destructive, racialized colloquial which perpetuates an idea that blacks are somehow more prone to violence. This is untrue, and fully verifiable by FBI, DOJ and Census data. Yet, the fallacy is so fixed that even African-Americans have come to believe it.”
    Please refer to the FBI, Department of Justice Dept. and Census data for sources

    My take on this is that these perpetual reports tend to place in the minds of people or put ‘in the light that ‘the real problem of our society is of black-on-black crime” and so cries of ‘self defense’ are justified when it comes to situations which involved two separate races, as in this case with Zimmerman and Trayvonne. Not only that, but in my estimation, this perpetuation deflects reality of prejudices and racism and shifts the cause and effect.

    Also, let me point out that this unfortunate situation with Trayvonne is not something that is new to the black community. It is the media attention and the united response of all races from across the globe that has brought to forefront ALL the factors involved in THIS situation. Blacks have learn to deal with their ‘lesser-than’ role in society. This case did not bring that to their awareness, it just magnified that awareness. Blacks are aware that in God they are not lesser than, but it can be a struggle when others continue to view them that way.

  96. kingdomkid7 says:

    As a black person. I do not accept the statement that “blacks have learned to deal with their “lesser than” role in society. Call me Bill Cosby’s younger sister: We need to take a good look at ourselves and stop looking at what society is or is not doing to us — or for us. Either we serve a mighty God or we don’t. I say that we do. Instead of teaching our children that they need to watch out for the racism in society,we should be teaching them they are chilldren of the one true King. And He has overcome the world!
    There is nothing “lesser” about my role or the role of my one child in this society. We have “succeeded” by anyone’s standard. And we serve the “black community” because we are trying to spread a message of empowerment through Jesus, our only true hope. This is not a black message, nor is it a white message. It’s a message for everyone. We need a new vocabulary of victory. As we think so shall we be. I am nobody’s victim!!

  97. pastorpr says:

    Today, we live in a polarized society that pits Caucasians against African-Americans, Democrats against Republicans, rich against poor, men against women, Baptist against Charismatics…and on it goes. It should be no surprise that the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman will polarize this nation and, to a large extent, Caucasian and African-American Christians. How sad that we have forgotten Jesus Christ’s admonition in John 17 “That they all may be ONE; as thou, Father, art in ME, and I in thee, that they also may be ONE IN US: that the world may believe that THOU HAST SENT ME. As always, the Lord tests our hearts to see what is truly in us. I believe that the Martin/Zimmerman matter is testing the hearts of Christians to see how we should react. If we cannot bring sanity and balance to this polarizing problem, why would we think that the “world” can find a solution? Where is the real church that can stand and bring God’s vision on this matter? Sadly, many Pastors (both Caucasian and African-American) seem to be silent on a volatile issue that is sure to tear asunder the fabric of this society. That’s what the church should be thinking about!

  98. christiangrl says:

    What is most difficult and frustrating for people who are white is the fact is more crimes are committed by African American males-and when an African American male committs a crime against a white person, when is it ever “labeled” racist?! Think about it.A crime is a crime, a tragedy is a tragedy no matter who the individual is. You have Al Sharpton and the Black Panthers who are pathetically in the devil’s grip and they are sadly oblivious to it all.. They are doing a great job to divide the races-(the blind leading the blind). I agree with fjr3-well said-“only God knows what happened”. The right thing to do is to pray for both families, they are both suffering.

  99. silent says:

    Appreciate your response kingdom. If you read carefully I am not saying that blacks are victims nor are they lesser than. They are certainly not less than-perish that thought!. That would be very remiss of me to infer that thought knowing who God is and who we are in Christ-no matter the race.
    however, in the beginning of the new world, their status was ‘less than’ and it continues to be the treatment put towards them in thought or deed of some-certainly NOT all. and most certainly of most of our systems.
    I am certainly not advocating that they act like victims because they are not. But reality is reality. It is what it is. What we do what we know, defines us all. What i have learnt is that black parents do teach their children that they are human beings,that they are valued, that there is nothing wrong with their skin color and they are not defined by stats or society, that they are important and can contribute positively to society. But it is when they leave that nest and go out into the world and are faced with situations in which who they are is questioned, shunned or ‘treated less than’, then parents have to face the weight of explaining that others do not view or value the same way. The reality is we cannot control what others think, say or do to our person (white or black), but burying our head in the sand will not help us either. That is my point.
    We can spiritualize all we want. In the end, and I agree, the message is one of hope, and love always win in the end or Christ did not rise from the dead. I would say that as a body we are all working our way back, as we all have already won the battle in Christ. Continue to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, is what I would say.

  100. poohpity says:

    Amen, kingdomkid7! That is so taking the high road in this. It is always about our response to whatever happens to us and not blaming. God calls us all His children and that is the hope we all who believe live under it is His strength that gets us through to overcome all the obstacles that are presented to us in this life.

    Silent, quote all the statistics you like and assume that others do not care dependent on the color of their skin but I have seen first hand oppression that would make your toe nails curl and not be able to hold your lunch down. Things done to women and children that you would be horrified to see yet in Christ they have offered forgiveness and continue in their lives to do the best things for other women and children while holding tightly to our Lord and Savior. Through prayer they have received healing, food and shelter also the ability to serve others and never holding to their rights but being thankful for being alive even as mutilated as they are. So please understand I do not get involved in all the media hype for a reason and that is because it does no good for anyone.

  101. poohpity says:

    It is so easy for it to be no longer about Trayvon and his family but how society has treated everyone else in a racial tone. This is about a family who lost their son and how the media has turned it into a three rings circus. The question was “what do followers of Christ bring to such an issue?”

  102. silent says:


    Just want to be clear: I am not the one that brought up statistics. I agreed and responded to your stats with stats. And why would you assume that I think people do not care? Which people? Not sure if that was inferred. And why would it be assumed that I have not seen atrocities?

    And please I am not being argumentative, just asking for clarification based on your responses.

    This is great, by the way.

  103. kingdomkid7 says:

    I understand ,silent ,that you were not saying blacks are lesser or victims. I’m just trying to move the dialogue beyond the so-called “reality” of racism that we all accept. I am trying to say that the biggest reality is God. If we keep our eyes stayed on Him, then all of our issues disappear or pale by comparison. I raised my child on the South Side of Chicago. We lived in a nice neighborhood, but gangs were hard to avoid at school. Why would I teach my child to worry about racism when she had to avoid gang violence perpetrated by black teenagers everyday she went to school?

    So she just learned to trust in her Lord and Saviior, Jesus Christ. She later chose to work with inner city youth ministering to them. These kids don’t need more protective laws — they need a real relationship with Jesus. We all do. This is not hyper-spiritual. Jesus Is just more real to me than racism or any of the other problems we face out there. We all have something to overcome, and Jesus is always going to be the answer. So I pray that we as Christians can come together on that.,and stop making this one problem (racism) so hyped up.
    Thanks poohpity. I appreciated the amen.

  104. silent says:

    Thanks kingdom
    I believe you are misunderstanding my comments,and honestly, we are saying the same thing-that God is the ultimate reality. Let me explain a little further: There are a couple of things I notice about the symbol of the cross:
    There are two pieces of board that makes the “T”/ “t” sign. One piece of board points from earth to sky-north to south. The other piece of board points to the east and west.

    I would say that God who is the ultimate Truth, knows that the relationship with Him (north to south) and relationship with others (east to west) are the two realities that his children will need to work in tandem to fulfill the eternal promise of peace within themselves, peace with others, and ultimately, peace with God. The cross is the answer to the world’s problems. I am pretty sure you agree. The point at which the two pieces of board meet to me signifies the point of forgiveness. When we are at peace with ourselves, peace with others, and peace with God, then the cross has fulfilled its purpose, and the power of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection has been quite effective. Get my picture?

    The problem is that as children of God, so many times we tend to be so superspiritual that we forget that the same depth at which we work out our relationship with God, should be the same depth that we work out our relationship with others. Working out peace with others is part of the working of the cross. WE are so heavenly minded, that sometimes we are no earthly good. We know everything about the spirit, but do not know how to be fully human and work with our human brothers and sisters. Jesus came on this earth to show us how it is to be fully human and be fully spiritual at the same time. I love the examples he display for us in that he acknowledged the things that were not right in his time. He spoke out on the things that would cause chaos in the world, he did not bury his head in the sand. He was our perfect activist=to use this word loosely. He taught his disciples how to have a relationship with God, but also how to relay to each other at a deeper level, and how to be fully human while still tending to their relationship with God.

    Who to tell that the fact that this question was raised by Dr Mart on this christian blog, signifies that God did not intend for his children to begin to deal with things that affect our relationship with others? If I believe that all things work together for good, then I want to believe that the intial question of this blog “what do followers of Christ bring to this issue” is such a prophetic question that should lead to deeper dialogue within the Body of Christ on an issue that has plagued humanity for a long time now. I want to believe that as God intends for us to not join the status quo but begin asking hard and difficult questions, we should take deeper look within ourselves, and look at the reality of the world we live in, how it affects us and those we love, and think about what we should do with what we know. We cannot grow if we do not face our selves, face our issues, work it out, no matter how painful it is, and work it out so we can have a better relationship with God, because, yes, he is the ultimate reality. This may not be the popular thinking by many, but if I believe God is who he is, he wants us his children to counteract the world’s thinking and behaviors and be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. We cannot do that if we do not discuss and face hard truths about what affects us. The reality is racism exists, and it also exists in the church, sad but true. Nobody is saying you need to go around and breathe racism at every instance, but if the moment calls for it, we should not shy away from it, or be afraid to talk about it, and if the world is discussing it and trying to come to terms about it, why not us christians? It does affect us too because we live in this world, even though we are not the world.
    And that is really my point in all of this. I will say what others are not saying because of fear or shame, because the enemy works his best when things are in the dark. The Bible says my people perish for the lack of knowledge, and I believe the more we know about each other, what affects us, discovering the hard truths about each other, our relationship with each other will blossom and I have no doubt that the world would never see a more united Body than the Body of Christ. As I said, we may not all agree, but we can understand and know how to interact with each other on deeper level that can astonish the world. But we fear to talk about the realities of racism, and for me, that fear is the devil’s playground. We need to expose in our conversation when the need calls for it, when questions like these are raised on the blogs, in our churches, in our own lives, do not shy away from it, and placate it with spiritual talk–talk about it with each other with no fear or shame, knowing the cross has already worked its purpose.

    God being the ultimate reality means the Body of Christ has already won.

  105. kingdomkid7 says:

    Silent, I do think we agree up to a point. Where I depart from your view is on the question of whether we may be “breathing racism at every turn.”sadly, I think we have reached that point. Perhaps it is because I have devoted a good chunk of my life to trying to eradicate not just racism but other “isms,” that I think we may be at the point where we just need to start admitting the glass is really half full. We have a black President because white people voted for him. Blacks could not have elected a black President standing alone –!the population is not there. So why are some people threatening race war over the Travon situation? Because they don’t think anything has changed in this country from the “old days.”. Well, they are simply wrong, because things have changed a whole lot. Yes, it took blood, sweat, sacrifice and tears, but we do a disservice to each other to pretend that things are as bad as they once were. So, I am saying it’s time to for black communities to start looking inward at ourselves. This is just my opinion but I think many of the pioneers of civil rights were more God-led and inspired than what I currently see. They brought dignity to the cause. Trayvon’s parents have done the same thing. I appreciate the way they have disavowed a lot of the noise out there and placed their trust in God.

  106. jamesjcj says:

    From many of the comments, posted in this thread it is clear to see why despite this being 2012, Sunday morning is still the most segragated hour in America and why the so-called American Christain Church has been and continues to be complict in so many of America’s ills.

    God commanded us to see sin through his eyes and acknowledge it as evil. “Racism’ is evil. Racism isn’t about an evil person, it is about a system of opression and discrimination. It is “systemic instutional bias”- created, developed, and prepetuated to “elevate” one group (and legitimize their evil domination and opression and feed thir greed) and “subjugate” another group.

    America has never done what it needed to do to compeltely dimsmantle that system. The whole concept of “white” and “black” is an Anmerican creation. Yes progress has been made but no, America has never attempted to eradicate its system institutional bias with the same , effort, zest , zeal , tenacity, persistence and longevity that it put into creating that system.

    And yes, Trayvon Martin was murdered becuase he was Black. His crime was that he looked “suspicious” –what was suspicious about him, that he was carrying a bag of skittles? You cannot name one instance, in America, where an unarmed white child, carrying a bag of candy, was murdered in his own neigborhodd by a black man, who was twice as big as the white child and who was told by police , becuase the black man thought that the white child looked suspicious. If it ever does happend, you can rest assured that the “black man” will be arrested. You won’t need any protest in order for that to happen.

    Oh and by the way, since there is so much talk about “truth”. The truth is that the so-called media didn’t launch this story. Travyon Martin was murdered, weeks before any of the so-called media reported this story. Travyon’s story became “news” becuase a “white” person decided, on a site (change.org) like this one to publicize what happended and started a petition to protest the local police’s and the local judicial systems’s handling of this murder. And it grew from there. Only after thousands of people, black and white made it known that they felt an “injustice” had been done, did the so-called media become involved.

  107. poohpity says:

    Silent, if I have to explain further than the whole comment I made with the reference to those statistics then it will probably not be understood to go into it any further.

    I do not really understand the superspiritual thing either if one spends their time learning the scriptures and being grounded in the Word while developing a relationship with our Lord then chances are they will live that out rather than being no earthly good. Those who seem to be all caught up in earthly battles usually are so consumed with that they have no time to learn to a have a servants heart for heavenly things.

  108. silent says:


    I think you mentioned that you have been working in the law profession. I do not doubt that you hear and deal with racism and every ‘ism’ at every turn in your profession, Sound tiring. That should be tiring.
    The fact that it is so obvious as you state “breathing racism at every turn” especially in your line of profession confirms that that there is an underlying ‘wrongness’ about our world systems, and it is like a volcano stirring up, waiting for moments like Trayvonne/Zimmerman to occur, and then there is an explosion. After the explosion, then everything dies down and it goes back to simmering until another moment. The constant underlying simmering is my concern. The explosions are not my concern. Explosions causes people to talk and discuss what they would not have discussed if the explosion did not occur. (just want to state here that in no way I am making light or trivilising the death of Trayvonne) If it gets people to deal properly with what is beneath the surface, then let the Spirit of God stir it up. The bible says that even ‘creation groans as it waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” (paraphrasing Romans 8). This is telling me, that the body of Christ growth and maturity is dependent on how we go about affecting the world we live in.
    I am also inclined to think that it appears that the world is trying to deal with the issue of racism, and this concerns me because the Church has the mandate and the power of Christ to ‘love thy neighbor as they self’. We are the ones who claim to truly understand what total forgiveness means and what total unconditional love means, and yet, we lack the motivation to eradicate this cancer. We are allowing the world to dictate how to love each other,and they are not doing a good job at it. And so are we-if we are all honest about it. We are not doing a good job either.

    The world breathes racism at every turn, because it knows no better. I expect non-christians to do what they do. We cannot expect people who do not understand spiritual freedom to act ‘christlike’.

    The panthers reacted to this event by placing a bounty on Zimmerman’;s head. Another gentleman (and he is white) threaten to kill the Police Chief and family. I pointed out the race because there is a stirring happening-and it is not just with blacks. Whites are outraged too. The thing is, I expect blacks or whites non christians to do what they do. I don’t expect the Body of Christ to react that way. I expect us to be different in our reactions. I do believe God expects us to lead the way in love.

    As it pertains to the body if Christ, I would expect both blacks and whites to look within themselves. I would love the world to do that, but I cannot expect them to do that. I expect the Body of Christ to do that, however. First we do need to look at ourselves and make an honest evaluation of our stereotypes, our fears, our shame, our hurts, our cares, our woes, as it pertains to this cancer in our society, simultaneously realising that had it not been for the grace of God, we probably would have been placing bounties and threatening to kill the police Chief also. The only difference between us and the world is Christ. We are all very much humans and have that propensity to sin to the extreme. That is why I cannot judge no one.

    And that is where it all starts, i believe. Being real is the first step towards healing. And that is what i believe we should do as followers of Christ regarding this issue.

  109. silent says:

    Its okay Poohpity. If you read my questions again I was not asking anything in regards to the stats. I was referring to the personal assumptions you made and wondering how you came up with those.

    Have a good night!

  110. jamesjcj says:

    The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one race—the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are different ethnicities of the human race. All human beings have the same physical characteristics (with minor variations, of course). More importantly, all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to lay down His life for us (John 3:16). The “world” obviously includes all ethnic groups.

    God does not show partiality or favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9), and neither should we. James 2:4 describes those who discriminate as “judges with evil thoughts.” Instead, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves (James 2:8). In the Old Testament, God divided humanity into two “racial” groups: Jews and Gentiles. God’s intent was for the Jews to be a kingdom of priests, ministering to the Gentile nations. Instead, for the most part, the Jews became proud of their status and despised the Gentiles. Jesus Christ put an end to this, destroying the dividing wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:14). All forms of racism, prejudice, and discrimination are affronts to the work of Christ on the cross.

    Jesus commands us to love one another as He loves us (John 13:34). If God is impartial and loves us with impartiality, then we need to love others with that same high standard. Jesus teaches in Matthew 25 that whatever we do to the least of His brothers, we do to Him. If we treat a person with contempt, we are mistreating a person created in God’s image; we are hurting somebody whom God loves and for whom Jesus died.

    Those who practice racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to repent. “Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:13). May Galatians 3:28 be completely realized, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

  111. narrowpathseeker says:

    Kingdomkid7: …God Bless you! Thank you for your beautiful attitude and for giving Whites some credit for some of the many victories and progress that Blacks have made. You are a peacemaker and your comments are seeds of peace. I hope you reap that peace and kindness a hundred fold. Just wondering if you ever heard of William Lloyd Garrison….

    Tracey, Claudia, and Gary. Thank you all for understanding. Not only is this a battle but I believe it is a major test and passing it is going to be a major blessing. I want to be able to “walk on water” one day!

    Foreverblessed. Thank you for welcoming me back. There was nothing wrong with my pc, I have been very busy with yardwork, spiritual warfare, and a study bible that was given to me. Also one of my sons got a promotion and he and his family are moving out of the country for two years. I will be visiting them next Spring(the Lord willing)so I have been trying to learn the language. That doesn’t come easy to an old woman..lol.

  112. poohpity says:

    I was on my way to bed and after reading and commenting on here for 5 years I do not believe I have ever known nor inquired on the color of anyone’s skin before. This is a first that people have mentioned their color and we have discussed many issues. We have discussed where people are writing from but never the range of melanin.:-)

    Silent, I try not to assume it causes to many problems. Nor do I jump to conclusions without all the facts it hurts my legs and causes harm to others. ;-)

  113. narrowpathseeker says:

    James, I read your post at 8:44 and then the one at 9:54 I could be wrong but it seems to me at 8:44 you are quite anti White which seems to depict the contempt for someone that God loves, for which at 9:54 you rightly state that we need to repent from. I too have often recognized something in someone else and then the Holy Spirit helps me to recognize the same in myself. All of us need His help to see ourselves as clearly as we see others. I think it is our false pride that makes us deaf and blind to our own unjust words and actions. I think at one time I was a master of falsepride and God had to chip it away to reveal what was behind it. It was very painful, but I am glad He did it. I have been where you seem to be, many times, so I recognize the territory.

  114. oneg2dblu says:

    There are always two sides to every coin, and when we can only see the black and white, or just one side, as the issue, we are then coined judgemental as well. God does not see anything but the heart which is always what is hidden from us when we try to judge anothers actions or the resulting evidence or lack of evidence..
    No one but God knows what was in the heart or mind of eitherr of those victims. I’ll say it again No one but God knows what was in the heart or mind of those victims. I say “victims” because now they are being judged solely by the opinions of man. God help us all to give Him as His Justice to all! Knowing God’s heart and mind on this issue is our only hope for truth. Help us Lord to find Your truth! Gary

  115. kat33 says:

    Perhaps I should just agree with the wisdom contained in: jamesjcj says:
    April 14, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    posting, which was clearly inspired by the holy spirit. However, after reading many of the posts above, it does explain why the church is the most segregated place in the country.

    Saying that Zimmerman is a racist or that other racist exist is not an indictment of all “White” people.

    Saying that one race is more prone to crime than another doesn’t make it a fact. What is sad is that racism hurts all so called races.

    For examples – since the late seventies, statistically domestic violence against Hispanic and Black females has dropped. Why? because the strenghtening of domestic violence laws has lead to an increase of their Hispanic and Black male abusers.

    Does that prove that Hispanic and Black males are more likely to abuse? NO.

    During the same period of time violence against White females has largely remained unchanged. Why? because of the reluctance of Police officers to arrest White males under the same set of circumstances. In those cases, White males get the benefit of any doubt – regardless of evidence to the contrary.

    As a result, White females are disporportionately likely to suffer domestic violence, with no arrest made.

    I am a lawyer and wanted to state that those of you who believe the “Martin” case must be about race, you believe it to be so because that is what is in your heart to believe, and nothing that is said here is likely to change your mind.

    As a Christian and an American – I would hate to live in a country which would permit someone – anyone carrying a gun to shoot another to death – and there would not be a formal investigation in to the facts.

    If a uniformed duly authorized Police Officer has to go through some sort of official review when shooting unarmed citizens. Should we not require even more of an investigation when a private citizen shoots another private citizen – especially when that second private citizen is an unarmed minor child?

    When I first heard of the shooting I thought based on my legal experience, that Zimmerman was not arrested because his father is a Judge. In many places, its still a function of “who you know” . I still can’t help wondering if that was a factor in why he was not initially arrested.

    The shooting victims family deserves a full and fair hearing on all the facts. That is the least society owes to crime victims. Justice should be blind as to the identity of the person brought before her- but it shouldn’t be deaf and dumb as to the facts of what happened. Without a trial – Justice is both deaf and dumb.

    An arrest is not a conviction, but an arrest is the right thing to do when an adult male kills an unarmed teenage child.

    I would hope that none of us would have to protest just to get an arrest and full investigation of the facts concerning someone who shot your teenage child.

    “He has shown thee, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.”

  116. narrowpathseeker says:

    Kat33, While James rightly states we shouldn’t judge, discriminate, or treat a person with contempt, in his 8:44 post he wrote 2 entire paragraphs which in my point of view seems permeated with judgement and contempt for Whites and America.

    You pretty much said that statistics about Blacks and Hispanics do not mean/prove anything and then went on to say that statistics about Whites mean that Whites get away with things.

    I have always remembered something an instructor said, in English Composition 101. “If you can learn to write and speak well you can convince anyone of anything.” There was NO reference to using any integrity in that endeavor therefore I try to read carefully.

    It seems to me that some people just don’t want to do unto others as they would have others do unto them. Treating people with respect is not a one way street. I live in New England where MLK’s dream was inspired by the respect and kindness he received from Whites. I was rooting for MLK and I believe in justice for ALL. However, I, being White, would like to be treated justly as well. God created Whites and He loves us too.

  117. kingdomkid7 says:

    Thanks nsrrowpathseeker. God bless you, too!

  118. skj1936 says:

    God moves in mysterious ways; all things happen for a reason, so has this unfortunate situation. Justice seemed to be slow or not there at all, an out cry came from a particular community. Has this situation divided the country? Or has our country always been divided? Right or wrong Zimmerman will be tried by man’s jury, and by man’s law he will be found guilty or not. But it is a flawed system, no matter how hard we try to make it “just”. But God’s judgement is and will always be true, only He knows the heart of man. Remember we are all humans and fall short of the glory of God. So I ask for all of us “pray”, pray that we may find in our hearts compassion, understanding, and mercy for all involved. Love the sinner and hate the sin, is that not what our Lord Jesus did for us. Where would we be without His love and sacrifice. This case is not an easy one, but I am happy that I live in a country where the people are allowed to have different opinions and are able to discuss it. Hate, racial slurrs all of that is just the dark one doing his deed. Christians should show compassion, mercy, understanding, patience, and Love. Trust God, and pray that we may find understanding of this by His wisdom. Remember our tounge can uplift a person or it can cause wars, watch what you say and how you say it; we are all humans and are dealing with humans, but as christians we must follow Christs as He has ordered. God Bless!

  119. accfwr says:

    One thing we do know about the Trayvon Martin case is that George Zimmerman was told by the 911 Operator/Police to not follow Trayvon. He disobeyed that order and followed Trayvon. Had he not followed Trayvon and stayed in his car, Trayvon would not be dead. It is so important that we obey orders that will keep us from doing something we will regret. I pray for both the family of Trayvon and for George Zimmerman.I’m so glad that God is merciful and just, and He has the last word.

  120. shay says:

    accfwr: I agree with you a 100%, if Zimmerman would have followed the orders of the 911 operator Trayvon would be aliuve today.

  121. chaztown50 says:

    Since we were not witnesses to what has taken place what we can bring to this issue is compassion and love. Being followers of Christ we should always be compassionate and have love fellow man. We should be compassionate for the family of Trayvon Martin and for the Zimmerman family as well. We do not have all of the facts and the true facts will not come from the media. We should all be in prayer and allow our Father in Heaven to handle this situation. We should depend on our faith in God to handle all areas of our lives including this tragedy that has taken place in Florida.

  122. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Hope all is well in your lives! :) This was a hot topic for sure! Just finished reading all of the comments on this blog topic, and wish I had’ve had time to comment. The comments shared on this topic were very informative and insightful. I pray that Trayvon is in a better place now.

    Love to all…

  123. manatee1 says:

    I totally agree with comments about the news media twisting and omitting the whole story. It aggravates me too – there are too many stories that you see on the news that create judgement by the viewers.
    I am 53 years old and have learned more and more each day to turn off the TV and open the Bible.
    I feel sad and embarassed that so many Americans cannot see this; they believe it and feed into it.

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