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God and the Ostrich

“The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, but they cannot compare with the pinions and feathers of the stork…

She lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand, unmindful that a foot may crush them, that some wild animal may trample them… She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers; she cares not that her labor was in vain, for God did not endow her with wisdom or give her a share of good sense…

Yet when she spreads her feathers to run, she laughs at horse and rider” (God to Job 39:13-18).

Don’t know whether you’ve thought about this “God to Job quote”. Read by itself, it may sound content-light and even silly.

The setting, though, is sobering. This is part of what God said in answer to the suffering, anger, and questions of Job.

Thought it might be interesting to try to figure out together why God said something like this to someone who was already so confused and hurting.

What do you think?



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39 Responses to “God and the Ostrich”

  1. poohpity says:

    I really have no idea what to think about how God handled anything with Job and I do not know if I would ever be able to figure it all out. I do not know why He gave the Ostrich the ability to run but no wisdom or sense. I think I do not have a clue but I trust that God did and does and sometimes I even have a hard time trusting.

  2. phpatato says:

    Wow Pooh it sounds like you’ve had a really bad day!! As a first comment, that’s sort of harsh.

    I truly hope you have a much better day tomorrow. Sleep well xoxo

  3. erickelley54 says:

    We look to you for answers, Mart, you’re the scholar. This is a pretty tough question. You’ve answered some tough ones for me before…

    God allows us to suffer to the point we can tolerate the suffering, for our own benefit. God’s creatures live in the secular world God created. Two answers I think of.

    But you’ve done such a better job of giving a biblical answer to these questions. Please share.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    I have to say that for me the specifics of some of the things that God says to Job are mind-boggling (to say the least), but for me generally, passages like this bit about the ostrich just remind me the importance of looking at myself as a unique, special person with a story that is different to anyone else. My trials and triumphs will not mirror that of anyone else.

    I may be as dumb as an ostrich, but I am wired to excel at things that no one else can. For me, this passage is a call to stop comparing myself with others and do what Job does- direct my questions to God with a heart that is truly open to him, even when comments of our Divine Sovereign don’t make sense.

  5. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends!

    I agree with you, Elisabeth.

    It seems to me the prospect of an ostrich always makes humans smile. They are fast runners, but they still have “bird-brains.” The wonderful picture of the ostrich is part of the Lord’s answer to Job out of the whirlwind. It is a parade of animals: mountain goat, wild ass, wild ox, ostrich, horse, hawk, in chapter 39.

    In chapter 40, the Lord describes the two primordial monsters – Behemoth and Leviathan. The big bird takes its place among the great diversity of God’s creation – it is one example of God’s imagination and, perhaps, God’s sense of humor in creating all of us. We are not all the same, but we are all subject to our Creator.

    Our choir is currently singing the song “Blessings.” It also gives us something to think about when we seem to be in a crisis:
    “Cause what is Your blessing come through raindrops?
    What if your healing comes through tears?
    What is a thousand sleepless nights
    Are what it takes to know Your’re near?
    And what if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?” — Laura Story

    God loves us when we are wise and when we’re foolish. He will move to instill wisdom, if you and I will hold still and allow it.


  6. remarutho says:

    Typo, sorry: What if Your blessings come…what if

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Job like most of the rest of us was complaining about his *lot* in life, yet God gave him and gives us the comparison of the ostrich to teach us a lesson.

    Have you ever heard someone referred to as a silly bird? I have, most often though usually in reference to a silly goose.

    In thinking about the attitude of some people I can see a great deal in common with the ostrich, they hide their head in the sand to avoid confronting their troubles, they make a big fuss over getting to mate yet take no care of their young. They can run like the wind, but have no where to go, they seem oblivious to all the rest of the world around them as they scratch out a living.

    The story of Job is about the trusting of our lives and loved ones to God, about the folly of man’s ideas and about discovering that God is God and we are not and that all knowledge and wisdom does not end with us.

    We worry and fret about our troubles not always trusting that God is in control, while the seemingly stupid ostrich goes about its life happy and content, even if seen as foolish.


  8. BruceC says:

    I think the ostrich proves that the things we look at as dumb or silly have a purpose given them by God. Life is like a giant puzzle and every piece has its place and its purpose. Also how God can use the lower things of life to humble the proud things in life.The ostrich putting the mighty and proud horse to shame!
    Isn’t humanity like that? Some of the simple with faith put the wise and and intelligent without faith to shame?
    Doesn’t Christ in us and through us put a more intelligent and powerful created being to shame? Doesn’t satan hate us for it? For the fellowship we have with the Father?
    How wonderful is God for using the low things to bring the high things!

    Thanks all for the prayers! This was my third breathing test since being diagnosed with COPD and each one has been better than the ptevious one!! The Lord be praised!!!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  9. fadingman says:

    I live out in the middle of nowhere. Last week, as I drove to town (+100 miles), I saw an ostrich out in the desert near the highway. That’s somewhat unusual since they’re not native to here. Evidently that one escaped from its owner.

  10. poohpity says:

    Pat, it was only 7pm here when I wrote that. That was just honesty. I do not understand, after seeing many of the things I have seen or experienced, why God does things the way He does. I will not ever be able to figure them out but I do not need to know or understand. There are also times when I have a tough time trusting when everything seems to be going down hill in my life or in others but I tell God about my lack of trust or faith and let Him deal with it.

    Job never got an answer to why he suffered other than God explaining that He was God and His ways are much higher than ours. So trying to figure things out rather than accepting them the way they are, is futile. I do not feel God wants us to have or know all the answers He just wants our trust and faith in Him no matter what and then when we have a hard time doing that it is OK to talk with Him and let Him know how we are feeling.

    The Ostrich is the way the Ostrich is because God made them that way and I accept that. In the Bible God has given us ways to treat people, wisdom, sense and guidelines but we as little children do ask, WHY?, and do not do them or use the wisdom or sense we are given. God’s answer may be, “because I said so” and that is all we get and we have to go on that.

  11. poohpity says:

    In Mart’s last post he wondered how people can treat animals better than they treat people. My hunch is he came back from there with more questions than answers after seeing what he saw. Do we not all have questions without answers after seeing things we can not understand. You have to admit even here that people treat animals better than people most of the time. We find ourselves quick to take in a stray dog or cat but what about a stray person?

    Here in Arizona we have Ostrich farms. They race them, use the egg shells for art pieces and sell them to people all over the world and also eat the eggs and the Ostrich meat. Did God create them for this purpose? I do not know but do I have to.

  12. pegramsdell says:

    Good post Steve, I think you totally nailed it. :)

  13. Neville says:

    Totally I just cannot help but see Gods overwhelming wisdom is total confusion for man. I too have chased the Emu across Australia & thought the same. How can something so ridiculous looking move like that? Like it is just laughing at us. Yet it’s design is just perfect. Thers just so much to ask God, so much, when we look at creation. I believe God says something like look at what I’ve done & can do, why do we worry, why do we fret, why do we concern ourselves, look at what I’ve done…for you.

  14. eriennejane says:

    The whole passage of Job 38-41:34 deals with God showing Job that He is God and, as such, is beyond our full knowledge and understanding. Job had questioned God and the fairness of the troubles he was experiencing; and, lest anyone think I’m criticizing Job, I, to my shame, freely admit I have done the same for much less reason. In Job 40:2, God asks, “Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct Him? He that reproveth God, let him answer it,” (KJV) and in 41:11b “Whatsover is under the whole heaven is Mine.” God is God, and we do not always understand why He does or allows what He does, but it is His right to do it.

    Steve commented that many people behave much like the ostrich and, indeed, many do. Interestingly, my Bible cross references Lam. 4:3 in which God mentions how the sea monsters care for their young, yet God’s people have become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness. This may be a stretch, and I’m not saying that this is why God included such a statement to Job, but my mind then went to other passages where we are directed to the world of nature…..Go to the ant, all we like sheep, you brood of vipers, etc. The thought occurred to me that, perhaps, one reason for some of the ways of the creatures around us is to be examples to us in some way.

  15. sjonesd3 says:

    I just started my college on Monday & my thoughts this week were similar to this post about Job. They were especially in my history class while we discussing the post civil war. It had to do with the comparison Job had to go through vs the slaves but not in the sense of type more so in all the pain endured. Seeing all the struggle of him and other people often leads me to have trouble with faith with questions of why and such.


  16. kingdomkid7 says:

    Here’s what I thought about the ostrich passage. Job (and we) are sort of like 2 year olds asking how the earth turns on its axis. Even if the average 2 year old were given the answer, they wouldn’t understand it. (of course there is the exceptional “genius child” who would get it!) Anyway, like Pooh said, God is the only one who can truly say “because I said so.” When we try to say that, we sound silly. When God says it, it is profound truth and a gift to us.

  17. Loomis says:

    I have been thinking about the problem and I know the context is pointing out the difference between us and our creator and the way He designed things. I love watching the science documentries on animal life and God’s world. As much as we have learned we struggle still with managing our planet and remain unable to solve our many problems. Life is still a mytery. I suspect Mr. Dehahn has good thoughts on the ostrich. Proverbs 1:6 says, “To understand a proverb and a figure, The words of the wise and their riddles. ” Job gives us something to chew on. The context I believe is the key and some sweat to did out the meaning. It should be fun.

  18. foreverblessed says:

    Job 5:12-14
    This verse came to mind, and it is not only for negative. I think God often gives us riddles, to think about, to chew on, so our minds become/stay active.
    But I also think that God has harsher questions for the ones who think they know it all, I think Job was one of them, and I was one of them, and still have trouble with it.
    But to the very meek and lowly of heart He is less harsh.

    sjonesd3 success with your college.
    And Pooh, what you wrote in the last topic, about the languages of love, isn’t that good, we can have all knowledge, think bout many questions, but have no love in our hearts, what have we gained?
    Too much knowledge kills, that’s why the tree of knowledge brings death.
    We should first strife to learn more of God’s love, much an much more, why not more then 5 languages? (Just to exaggerate a little) It is through love that we get to know God, God is love, we cannot come closer to Him by knowledge, but in love.
    If you want to know the depth of all knowledge, all truth,riddles, and you could not find them before, try the higher path, the one of Love

  19. poohpity says:

    I guess foreverblessed, I was concerned because they went from focus on the bible to a book, not that the book is right, wrong or indifferent but the fact that our church populations are already bible illiterate and they continue to be that way according to statistics. To me that says God’s Word is not as important as human reasoning which usually draws some of what it says from the bible and counseling theories anyway so why not go right to the source.

    Just a hunch about why God said that to someone who was confused and hurting; First, we already know that God knew Job’s heart or He would not have allow satan to test him Job 1:8. It seems that satan’s whole scheme was to get Job to curse God Job 1:11. Second while Job was in the midst of suffering and heartache, he was focused on getting an explanation from God why (Job 10:2) He was doing this to him but we know that it was not God but satan who was the culprit. Remembering that at one time Job said, ” I came naked from my mother’s womb and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were His to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” 1:21

    Third when we are broken down and weary or see others going through difficulties all we seem to want is a reason why. Do we think if we got a reason it would make anything any better? I think we want to say it was due to bad behavior then that would have justified it but Job did nothings wrong so how could we as humans find justification for these horrible things. If we could have justified would it have made it any better? Rather than just accepting that this happened then go on with the rest of life and not saying anything to Job at all, God took time to the one who’s heart He knew, to give him some things to think about when Job again, like at first, looked at his place in this universe and a clearer look at who God is, covered his mouth and knew he had said to much as it were. Job 40:4,5

    God did not have to say anything to Job but instead GOD TALKED TO JOB. I do not know about you but God talking to me would have brought more comfort than anything no matter what it was that He said. God could say “boo” to me and I would be good the rest of my life and I certainly would not be paying attention to anything else around me at the time other than that one word from God and God said lots to Job.

  20. erickelley54 says:

    poopity, if God almighty said, “boo” to you it would turn your hair white.

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Somewhere in all my reading or hearing, I heard that Martin Luther did not want to include the book of Job in the *Bible*. I of course can not testify to that factoid but it is one of those bits of information that seemed to stick in my memory.

    The reason for such a departure from the accepted Books of the Bible is thought provoking on its own, as the Protestant Bible omits several books from the reader that the Catholic version kept intact.

    Just as Mart asks why God would give such answers to a man who was seen to Him as “perfect and upright” (Job 1: 8), one might ask why did God allow Satan to devastate Job’s life and bring him such heart ache and sorrow at all.

    This doesn’t seem to fit the picture of a good and loving father, but rather someone who plays games with the lives of the very people who call on Him to be protected from the evils of the world.

    Long ago as I read the Book of Job I came to a passage that caused me to not bother regarding much of what the book of Job had to say (Job 42: 7), as God says that what Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar had to say was not correct concerning God.

    So my reasoning was then why bother reading misinformation? I have since learned that reading misinformation and knowing it to be false tells me a great deal about the truth.

    Also I am encouraged that only after Job obeyed God and prayed for his wayward friends that Job himself was restored by the hand of God (Job 42: 10).

    Yet the whole story of Job tells me that there is hope found in God alone, that our lives our desires our views are nothing when compared to God. So be content in your life, hold tightly to Jesus of Nazareth and even in the midst of trials and troubles remember that our redeemer lives (Job 19: 25, 26).


  22. remarutho says:

    Good Morning!

    Glad you’re feeling better Steve! That is good news.

    I had never before heard that Martin Luther wished to exclude the Book of Job from the Bible. I have heard that he became enraged reading The Letter of James — and wanted it removed from the Bible. His reason was that he did not believe works are required for full salvation — Faith Alone (sola fides) was Luther’s motto.


  23. BruceC says:

    What is full salvation? What is partial salvation? Is there even such a thing as either one of them?

    Our salvation is not earned. Therefore salvation does not come by works of righteousness but by faith in the grace of God by what Christ did for us on Calvary.
    We then show the PROOF of our salvation by obedience to the Lord and do those things He commands us too. Works is therefore the proof. There is then only salvation, neither partial or full.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  24. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Maru and thank you. I am learning that I have limits; this is a new experience for me as I have always pushed myself beyond my limits before.

    I fear that like a good many famous people like Martin Luther, a great many quotes attributed to them may be false. It would take a great effort to ferret out fact from fiction there, but either way it opens the door to further discussion on many levels.

    As I had stated in my last post, there are several other books of scripture found in the Catholic Bible, why they are not included in the Protestant Bible I don’t know or who it was that decided for them to be omitted. I understand that a group of men put both Bibles together as we know them, after study, prayer and what they considered the urging of the Holy Spirit.

    But is either group wrong or either right; would the Holy Spirit make a distinction between these two groups of followers and agree for both to be right?

    I know that in the realm of the Hebrew faith there is a great deal of folklore and added stories and tales even the abstract belief in kabbalah that may make some take a second look But it is a great responsibility to an individual and certainly any group that decides within itself what books of scripture are *true* and which are not.

    Living a contented life is very difficult for those among us who search for truth and ask questions in the process. As like in the Book of Job, some simple questions only lead to bigger and more complex mysteries.


  25. poohpity says:

    I thought those extra books were taken out because as with all the other books in the bible there are cross references and those extra books lacked any.

  26. poohpity says:

    I was thinking that until we have a real understanding of God which with many is just a word. God is something we talk about but really have no understanding and the stories of the bible just seem to be stories. So God giving Job these very deep questions even at a time when he was the lowest of lows gave him thought about who God really was. (Job was written during the time of the Patriarchs of the bible like during the time of Abraham) Until we really grasp the reality of God how can we trust and put our lives into the hands of our God.

    We can say we do but then go about life in our own strength doing what we want to do when we want to it without trusting in a divine intervention. God seemed to want Job to understand the mightiness, vastness, awesomeness, complexity and any other word I have no idea how to explain about God. God explained by asking Job through creation itself to explain why things were as they were and obviously Job had no answers except a covered mouth and a humbled heart.

  27. oneg2dblu says:

    Bruce C… salvation is a new life… and just like being pregnant you can’t be just a little pregnant, for it is by the fruit of the womb does that the pregnant one, or by the works of man, does one give one’s proof of such life.
    Steve… yes, all the books ever written are not to be contained in any one bible, nor should they be. But there is enough contained in the ones I’ve read so far, or the parts of the one’s I’ve read so far, which do contain enough truth for me, with the helper of the Holy Spirit, do I get to know and hear God through them.
    So, to me it is not which books need or do not need to be read, as much as which word will you believe and follow. In the fruit of that knowledge and that work which follows, do you show yourself awakened to live as being born again into His truth.
    Where would we be if we did not hear God speaking through his word, or through his chosen ones?
    Just as you sound strong again in your words, it seems to be a very fitting proof to me that you are.

    As to the Book of Job, the greatest testimony it has for me is shown in the accountability to God which that one man was held to account through the testing of his faith, it is showing us all that faith that is not tested, can not be trusted.
    I guess the whole of the biblical account would boil down to be this, “If you are given believe his story as written in his word you will also be given to see his fruit.” Amen?
    I would say even the essence of that silly bird to go on even existing, when it leaves its eggs to hatch on their own, and then treats even the offspring as if it is not worthy of living is pretty unbelievable, until you see the fruit of its labor running by you, alive and well and at full speed. :)

  28. poohpity says:

    erickelley54, not only would my hair be white but I bet my face would be too!! Look what happened to Moses’ face as he came down from the mountain the Shekinah Glory covered him so that he had to place a veil over his face so it would not scare the people. Exodus 34:33; 2 Cor 3:13, 14NLT

  29. fadingman says:

    This passage as well as the overall book of Job reminds me of Romans 9:19-21.

    If I was the ostrich, I might ask God “Why have you made me like this?”, just as Job wanted to ask God “Why did you do this to me?” And while we don’t usually get the answer we’re looking for, it shouldn’t really matter. God gives to each a measure of grace (and yes, even to the ostrich). That should plenty for us.

  30. petros says:

    Good observation Steve, regarding middle chapters of Job and the the folly of the many words therein. And thanks also for pointing out verse 42:10 “And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends.” Make me think of Jeremiah 29:7.

    And the book of James, well, Martin Luther may have both formed and voiced some opinions during his early years of walking with the Lord. Opinions that may have changed as he matured.

    As a new believer, I was so eager to understand all of the Bible. It took me quite a few years to understand that one could become both a Greek and Hebrew scholar and know where everything is in the Bible but possibly still be devoid of any real understanding of Jesus.

    And there is a lot of odd teachings out there that can get in the way of our learning and being conformed into Christ’s image. Like the still popular exhortation that “Jesus taught more about Hell than he did about Heaven”. Today I now know there is no evidence for that, it is just widely repeated slander of Jesus (I’ve even repeated this in the past).

    If one doesn’t care to do an exhaustive study through their printed Bible, they can go to Bible Gateway and do a keyword search through the 4 gospels for the words Hell and Hades. Depending on the translation you will come up with maybe 15 to 20 occurrences combined, of those 2 words. If you do the same search for the word “Heaven”, you will come up with 134 to 144 occurrences depending on the translation.

    My aim is to understand Jesus better by continually studying through the Gospels, applying what I trust I understand of him as I read the remainder of the Bible, and trusting him enough so that I will work towards the goal of being and living a life where I am; full-of-mercy as he commanded in Luke 6:36.

    Shalom all!

  31. BruceC says:

    I think that there is not only a lesson for us in Job; but also for the prideful enemy. He thought that by dstroying everything Job had he could get him to deny and curse God. That is the supreme arrogance and pride of satan!! God knows the past, present, and future all at the same time!! Did he think he could trick God!!
    God allowed this to happen(permissive will) so He would be glorified and satan shamed.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  32. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & All –

    The ostrich remains: flightless, powerful, swift and utterly foolish about rearing its young. The question “Why?” does not apply in any way. Our Lord, the God of creation, is sovereign. Worship is the genuine and acceptable human response.

    Joyous Sabbath to each one!


  33. infiniti07 says:

    I read with interest and am amazed at the diversity of comments from everyone.

    God is amazing, knows everything, is everywhere and controls the entire universe. I tend to over-analyze things which I don’t understand but what I have found out about the way God gives me insight is that this usually happens when I am at a lost to solve a very difficult personal issue in life. When I become exasperated with a situation, God always comes through at just the right time to tell me that He is never far away to help me through the “fog”. Usually this tells me that he is exposing one more layer of pride and independence.

    He is likely also telling me to lighten up and not sweat the small stuff in life.

  34. eriennejane says:

    I’ve been thinking about this a little over the past couple of day (I guess that’s the point of “Been Thinking About” huh? ;) ), and I’ve come back to Mart De Haan’s original question.

    “Thought it might be interesting to try to figure out together why God said something like this to someone who was already so confused and hurting.

    What do you think?”

    Job WAS confused and hurting, and God did rebuke him, perhaps gently, reminding him that He is God and Job is not, God’s ways are above our ways, etc. It occurred to me, however, that reminding Job of all these things in creation that man does not understand but are within God’s power, and that God knows the ways of His creatures and cares for them, even the ostrich (or sea turtle and other creatures that leave their young to fend for themselves) may actually provide some comfort for him and for us. Just as a child does not always understand the whys and ways of the world or of life, but will often trust his parents to have his best interests at heart, we need to have a similar, and deeper, trust of God. I think there is some reassurance in God’s interaction with Job. It seems to me that, despite not getting the answers to all of our questions, there is some reassurance in knowing that God is taking care of everything, even the beasts of the field who don’t even have questions. Nothing is beyond God.

  35. davids says:

    I am a bit disturbed by comments that might lead some to doubt the wholeness of the Scripture.

    Let us remember that Martin Luther was no prophet. He was a teacher that led us to understand the Word in a new way.

    He did not doubt the right of any book to be included in the bible, and they were all included in his translations of the bible. What he did with James and certain other NT books was to move them to the back of the back bible, much in the same way that we move Paul’s letters toward the front to give them more prominence.

    The separation of the Apocrypha from the Old Testament goes back to early Christian history, and was no invention of Luther.

    Unfortunately, we need to remember that Luther was not only overly-energetic in his promotion of Salvation by Faith alone, but also a product of his time, that is to say, anti-semetic. This caused him to say negative things about several OT books.

    Paul himself warns us against calling ourselves followers of Paul or any other. We should take all of the Bible into account, not just what is taught by one person.

  36. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Hope all is well with you. Enjoyed a phenomenal time of worship and praise at church today. Hope you all were able to gather with the saints of God in worship and praise to Him!
    Mart, your intro comment is very thought-provoking. Sadly, some people treat their children like the ostrich treats her eggs/young.

    Love to all…

  37. Regina says:

    Want to share another thought… Even though the ostrich forsakes her eggs & young, there’s never been a shortage of that speedy bird! Lol! The ostrich’s attitude towards her young reminds me of a Bible verse… “When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me” (Psalm 27:10, NKJV). The ostrich’s attitude reminds us that God is deeply concerned and EXTREMELY vested in the care of the forsaken and the forgotten. He shows his great compassion and concern for them through us…God uses our hands, feet, hugs, smiles, money, etc. to care for those who, for whatever reason, don’t have or don’t have enough of what they need.

  38. Regina says:

    *forgot to include “prayers!” God definitely uses our prayers on behalf of the forsaken and forgotten.

  39. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you Regina, for your thoughts,what a loving God we have!
    About forgetting prayers, just before I read your comment I was reading the following

    “In My story of the Sower the hearts that lost the blessing, that held no good result, lost it because My servants had failed to prepare the ground.

    They had failed to guard those they sought to influence, against the power of evil, and hardness of heart. They had failed to brace them to bear trouble and difficulty. They had failed to warn them against becoming too engrossed with having and getting.

    The ground of the Sower had not been prepared. Much prayer must precede seed-sowing if the labor is not to be in vain.

    So seek to prepare My way before Me. Then I, the Great Sower, will come. Harvest will indeed be great.” from God at eventide May 21, by twolisteners.

    What this has to do with the topic, but this praying and the value of it is so important. There are a lot of ostriches around in humans we come in contact with, the ones who are so busy with getting and having that they forget to take care of their own children. They give them wealth but not their time or heart. Pray for them, and I need to look into my own heart, is it all aimed at God, and living in His will, or am I also consumed with the worries of this life, or the getting and having of security in this life, instead of looking to God first, giving first Him my time and heart.

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