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At the Foot of Mount Olympus

Photo by: hannaspanna

What is it about Olympic competition that seems to lift the games to a level of spirituality that is usually reserved for thoughts of worship?

Why are we so moved? Is it the stories of individual athletes who have overcome all obstacles to realize their dream; the sacrifices they and their families have made; their commitment to a goal that has demanded the focus of their lives; a goal far greater than the pain of endless repetition; or the beauty of any performance pushed to the edge of perfection?

Could we intuitively be sensing the wonder of something that creates, for a few days, the illusion of a world at peace— as our nationalistic struggles shift to an environment that, for the most part, honors boundaries of fair play?

And, if the Olympic games involve all of these factors, and more, how do all of them together compare with the honor of competing not only for individual glory, but for one’s country? As the medalists stand together on the winner’s podium, and the national anthem of the victor is played, do the emotions reveal the honor of winning for the motherland?

Would it be a safe bet to see in the games a kind of nationalism and shared glory that gives a hint of what it will one day mean to have lived not merely for ourselves—but for our God, and others? (Luke 9:24)





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105 Responses to “At the Foot of Mount Olympus”

  1. confeticat says:

    First thing I noticed is that you spelled Olympic right this time.

  2. confeticat says:

    Everything you said i would agree with except the last paragraph. There is no connection between the Olympics and Luke 9:24. The Olympics and Paul are closely related, however. (Phil. 3:14; I Cor. 9:24,25,26,27).

  3. saled says:

    Mart’s last paragraph reminded me of John Donne’s “no man is an island” quote. Anyone who has ever dreamed of competing in the Olympics has contemplated making their home country proud of them. I love this image that the paragraph evokes of future recognition for faithful lives lived in obscurity. Imagine fighting the good fight, finishing our course and hearing the cheers of both those who affected our lives and those whose lives we affected.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    Mart I too enjoy watching the Olympics, I don’t get to watch it all but the bits and pieces that I do is worth the time.

    I must thank Pat for explaining why French and English was spoken at the opening ceremony as well as during the events. I had no idea it was so complex.

    My dad used to say to me how sad it was that during war times we send the finest young people into the battle that our nation has to offer, killing off the best of our future.

    Knowing that the Olympics was a concept of sending the best, not to die, but to pit physical skills against other city states and avoid war seems like a good idea. That is when people honor each other and that honor is a quality above winning or losing.

    Honor being something far more valued than national pride.

    What can compare to being recognized by all the countries of the world as being the best on that day in your field?

    I am, as I have said, happy for them all and can feel good for whoever wins.

    And yes if only we could come together always as friendly competitors and smile for each others success and sad for each others defeats as is seen in these Olympics.

    I look foreword as well for a world united under one common God and ruled by one common King, a promise of a better day where we all live in the harmony we can get a glimpse of at the Olympics.


  5. Bill says:

    I think the appeal of the Olympics is all of the above. But I think it’s more than that.

    Fundamentally, I think human beings live to excel, to strive, to rise above, to overcome. Part of our DNA is that we love it when the best man wins, when “good” triumphs over evil, when huge odds and obstacles are beaten.

    Sure, there’s the national pride. There’s seeing other human beings at the absolute peak of their physical prowess. There’s the grandeur of the spectacle itself.

    But, I believe a billion people tune in to the Olympics to see what human beings are capable of. The Olympics are a chance for the world to feel human again.

    There’s a feeling I get whenever I fly to an other city. There’s a level at which the plane rises that makes everything on the ground look like it’s part of a model train set. The cars, trees, houses — the panorama looks like I could reach down and grab the parts and pieces and rearrange them like they’re part of an HO Gauge model train set.

    It’s a surreal feeling. And an emotional one. It’s the point at which I can see the vista of the world, and see the farms, roads, streams, cars…and I feel an overwhelming urge to cry. It’s in that moment that I realize we’re all on this ball of dust together, we’re all human, and our differences are far less important than our commonalities.

    Politics divide us terribly. The world truly is on a trajectory toward oppression and tyranny. Our humanity is lost a little more each day because of politics.

    And religion.

    We can quote scripture all day long, until we’re blue in the face. We can discuss lofty ideals and God’s intentions and the meaning of theological matters from sun up to sun down.

    But do we really live it? Are our spirits rising above? Or are we, as Vance Havner suggested, playing marbles with diamonds?

    I think humanity longs for release, for a chance to feel the boot lift off its collective necks, for an opportunity to breathe free from oppression, crushing regulations, prohibitions, laws, and directives.

    The Olympics is our chance to see what happens when the only obstacle in someone’s way is his or her physical and mental training. I can imagine each athlete saying to himself or herself, “It’s just me against you. But mostly it’s me against myself. I have no one to blame — or credit — but me. This is my moment. It is my time. I am free.”

  6. confeticat says:

    Before we race past Saled, Saled is referring to Heb. 12:1,2,which is as far as Jesus goes with the Olympics. Fixing our eyes on him is a start, but it means we are not yet in him.

  7. confeticat says:

    Bill, Vance Havner was from North Carolina. Yaaaa-y!

  8. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends!

    Mart, you wrote:

    “Could we intuitively be sensing the wonder of something that creates, for a few days, the illusion of a world at peace— as our nationalistic struggles shift to an environment that, for the most part, honors boundaries of fair play?”

    I also catch some of the events, or portions, as I am able during the days of the Olympics. I do not sit glued to the coverage. And I am moved by these young athletes pouring themselves out as an offering for the sake of their sport. I believe you are describing the sublime stirrings that resonate at the time of a victory – for any nation, but probably most of all for my own.

    Heard Michael Phelps say he was content with a fifth place starting position for the swimming competition coming up. He said, “We are all excited.” Ahh! That attitude is a balm to my spirit. He is not out there just to gather all the gold and silver. What if we all had such a sense of unity and good will in all things? Meanwhile, we hear the sword-rattling (and I would say reckless) words of an American political candidate, “Any measures are justified in stopping Iran’s nuclear program.”

    We are not in heaven yet – but we all thirst for that goodness and grace!


  9. confeticat says:

    Someone just emailed me that it will be 115 actual temp. in Oklahoma today. He said,”I think many Americans might find this coming year a good time to seriously consider losing weight as you know this kind of heat is having an impact on the food supply. Supply and demand will result is some price spikes.”

  10. narrowpathseeker says:

    MART, BILL, STEVE, MARU….All of your messages this morning really touched me. I have somehow along the way, come to see competition in a negative light, but all of you have given me a great deal of positive thought for the day…thank you.

  11. confeticat says:

    Gary, I hope you’re still with us because I don’t want to talk about you behind your back. I counted 6 dead horses in one of your posts yesterday. There are only 4 horses in the apocalypse!

  12. remarutho says:

    Romans 6:1, 2 & Romans 12:21 — 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17

  13. phpatato says:

    And here we go …… again.

    At this time, I will be like a visitor at the olympics. I will sit on the sidelines and watch, praying there won’t be someone who gets hurt and needs help getting up.

    I’ll make room beside me for anyone who wants to sit.

  14. confeticat says:

    I saw on TV that there were a lot of empty seats in the VIP section, phpatato. They were giving them away to soldiers.

  15. confeticat says:

    Maru, you are right on about the reckless words of the American candidate, who went to Europe and said stupid things. Jesus in Luke 9:24 is not talking about a shared glory. While nationalism is altruistic, his children belong to another country (Matt. 6:19-21) that is not in the Olympics (Luke 13:29). While living for God and others sounds noble, it is not enough. Jesus wants to live in and through us, and let him handle the living for God and others part. We must lose the life we have in order to do that and to save it.

  16. poohpity says:

    Living our lives for the good of others so that all will cross the finish line. Stopping when victory seems so close to help another or going back when someone falls to help them up so it will be a shared success. That very last person who even though someone already won the game still finishes, that to me, is admirable.

    Not having full use of my body I enjoy watching as athletes push themselves past what I could ever imagine my body doing and wondering what it is that drives them so hard. It can’t only be a medal because not all will get one but it does not stop them from giving all they got to finish.

    To me as a believer we are given a race to run to tell as many people as we can about the Gospels so we do not cross the finish line alone. We are going to come across different trains of thought and different philosophies but if we hold tight to the Lord the finish is guaranteed and all nations of the world will cross the finish line together in unity and purpose.

  17. poohpity says:

    The angels will be rejoicing for just one lost soul that gets saved.

  18. poohpity says:

    I meant Gospel not Gospels oops!!!

  19. confeticat says:

    May I assume your “Gospels’ is a typo?

    This is a person who has read the Bible 18 times, folks. Where were you when you read it, on another planet?

  20. confeticat says:

    You were right the first time. There ARE two Gospels, Jesus’ and Paul’s. Which one are you talking about?

  21. SFDBWV says:

    For all my friends who have followed my son’s struggles here on BTA you will understand it when I say that Matthew puts out a Herculean effort everyday. His attitude of putting all he can into all he can do is worthy of Olympic gold, but gold like that is reserved for his crown of glory as is ours.

    Many of you here have shared your story of life’s struggles and of facing unrelenting obstacles all the while trying to keep focused on Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to strengthen, encourage, and light the way. All of you also deserve Olympic gold for taking up your individual crosses and following after our Lord.

    If we are to be truly like Jesus wants us to be, then the one thing all of us are capable of doing is providing encouragement and support for each other.

    Pat has offered us a chair alongside her, it would be my pleasure to set along side her in any circumstance, it would be nice to share a cup of coffee or, if you prefer, tea and just feel the common bond we share. This is true for all of you, who I can call friend. As Jesus said where two or more of us gather together in His name He is there.

    I watched last evening the most incredible diving competition. It was synchronized diving. Wow these young women all seemed to move as one as they walked out onto the diving board and spun around in the air and entered the water flawlessly, all in a synchronous harmony together.

    How wonderful if we as Christians did our Lord the service of moving together as one all working toward His goals. I want to believe that is what He wants from us.

    I also think that His heart breaks when we don’t think as one, but rather as many trying to pursue our own goals rather than His.

    It is a rare moment when I get to come in here after the morning. I am glad I have because one of many promises I believe from scripture can be found in Isaiah 54: 17. I also recommend reading on; Isaiah is a very inspirational Book to read.


  22. confeticat says:

    Isaiah is one of my favorite books, Steve, and there is a passage that addresses peace, Isaiah 9:6,7. The Son mentioned is Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who will be the One to bring in peace and unity when he returns to earth.

    The nations will not all walk hand in hand. They will be judged, the sheep separated from the goats (Matt. 25:32-34).

  23. confeticat says:

    The GOP claims to be the party of small government and fiscal responsibility. But as you can see in Isaiah 9:7, it says there will be no end to the increase of Jesus’ government. The government will rest on his shoulders.

  24. phpatato says:

    I will take that seating you told me about, Confeticat, because I am qualified to sit there. You see – ahh no I doubt you do – I AM a soldier – in Christ’s army. There is even a hymn written called Onward Christian Soldier which serves as my anthem. And, I am a VIP! Maybe not in your eyes but in God’s I am, and His is the only one that counts! thank you very much.

    Steve I would be delighted to share many cups of COFFEE!! with you and all my friends here! Thank you for your invitation! Shall we meet in the VIP section?

  25. confeticat says:

    Right now, loggerhead sea turtles are nesting on beaches along the Atlantic coast after swimming hundreds of miles.

    But, climate change is making their beaches unsafe. Sea level rise and intensifying storms caused by climate change are eroding the beaches where they raise their young.

    Saving loggerhead sea turtles from climate change caused by pollution requires a switch to clean energy now–including offshore wind in the Atlantic Ocean.

  26. bubbles says:

    What is it about Olympic competition that seems to lift the games to a level of spirituality that is usually reserved for thoughts of worship?

    I believe the answer to this question is we live in a world that is stone crazy about sports. Period. This is all some people talk about. They live, eat, and breathe sports. And, yes, some people actually seem to “worship” the athletes, the sport, and all that is associated with sports. They waste money and valuable time watching ball games.

    Personally I hate sports. Who wants to watch a bunch of grown men chase a ball of any sort around a hot grassy field or inside, running to and fro? I have never understood sports. I was never good in sports. When I was a teenager,I hated volleyball so much that I would hide in the church basement rather than play volleyball on youth group night. The volleyball game lasted an hour or 1:45 minutes, and the devotional/prayer was 15 to 30 minutes long. If I lived in a world where every ball was square, it would be not different to me. Parents who schedule their entire lives around their children’s ball teams’ practices and games. . . when did the CHILD become the center of the family unit? When does 3 months become an exhaustive nightmare for the parents because they are constantly running their children to “practice” and eating unhealthy food because they must go sit an watch a game for hours on end? What of the grades that suffer and homework that is compromised because of the worship of “ball?” And, no, you try to pull a student off a ball team due to grades. That’s like pulling the president out of office. The coaches and parents have a fit.

    What is the point in who is the fastest? Who cares who can run the farthest or race the best? I think the entire thing is riduculous and a waste of time.

    Sports is what is part of what is wrong with America today. We have become like the Romans who reveled in sport and recreation to the point it is insane.

  27. confeticat says:

    Are you having trouble sleeping? Find the Great Night Sleep Remedy!
    Matt. 11:28,29,30

  28. poohpity says:

    bubbles you will learn more about parent child interaction when you have become a parent until then it is great learning the teachers perspective from you as well as the other teachers on here. Just as it is learning from others who have overcame great obstacles and have kept a soft heart while others just get angry and bitter.

  29. confeticat says:

    Add this to your salvation:

    New adizero Feather 2 by Adidas

    free shipping John 3:7,8

  30. bubbles says:

    1. I am too old to have children.

    2. I of weary of listening to parents whine about HOW tired they are because they got home at midnight from some away game 2 hours from home. DON’T whine about eating fattening and unhealthy food because you don’t have time to cook because of the sports that go year ’round. Children should not run their parents to death. Children aren’t supposed to be the center of the household. Children are not supposed to dictate every second of their parents’s schedule.

    3. I am sick of seeing the bottom of the barrel students get put on sports teams. Their grades suffer. They are sleeping in class because they were out at a game. They don’t do their homework because of “practice”. This goes on and on and on. Their behaivor is usually horrid, and nothing happens.

    BUT WHAT DO I KNOW??? I am not a mother. And mothers know all things. I am in a clasroom with 20 kids 40 hours a week, 36 weeks a year, and I suppose I know absolutely nothing. I’ve done this insanity for over 20 years. Supose I have no idea about children at all.

    OH, I forgot. SPORTS is worshipped and more important than all else.

  31. bubbles says:

    parents’ not parents’s. . . my computer is slow today.

  32. confeticat says:


    lUKE 6:40

  33. remarutho says:

    Good Afternoon Mart & Friends!

    It seems to me there is a difference between losing my life for Christ — and spending my life in pursuit of sports excellence. These athletes have a gift in their strength, endurance and poise. But, they also have to train long and hard to compete at the world level.

    Luke 9:24 speaks of a different kind of dedication: the surrender to God. An athlete shows an admirable degree of focus and intention in both God-given ability and developed skill. We may all take inspiration from that single-mindedness for our spiritual life.

    I agree with those who see that sport has become a kind of religion in the USA.


  34. confeticat says:


    Don’t take any money with you. Isa. 55:1

  35. poohpity says:

    Gee bubbles, there is a lot more that goes on with a family than what you listed and more to parenting than taking kids to sports and fast food restaurants. If you feel that bad about your job then would it not be more advantageous especially for the children to find another type of job? Those children can read how a teacher feels and normally will react with bad behavior towards a teacher they know they can get upset all the time. It sounds like those children are running you to death. The difference in being a mom is the love that a parent feels for their children and no teacher will ever feel that way towards a child that is not theirs. You only have them for 40 hours a week for 36 weeks in a year and next year it will be a different group, we have them for 168 hours a week for 52 weeks in a year for 18-24 years there is a very big difference.

    Maru, I believe that it is not only sports but many, many things that are a kind of religion or god to people all over the world and that has always been. There are just more people now than there ever has been so it is more obvious how really bad it is.

  36. bubbles says:

    If more parents were responsible and TAUGHT their children HOW to act and value education, my job would be much easier. This entire country is rotting away. Parents are not parenting. They don’t want to be responsible and they do not want their children to be accountable or responsible for anything. If a child makes a bad grade, the teacher is blamed. Their child is supposed to run wild and act in any way he/she wants and not be part of learning at all.
    I do not have the finances or time to go back to school and learn another profession. I am painted in a corner and cannot get out.

  37. His Sparrow says:

    When I compete, I delight in using the gifting God has given me.

    Each competition, I get measured and I use it for self improvement. If we are the best of the group that day, that’s great–but I don’t live and die for the gold.

    Because I train and ride horses, I am using my gifts to develop and show off the God created beauty and athleticism of this animal. Riding is a sport and an art and fits the modern Olympic character well.

    Whatever I do, I want to do for God and His glory; He is the reward!

    I love my RBC neighbors!

  38. confeticat says:


    A NEW VIEW Luke 18:16,17

    His Sparrow,


  39. bubbles says:

    Come walk in my shoes. They steal. They lie about everything. This goes on all day long. They never stop talking or making noises all day. When they are corrected, they call me filthy words. They use profanity non stop and then lie about it. They will not work and when they do it is wrong and they cannot remember left from right.

    You don’t have a clue and probably do not care.

  40. foreverblessed says:

    Losing your life for the sake of Christ
    For Arabian christians this is a big reality. When they become christian they lose their national identity, they lose their family and friends. Many asylum seekers in our country from the Middle East are christian, one of them has been part of our church and is now having a ministry among the arab christians. They have such a hard life.
    This week a conference will start. Pray for their peace, their life in Jesus Christ, that it will blossom and grow.

    Bubbles, my prayers are with you. I have been a teacher, and I do feel what you feel, I got really grumpy when I would think of all the indifference of the students, and the critical attitude towards the teacher. They sat in the classroom as if they were sitting in front of the tv, waiting to be entertained.
    I thought I did not have the right energy to awaken them out of their inactivity. When I would be going back, I would have to feel a call from God, and I would have to ask His love so much more, that despite this attitude I would still be lovingly, also sternly.
    I reminds me of the sister of Corrie ten Boom, who said: Be thankful for the flies. Be thankful for the kids anyway, praise God for these kids. You are working so to speak in a military zone, but Jesus is with you and in you, praise God for that.

    Maru, I agree fully with what you wrote July 30, 5.20 pm, so I do not have to repeat that view. Otherwise I would have written something similar.

  41. confeticat says:


    Heb. 4:15 Matt. 6:3


    Luke 17:35

  42. SFDBWV says:

    When I watch a gymnast do their routine I am entertained and very aware of seeing something special. Certainly nothing I can do or would even attempt. It is as beautiful and graceful to watch as a Ballet or dance in any form.

    When I watch the divers dance through the air from any height, I can relate to just having the courage to jump in the water from such a height; yet they do it with the grace of a swan.

    Those who race against each other either in the water or on the track show the power and endurance that God created in us and these young people have been given the gift of being the best at what they do.

    I also understand that whatever good thing there is in the world, sin has a way of soiling it.

    While I can certainly agree professional athletes are paid too much money and given god like status in our societies, it isn’t confined to just the USA.

    Other people make money from the association of athletes and name recognition, so an argument can be made as why shouldn’t the athlete themselves be equally compensated?

    The same is said of any sport. As we all know sex sells, so does a winner. So every item a consumer is offered to purchase comes with an innuendo and allure of both sex and sports.

    It is the commercial world and schools that have pushed sports above the more admirable qualities humanity has to offer, not necessarily the athlete.

    One need only look at the recent events at Penn State to see what can happen when winning is placed above all else.

    But enough dealing with the ills of the world, the Olympics offer, as has been said, a momentary distraction from all the work of pointing out all that is wrong in the world and trying to fix them.

    I say just set back and enjoy or turn off the TV and go outside.


  43. saled says:

    God has given us some pretty big questions to think about, and, in our fallen human nature, we love to be distracted from them. We distract ourselves with so many things, one of which is sports. In this day of so little physical activity, sports can help keep our bodies healthy. But, like Bubbles, I see organized, competitive sports as a huge distraction for children of school age. And many of our parents are so short sighted. They don’t appear to realize the importance of bringing up their children to be self-supporting. The sacrifices that they make for sports would lead one to think that they expect their child will end up making millions from the NBA. It’s all part of the curse of the knowledge of good and evil. And there are so many things that appear good that we choose for our children and ourselves. Like Bubbles, I work in a school, and the way I keep my sanity is by reminding myself that God has not put us in a perfect world, and he has a reason for that. It seems that the right conditions for being born again are here and now. If life were perfect, what would be the need of being born again?

  44. confeticat says:


    JOHN 3:5,6,7 – John 1:12,13

  45. SFDBWV says:

    I was very happy for 17 year old Missy Franklin and thought she demonstrated poise and Grace as she stood during the medal ceremony. Congratulations Missy on your victory.


  46. poohpity says:

    Father, I pray that I seek your face with all the passion and strength these athletes but into winning a medal. I also pray that you help me from causing any one to stumble or get hurt in my zeal for you. Help me run this race with compassion, patience, kindness, mercy and grace just like you have shown me. Please fix this fractured heart and help me to want your will far above my selfish motives. I need your help so bad. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Thank for the answer and never giving up on us.

  47. SFDBWV says:

    Hey pooh, Matt has lost 66 lbs on his new diet and effort. He also got 10 miles on his recombant bike yesterday morning and this morning.I am resting up for his walks in a few minutes. Thank you for your prayers.


  48. confeticat says:


    John 1:14,16,17

  49. poohpity says:

    OOh Steve, that is just wonderful! Tell him I said “good job” that is quite the accomplishment. Yeaaaa! He will have such an easier time walking. Your heart attack was not in vain. ;-) Thank you so much Father for answered prayer. Wow!!!

  50. poohpity says:

    confeticat, how come you left out John 1:15?

  51. confeticat says:

    I was zeroing in on ‘grace’.

  52. confeticat says:


    II Cor. 7:13-14,15-16

  53. poohpity says:

    Was that not Paul who said that? I thought you said his writings do not count yet you are quoting him! Wow how confusing is that?

  54. confeticat says:


    Luke 11:54

  55. poohpity says:

    (Col 3:6,7,8,9,10NLT)

  56. poohpity says:

    oops Col 2:6,7,8,9,10 NLT

  57. bubbles says:

    It’s not like this every day. I get overwhelmed by everything. Of the past years, there have been only three really bad years. The rest of the groups have not been so rough. Just thinking about things puts me in a tailspin sometimes. One morning in the spring, I had to stop and pray six times. The Lord gave me His peace. I’ve had to learn to work to control emotions, but to also ask God to help also. And He does.

  58. confeticat says:


    I Tim. 4:7


    Luke 10:42

  59. confeticat says:



    Isa. 26:3; Luke 10:41,42

  60. davids says:

    There are the private and public aspects of the Olympics. The private, individual aspects have already been mentioned by many here. Full Disclosure: I don’t watch the Olypics, as we do not have a television, by choice.

    In the public sphere, I recall that the modern Olympics are descended from the ancient games that were played in Peloponnese among city-states that had previously fought each other bitterly. Eventually they united enough to reduce their rivalry to sporting contests fucused on the arts of war. The reduction of violence provided fertile ground for the early Christian churches, founded by Paul.

    Unlike some others here, I reamin positive. The modern Olympics are to me a sign of the reduction in militarism and violence around the world. The Kingdom is at hand.

    Bubbles, as the father of three school-age children, I am pained to hear your lament about the state of some classrooms. It is sad to know that some great teachers have suffered so much that they are no longer motivated. Bless you for your efforts!

  61. confeticat says:



    Luke 12:51

  62. confeticat says:

    30% off at Old Navy, Gap, and Banana Republic!!!

  63. cherielyn says:

    Just imagine what could be accomplished for the Lord if people were to put in the time to study and train as diligently for soul-winning as the athletes have done for the Olympic competitions!

    Steve: Tell Matt – Congratulations on the loss of 66 lbs! Way to go! Keep up the good work!

    phpatato: Re your post above: “And here we go …… again.
    At this time, I will be like a visitor at the olympics. I will sit on the sidelines and watch, praying there won’t be someone who gets hurt and needs help getting up.
    I’ll make room beside me for anyone who wants to sit.”

    I believe I will take you up on your invitation of sitting on a seat next to you and just observing. SOME of the comments are absolutely wearing me out!

  64. confeticat says:


    Luke 19:26

  65. SFDBWV says:

    There is a term most of us are familiar with; “The milk of human kindness”. It is an attempt to express what is seen sometimes as the best humanity has to offer each other.

    It is immediately recognized by all and for the majority of peoples appreciated.

    There are of course those who see kindness as weakness and an opportunity to seize upon it.

    Our Lord showed kindness and service to all who ask of Him.

    Jesus was never rude, nor did He ever present Himself as a wisecracker or smart aleck.

    He always showed us the best humanity can be.

    He in essence is the all time Olympian.

    We who call Him Lord are ask to give up our old natures and adopt His nature and let that nature be seen as a light to the unsaved world; to present an Olympian effort and opportunity for all to join the team by presenting His character not ours, as an example and lure for others to desire.

    Jesus of Nazareth is our example of how to present the “milk of human kindness” at a level not seen elsewhere in the world.

    I pray that my words are always in line with His and that when people see or hear me it is His light that shines through.

    Sad to say the opposite of Jesus’ example is rude antagonism, cruelty and sarcasm. Always wanting to have the last word by presenting a false sense of knowledge and turning people away from whatever message they bring.
    I pray I never fall into that category of being *Anti-Christ* and so anti to the message Jesus brought into the world *Love*.


  66. cherielyn says:

    Amen, Steve!

    Without knowing it, you have summed up my feelings exactly. I couldn’t have said it better. I love your posts. There are many other fine contributors on here as well.

    This is, indeed, a wonderful family. Of course, we all know that almost every ‘family’ has it’s black sheep. We need to pray, earnestly, for the one(s) going astray who endeavor to lead others down that path. I pray that the Light of God’s truth will dawn on the mind(s) of those who would follow the wrong path and the errant leader(s).

  67. confeticat says:

    Not to mention those who use Bible verses to jab you, Steve.

    I’m glad Jesus never asked me to be like him. What a distorted mess that would be! He wants me to be myself, warts and all, with him in me. We only need one Jesus – he is enough and more than enough. He wants to use each of us weith our individual idiotsyncrazies.

    In the Bible yeast, or leaven, represents sin. Yet it is used as an illustration of the Kingdom of God! (Matt. 13:33) Because the Kingdom will rise slowly, and also, I think, because it will appear to be sinful.

    How does he present the “milk of human kindness” when he’s not human? Jesus wasn’t always “kind” by human standards.

    There’s no such thing as the anti-Christ (unless it’s me – ha!) but Jesus said love is keeping his commandments (John 15:9,10). And he goes on to say that one of them is to love one another. That isn’t some mushy gushy feeling but what is for the best of others.

  68. confeticat says:

    I think we’ve proved that “girl power” isn’t a good thing. Women tend to get distracted. They’re off in their own little worlds and not willing to sink their teeth into a subject like pit bulls the way some men do.

  69. SFDBWV says:

    Della, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I counted 10 hummingbirds yesterday at my feeders and have had the strangest summer of odd plants growing in my yard.

    Some I thought were weeds but let them grow and found the most beautiful flowers and little butterflies that came to feed off of them. Oddest was the sun flower that grew into the shape of the cross and giant fern that I took for saplings when they first began to grow with the sweetest of aromas.

    We had thunderstorms the past couple days that have cooled things off nicely.


  70. confeticat says:

    Are you gay?

  71. poohpity says:

    The anti-Christ is wise/cunning and I do not see that. Just because someone can take scripture out of context and use it however they please, any fool can do that. Can a fly be a distraction and cause irritation? But to bring wisdom and truth into any discussion and the ability to cause others to think beyond the box now that takes a gentle, wise spirit and gosh I do not see that either.

  72. poohpity says:

    Not getting enough attention confeticat? Now you want to push real hard to get a response, I will give you a response! Jesus loves you and so do I!!! I wonder if that means we have to like someone? rofl

  73. cherielyn says:

    I agree with you, poohpity. I have decided that my time is too precious to waste it by reading certain posts that are not edifying, so I will scroll down slowly and if I see a certain name at the top of the post I will skip reading that one.

    I appreciate your posts very much. They are very insightful and make me think about things outside the box at times.

  74. SFDBWV says:

    Confeticat I am not sure what your intentions are to be a participant of the conversation that the rest of us have concerning the topic Mart has given. Other than what seems to be as an irritant and test of the patience of the rest of us.

    I can not understand why you think that such behavior would do either you or your beliefs any positive attention.

    It is with deep sadness that others will not participate and would rather go back to old topics because your presence here and negative impact is driving people away including them.

    If your intentions are to educate us into accepting your misguided beliefs it has failed.

    As to why Mart continues to allow you to disrupt His blog; I have to believe it is his way of showing God’s patience with us all.

    I will not respond again to you, not out of malice or a lack of love, but because until you have something to contribute to the conversation I will just ignore what you have to say and skip over it to the next person.

    You are a sad person and everything you say makes you a very ugly person as well, seek professional help before you do something everyone else will regret.


  75. cherielyn says:

    Perhaps there is an atheist among us?

  76. poohpity says:

    Thanks, cherielyn. At times we all can challenge and I think confeticat is challenging us to walk our faith and love those who at times can be so hard to do but Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. Romans 5:8 and to remember God is the potter and we are “ALL” the clay. Isaiah 64:8

  77. poohpity says:

    There are others who fail to stay on topic and I am one of them too, and even though I have read the comment guidelines, I have to say I have broke them as well. It is easy to notice one is who different but Heaven rejoices over one lost soul who repents. People from other religions who I have spoken with love to cause us to fail in what we preach and teach. But if we stay close to the Vine and let His peace and joy flow through us then we will not react to them but act in love. Trust me I know it is hard but God has given us the Spirit of self control.

  78. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    The London 2012 Cauldron is made of 204 petals of individual flames,one from each nation, that came together to form one flame.

    Reminds me of those present in the upper room.
    They were in one place and in one accord when individual tongues of Fire rested on each of them.
    They then went as one flame and lit up the world!

    Surely the Olympics is about individual effort that brings team victory and unity.

    The crest of Cornwall County Council includes a shield with fifteen gold balls, which represent the ransom raised for the Duke of Cornwall, captured by the Saracens during the Crusades. Every Cornish man and woman contributed to the ransom, and this led to the Cornish Motto “Onan Hag Oll” (“One And All”) being created.

    We have a King who paid our ransom with His Blood, truly
    One died for all so we may all be one!

    Surely “One and All” should be the motto of the Olympics and for our lives.

    We are all in it together!


  79. poohpity says:

    Bob have thought about you often and especially now with the games being in your country. Have you got to go? Miss you!!:-)

  80. confeticat says:

    You want to stay on topic? Just after my comment on women I got a breaking news story that 8 female badminton players were tossed out of the Olympics for trying to lose matches.

    I’m sorry I offended you, Steve. In this day and age I thought most gays didn’t mind being out of the closet but I was wrong to ask and I apologize. But it’s OK to be born gay, it’s not a put-down. While we’re on the subject, Exodus 4:11 God says he created people the way they are, whatever they are. Crippled, blind, gay, he created them all. Because of sin we all need to be changed by Jesus on the inside, but we are fine with God the way he made us on the outside because it is only temporary while we are here on earth.

    This is interesting, because in big letters right across the page I see I AM WHO I AM (Exodus 3:14,15). YAHWEH in the third person form, when we speak of him we say “he is”. The Jews would not even pronounce the holy name of God, they wrote it out Y-H-V-H. That is God’s name. But yet Paul said by the grace of God I am WHAT I am (I Cor. 15:10). So the attention is drawn away, not only to him but to WHAT he is and WHAT we are. He’s saying there that after he was saved God’s grace left him pretty much the way he was – what you see is what you get. We start making comparisons. Black or white, gay or straight, etc. that’s what WE are. Did Paul primarily write to talk about who we are or who God is? You decide.

    Gal 3:28 sounds lofty and noble. It makes us forget that in other places Paul made a big tado over Jews and Gentiles, slaves and free, males and females and the differences between them.

  81. poohpity says:

    Sorry but that is not what Paul was saying at all. He was speaking of our new identity in Christ as saved people and it does not make a difference what we called ourselves before we have unity in mind, spirit, purpose and goals as people who believe in what Christ done for us.

  82. poohpity says:

    in what Christ has done for us.

  83. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    No Debs, but the flame did land at RNAS Culdrose just above our village and started it’s journey at Lands End in Cornwall after flying in a helicopter right over my house.
    I am not a sporty person but have been captivated by some of the events.
    The team gymnastics, diving, swimming, now the rowing and cycling, two events we do well at.
    We are also enjoying watching the USA and China.
    As Mart suggest in this topic, there is something spiritual that transcends the boundaries of nationalism when an individual performs beyond the bounds of human belief and it makes us all choke up with pride no matter
    where they come from.
    The other day I watched a 15 year old girl from Lithuania, who trains with Tom Daly in Plymouth, near me, win Gold at Breast Stroke.
    She was so shocked she was speechless, made everyone cry.
    Just watching UK’s Bradly Wiggans who was the 1st Brit to win the Tour de France two weeks ago, competing in the road time trials just going into the lead.
    He has won Gold!!!!!

    Take care Debbie! xxx

  84. poohpity says:

    I think the UK has won 5 Golds. I can not even imagine riding a bike for one mile let alone for six hours none stop over those hills and valleys. Now that is some strong legs and bums, lol.

  85. confeticat says:

    Nice to meet you, Bob, don’t think I’ve met you before. Now think a minute. The tongues of fire couldn’t have been in the upper room, they would have set the whole place on fire and the firemen didn’t have ladders in those days.

    I don’t know about the Corny people with the golf balls. What were they doing in Billy Graham’s Crusades? You’d have to be careful where you walked or you’d go flying into some lady’s lap! Oh boy, if we are all in this together this is going to be a long haul.

  86. poohpity says:

    You may want to read Acts 2:2NLT

  87. poohpity says:

    The new world translation of the bible is not very accurate after it was gone through in 1954 by a person trying to bend it to their beliefs.

  88. poohpity says:

    I do not think you have had the time to meet many of us on here confeticat. Bob has been around for years and has shared much of himself with us as many of us have over time. We have gotten to know each other by listening more than we speak and continue to meet new people when they share a bit of themselves rather than assuming how another is. A person has to get out of the way before they can hear about someone else.

  89. confeticat says:

    Straight from the horse’s mouth, Pooh. i thought of something on topic. One of the gymnist’s nickname is “Flying Squirrel”. Was visiting a church one time where you could hear loud little feet running around in the attic during the sermon. I guess the pastor noticed several of us glancing up and he interrupted his sermon to explain they were flying squirrels. He said they get in by jumping from a certain tree, and that one of these days they would have the tree taken down, but he didn’t seem in any hurry.

    Why would you not want to remove said squirrels so people can hear your sermon? Beats me.

  90. poohpity says:

    I do not want to remove you confeticat. I want to learn more about you. I can see a few things just from reading what you write but I would like to know you as a person. My hunch is that you are a lonely person that may have been cast off by your parents and have grown to feel that negative attention is better than no attention. You want to feel needed and important rather than abandoned. You are probably a short man that was picked on a lot and made fun of. Those are just a few hunches. Flying squirrels are important too!

  91. kingdomkid7 says:

    I lived in the country outside of Carbondale, IL for a short time (speaking of short) and my little house was invaded by flying squirrels (speaking of flying squirrels). They do not leave voluntarily, that’s for sure. Good day, everyone!!

  92. confeticat says:

    Does this count for the professional help I was advised to get? I hope so because my son is out of town and I have to go take care of his 8 cats. See y’all.

  93. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    There are 204 countries and thousands of individuals represented at the London 2012 Olympics and they consider it a privilege to be allowed to take part.

    This Blog is the same, there are 7 billion people on this planet yet you can count the ones who appear regularly on “Been Thinking About” on the fingers of both hands.
    Considering the number of “Christians” in the USA let alone the rest of the world, it would seem only the elite/vetted are allowed to take part here.
    Therefore it is a honour to be able to comment and, like the badminton players who refused to play a proper game and were disqualified, it is better not to be too flippant or rude to others when all we are doing is trying to share our opinions.
    Like Pooh said, many of us have taken the time to get to know each other and have shared the good and bad parts of our lives.
    That is why we look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our Faith, to make us perfect and try to put ourselves out of the picture and onto the Cross.
    Not always achieved.


    there seems to be a US English spell checker on here now.
    How annoying!!

  94. cherielyn says:

    Re: your post at 8:52 a.m. this morning – “It is with deep sadness that others will not participate and would rather go back to old topics because your presence here and negative impact is driving people away including them.”

    Specifically referring to going back to old topics: There must be a glitch on the site this morning because there is a new post dated with today’s date titled, “The Bible and Cut Flowers” and there are 8 comments on it already. In researching I did find a topic with the same title from back in February, but this one is different (although similar), even though it has the same title as an older topic.

  95. poohpity says:

    Hey kingdom, lol!! Is that near Joliet?

    No this does count for the professional help. We can all use a little help every now and again. ;-)

    I have been on here to much today too! The cat woke me up at 4:30 PST and then the little rat (Yorkie) dog had to go out and now I want to go back to bed because my legs hurt. If it aint one thing it is another. You wonderful people have a blessed day and go praying on your way. Running the race set before us in Jesus’ name. Watching those Olympics sure do wear me out, lol!

  96. kingdomkid7 says:

    I didn’t see the new topic. Guess I got caught in the glitch.

  97. poohpity says:

    That is an article up in the article section they come out the first of every month.

  98. kingdomkid7 says:

    Thanks Pooh! Actually,Carbondale is far south, close to Paducah KY, Cape Girardeu (sp) MO. Closest big airport is St. Louis , 2 hours away. Joliet is closer to Chicago. Carbondale is considered “downstate”– a world away!

  99. davids says:

    Confeticat, I am breaking my own rule here by mentioning someone by name, without having something positive to say. I feel that several of your comments have not only been intrusive and off-topic, but quite overstepped the bounds of respectiful discussion.

    In the same posting that you apologized for your “gay” comment to Steve, you doubled-down on your offensive comments about women. If you want to argue a point based on scripture, that is fine, but merely offending is simply offensive.

    POOH, watch it with the short man talk, eh :)

  100. poohpity says:

    Smile, I remember you speaking of that before. Were you picked on and if you were did it effect you in adult life? You know I did not say it to be an offense but to determine a behavior. I do not care how tall you are David, I love you in spite of your stature. :-)

  101. foreverblessed says:

    Welcome Bob in Cornwall, have missed you, but am convinced everything is alright with you.

  102. davids says:

    Hi Pooh, yes, sure I was picked on, but as a father I’ve noticed that pretty much everyone gets picked on for something. God has blessed me in many other ways. I realized as a young man that being a leader and earning respect is not necessarily a function of height.

  103. poohpity says:

    It has nothing to do with the outside it is character but sometimes our character is formed by feeling like we “have” to prove ourselves. It can and will affect how controlling we are. But we are overcomers in Christ Jesus. ;-)

  104. cherielyn says:

    I have been debating whether to add this comment. Every day, since this blog posted, I keep feeling a nudge to do so.

    So here it is: Any number of things can be happening when a person reads anything. Here are a few that come to mind:
    1. It can be read (or scanned) so fast that important details can be missed or misunderstood.
    2. A person’s mind is not fully engaged on the subject and therefore does not absorb what they are reading.
    3. A person approaches the reading material with their mind already made up about the subject, thus unable or unwilling to consider another perspective.

    So, case in point:
    The very first post on this blog was – “First thing I noticed is that you spelled Olympic right this time.”

    If the blog had been read & understood, fully, the contributor would have realized that Mart spelled Olympic as Oylmpic intentionally for a reason.

    So, if something as simple as that was so misunderstood, then it becomes obvious why the person misunderstands so much of the Bible and uses Bible passages incorrectly.

    I am praying that God will break those chains of darkness and bring enlightenment of the truth of ALL of His Word for this person.

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