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A Holiday to Remember

Israel, secular as it is, celebrates this week the last harvest festival of the annual cycle of special days called for by Moses in Leviticus 23. (Lev 23:34-44)

Intermingling secular, traditional, and spiritually observant customs, the modern celebration of Sukkot/Tabernacles combines elements of present practice and ancient significance. Among the more recognizable are (1) thanks to the God of the harvest; while (2) remembering  how the Lord led, protected, and provided for his people in a barren, dangerous wilderness;  (3) while anticipating with the prophet Zechariah that, in the end, all nations of the world will send representatives to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles to honor the God of gods (Zechariah 14:16-18).

One of the most recognizable customs of the 7 “days of joy” are the “booths” (sukkot) each family makes to remember how simply, and dependently, their ancestors lived during their 40 years of wandering.

It is probably not by accident that the practice of building these backyard, porch, or rooftop shelters hints of the kind of shanties used by homeless people– which is how Israel lived for 40 years.

For those who remember the counsel of Moses, these symbolic structures have a special meaning. On the threshold of  the promised land, before moving into homes and gardens given to them by their God, Moses reminded his people not to forget what they had learned while living without homes, from God’s hand, a day at a time (Deut 8:1-20).

Doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch for all of us to remember where we have come from; and that up to this moment, the Lord, Himself, has provided the strength we use to either remember… or forget; to run to him, or to wander…

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38 Responses to “A Holiday to Remember”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Good morning Mart; it is always the same for me, the Bible is about then and now and the future.

    The story of the feast of “Sukkot/Tabernacles” is, what it was, what it is and what it will be.

    The same for you and I and all of us. What we were, what we are, and what we will be in the future.

    There is a future when the bodies we now reside in will be changed into something very special and I am certain we will be given the opportunity to give thanks be to God for bringing us from where we were to that special dwelling place He has in store for us.

    Raining hard, foggy and a warm 54 degrees.


  2. scout1 says:

    Good Morning. Do most now-a-day people still practice this holiday? I wonder what some of the 20ish people think. Do they still give respect to these traditions from the Old Testment?


  3. poohpity says:

    Thank you Mart. To me it is always beneficial to remember. As I go through my Bible and read all the little notes over the years to recall all the answers to prayers, dreams that have changed, how I have changed and how many times the Lord has provided gives me more reason to trust and depend on God’s unfailing and unchanging love and care. Just thinking and dwelling on the Lord pushes out the garbage that so easily fills my mind.

    I pray we all just take some time to remember how much our God means to us and all that He has done to bring us to an eternal fellowship that no one can take away.

  4. poohpity says:

    One that we so easily can take for granted.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    Lynda I would like to answer in part your question of whether or not the feasts are still practiced by people today.

    I have on my list of favorites Israel News a news web site for the nation of Israel.

    This morning’s news is very uplifting in that the head story is thousands of “descendants of Aaron” at the Wailing Wall in prayer this morning.

    Also stories of the “Sukkot” have been present since the feasts began.

    So in answer in part to your question, there is an entire nation of people who still practice the feasts. It is these same descendants of Aaron and the population of Israel who will come before God and ask for rescue from the world around them that will usher in the return of Jesus of Nazareth.


  6. phpatato says:

    Is it my computer or do we have two topics being discussed at the same time again.

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Pat yes there are two topics up again. Mart said last month it is because the monthly thing is prepared months in advance.

    The Norway Trial subject we discussed many months ago as well.

    I personally don’t like that subject, as it can go nowhere but to a posture of fighting against an enemy or allowing him to destroy all you are.


  8. SFDBWV says:

    As fall shines around me in all its glory and beauty I find myself once again in appreciation of the gift of creation and can’t seem to *drink* in enough scenery as if it is the last moment I may have to see it, smell it and stand in its presence.

    Strange isn’t it how we can believe that heaven is far a away much better than any of the beauty of the earth, yet we seem to cling to the things of this earth as if there is nothing to compare.

    I read a disturbing story on the Israel news site I have yesterday. Nothing surprising just interesting.

    The leader of the Palestinian *government* had made the statement that there is no proof that the Jewish Temple ever existed on the Temple Mount and in fact since he didn’t believe that the Jewish Temple ever existed the claim by the Christian Gospels that Jesus threw out the money changers never could have happened and shows Christians to be following a false religion also.

    God instilled into His *Chosen People* their history, and these holidays are a part of their culture, religion and way of preserving their past existence.

    God knows that the coming world would deny all that He did in creating the Jew and especially The Christ, but these feasts and the very fact that they as a people exist are a proof of all that God did to preserve them and so *from* them the Messiah.

    We Christians are the proof that Messiah Jesus came and the Books we have a written record of His life, yet like the Jew, our continued presence and commitment to our Lord stands as not only proof, but as an opposition to the unbelief and undesired disbelief of our Lord and our Savior Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah.

    Because we will never be silenced by opinion or by the sword, God Himself will remove us from the earth along with the Holy Spirit in order to *allow* the enemy to temporarily seem to have victory over Him.

    We have a ticket on the Ark of Salvation and all it takes to get one is accept it from Jesus of Nazareth and get on board.


  9. scout1 says:

    Thanks for the response, Steve. I also liked what you said about the fall scenery. I feel the same way. God is so good!

    Have a blessed day.

  10. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —
    Steve, you wrote:

    “God knows that the coming world would deny all that He did in creating the Jew and especially The Christ, but these feasts and the very fact that they as a people exist are a proof of all that God did to preserve them and so *from* them the Messiah.”

    I am steeped in the Acts of the Apostles these days — and somehow I am also weaving the unsettling days of the birth of the church that Jesus founded together with my daily struggles (and those of my friends).

    I recall so vividly how Peter and John, after being chastised by the temple leadership, “lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, ‘O Lord, it is Thou who didst make the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them.'” (Exodus 20:11; Psalm 146:6)

    They quoted Psalm 2:1, 2 —
    “Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples devise futile things? The kings of the earth took their stand, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.'” (Acts 4:24, 25, 26)

    I am praying with a woman who has three children and is now only employed part-time. She was lied to by the bank when she contacted them about financial worries some time ago. They said, “Don’t pay your mortgage payment. If you do we cannot rewrite the contract to accomodate your income.” Meanwhile, the bank “double-tracked” her. Foreclosure proceedings were begun along with the mortgage rewrite, and now that process has come to eviction. Still no rewrite on the mortgage. She and her children must be out by the end of the year.

    At this moment, I see only a “booth” for my friend and her family. Somewhere in the life of faith is a balance between sturdy faith and hope for better things on one hand — and melting into helpless tears on our face before God on the other.

    Please pray for my friend, Chris, and her family in these days of Succoth! God will provide.


  11. SFDBWV says:

    Maru thank you so much for your comments, once again your eloquence is shown and appreciated.

    Thank you also for the opportunity to come before our Lord in prayer for Chris and her family.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we had the resources to help everyone like her and be able to rescue them from their uncertain future.

    Yet it is in those uncertain futures that God has a dwelling place already in mind for Chris and I pray that this unfortunate turn of events will lead to blessings for her.

    And bless you Maru for being where you are helping and providing comfort.


  12. remarutho says:

    Thank you Steve!

    It blesses my heart no end to hear your swift willingness to pray for my friend. She also is in ministry to those around her. I can only imagine the shakiness of leaving the house of a morning and not being too sure it will be yours when the evening comes.

    I am reduced to angry tears for the seeming injustice of it — yet when Chris emerges on the other side of this ordeal, she (and we) will be strengthened by our part in her deliverance. It is strange and wonderful that there appear to be “things the Lord will not or cannot do unless we pray”. (Matthew 13:55, 56, 57, 58)


  13. poohpity says:

    Pat, at the first of every month we receive a mailer written by Mart in with ODB, it then is posted in articles in the upper left corner of this page. It is new every month. Some very, very good articles just like all the others Mart writes. Very thought provoking.

    Maru, praying for Chris and her family and trusting in God for His provision with you.

  14. phpatato says:

    Thanks Steve for clearing up the two topics for me. My computer is, in computer years, a relic (in actual years only 5 years old)and is in need of a tuneup. I didn’t know if it downloaded the page wrong because often times it says that there are campatibility issues with Internet Explorer..whatever that means. I might have to bit off buying a new one. I have already replaced the monitor.

    Thank you Deb for pointing out to me that the insert included each month in Our Daily Bread is then posted as a topic for discussion. I didn’t realise that. I have a pile of those inserts that I have saved from each month’s mailings. I like to reread them because I find them, as you say, so thought provoking. Great food to feed on, aren’t they?

    Maru, I will be keeping Chris in my prayers as well. Just trust that all things work together for good. God Bless you and Chris.

    Leaves are in full colour display here. Cloudy and humid 18c. Mart I hope you are missing that slushy snowstorm that is making it’s way from Minnesota into the northern parts of Ontario. It’s far too early for that white stuff to fall.

  15. His Sparrow says:

    Hi Friends!
    remarutho for Chris: God will never leave you.

    The bank tried the same thing with me, but I avoided the lie.
    Overcome by other events, I’ve had all I worked for stolen by the enemy… my material things, finances, the things necessary to function in this world. However, I’ve been set free, in my life, from heavy burdens and chains.

    Tonight I have a place to sleep, enough food for today…and my best friend is Jesus.

    In the traditions of holidays and feasts, such as this topic covers, its a time to reconnect with God.

    Set a table tonight, have communion with Him.

    In foreclosures there is a money given called a “move out.” See if the bank has that ready for you now.

    His Sparrow

  16. remarutho says:

    Thank-you Steve, Pooh, Pat & Sparrow — and all who are saying a prayer for Chris today. Thanks also for the good word, His Sparrow. I believe Chris mentioned “cash for keys” yesterday when she shared her troubles with us.

    It was a blessing to, stop, join hands and pray right in the coffee shop for God to intervene and bless. Only Jesus knows what effect that witness has had! Chris is not asking for more than a full-time job with benefits for herself and her kids. We’re all trusting in the Lord to guide Chris to the place He has prepared for her and her family — plus the provision to make a living.

    So grateful for your prayers BTA Friends!


  17. poohpity says:

    I was thinking how can we remember the provisions of the Lord if we have taken credit for the changes in our lives, for the things we have, even for earning God’s favor by the things we do. Celebrating the festivals in the ancient times of Israel there was no doubt of God’s provision. They walked through the wilderness for forty years, their clothes, shoes did not wear out. They were fed and watered directly from God. God used means that were unexplainable to free them from their captivity in Egypt. There was no doubt what they had came from God in today’s times we trust so much in ourselves that we do not see God’s hand as clearly although it is there always.

    We fight our own battles using the means we find necessary to achieve the goals we have set for our selves that fit into our own lives. Some feel that God is not at work as closely as He is.

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    BTA family… we are gathered here together by one commonality, the unfailing presence of Christ in our lives.
    It is the one possession that the world can not give us or take away from us as we remain in Christ so does His Presence remain in us.
    I do try to make every effort daily to remain in contact with that precious reality as it is my most valued possession.
    The constancy of it is my compass, my anchor, my armor,
    my everything.
    In that presence I find my life directed, purposed, protected, and never ending.
    In Him do we all live breath and trust, as we place our hope of hopes within His grasp and He embraces every moment we desire.
    Prayer to me is the never ending absolute, and to say Amen is like to lovers who tell the other to hang up first, finding the line remains always open and connected.
    Here we find it is a party line for all, designed by the Creator.
    Did you know that Apple computers were designed without an off button, becuase its creator Steve Jobs feared death as the end of all communication, and an abandonment he couldn’t handle. How tragic, the he would not accept the open line offered to him from His Creator. He was fearing death over acceptance. I’m not hanging up first!Gary

  19. dja says:

    Dear All,

    I want to thank those of you who were praying for me when I had my MRI today. I took a prescribed pill a half hour before going in, but once they closed the head piece and brought me into the machine, I had a panic attack. They brought me out, and I just fell apart. The 2 technicians were so very kind, and then they went out to the waiting room to get my husband. They suggested that I take the 2nd pill, and I asked if I could have my eyes completely covered before putting the head thing on. After all of this, I went back in, and I was able to stay in there for almost an hour and a half for all 3 tests. I am so thankful for your prayers and the kindness of the ones who were there, including my dear husband. Now I need to wait for the results, which, thankfully, I don’t feel anxious about,. (I think I’m just so happy to have the MRI over).

    Maru, please know that I will be praying for Chris and her family. May the Lord comfort her and open up just the most wonderful job and home for her.

    Again, thank you for your prayers for me.


    Rainy in NEPA but the leaves are beautiful. It’s suppose to get colder over the weekend, but that is to be expected:-)

  20. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    We are also reminded to leave our sins behind; left with examples of happened to those who didn’t and to set our hearts to do what is pleasing to the Lord. RBC’s ODB reflects on this today. (5th) Thank the Lord David C. McCasland was led in His writing. Many take the verse 1 Cor 10:13 out of context and use this to tell people that God won’t give you anything that you can’t handle. This is false as God allows us tragedies we can’t handle quite often. We as Christians must not tell people He wouldn’t give us anything we couldn’t handle. First, you can’t back that up by His word. Do those who don’t know the Lord and may have lost their job, child or home think that God doesn’t love them because they certainly can’t handle their current tragedy? Most of us don’t “souly” line up with Him when things are going well and I believe He allows us many obstacles so we may grow. This verse is talking about sin. God won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. We don’t like to acknowledge this when we are caught in the grips. 1 Cor 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    AmazedbyHis grace… my thanks to you for stating the very thing I was preparing right after I had read, and fully absorbed, today’s ODB. Thanks to David C McCasland
    that he does not just paint the easy parts of the scriptures, like scandals and clothing never wearing out, all our provisions provided by God for our protection and direction, and for the nourishment for the body and the soul when He is clearly leading his people into His promised land. That’s all great. But, do not leave out the displeasure the God can serve up upon those who do not obey His commands, those who live as they want in their preferred sins.
    They were scattered in the wilderness, and it was not just a few, but many. 1 Corinthians 10:5.
    Even though you may today be on the clearest path to your promised land, you had better also please your God through obedience to his commands and put away your immoral acts, and your defiance to obey.
    It tells me quite clearly that there are conditional elements which must be addressed before you can enter the promise land, and if you do not comply, you will be scattered in the wilderness. It seems to me that many of those chosen felt they were without any restraints upon them, and they where to be stepping into His Glory they thought they were guaranteed. 1 Corinthians 5:7, 8, 9, 10, 11 all need to be conveyed or absorbed, obeyed or applied to how we must live to please God today. All the words, and their warnings, are there for a reason! To complete the entire story, not just paint the Glory!
    God’s unconditional love is never ending, very true.
    But it clearly has conditions for us today that must be obeyed, for His Wrath and His Justice will not be over-ruled by any modern doctrine or teaching that opposes the wholeness of His Word.
    We are Sentenced by Sin, Saved by Grace, and then, finding out and living out what pleases God.
    All written for us, and therefore, are there for a reason!

  22. oneg2dblu says:

    I beleive today’s ODB quoted 1 Corinthians 10:5,6 from the NIV which uses the word scattered.
    Today’s courts may overthrow many of God’s well penned plan for godly living with the now popular moral decline, or the sins they now embrace, but only God can scatter His People into the wilderness because of their wrong living.

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    1 Corinthians 10:5,6 NIV

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    For those who do not have one…1 Corinthians 10: 5,6 in the NIV states:
    “Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered over the desert.
    Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.”

    To me, Scattered bodies in the desert can mean nothing other than a certain absolute abandonment and death, or Hell.

    Sorry, I read my warnings from the NIV. :0

    Egypt= when mentioned in the bible represents evil.
    Bodies Scattered= God’s displeasure and judgment.
    Wilderness or Desert= a place of abandonment resulting in eternal death, or Hell.
    Promise Land= Heaven

  25. cherielyn says:


    I will be praying for Chris & her children. I wish there was a way I could help. If I had an address to send it to, I could and would send a little something to help her out.

  26. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All!

    Yes Cherielyn! The thing moves me to tears also. I have asked prayer partners all over the place to pray for her provision and deliverance! I will convey the fact of your prayers — many, many times more precious than any resource any of us could offer. (Romans 15:13)


  27. poohpity says:

    Della, glad to see you made it through the MRI.

    Gary, the best thing I learned from that 1 Cor passage is that when we have pride that we will never act like folks in the desert we are reminded by Paul in 1 Cor 10:12 NLT to be careful that we to may fall into sin but God has provided a way out. Jesus faced temptation right along with us Matthew 4:3-10 NIV. If we do in fact fall into sin then we have 1 John 1:9 to remind us that forgiveness is just a confession away. It is a good reminder to stay away from sin but it does happen the Good News is 1 John 2:1-2 NLT

  28. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… you do seem to always find your charge of pride as an issue in every passage whether it is written there or not.
    But in the actual words I read…
    I saw a people who were being led by a cloud and a pillar, clearly on their way to a promised land, who would not put away their indulgence for pagan revelry, some who commited sexual immorality while under God’s cloud and pillar, some were idolaters while under God’s cloud and pillar, some tested the Lord, and some were grumblers while under God’s cloud and pillar. They clearly fell away from God’s protection and provision, as they were scattered by Him. Most of them apparently were not careful, as they fell back, or continued in their sinning.
    Paul warns us, knowing well, that they were all tempted just as we are all tempted, even on our road of life heading to our promised land, sin has its consequences.
    The lesson here is not that we all must continue to sin, and confession is our way out, but that all apparently did not. Those who remained together, who pleased God with how they lived, made it through to the promise land. The lesson here is not about us having a place of confession after we sin. But by living in a way that does not please God, we could be scattered, even when we are under his direction and provision. Our sin still has consequences that could leave us in the wilderness as well.
    Those who think not, because they want to continue in their sin without consequence, they are the pride filled ones I see today who will not obey his warnings.
    To me, no one took them out of the Father’s Hand and no one removed the cloud and the pillar. God alone scattered them because He was not pleased with how they were living. His love for them is never fell away, they did.
    That is the lesson I see written here.
    I don’t see a “good reminder,” but I do see a very clear warning, how we live and the choices we make today make all the difference on what actually pleases God, and what does not please God.
    But you continue to see only pride in anyone who exposes sin for what it is, and in this story, God is the one who has exposed sin for what it really is.
    Even if you are walking under His Protection and Provision, your salvation, you can still fall victim to being scattered, overthrown, abandoned without direction or protection, because you displease an Almighty God who has warned many times in His Word, that sin definitely has its consequences.
    To me, Forgiveness and Confession is found in another story, but it is not written in this one.
    Please correct me if I’m again found out of context, or just too full of pride for pointing this out!

  29. poohpity says:

    Gary I would have to challenge you on the fact that on a whole I do not read more into scripture than is there. I do not often focus on the sins of the populations but on the work of the Cross. I also do not see that it is my job to point out sin, it is only the One who was perfect that could point out the sin and be justified in doing so but chose to save rather than condemn. If you would confess your sins to us rather than pointing out our sins James 5:16 that would show humility rather than pride.

    1 Cor 10:12 NIV; 1 Cor 10:12 NKJV; 1 Cor 10:12; all speak a warning to me that if we think we will not sin be careful because we will. Just answer me one question that could put a stop to this once and for all, do you find that you still sin? Yes or No

  30. poohpity says:

    I will however take a closer look at how I read scripture and see if it is as you say that forgiveness and confession is found in another story and not in the story written in the whole Bible. Thank you for the feedback.

  31. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh.. How cunning a question you ask…one you never seem to stop asking me.
    “Yes, I still sin.” If forgiveness of any sins could be had through a confession here, then this blog site would have no room for anything else.
    I currently do all my confession to my Lord whom I am daily accountable to, not currently to any man but directly to my Lord. Have I missed something greater?
    The story of forgiveness and confession are to be found elsewhere in the bible.
    You know in your heart you are out of context by saying I said, it is not in the story written in the WHOLE BIBLE. Why would you do that here? Whom does that serve?
    After all, on your 10:57 post, was it not you who explained what you found in 1 Corinthians, not what was in the whole of the bible, while you’re holding me to the whole bible. I don’t get it!
    I was however refraining my limited discourse to the actual story found in those few verses cited in the ODB for today, not the whole bible, but you seem to have conveniently missed that point, and only point to my being so pride filled by my sharing about the consequences of sin here!
    You may not feel it is your job to point out sin, but pride is sin, and to that point you are always pointing. Thank you for your feedback as well.

    I’m going to hang up on you now, for the sanity of myself and others, and let this very strange affair of fault finding end right here. Click!

    Here’s my confession to all the saints …”I am no longer living in the Pagan revelry, or any sexual immorality I used to, thanks to my finally receiving the power of the words found in 1 Corinthians 10:13, and applying them to those temptations which did hold me easily captive in my old understanding, and my old walk.
    My list of old sins is much greater, but it will not be shared here as it may be seen as pride to those who are still struggling with them.
    I will gladly pray for anyone here who has not yet found the power over temptation which 1 Corinthians 10:13 can impart when fully understood through the Help of the Holy Spirit living in you.
    I do not want or need to know your particular weaknesses or your sin life to pray for you to be strengthened through God’s Helper, and God’s Word.
    “No temptation has seized you that is not common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will provide a way out so you can stand up under it.”

    It does not say stand up “after it has become your chosen sin,” but it says while it is still a temptation, and temptation is not sin!
    But some will read into it what they want to hear instead, thinking only of their sinning and then asking for forgiveness. But, that is another story, not the one told here! Gary

  32. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    “I will gladly pray for anyone here who has not yet found the power over temptation which 1 Corinthians 10:13 can impart when fully understood through the Help of the Holy Spirit living in you.”

    I would ask you to pray for me as I lack the power over temptation and seem to relapse back into old ways that should have been dealt with a long time ago.
    I suppose immersing oneself in the Word of God would help to counter temptation.
    I have only recently began to understand your stance on “the law” & sin and am beginning to agree with you.


  33. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Bob, fighting against sin is good, but it is better to fill yourself with Jesus, fill your cup with Him:
    It is just now that these two verses stood out:
    Gal 3:26-27, Romans 13:14

  34. oneg2dblu says:

    BobinCornwall… Bob in Christ, your prayers, your faith, your possession of the Holy Spirit given to all believers, gives you a way to stand up under temptation.
    If we have the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit living in us, we are in Christ.
    If that third person of the Godhead can not help us to obey when tempted, then we believed that He allows us to go against the wishes and commands of the Father and the Son and we have believed something other than the truth, and believe in vain.
    Christ has said in Luke 6:49 NLT “But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruin.”
    Christ is that foundation every believer must build a relationship upon. It is not built by any human hands, but by the Spirit that lives within every Believer.

    As to Scattered Seed…

    Luke 8:11,12,13 NLT “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God’s word. The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved.
    The seeds on rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation. The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.
    Luke 8:18 NLT ” So pay attention to how you hear. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what they think they understand will be taken from them.”
    Mark 4:23 NLT ” Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
    Bob you are that honest, good hearted person who hears and understands the message, with patience comes a maturity, and with maturity a great harvest.
    Being in Christ we all are part of that great harvest!
    You are the good soil that will produce. Prayers! Gary

  35. poohpity says:

    Gary, all I have been saying over all this time which if I tell you again you probably still will not understand. It seems to me as always it is easier to look at the sin in others while neglecting the areas in our own lives that need work. I do not know how much plainer I can say it. Yes we all still sin but if we spent as much time looking at ways to do good rather than pointing it out in everyone the world would be a much better place. Legalism is setting down our morals/rules and expecting others to live by them.

  36. poohpity says:

    In that 1 Cor passage it seems to be saying if you think you would not do the things that the people did in Moses’ time beware because those things are common to all man and if you think you will not rebel you will but God has provided a way out from the temptation to sin. If we stand on the thought we would never do that is what 1 Cor 10:12 seems to be saying in context of the rest of the passage. Similar to pride comes before a fall.

  37. poohpity says:

    So I was not pointing out your pride that is not for me to do I was talking about it in regards to that passage.

  38. AmazedbyHis grace says:

    oneg2dblu Thank you for the comment after mine on the 5th. The heart wrenching false statement that Christians say (God won’t give you anything that you can’t handle) has been prayerfully weighing on me for many years. Addressing the correct context finally happened globally via RBC’s on the 5th. A blessed/best birthday gift! Here’s a new thought for you. We see “those that believeth in me shall never perish” and we see “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” There are Christians that are living a cold to lukewarm life and Christians that are in line with the Lord, serving him, aware of Him and living for Him throughout the day. Do you think the first must wait for judgment, yet are kept secure in the Lord and the latter immediately pass on to the Lord?

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