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The Greatest Harvest of All

As we come to the end of Israel’s September 30 to October 8 Sukkot holiday, I’ve been thinking again about the significance of a harvest festival (Exod 23:16).

Israel’s annual cycle of seven harvest festivals gave a nation an opportunity to remember that no matter how much human effort goes into the agricultural enterprise, it is God who gives the increase.

What makes the harvest festivals of Israel distinct from any other nations’ thanksgiving holidays is that they were linked to an epic drama of historically rooted acts of God.

Until Jesus, the cycle of harvest festivals pointed back to  events that began with God’s deliverance from Egypt on the night of the Passover sacrifice. Even the “great ingathering festival” of Sukkot/Tabernacles was celebrated with symbolic “camping out” shelters that reminded a nation of how God had then shown his ability to provide even in a barren wilderness.

In the beginning, the annual cycle was given as a reminder to those who would be inclined to think that it was by their own hard work (or by relying on other gods) that they brought in the harvest and made their own daily bread.

From our point in history we see something else that we’ve talked about before.

After Israel had been in the land for hundreds of years, Jesus of Nazareth, combined his love for the poor, his miracles, and his wisdom, with a plan of rescue that took place during the week of his people’s  Spring Festivals:

  • The Feast of Passover
  • The Feast (week) of Unleavened Bread,
  • The Feast of Firstfruits (for the barley crop)

Looking back, these first three feasts gave a rich historical and spiritual backdrop for the greater “Exodus” events of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

It was on the night of Jesus’ own Passover sacrifice that Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)…

Seven weeks (fifty days) later, the Spirit that Jesus had promised to send in his absence (Acts 1:8) came during the feast of weeks (also called Pentecost). It was a holiday that was used not only to  thanks for the first fruits of the wheat harvest, but traditionally to remember and celebrate the giving of the Law to Moses.

By the giving of his Spirit, the resurrected Lord showed how the harvest would grow.  In the end, the greatest of all ingatherings will not be celebrated in honor of the law of Moses, but with overwhelming thanksgiving for the Spirit, mercy,  grace, and love of the God who literally planted himself in the ground– for us.

In a political season that is obsessed with differences over which side is right, more moral, and better for our country, this might be a good time to remember that the joy of the harvest is not found in Moses– but in the mercy of the One whose story the great lawgiver of Israel helped to tell.




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36 Responses to “The Greatest Harvest of All”

  1. bubbles says:

    Good morning, Mart. Thank you for another lovely post.
    I have wondered if the Lord will come back for us during one of the harvest times. . . but then we aren’t Israel. Only a thought; and no one knows when Jesus will come.
    Knowing how the New Testament happenings coincide with these festivals deepens understanding. It’s beautiful how God orchestrated these events.

  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends!

    It is a beautiful truth you point out, Mart, that the very high and holy days that have come down to us through the nation of Israel – the family out of which Messiah was born – are all grounded in the planting, growing and harvest seasons of the land. Isaiah wrote:

    “All flesh is grass;
    all its loyalty is like the flowers of the field.
    7 The grass dries up
    and the flower withers
    when the Lord’s breath blows on it.
    Surely the people are grass.” Isaiah 40:6, 7 CEB

    Jesus speaks in the prophet’s terms when he tells the crowd that all flesh is like the grass, or the flowers of the field – here today and tomorrow cut down, threshed, ground and baked into bread. Matthew 6:30, 31, 32, 33

    His reminder is not to tell them (and us) that they are worthless. Rather, he emphasizes that come what may in world power, political struggles and personal crises, the Lord takes note of our every need and moves mightily to provide for all, and for each one. What comfort in these anxious times!


  3. remarutho says:

    My Isaiah reference is more like Isaiah 40:6, 7, 8.
    Bear with me. :o) Maru

  4. poohpity says:

    God promised that the whole world would be blessed through the Jews. That blessing was Jesus. Jesus said that His nourishment came from doing the will of God by harvesting all the human souls around us that are ripe and ready for harvest. When we withhold or make excuses for not witnessing by thinking some may not be ready to hear the Good News we may be preventing a harvest. John 4:34-38 NLT

    Sharing the mercy, grace and forgiveness found in Jesus is our life time job.

  5. cherielyn says:

    From Marts post: “Until Jesus, the cycle of harvest festivals pointed back to events that began with God’s deliverance from Egypt on the night of the Passover sacrifice. Even the “great ingathering festival” of Sukkot/Tabernacles was celebrated with symbolic “camping out” shelters that reminded a nation of how God had then shown his ability to provide even in a barren wilderness.”

    I have often wondered if the Rapture would occur sometime during the Harvest Festivals – God harvesting, delivering us from the evils of this world, resulting in the great ingathering of His church. Regardless of when that might occur, it will be a time of great rejoicing and celebration, finally going home to be with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ forever. I so look forward to that day.

    Cold and windy today, in NE WI. Off and on snow flurries for the past couple hours. 31 degrees when we got up this morning and now 43.

  6. foreverblessed says:

    I had difficulty commenting here this morning, timed out… was the message, many times, and my comment gone, luckily I had saved it before sending.

    Mart is trying to say that the joy of the harvest is not found in Moses but in Jesus: It is Jesus who fulfilled the first festivals, the Passover and unleavened bread (Jesus dying for our sins, we living in faith in Jesus Life), the wavesheaf offering (Jesus presenting Himself in heaven after His resurrection)and Pentecost (the giving of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, the start of the Church, which in the old testament was the day when the 1o commandments were given on mount Sinai).
    It is Jesus who is the center of the Festivals. If Jesus is the center of our lives, if we have Jesus in us, then we have reached the fullness of things, and it is fulfilled in us, what the old testament festivals looked forward to. Col 2:17,1:25-26,27 Galatians 3:24
    It is in Christ we live and move and have our being, lets focus on Him, on loving to do His will, which is the same as that of the Father.
    As Pooh wrote, doing the will of the Father is Jesus nourishment, thanks for that verse, that is food for thought, doing God+s will is food for my spiritual life if this was.
    Maru, the seed dying and giving a great many others seeds, is a type of Christ too, And so it is with us, when we die to our old self, bury it with Christ, and live a risen life of faith in Him, then we will be a blessing to others around us, and leading souls to Christ.
    Cherilyn, I am convinced that the fall festivals have a meaning for the future, like the gathering of the harvest, it must be the ingathering of the souls that have chosen for Christ. But as God has not yet been clear as to what it would mean…I will go on with my life, searching to be in the will of the Father, as Pooh verse was…my meat is to do the will of the Father

  7. s2inkzoo says:

    As I was thinking about todays devotion in the Daily Bread, it struck me that the fruit of my life becomes the seed planted in someone else’s life. I never thought of it this way before. So, just as a walnut falls to the ground and a new tree will sometimes grow, the fruit of my life in showing kindness, gentleness, love, joy and the like, are not just for me to enjoy, they are seeds from which God’s kingdom can grow. I had always thought more of the seeds being the Word of God. But it is more. It is also the fruit we bear. But we only plant, or water, or nurture. Only God can bring the life, growth, and fruit.

    So Lord, let me remember that the fruit my life shows is seed to another. May I do things in love. Both a love for you, and a love for other’s. But may I remember that I am to bear the fruit of the Spirit, if I have the Spirit. Not a fruit that grows from me and my nature, but a fruit that grows from the Spirit and abiding in Christ. As the Greatest Harvest approaches, guide me to what my part is in increasing it, not just in spreading our word, but in showing the fruit of the Spirit.

  8. SFDBWV says:

    When I walk outside or look out the window I can usually tell you what time of the year it is. If at all confused on a clear day I can tell by where the sun rises as well. Yet God says in Genesis 1: 14 he set the lights in the firmament for *signs* and seasons.

    Do you have to look to the night sky in order to figure out when to harvest your crop? No you don’t, the crop tells you when it is ripest and ready to harvest, if left too long in the field it will rot and ruin and be worthless for anything.

    It is past harvest time here in my area of the world, the corn and wheat, oats and hay have long been cut and stored, vegetable gardens have been gleaned clean and either plowed under or await the spring.

    There are dozens of Fall Festivals going on in the town’s counties and schools all as a celebration of harvest time and the colors of fall.

    Only Thanksgiving next month will center on giving thanks for the harvest.

    I have bought books and tapes and videos all concerning the Jewish feasts, and I am as confused today as I was at the beginning as to what their full meanings are.

    What I do understand is that they have multiple meanings and lean toward exposing the Messiah in life, in the spiritual and in the life to come.

    When we are told to dwell in Christ, are we talking of before everything began, as well as during our wandering lost and in a wilderness or even now while we await the many mansions He has prepared for us or of the new resurrected bodies?

    When Mart titled this subject “The Greatest Harvest of All” I thought we would be speaking of the rapture as well as the great coming judgment where the harvest will become then finished and all the waste thrown away into the fire.

    All roads may lead to Rome, but all conversation in scripture always lead to the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth the Christ.


  9. s2inkzoo says:

    . . . Should add that the things done from the flesh, sow disention and the like, working against the harvest . . .

  10. poohpity says:

    Steve, I think in the times the Bible was written the analogies of harvest were a thing that most could associate with because that was something they all new about to compare to.

    Harvest of unsaved souls; Matt 9:37-38; Luke 10:2 John 4:35; Romans 1:13

    Sowing good works to harvest; Gal 6:9; Heb 12:11; James 3:18

    At the end of the ages; Matt 13:30,39; Rev 14:15

  11. poohpity says:

    At the end of the ages rather than looking at how many of Moses laws we followed we can now, since the work of the Cross, see if we did as Jesus commanded us in John 15:12-14,17. Showing to others the amount of grace and mercy as was shown to us and look at the laws of Moses as they were made to point to the only One who could follow them.

  12. foreverblessed says:

    Today is the eighth day of the Feast, Leviticus 23:34-35,36,39
    It was on this day that Jesus stood up in the Temple and preached John 7:37-38,39
    At the Last Great Day of the Feast Jesus has a big message:
    “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.”
    If the Fall Festivals also have a meaning for the future, of things to come, then this message of Jesus is for me the most hopeful for all people on earth, at the last day, which is a Great Day, Jesus still has a message of hope: Come to Me
    I vision this also to mean in anybodies life: the last day of anybodies life: Jesus says: Come to Me. But this is my hope, this same God who said: My mercy is everlasting Psalm 136:1-2,3-4,5-6,7-26,
    is a God who says at the Last Great Day: Come to Me
    Maybe God waits until anybody will get thirsty and then He will say: Come to Me and drink.

  13. foreverblessed says:

    The Last Great day is tomorrow, October 8
    Sorry it is not today. But Today, if you hear His voice
    Hebrews 3:12-13,14-15

  14. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thank you foreverblessed, your words sit well with me tonight as I missed our Harvest service this morning.
    Living in a Fishing & Farming area, harvest is a particularly important time.
    Your last quote from Hebrews spoke to me to be watch full and not to stray away into sin but to remain vigilant.

    Nights drawing in and clocks go back in a few weeks.
    Soon be Winter again!


  15. foreverblessed says:

    Did you see that the most important thing in that verse is: an unbelieving heart? We can believe that Jesus will help us, in Him through the Holy Spirit we fill our hearts, and so can say no to sin.
    If we think, it is no use, Jesus can not help us, we loose heart, But if we keep on coming to Jesus, even if we do that for years and years, not giving up, we will in Him be victorious over sin, So hang on to Jesus, have faith in Him, do not let go. Faith in Jesus is so important.
    1 John 5:4

  16. poohpity says:

    Oh yes, forever, “our faith”!! That trust and dependence in our God. Real faith is never disappointed.

  17. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… isn’t strange to you, that every time I try to follow a word like this one you just posted in Hebrews 3:13 ESV and exhort anyone here with warnings about the ramifications of sin, I very quickly get labeled as wrongly pointing fingers at others, and not seeing my own faults.

    Which do we then do, adhere to the word and exhort one another as the word tells us, or not exhort one anther
    because some here will not tolerate any exhortation?

    I’ve been told here, that only a sin-less one can point out sin in others, and that it is not our job to follow the things found in this verse.

    There seems to be a double standard on how some of us choose to obey and use scripture. As long as we don’t really apply it to others here, it seems to be tolerated much better.

    I wonder if you have any thoughts on those who hold this double standard, where it is okay to post a verse, but not really attempt to apply it as written? Gary

  18. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    Off topic here…
    Hope all is well in your lives! I’ve been really busy these last few months. I work longer hours now, and I don’t have very much time to chat with yall anymore. Looking forward to the next holiday when (hopefully) I will have more time to catch up.

    Love to all…

  19. poohpity says:

    Gary, I thought the Hebrews passage means to exhort each other to remain faithful to the Lord. Those who followed Moses did not trust God as they once did so they were not allowed to go into the Promised Land. If we persist in unbelief then God will leave us alone. Exhort means to strongly advise and in the case of Hebrews 3:12-14 NLT it seems to say we are to strongly urge each other to not lose our faith that we once had when we first became Christians.

  20. poohpity says:

    The more we cling to the Lord the less we will desire to do those things that are not pleasing to Him. It is the Lord who changes us from rebellion (sin) to being righteous. We can never be good enough to please God without the covering blood of the Lamb. If we have faith in that then when the greatest harvest comes we will be one those who are harvested.

  21. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    To Exhort means to encourage, to advise, to keep in line.

    It is a word of encouragement and good advice, it is not telling us to point out sin but rather to help others to look up and see the goal to egg on to cheer.
    Like the Olympic crowds this year.
    The Athlete could run that little bit faster and obtain the Gold prize because of the exhalations & encouragement of the people.
    It does not mean to point out sin or fault, that is the job of the coach/trainer, The Holy Spirit!


  22. foreverblessed says:

    S2inkzoo, that is a very good point: the harvest of our own lives, being love and joy, and all other fruits of the spirit, but that these are sown as seeds in other peoples lives! This is so amazing, instead of trying to tell people the Gospel we should focus on showing people the Gospel being active in our lives. And even if we have these things in order to show it to others it is of no use, we have these fruits because of the love that is in our hearts. We know that God loves u s very very much, because of the Son who died for our sins, and even more, who lives to daily intercede for us. We live for Him, and turn our eyes on Him, and then the fruit will follow. But if we turn to our neighbor and have all our energy on reaching him, we are not focused on Jesus, the author and Perfecter of our faith.

    The following is an answer to Gary, and out of topic
    Gary, I guess, you have been answered here above.
    Encourage, means positive remarks: follow Jesus, love Him with all your heart.
    I had 4 verses in Hebrews, one of them was against sin, and it was not my main message, it was just there
    In your comments I sense that your main focus is against sin, and that wont last long, you get exhausted. I know this because I was brought up in a church which main focus was fighting sin. And I can tell you right now: it only works for awhile. But the fruit of such church is: burned out people, fake lives, all shiny at the outside, no love within, lack of love.
    They were also afraid of talking about Grace, as they thought talking about grace is only enhancing people to sin, as they will be forgiven anyway.

    It is like the empty cup: fill it with Jesus, if Jesus is not living there, sin will fill it again.
    It is like the horse and carriage, you put the horse in front of the carriage: let the horse pull it, That is Jesus, the lifeline between us and Jesus is faith, if their is no faith, Jesus cannot work in us, the motor is love, anything that is not done out of love is of no lasting value.
    It is a matter of our will: do we want to follow Jesus with all our hearts of not.
    Have we set all our desire on doing God’s will, have we found out what God’s will is, that is also important to know. In my old church they were thinking it was primarily keeping the 10 commandments, that that was God’s will for us. Which narrows Jesus life so much, being like Jesus is so much more then that. So my advice would be: get more knowledge of Jesus, and Who He is, and whatever comes to light about Him, do it yourself in faith that Jesus will provide the strength to be like Him.
    We started with Jesus, we crucified our old self with Jesus on the cross, and we live in faith in Christ. I agree, that when we have not killed (or are not busy doing that) our old human nature then… we are on dangerous grounds. But once we have, we live in love, not focusing on not sinning, that is like putting the carriage in front of the horse, useless hard work, it doesn’t work.

    I love to tell the story
    of Jesus and His love
    an old christian song
    I have been training myself to do that, and it takes years to let it grow in me, so long does it take to have the -not sinning- mentality thrown out. Gary, I encourage you to focus on Jesus and His love. Put that first in your comments, in the middle and in the end. That like what S2inkzoo wrote the fruit of our lives being love and joy, and peace and yes even this one which is very useful in not sinning: self-control, but it comes after love, joy, peace these are first Galatians 5:22-23
    I am getting carried away, but this point really is so in my heart. It is the love of God that is the conquering factor, and that through faith. If we have no faith there is no line between us and God, and no strength from Him flowing to us. So be attached, never let go.

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    BobinCornwall, Pooh, Foreverblessed… I find it amazing that none of you seem to have seen the word (evil) in those verses! Nor does it seem that you saw the (deceitfulness of sin.)
    You all act as if sin has no consequences for you, and that must be because you are sold out to believing something other than what the words actually say.
    I believe you choose to believe in a false teaching of unconditional security, or a OSAS type of salvation, which would have to support your position, but do not support any of the opposing words found in the bible about sin, continued sin, unrepented sin, deceitful sin, heart hardening sin, the sin that causes many to fall away, just to believe in such a false and deceptive teaching that is so prevalent in our crooked and depraved society today, a teaching which must promote, never “falling away” after initial salvation.
    Hebrews 2:12
    “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
    Hebrews 2:14, 15
    “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life- in order that I may boost on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.”

    Who are those crooked and depraved but those who do not stand against sin, but embrace everything in all love, even love of their continuously repeated and unrepented sin, thinking they are still saved if they believe this Doctrine of Unconditional Security, or OSAS.

    False teaching in this generation has put many in opposition to my words shared here on sin, and too many other words clearly written in the Word of God, about the eternal consequences of sin.

    Here are a few conditions for eternal life found in the bible… which to me, prove it can not also be unconditional.

    Luke 9:23
    “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily.”
    Deny Self,
    Take up our cross daily,
    And Follow Jesus, are all clearly conditions!

    Unless, you have come to believe something else, some other teaching above even Christ’s Words sited here, then your sin, is really based on some unbelief as well. For we all must hold on, and endure to the end, to have our salvation in eternity with Christ.

    Hebrews 6:10, 11 NIV
    “God is not unjust: he will not forget your work and love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show the same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.”

    Galatians 6:8, 9
    “The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one how sows to please the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

    Galations is written to the believers in Christ!

    Those today, who now sow both ways, sow only a falsehood because the weeds are allowed to grow until the harvest, which will be the “Greatest Harvest of All.” But, they will not be in the Kingdom of God, according to the Word of God.

    No doctrine followed by modern man, will ever change the eternal, prewritten, Word of God.
    Just a thought…Gary

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    I meant to reference Phililpains 2:12 NIV, not that Hebrews verse. My humanity does get in the way at times
    and I err! :(

  25. oneg2dblu says:

    Spelled correctly it should read Philippians 2:12 NIV.

  26. SFDBWV says:

    If you were not an inhabitant of this planet and were a completely different life form what would be one of the common observations about life on planet earth?

    All life starts from a seed of some type, grows and dies, with the cycle of life being complete and repetitive.

    God created everything and everything in His creation follows these rules, planting, growing and dying. There are very few life forms on the planet that doesn’t live off the life force in another; the one exception may be phytoplankton and algae which seems to subsist only on sunlight and water.

    Before the fall in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve and all creatures ate the fruits and seeds of plants (Genesis 1: 29, 30). Fruits and seeds containing the possibility of becoming a copy of the very thing they came from.

    In their death they give life to another.

    With disobedience God killed an animal in order to clothe Adam and Eve. Innocent blood was shed to cover their *shame*. Blood was not shed in order to feed them, not at this time that would come later, both in the physical as well as in the spiritual.

    Once out on his own mankind had to scratch a living out of the ground all in a futile cycle that would end in death (Genesis 3: 17, 18, 19). Adam’s curse is that without God all is lost and futile and meaningless.

    The agricultural harvest which gives reason for thanksgiving and a purpose for the feasts, also gave a shadow reflection of a spiritual harvest to come. All because One Special Seed had to be born grow and become the bread of life for all others.

    Everything in our lives is about planting seeds and growing their results. Some are thorns and thistles while with God some bare fruit.


  27. poohpity says:

    Although this is way off topic again, what happened at your salvation? You received the undeserved grace and mercy of our Lord. Because we have been freed from the consequences of sin we now can live a life focused on doing good. Acting out with fear and trembling seems to say we must focus even more on Christ when no one is watching and keeping focused on Christ we will stay away from sin. Could it be possible that what you have learned is another doctrine that keeps your eyes focused on sin rather than on showing people the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gary most of the time all you speak of is sin and yes it is right that we stay away from it but our eyes, heart, soul and mind need to be not consumed with sin but with grace.

    Where your mind is there your heart will be also so if your mind is on sin all the time that is where your heart is too. Have you not experienced the grace and mercy of our Lord who paid your sin debt? Then our lives are no longer consumed with sin, we do not want to sin any longer but there are times when we do. None of us again have ever said it is OK to sin, it is not OK but we focus on the good we can do as we live in vital union with our God.

    Do you not have a Pastor you can go and talk to about this? This same conversation has gone on since December of 2010. I think we are saying some of the same things but in different ways but it is obviously not going to be cleared up on here.

    Come on brother let’s talk about this topic. I am very interested in what you have to say about it and let the sin and OSAS go, please.

  28. foreverblessed says:

    Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
    There is so sin in aiming to live in the Spirit, and the positive side is that we produce a harvest, a spiritual harvest for God, but God does not want us for the harvest, but because He loves us, but He knows that if we walk in love with Him, we will produce a harvest of love joy peace patience Gal 5:22

  29. davids says:

    s2inkzoo, Thank you for your reflection on the idea of fruit bearing fruit. It is a powerful and important message.

    Gary, I understand the message that we need to keep God’s commands, and that is important. In fact he tied it directly to fruit (John 15:8-17). “9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

    So at the end, it seems that Jesus expressed his greatest command as love over judgement. That seems to be the example we need to follow.

  30. davids says:

    Your linking of John 7:37-38,39 to the fall festivals was quite instructive. Some look to the fall festivals as signs of our Messiah’s return, but this passage links them rather to important messages he had for us.

  31. His Sparrow says:

    Hi Friends!

    For me the joy of the harvest makes me think of the Fruit of the Spirit-the greatest harvest of all.
    I want to be fruity for Jesus! The Fruit of the Spirit is Love. Jesus is Love.
    Oh, its just so good.

    When I think of the character of love, it reminds me of a pomegranate. One fruit with the seeds like a copy of the fruit, all a part of Love, but having an action of Love.

    The seeds are like jewels, rubies.

    If a pomegranate is picked before its time, the juice is acrid.

    I pick them just as they split and the juice is very sweet.

    The crushing of a pomegranate also gets me thinking about how Love was crucified and His blood and water ran out of his body.

    His life for mine and yours.

    I had two 35 year old pomegranates at my last house.

    They gave at least 200 lbs of fruit each year and protection from the wind.
    I miss them.
    I enjoyed sharing the fruit with everyone.

    His Sparrow

  32. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… I certainly do not focus on sin for sin’s sake, but for both my sake and theirs I only focus on the continued sinning in my brothers and sisters who claim to be in Christ, yet, they still are not living free from their sin, because they do not believe they can let it go, or have to according to a certain doctrine, because that would be works to them. They do not understand that we can, and we are commanded to, resist evil. We can, when we overcome temptation with the power and help of the Holy Spirit in us.

    The real truth is this, if we did overcome and let our sin go, we would know that it was the work of the Holy Spirit in us that gave us this victory over temptation.

    Then, when we are tempted again, we could go back to the Holy Spirit that gave us this victory, for both His help to overcome temptation and to prove our now tested faith to be worthy of the fruit He can produce in us.

    Faith that is not tested can not be trusted.

    Temptation to sin will never be taken away from us in these bodies, for as long as it is called today we will have troubles, temptations, and testing.

    For those who claim to be in Christ, those who possess the Holy Spirit, we should also have the fruit of overcoming temptation, which in many, now goes without victory and leads to their continued sinning.

    I believe any teaching that can make allowances for our continued sinning, which is nothing but our failure to overcome temptation, is nothing more than misdirecting and abusing God’s Grace which should set us free, not keep us captive to our old ways like Pagan’s who now live, those who are without God’s help and are freely sinning.

    We have our faith in Christ, our salvation in Christ, and God’s helper given to us for a reason, all freely given to us, so why live defeated when it comes to temptation, which then leads to our sinning?

    Victory in Jesus is victory over temptation as well, if we follow him and obey his commands, endure to the end, hold on to our faith, take up our cross daily, and deny self.

    If we truly follow Christ who preached promises and warnings, why not obey, believe, and share both, especially in the Body of Christ!

    According to Funk & Wagnalls… exhort, to urge by earnest appeal or argument; advise or recommend strongly. To utter or give exhortation.

    That is what I am doing here, a type of preaching a hard message to the choir. Gary

  33. poohpity says:

    I guess I trust in God to point out the sin in a person’s heart and life because His truth is always filled with grace and mercy.

  34. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Gary, I would like you to tell me how on earth when all my desire is to follow Jesus, how can my desire go out to sin? Tell me, or do you not believe that Jesus when He has a place in me is stronger then sin? Is your heart hardened because of unbelief?
    Did I tell you that there is no effort in asking Jesus to enter my life everyday, and to discipline myself to do say until He is there with every breath I take, that that is the effort, the force we practice to ask Jesus to reign in our lives?
    DO you believe that when Jesus lives in you more and more, that evil has to go. Evil cannot abide where Jesus’ light shines in us. The effort we do is asking Jesus to shine more and more in our hidden parts, and make light.
    I would like you to apologize for accusing me on Oct 8, 9.58 am.
    It is on that Last Great Day of the Fall Festival, and on that day I realise so much more how thirsty I am for Jesus, and in my thirst I call on Him, and say, Jesus fill me. And I believe He will fill me, and His strength in me will be my strength.
    I never said there is no effort, but the effort should be put in the positive side. I also found your remark on love very accusing as if the Love of Jesus is not strong enough to conquer evil: Shame on you.I say, repent of this hardness of heart, and turn to Jesus and ask for m ore of His love.
    SO we will all have a great harvest for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and for His Father and our Father.

  35. His Sparrow says:

    Hi Friends!

    When I think about the joy of the greatest harvest of all…

    sometimes I used to race out to the fields and the orchard in the morning to pick the prize fruit before something else got it, or so that the day’s growth would be poured into the fruit that was still growing, maturing.

    I don’t think of faith as something that “wanders or falls away.”

    God said we are each given the/a measure of faith. And with all the natural world as an example, it grows, stops growing, bears fruit in it’s own time or not.

    The plants don’t uproot themselves and walk away.

    The Bible uses language like: the root of Jesse, I am the branch (Jesus), you are the vine, vineyards. In those instances it uses a plant, like grape, that is severely pruned to produce more fruit. Grapes also go dormant. They “die” winter and “come back” in spring.

    Then there is the language about being grafted in or in-grafted to the plant-like a “wild” olive to an olive tree under care and cultivation… it’s easy for me to get carried away here (because I’m a botany geek !)

    So my point is, this proverb, once again, came to mind this morning 18:20,21 (KJ):

    “A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love if shall eat the fruit thereof.”

    I identify with King David, “My sins are ever before me” but, God told me not to pick at the scabs.

    The proverb speaks to me that I can be focus on the love–speaking and living the positive in the Good News from Jesus, or I can doubt and talk about the scabs, and start picking at them, wondering, doubting, that there is healing underneath or not…

    In the “race” with Jesus as the prize, whether I was at the finish line or alongside someone, I would be shouting to others, “come on, we’re almost there, keep going, breathe, look ahead, you will see Him, come on, pace yourself with me, we can do it, He’s waving at us…)

    Or I could call out: “Hey, if you’da trained yourself more, you wouldn’t be so far behind; if you don’t pick up your pace, you won’t finish; look back, everyone else is gonna pass you; you know, if only you’da”….

    So there’s always the temptation to look at sin, more than The One who paid for ALL of it. But my way out is found in Hebrews 12:1,2 (KJ)

    Follow me, I’m going with Jesus.
    1Corinthians 11:1
    “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”

    His Sparrow

  36. oneg2dblu says:

    davids… in response to your 6:55 post… thank you.

    You have stated the example we need to follow as Love over Judgement? Yes, of course!

    What do you consider sharing God’s warnings with our church family to be, a form of Judgement, or a form of Love?

    Could it be that not sharing God’s warnings, as a form of Judgement or Love?

    I see a church filled with a people who say they are filled with the Spirit on Sunday, but live a divided life from that Spirit, as they serve and live in their fleshly sinning nature instead.

    Some of them, who live by a very popular false doctrine of security which says, I’m already forgiven, so nothing can be taken away from me. Not Ever!
    So, my returning to my old nature as if no Spirit of God has ever lived in me, has no affect on my eternal salvation.


    Just ask yourself this, or ask some of those who follow this doctrine of being Once Saved, Always Saved.
    Do you think that when taken to its well taught and very popular extremes on sinning, it becomes very dangerous testimony of the churched?
    It is so very visible by the world around us, who see those who now sin freely as Pagan’s, and without fear and trembling, saying God is now blind to my sin, I’m Saved and nothing can change that, “No matter what!”

    I know it is a well intentioned teaching on faith, showing the character and power of God above all else, but it is abused by many in the church today as their excuse, their crutch, that allows them to not ever change.

    How shameful that some preachers will still teach such falsehoods about sin and salvation, saying there are now saved people, who can and will, still be able to steal, murder, rape, abuse children, remain helplessly addicted to their immorality, idolatry, drunkenness, filthy mouthed, liars, spreading evil everywhere they tread, but on their way to the Promised Land, because they are saved?

    How absurdly deceived do you think those churched people have become following such a false teaching as this, Once Saved Always Saved?

    I prefer to live in my still hoped for, Salvation in Christ with the faith I now possess, and live, honor, and obey the message of righteous living as well, which is attainable by those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, instead of living hopelessly addicted to my old unchanged nature saying, I’m safe, I’m good with that, because I’m Saved, “No matter what!”

    Perhaps, I’m old school in my thinking, but we did at one time think much differently about sin in our lives,
    and where taught at one time about sin in our lives differently as well, but this doctrine is held higher than any other teaching today, as it tickles many ears and as it misleads many, finding even the warning of sin as no longer relevant in their lives, and they will no longer tolerate it!

    Have you also witnessed this great deception placed upon the ever failing, ever sinning, churched today as I have, and find a heart of love for them within, a calling to bring to light, deception at its finest hour. Gary

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