When I wrote in my last post about the way time has changed my thinking about the Bible, I was thinking of what has happened as a result of:
Listening to the way others interpret or apply the Scriptures.
Discovering the complexity and simplicity of life, circumstance, love, and honesty.
Seeing that many of us hurt inside more than we let on, which means that others are hurting far more than we realize.
Discovering that our calling is to love rather than to condemn, without neglecting our responsibility to try and show good judgment in the process.
Slowly discovering that everything else in the Bible needs to be considered and reconsidered in light of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection…
While seeing also that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus need to be considered and reconsidered in light of everything else in the Bible…
By coming to believe that: (1) that all of the Bible points to Christ (all that is true, beautiful, courageous, self-sacrificing and good—being personified and fulfilled in who he was, and what he did (Matt 5:17; Luke 24: 25-45)… and all that is false, deceitful, misleading, and hurtful combining to show us what he came to die for) and (2) that all of what he asks and helps us to be– is summed up in loving one another as he has loved us (Gal 5:14).
Concluding that God is far better, and infinitely more loving than any of us can imagine.
Would be interested in whether you resonate with some of these thoughts, and which ones you would take exception to.