A television commercial series for Dove Soap for Men promotes its product by showcasing well-known athletes talking about their life with a sense of satisfaction. Each ends their ad saying, “My name is i.e. Magic Johnson and I’m definitely comfortable in my own skin.”
The effectiveness of the commercial seems to depend on whether enough viewers will admire the self-confidence of these athletes, subconsciously link that self-assurance with Dove soap, and buy the product.
So am wondering. May sound like a stretch. But what if we applied the idea of being comfortable in our own skin to the Body of Christ?
As members of his Body, do we find ourselves less patient with ourselves and one another because we are trying to live by high standards that regularly reveal our failures? Does knowing the nature of our self-centered flesh cause us not only to put no confidence in ourselves but also make us suspicious of one another? Are we comfortable only in saying ideas for which we can give chapter and verse? Or are we willing to take risks because we realize we’ve been forgiven and are therefore inclined to cut slack to one another?
These are honest questions… and important… because I suspect that it might be possible to come to wrong conclusions in both directions. I think this is a subject worth talking about in light of what the Apostle Paul said about the liberty that we have found in Jesus Christ– which is for enabling us to experience the fruit of the Spirit… rather than to indulge the flesh (Gal 5).
Note: By the way, I am presently in Curitiba, Brazil spending time with our Brazilian team, area churches and leaders. Would appreciate your prayers that the Lord would give me desperately needed wisdom and clarity in what I say in meetings and relationships. We are also beginning to tape conversations with international Christians for possible radio use.