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Home is Where the Heart is

Am back home again after a wonderful few days with our team in Curitiba, Brazil. As the pic shows, it’s Spring in the southern hemisphere.

Thanks so much to those who prayed for and with me along the way. I was repeatedly aware of the Lord’s presence and provision in opportunities to talk with different groups about the role of wisdom in our lives.

On several occasions, had a chance to speak about the comparisons and contrasts between “The Wisdom of Solomon and Peter” and  “The Wisdom of Solomon and Jesus”.  We’ve talked together about those issues in this blog.

Haven’t yet read all of the string of comments you’ve posted while I’ve been on the road. But from what I’ve seen so far, I appreciate the way you have been talking together and listening to one another on some very difficult and less than certain issues.

World’s largest rodent

Am convinced that one of the things that we all keep bumping into is that, while the Bible tells us so much about ourselves and our God, there is so much more that he is not yet ready to tell us. I think we get a hint of that when the Apostle Paul talks about a man” who had a mysterious vision of heaven where he heard things that are not permissible to repeat (2Cor 12:1-4).

What Paul could repeatedly declare is that in the Cross we see the heart of a God who is far better– and who loves us far more– than any any of us could ever imagine (Eph 3:14-21).

To the extent that our lives reflect that confidence– I’m convinced that we are “at home” and “moving along” in Christ wherever we are.

Note: The real story of Brazil, as always, is the people… in Christ, and yet to be reached. Curitiba is a modern city with about 3 million in the wider metropolitan area. Interestingly, learned that the land mass of continental USA could fit into the borders of Brazil.


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58 Responses to “Home is Where the Heart is”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Good to see you are safe at home Mart.

    In the last topic some of you were concerned for us in the approaching “Frankenstorm”. I thank you for your concerns and prayers. Claudia down there on the Chesapeake is likely to see the worst of it as is Della up there in eastern PA, and Kingdomkid7 there in DC.

    Back in November of 1985 a hurricane slammed into West Virginia and dumped 14 inches of rain, the result was catastrophic.

    What is worrisome is that the experts don’t know what to expect.

    Either way we are facing significant snow or so they think Tuesday through Thursday. We have had lots of snowy Halloweens, so this is nothing new for us, but the news service is filling people with fear, I hope they are wrong.

    Nevertheless, I have spent the last couple days trying to prepare for the worst all the while hoping for the best.

    I think Solomon and Paul would both agree that is the best course of action for any of us.


  2. SFDBWV says:

    Mart what is the *tube* alongside the bus in your picture?


  3. SFDBWV says:

    Your mention Mart of Pauls vision of heaven and not being allowd to speak of it reminded me of my dream I shared with you all.

    Allowed to experiance answers in order to calm my spirit, but not allowed to remember them.

    I will always have tosay *Father* knows best.


  4. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks for recalling that dream. It says so much.

    Also good to hear that you are doing what you can to be prepared for whatever happens with Sandy. Would be wonderful if she defied the predictions and wandered out to sea. But as you indicate, wouldn’t be smart to presume the best.

    The tube is a distinctive covered bus stop that Curitiba apparently is known for. You pay inside the tube and step off of a raised platform directly into the bus.

    They too are in the middle of elections right now (theirs’ being local mayor and councilpersons, I think. Everyone is required by law to vote, with the possibility of a fine if they don’t– without good reason.

    Their voting is state of the art in that they get the results within an hour or so of the end of the voting day.

  5. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Mart, thank you for setting forth once again the spirit of wisdom (Solomon & Peter – Solomon & Jesus) that is more and more needed in the life of the church. There is a whole universe of wisdom and understanding of Christ’s kingdom, like a massive ice berg, unseen and largely undetected by our human perceptions

    You wrote:
    “What Paul could repeatedly declare is that in the Cross we see the heart of a God who is far better– and who loves us far more– than any of us could ever imagine (Eph 3:14-21).”

    Over here, we are planning a change in the worship space of our church: a large cross with special colorful purple-heart wood at the center. The team designing and making the cross are very excited about the meaning of it for the people who will see it – and as a gift to the Lord.

    The depth of the love of God for the creation cannot be sounded by human hearts and minds. It seems to me the church is seeking ways to share and express the wonder of God’s gift that have not been used much in the recent past – at least not in the USA mainline. Acts of worship in the arts; teaching creatively through life-enhancing services to the community; more people-to-people interaction. I am believing active forms of teaching the message of Christ’s love will reach the hearts of the peoples in new ways.

    Glad you are home safe!

  6. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I hope all goes well with this storm you are having.
    Please don’t pray too hard for it to go out to sea as we eventually get your cast off hurricanes over here in West Cornwall.

    Mart I believe Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 193 million people. It also has the worlds six largest economy, so is not doing too bad in these hard times.


  7. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Home is where your heart is!

    We have a saying on the wall of our church just over where I usually sit.

    “Our home is in Heaven, Earth is just our business address”

  8. His Sparrow says:

    My dear Lord Jesus: mi casa eres tu casa. All He wants is our hearts. That is the wisdom.

    The Lord will keep you all in the shelter of His love, whatever the storms of life.

    I love my BTA family very much.
    His Sparrow

  9. hereigns says:

    Good morning to all! I’m a “newcomer” here. Have followed Been Thinking About for a while though. Glad you are home safe from your travels Mart. What a wonderful journey and the opportunity to do the Lord’s work. Steve, I remember the weather in 1985 in WV as I was living there at the time in Preston County. Quite devastating to many towns, farmers, loss of homes,and jobs. Caused me and my family to move to Michigan. But my heart is still there in God’s creation in WV!

  10. His Sparrow says:

    Hi Mart

    Your comment about the U.S. fitting inside Brazil…the Holy Spirit reminded me of this song

    and I want to share it with all. I’m not supposed to leave out any of the lines.

    It’s kind of a lullaby, (maybe sung by the group ‘Mommas and the Poppas?) I’m sure it’s been in sung in the organized church. I haven’t heard it since the 60s?

    The Holy Spirit reminded me of a song, His lullaby, this morning…

    He’s got the whole world,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got the whole world,
    In His hands,
    He’s got the whole world,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His Hands.

    He’s got the little bitty sparrow,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got the little bitty sparrow,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got the little bitty sparrow,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His Hands…

    He’s got (say your name) baby,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got (say your name) baby,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got (say your name) baby,
    In His Hands,
    He’s got the whole world in His Hands!

    Peace, His Peace…
    His Sparrow

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Heriegns, good tidings to you neighbor. I am almost a neighbor to Preston County (just south of Garrett Co. MD along the North Brach of the Potomac) and know several people there in Preston Co.

    Many men and a couple women worked here in the mines from Preston County until the big employer sold out closed up and moved on.

    Rowlesburg and many other little communities along Cheat River were casualties to that November flood. We set up a staging posture here in Bayard and began distributing goods and necessities to every community affected by the flood along both Cheat River and the Potomac.

    It was one of those eye opening experiences that taught me that people took care of each other long before the government showed up. It was a marvelous adventure to see God’s love demonstrated as it was, but heartbreaking to see such destruction and loss of lives.

    I hope you continue to contribute to the community, my wife has family in Michigan and as you know there are plenty of us hillbillies strewn all over the country and all miss the country roads of home.


  12. poohpity says:

    So very sweet to have you home safe and writing on the blog again. Missed your wisdom.

  13. davids says:

    Maru, you commented, “Acts of worship in the arts; teaching creatively through life-enhancing services to the community; more people-to-people interaction. I am believing active forms of teaching the message of Christ’s love will reach the hearts of the peoples in new ways.”

    In previous times, people of faith infused the arts: architecture and painting here in Europe; Bach and other musicians; poetry and music from Milton, Blake, Wesley, the 19th century Revival and Gospel songs in the US.

    I think I am agreeing with you in saying that if there will be a revival, it will not take place within the walls of the churches, but out there in the culture and in the society, with Christians engaging with other people in their lives.

    Welcome home, Mart! I think your visit must have been a great benefit to the people there and to you.

  14. Bill says:

    Welcome home, Mart!

    I’m glad you’re safe and sound, and that you accomplished much in Brazil.

    You wrote:

    “Am convinced that one of the things that we all keep bumping into is that, while the Bible tells us so much about ourselves and our God, there is so much more that he is not yet ready to tell us.”

    I agree with you. I think there’s a lot about the Bible that we understand and agree with…and a lot about the Bible that we do not understand and do not agree with.

    It’s easy to rejoice with each other regarding the former…it’s harder to rejoice with each other regarding the latter. But I believe the Bible is clear that we are to do that very thing.

    I learn much from my brothers and sisters here. I do not always agree with them. They do not always agree with me. But I never feel condemned or outcast or rejected by anyone here.

    For their grace, I am grateful.

    I believe there’s a reason for the grace in BTA. It’s because that’s the spirit RBC projects to the world — a spirit of kindness, compassion, openness, and wisdom that is increasingly rare these days.

    Thank you for creating this space, and allowing us to interact within it so freely!


  15. poohpity says:

    Mart, I have often wondered what it would be like to understand how Jesus would leave a place with no corruption to walk the path of those who are corruptible. Someone purer than anything I can understand to take on the filth even our purest motives can not come close to. To offer us something we will never fully understand how immense it actually is. The biggest glimpse we have is how all encompassing the Cross really is yet some even take that by trying to fit it into a box of explanation our corruptible flesh can conceive.

  16. bubbles says:

    Well said, Deb. I agree. I wonder if the sin and flith that surrounded Jesus made him tired. And he could hear their thoughts, and knew all things about everyone surrounding him.
    No doubt the sin laid on Jesus while he was on the cross hurt him in a way that we cannot understand. The pain must have been far worse than the physical pain he suffered, and then to have his Father, who had never been separated from him for all eternity turned His back on Jesus. That is a pain we cannot understand.
    “When I survey the Wondrous Cross” is a favorite hymn because it speaks to this, and the love of laying down His life willingly for us who do not deserve his love or what he did for us.

  17. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Hi David, You said….

    “I think I am agreeing with you in saying that if there will be a revival, it will not take place within the walls of the churches, but out there in the culture and in the society, with Christians engaging with other people in their lives.”

    I totally agree with that.
    God is about to move in a new way.
    The established church will not be overlooked but there are already signs of “pockets of light/fire” springing up all over the world. I was going to say the age of the big rally has gone, but only last month, our hallowed Wembly Stadium was filled to capacity with 80,000 people all praying for our nation.
    When people get together like that in one accord and release the power of heaven then something is bound to be released and move here on Earth.

    What you said also reflects the discussion we have had previously, that loving one another has a profound effect on both us and the person we love.


  18. BruceC says:

    Glad to hear that you are safely home Mart and your trip a blessing to you.

    Please all in prayer in the path of Sandy. I live in upstate central NY and although up in the mountains we are not immune. It was just a little over a year ago that flooding from irene and another storm put 8 to 10 feet of water in some villages. Locally I have seen the little creek behind the house take out two-lane concrete and steel bridges in the past. we are as ready as we can be and continue to pray for all.
    The Lord never, ever leaves us.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  19. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    Keeping the entire USA East Coast in prayer today & tomorrow…and possibly beyond, as the storm lumbers along. Lord willing, the thing will veer east out to sea to blow itself out.

    Also praying for the civil agencies, churches and just plain home-folks who are staging themselves to respond to calls for help. Praying for the best, but preparing for the worst When our hearts and hands are alive to Jesus and one another, we make ourselves available to one another. Fill the water jugs and replace the flashlight batteries!


    PS Apparently, the 7.7 pt. quake in the Queen Charlotte Islands has not produced the size tsunami that was predicted. Thanks be to God.

  20. Mart De Haan says:

    Seems like when the ground starts shaking, the water begins to rise, or the winds start howling, we get a reality check.

    And when a tree falls across the road, we find one another.

  21. remarutho says:

    Amen Brother!

    Come Lord Jesus!

    In Him,

  22. fadingman says:

    The title phrase, ‘Home is where the heart is’, reminds me of what Jesus said about where your treasure is in Matthew 6:21. Just as the earthly things we value most should be at home (i.e. family), the eternal things we value most (think about and long for the most) should be at our eternal home. I just view all the trials and troubles here on earth like travelling annoyances on my journey home.

  23. oneg2dblu says:

    Prayers to all in the path of destruction, escpecially those who have no Saviour to call upon, may this be their God-given shaking, rising, and falling tree, that brings them together with Him for Eternity, and may they live to share it! Gary

  24. poohpity says:

    That reminds me of the third stanza in “Amazing Grace”.
    Through many dangers, toils and snares
    I have already come;
    ‘Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
    and Grace will lead me home.

    We go through all kinds of dangers, toils and snares but knowing that it is God’s grace that brings us through until the day we finally go home to safety. To just think of how much we miss here by not trusting everything to God and knowing that with Him is where we place our hearts in His unbounded love now we can also live in that safety.

  25. SFDBWV says:

    Just stopped in to see what may be up and say hello. Hoping Mart and everyone else is able to enjoy being home and relaxing a bit.

    It’s been gray and misty for the past two days. It is 47 degrees which is pretty normal even warm for this late in the month.

    Have BBQ chicken baking in the oven and potatoes cooking on the stove, the aroma is making us all hungry.

    “Home is where the heart is” reminded me of another saying that goes along with it. “Where your heart is there are you also.”

    Sometimes that isn’t true as many are far from home and far from where they want to be and are only where they are because of circumstances beyond their control.

    For them every day is long and unhappy and lonely, I pray for all those who are away from their hearts content to be reunited with their hearts desires and finally at home even if just for a moment.


  26. bubbles says:

    That was beautifully said.

  27. SFDBWV says:

    It is 37 degrees and light rain this morning. Whether meant to warn, prepare or scare us these weather predictions are making us all unsettled.

    The call for us here now is for blizzard conditions beginning this evening and going through Tuesday until Wednesday, Snow accumulations between 6 and 20 inches.

    No one is going to be prepared for long extended power outages so prayers for many are ask to calm the storm and the fear in them.

    Getting weary of battles as there is always one more to overcome.

    Blessings toward all.


  28. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Steve, Glenna and Matt, thinking of you all this morning & praying for your watch care. Forecasts are for much snow. Sitting tight may not work out in this case. Hard to judge over here on the West Coast…The Lord bless you and keep you.


  29. Mart De Haan says:

    Steve, am guessing that what you’ve expressed about the contentment of being finally home– even for a moment– is a taste of the paradise Jesus promised the crucified thief who, in their dying moments, asked Jesus to remember him when he took the throne of his kingdom.

  30. BruceC says:

    My wife and I are busy in prayer as we both have family in the New Jersey, Long Island, metro New York area.
    Last year after hurricane Irene and tropical storm Lee hit upstate NY with a one-two punch we took a trip to the Village of Schoharie to the Old Stone Fort( a Rev. War site) for their annual re-enactment of the Indian raids and British raids there. The fort sits on high ground so they didn’t cancel the activity because of storm damage. The flood did not reach that site.
    However to get up there we had to drive through the village of Schoharie; and the devastation there shocked us. The news reports did not even come close in their descriptions.
    It was a ghost town. Empty convenience stores, Mom & Pop stores boarded up and empty. Almost all the homes had their windows and doors open and they too were empty and airing out. Even the County jail and Sheriff’s Office on Main St. was deserted. It was a very eerie sight to say the least. I pray to our Lord for all in the path of this storm that is coming. Many in our area are not yet over the effects of last year. May the Lord use His people in the area of the storm as He has in the past; that His Light will pierce the darkness and touch many lives through this hard time.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  31. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Maru, it is difficult to set and wait for this to arrive, we’ve done about all we can and now it is just for us to wait and see.

    Mart as you are aware there are several dozen lessons and truths to glean from those moments the three men hung on their crosses, with each others eternal future in the balance and that balance being the fulcrum in the middle.

    For many of us that moment in Paradise is worth all of the effort to be there.


  32. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce it looks like the storm will reach you as well,I too pray for your wellbeing these next few days.


  33. cherielyn says:

    Home IS where the heart is and when that home is disrupted by something like this approaching storm, the devastation left behind, after a storm like this, is sometimes much worse than the anticipation of what it might be. How does the heart respond when the home is destroyed? Hopefully it rests in the Lord. My prayers are with ALL who are in the path of Sandy, for God’s protection of you and yours.

    I recall all the predictions of what might possibly happen regarding Y2K. People were in a panic and making all kinds of preparations. I was (still am) on my county’s Emergency Management committee and the EM director, at a meeting shortly before the end of 1999, asked who was prepared and what had been done to prepare. I shared that we had a gas stove and gas light, in the basement, so we could still cook & have light in the event of a power failure. We also had (still do) an outhouse and that we could disconnect our electric water pump and use a pitcher pump to get water. We also had stocked food supplies to last awhile. We had a wood furnace, for backup heat, as well.

    The EM director then asked how long it took and at what expense to be so well prepared. I responded that we didn’t need to do anything special to be prepared because those things had already been in place for over 20 years because power outages used to be a common occurrence in our area! We have always been prepared for the unexpected.

    BTW, I have only one daughter. Her name is Sandy!

  34. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… really like that fulcrum picture.
    It displays for us that all who are currently dying,
    and that means all humanity,have to make a choice,
    or have already made one and will not change
    their opnion, right or wrong.
    The fulcrum weighs both, as it bears the weight of all!
    To Follow Christ we must also bear the weight of criticisim, pain, injustice, hardship, darkness,
    rejection, in a world where both light and darkness
    exist. Prayers to those who hang on either side!
    For many know not what they do, and for those who do know, they also make many wrong choices.
    All have been set upon that fulcrum to bear!
    Thank God, when we repent, through that fulcrum, He removes that weight of our wrong choices, restores us, and gives us the power, and the strength “within” to stand up under further temptation, as we pray for Him to lead us not into temptation, Luke 11:2 NIV.
    For He is the Kingdom and the Power and the Life Everlasting, for ever and ever!!

  35. poohpity says:

    We are quick to prepare for the warnings of up and coming storms like Jesus mentioned in Matt 16:2-3 but the signs of the times we have a hard time recognizing. But how prepared are we for the trip to our eternal home, Matt 25:1-13.

  36. poohpity says:

    Mart, the thief on the cross next to Jesus reminds me of the parable of the hired men. He was hired last but received the same wages, Matt 20:1-16. We who were hired early have so much yet to do for His Kingdom and the workers are so very few for the harvest.

  37. SFDBWV says:

    Gary, thank you for expanding on my fulcrum picture of our Lord; it is always exciting to see it done like the Holy Spirit wants, people working together to get the message out.


  38. SFDBWV says:

    Great big silver dollar snow flakes coming down very heavy, starting to accumalate, 33 degrees.


  39. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I know only one thing, and I don’t live it myself…
    Love is the answer to everything we are talking about.
    Without love we are nothing.
    As for these storms you are having.
    I was talking to a mate on the harbour wall today.
    We have 80 to 90 mph winds constantly here and many very high tides, but we don’t have a media panic very often. usually after the event if it is a bad one.
    What is the phrase? “You need to Man up”


  40. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I have to add that we very rarely get snow, maybe once every five years for a couple of days and then only a sprinkle that stops the whole community.
    So you see it is what you are used to.
    Steve in the mountains knows all about snow, I know all about raging winds and high seas.
    Man up? No, we all have our own fears!


  41. Bill says:


    You wrote:

    “I know only one thing, and I don’t live it myself…

    Love is the answer to everything we are talking about. Without love we are nothing.”


    And so true.

    Thank you.


  42. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… sorry I fell a little short in my refrence address, by not re-reading it thoroughly through, as it should have been,Luke 11:2,3,4. Then there is the rest of the Lord’s Prayer, with even more expansion. Not to mention the rest of bible, which all points to that blessed fulcrum, Jesus Christ. Gary

  43. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Gary, when I first met you on this blog I wondered where on earth you were at, but now I know!
    You are a loving human being. as fallible as the rest of us.
    I love you!


  44. oneg2dblu says:

    B T A… Yes, love may be the only answer for others here.
    Truth is, for me, without Christ, I really had nothing to give others that would come even close, to eternal love, or eternally save them.
    Band-Aids and a few bucks, I do still carry in my pocket and lovingly give where the need arises. But, what if I also fail to give others what we all really need, a Saviour?
    Sharing the Gospel is the Greatest Love you can give someone. I know for a fact, that in my 47 years of running around looking for this thing called love, and having had many returns from others, I only found real love when I found it to be in Jesus Christ, not in any man, or in his band aids.
    To me, the Holy Spirit in me, has already equipped me to share His Message, the gospel, it is in my testimony about what changed me into becoming His.
    Anyone can share a band aid or temporal love, but only those equipped by Him, can truly share Him!
    In that, I’ll rest my case, on the temporal verses the eternal, or love verses the gospel issue.
    Your love meter and others here may spin in another direction than mine, and I’ll just trust that both are directed by Him.
    Please think on this…even Pagans can and do love, and oh so very convincingly, but is that really sharing Christ, or what Christ did for us, and will actually do for them?
    For “who,” so loved the world?
    I don’t think it is, Bill, Bob, Gary, Deb, Mart, Steve, Peg, Bruce, Pat, Della, Ray, Maru, or any others here, but it is Christ in us, “revealed,” that will save the world around us, the world we really know!
    Yes, I’m preaching to the choir again!
    Perhaps it is the same message, but using a different verse, than others.
    Then again, Home, is where the Heart is! Gary

  45. oneg2dblu says:

    Thanks Bob… I love being called a failure, then being loved. I think that is exactly how I came to Christ, first recognizing my failures, and then His Love.
    You do have a way with words! Gary :)

  46. poohpity says:

    Wow Bob, there are winds 90 mph constantly that would be so hard to even walk around and that is really bad. I do not know how the people there handle that. It must be similar to the winds in 1990 during the Burns’ Day Storm that turned over vehicles and damaged buildings with the winds being 97mph. To constantly live like that must be very fearful.

  47. Mart De Haan says:

    poohpity, I agree. I think that parable, together with so many others that Jesus gave us, is going to end up being far more significant, than we’ve ever imagined.

  48. poohpity says:

    This weekend I was talking with some friends about God having unconditional love. Some said that Gods’ love does have conditions on it and I just could not understand their premise. To talk about something that Paul suggests in that Ephesians passage as “surpassing knowledge” how can we even try to explain it. I read in one ODB article it stated that Gods’ love is “unbounded” that seems like a better explanation than unconditional but to even think that any action in love we could take towards another to me would fall so short in comparison and might even lead to a bit of pride on our part by saying we are showing the love of Christ to someone. It would be nice if we could but I think knowing that anything we do is of no comparison at all to the kind of love that “surpasses knowledge” that seem to be done without wanting anything back can we really do that or should be be OK with doing the best we can?

  49. billystan says:

    Hello brethren or if you prefer; brothers and sisters. ?:>) I do not see where any of the contributors to this post are wrong. I know that in my own life, for many years I searched unceasingly for love. It was not until I quit scanning the horizon and looked down at my Bible that I found it. Yes God is the undenyably, endless source of love. As we read in Matthew 28:19, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” (NKJV)
    If it had not been for the willingness of a dear brother in Christ teaching (discipling) me, I believe that on my own I would not have picked up the Bible, and would not have been able to share our Heavenly Father’s word. It is only through God’s love and His grace, that this ex-drunk could live a life where joy is the main ingredient.
    It is through men and women like you, willing to share the truth of the gospel, and the reason for the cross. For twenty two years booze was my only concern. I ran when people tried telling me about Christ and what He had done for me. All except for the one day in 1985, when what I thought was a drunken hallucination, was in fact an old ex-drinking buddy who shared with me his testamony.
    The person I used to know was not even recognizable to me, the Christian life had completely changed him. He gave me his love by sharing his heart, and I believe that only God could have put him in frount of me that day. He told me how much God loved all men, in my eyes he was living proof of God’s love and his courage, changed my life.
    So there you go, without sharring God with others, are we not in reality denying them their oppotunity to enter God’s knigdom? What if we were the only person that could have gotten the Bible’s message to___? Just like myself I do not believe that anyone else could have gotten that message to me, I refuse to take the chance that the same could be true of me.

  50. oneg2dblu says:

    billystan… thanks for your witness, your testimony, your sharing something that is eternal, something that is given to us all, the Great Commission!
    Each of us knows when we fail that type of sharing, we know we’ve missed that divine appointment and of course we do not get that moment back. There are no accidental meetings in the economy of God, who arrives before us, remains with us, and lingers after we are gone.
    All so we can give the message we all carry inside for Him! Glad you posted my brother, for the timing was perfect. Gary

  51. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Billystan, yes thank you for sharing that.
    It adds weight to Garry’s words and also gives us all hope that “one day” we may be an instrument that will affect someones life and that, that “someone” will change the world.
    In other words, the “butterfly effect”, our small contribution in one place can create a hurricane in another.
    Was awake at 4am and watching BBC world news.
    New York has been hard hit by this storm.
    I am pleased the authorities have planned ahead.
    Pity they did not do that for New Orleans a few years ago.
    Being black in the USA still has drawbacks, even if you are president!
    sorry for the political comment, but often things look so much clearer when viewed from afar.


  52. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Thinking of you and praying for you.
    Another winter of heavy snow in West Virginia.

    Take Care!


  53. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    Your comment October 29, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    was a bit “tongue in cheek”

    Obviously we do not have 85 mph winds here every day, but we do get them often and they last for 24 hours or more with seas lashing over the harbour walls.
    I was just making a point in that media coverage often creates panic and makes news from a non event.
    I am not suggesting this “Frankenstorm” is a non event but it needs to be kept in perspective.
    I can remember times when the rivers, floods and storms in Bangladesh have killed hundreds of thousands of people. We just need to get real here and understand that closing the metro & stock exchange is not on the same scale as thousands dying.


  54. oneg2dblu says:

    Bob… I do not think what happened in New Orleans was a black issue at all, any more than what happened in New York. It was a tragic storm!
    Unless of course, you have been convinced beyond the shadow of any doubt, or prejudiced if you will, because some black people have pointed to it as being such.
    Warnings were given and ignored, just like in the bible,
    and people made their own bad choices!
    But for many, unfortunately, everything seems to take on the prejudiced flavor they prefer.
    To each his own and to each his own choice, good or bad.
    Personally, I do not “own up’ to labeling a tragic storm, anything but tragic storm.
    I believe storms are created by weather, where the unending storm of prejudice, is created by people.
    In my humble opinion, Gary

  55. poohpity says:

    Any event in any bodies life we need compassion and empathy no matter if it is not as bad as some we may have suffered or experienced. To down play it in any way does not seem very loving or caring to me but that is just me. Of course the political implication are just propaganda as usual.

  56. poohpity says:

    Like I said in the past it is all a matter of the condition of one’s heart and that is not determined by where we live, what race we are, our gender, our intelligence or our social status but of how much of our heart the Lord has.

  57. phpatato says:


    The last part of your last sentence which is posted on Sandy’s no Lady…..”would be nice if I could bottle the warm and send it on.”…. reminds me of a trip my husband and I made to Newfoundland one year. While on the ferry that runs from Sydney, Cape Breton Island to Argentia, Newfoundland, I stopped in the gift shop. On the shelf was a can. An empty sealed can. The can was wrapped in paper that had a picture of a lighthouse on it with the words…Genuine Canned Newfie Fog.
    Ingredients: cool, moist Atlantic air combined with pure Newfie fresh air.

    Contents: varys from light fog to as thick as pea soup.

    Warning: Avoid opening in automobiles or aircraft, may obstruct view of driver or pilot.
    Do not open whle sun-tanning, may cause sun to disappear or present tan to fade.

    Canned especially for: Residents of Newfoundland and the many visitors who bravely venture on to our shores.

    As you can tell, I bought a can for my husband.

    He has always said, “you can take a boy from the island but you can’t take the island from the boy”. Home is where his heart is. The next best thing to him is …. a can of Newfie fog.

    Thought you’d enjoy a smile.

  58. His Sparrow says:


    So very cute!!
    Oooh Yes! I want a can of Newfie fog!

    Oh! you love your husband so very much-is he blessed or what!!!!

    His Sparrow

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