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A Life-Changing Analogy

Downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

In my last post I mentioned being  impressed by an ETS presentation about what the Gospel of John says about our union with Christ.

Instead of starting with what the Apostle Paul says about Christ in us (Gal 2:20; Gal 4:19; Rom 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5; Col 1:17), Robert Peterson from Covenant Theological Seminary read a paper (Union with Christ in the Gospel of John) showing that Paul’s emphasis is deeply rooted in the teaching of Jesus himself.

I came away with a renewed and deepened awareness of a life-changing (and life-saving) analogy: that as the Son is in the Father—and the Father in him, so is the Son in those who believe in him– as they are in him (John 14:10-11; John 14:20; John 17:21; John 17:23).

In response, one of our friends expressed the opinion that many believers are uncomfortable with the idea of “Christ in us” and “us in him” once they understand the implications of this.

On hearing this from one of our own, I thought it would be interesting to see if others are also aware of difficulties that “believers” have with this analogy of our union with Christ– and if so, what the issue(s) might be.

To get us started, if some are uncomfortable with the idea of being “in Christ,” is it that (1) some make the mistake of thinking that being in Christ implies being equal with him and his Father; that (2) being “in Christ” encourages the thought of being better than others rather than better off; that (3) some think it makes more sense to think of being in Christ as “a process” rather than a “present state of being”; that (4) those who think of themselves as being “in Christ” seem to be so unlike him; or (5) something else?

And beyond the issues– any thoughts on why this may be the ultimate answer to our own problems?

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36 Responses to “A Life-Changing Analogy”

  1. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Thanks for taking the message of oneness in Christ back to the Source, Mart! Paul, of all the apostles, met Jesus with faith only after he had ascended to the Father. In this way, perhaps he is more like we are – born too late to know the Lord in the flesh while he walked the earth.

    For our friend who expresses misgivings about “living and moving and having our being in him,” that is in Christ and the Creator God, it may be comforting to consider a couple of aspects of that unity:
    1) It is most of all an invitation from Jesus himself – it is a covenant promise – the Life of God in us and we in that Life and partaking of that Life. It was Paul, Peter and John who later did battle with the Gnostics and the party of the circumcision over issues of personal power and distortion of Jesus’ message of unity in God.
    2) For the most part, except when Jesus addresses Thomas and Philip (John 14), he addressed the disciples in the plural not the singular. He is describing the working of his Life in the body of Christ, the church, rather than in the singular “you.”

    Mart, you wrote:
    “I came away with a renewed and deepened awareness of a life-changing (and life-saving) analogy: that as the Son is in the Father—and the Father in him, so is the Son in those who believe in him – as they are in him (John 14:10-11; John 14:20; John 17:21; John 17:23).”

    Perhaps we are most of all offered the divine invitation to be included in the Presence of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for all eternity. We are then members of that “great cloud of witnesses” that includes Samuel, David, Isaiah…on and on…all the citizens of the heavenly city (Hebrews 12).

    I have no ultimate answer except Jesus. I for one am willing to listen when he says: Let me help you be more like me! We step onto the road to follow him — knowing that will mean change and transformation as we go — a journey — perhaps the ultimate journey?


  2. fadingman says:

    I like analogies; like parables, they help us understand difficult concepts.

    Watchman Nee used an illustration of putting a letter in an envelope and mailing it. Where ever you send the envelope, what is inside it goes there, too.

    I think union with Christ (being in Him, and Him in me) is what marriage is a picture of. This picture is not something entirely new. In the Old Testament, God used a like illustration in Hosea where He spoke of his marriage to Judah and Israel. It certainly doesn’t require equality for this picture (even though human marriages are among equals). However, God does bring us up to Christ’s level in some ways, i.e. we are co-heirs with Him and will rule with him.

    I wrote elsewhere about another picture of being in Christ that occurred to me. Not too long ago there were Siamese twins born to a couple that shared a single heart. (The twins’ names were Darielis Milagro and Sandra Ivellise Soto.) One child received it’s life from the other. But because both could not survive, they had to separate them, meaning one had to die. Last I heard, the surviving twin is alive and well in New Jersey.

    Us being in Christ is like God doing a reverse Siamese-twin separating operation in reverse. He took our dead bodies and joined them to His Son. We receive our life from Jesus. As long as we remain in Him, we have life.

  3. castaway says:


    In my experience, a number of Christians have an “identity crisis” in that they have not fully learned who they are. And for some, it is because they do not understand what it means to be “in Christ”. All believers have literally hundreds of amazing things that can be said about them. For example:

    Their salvation is fully accomplished (John 19:30).
    They have eternal life as a present possession (John 5:24; 6:47; 1 John 5:11-13).
    They have been saved justified and by His grace (Eph. 2:1-10).

    In addition to dwelling in Christ (John 6:56; 1 John 3:24; 4:13,15,16) Christ dwelling in them (John 6:56; Gal. 2:20; 1 John 3:24; 4:12-16) they are in Christ (John 14:20; 2 Cor. 5:17) and Christ is in them (John 14:20; Col. 1:27; Rom. 8:10; 1 John 4:4).

    None of this is experienced in real life however until the believer comes to terms with their identity as a believer and realize they are complete “in Him.” This must be understood fully. Some err thinking this is a “mystical” part of their faith, something to talk about as a goal to be hoped for when it should be a present reality for them. No, it is the reality of all believers.

    The reality of being in “in Christ” is a truth that should be considered as bound in shoe leather. No real progress can be made until it is understood and lived out in reality. It impacts all other areas of a believer’s life. Most notably, in the area of gaining victory over the sins that constantly derail a believer or secondly, in removing the nagging doubts that a believer could somehow lose their salvation.

    “For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.” Colossians 2:9,10 NLT

    In Christ dwells the glorious totality of who God is. All that God is can be found in Christ. All of God’s glorious Person inhabits and dwells in the Person of Jesus Christ. All that God is, all that can be found of God is embodied in Christ. If you want to have access to God, Jesus Christ is the way to get to God. All of God, not part of God, is in Christ. God is able to perfectly represent Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the God-Man.

    In verse 10 the word “complete” (a verb) is related to the word “fullness” in verse 9 (the noun). The word involves completeness and perfectness. The verb in verse 10 is in the perfect tense. You have been filled full with the result that you continue to be filled full. You were complete in Christ when you were saved and you presently stand in a position of total spiritual completeness in Him. It is in the passive mood meaning that God, not the believer, does the filling, and this took place the moment we were saved. When you received Him (John 1:12) you received God’s fullness. You are filled full in Him! This is a momentous truth.

    I have seen the looks on my students faces after they realize this truth. It has a way of sifting the “tares from the wheat” for others, it has a way of bringing peace and security and for others it helps them gain victory over the sin that is wrecking havoc in their lives.

    Should it make us arrogant? No, it should bring quiet humility and peace. It should free us from the “religion of Christianity” that is ruining souls and enable men and women embrace to fully embrace the reality of who they are “in Christ” and live like they are children of the “Most High”.

    The castaway

  4. poohpity says:

    I do not believe that being in Christ shows in any way equality to the Father or the Son that is an impossibly.

    I do not believe we are better than others in any way but our lives are better off because of our trust and dependence on God. We trust that in everything about Him we know comes from Him, the source. When we cling to God we no longer have to be in control we understand that all things are controlled by Him so we can let go and allow our all to be put in the hands of an Omnipresent, Omniscience, Omnipotent and Omnirighteous God. That means to me were are certainly better off.

    I believe it is both “a process” and “a current state of being”. As we remain or live in a vital union with the Lord our foundation gets stronger and upon that foundation the Lord builds. The more we hang around Jesus the more we begin to look like Him because it seems human nature to emulate those we love. Will we ever be Him, no, but as much as we allow His roots to grow down in us we will resemble Him.

    Yes those who “think” of themselves as being “in Christ” seem to be so unlike Him because there is only One Jesus Christ and that is why we would do good to point folks to Him and not us. The harder we try in our own strength to reflect Him we fail because it is done in our own strength. When we rest, live and breath Jesus it is Him that gives us all we need faith, hope and assurance that He will never fail us even when we fail Him.

  5. bubbles says:

    “Oh, the heavens cannot hold you, Lord, how much less to dwell in me. . . ” that God would want to fellowship and be close with us, that He loves us so much and sees us, and wants to be close to ME is humbling.

  6. SFDBWV says:

    Who Am I in Christ?

    I am,
    Romans 8:16 a child of God
    Ephesians 2:8 saved by grace through faith
    Psalms 107:2 redeemed from the hand of the foe
    1 John 5:11, 12 an heir of eternal life
    Ephesians 1:7 forgiven
    Romans 8:14 led by the Spirit of God
    2 Corinthians 5:17 a new creature
    Galatians 3:13 redeemed from the curse of the law
    Isaiah 46:4 kept in safety wherever I go
    Ephesians 6:10 strong in the Lord and His mighty power
    2 Corinthians 5:7 living by faith and not by sight
    Colossians 1:13 rescued from the dominion of darkness
    Romans 5:1 justified
    Romans 8:17 an heir of God and co-heir with Christ
    Ephesians 1:3 blessed with every spiritual blessing an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb
    Revelation 12:11 and the word of my testimony
    Matthew 5:14 the light of the world
    Ephesians 5:1 an imitator of God
    1 Peter 2:24 healed by His wounds
    Romans 12:2 being transformed by the renewing of my mind
    Galatians 3:14 heir to the blessings of Abraham
    Philippians 4:13 doing all things through Christ who gives me strength
    Romans 8:37 more than a conqueror


  7. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve.. that was quite a list. Thanks!
    Mine is a little shorter,”He had me at, Hello!”

  8. poohpity says:

    I think this thought of being “in Christ” may cause us to demand more of ourselves or others than what Christ intended for us. He asked us to remain in Him and let Him be all that we are not or could ever hope to be but the problem seems to be that some want to be God to others.

  9. foreverblessed says:

    What a enormous positive truth, How faith strengthening, how absolutely fabulous. Thank you Castaway, for being so encouraging.
    O that this truth would sink into our hearts, and minds, and we live in it. A life to the full.
    Last week I was helping a lady in our church who has major problems, healthwise, huge problems, so some of us in the church help out in her home. At the end of the work, (cleaning toilets, cleaning rooms, not my favourite activity) but I sat at her bedside, and felt an urge to pray. I asked her shall -we pray- and I think she had been waiting all the while to do so. Yes, she almost sang it, and we started to pray together. And there God was, pouring out His Grace and peace and love all over her, and I felt a little too. How great God is, so full of rich blessing, all waiting to be poured out on us, here on earth. No matter how severe her situation is, God is with her, and that is all enough. Bowels of mercy and grace and truth. What a rich blessing we have in Him. Indeed, if our faith is only firmly in Him, that we get to know Him better, and we will experience that He is Love, joy, peace mercy, Gal 5:22-23,24-25

  10. bratimus says:

    Steve gives a good list.

    i try to keep it simple.

    Me in Christ-Christ in I-My true self

  11. SFDBWV says:

    One of the unhappy circumstances Matthew finds himself in is that he has no life of his own.

    This is something I have tried to acquire and provide for him, but in doing so it still isn’t his life, only an extension of mine.

    If you examine the list I provided you see that having Christ in me doesn’t replace my own life, but rather enhances and empowers it. I am made better because the better nature of Christ enables me to be a better person.

    Look at the opposites of what it means to *not* have Christ in me. Who wants to be that guy? Not I.

    In Isaiah 58:8,9,10,11,12 we see the rewards of doing what God desires from us, having Christ in us enables us to be in this posture and share His desires.

    Self may be given up, but given over to the better nature of Christ and self becomes better, that old sinful self dies but becomes a new and better version of me.

    It is still my life, but my life made better because Christ is in me and I am in Him.

    Jesus’ sacrifice offers the ultimate freedom not bondage.


  12. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    I agree with you in the working of Jesus’ life in us – and our lives in him, Steve! God in Christ, One – Christ in us, one. Then, wonder of wonders all of us in them – unified and sanctified together. (John 17:19)

    John 17:20, 21, 22, 23 – We each have the integrity of self – as do God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. Surely Matthew has a full a relationship with God in Christ, the same as any other soul.

    Paul calls the church at Colossae to “put off the old self” and “put on the new.” (Colossians 3:9, 10, 11) He claims we have died, and our life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)


  13. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… that was where the rubber meets the road, using your life experience instead of a bunch of verses to define yourself, and your new life, given by, directed by, and living by Christ in you.
    I our own presence, we are nothing our own. In His Presence we become His, to me, it is the constancy of being in His Presence, that grand possession that has become our New Life.
    I’ll never believe that Christ took that Cross for me just to allow me to go on unchanged and continuously sinning, as if living in my old life. He took that Cross to be raised in to a New Life, a life where He could dwell within us, guide us, and help us, to not live in our old ways, but to become raised to a New Life with Him. Born Again, with a clean slate and not wanting to go back into where we were found, as He changes our wanter, when we choose to want to be with Him.
    I believe that the already saved but constantly sinning Carnal Christians, do no good in the world or in the church, or for Christ’s having gone to the Cross for them, for they do not bear good fruit.
    Carnal Christian’s are those feel they are already saved when they hang out and are looking good in our churches today, but they are the deceptive fig trees of Christianity, and we all know what actually happened to that fig tree that looked good from a distance.

    We are commanded to bear fruit, good fruit, and much fruit, or we are not really Following Christ at all. Instead, we are deceptively following the world, yet still thinking we are Forever Saved Christians.
    But we are actually Spiritually Dead as we continue in our sinning. If you continue to sin, you continue to suffer. The world continues to suffer for they are not walking with Christ they are walking in their continued sinning instead.
    Just a thought….

  14. poohpity says:

    Is our union with Christ something else? To me it is a dependence and trust to accomplish His will in our lives. Not to try and force our beliefs on others but to live it out ourselves. When we realize it is Christ who does the life-changing in our lives as well in others we will take a step back and let Him do it.

    Often times we provoke others to taking sides, anger, hostility, boycotts, following the law, holding grudges but the writers of Hebrews says in Hebrews 10:24 ASV to provoke our brethren to love and good works. To forgive when we are hurt, to show patience, not so quick to point out faults, to show mercy and grace, listening rather than wanting to be heard, bearing with one another and quietly doing the work the Lord has appointed us. That is quite a turn around in what we once were before the life-changing qualities of Christ in us.

  15. poohpity says:

    Steve, what would Matt like to do?

  16. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh given Matt’s mental condition, I ask him as often as he complains to me about not having his own life, what he wants to do or have me do. The answer is most often for me to kill him.

    He is well enough to know he is miserable stuck here in our house with no friends that stop by or take him out or hang out with him. He wants all the same things we all do, friends, a job, love and even his own family.

    His condition prevents him from going to or being a part of those places that provide work for handicapped people. He wouldn’t want to do that anyway. What he wants is what he has said and I have repeated “his own life.”

    The dynamics here are very intense, but no less heart breaking then any, many others suffer in their own circumstances.

    Matthew is getting better mentally all the time and as he does his patience gets shorter, I have learned a great deal about life and especially my life with God as a result of dealing with Matt’s heartaches, it is my intention to share some of those heartaches as a way of showing Christ in me as well as in Matt and in Glenna, here for all to experience as it is our way of obeying God and getting the message out that love conquers all and covers all wrongs.

    He is getting up now for his 200 foot walk, then shower; this is the first year in 13 that he is excited about Thanksgiving dinner…another blessing.


  17. BruceC says:


    I continue to pray for your family. You are right about how many of the family of God suffer in their circumstance. With my wife it is her family relationships which I will not go into detail about at this time or where it can be publicly read. Suffice it to say that when our Lord told us that some in our own household would be our enemies he was not joking.


    I knew someone would catch on to the “Ipana” thing.
    Thanks for praying for my wife. Lately she has been through the wringer. Not as bad as some; but bad enough for her considering what she has endured for years.

    There is nothing I would want to add to Mart’s topic as most here have already hit the subject very well.
    I am truly grateful to my Lord for being Alive and having Life in me as compared to so many of the “walking dead” that continue on in rejection and unbelief. Were it not for my hope in Christ I think the sorrow of this world would overwhelm me at times.
    That’s all for now; I am just a little low today.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  18. davids says:

    Thanks for all the great comments. I have a tendency to make points based on rationalism or historical context.

    In this case I cannot. In accepting Christ, He is in me, and I am in him. There are no complications, justifications, or argumentations. It does not mean that everything I say is correct. It only means that I draw on His strength and try to persevere in His righteousness.

    I think that at the basis of our faith, to be simple is best.

    Blessings to all.

  19. oneg2dblu says:

    Want to share a Praise Report, I just got an email from my friend Laraine, she said she is now going to church on a regular basis. Praise God, for each one He calls, He calls to himself!
    I had just explained to her earlier in the day about how the Lord speaks to us daily through His word, and how we speak to him daily through our prayers.
    She gets the message!!!!
    She blessed my socks off with her relpy.
    Happy Thanksgiving to All, Gary

  20. remarutho says:

    Good Evening Mart & Friends —

    Have been encouraged by all the great sharing here.
    Rejoicing with you, Gary! Lifting your wife to the Lord, BruceC, for comfort and hope.

    Blessed Thanksgiving!

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    Pooh…Here is your version:”When we realize it is Christ who does the life-changing in our lives as well in others we will take a step back and let Him do it.”

    My version is a little different…

    When we realize it is Christ who does the life changing in our lives as well as others, we should then step up and continue to share that good news with others. Telling them how that actually works in us, telling them our testimony.

    In fact if he didn’t change me, or I hadn’t really followed him, and allow him to do so, then I would not have very much to say either. In that case, I would find you point more apropos.

    I find this faith I have been granted so far, and the life experience I have had with it since its inception is very active, alive, and well.

    It is not a, “keep your hands in your pockets” type of faith, but a much more active, hands on, involved, intentional, open your mouth, type of faith.

    Not a forcing it on others per se, but a more “I get to share it with others,” and so I do.

    Do you see my point? Gary

  22. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… I just re-read my post. I am not saying that you have had no change to talk about.
    I am just making a point about how change is so important in our walk with Him.
    Maybe He has changed you into resting more in Him, and me into voicing more about how He woke me up!
    In His Love, Gary

  23. poohpity says:

    Gary, do you think it is because of your words or actions that cause a life-change in someone? It is possible for us to be so full of joy, love and peace that someone may inquire what is causing us to feel that way then we can share who is bringing us joy, love and peace but it is their encounter with the Living God that brings those life-changing qualities into their life. I believe only God has those capabilities and powers. I believe only God can give us faith, hope, healing and an eternal home. My part is to lay my life down to Him and allow Him access into my heart, mind and soul. Do I want to shout about it, you bet I do and have lead many to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ but it was God who touched their lives and drew them to Himself, He just used my mouth to tell His story.

  24. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, I agree with you, I see it as best to draw very very close to Jesus, and so to the Father, as the topic was John 14:20
    On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. What a great precious knowledge that would sink into our hearts more and more. And if we are so connected to Him, then it must be so that others around us will be touched, because the Holy Spirit is doing that!
    The devotion of God calling of today, Nov 20, speaks of this too:
    “…Remember, I was the answer in time to all man’s questions about My Father and His Laws. Know no theology. Know Me. I was the Word of God. All you need to know about God you know in Me. If a man knows me not, all your explanations will fall on an unresponsive heart.”

  25. foreverblessed says:

    But Gary, your way is your way, God is your Lord and Master. there must be some preachers like John the Baptist. But I do not know that you have to do this relentlessly. It is for me much more easy to read when in your writings your real love for Jesus more dominant then the warnings against sinning. Just like the preaching of CH Spurgeon. Take a look at his sermons.

  26. oneg2dblu says:

    thanks pooh and foreverblessed. I do love Spurgeon’s writings as well, and I get your points… you get to stay the way you are, and it is I who must change the way I am. Change my message and change the world.
    It looks to me that the message of Love and Peace it not working very well on this earth today, but I may be wrong, and only through recognizing that one is a sinner, does one actually take the first step into any real effective repentance.
    But like my message with all its warnings I guess I’m wrong in that as well.
    So, Love and Peace is all you can bear to hear, and any mention of warnings are taboo to you, the already saved.
    Gary/John the Baptist, WOW! That is the most honorable title I’ve ever been labeled with here.
    Serving the Way, but not being the Way, what an honor to be held in the highest, as I only honor the one I serve, thanks for the pat on the back.
    It seems for you all, it is too bad CH didn’t get to write the entire bible, therefore, the warnings are there for a reason. They are the WAKE UP call to all who would tread upon His Word, and walk upon His World!
    But, I may be wrong. In His Love, Gary

  27. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Gary, if I am staying in my ongoing sin, then I need a warning, but if I am not, and seeking to follow Jesus with all my heart and soul and spirit, if I surrender all to Jesus every morning, then do I need to be warned? Unless there is a particular sin that needs to be addressed. It is also true that you accused me of ongoing sin, not even saying which it was, but just that it was there. I had asked you to apologise, but you never did. So in this case you are staying in your ongoing sin of accusing people. Is that what God wants you to do, or does He want you to hear His voice when to say what to a particular person?
    And besides, I like the sermons of Spurgeon, and yes they include warnings, but Spurgeon is so full of love for Jesus, it shouts out all his writings. Something like: -that is my King- a famous sermon of someone whose name I forgot.
    Yes He is King, Jesus is, and He is alive, and says: -I am in the Father, and you are in me, and I in you-
    What a profound statement, I pray that you will realise this with all your heart, and soul and spirit and body, and that you will sing about it too!

  28. poohpity says:

    John the Baptist’s job was done when Jesus came.

  29. poohpity says:

    Who is the accuser of the brethren?

    Is it not the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin and also gives us a solution and that is in the blood of the Lamb?

  30. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… I can only ask for forgiveness now that I have truly tresspassed on your integrity, as there is as you say, no ongoing sin in your life. You are forever blessed.
    To be so free from ever having to repent again, must be very comforting and freeing for sure. God Bless you in all your already forgiven perfection.
    Warning… In the prayer teaching from Jesus, “lead us not into temptation,” is a heartfelt hope and prayer, but it is not a current reality in this sinfilled world, where
    Sin is always crouching at our door, and like a Roaring Lion it waits to devour us.
    Satan is real and he is here to Steal, Kill, and Destroy by God’s permission I might add.
    Or Christ would not have taught us to pray daily, “lead us not into temptation!”
    Sorry, I accused you of being so human, my still having a sin nature must be my only excuse. I believe that even unforgiveness is a sin. So, I’m sure you have already forgive me.
    As far as any ongoing sin…I must have been thinking of unbelief. Your unbelief that one can ever fall away, or lose one’s salvation after their intial salvation, thus suffering a Spiritual Death that leads to Hell, unless one repents.
    But, that issue alone, has all Christianity split right down the middle, some repenting, and others saying they do not have to, as they are already forgiven.
    I believe that is a false teaching that goes against even the Lord’s Prayer.
    Remember, I am not as mature a Christian as you are, for you used to believe differently, but you have now grown to think as you do now. Gary

  31. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh.. Yes, the Cross, the Blood, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Almighty God, have it all covered.
    Except for one thing, God has granted Satan his time on Earth to freely roam, and man his free will to choose as he desires.
    Man having free will can always exercise that will and refuse to accept what God offers forever!

    Or do you beleive all will be saved also, or regardless, because it is God’s Will that none should perish?

    like, Predestiny or Choice, and whatever you choose, aren’t you then also found predestined?

    Another Pandora’s Box!

  32. poohpity says:

    I will answer my own question, “Who is the accuser of the brethren?” It seems to me it is satan and he will use whomever is available to accomplish that.

  33. poohpity says:

    Rev 12:10 NIV says the accuser of the brethren or brothers and sisters is satan.

  34. oneg2dblu says:

    I agree Satan will use whomever is available, and those false teachers who preach in the churches today, and the falsely led among them, are all available as well, unless the Holy Spirit opens their eyes and they repent, they will be lost forever along with the accuser you mentioned.

  35. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Gary, thank you for saying sorry, thank you for explaining what you meant. And I do pray for you too: God bless you with His peace, and His Love, real love, not counterfeit love, much and much.

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