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As A is to B so…

We may remember this kind of comparison from school days. Back then the illustration was something like: As an apple is to a seed, so a thought is to a ___________.  (i.e. conversation?)

The point is that an analogy compares two things that are similar in at least one way and yet different in others.

I mention it here because some of the other sessions that I took in at a recent theological conference addressed the idea that everything the Bible tells us about God comes by way of analogy.

There is a reason that the prophet Isaiah confronts the problem of idols and false gods by asking, “To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to?” (Isa 40:18). God speaks to us in terms for which we have some reference point (comparison). Yet what comparison can do him justice?

To enable us to have some understanding of himself, the Bible tells us that our Creator has shaped us in his own likeness, and built into our physical world  patterns of spiritual reality (Heb 8:5). In each example there is a true correspondence. Yet there are also differences.

One of our challenges is therefore to hear and think about the Scriptures in such a way that we learn to find the corresponding comparison between something in our world and the “kingdom” and personality of our God, while learning to see or at least to sense the differences.

One of the wonderful thoughts of the Bible, therefore, is that no matter how much truth we learn about the goodness, power, and love of God—the reality is always infinitely greater than we can imagine.

P.S. The picture of a “vulture’s perspective” was snapped during our recent visit to Curitiba, Brazil. We were taken by our hosts to the top of a lookout tower to see the surrounding area. As we were looking… so were two vultures, on the ledge on the other side of the safety class. Am guessing that with the birds, we were looking, more or less, at the same things… from a much different perspective.

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37 Responses to “As A is to B so…”

  1. jonb61445 says:

    Interesting – the written word, even that of the Bible, can give us only so much. From that, we add our experiences with the world, and with the joy that living for Him does for us, and we gain a perspective of just who God is. And He is different to each of us, depending upon what we bring to the forum. Your statement that the reality is infinitely greater than we can imagine hits home so much at this Christmas time when the beginning of His plan for us unfolds around the birth of Christ. thank you Mart for another thoughtful start to our day.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Analogy- similarity in some respects between things otherwise unlike; partial resemblance. An explaining of something by comparing it point by point with something similar.

    When attempting to explain anything to a child we normally use terms the child can relate to and understand.

    The Author of Scripture is no different in that our heavenly Father simplifies things so we simple people can understand them.

    Have you ever had a conversation with a child who asks “why” at the end of every explanation? Sort of sounds familiar doesn’t it.


  3. mlj says:

    Having grown up reading C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia”, more time than my wife let’s me tell, you could say Biblical analogies have been cemented in. I seem to see them almost everywhere. I’m sure it gets annoying to my students at times, but I do believe it helps us understand the God we serve by making us really think about the relationship. Maybe that’s why Christ used parables so often. In John 16, Jesus departs from parables to plain speaking to make an important point to his disciples, but explains that in the future, when they could bear them and the Holy Spirit was come, he will do so.

    In Matt. 13, we are told that he always spoke in parables to the crowds, in fulfillment of prophecy. It was only to his disciples that he used plain language.

    I have found the NT passages regarding love to be some of the most powerful analogous in the Bible. Though clearly stated, the connections are more like A + B = C. Yet I find that many fellow Christians “don’t do the math”.

    1 John 4:8 God is love and love comes from God

    1 Cor 13 4-8 love is patient, kind, ….

    therefore, is not 1 Cor 13 a description of our heavenly Father? Is not God patient, kind, long-suffering?

  4. BruceC says:


    You are correct. The Bible does only give so much. But I think enough for believers to all reach a pretty good consensus on how He wants us to know Him. And if God told us everything we couldn’t handle it in our present state. And where would faith be?
    Is God really different to all of us if we study His word? Not to start a debate; but I have a sister-in-law who has some strange opinions and she has not read the Bible much if at all. She states that God is love and that is true. But she takes that and uses it to justify her opinion that gay marriage is okay because God is love and they love each other so it’s ok.


    I like what you said about children. Reminded of Christ telling the disciples not to hinder them for such is the Kingdom. We have to come as little children. Maybe it’s one of the reasons why some folks won’t humble themselves before God. That they think it’s beneath them; and that they “deserve” to be treated as mature adults that have worked their way to where they are and will not believe without proof.

    Heb 12:29 says that God is a consuming fire. That can be a frightening analogy; but also one of comfort for believers.
    Does anyone have anymore?

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  5. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Mart, you wrote:
    “One of the wonderful thoughts of the Bible, therefore, is that no matter how much truth we learn about the goodness, power, and love of God—the reality is always infinitely greater than we can imagine.”

    It seems to me that seeking Scriptural holiness is like walking, something the two-footed creatures such as birds and human beings share in common. We step out, place our trust and balance upon that foot, then step out from the other side and place our trust and balance there. Apart from those of us who manage with the loss of a limb, or even both limbs, we make our way by alternating left and right feet as we progress.

    Arguably, one foot is quiet contemplation of the Word, the other is acting upon the Word. I have not moved forward very well unless I have given a balanced effort in both sides.

    Oh, but the Lord does supply such super-abundant grace that we soar when the Holy Spirit is carrying us! (Isaiah 40:28, 29, 30, 31)


  6. oneg2dblu says:

    Maru… we do walk by faith and not by sight, but, that faith must be tested first,or it can not be trusted.

    I doubt any of us walked freely on after taking our first step, never feeling the pain of falling again, and the victory found in starting over.
    It was through the hands that helped us, and with all our effort, that we learned to freely walk.
    God’s Holy Spirit today are His Helping Hands given to believers to walk on freely, not back into our chosen sins and their pain of falling. Instead we are lead to walk away from them in victory through a constant testing and overcoming.
    That is my perspective, and your image of salvation may differ, depending on what teaching you accept, doctrine you follow for your self, and what you then read into, or avoid reading in God’s Word.
    Repentance repeated, is the next learning step of victory in overcoming our ever falling self.
    It is not a once repented, never falling again victory.

    Salvation awaits all those who overcome, those who when tested learn from the Helper to overcome, those who live in victory until the end, they must, hold on, stand firm, fight the good fight, finish well, and they will find their salvation awaits them.

    Failure is never final as long as Repentance is still available.

    That is according to more than a few words I found in the bible which say to me, that they also should not be avoided.
    Just sharing another perspective….

  7. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart and Friends —

    Gary, you wrote:
    “God’s Holy Spirit today are His Helping Hands given to believers to walk on freely, not back into our chosen sins and their pain of falling. Instead we are lead to walk away from them in victory through a constant testing and overcoming.”

    I was so sure the Holy Spirit was like the wind — and like the wings of eagles:
    “The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He does not faint or grow weary;
    his understanding is unsearchable.
    He gives power to the faint,
    and to him who has no might he increases strength.
    Even youths shall faint and ve weary,
    and young men shall fall exhausted;
    but they who wait for the Lord shall
    renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
    they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.” — Isaiah


  8. remarutho says:

    “shall faint and be weary” is what I meant to type. Typo, sorry. Maru

  9. poohpity says:

    I do not believe for a minute that God is different for each of us. That may be true for those who try and fit God into their mold. To me God is unchanging and remains the same that is something we can count on and be secure in. On the other hand our understanding as limited as it is realizes we do not know all that we think we know or understand all that we think we understand. (Isaiah 40:25 NLT)

    We try and describe God as best as we can with our limited knowledge and language, but we only limit our understanding of Him and His power when we try and compare Him to what we experience on earth. What is our concept of God especially revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ?

    In the OT no one could look at the face of God yet He figured a way for us to see Him when He clothed His self in the person of Jesus Christ and in Him we see the fullness of God yet limited by flesh. God speaks and it is, tireless, unfathomable, indescribable and far beyond anything we can imagine and I have a very good imagination. So maybe if we quit trying to fit Him into our boxes we will be open to experience Him and allow Him to mold us rather than us molding God into what we want.

  10. oneg2dblu says:

    Maru.. yes, all that and more. It seems He is all things to all people at their point of need who have been given the fatih to believe He is their Helper.
    Today, He held my hand and kept me from falling into a certain temptation, one I was contemplating, but finally did overcome.
    Praise God that His Helper still meets me at my point of need.

  11. remarutho says:

    A mighty blessing, Gary! I rejoice with you! (Acts 2:37, 38, 39, 40, 41)


  12. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh… are you saying that small still voice that I do clearly understand as it speaks to me, prompting my spirit not walk outside the word of God, is not from the God you speak of, the one which is unfathomable, indescribable? I’m sorry, He already fits quite well within me, and when he makes himself known to me, he sometimes uses his inside voice.
    Is that somehow unfitting or different for you? Gary

  13. oneg2dblu says:

    pooh…I was on a Christian comparision site earlier today, because my friend said she picked an Anlglican Church and I wanted to know what their doctrine says about Salvation, and other things.
    Wow! A Pandora’s Box of Beliefs and Doctrines suddenly opened up and spilled forth.
    Did you know that much of Christianity believe you can lose your salvation?
    Who knew, I thought it was only me, by all the ever active voices gathered here, and also the seemingly changed position of that answer found in the most difficult questions area.
    What a difference that can have on our behaviors and the teaching about change for the believers throughout the world today.
    All of course believe in the Unearned Saving Grace of God through faith in Jesus Chrsit, but from there… many do not walk the same pathway in their thinking, yet we all have the very same God and Bible. Go figure!

    I guess it is for man, whose ways all seem right to him, to make his choices and stick with them, each being led by that still small inside voice, or by some churches docrtine or teachings.
    One God, with so many small voices?
    That is so, Unfathomable, and Indescribable!
    So, I get your point there… Gary

  14. poohpity says:

    Gary , no I did not say that small voice is not from God, to me it is from God and that voice will not be so small after a while, it will become louder and louder as we seek after our God. God does not need us to be that voice to others because the Holy Spirit has got that covered and with more grace than any of us could ever have.

    Yes there have been all kinds of arguments over many centuries about losing salvation or not being able to lose it. When we started talking about this in Dec of 2010 that was what the topic was saying. That has caused division in the churches so if it is causing so much division are there not things that we can agree on that will bring us together rather than continuing to cause separation. The thought of that issue being one of agreeing to disagree. You presented your stance on it then and others presented their stance on it also but it seems that that one issue still finds it’s way into all the other conversations about many other topics, so could it be possible that it has now become an obsession. I believe there is so many other things we can come into agreement on like Jesus paying our sin debt and living under that grace and showing it to others.

  15. davids says:

    Will you two knock it off? It is discouraging to come here and always find every topic disintegrating into the “Once saved, always saved” argument. Enough already. I am ready to stop reading here.

  16. castaway says:

    “God is Spirit” (John 4:24) – He transcends the temporal existence of man. Thus the question is whether man can know anything about God, or how man can know anything about him. The Bible’s answer is that it is possible for man to have knowledge about God because God has revealed himself to man. His use of analogies is merciful. Such methods of communication are necessary to fallen, sinful creatures like mankind.

    God has chosen to reveal information to us through the Bible – in words rather than in
    images or experiences, to tell us plainly. A cursory viewing of today’s televised evangelists will clearly show the fallacy of devotional preaching to the exclusion of expository preaching and teaching; an unlearned and ignorant congregation and audience.

    His revelation to us is rational and intellectual in nature, and not mystical or empirical. Verbal communication is superior because it can be precise, accurate, and extensive. God clearly intended to be understood hence the use of language tools like analogies. Since the Bible assumes the form of clear, precise verbal communication and not non-verbal subjective communication often relayed to us through false prophets, one should avoid undue religious feelings and experiences that do not result from prayer and Bible study, or irrational constructions such as pagan scientific theories in an attempt to learn about God or worse, explain Him.

    (BTW, it staggers the mind to read that someone could read the Bible and reach the impossible conclusion that salvation could be lost. Why are you reading the Bible at all? Spend your time reading Tolkien or Lewis, you would make better use of your time)

  17. bubbles says:

    Amazing. . . Isaiah 40 has been brought to my attention for the third time this week. It’s full of beautiful words and is a comforting chapter. For some reason God has brought this to mind again, and for this I am thankful. What a great reminder of how great God is.

  18. oneg2dblu says:

    castaway… the impossible conclusion you speak of is the absolute position of many of the modern churches today. So it is not as impossible as you think it is.

    But don’t take my word on that, look it up for yourself.

    Isn’t it funny that the doctrines of many denominations today, do not reach your learned conclusion.

    I may have misread the comparison of doctrines in the church today, but who among us really knows a false teaching when we hear it, as it all sounds so right to us?

    Did God really say you would die?

    Yes, you will die, you will die spiritually, if you disobey his commands.

    Disobedience and Unbelief are the two worst enemies of mankind, and are also Satan’s finest tools of destruction. Where he blends his whiles of deception,
    with much truth, through false teachers, and false doctrine so widely held today, he leads many to their demise.

    But, if you say that is an impossible conclusion then you do not believe there can be such a thing as Spiritual Death due to Disobedience or Unbelief after initial salvation, and that to me is an impossible conclusion.

    There are just too many verses in the bible that say differently and many denominations follow the warnings and the teachings of Christ, which say one can fall away from their faith and die spiritually.

    But, one can also be restored again through repentance even after initial salvation, that is a paradox which the churches of today must face.

    Sorry, but those verses are there for a reason.

    The whole world can read the bible and still not see Christ as their saviour, because they see it only as another book.

    Their continued deception and unbelief leads to their disobedience and their continued Spiritual Death.

    It is the deceived world around us, who finds a better use of their time, is to remain happily deceived.

    “All a man’s ways seem right to him, but in the end lead to death.”


  19. castaway says:

    To reach the conclusion that a believer can “lose their salvation” is to completely doubt the veracity of the Bible. So my question remains, why read it at all?

    There is not enough space here to demonstrate what is plainly taught in scripture and at a level that is necessary for you to understand; perhaps the Bible is a closed book to you at the moment? I pray it is not and I will pray that you reach comfort and peace based on the finished work of Christ and not on your foolish efforts to “save yourself and keep yourself saved.”

    By the way, citing church history is foolish, it is replete with heretics and unbelievers all making outrageous claims in the Name of God. So what. Denominations are proof mankind ruins everything he touches.Christianity has become a religion of fools who no longer worship God but instead made Christ into an idol of their likeness.

    The biggest concern is that you haven’t thought through to the logical conclusions of your statements when you doubt the veracity of scripture. You attack God unknowingly.

    Since Mart referenced analogies, I don’t want to risk insulting you by simply stating, like 2+2 = 4, eternal means eternal it did then and it does now. But you have went beyond that and therefore a brief response is required.

    Eternal security is based on the sovereign purpose of God Rom 8:28-30; I Cor 1:8. Believers have been chosen to bring God glory. Eph 1:4 and 11-12. It is further guaranteed in Eph 2:7. God Himself accomplishes our salvation in Phil 2:12-13…it is simply not dependent on you at all. He also links salvation to His eternal purpose in Heb 2:10

    Your god is too small if you think he cannot keep you. The God of the Bible is clearly powerful enough to keep His children saved; John 10:25-29; Rom 4:21; Rom 8:28-30; Rom14:4; Col 3:3; II Tim 1:12; I Thess 5:23-24; Heb 7:25 and Jude 24.

    So if you are trusting in your efforts, you are right to be worried and to think you might be lost. I choose to believe the Bible and allow my salvation to bring God glory by placing my faith in Christ. Selah.

  20. BruceC says:

    I agree with Davids, please stop this. It is becoming tiresome. And; forgive me Gary, but you are the worst offender. I don’t respond to as many of the topics as I used to because I tired of seeing Mart’s topic for the blog twisted so much. Prayer requests, family news, updates; I don’t mind. But you have made your pet doctrine of losing your salvation a self-made crusade that you will continue until everyone agrees with you. I have been to churches that believed that and have seen people labeled, hurt, and leave to either never come back to any church or go somewhere else. Funny how folks were said to have lost their salvation because they left that particular church. The doctrine was used like a weapon or for leverage.
    Gary, I love you in the Lord; but please I ask you to stop.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  21. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    It seems to me as we cast our bread upon the water at BTA, we may remember at all times that we are guests in Mart’s living room, his pastoral study! Jesus invites us to walk this earth as he did (Matthew 11:30) – just as he originally invited us to enter his covenant of love in the first place. It would be painful to stand by and watch a friend here toss away the pure gold of that holy covenant, especially for the sake of a tired old theological controversy.

    There are unfortunate consequences when we forget that being truthful does not equal being rude. (Matthew 5:22, 23)

    Happy Thanksgiving to all here!


  22. remarutho says:

    Please allow me to invite you to be reconciled with one another! Maru

  23. SFDBWV says:

    Oh my, what a beautiful morning this morning is; crisp and clear the grass crunching underfoot and only a planet or two out shining the approaching sunrise.

    Beginning at Luke 17: 20 Jesus was ask when the Kingdom of God shall come. Jesus takes the reader on a journey of explanation which leads up to the familiar verses of Luke 17: 34, 35, 36, 37.

    Verse 37 in my good old King James Bible states “Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.”

    Looking up the word “eagle” in my concordance I find the explanation very intriguing “air” in the “air”.

    Many years ago I bought a modern translation Bible; in fact it was “The Living Bible” in that same familiar verse as found in verse 37 instead of eagle they used the term “vulture”.

    Given the subject of our last topic and this one; I am forced to say that I prefer the King James over the Living Bible’s new translation as the idea of vulture and eagle gives me two different mental pictures.

    I get it that both are soaring in the air, and in this explanation Jesus is giving I understand it to mean that the missing people Jesus has offered are * in the air*.

    The analogy of *vulture* gives me the mental picture of death and a rotting corpse. Whereas that of an *eagle* soaring high in the sky provides me the accurate mental picture of being high up *in the air*.

    The Author of Scripture is very careful in choosing analogies and we need not to toy with them as given from God, for the misuse of one word can change the entire meaning of the lesson taught.

    Caution, care, prayer and meditation should always be used when reading Scripture and especially when quoting it to others.


  24. SFDBWV says:

    For the benefit of the readers of the BTA blog I wish to offer some learned advice.

    There are people who have no social grace what so ever, and there are people who are meek and consistently polite. Both find a place here at the BTA table.

    I have been insulted outright as well as what one would think subtly, but the transparency of such people comes across very clear. I have learned to ignore such people and in fact rarely even bother to read whatever it is they may have to say.

    I might scan over their comments and when I see the run of the mill code words that are arguments in the making, I move on to the next person.

    In the past I have taken my complaints to Mart as this is his blog and he is the administrator, he has at times intervened and at times allowed the offence to continue, so I have given up expecting to keep the conversation under control in that way.

    Now I just ignore the offences of others and remember that people are people and that sooner or later their true natures will be seen by all here for what they are.

    Sad to say that the sowing of seeds of discontent has its effect and the voice of many good people, over the several years I have been here, have fallen silent.

    Many times I too have contemplated to leave the blog and once told Mart I was, only to return because I felt the unction to do so. I told Mart I would give it one more chance. In saying that it reminded me of how many chances God has given me and how He has promised to never give up on me.

    So I have learned that if I am going to be in a crowd of people to expect some of them to be disagreeable and even allow them to be so, hoping that God will continue to allow my errors as well as always willing to forgive and move forward.


  25. oneg2dblu says:

    Bruce C… thank you. You are forgiven my brother.
    In His Love, Gary

  26. oneg2dblu says:

    Pooh… as you say, it has become an obsession. I agree it is. It is an obsession of the wholeness of truth itself, similar to your reading of every word of the bible.
    To me, it is just like saying in a court of law where one then puts his hand on the Holy Bible, which no longer needs to be tolerated I might add, “I shear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so Help Me God!”
    As the learned Dr. Erwin Lutzer has so eloquently and truthfully spoken, “America has become tolerant of tolerance, but not of truth.”
    I would add here, that we could also say the same about the church today, and all those who are falsely taught in their Christianity.
    But, why would we say that about the Only One we should follow, the Only One who tells us all the truth?
    The Only One, who many times starts his very words with, “I tell you the truth…for in the Parable of the Sower where Christ clearly tells us the story of those who first believed and then they died. Where in fact most of the seed thrown, as the partial word of God is thrown to the masses today, where it quickly sprouted, was believed, and then later died.
    Even his chosen followers did not get it.
    So, he put it in clear view for them, he told them the whole truth about salvation, where some grab it quickly and later fall away, where they become dead.
    Like the falsely taught church today, they will not tolerate any other possibility, if they are already believers then they are already saved. They believe instead, in their well chosen doctrine of eternal security, over the actual fullness of the words of Christ, explaining the whole truth, that some fall away to death after their first believing.
    So, like Davids says… every topic disintegrates. How true. But, only when ever I hear a half truth perpetuated for a tolerance seeking position to then be the higher standard, it is then, that I must tell the whole truth.
    When others here consciously or unconsciously lead others astray, for no other reason than supporting a new form of tolerance found in the church today, I believe in the sharing of the fullness of the truth, and for that I’m gladly accepting of your label of becoming obsessed.
    In His Love, Gary

  27. poohpity says:

    In His Love? It really does not sound like His love to me but that is just my honest opinion. Not to much on here shows His love to me. Very little patience, kindness, bearing with one another, forgiveness, joy, gentleness, grace or mercy. Now that is a conviction I do feel but to stop reading the bible is not a conviction I feel at this time, I enjoy reading the revelation that God had given to us even when it does not include a total revelation of all that He totally is, it is enough that I know I do not know very much at all.

  28. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you all, I am really encouraged. Thanks Steve for your explanation.
    I pray that ALL will find that peace and Love and Joy that is so great that it cannot be described, but that is how God is.
    I would like to say Yes to what mlj wrote right at the beginning of this topic, it is Love, 1 Cor 13 that is God. This God has Grace for us in Jesus, and then the peace that follows, because His wrath is not on us anymore, we who believe in Him and follow in His steps.
    Grace and peace from God the Father and Jesus His Son 1 Peter 1:2, 2 Peter 1:2, 2 John 1:3, Col 1:2

  29. castaway says:

    I have been a viewer of Day of Discovery for a long, long time. I have read countless number of the books it publishes from various authors and I have read and viewed the associated online content for a long time as well. DOD has stood for truth, in each of these areas of communication since its inception.

    I chose to participate after all these years because I thought this is a forum for those who believe the Bible and what it says and a forum where those who don’t believe it entirely will feel uncomfortable. I was right. However, because the most active participants have an online relationship that is to the exclusion of everyone else, I am re-thinking the decision to participate.

    First, my manner of communication is disliked because I seek to convince anyone only by the sheer
    biblical and rational force of the scriptural text. On the other hand, some people favor some version of their truth based largely on empiricism or opinion, even without any persuasion, and even if they are initially awakened from their stupor by my posts, it is easy for them to be swayed back to their position by even the flimsiest arguments, or even just a rhetorical question. That is, they will take any excuse to stay with what they already prefer to believe despite evidence to the contrary.

    Second, many readers in this forum have failed to apply strict standards of rationality when they examine another person’s argument and refutation. You must remember that not just any response or complaint is a valid refutation of what the bible plainly teaches. Just like any sound argument, a refutation in a blog post must have a conclusion validly deduced from true premises like one would write in any other forum and one that contradicts its opponent’s position. Those that disagree with the Bible’s position of eternal security have not written anything that amounts to this. He gives assertions, speculations, rhetorical questions, opinions and nothing more but no arguments that reason from true premises to the necessary conclusions he is trying to defend.

    I come off strong in my writings thus far because, even at the risk of being misinterpreted as arrogant, I want to share my confidence in Scripture to those here who apparently have little confidence in what it asserts. And I want to say to the readers that I am so sure only because my own confidence is derived from the infallibility of Scripture. So I am not going to undermine my own work by adopting a false humility, even if it would be more socially acceptable and even if a person here is so offended he would complain about me to the moderator.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  30. BruceC says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all here!!

    Let’s pray for those who do not know the Lord and therefore arrogantly think that all they are blessed with comes only from their hard work and talents they developed; without any thought of of a loving, gracious, Lord that has allowed them to have these things. Pray for their salvation.

    Pray also for those who are hurting; not just this day, but everyday. Where each day is an exhausting struggle just to survive until the next. And pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are pesecuted for their faith in Christ and suffer at the hands of their own countrymen and at times their own families.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  31. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    I join with all here who earnestly seek God. Let great thanksgiving be sung and shouted for who God is — for the assurance the Lord gives all who love and hope to serve and worship at the throne of God’s grace.

    I am thankful for BTA — where we share and celebrate the gift of life in Jesus — and the living hope we are given day by day.

    Help us remember, Lord, to pray for all those Bruce mentions. Those who suffer for their faith in God and in his Christ — for those who are seeking a way out of the horrors of war, famine and disease. Guide us in your everlasting Way, Lord, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer — and help us by your Spirit to be encouragers to those who hope in you.

    May your abundant grace, mercy, provision and healing be for each one here a source of strength in these days. Help us , O Lord God, to live in and to live out your promises. Amen.

  32. florida7sun says:

    Best wishes to our BTA family and friends for a truly Happy Thanksgiving. May the peace of our Lord and Savior and His abundant grace embrace you thoughout the holiday season. God bless you all.

  33. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Castaway, thank you very much for your comments. So very encouraging and positive, and faith building. Thank you very much.

  34. poohpity says:

    castaway, I enjoy your comments and appreciate your input so please stay around. To me it is neat to have others who enjoy the Bible.

  35. oneg2dblu says:

    Dear Castaway… May the Grace and Peace of Christ continue in you, and may you never fall away from where you think you now stand so secure. May your faith never be tested to the point of failing you, and may you never be led away by any outward circumstance, or may you never choose to walk away by inward ones.
    I dearly hold promise in all the verse you have given to support you thoughts on eternal security.
    I have chosen to not belabor this blog with the inescapable sheer volume of verse that says there is nothing beyond our initial salvation, or our moment of faith which was also given and not earned, that does not include our participation from that moment on in a two way relationship with Jesus Christ.
    The love of Christ can not be broken by any man, or any outward circumstance, but the relationship can be broken through our free will.
    The scripture tells us clearly if you deny Christ, which must mean that we can do so, He will deny you, which must mean that “He” can do so, and that many who have “at one time” followed, and have also fallen away.
    That there is a sin that leads to death, and there are many ways one “can choose: to not enter the Kingdom of God.
    To ignore all the verse that opposes eternal security as an absolute, given at the moment of initial security and then is never lost, is in the faith I now possess, beyond reasonable understanding as Christ himself taught otherwise.
    To deny His teaching, is to deny his word and to believe otherwise, that would be where Eternal security makes its stand.
    I find my salvation today is for today, as it comes to me only on a daily basis. A moment by moment basis, if you will, not an eternal one until I am sent to Eternity.
    Until then, my hope is for that eternity to be in Christ just like yours, but it is not yet an Eternal event, as it stands before me now, it is moment by moment.
    Moment by moment, I must choose to either live in the Spirit, or I choose to live in the flesh, but I can not serve in both at the same time, according to the Word of God.
    Corruptible flesh will not be part of our resurrected bodies, so today we do not stand in Eternity, but only in Our Hope for it!
    Your security is no greater than mine because you choose to believe in the promises only, and to thus deny all the warnings found in God’s Word.
    To me, there is a cohesive wholeness of truth written into the bible that the promises only, or the eternal security sect, now denies.
    I embrace the whole word by the Spirit given me, and find my security lies in the truth found in both the promises, and the warnings.
    In His Love, Gary

  36. oneg2dblu says:

    Good Morning All…Today’s Two Listeners, God at Eventide, for Nov 24th has made me eat crow when looking at my last post. Crow is a good dish when prepared properly, (almost tastes like chicken). Because of their wisdom in sharing, my moment by moment thinking has been expanded to living in the moment, which I really try to do, but having the hope of eternity knitted together in a fabric of thought as their view of grandeur is not always seen in the present, as it does not always possess this greater view until all things are brought to light.
    Two Listeners brought to light the greater moment.
    As the clock of time ticks in my ear, as my heart beats within the rise and fall of my chest, it beats today because of Him who resides there. He gives everything its life, and for some today He gives even a New Life.
    To God, all Glory, Honor, and Praise!

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