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Evil Access

No one can doubt the evil that coldly takes the life of another– let alone a little child or many.

But would we be missing something to leave the impression that evil happens apart from the human experience that is common to all of us– whether awakened by rejection, fear, hopelessness, rage, abuse, neglect, mental illness, alienation, etc. Isolating evil from what we know all too well seems to ignore the way in which evil comes into… or out of us.

Jesus said, “If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children…”

Seems to me that explaining mass murder as evil– rather than that which  projects in horrific terms the cold detachment by which we can in so many ways hurt one another, or ignore the pain of others–tends to separate it from the evil that better eyes see in all of us.

Note: The security guard pictured here and above stands at the door of a Milwaukee convention center. He looks like he is guarding against evil and danger. But he sees and feels nothing. After passing him a couple times, and noticing something missing in him. I took a closer look and found that he has no heart. A nearby sign explains that he is made of polyester resin.

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44 Responses to “Evil Access”

  1. dussmiller says:

    I read your commentary which seems to attribute evil to a lot of sources and then I read oswald Chambers which states that God ordains the events of our lives and in light of the killings in Newton CT is hard to understand, or accept. I rember the scripture about the exodus where it states that God harden Pharoh’s heart. It shakes my understanding of God

  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Mart, you wrote: “Isolating evil from what we know all too well seems to ignore the way in which evil comes into… or out of us.” We must do some community soul-searching, it seems to me.

    As we pray over the faces of the twenty first graders who are no more, and the seven teachers and administrators who are also gone, we must come at last to the face of Adam Lanza, the twenty-year-old who allegedly shot them all – and then turned a gun upon himself. Was he not also our child?

    Those who knew him say he was shockingly shy — even fearful of social situations. He avoided his classmates and had few who could be called friends. Thirteen years ago, two other young men, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, formed a deadly bond as they planned their “revenge” upon we know not what. They killed ten classmates at Columbine High School. Is another loner, another outsider, growing more and more alienated from those around him/her, with no hope of healing?

    We must grieve and regret these heartbreaking losses. There are many more losses than I have mentioned. Now we must equip parents, teachers, administrators, counselors and students to do differently in future. We have cut counseling budgets and family care offices to the bone. Even school nurses are spread so thin they can do only the basic work of caring for students. Public schools do not have chaplains or other spiritual care personnel.

    We seem to allow those among us who are in trouble to signal us all their young lives with no help or hope – or any form of emotional connection – or even any professional intervention. What we know all too well is that evil arises where there is no active good to oppose it. To deny the reality of evil, because it is not a material force, is to allow it access. All human hearts are subject to it.


  3. SFDBWV says:

    In our feeble attempts to express ourselves we use words that come from our own particular language or we borrow words from the language of others in the attempt to both express ourselves or be understood.

    Presently if we find an enclave of terrorists and kill out every one of them it is not considered an act of evil, but rather a victory.

    If I look to the Concordance for the understanding of the Biblical word for evil several examples comes through, even calamity can be seen as evil.

    When we dissect calamity it can fall into many areas of example; the weather can be or cause calamity, an automobile accident can be a calamity, a missed appointment or bad decision can be calamitous, yet do we see them as being evil.

    Even adversity is a form of evil as given in the Concordance.

    Looking at the word we see it as being the opposite of *good* and all encompassing in explaining something bad in either our lives or in the observation of another or in the events of life.

    Even God said He uses evil for His purposes (Exodus 32: 14) (Deuteronomy 29: 21) (2 Chronicles 34: 24, 28), the list can go on and be exhausting, but my point is evil is a word we use to describe that which is seen as the opposite of good.

    Yet even mass murder for some can be seen as good from their perspective. The Islamic terrorists who murdered all of the innocent people in the World Trade Buildings seen their act as being a great victory and I remember seeing their sympathizers dance in the streets of Palestine as they embraced what we seen as evil and they seen as something *good*.

    It is believed by we Christians that God sees the heart and intention of every man, and so can separate intentions into either evil or good. Any action we carry through begins there within our heart and our intentions, and sometimes what may seem good comes from a heart of evil and what may seem evil come from a heart of good intentions.


  4. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Steve, you wrote: “The Islamic terrorists who murdered all of the innocent people in the World Trade Buildings seen their act as being a great victory and I remember seeing their sympathizers dance in the streets of Palestine as they embraced what we seen as evil and they seen as something *good*.”

    Calling evil good and good evil is to turn our backs upon the Creator God, it seems to me. Friday twenty-eight people were killed senselessly in Newtown CT. Monday, ten little girls were blown up by a land mine in Afghanistan while gathering fire wood.

    Good in these cases is to accept the responsibility as agents of Christ’s kingdom (Ecclesiastes 12:14) and to amend our ways with those among us who show evidence of being deeply troubled. In Afghanistan we can only send in mine sweepers to avoid future tragedies. (James 4:7)


  5. aarvidi says:

    Mart De Haan you wrote “Isolating evil from what we know all too well seems to ignore the way in which evil comes into… or out of us.” It may be a bit too late, but nevertheless,for the future, can we as parents be more loving, even though that love can be traumatizing. Here, I am not talking about children who are normal but someone who has a problem. Normal children can be hugged and shown our love, but would a parent with a child with problems dare admit it is not just love and hugs, but to complement it with some remedial action, though it may hurt, by getting remedial medical care. Most parents fail and this because we love our children with that tenacity that with our love they will turn out well. Does it happen? No. This 20 year old had a problem, but the mother in her maternal love prolonged the agony and today she is no more there.

    It is agonizing, will I do it for my son – the pain, what would others think, the pain my son would undergo etc etc. I wonder, everyone wants an happy ending.

    Here again no parents would resort to damning their own children but that is life.This is the best.Help me Jesus.


  6. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    I do not mean to lay blame on anyone by what I have written. It appears to me that those around Adam were checking in with him only superficially, perhaps on account of his own distant character and seemingly indifferent ways. If he had a personality disorder, “Just leave me alone” was not a good enough answer. He needed attention and intervention.

    Some of the conclusions drawn from the other campus massacres have been that “the guy was a Goth, a nerd, very eccentric.” Can we not be attentive to the signals and follow up with careful listening? Adam seems to have received little counseling for his behavior issues. Was he screened for borderline autistism? Affect disorder? We don’t have all the facts. Maru

  7. swwagner says:

    And…then, how do we explain the verses in the Bible where God told his people to destroy the inhabitants of the Promise Land and claim it for their own?

  8. refump says:

    Dussmiller, I’m with you in often being confused by what seemingly is God’s character as I read the old testament in which God commands the armies of Israel to kill every man, woman & CHILD as they move into the promised land. I know God has a reason for this but I still struggle to understand to the point to get me past the doubt & confusion it raises in my mind. At this time all I can do is remind my self that the clay does not say to the potter that is not the way to do it & that God’s ways are higher than our ways & that if I could understand everything about God that I would be God.
    I spoke with a friend who works for one of the leading world authority on the effects & treatment of child trauma & he said he would be very surprised if the shooter was not on some type of anti-depressant medication that has many known & unknown bad side effects. Dissassocitive behavior is one of those side effects that almost has to be present in someone that would display such horrific behavior seemingly out of character for that person. evil is evil & can come from many unlikely places. Satan is very, very smart & will use whatever means necessary to perpetuate evil.

  9. BruceC says:


    When you said “Good for evil and evil for good” it reminded me of my reading of late in Jeremiah. God was telling Jeremiah to speak against the people for the evil of idol worship and human sacrifice that they were committing. This was Israel; God’s chosen!!
    Jeremiah told them that God would allow the Babylonians (who God considered detestable because of their false religion) to sweep in and that they would slaughter men, women, and even children. That Israel would eat their own to stay alive and not starve. So there are times in the Word where God used “evil” to bring punishment and correction for “another evil”. So you are right when you say it is to turn our backs on God and what He commands. Has any nation or peoples escaped His hand? No. All the nations have sinned. Revelation tells of all the disasters that beset the Earth, and it also says that they still would not repent. And so things wax worse and worse until He returns and mankind searches for answers in usually all the wrong places.
    I heard on another forum a comment made about the picture of the young man who did this horrible crime and people said he had the look of evil. I have taken enough mug shots to know that anyone can have an evil look in a photo and maybe that is good as it shows the true nature of all human hearts.
    And yet the most amazing thing is, is that He loves us.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  10. BruceC says:


    I used to wonder about God ordering the destruction of whole nations also. Then I listened to a Bible teacher who held a point of view that others also hold and that I had never heard at that time. Those nations were genetically marred. They were the product of the union of fallen angels and women. It was Satan’s attempt to corrupt the line of Christ and destroy the “seed” of the woman. There is more to it but that is it in a nutshell. Some accept this others do not.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  11. oneg2dblu says:

    Evil Access… there is no access through a closed door, a well guarded heart, or a loving shepherd protectively lying in the gateway all night.
    However, in the unprotected way, the open to all thoughts and things swinging door, and the empty lonely guilty searching heart, does evil walk freely among us.
    If it were not for the Grace of God we would be that evil, for all a man’s ways seem right to him, and his heart today has the worldly instilled evil bent.
    Only God, who searches the heart, knows who He can enter for eternity, which He can empower for eternity, which He can employ for eternity to make right choices become now and forever sought after.
    That person was Jesus Christ alone.
    No other man shall achieve that status here among us, but for those God chooses to give His Grace, His Holy Spirit, and His Power, He also equips, provides and protects in ways we can not fully understand today.
    We have His Word, His Way, and His Promise living in each one who will accept Him.
    But, many today still continue to give evil access through their wrong choices, wrong motivations, and the resulting wrong actions.
    That is where we now live our lives until He calls us to Himself.
    Until then, access is given to all who will call upon the Lord daily.
    Just as we can make our today our forever, we can use our free will to be free to achieve His Will instead.
    Why would we then freely give Evil access? Come Jesus!

  12. swwagner says:

    God destroyed the world with a flood once because mankind had become so awful He couldn’t allow it to continue any longer. He expressed regret that He had even made mankind.

    One of these days, He will step in again…every knee shall bow and every mouth will confess that Christ is Lord of all. Amen.

  13. joep says:

    You’re right. We’re all evil. Always have been and will continue to be until our dying breath. In a few days we will give nice gifts to our children. And like the polyester resin security guard, we pretend to stand against evil in blogs and responses to blogs, but we are all part of the evil in this world because we lack heart. Like the first Adam, or Darwin’s Adam, we are just out for ourselves. Thanks for the reminder of what I really am.

  14. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Joep!

    Easy for you to say! He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4) We choose every minute what to do next — and it seems clear you have chosen the Second Adam (James 4:7) rather than the first one. :o) Maru

  15. kingdomkid7 says:

    Yes, Maru! We choose. We choose.

  16. narrowpathseeker says:

    I just watched a video of one of the precious little children slain in Newtown on Friday. 6 yo Ana Grace was singing with her young brother Isaiah on piano, “Come Thou Almighty King”. Her mother said she was very dedicated to Christ.

    It reminded me of one of my son’s best friends at 6 yo. He would come to my busy household and quote scripture to correct us at any given appropriate time and stop and say grace over a snack as small as a jelly bean. He was an amazing child and was struck and killed by a car at 11yo.

    After watching the video and thinking of Brett, I am once again in this realm of thought…Learning, learning from cradle to shawl, the more I learn, I know nothing at all.

    I believe prayers and God were taken out of our schools to make way for massive evil. BUT, as scripture points out the evil in all of us and the collective evil that will take place in the last days, then is there anything we can do to change things? This is where I hold my head trying to keep my thoughts from spinning out of control. I have to battle with my flesh(evil?) all the day long every day. I catch myself being the self righteous Pharisee with the “aren’t I wonderful” attitude and change over to “Lord, have mercy on me a sinner”. It is never ending..and the progress amounts to just shorter stays on the Pharisee side. These children, Ana and my son’s friend, at 6yo were serving Christ in a far broader way than I have done collectively in all my years.

    I don’t think we can stop the evil that is to be, but I know that I can do more with the power God has given us than “I” have done so far. We have been given gifts and the power to use them, if we don’t use them for His glory don’t we fall under “Having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof”? Ok, I am all mixed up again as I don’t believe we can stop the evil of the day, but we are supposed to be doing SOMETHING more than what we are doing…or at least what “I” am doing. Please, I am open to suggestions.

  17. poohpity says:

    Earlier in Luke 6:45 Jesus said, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” listening and really hearing what comes out of our mouths seems to be a tell tale sign of our heart condition. I know this may sound strange but when no one else is around while we are driving is a really good barometer of what is in our hearts. Yelling, honking, raging and no patience of something we have no control over, the other driver, brings out the worst in some people and the funny things is you are the only one who hears except for God.

    In many of the texts in the OT evil seemed to denote those who turned from God to their own way of doing things. Mart, that Luke 11:13 passage ends with asking for the gift of the Holy Spirit. With that comes the fruit of that Spirit.(Gal 5:22-23 NLT) Wow getting that gift when we deserve God turning His back to us all because the One who sees so clearly what is in our hearts wants us to extend His grace and mercy to us. That really is quite wonderful and amazing.

  18. poohpity says:

    I think some problems come when parents can not admit that they need help with their children. They want to be the one’s that bring health and healing but often times cause the exact opposite. In what they refer to as shielding and protecting prevents consequences when there are no consequences for wrong choices there will be no growth or development. That starts at very young ages when we teach children about blame and not accepting responsibility for their actions. It seems to always be someone else who has caused them to react but a parent can only teach what they know and often times they do them same.

    When my children would come to me with stories of how unjustly they were treated I would ask them what was their part in the scenario. I would ask them what were some of the ways they could have responded differently and help them learn to identify their emotions by a little face chart so rather than just anger they could learn the other emotions that came first before they reacted in anger. I taught them to grab their little thumbs to stop and think before they did. All three of my children have ADHD. They have other mental health issues as well but my older did not have the advantage as the younger one’s did of counseling starting at a younger age because I did not know any better. They are 10 years apart in age. I went to many parenting classes as well with the younger one’s.

    Early identification and intervention is like night and day in their lives. My daughter who is 35 is using drugs and her life is just horrible while the younger one’s are working, going to school and providing for themselves. My daughter usually had someone defending her inappropriate behavior by blaming or feeling sorry for what she had been through rather than using it as a means to overcome,learn and get help because to my parents who had her counseling was taboo.

  19. kingdomkid7 says:

    Thanks for sharing that pooh. I think what you are saying is right on. We can’t make excuses for our children or for ourselves. Counseling really helped in my family too. We were all pretty crazy (to use a fancy, medical term). Jesus heals! Sometimes He does it with a therapist.

  20. remarutho says:

    Good Day All —

    Bruce, back to your pick-up post of 8:58 a.m. The calling good bad and bad good is a major prophetic theme. (Isaiah 5:20) Will not do the exhaustive proof-texting here. But, even down to John Baptist the prophets have foretold that “every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low…(Luke 3:5)

    Calling darkness light and light darkness is a feature of an out-of-joint humanity and even an out-of-joint nature. It is Messiah who sets all things right. But, when he does so, there must be total upheaval of the status quo.

    Jesus’ comparison about the lamp and “the light” is not the simplest parable he ever told, but it certainly gives us a measure for how a person is to behave in the world. Light is light — and darkness is darkness — and the two are not to be confused. (Luke 11:33, 34, 35, 36)


  21. foreverblessed says:

    This is a hard topic, I believe that Mart is saying, do not underestimate the evil that is still inside us, at the time that we condemn the evil that is sometimes so terrible as was in Newton.
    Or was Mart not saying that?
    Anyway, it is good for me to look at Jesus, “Look to me and be saved”

    this video helps me:
    -Christmas Flash Mob by Journey of Faith at South Bay Galleria-
    If you google this then you will find beautifull singing in a mall.
    THere is a lot of evil, also inside us, but Jesus has come to rescue us from the dark side. And slowly the presence of Jesus will grow in us, if we hold on to the faith, and do what He commanded us, to love one another, and God above all, He grows in us, and the evil will have to reside in us, it cannot stand the presence of Christ in us. So we must hold on to Him, and not give up.

  22. poohpity says:

    Jesus said the most important commandment was to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds. When our minds are troubled it prevents us from giving that part totally to Him. A couple of the best lessons learned from counseling which is also important in the Bible was the ability to identify human responses or self awareness and the other is to be trained in listening.

    Listening is a learned ability that takes much practice and that ability is also used in really hearing from God as well as our fellowman. At times we have so much of our own agendas we really do not hear what others are saying and thus may miss their cries for help. Nor do we spend time really listening to children and from what I hear from spouses that is their number problem. Just taking time to share inner most thoughts, feelings and desires which is what real intimacy is.

    I was thinking today there is often so much attention paid to the negative or dark side of the human condition which seems to be what so many video games, TV shows, movies and news media focus on but the good, noteworthy, trustworthy and praiseworthy things get passed by because the audience is more interested in the harsh, rough, hostile, angry and malicious. Over the last years since 2007 young adults have gotten a bad rap. Six I think major shootings but look at how many young adults are doing good in their communities, schools, churches and neighborhoods how much airtime do they get because it certainly does not fit anyone’s political agenda to shed light on those things. It may cause some to look at the good that God causes in lives that are touched by His presence.

  23. poohpity says:

    Rather than blaming God for all the bad things.

  24. castaway says:

    It is often said that life does not become easier once we become followers of Jesus Christ. We continue to experience many of the problems shared by the rest of humanity. These are the products of the wicked imaginations and lifestyles of non-Christians, which we once were before God saved us by the gospel. We also contributed to the sad condition of the world, and insofar as we still think and behave like non-Christians, we continue to contribute to it. Nevertheless, now that Jesus Christ has been revealed to us, and our justification and adoption in him have been made manifest, even though we remain in the world, we are no longer of the world. For this reason, in addition to the problems that are common to humanity, now we also face persecution from those who hate our Master. Our thoughts and ambitions are redirected to promote God’s truth and honor, but this is not the world’s agenda.

    God will grant us wisdom for events like the Sandy Hook massacre when we pray for it. There is no need for a complicated explanation. Just ask Him, and He will give it to you.

    Still, the Bible insists that we ask in faith. There is really no other way to ask, but the point carries an important lesson, because faith implies a definite stance toward God that cannot be confused with unworthy attitudes about him. If you must ask in faith, this means that you cannot be bitter and fearful in the face of problems. You cannot resent God and ask him for help at the same time. Prayer that pleases God and that is effective must be the outworking of a sound theology or doctrine, an intellectual grasp of the truth about God.

    Here the Bible requires that a person understands and believes something about God, namely, that He is generous with his wisdom toward His own people. When you need wisdom from God, you can have it, and you can have lots of it. But you need to come and ask, and when you come, you must believe that God is the generous God that the Bible says He is.

    God never commends doubt: He always condemns it.

    However, there are Christian authors and teachers who tell us that doubt is natural, and that doubt ultimately helps us grow in faith. This is not the Bible’s perspective. Of course doubt is natural to fallen humanity, but in this sense mass murder is also natural. If there is no reason to be lenient toward a mass murderer, there is still less reason to be lenient toward doubt.

    And when his disciples doubted him, Jesus did not say, “Look into this doubt. Entertain it. Go further with it. Regard my Father and I as liars for a little longer. It will help you grow!” No, he blasted them for their doubt. He scolded them and made them feel bad about it.

    The attempt to beautify doubt is men’s sinful way to justify their shortcoming, to delay correction, and even to refuse repentance. We would never say to a mass murderer, “Go kill a few more people and explore your thinking. Consider what made you this way. Kill more people so you can understand your motivations. Take your time to resolve it and you will become a better person because of it. Murder will help you grow in holiness!”

    No, we will demand him to stop right now. We will treat him like a criminal and lock him up, and even execute him. But some people want us to think that doubt is healthy. This is a deception. Doubt is a sin that is even more closely related to our estrangement from God –even more than mass murder. Anyone who beautifies it is an accomplice, a spiritual criminal. You grow in holiness by stopping murder. You grow in faith by killing doubt.

    Jesus Christ has commanded us to teach the nations. The world is looking for solutions to its problems like what happended in Connecticut. We might say that it is looking in all the wrong places, but their situation is in fact worse than that. They are not even fighting for the right side, or facing the right direction. Their first problem is their rebellion against God, and all their other problems are only byproducts of this fundamental transgression. So we teach the non-Christians, “No matter what issues you face today, you are miserable and you are dying because your sin has separated you from God. Putting a bandage over a rotting cancer is not going to cure you. You must believe in Jesus Christ. Then, you can approach Him in unwavering faith, and ask Him to grant you His wisdom and to teach you His ways. This is the only hope for you, and the only hope for mankind.”

  25. davids says:

    In this advent season we are called to hope. But in this year, particularly, we are reminded of the fact that many people are suffering from grief, fear, and pain. We are struggling a bit to understand how this fits into God’s will.

    The coming of the Christ-child into this world was soon followed by the mass slaughter of infants and toddlers under Herod – a real part of the Christmas story that we don’t depict in our nativity plays.

    This was followed by the arrest, torture, and painful death of Jesus.

    The Bible does not try to explain pain and misery in this world, as much as we would like it to. Good and Evil forces are not sufficient to explain what happens to innocents. Karma is not a Christian belief.

    Instead, the Gospels give us a story rather then an explanation. God’s own love came into this world of evil and showed us his example and died for us.

    We can argue endlessly about gun control, mental illness, and the nature of evil. But as Christians, we should focus on our hope rather than on our pain.

  26. phpatato says:

    Off topic – I’m sorry

    Just a prayer request. Please pray for my family and I as we are in the midst of making funeral arrangements for my Dad. His 96 year journey in this life ended just after 1am this morning. I have peace knowing he’s tucked safely in the arms of his Lord and Saviour to suffer no more. He succumbed to a bladder infection that turned systemic causing pneumonia.

    God Bless to All of you


  27. poohpity says:

    Oh Pat, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of loss. I send my condolences. Love Deborah

  28. His Sparrow says:

    Hi phpatato

    I will pray for you and your family for you too.

    How wonderful he is with the Lord
    and how wonderful he lived
    so many years. My dad died at 71, in another country and I miss him very much!
    But like y’all, it is peace-giving to know he is with the Lord.

    His Sparrow

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Pat my deepest heart felt sympathy for you and your family. Your dad sounded like a grand fellow and indeed a member of the greatest generation.


  30. SFDBWV says:

    I am not really sure I want to attempt to discuss this subject as with so many others what gets said gets twisted around like a fork in spaghetti.

    Like having to explain a joke the luster of the joke gets lost in the explanation.

    Modern people have to categorize every thing and then everything else has to *fit* into a category or it can’t be understood.

    My King James Bible uses the word evil to cover all the *bad* things that can, will, or had occurred. Modern translators have tried to *fine tune* the word for evil so as to have it fit into one or more of their categories and sound better to their way of understanding it.

    Yet happy and sad are still the two emotions that come from good or bad things happening *to* you.

    Sympathy and empathy are two extended emotions one can feel for another when either something good or bad happens to another person.

    The many severe trials and tribulations Christians as well as all people suffer are seen as something bad happening to them.

    Yet most any Christian would not attribute the word *evil* to the trials of life God has placed or allowed for us to be immersed in.

    This word *evil* has morphed into meaning something dark and demonic in nature *only* and exclusively.

    If we are guilty of causing harm of any kind to another person is that an act of *evil*?

    In the truest sense of loving all others, even our enemies, any act of not loving them can be seen as an act of *evil* even if we were to justify such an action to cause harm or to hurt another on purpose could be seen as an act of evil.

    Evil it seems might be a snare and trap none of us can escape.

    So many have altered the meaning of evil to mean only the darkest of its many forms and so then label and categorize it as such.

    I see another evil looming on the horizon from this horrible tragedy in Newtown. Trying to categorize and place people who are different into a list of possible *evil doers*. Making an accepted normal and all others feel or seen outside of that accepted normal as being *evil*.


  31. saled says:

    This sentence from Mart’s post really struck me: “Seems to me that explaining mass murder as evil-rather than that which projects in horrific terms the cold detachment by which we can in so many ways hurt one another, or ignore the pain of others-tends to separate it from the evil that better eyes see in all of us.”

    This makes sense to me. My own cold detachment is evil. Mass murder projects this evil in horrific terms.

    Among the Sandy Hook headlines on my Yahoo page on Monday was one other that I took note of: World Health Organization says that malaria is posed for a comeback in Africa because the funding for life saving mosquito nets has dropped.

    A month or two ago I set aside and forgot an appeal from World Vision to give money for mosquito nets. Cold detachment. Evil. It’s a wake up call for me.

  32. kingdomkid7 says:

    Praying that God will comfort you and yours in your loss, Pat. We miss our parents even when we are all grown up.

  33. SFDBWV says:

    Saled, this morning I read in the papers of 5 women being murdered in Pakistan for working with the UN in an effort to vaccinate children for Polio; murdered by the *Taliban*.

    Already people have forgotten the story of the little girl who was shot in the head in Afghanistan for desiring to go to school and someday becoming a doctor.

    Yet when I say that Islam is a religion of *evil* I am immediately judged as being evil myself by some and surprisingly many right here on this blog.

    Personally I don’t think your not contributing to “World Vision” caused the problem of malaria in Africa to make a comeback, don’t beat yourself up, I have never sensed evil intent in any thing you have ever said here.


  34. kingdomkid7 says:

    Steve, your nuanced read of the word “evil” is helpful to me. I generally do not like labels, because they can limit, squelch, and sometimes even lie. I do think that what happened in Connecticut was evil, though — even as I recognize there was nothing in that young man that is not capable of being in us all. Perhaps that is one of the reasons we are so troubled by these kinds of events. They really do raise questions about what we are capable of doing when we, too, are simply detached from others. I was struck by the Aurora theater shooting, because it seemed that young man wanted to be connected to people, and yet he had no friends. No one saw that he needed a friend.

  35. remarutho says:

    Good Morning All —

    Slow getting back to BTA. Pat, what a long and fruitful life your dad had — 96 years! Keeping you and your family in prayer as you plan a service to celebrate his life.

    The funerals have begun for the first graders of Sandy Hook School. It is going to be a long week…counselors sitting with the first responders and survivors. This is love, that kindness, comfort and respectful listening is underway, it seems to me. What can we do but love those who remain — grieve quietly beside them — pray for their healing. Come Holy Spirit and do what only you can accomplish — grace and peace.

    God is good.


  36. poohpity says:

    In the NT Paul teaches repeatedly about self control but some children grow into adulthood still throwing tantrums. One young man told a news source that he has the same disorder as the shooter did but yet had learned to use self control.

    I believe some parents allow such behavior by making excuses for their children as they treat others horrible by just saying well the person has some type of disorder so they can not control what they do but that is not true. When someone is allowed to continue with inappropriate behavior there are consequences and it normally is other people do not want to be around them but rather than teach the child that, they blame it on the other people then the child does not learn or grow to self control. Let’s face it there are still a lot of adults that have tantrums but we call it rage, hatred or malice.

    There are many families today where the adult children control the house by use of anger. Anger can be a way of manipulation. This mother seemed to be one such parent but it is easy to look at the great lengths this can develop and say well my child has not gone to those extremes but one never knows when a ticking time bomb will go off.

  37. BruceC says:


    My prayers for you and the family about your Dad’s passing. Someday I will get to meet him.
    May the Lord be with you at this time and comfort you.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  38. oneg2dblu says:

    Pat… there is a placesetting at the Lord’s table awaiting all God’s children. What a feast it will be to be reconnected with those who left here before us.
    What a great blessed embrace we will have in our new bodies with out any pain, tears, or suffering.
    Absent from the body here, present with the Lord in Heaven, as your Dad today is finally home at last! Gary

  39. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… I wonder why we bother to qualify any sin, we know all sin is evil, evil in nature, evil in intent, evil in action, evil in its result on us, or the world around us, and is meant to separate us and others from God and his will, and instead focus on the things of darkness, on Satan and his minions.
    Any Christ Follower has the power over sin within them, power to overcome the world. Why would we then allow evil to overtake us, or giving any sin its access, is the real question that needs to be asked from those who now feel so free from the Law.

    “The Devil made me do it,” is not the answer! :)

    Anyone who does not have the Lord living in them, or the Holy Spirit within them, is already spiritually dead and acting only on a natural dead spirit within them.

    Aside from having mental illness, all others who now sin, sin by choice, whether they are Under the Law, Under Christ, or under their old nature which is always self-centered and evil, as we are all at first born as enemies of God.

    Just as their are no laws against any of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit or the outward evidence of the Holy Spirit within, but there are many, many laws against the corrupted actions of man, created to protect man from others and even himself, mostly when he goes against his own natural laws as instilled morale conduct, and his instinctual self-preservation of life.

    Evil rages against even our natural laws, and all laws, until it finds a way to deceive us into thinking we aren’t so bad after all, and we can now cheat just a little, or we are told by others who seem to really care for us, that we are okay just the way we are.

    Who are they to forgive us?

    If that were so… then why the cross? Gary

    We have all witnessed the basic innocense of children, then comes all too quickly the learning of me first as sin creeps in to us all.

  40. bubbles says:

    Dear Pat,
    I am sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family that our Lord would comfort and be close to you.

  41. poohpity says:

    I received this in an email today thought you may like it.

    Twas 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven’s gate. Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there. They were filled with such joy, they didn’t know what to say. They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day. “Where are we?” asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. “This is heaven.” declared a small boy. “We’re spending Christmas at God’s house.” When what to their wondering eyes did appear, but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near. He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same. Then He opened His arms and He called them by name. In that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring, those children all flew into the arms of their King and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace, one small girl turned and looked at Jesus’ face. As if He could read all the questions she had He gently whispered to her, “I’ll take care of mom and dad.” Then He looked down on earth, the world far below He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand, “Let My power and presence re-enter this land!” “May this country be delivered from the hands of fools,” I’m taking back my nation. I’m taking back my schools!” Then He and the children stood up without a sound. “Come now my children, let me show you around.” Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran. All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can. And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight, “in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT.


  42. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks for all the thoughts! Working on another post for this morning.

  43. joy123 says:

    Bruce says: We all want to make some sense of the tragedy in Newtown CT on December 14 2012. First of all God says in His Word that, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, there is none righteous, no not one.” When we look at these words of life we should be humbled to the core of our very being. The only hope for us is a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. This includes every man and woman. When we do not have this relationship at the age of accountability we are carnal. We open ourselves to worldly pursuits and that is when satin seeks to lead us into distructive habits. These habits if not checked by our sence of right and wrong will eventually qunch the spirit in us leading to satin through his demons taking up residence in our minds. All sorts of evil are open to the mind not stayed on our Lord, even the tragedy at Sandyhook Elementary School! Oh Lord, how we need broken and contrite hearts in this nation, hearts open to your word of repentence, salvation, restoration to your grace and mercy.

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