A bumper sticker says, “Wise men still seek him”. But why?
Am having a hard time recalling anyone who claims to have relentlessly pursued the hopes and fears of all the years— until the equivalent of a guiding star finally settled over the sound of God crying in a manger.
Some of our personal stories sound more like CS Lewis who likened his rescue to being dragged, kicking, and screaming, into the kingdom. Others recall being led to a door, which opened as they approached. Still others say they didn’t see the light, and hear the angels singing, until after a heavy steel door clanked shut behind them, and locked them into cell that, at the time, felt like hell.
In any case, my guess is that most of us would say that, however we got to the place of seeing Christmas for what it is, we’ve stumbled onto the only manger that offers hope for the questions that are beyond our ability to answer.
Maybe the real question is not why some still seek him—and some don’t. Maybe the more important question is why those of us who think we’ve been to the manger in our hearts— have forgotten what we saw.
We didn’t find there the answer for whether we need strengthened gun laws (or any other public policy)—or not. We found there the evidence and mystery of a God who came low enough to offer himself—in ways we can’t explain, to those who cannot find hope and comfort in messed up, hurting mortals– like us.
PS Comments below give me an excuse to give a link to Mary Did You Know?