How can God allow the kinds of suffering and loss that are happening in and around us?
In the darkness we hear a whisper that tells us that if we were God, we’d never let this happen. Repeatedly, doubts grow out of the thought that there are only 2 possibilities: Either God is good, but not all-powerful, or he is all-powerful but not good.
In the face of such questions the Bible tells a story. In summary, Genesis to Revelations describe
a. A God great enough to create the cosmos, world, and life as we know them.
b. A God wise enough to give those created in his likeness the freedom to resist and rebel to the extent that we see it.
c. A God who suffers and groans with us in the resulting evil and chaos.
d. A God who offers hope in a return to paradise
e. A God who takes on flesh to suffer for us.
f. A God who shows his power over the worst of our enemies.
g. A God who then asks us to trust him for the answers of eternal justice and mercy.
The Bible fleshes out this story. The question I have is what do you think it takes to make this story believable and meaningful to ourselves and others?