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Hedges, Fences and Walls


Spanish vegetable and corn crib

The Bible uses the word picture of hedges in some provocative ways. Satan complains, for instance, that God has bought Job’s loyalty by building hedges of protection around him (Job 1:10). Later after the Lord has taken some of the fences down to give the Devil access, Job wonders why the Almighty has shut him up  in such confining, unexplainable, and painful circumstances (Job 3:23).

Then there’s David who also knew what it felt like to be surrounded by trouble on every side. But he  had moments when he saw  hedges,  fences, and walls as an occasion for wonder. In Psalm 139 while feeling overwhelmed by the thought of God’s personal attention, favor, and protection (Psa 139:1-4), David talks about how God has hedged him in and laid his hand on him (Psa 139:5). In such confidence he finds strength and hope.

Who among us doesn’t feel fenced in by circumstance, limitation, and a lack of real understanding? Yet the amazing thought of the Bible is that, within our confinement, God is with us (Psa 139:6-10).

The Lord of Israel even told his people that in their days of exile; when they were feeling so abandoned by God; forgotten in foreign cultures; unable to get back to Jerusalem; in conditions that seemed so wrong–  that he would be like a little sanctuary for them… in the days and places of their confinement (Ezek 11:16).

DSC00692Lord you have hedged us in on every side.

Yet the walls that have robbed us of our freedom…

Are now giving us reason to ask…

That in this sanctuary of circumstance,

You would enable us to believe in you…

Trust in you…

And live in the thought that– in our trouble…

and confinement…

You are with us.

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34 Responses to “Hedges, Fences and Walls”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Many years ago now as I was in a line of traffic driving along between other vehicles, a fast moving semi truck coming against traffic couldn’t negotiate a curve and slammed into me directly into my drivers’ side door.

    Instantly I heard a voice say to me “Hold on your just going for a ride.” I could almost see a *sphere* around me as I was spun around and around in the highway. The semi hit me so hard that he tore the rear axle out from under my pickup truck, and though he had hit me on my door side the impact spun me and he careened down the side of my truck directly into the gas tanks totally destroying my truck yet I stepped out of it shaking glass off of me and walked away totally unharmed.

    I can tell other such stories, but this one is different whereas I *heard* His voice and seen that *sphere* of protection that kept me from harm.

    He had a use and purpose for me yet met.

    Job’s suffering was for our purpose in allowing us to see that God is in the details and circumstances of our lives.

    I can look back across my life now and see many times I should have been killed or maimed, but now I see that God has me right where He needed me to be, and not for me, but rather so I could be used of Him.

    We can not know God’s mind, but can be assured that He is there with us every step of the way even when that *hedge* seems to have been lifted.


  2. poohpity says:

    Mart, glad you are safe and sound. Feeling a little forgotten because you used to share when you were leaving and your adventures with us. I have always enjoyed the little peep hole into your life because of the high regard I feel for your insight into God’s Word and your work delivering that Word around the world. Remarkable is all I can say. Thank you for hanging in there through all the negativity, slander and lack of understanding. I can only speak for myself but I love learning about the Lord, thank you for your contribution to that education.

    When I gaze at Israel’s history I am totally amazed at it still being around after all it has gone through. Just watching from afar if anyone has open eyes they can see that God has them in His hand. We might tend to say after the Holocaust that God forgot them but look at the stories coming out of that situation alone. Everyday life for them is beyond anything I can imagine and that same God loves and cares for each person of the world whether they believe in Him or not. I think to myself do I want God to love me like He does Israel because of all the strife they go through? The answer I have come to is, yes. The reason is looking in at their world would give anyone cause to know that there is a God and He is faithful even when things look so tough for them they come out the other side and still exist in an area that is so opposed to them. They still survive, amazing.

  3. poohpity says:

    There are so many trying to destroy Israel for what? They have no oil or anything that people normally war over. It is because God has His hand on them and over the many centuries that is what has been challenged, it seems to me.

  4. cherielyn says:

    Hedges, fences & walls can be looked at in at least two ways. They can be a sanctuary or a prison.

    As a sanctuary, they can be a form of protection from outside threats, such as in the early days of America, when there were forts; in the Old Testament there were certain cities set aside that a person could flee to for protection if they accidentally killed someone – for example Deut 19:2-7(KJV). In those days they had walled cities for protection from outside enemies.

    As a prison they are also for protection, but in this case for the benefit of those on the outside, to protect us from the criminals that are housed in a jail or prison. I have a son who is a corrections officer in a county jail & my son-in-law is a corrections officer in a state prison. I also serve on my county’s Law Enforcement Committee, so am quite familiar with the system which protects innocent citizens from those who are incarcerated within those walls.

    There can also be self-imposed invisible walls that we put up to protect ourselves from being hurt by others – another form of prison.

    Steve, I can identify with your experience of being protected in that accident. I was not involved in a collision, as you were, but I was sliding on ice in the wrong lane with oncoming traffic. I called out, “God, help!” My vehicle was immediately moved sideways across the lane I should have been in & came to rest on the shoulder, out of harm’s way from traffic that was approaching from behind. There is no earthly explanation for how my vehicle ended up where it did. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God performed a miracle that day, who with His own hands, moved it there. My 3 young children where with me & we could have easy been wiped out in moments.

  5. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends –

    Glad you have time to take up the yoke of BTA once more, Mart! Thanks for connecting with this virtual group!

    It seems to me everyone who follows the Lord Jesus, and perhaps those who do not, have prayed as you did:

    “Lord you have hedged us in on every side.”

    Not convinced over here that freedoms are removed by this hedge you refer to in the Book of Job and in Psalm 139. Am particularly struck by Eugene Peterson’s translation of Psalm 31:6, 7, 8.

    David says: “I hate all this silly religion, but you, God, I trust. I’m leaping and singing in the circle of your love; you saw my pain, you disarmed my tormentors, you didn’t leave me in their clutches but gave me room to breathe.”

    Does the circle of God’s love actually limit the freedom of God’s faithful? Perhaps we have to be thrust to the margins before we appreciate being at the center (of God’s presence). (Acts 17:28)


  6. SFDBWV says:

    For all my humming bird friends here, I have seen my first hummingbird of the season today. I put the three feeders out three days ago and I am glad to see it was in time.


  7. SFDBWV says:

    This blog is a unique experience for me Claudia, I don’t have a lot of time everyday to devote to it and it is the only such internet place that I have any personal connection to.

    After seeing the *little cherub* (hummingbird) I wanted to share the experience with all of the people who could appreciate the experience. Glenna was with me and in fact it was she who saw it first and pointed it out to me.

    I thought of you and Pearl as well and others right away.

    This can be a nice social place and provide fellowship in a very special way. I am glad you too were visited yesterday gladder still that it brought us all together in thought, that in itself is very special and I think the way God wants for us to relate to each other.

    Thank you for letting me know you too shared the same experience.


  8. SFDBWV says:

    Last summer our flood control levee was inspected by an engineering contractor working for the Army Corp of Engineers.

    It was the most detailed inspection I have been party to since my involvement with the army Corp of Engineers.

    Kwambe, the chief engineer for the contracting firm, is from east Africa. He and I became immediate friends even for such a short time we got to know one another quickly.

    He told me in Africa one could tell the haves from the have nots by the size of the walls that surrounded their homes.

    The walls keeping the have nots from stealing from the haves as well as from worse.

    Here in America we tend to have fences most often to keep our pets safe from getting loose.

    In the earliest of times people lived in walled cities as a place of safety; the crudest of which were meant to keep them safe from animals that prowled at night.

    It is interesting that we as a people have *evolved* to a point where we now have regressed back to building *gated* communities, thinking they are a place safer then living amongst the people. Yet no one is safe from themselves.

    I am reminded that somewhere in the matter we become the prisoner when we hide behind walls, fences and hedges.

    Am guessing that Eden was the place of safety here in this world; and after the fall Adam, Eve and their descendants were kicked out to live with all the dangers God intended to keep them safe from.

    For what it is worth I pray daily for God to place us in His sphere of love and protection, asking that evil, harm and the dark one to be kept far from us. I have learned that nothing except God can be counted on to keep us safe from anything worldly or spiritually, but that all depends on the will of God and my willingness to accept it.


  9. fadingman says:

    Steve, what you said about the haves and have-nots in Africa reminded me of the time my wife and I were in Ghana. We stayed in a very poor area (by our standards) in a guest house enclosed with a wall… a wall with broken glass on top to hinder people from coming in. Inside the wall it was beautiful… lots of flowering plants, a driveway paved with brick, etc. Although the house amenities weren’t quite up to our standards (i.e. no air conditioning, no hot running water), we lived in great luxury compared to those outside the wall. (This pampering made me feel a bit guilty.)

    In this case, the wall was to protect the haves from the have-nots. I wonder what those outside the wall thought of what was inside. They saw the ‘paradise’ on the inside when the gate occasionally opened to let people in or out, but they themselves could not get in.

    Kinda reminds me of the barrier that kept man out of heaven. Jesus left that place of protection to be with those on the outside, bear our sorrows, and die to open the gate wide for us to enter.

  10. poohpity says:

    Steve, you stated, “I am reminded that somewhere in the matter we become the prisoner when we hide behind walls, fences and hedges.”, that is so true. Those self imposed walls, fences and hedges prevent others from knowing us, the real us. Wondering if people really knew the real person they may not like what they see and reject them. In Psalm 139 David seemed to understand that God knew him so well that even his thoughts were an open book. God knowing what we are going to say even before we say it, would bring a freedom like nothing else. If we have nothing to hide from God I wonder why hiding from others is so important.

    Those type of walls hold us as prisoners to acceptance. Reading other Psalms of David shows that every thought about almost everything David shared with God not acting on them but really sharing his open honest heart. Freedom!! God knowing us that well still shows us such tenderhearted mercy and grace.

    There seems to be no prison as deadly as the one that people place around themselves. David seemed to plead with the lord to look for those things within himself that were not pleasing to the Lord so that they might in some sense be surgically removed. So to me that was asking God to even test his thoughts of the sin find in them so that David could repent and ask for forgiveness. David seemed to trust God so much in being faithful that what God found it would never be a cause for rejection.

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Andrew, Ghana is exactly where Kwambe said he was from, how cool is that. His father immigrated here and Kwambe has dual citizenship. His plan is to retire back to Ghana and is in fact building his house now.

    His father though has no intentions of returning to Africa.

    Pooh it is sad that people build walls around themselves and sadder still it usually is to keep from being hurt. Cowardly they miss out on all the best life offers, love, because they are afraid to take the chance. So they tend to reap a life of bitterness and anger instead of love.

    Ask any person who has seen Earth from the cold vacuum of space and they will tell you of the special protection that surrounds us all that is clearly visible, and devoid from the other planets in our solar system.

    God’s walls of protection can sometimes be seen, and I bet many of us have stories of Angels that have slipped in and out of our view. I know I have a few.

    Only had a minute as we just finished supper and I needed to set down and rest a moment. Thank goodness it rained today and kept me from the trees.

    Pearl, my ancestors came here from Switzerland in 1735, you might run into some cousins I don’t know there, if you do I hope they treat you well.


  12. poohpity says:

    Steve, what I was talking about was not to prevent people from getting hurt although that does happen but from people knowing the real person they are. Secrets and other aspects of their lives they feel would embarrassed for others to know. That also can cause bitterness and anger especially trying to cover up all the time rather than feeling a common thread of humanity, they feel unique in their struggles.

    Cowardliness comes in many forms, like controlling others and domineering by authoritarian means having others live a life imposed on them putting one in a so called prison. It can also come from not asking or taking help from anyone for fear of looking weak that is hiding behind walls like I was referring to by the prison of acceptance.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    What a shame, soon after I first came to this web site and we began meeting one another and exchanging ideas and thoughts the number of participants swelled to hundreds. I kept a record of the sign on names so as to help me keep things straight.

    It was so exciting to come here and I found myself spending way too much time here, though it was a very enjoyable experience and one I looked for every day.

    Any subject Mart put up was a door way to conversation and it was fun getting to know one another and share life’s experiences.

    Look at things now.

    We are few and even the few of us are thinning out.

    Is it because of the constant arguing and strife that keeps rising up?
    Is it because the subjects don’t pack the punch they once did?
    Is it because people just have better things to do with their time then to be drawn into disagreements and face a negative response to anything said?

    There have been a lot a wonderful people cross paths here and I hope to meet more, but like a great number of you time here hasn’t been as enjoyable as it was at first and though I keep trying to put a smile on too often it is a frown.

    It reminds me of church.

    This is my time of the day for this place; soon I will be about the duties life has put in my path. I will be thinking of many of you today and praying as well. I do hope that all of you are blessed today and are successful at putting the face of Christ first in all you do.


  14. BruceC says:

    Well; I am two days late and more than a dollar short. Must be that dreaded RBC glitch striking again! LOL!
    When I hit my RBC icon the page that opens doesn’t look like it used to. I click blogs on the left side and the BTA and I was always taken to the last topic. No wonder I didn’t see much going on! LOL! Anyway I finally saw the new one on the left side while looking at the old one.
    Would that “glitch” be a fence too? LOL!

    Funny how some people that used to be friends in your life put an invisible fence because of your walk with Christ. How about the fence of doctrine or denomination? Like the fence between those who trust the Word and those who change it for whatever reason; such as social acceptance? What or who builds the walls and fences in life? In my heart the only wall(or hedge or fence) I want around me is the one built by Christ. The one that encircles me in His precious, never-changing promises and love.


    The family of my cousin’s wife is from Harmon, WV. Where is that from you?

    PS Like Steve I remember time or two when I should have seriously hurt or dead and was not. His Name be praised.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  15. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce that is so cool. Harman is just about a 40 min drive from here. We play Harman in our high school basketball schedule and I have family there.

    Not far from Harman is Dry Fork, Job, Whitmer, and on up to the top of the road is Spruce Knob and Spruce Knob Lake the highest point in West Virginia.

    My mother was born in a town that no longer exists along that drive called Horton.

    When my Aunt Ada passed away her church was the Job Church of God; attending her funeral I seen drums and amps and electric guitars set up behind the altar. I told Brother Eli (the Pastor) that was the first time I had seen drums in a church.

    He smiled and said yes our music does get a little lively.

    The Church was destroyed in the 1985 flood and rebuilt better than ever.

    That is some rough country up there and some rough people who live there. Most often there had to be a police presence at the ball games and to escort the players on and off the school bus.

    Intense living usually produces intense people.

    Thanks for the memories, your cousin’s wife most likely knows some of the same people there I do, or I should say did.

    Harman is spelled with an a, I think we are speaking of the same town if not its ok I don’t know of a Harmon with an o.


  16. narrowpathseeker says:

    Good Morning All, I really don’t have time to be here this week, but like Steve, coming here is somewhat of an addiction. I am awaiting news on whether Brianna will be discharged today and will post that as soon as I know.
    I was also thinking about so many that are no longer here…. especially Hissparrow and AmazedbyHisgrace as they were both going through a difficult time about the time they disappeared from here.

    My thoughts tend to get scrambled and confusing at times and this morning I am thinking of a scripture that I don’t fully remember and don’t have time to go to Strong’s…. but it has something to do with going in and out to find pasture. Could that apply to our power through Christ to enter and exit the hedges, fences, and walls freely?

    Claudia and Steve, I am so happy for you both for seeing your first hummingbird. I haven’t put out the feeders because I won’t be here to clean and fill them. I sure hope they forgive me and come back to give me a second chance when I return. I haven’t seen one as yet, but the strange thing is that I saw a cardinal the other day and I have see not ONE all winter long. I was so happy. I know there are some pretty brazen hawks living near the river and my neighbor witnessed one attacking a cardinal’s nest of eggs, on her back deck while she was sitting there just a few feet away.

    Steve, if I run into anyone treating me exceptionally well, I will be guessing that they are indeed your Swiss cousins… ;-) Funny, my sister and I will be looking up our ancestral “cousins” in neighboring Germany from where my ancestors migrated in 1861.

    Pat, I hope your daughter and her family are all doing well and getting rest. If you have updated us on that I may have missed it as I have pretty much just been skimming the posts or “speed reading” which I am not very good at…sometimes I’m not even too good with “slow reading”.

    Gary, I hope all the prayers for your sister Sharon are answered soon..

    Bruce, I have similar problems with getting here. Just last night I was here reading some posts and the screen changed over to another RBC site right in front of me. I don’t recall touching ANYTHING.

    Cherielyn, I do hope Mike is doing well in his new home and that you are at peace with it as well. I continue to pray for you and Mike.

    Pooh, I hope your knee is coming along and that your heart is healing too.

    Oh boy…I need to get busy….I still haven’t heard from my son on Brianna. I will get back here when I do.. I don’t have time to proofread…please forgive me beforehand if this is riddled with typos and poor grammar. ;-)

  17. poohpity says:

    Don’t you think countries like North Korea run their people like cowards by domineering by authoritarian means? They oppress their people and have put them in a prison at the dictators discretion. They are told what, how and when to think. It seems they even have their personal identities taken away.

  18. poohpity says:

    Thank you narrow, they are both still healing. This week my oldest graduates from college and it will be hard cause his dad usually goes with me to these events so it will be a mix of joy and sorrow. I am so proud of him because he completed this with all the major loses over the last three years of my mom, dad, aunt and pooh, hanging in there to the finish. Many of his friends dropped out. Talk about breaking the chains, opening the fences and climbing the walls with a hedge of protection surrounding him. He did at 25 what it took me until I was 50 to do. A first for our family of college grads and hopefully many will follow.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Pearl this just gets better and better all the time.
    My cousin Janet (from Utah) is also traveling to Germany in May. Like you she has never been out of the country and she is traveling to find out about ancestor info.

    She and I share a grandmother whose family was German and in fact our great grandfather and his siblings received a sum of money from the German authorities during the early 30’s because the last remaining family member died out in Germany and their estate was sent to their American remaining closest relatives.

    I have always thought of how honest that was for a government to do.

    If you bump into Janet give her my love.


  20. poohpity says:

    Steve, you asked, “Is it because the subjects don’t pack the punch they once did?”. I believe there has been no change in Mart’s writing and the punch they have but the change has come because they are just not discussed very much anymore. A few years ago it started happening then as time went on it has just gotten worse. I do not know if it is because of a lack of understanding of what he is talking about or people just do not care or respect his blog. I guess we just have to ask ourselves what have we done to help promote BTA or what we have done to cause it’s demise by changing it to what we want it to look like rather than it’s intended purpose?

    But I do not think it will do any good to pick on what others have done but rather accept personal responsibility for our own hand in it. I know that is hard to do since it is easier to blame but in the long run it will help in personal growth and development to look within and stop finger pointing.

    I personally have thought we have had some very good discussions about the past 5 or 6 topics but as usual I could be wrong.

  21. narrowpathseeker says:

    Steve, I came back here real quick while taking a coffee break and read about your cousin Janet!! If you tell me she is going to Bremerhaven, I will have to know more!! This trip is in itself, TO ME, of a Divine nature. Out of the blue, my son called me one day on his way home from work with this news and my sister had frequent flier miles for both of us. The rest of it has also pretty much fallen in my lap. I raised my kids in low income housing(for several years) while working 3rd shift in a factory and never in my wildest dreams would I have ever believed I would actually be traveling to Europe…EVER! ;-)

    My son said they are still waiting to hear if they are going to release Brianna, so I will be back later…

    Love to you all…Pearl

  22. SFDBWV says:

    Just finished with Matt for a spell, he is listening to his CD’s. This one that is playing is “The Graskels” singing “I Am Strong” with Dolly Parton. The video with this song shows children in a cancer ward at a hospital and has a child singing at the end. So I am teary eyed up a little.

    Pearl I am not certain where Janet is going, she told me, but whoosh it went straight through my ears and out the other.

    She also has a friend who is able for herself and Janet to travel for free and Janet has a cousin on her dad’s side of her family that will put them up for free while they are there. So it seems God’s blessings are very broad brushed.

    Brianna is going to be fine, and I am very happy for you and your son.


  23. kingdomkid7 says:

    Howdy everyone – I’ve been away visiting my daughter and missed talking to you. The Internet was shaky. I’ve read some of the back stories. Glad to hear about the miracle with narrow’s granddaughter Brianna. That is so exciting and praiseworthy!!!! Your name is also lovely, narrow: Pearl. On this topic, I just say thanks to The Lord for the daily hedge of protection He provides. I’ve personally had more lives than a cat, if all the near-misses get added up. Praise Jesus! Blessed day everyone!! You’re in my prayers!

  24. cherielyn says:

    narrow – Pearl,
    John 10:9(KJV) I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.


  25. oneg2dblu says:

    Pearl… thanks. I believe that the prayers for my sister were all answered when they were heard because, God Answers Prayer.
    There are only three answers. YES, NO, WAIT…
    If we know what we ask for is within God’s will, then we also know we can believe we already have what we ask for.
    Now we can rest in God’s timing for those answered prayers to be revealed.
    To me, it does not matter if it is a hedge, a fence, or a wall, if you enter with a pure heart you enter through the proper gate or door, if not your intentions are for evil purposes.
    The good shepherd would lay down in the opening at night where he knew he was the only gate, and anyone trying to enter by any other means is bent on evil.
    God Answers Prayer

  26. phpatato says:

    Deb…your reply to Steve…”I do not know if it is because of a lack of understanding of what he is talking about or people just do not care or respect his blog.” For me, there are times when I sit back and say WOW I haven’t got a clue what Mart’s trying to say. Best I sit back and learn, or at least try to. Again, Bill – I miss you. I learned much by your comments. So lack of understanding? For me, yes!

    As for not caring or [lack of] respect for Mart’s blog, I agree with Steve. There have been many times over the few years that I’ve been coming here that there was strife and rudeness resulting in unpleasant nasty comments. I will stand up and be honest enough to admit that I’ve been involved in some. So the lack of people commenting now is probably a direct result of that lack of respect for Mart and his blog and for that, I wish to again apologize for my part. It is my hope that I have learned, as Steve and Pearl have lovingly taught, to “ignore and x out”.

    Pearl, thank you for asking about my daughter and her boys. There was about a two week stretch where they were sleeping through the night maybe 4 out of 7 days. But alas, she and her husband have both been up at night because the boys are down with terrible colds again. Last night was the worst with congestion and almost non-stop coughing. I am so looking forward to the change in weather hoping that the winter bugs will die off. So glad to hear that Brianna is about to be discharged. Thank you dear Jesus!!

    Steve – Did I tell you that I did indeed see my first robin? It was about 2 weeks ago. The sound of bird music in the mornings now brings a joy to my heart. Spring is here! at last.

    Welcome back Kingdomkid! You were missed!

    On this subject, at this point in time, I’m glad there are fences and gates. My daughter has her former living room turned into a playroom and it is gated to keep her 22 month old twins inside. It is of great importance to have them contained especially when it’s time to do a diaper change on just one. The counter where the diaper station has been set up is in another room. She needs the one enclosed in the playroom while she is gone with the other. The gate has been in that doorway for just over a year now. Funny thing is, when the gate has been accidentally left open, I have noticed that the boys are quick to shut that gate themselves…keeping them inside the playroom. There are times when God gates or fences us in for our safety. The secret is to be content in all circumstances.


  27. narrowpathseeker says:

    Kingdomkid7, as Pat said, “Welcome back!” It is nice to see people returning. Also, like Pat, Bill is missed as well and I hope he returns soon too. Sorry, to be your copycat, Pat. ;-) I ALSO have some similar stories about my twin granddaughters when they were about your twin grandson’s age, but I just don’t have time right now…besides I’ve copied enough from you for the time being… ;-)

    Pat, I also have to say, that I have no recollection of you ever being rude or unpleasant! I have something to say about that too, and I am going to try to articulate it quickly, but if I can’t get it into words in 5 minutes or so, I will have to try to remember it for another time.

    I have found that no matter what anyone does to me or to someone I love, that if it WASN’T intentional or even if it was, but they admit it and they are GENUINELY sorry, I have no problem whatsoever wiping it from my mind as an offense. I tend to think that this may be related to,” THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE”. This has come relatively easy to me for years…it is the lie, deny, and cry people to which I need to practice Christlike behavior on.

    I seem to be seeing very difficult and offensive people to be in the realm of mental illness. I also can’t help but think that mental illness is sometimes very closely related to demon possession…multi personality disorder and “Legion” for one… Of course I don’t know if I am out in the forest alone, but it helps me think that they can’t help being the way they are…”HELPS” is the key word…I have not risen above myself in that area yet..I’m up and down there. OKAY my five minutes is up…hope what I was trying to say is understood…

    Thank you Cheryl…that was the one.

    Still no word on Brianna’s release…it is but pain management concerns that are keeping her there…all else is good… Praise be to God for answering our prayers with a YES!! Again, THANK YOU Guys for your prayers…I know…I just can’t stop saying that…I need to get it out…

  28. phpatato says:

    Pearl – (I hope you don’t mind us calling you by your given name now instead of your blog name)…you can copy me anytime you want, as long as you allow me to copy you too. :-)

    I’d love to hear some of your twin stories, especially because yours are older than mine which should help prepare me for what may be down the road.

    I for one, understand what you were trying to say. Look for me under that oak tree in the forest. I’m picking up acorns. :-)

  29. oneg2dblu says:

    I loved reading about those kids shutting that open gate themselves. It is similar to the child that washes their hands with hand sanitizer after thinking a bad thought or saying something inappropriate.
    Too cute for words!
    If we as children know right from wrong, what happens to that innate ability when prejudice is taught, and the ways of the world which are now making everything become PC instead?
    That is to me how we as Christ Followers should act when it comes to falling in love with the things of this darkening world.
    But today, I fear many fallen victim to the effects of political correctness and the unheard warning from M.L.K. “Be wary of the intoxicating effect of gradualism,” becomes our new way.
    The world is ever gradually getting darker.
    Everything that opposes or stands against the original family design of all mankind or God’s Way, as discribed in the garden scene where one man and one woman were created as the model for family.
    Funny thing how some of the voices in the seat of power today like those recently coming from the nation’s capital, are embracing everything but God’s Way, as they cling ever more tightly to the ways of the world.
    Sorry if that offends, but no one is closing the gate!

  30. oneg2dblu says:

    typo’s included free of charge…

  31. narrowpathseeker says:

    Brianna is at home and doing well!!

    Pat, I don’t mind at all ;-) I hope I can use one of the grandchildren’s laptops and check in from Switzerland. If so I can share some stories of the twins…they could communicate well with one another long before they could talk… ;-)

  32. narrowpathseeker says:

    Gary, I agree with you about the world snowballing now into a very frightening place as described in scripture of the last days. Some very gradual and some just gets whipped right out there quicker than we can say this isn’t right. I think we are ALL caught up in it..it is inescapable unless we go hide in a cave somewhere. I am now weaning myself off of TV gradually…I am down to Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Highway to Heaven, Waltons, Little House and the like, but sometimes I backslide into a few shows that are very funny but just have to slip in something that I don’t think I should be condoning as though I approved. I have a long way to go Gary, but one stone at a time….

  33. oneg2dblu says:

    narrowpathseeker… Great news and answered prayer that Brianna is home and doing well. :)

    I really enjoyed that word picture of dropping one stone at a time, because we do carry around too much of this darkening world already within us, and we need to claim responsibilty for what we do with it.
    Actually, we are all held accountable for everything we carry, unless we can release it, no matter how we ingest it, through the mouth, through the eyes, through the ears, through the nose,and especially just to please others and be more accepted in this falling modern culture, where political correctness is the new parent of choice.
    Today we need to constantly be on our guard making sure we are not falling victim to the times we live in.
    My pastor recently told us it is just a matter of time before full frontal nudity will be on our tv sets in America, as it already exists in other parts of this world right now!
    Your list of what you allow streaming into your mind daily as being “intentionally filtered” by you is very comforting to hear.
    Be sure of this… what you are being fed by this world today is also very intentional!
    Others here may disagree and find exposing themselves, (poor choice of words maybe) to all or any trash will have no affect on their being,
    but the very fact that they feel that way is already pretty alarming to me.
    If the Holy Spirit lives within you, then you and that helping spirit really knows better.
    1 Corinthians 10:13 is not to be tested by us by making ourselves even more available to testing.
    Just a thought…Gary

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