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If Insects Could Talk

P1000457Genesis tells about a God who spoke into existence insects and everything else that we see and sense (Gen 1:24).

This God says the word. Something comes out of nothing. Light pushes back the darkness. Order emerges out of chaos (Gen 1:1-3).

In the resulting paradise God begins sharing his life with children bearing a resemblance to himself.

The New Testament Gospel of John gives us a slightly different way of telling and expanding the same story. It says, that in the beginning there was the Word, and that Word was with God, and that Word was God, and that all things were made by him (John 1:1-3).

Later, a first century letter to Jewish followers of the Word offered a third telling.  According to the author to the Hebrews, the God who often spoke to our ancestors through prophets, at many times, and in different ways, has now spoken to us by his Son. This Son is destined to receive legal rights to everything he has made. He will be the rightful heir of “all things” not only because by him “all things” have been made, and sustained, but because he has done what was necessary to purify what he has spoken into existence (Heb 3:1-3).

Hearing this, the insects– who can’t imagine what all of this could possibly have  to do with them, or us, say, “So what?”

I’m stuck. Help me come up with an answer for the insects… and for us when we feel like insects… in a big, dangerous world. :)



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22 Responses to “If Insects Could Talk”

  1. BruceC says:

    I don’t know if the insects have a clue. But I think sometimes we all lose sight of just what He did on the cross for all His creation; and we become overwhelmed with the things of the here and now. That is when we may fell like insects; or when we are going through a wilderness or dry spell so-to-speak. Maybe some things are placed beyond our full comprehension for a reason and to give us something to ponder or look forward to.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. swwagner says:

    So What? All creation will bow down before Him…that is what! Nature already is a testament to the glory of God…and even mankind, will one day fall down before Him in awe and silence.

  3. SFDBWV says:

    Thanks for the smile Mart and the wooly worm.

    I had an amusing but strong disagreement one time with a woman I knew who insisted that a wooly worm was a worm.

    I explained they are caterpillars and will eventually become a moth.

    She only conceded after referring back to a book to set her straight.

    For me it is the same with trying to figure out life, its meaning and purpose, if confused always refer to *The* book and if not immediate answers at least find contentment.

    We have peony plants, some of which my great grandmother planted growing in our yard, their large blooms can not open without the aid of a tiny little ant that eats away the sticky sweet covering of the bloom in order to expose and allow for the flower to emerge.

    God gave ant’s special notice in Solomon’s Proverbs and each and everyone has a purpose, some of which we may disagree with, but yet a place in the balance of creation.

    As Mart has stated he feels, as perhaps many do, that something that seems so insignificant *to us* as insects might say “so what” in pondering all of our questions and wonder of life and its meaning for us.

    The termite’s that we see in pictures of Africa that build those tall chimneys are quite an interesting study.

    They are blind, yet collectively as a colony in total darkness build a structure that to our scale would be a much as 5 miles high. A structure that breathes allowing in oxygen and out carbon dioxide. A structure that reaches deep into the earth to the water table has special design so as to collect water droplets and ventilate the entire colony with cool air.

    The monarch butterfly has a migratory cycle that takes 3 generations to complete. Each generation doing it’s part to complete the life cycle of their species from birth to death able only to do their part in the cycle.

    Like the night sky that can make us feel insignificant, if we take the time to look at the *lowly* lives of insects what we may see is how arrogant we are in thinking them less than us, and instead the endless wonder of God and His creation.

    Everything that came from His desire to create and His infinite ability to fill creation with variety and a purpose that binds it all together within Himself.


  4. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends!

    The world the Lord has made has a place for everything — and he has put everything in its place. How could we understand how God sees a worm — or the world a worm senses as it undulates along (love the caterpillar, Mart!)?

    But, we do have the Word that came to Isaiah from the Lord:

    “Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.”
    Isaiah 41:13, 14, 15)

    If a worm could talk, it might say, “Jesus loves me, this I know…”


  5. remarutho says:

    Personally, I am enjoying the image of the God of creation holding a caterpillar’s hand. Tee-hee! ;-)

  6. SFDBWV says:

    This is an example of why I prefer the KJV over any of the newer ones; in Job 12:10 it states that the *soul* of every living thing is in the hand of God.

    For me that implies that every living *thing* has a soul and lives both in the physical and in the spiritual domain of God.

    Flies are very necessary for ridding the world of dead animal carcasses, but I kill them every chance I get in my house. I have no real understanding for the usefulness of mosquitoes other than dragonflies feed off their larva, but God sees the necessity for both and so I can *rest* in that.

    Interesting look at Romans 8:18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Creation awaits with eager expectation of the revelation of the children of God that all creation groans in labor pains until the redemption.

    I would then suppose if insects could talk they might sound a lot like us.


  7. tracey5tgbtg says:

    So many creatures that God has designed. Plants that live, reproduce and die. Animals that are born, mate, raise young and die. They all have life cycles, and as Steve commented such intricate talents that humans could never replicate. How many species of insects, just insects alone? Think of birds, reptiles, mammals, germs… Like everything God does, it is unfathomable to the human mind.

    Yet none of creation “knows” its Creator in the way that humans do, or are at least capable of. Perhaps even though creation feels the effects of the fall, it does not know as humans know. It has not eaten of the fruit from the tree of knowledge.

    I think I understand the question Mart is asking readers to consider. But I definitely don’t know the answer. Caterpillars and sparrows and every living thing are all in God’s hands. He knows and cares for them even though they do not know Him at all. Only humans, who are created higher than all other earthly creatures have this ability to seek God and try to please Him and understand Him. He has given us this ability to know, to love. But with knowledge comes great responsiblity. Some believe that because we have this knowledge of God we have the power to separate ourselves from Him and end up doomed in hell.

    Already thought of a correction to my own comments. Jesus said even the rocks would cry out in praise to God so obviously creation knows God, but not in a way we can understand in our fallen state.

  8. poohpity says:

    I do not know whether insects feel overwhelmed with the circumstances of life like we do when we come to the point of asking, “So What?” but when we get to that point I do not know if I would offer words of encouragement or maybe just sit and listen. The later to me would be the best along with an empathic hug.

    To me everything that there is in this big world down to the smallest particle seems important to the overall function. If one has ever stubbed their little toe knows that that insignificant little thing matters much less functioning with out a limb. The world without a smile or a wink or a hug makes anyone giving it important and the one receiving it is equally relevant and important because to give there has to be another to receive. The is not anything alive that does not touch something else.

    “So What?” The world would not be the same without you in it.

  9. oneg2dblu says:

    Steve… great verse, how all creation eagerly awaits.
    I pray that those with the knowledge of God, perhaps even more so.
    I do not know if I’m quite up to speed with your assumption that insects have souls yet, because that to me is getting a little Budhist.
    That anything having life is having also a soul may not be all that convincing for me, but that is just me splitting hairs.
    We all know the hair is still alive and keeps growing after our death, where the soul leaves and becomes absent from the body, and present with the Lord.
    So through your extrapulation hair would still have its own soul?
    That is a stretch for me, but I’m still growing.

    All creation would mean, if you were legalistic, that light, dust, water, and all the elements that make everything that exists is eagerly waiting?
    Sorry pooh I was writing while you were posting and missed your comment, which is also well taken.
    Just sharing tohughts, Gary

  10. oneg2dblu says:

    But, the words says, “Let everything that has life (breath) Praise the Lord! Which to me is the imparted life of the Holy Spirit, considering you were dead before that event, and probably can not be applied to worms, althought the tree praises him with arms lifted, accept for the wheeping willow, all day long, soooo…?
    So what?
    It would not change a thing forour souls if insects didn’t have a soul, but it would affect our life if they did not have a life, as pooh says, it all counts! Using my own words… of course. :)

  11. oneg2dblu says:

    We know the small insects can bring their death upon us, to name a few like the mosquito, malaria,and the fly, tsetse, west nile, equine all potentially fatal.
    Or the little tic that bit my sister so many years ago, or the ones carrying rockey mountain fever, yes all the small insects can make a big deal and have a great impact on us.
    But, I do trust that they are all part of God’s plan which ultimately brings order and balance, even though we may not see it that way when it bites us.

  12. oneg2dblu says:

    Sorry, flys can’t carry equine but mosquitos can!

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Taking this is a somewhat different direction for the moment; think then of all the events recorded in Scripture after the flood and especially from the calling of Abram forward.

    The think of all of the other people in all the world at the time and both the facts that they were totally unaware of any of these events taking place and if they were told of any, their response I am sure would have been “so what”.

    What has Abram’s name being changed to Abraham to do with me. So what if some boy named David killed some giant, who cares if a woman named Ruth married some guy named Boaz?

    The trials tribulations successes, failures and living of people living far removed from the Middle East and events of the establishment and movements and history of the Israeli, had no known effect upon their lives, yet these events were core to their eternal destiny even though they had no knowledge of it.

    So it is with us today, we may know more, but far less than we think we do and there are movements within the plans of God that will affect us as well and we have no knowledge of that at all.

    All we can really do is walk in blind trust that God is in control of all heartbeats and that our futures are in His hands.

    For us today we can see global events every time we turn on one of our many gadgets albeit a TV, computer or smart phone and watch what is happening almost any where in the world.

    However what can we do to change the plans of God? How do we know what events are of His design and what are not?

    So maybe instead of saying “so what” we should say God’s will be done and just trust that all things work to the good for them that love the Lord, even when they seem not to at the moment.


  14. fadingman says:

    Imagine going back in a time machine to when insects were created. You arrive just as the mosquito created. God smiles and pronounces it ‘good’, and you think, “No, really?”

    Who knows what mosquitos were like before the fall. They may have been totally benign. Yet even now they serve a useful purpose in creation. They’re food for fish and other creatures.

    If we can’t comprehend God, how can we comprehend the things He has done? Compared to Him, we’re not much different than insects.

  15. poohpity says:

    fadingman, except we were created in God’s image the mosquito was not. So to me we are way different than insects or any other fish, animal or angel. (Genesis 1:27) I thought we were created for fellowship with God, to talk to Him and Him with us.

  16. SFDBWV says:

    We enjoyed the movie series “Men in Black”. They are entertaining and like many pieces of literature have moments of truth that we can all relate to.

    In the first movie at the end “J” moved these little furry people from one locker to another so their world would be bigger.

    The little creatures thought that that locker was all there was and looked upon their existence there as it being the whole of life.

    As a twist to the movie, “J” opens up a door only to find out that we too live in a locker belonging to other larger creatures and are no more different at all then the little furry creatures he felt were ignorant of the real world small and insignificant.

    Back when Einstein produced his theory of relativity there was and still is a great deal of thought concerning the vastness of the universe and also the vastness of “small”. An endless vast universe both large and small and we somewhere in between.

    Somewhere in this un-nerving uncomfortable feeling of how insignificant we are in existence the God who created it all became one of us in order to show us how significant we are to Him.

    He taught us while here how significant we are to each other and presses us to treat others with compassion not like we might treat an insect

    Mart refers this world to as being big and dangerous; it is and we share its dangers with man and insect. The significance of man being that all of the world was given to man to care for and when we fell all of the world suffered for it.

    But we did not create the world, so restoring it to its proper alignment is an action from its Creator. (Luke 2:8,9,10,11,12,13,14)


  17. saled says:

    It’s been colder than usual for May in my part of Maine, but very soon, when we finally get a warm day, I will see a swarm of Mayflies doing their happy dance in the air. At this point in their lives they have been adults for just a few brief hours, and when this mating ritual is over, their life is nearly finished. The female will fly out over the surface of some pond or stream to lay her eggs, and then she will be trout food. Should she escape the trout, she will die anyway. So what does the redemption of creation have to do with her?

    I wonder if insects feel their individuality. Does a bee sense her separateness from the other members of the hive? When Noah built his ark, he didn’t just save a bear; he saved the bears of the future. Or as the Native Americans would say, Noah saved Bear.

    As Americans, we prize our individuality. As Christians, we emphasize an individual response to God. Do you think that when the Sons of God that are mentioned in Romans 8:19 are revealed that the individuality of everything from mayfly to man will be seen? I think maybe that is the answer to the question of “What does the redemption of creation have to do with me?”

  18. remarutho says:

    Good Morning Mart & Friends —

    Joy to you at Pentecost! Happy Birthday, Church!

    Jonah was charged to go to the capital of Assyria, one of Israel’s long-time enemies. There he was to oppose the wickedness of the city of Nineveh with the news of God’s love and forgiveness. After a fearsome season of disobedience, the prophet goes to Nineveh and preaches the imminent coming of God’s power upon them.

    The repentance of the entire population, from the king down to the simplest Ninevite, was accomplished. But Jonah had hoped for the destruction of the city. He was angry about their salvation and he pouted out in the wilderness.

    As he sat sullen, praying to die, God caused a vine to grow up and provide shade and comfort to his prophet. Jonah was happy. Then, the Lord sent a worm to bore into the plant and it died, exposing him once more to the scorching sun. Jonah asked again to die. He was angry about the destruction of his shade-tree.

    But, the Lord reminds him that everything that touches his human existence comes from the hand of God Almighty — not from his own will. Everything that conditions life on earth comes from our Creator God. (Jonah 4:7, 9, 10)

    Just as the bush gave comfort and the worm took comfort away; so, the Lord cares about things we honor as well as things we hold in contempt. We are not God.


  19. oneg2dblu says:

    The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away, and how we react to that which He gives and takes, is where we are in the Lord.
    We can be in a world of thanksgiving or in a world of contempt. We can be always needing more conformation like a Gideon, or a Peter, always doubing, or be more like a Job or Habakkuk always trusting.
    I think most times we are a little of both, with one foot in the world and the other touching upon the word.
    Probably why we only have two feet instead of being like a caterpillar… for us who have freewill we are either for Christ, or against Him.
    But if lukewarm…?

  20. poohpity says:

    When we or insects feel like this is a “big dangerous world”, I would say there is something more than the dangers, struggles, suffering, trials and tribulations there is compassion, hope and love and I found those things in the God who created it ALL. How do I know those things because when I was in my deepest darkest time there came a voice leading me to look beyond the circumstances to a bigger picture. The birth of a baby, the life of a hummingbird that was saved, a voice that came and told me I was loved, someone who still had hope in me although everything looked so bleak. The love, compassion and hope of others until I could have it myself.

    It may be to some a dangerous world but there is also other places to look and see things that are not dangerous but are safe, comfortable, peaceful and lovely. It all depends on where one looks.

  21. kingdomkid7 says:

    I think the caterpillar stands in awe of God. Psalm 33:8 KJV. It’s pretty close to the ground, but it “stands.”

  22. oneg2dblu says:

    Went back and took a good look at that little fuzzy bear, could not tell which way he’s really headed.
    Can You?
    I believe only God would know that!
    Imagine if we could look at each other the same way. Instead, I feel like many of us only second guess each other as well. We are either lovingly unbiased or lovingly with prejudice. Gary

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